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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structure des assemblages de fourmis le long d'un gradient d'aridité situé dans le Chaco sec paraguayen / Structure of ant assemblages along an aridity gradient in the Paraguayan dry Chaco

Delsinne, Thibaut 14 September 2007 (has links)
Contexte: L’importance écologique des fourmis dans les écosystèmes terrestres justifie qu’elles soient considérées comme groupe cible pour des actions de conservation. De plus, de par leur abondance, leur facilité de récolte et leur réponse à des perturbations, elles présentent un potentiel intéressant comme groupe indicateur précoce de l’état de santé des écosystèmes. Par contre, pour le choix d’aires à protéger, leur utilité comme intégrateur des conditions de milieu par rapport à des indicateurs classiques tels que les assemblages de plantes n’est pas clairement établie. En d’autres termes, répondent-elles plus finement que les plantes à différentes conditions de milieu et dans ce cas doit-on s’attendre à trouver au sein de formations végétales comparables plusieurs types d’assemblages de foumis? Si tel est le cas, la méthode utilisant les assemblages de végétaux pour sélectionner les sites à protéger peut ne pas permettre une conservation efficace de la diversité des fourmis. Ce type de problématique s’aborde bien le long de gradients environnementaux. Pour faciliter l’interprétation des résultats en terme de réponse aux facteurs abiotiques il est préférable de limiter le nombre de facteurs qui varient en même temps. Dans ce sens, le Chaco sec paraguayen représente un système très favorable: faible déclivité, faibles variations de températures moyennes mais gamme très étendue de conditions de pluviométrie (350mm à 1000mm de précipitations moyennes annuelles) et des sols variables (texture limoneuse à sableuse). L’aridité est l’un des principaux facteurs pouvant limiter la diversité des fourmis soit directement en exerçant un stress physiologique sur les espèces, soit indirectement en limitant la productivité primaire de l’habitat. Les conditions édaphiques peuvent également avoir une influence en affectant par exemple la survie des colonies qui nidifient dans le sol. <p>Objectifs: Les principaux buts de la thèse sont (1) de déterminer l’influence de l’aridité et des conditions édaphiques sur la distribution et la structure des assemblages de fourmis terricoles du sol en forêts tropicales sèches, (2) mettre en évidence les mécanismes qui facilitent la coexistence des espèces de fourmis à l’échelle locale, (3) déterminer si à l’échelle régionale les fourmis et les plantes répondent de façon similaire aux conditions du milieu. <p>Méthode: Onze localités ont été échantillonnées le long d’un transect régional long de 400km. Au niveau de chaque localité, trois transects élémentaires longs de 200m et séparés les uns des autres par 200m ont été effectués. La myrmécofaune a été échantillonnée à l’aide de 20 pièges à fosse et de 20 Winkler par transect élémentaire. La végétation de chaque site a été caractérisée sur base de l’abondance de 45 espèces d’arbres ou d’arbustes caractéristiques de la flore chaquéenne. Les propriétés physico-chimiques du sol ont également été mesurées. A fine échelle, l’organisation spatio-temporelle d’un assemblage a été étudié dans une localité de référence.<p>Résultats: Au total, plus de 50.000 spécimens correspondant à 206 espèces de fourmis ont été collectés avec en moyenne (± SD) 62 ± 10 espèces par localité. Pour un même effort d’échantillonnage, le nombre d’espèces de fourmis récoltées à l’aide des pièges à fosse augmente avec l’aridité et une tendance inverse est observée pour les Winkler. Puisque les Winkler peuvent entraîner une sévère sous-estimation de la diversité des fourmis d’un habitat, seules les données des pièges à fosse sont utilisées pour la suite des analyses. La diversité locale & / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Conservation in human-influenced areas : epigaeic arthropods in the Cape Floristic Region Lowlands

Boonzaaier, Carmen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The conservation of biodiversity is becoming increasingly challenging as habitats are disturbed, fragmented or destroyed. Although nature reserves now cover more than 10 % of the earths’ surface it has become clear that more will have to be done to ensure the long-term survival of species. Therefore, focus is increasingly shifting towards conserving biodiversity in natural and semi-natural remnants in human-influenced areas. This study aimed to determine the contribution of remnants in human-influenced areas to the conservation of biodiversity in the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) lowlands, using ground-dwelling arthropods, specifically ants, as the focal taxon. Initially, base-line information of arthropods and in particular ants was obtained. Sampling arthropods generally involves a large sample effort. Therefore maximizing sampling effort for ants in the CFR was investigated by trapping ground-dwelling ants at a single locality. Doubling the number of grids of pitfall traps was found to be more effective in trapping a greater number of species than doubling the duration of sampling. Therefore increasing spatial sampling intensity rather than sampling duration maximizes sample effort for CFR ants. Also, the seasonal changes of ground-dwelling arthropods, including ants, were determined by sampling four times during the year at a single locality. Overall arthropod abundance was found to peak in summer while dropping to a minimum in winter. This pattern was mirrored by that of the ants, indicating that ant results have a broader relevance than to ants only. The ground-dwelling fauna was dominated by ants emphasizing their importance in the CFR lowlands, and demonstrating that ants are an appropriate flagship taxon for epigaeic arthropod diversity in the CFR. Finally the contribution of remnants in human-influenced areas to the conservation of the CFR was investigated. A nested hierarchical approach was used, where five localities were selected across the CFR, each containing one reserve site and one site with natural remnants. Ants were sampled, along with environmental variables, namely weather, vegetation and soil. Overall, remnants were found to support similar ant assemblages to those of reserves. However for individual localities some remnants were significantly different to their reserve counterparts. Differences in ant assemblages were found to be greater between localities than between reserves and remnants. The relatively high heterogeneity of ants found in this study emphasizes the conservation significance of invertebrates along with that of plants in the CFR. Remnants clearly show the potential to conserve ant assemblages, however correct management is needed for these areas to maximize their potential. Disturbances such as the presence of the invasive Argentine ant and increasing soil nutrients by fertilization, pose a distinct threat to the ability of remnants to conserve ant assemblages. This study has shown that remnants currently support ant assemblages representative of those present in the CFR today. Therefore, some remnant patches of habitat in agricultural areas currently do contribute highly to the conservation of a functional important taxon in this global biodiversity hotspot, and if managed correctly, may continue to do so in the future. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die vernietiging en fragmentering van habitatte maak die bewaring van biodiversiteit al hoe meer van ‘n uitdaging. Alhoewel natuur reservate reeds meer as 10 % van die aarde se oppervlak beslaan is dit duidelik dat meer gedoen sal moet word vir die lang-termyn voortbestaan van spesies. Dus word die fokus van biodiversiteit-bewaring toenemend gerig op bewaring van natuurlike en semi-natuurlike fragmente in menslik-beinvloede gebiede. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal wat die bydrae van fragmente van natuurlike veld in menslik-beinvloede gebiede is tot die bewaring van die streek. Dit is gedoen deur van grond-lewende geleedpotiges en spesifiek, miere in die Kaapse floraryk (CFR) gebruik te maak. Aanvanklik is kennis ingewin oor die geleedpotiges en spesifiek miere in die omgewing. Omdat die versameling van geleedpotige diere gewoonlik baie moeite vereis is ‘n maksimum steekproef gedoen by ‘n enkele lokaliteit. Daar is gevind dat ‘n verdubbling van die aantal ruitsteekproefnemings met vanggate meer effektief is om miere te vang as ‘n verdubbling in die tydperiode wat vanggate oop is. Dus, is ‘n hoër ruimtelike steekproef intensiteit meer effektief in vergelyking met ‘n langer tydsduur vir miere in die CFR. Die seisoenale veranderinge van grond-lewende geleedpotiges, sowel as miere, was ook bepaal. Dit was gedoen deur vier seisoenale steekproewe te doen by ‘n enkele lokaliteit. Die totale geleedpotige-talrykheid was die meeste gedurende die somer en die minste in die winter. Die miertalrykheid het ook hierdie patroon weerspieël. Dit dui daarop dat veranderinge in mier versamelings van breër belang is vir alle grondlewende geleedpotiges. Miere was die dominante grond-lewende geleedpotiges en beklemtoon die belangrikheid van miere in die CFR, sowel as hulle toepaslikheid as vlagskip taksa vir grond-lewende geleedpotige diversiteit in die CFR. Laastens was die bydrae van gefragmenteerde natuurlike veld in menslik–beinvloede gebiede tot die bewaring van die CFR ondersoek. ’n Krimpende/ genestelde hiërargies benadering is gebruik in vyf geselekteerde lokaliteite, elk het bestaan uit ‘n area in ‘n natuur reservaat en ‘n area in ‘n naasliggende fragment. Miere was versamel saam met ‘n verskeidenheid omgewings veranderlike, naamlik weer, plantegroei en grond. In die algemeen is gevind dat fragmente en reservate gelyksoortige mier versamelings het. Daar was wel gevind dat party fragmente aansienlik verskillend was van die reservaat teenstuk. Verskille in mier versamelings tussen lokaliteite was groter as verskille tussen reservate en fragmente. Die relatief hoë heterogeniteit van miere beklemtoon die bewaringsbelang van invertebrate saam met dié van plante in die CFR. Dit is duidelik dat fragmente wel ‘n potensiale bydrae kan maak om die mier versamelinge te bewaar, maar gepaste bestuur is nodig om hierdie potentiaal te maksimaliseer. Versteurings soos die teenwoordigheid van die indringer Argentynse mier en toenemende grondvoedingstofkonsentrasie as gevolg van bemesting is ‘n groot bedreiging tot die vermoë van fragmente om mier versamelings te bewaar. Hierdie studie wys dat mier versamelings in gefragmenterde areas verteenwordigend is van die algemene mier versamlings wat op die oomblik in die CFR is. Dus lewer party fragmente in landbou gebiede op die oomblik ‘n wesenlike bydrae tot die bewaring van ‘n funksioneel belangrike takson in hierdie globale biodiversiteitsbrandpunt en die bydra sal volhoubaar wees met korekte bestuur.

The distribution of predaceous fire ant species on important sea turtle nesting beaches in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands

Unknown Date (has links)
The tropical fire ant, Solenopsis geminata is a New World species with a wide native range including South America as well as several Caribbean islands. The red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta is native to parts of South America. Both species are known for preying on sea turtles’ eggs and hatchlings. The objectives of this thesis research were to conduct follow-up and baseline ant species distribution surveys on four sea turtle nesting beaches in St. Croix, U. S. Virgin Islands. Tuna baits were set out at beaches; specimens were collected, frozen, preserved then identified. Results show that there was a significant change in the fire ants’ distribution at Sandy Point National Wildlife Refuge (SPNWR) while none were found at Jack Bay. Fire ants were also present on the other two baseline surveyed nesting beaches. The displacement of S. geminata by S. invicta was observed at SPNWR, which also was presumed by previous surveys. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.S.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2014. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Biologie des invasions de fourmis dans un contexte de changement climatique / Invasion biology of ants under climate change

Bertelsmeier, Cleo 18 December 2013 (has links)
Le changement climatique et les invasions biologiques sont parmi les plus grandes menaces de la biodiversité et leurs impacts pourraient augmenter jusqu’à la fin du siècle. Parmi les espèces envahissantes, les fourmis sont un groupe particulièrement néfaste dû à leurs impacts sur les espèces natives, les processus écosystémique, la santé, l’agriculture et l’économie. L’objectif de cette thèse était de prédire les invasions de fourmis – en particulier avec le changement climatique qui pourrait favoriser les invasions en éliminant des barrières thermiques. J’ai utilisé trois approches complémentaires afin d’étudier le potentiel de différentes espèces à envahir : des modèles de distribution, des expériences comportementales et l’analyses d’une base de données de traits écologiques. J’ai modélisé l’aire favorable pour 15 espèces de fourmis parmi les pires, à la fois globalement, par continents, et dans les 34 hotspots de biodiversité. La distribution potentielle de seulement cinq espèce est prédite de diminuer (jusqu’à 35.8%) avec le changement climatique et l’aire potentielle diminue pour la plupart des espèces jusqu’à 63.2%. Les hotspots d’invasions de fourmis se situaient surtout dans des régions tropicales et subtropicales et ils correspondent particulièrement aux hotspots de biodiversité. Contrairement à ce qui est généralement admis, le changement climatique et les invasions biologiques n’agiront pas de manière synergique pour les fourmis. Par contre, les invasions de fourmis resteront probablement un problème global majeur, en particuliers dans les zones où les hotspots de biodiversité et les hotspots d’invasion se superposent. Les modèles de distribution ont identifié de larges zones de recouvrement entre aires favorables de plusieurs espèces de fourmis envahissantes. Dans le futur, ces espèces pourraient arriver simultanément dans les mêmes régions et entrer en compétition. Dans une série d’expériences, j’ai testé les différences comportementales entre 7 espèces de fourmis envahissantes (Anoplolepis gracilipes, Paratrechina longicornis, Myrmica rubra, Linepithema humile, Lasius neglectus, Wasmannia auropunctata et Pheidole megacephala). J’ai découvert deux stratégies comportementales différentes. Les interactions au niveau de la colonie ont suivi des processus démographiques plus complexes. De plus, j’ai mis au point deux expériences pour tester la capacité des fourmis envahissantes à explorer un nouvel espace et à exploiter des ressources. J’ai trouvé des différences significatives entre espèces et leur capacité à dominer par interférence comportementale était négativement corrélée à leurs capacités à découvrir et exploiter des ressources. Cette série d’expériences suggère que les ‘mécanismes’ d’invasion sont plus complexes que ce qui est généralement suggéré et que différentes espèces pourraient utiliser des stratégies comportementales différentes. Étant donné qu’il existe plus de 250 espèces de fourmis exotiques, il serait intéressant de pouvoir identifier à l’avance des futurs envahisseurs potentiels. Afin d’identifier des traits associés au caractère envahissant des fourmis, j’ai mis en place une base de données qui contient 2193 espèces de fourmis et 24 traits écologiques. J’ai effectué une analyse préliminaire de différences de traits entre fourmis natives et envahissantes qui a montré qu’il existe clairement des groupement distincts de natives et envahissantes, avec les espèces exotiques au milieu. Ces résultats pourraient servir de base pour construire un modèle prédictif des invasions de fourmis. Ces différentes approches (modèles, expériences, base de données) sont complémentaires car elles s’intéressent à des aspects différents du futur des invasions de fourmis qui sera vraisemblablement fortement influencé par le changement climatique. Le pires envahisseurs de demain ne seront probablement pas les même qu’aujourd’hui et les zones les plus à risque pourraient changer également. / Climate change and biological invasions are both among the greatest threats to biodiversity and their impacts might increase by the end of the century. Among invasive species, ants are a prominent group due to their negative impacts on native species, ecosystem processes, human and animal health, agro-ecosystems and the economy. The objective of this thesis was to forecast future ant invasions – especially in the light of on-going climate change, which is generally thought to favour invasive species by removing thermal barriers. I used three complementary approaches to study the potential of different ant species to invade in the future: species distribution modelling, behavioural experiments and the analysis of a database of ecological traits. I modelled suitable area for 15 of the worst invasive ant species, both currently and with predicted climate change, globally, regionally and within the world’s 34 biodiversity hotspots. Surprisingly, the potential distribution of only five species was predicted to increase (up to 35.8%) with climate change, with most declining by up to 63.3%. The ant invasion hotspots are predominantly in tropical and subtropical regions of South America, Africa, Asia and Oceanic islands, and particularly correspond with biodiversity hotspots. Contrary to general expectations, climate change and biological invasions will not systematically act synergistically for ants. In addition, I found that the impacts of climate change can change over time and even reverse the trend of the impact (i.e., an increase instead of a decrease or vice versa). However, ant invasions will likely remain as a major global problem, especially where invasion hotspots coincide with biodiversity hotspots. The species distribution models have identified large potentially overlapping distributions of several invasive ants. In the future, these species may arrive simultaneously in the same regions and compete with each other. In a series of experiments, I tested behavioural differences among 7 highly invasive ant species (Anoplolepis gracilipes, Paratrechina longicornis, Myrmica rubra, Linepithema humile, Lasius neglectus, Wasmannia auropunctata and Pheidole megacephala). I discovered two different behavioural strategies among invasive ants. Interactions at the colony level, exhibited more complex demographic processes and more variability. Further, I investigated resource competition and differences in resource exploitation. I found significant differences among species, with competitive abilities that were negatively correlated with behavioural dominance. This series of experiments suggests that the ‘mechanisms’ of invasiveness are more complex than previously thought and that different invasive ant species may use different behavioural strategies. Since there are more than 250 exotic species of ants, it would be interesting to identify potential future invaders. In order to identify traits associated with invasiveness in ants, I set up a database with 2193 ant species and 24 ecological characteristics. I performed a preliminary analysis of trait differences between native and invasive ants that shows clearly different clusters of invasive and native species, with exotic species in between. These results could be used as a basis to construct a predictive model of future ant invasions. The different methods used (models, experiments, database) are complementary in that they explore different aspects of the future ant invasions which are likely to be influenced by on-going climate change. The worst invaders of tomorrow may not be the same as today and similarly, areas most at risk are likely to change.

Influência do desenvolvimento florestal sobre a comunidade edáfico-epígea de Arthropoda e a mirmecofauna: bases para a bioindicação do processo sucessional na restauração ecológica / The influence of forest development on edaphic and epigeic Arthropod communities and ant fauna: bases for bioindicantion of successional process in ecological restoration

Meloni, Fernando 26 October 2012 (has links)
A restauração ecológica visa o estabelecimento de ecossistemas semelhantes aos que originalmente ocupavam uma determinada área que foi degradada. Todavia, os resultados dos esforços envolvidos na restauração e no retorno dos processos ecológicos naturais são difíceis de serem medidos, pois faltam métodos apropriados. Os bioindicadores são ferramentas baratas e confiáveis para o diagnóstico das características ambientais e ecológicas, cujo princípio consiste em medidas simples de grupos biológicos especialmente sensíveis às mudanças no meio. Os Arthropoda que ocorrem no solo e na serapilheira, em especial as formigas, mediam processos ecológicos importantes e apresentam características que os tornam bioindicadores potenciais, mas seu uso ainda necessita de conhecimentos específicos. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo testar o potencial indicador da comunidade de Arthropoda edáfico-epígea na restauração ecológica, com maior enfoque sobre as formigas. Foram avaliadas as comunidades de um gradiente sucessional formado por doze reflorestamentos com diferentes idades e três remanescentes florestais, localizados nas bacias dos rios Pardo e Mogi-Guaçu. O objetivo foi identificar quais os parâmetros que melhor refletem a resposta dessas comunidades ao desenvolvimento florestal. Os resultados indicaram que tanto a mirmecofauna como o restante da comunidade são influenciadas pelos estádios de desenvolvimento florestal. As comunidades variaram em composição e estrutura. A evolução das comunidades mostrou-se direcional, formando um padrão convergente de acordo com o avanço da sucessão. Os resultados indicaram forte efeito da sazonalidade e das técnicas de coleta na interpretação dos resultados. A comunidade edáfico-epígea encontrada no período seco mostrou-se especialmente sensível ao desenvolvimento florestal, enquanto a resposta da mirmecofauna foi mais evidente durante o período chuvoso. Os resultados indicaram também que as comunidades de diferentes regiões, Mogi-Guaçu e Ribeirão Preto, responderam ao processo sucessional, embora tenham apresentado diferenças na composição e no padrão de resposta. As análises com formigas classificadas em grupos funcionais indicaram que a resposta da mirmecofauna ao desenvolvimento florestal ocorre também no nível funcional. As mudanças nos padrões da comunidade e seus módulos estão relacionadas às mudanças nos filtros ambientais e à disponibilidade de nichos. Em conclusão, (1) a riqueza de espécies da fauna edáfico-epígea encontrada na serapilheira do período seco foi um bom preditor geral do desenvolvimento florestal; (2) a riqueza de grupos raros proporcionou o melhor modelo de prognóstico do estádio sucessional, indicando ainda que os reflorestamentos tendem a atingir patamares semelhantes aos encontrados nos remanescentes florestais por volta dos 27 anos após o plantio; (3) na comunidade edáfico-epígea, o avanço no desenvolvimento florestal levou à convergência entre padrões de composição, (4) enquanto na mirmecofauna a convergência ocorreu para os padrões de estrutura, sendo que em ambos os casos (3 e 4), quanto mais avançado o estádio sucessional, mais parecidos entre si são os padrões de locais diferentes; (5) a Equabilidade J das formigas amostradas por iscas decresceu ao longo do desenvolvimento florestal, sendo considerado também um indicador do processo sucessional (6) as classificações funcionais das formigas também permitiram boa predição dos estádios sucessionais, com destaque para formigas capturadas com iscas quando classificadas pelo sistema proposto por Andersen (1995), devido a boa relação custo/benefício. Portanto, foi confirmado o potencial bioindicador da mirmecofauna de comunidade edáfico-epígea geral, que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas de diagnóstico e monitoramento do processo sucessional. O uso mais apropriado deve ser feito por métodos comparativos, através de parâmetros provenientes de ecossistemas referência, ou por medidas repetidas ao longo do tempo, pela observação do deslocamento dos padrões da comunidade e interpretação da proporção dos grupos. / Ecological restoration objective is to promote the return of chemical, physical and biological natural properties as those similar to the native features as possible. However, the restoration projects cannot be well evaluated due to the fact that there are no appropriated tools to do that. Plantations using native species are a prominent technique used in São Paulo state, promoting the fast rising of a plant community, but it is very expensive and hard to measure if ecological processes are returning. Bioindicators are cheap tools to evaluate environmental conditions and ecological processes because they respond to all ecosystem characteristics acting together and the responses of a single group make possible to infer properties of the total biodiversity or the full ecosystem health. Epigeic and hipogeic Arthropoda, especially ants, are potential bioindicators, due to their high abundance, ubiquitousness and their straight relationship to some important ecological processes, even to other community components, but they have not been used because it lacks information about the local scale responses to successional process and which standards can be used as parameters. Hence, we have tried to understand the main standards and responses from soil and litter community, as well as the mirmecofauna responses, under a successional gradient constituted by twelve planted forests in different ages and three forest remainders (semi-deciduous forest), all located at the hydrographic basins, Pardo and Mogi-Guaçu, searching for trustful bioindicators of forest development. General fauna was sampled from litter and soil and ants were additionally sampled by attractive baits, using glucose and sardine. Results have showed that forest development makes influence on structure and composition of general communities and ant communities found in restoration sites, so that over time, these community parameters progressively have become more similar to those found in forest remainders, consisting in a directional shifting. Epigeic and hipogeic general fauna showed to be more sensitive to forest development through dry season, while ants presented critical responses in wet season. Communities from different regions were influenced by successional process but they have presented differences among fauna compositions. The analyses using ants classified in functional groups indicated that forest development makes influence also on fauna functional pattern. Groups occupying specialized niches tend to increase their relative amount throughout forest development. The shifting of ant community functionality may be related to changes in environmental filters plus the increase of niche availability through forest development. As conclusions, under experiment features (1) species richness of litter fauna of dry season is a good predictor of forest development; (2) the richness of rare taxa allowed the best prognosis about sucessional stage, also indicating that fauna found in forest plantations reaches similar fauna standards of forest remainders close to 27 years after the deployment; (3) over time, the composition of general edaphic-epigeic community found in restoration sites becomes more similar to composition of communities found in forest remainders, (4) while for ant communities, the structure standards found in restoration sites progressively become more similar of respective parameter found in forest remainders. (5) the Equitability J of ants communities sampled using baits decreases over forest development and it may be considered a bioindicator of sucessional process; (6) ant functional groups also provided good prediction of sucessional stages, highlighting ant sampling using baits and ant functional classification according to Andersen (1995), due to best benefit-cost ratio. For appropriated application of all bioindicators, the use of comparative techniques may be considered, including ecosystem references, and rather than it uses fixed values of fauna parameters (as fixed goals to be achieved), it is better to consider which parameters of the community are changing over time and if their tendencies are in accordance to the expected.

Ameisen als Schlüsseltiergruppe in einem Grasland / Studien zu ihrer Bedeutung für die Tiergemeinschaft, das Nahrungsnetz und das Ökosystem / Ants as keystone species in a dry grassland / Studies of their importance for animal community, food web and ecosystem function

Platner, Christian Karl-Johannes 30 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Influência do desenvolvimento florestal sobre a comunidade edáfico-epígea de Arthropoda e a mirmecofauna: bases para a bioindicação do processo sucessional na restauração ecológica / The influence of forest development on edaphic and epigeic Arthropod communities and ant fauna: bases for bioindicantion of successional process in ecological restoration

Fernando Meloni 26 October 2012 (has links)
A restauração ecológica visa o estabelecimento de ecossistemas semelhantes aos que originalmente ocupavam uma determinada área que foi degradada. Todavia, os resultados dos esforços envolvidos na restauração e no retorno dos processos ecológicos naturais são difíceis de serem medidos, pois faltam métodos apropriados. Os bioindicadores são ferramentas baratas e confiáveis para o diagnóstico das características ambientais e ecológicas, cujo princípio consiste em medidas simples de grupos biológicos especialmente sensíveis às mudanças no meio. Os Arthropoda que ocorrem no solo e na serapilheira, em especial as formigas, mediam processos ecológicos importantes e apresentam características que os tornam bioindicadores potenciais, mas seu uso ainda necessita de conhecimentos específicos. Assim, o presente estudo teve como objetivo testar o potencial indicador da comunidade de Arthropoda edáfico-epígea na restauração ecológica, com maior enfoque sobre as formigas. Foram avaliadas as comunidades de um gradiente sucessional formado por doze reflorestamentos com diferentes idades e três remanescentes florestais, localizados nas bacias dos rios Pardo e Mogi-Guaçu. O objetivo foi identificar quais os parâmetros que melhor refletem a resposta dessas comunidades ao desenvolvimento florestal. Os resultados indicaram que tanto a mirmecofauna como o restante da comunidade são influenciadas pelos estádios de desenvolvimento florestal. As comunidades variaram em composição e estrutura. A evolução das comunidades mostrou-se direcional, formando um padrão convergente de acordo com o avanço da sucessão. Os resultados indicaram forte efeito da sazonalidade e das técnicas de coleta na interpretação dos resultados. A comunidade edáfico-epígea encontrada no período seco mostrou-se especialmente sensível ao desenvolvimento florestal, enquanto a resposta da mirmecofauna foi mais evidente durante o período chuvoso. Os resultados indicaram também que as comunidades de diferentes regiões, Mogi-Guaçu e Ribeirão Preto, responderam ao processo sucessional, embora tenham apresentado diferenças na composição e no padrão de resposta. As análises com formigas classificadas em grupos funcionais indicaram que a resposta da mirmecofauna ao desenvolvimento florestal ocorre também no nível funcional. As mudanças nos padrões da comunidade e seus módulos estão relacionadas às mudanças nos filtros ambientais e à disponibilidade de nichos. Em conclusão, (1) a riqueza de espécies da fauna edáfico-epígea encontrada na serapilheira do período seco foi um bom preditor geral do desenvolvimento florestal; (2) a riqueza de grupos raros proporcionou o melhor modelo de prognóstico do estádio sucessional, indicando ainda que os reflorestamentos tendem a atingir patamares semelhantes aos encontrados nos remanescentes florestais por volta dos 27 anos após o plantio; (3) na comunidade edáfico-epígea, o avanço no desenvolvimento florestal levou à convergência entre padrões de composição, (4) enquanto na mirmecofauna a convergência ocorreu para os padrões de estrutura, sendo que em ambos os casos (3 e 4), quanto mais avançado o estádio sucessional, mais parecidos entre si são os padrões de locais diferentes; (5) a Equabilidade J das formigas amostradas por iscas decresceu ao longo do desenvolvimento florestal, sendo considerado também um indicador do processo sucessional (6) as classificações funcionais das formigas também permitiram boa predição dos estádios sucessionais, com destaque para formigas capturadas com iscas quando classificadas pelo sistema proposto por Andersen (1995), devido a boa relação custo/benefício. Portanto, foi confirmado o potencial bioindicador da mirmecofauna de comunidade edáfico-epígea geral, que podem ser utilizados como ferramentas de diagnóstico e monitoramento do processo sucessional. O uso mais apropriado deve ser feito por métodos comparativos, através de parâmetros provenientes de ecossistemas referência, ou por medidas repetidas ao longo do tempo, pela observação do deslocamento dos padrões da comunidade e interpretação da proporção dos grupos. / Ecological restoration objective is to promote the return of chemical, physical and biological natural properties as those similar to the native features as possible. However, the restoration projects cannot be well evaluated due to the fact that there are no appropriated tools to do that. Plantations using native species are a prominent technique used in São Paulo state, promoting the fast rising of a plant community, but it is very expensive and hard to measure if ecological processes are returning. Bioindicators are cheap tools to evaluate environmental conditions and ecological processes because they respond to all ecosystem characteristics acting together and the responses of a single group make possible to infer properties of the total biodiversity or the full ecosystem health. Epigeic and hipogeic Arthropoda, especially ants, are potential bioindicators, due to their high abundance, ubiquitousness and their straight relationship to some important ecological processes, even to other community components, but they have not been used because it lacks information about the local scale responses to successional process and which standards can be used as parameters. Hence, we have tried to understand the main standards and responses from soil and litter community, as well as the mirmecofauna responses, under a successional gradient constituted by twelve planted forests in different ages and three forest remainders (semi-deciduous forest), all located at the hydrographic basins, Pardo and Mogi-Guaçu, searching for trustful bioindicators of forest development. General fauna was sampled from litter and soil and ants were additionally sampled by attractive baits, using glucose and sardine. Results have showed that forest development makes influence on structure and composition of general communities and ant communities found in restoration sites, so that over time, these community parameters progressively have become more similar to those found in forest remainders, consisting in a directional shifting. Epigeic and hipogeic general fauna showed to be more sensitive to forest development through dry season, while ants presented critical responses in wet season. Communities from different regions were influenced by successional process but they have presented differences among fauna compositions. The analyses using ants classified in functional groups indicated that forest development makes influence also on fauna functional pattern. Groups occupying specialized niches tend to increase their relative amount throughout forest development. The shifting of ant community functionality may be related to changes in environmental filters plus the increase of niche availability through forest development. As conclusions, under experiment features (1) species richness of litter fauna of dry season is a good predictor of forest development; (2) the richness of rare taxa allowed the best prognosis about sucessional stage, also indicating that fauna found in forest plantations reaches similar fauna standards of forest remainders close to 27 years after the deployment; (3) over time, the composition of general edaphic-epigeic community found in restoration sites becomes more similar to composition of communities found in forest remainders, (4) while for ant communities, the structure standards found in restoration sites progressively become more similar of respective parameter found in forest remainders. (5) the Equitability J of ants communities sampled using baits decreases over forest development and it may be considered a bioindicator of sucessional process; (6) ant functional groups also provided good prediction of sucessional stages, highlighting ant sampling using baits and ant functional classification according to Andersen (1995), due to best benefit-cost ratio. For appropriated application of all bioindicators, the use of comparative techniques may be considered, including ecosystem references, and rather than it uses fixed values of fauna parameters (as fixed goals to be achieved), it is better to consider which parameters of the community are changing over time and if their tendencies are in accordance to the expected.

Communautés natives des fourmis de la litière en forêts naturelles de Guyane française et impact de la conversion forestière en plantations monospécifiques / Native communities of leaf-litter ant communities in natural forests of French Guiana, and impact of forest conversion in monocultural tree plantations

Groc, Sarah 09 December 2011 (has links)
Les fourmis sont des organismes cibles appropriés pour les études environnementales. Au cours de notre étude, nous nous sommes focalisés sur les fourmis de la litière via l'application de deux méthodes de récolte complémentaires selon le protocole all (ants of leaf litter). Dans les forêts naturelles de Guyane française, l'hétérogénéité environnementale et les perturbations structurent les communautés de fourmis de la litière en influençant la richesse, la diversité, l'abondance et la densité en espèces ainsi que les compositions taxonomique et fonctionnelle. Chaque type de formation végétale possède une communauté spécifique. La fragmentation et la conversion des forêts en plantations ont entrainé une altération plus ou moins profonde des communautés; cette variabilité est fonction du type d’agriculture et des espèces d'essences cultivées. Bien que l'altération des communautés se soit révélée maximale dans la plupart des monocultures, les plantations de cacaoyers ont un potentiel de conservation réel. Enfin, dans un contexte ou il est urgent de simplifier l'intégration des arthropodes dans les études de conservation, de contrôle et de suivi de la santé des écosystèmes terrestres, la méthode des réseaux de neurones est apparue comme un outil puissant pour mettre en évidence et analyser les patrons des communautés de fourmis. / Ants are reliable and relevant target organisms for environmental surveys. In our study, we focused on litter-dwelling ants through the use of two complementary sampling methods that were implemented according to the ants of leaf litter (all) protocol. In pristine forests of french guiana, leaf-litter ant communities are structured by environmental heterogeneity and natural perturbations - which influence species richness, diversity, abundance and density, as well as taxonomic and functional composition. This results in habitat-specific communities for each vegetal formation. Forest fragmentation and conversion into monocultures have led to a more or less deep alteration of the ant communities; this variability depends on the type of agricultural system and cultivated tree species. Although the intensity of community alteration peaked in tree monocultures, cocoa plantation exhibited a real potential for native species conservation. Finally, in the current context where simplifying the integration of arthropods into conservation programs as well as into surveys designed to monitor and manage the environment is critical, the use of neural networks appears to be a powerful tool for reliably highlighting and analyzing ant communities patterns.

Genetical and ecological aspects of the invasion of the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata in the Galapagos Islands / Aspects génétiques et écologiques de l'invasion de la fourmi de feu tropicale Solenopsis geminata dans l'archipel des Galapagos

Wauters, Nina 18 May 2015 (has links)
Invasive species represent a major challenge through their consequences on<p>biodiversity, human health and economy. Their effects are especially important on fragile and<p>unique insular biotas such as the Galápagos Islands. Ants in particular are keystone species<p>implicated in ecosystem functioning and biodiversity and they can be dramatic invaders. In<p>the Galápagos Islands, the tropical fire ant Solenopsis geminata is considered a high-impact<p>invasive species, though it remains surprisingly poorly studied. The objectives of this work<p>are to document the invasion of S. geminata in the Galápagos Islands by 1) updating its<p>distribution; 2) determining its reproduction and dispersal strategies and reconstruct its<p>invasion history throughout the archipelago and 3) evaluating its impact on the native fauna<p>(focusing on ants and arthropods communities and endemic land tortoises).<p>First, we added 66 new records of S. geminata in the Galápagos since 2008. It has<p>now been recorded on seven islands and 11 islets in a wide range of habitats, including<p>nesting sites of 24 endemic and/or endangered vertebrate species, for which it constitutes a<p>potential threat.<p>Secondly, by combining Bayesian clustering methods, coalescent-based scenario<p>testing using microsatellite data and historical records, we determined that genetic diversity<p>of populations of S. geminata collected in Galápagos Islands is significantly lower than the<p>genetic diversity of populations from native areas (Costa Rica). The Galápagos populations<p>form three clusters corresponding to an island or groups of islands. They appear to be the<p>result of a single introduction in the first half of the 19th century, probably from mainland<p>Ecuador, which acted as a bridgehead population to two subsequent introductions within the<p>archipelago, corresponding human colonization fluxes in the archipelago.<p>We sampled ants in all main habitats of Santa Cruz Island. Introduced ant species<p>were largely prevalent, and S. geminata was the dominant species and was associated with<p>low evenness of ant communties and lower abundance of native ants. We found that<p>Galápagos’ ant communities are determined by the vegetation type and altitude, but found<p>only little evidence for competitively structured assemblages, except in disturbed areas.<p>The arthropod diversity was investigated in two agricultural sites of Santa Cruz Island<p>by combining three complementary sampling techniques. More than half of the species were<p>either endemic or native, but introduced species constituted the majority of the catches.<p>Solenopsis geminata was by far the most abundant and common species.<p>Finally, we investigated the mortality of Cheloidis land tortoise’s eggs and hatchlings<p>in an area infested by S. geminata on Santa Cruz Island with regard to the abundance of fire<p>ants and the duration of incubation. Egg survival was negatively associated with longer incubation times but we found no direct relation between ant density and tortoise mortality<p>despite a high abundances of fire ants in the vicinity of the majority of the tortoise burrows.<p>Our work allows addressing ecological and genetical aspects of the invasion of S.<p>geminata in the Galápagos Islands. We analyzed our results in the light of an ecoevolutionary<p>framework presenting different invasion scenarios and discussed S. geminata<p>as an invasive ant. This provided us with information useful for the study and management of<p>this invasive species in the Galápagos Islands.<p>/<p>Les espèces invasives constituent un défi majeur à cause de leur impact sur la<p>biodiversité, la santé humaine et l’économie. Leurs effets sont particulièrement importants<p>sur les environnements insulaires fragiles et uniques comme les île Galápagos. Les fourmis<p>en particulièr sont des espèces clé de voûte du fonctionnement des écosystèmes et de la<p>biodiversité. Elles peuvent de ce fait devenir des envahisseurs spectaculaires. Dans les îles<p>Galápagos, la fourmi de feu tropicale Solenopsis geminata fait partie des espèces invasives<p>à haut impact et cependant elle a été étonnamment peu étudiée. Les objectifs de ce travail<p>consistent à documenter l’invasion de S. geminata dans l’archipel des Galápagos: 1) en<p>mettant à jour sa distribution; 2) en déterminant ses stratégies de reproduction et de<p>dispersion et en reconstruisant l’histoire de son invasion dans l’archipel et 3) en évaluant son<p>impact sur la faune native (particulièrement sur les communautés de fourmis et<p>d’arthropodes et sur les tortues terrestres endémiques).<p>Tout d’abord, nous avons ajouté 66 nouveaux relevés de S.geminata aux Galápagos<p>depuis 2008. À ce jour, la fourmi a été observée sur 7 îles et 11 îlots, et ce dans une grande<p>variété d’habitats. On la trouve également sur les sites de ponte de 24 espèces de vertébrés<p>endémiques ou en voie de disparition, qu’elle menace ainsi potentiellement.<p>Ensuite, en combinant des méthodes bayésiennes de regroupement et des<p>comparaisons de scénarios en se basant sur des séquences microsatellites et des données<p>historiques, nous avons montré que la diversité génétique des populations de S. geminata<p>des Galápagos est significativement inférieure à celle des populations des zones d’indigénat<p>(Costa Rica). Les populations des Galápagos - réparties en 3 groupes correspondant à une<p>île ou un groupe d’îles – sont le résultat d’une introduction unique ayant eu lieu dans la<p>première moitié du 19ème siècle. Elles proviennent vraisemblablement de l’Equateur<p>continental et constituent une population “tête de pont” pour deux introductions ultérieures au<p>sein de l’archipel. Ces mouvements correspondent aux flux de populations humaines.<p>Nous avons échantillonné les fourmis dans tous les principaux habitats de l’île de<p>Santa Cruz. Les fourmis introduites sont largement prévalentes. Solenopsis geminata<p>constitue l’espèce dominante et se trouve associée avec une faible équitabilité des<p>communautés de fourmis ainsi qu’avec une diminution de l’abondance des fourmis natives.<p>Nos résultats indiquent que les communautés de fourmis des Galápagos sont structurées<p>par le type de végétation et l’altitude, alors que les assemblages de fourmis ne sont pas<p>structurés compétitivement, à l’exception des zones perturbées.<p>Nous avons investigué la diversité arthropodienne de deux sites agricoles de l’île de<p>Santa Cruz en combinant trois méthodes d’échantillonnage complémentaires. Plus de la moitié des espèces collectées étaient soit endémiques, soit natives. Les espèces introduites<p>ont toutefois constitué la majorité des individus collectés. Solenopsis geminata était de loin la<p>plus abondante et la plus commune des espèces récoltées.<p>Enfin, dans une zones infestées par S. geminata sur l’île de Santa Cruz, nous avons<p>mis en relation la mortalité des oeufs et juvéniles de tortues terrestres Chelonoidis avec<p>l’abondance des fourmis de feu et la durée d’incubation des oeufs. Le taux de survie des<p>oeufs est négativement corrélé à leur durée d’incubation. Cependant, malgré de très hautes<p>abondances de fourmis de feu à proximité des nids de tortues, nous n’avons pas trouvé de<p>relation directe avec leur mortalité.<p>Pour conclure, ce travail aborde les aspects génétiques et écologiques de l’invasion<p>de la fourmi de feu tropicale dans les îles Galápagos. Nos résultats sont analysés au sein<p>d’un cadre éco-évolutif présentant différents scénarios d’invasion. Nous discutons également<p>de S. geminata en tant qu’espèce invasive. Nous espérons apporter des informations utiles<p>dans le cadre de l’étude et du contrôle de cette espèce invasive aux Galápagos. / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Ecology and management of bat communities to increase pest control in macadamia orchards, Limpopo , South Africa

Weier, Sina Monika 18 May 2019 (has links)
PhD (Zoology) / Department of Zoology / An ever growing human population and accelerating land use change is associated with the loss of species and their ecosystem services. Agricultural intensification has led to a worldwide threat of extinction to about one quarter of all bat species, despite the valuable ecosystem service of pest control provided by bats. The decline in bat populations is mainly attributed to the loss or fragmentation of habitats, roost sites and feeding opportunities related to agricultural intensification and land use change. Therefore, proactive management of bat communities in agricultural landscapes is essential. South Africa is the world’s largest producer of macadamias and the industry continues to grow. This study gains insight into the habitat use and foraging behaviour of insectivorous bat species on a temporal and spatial scale, in and around macadamia orchards in order to advise management strategies on how to increase bat activity and, possibly, pest control. It also focuses on the preferences of artificial roost sites used by insectivorous bats in macadamia orchards. The diet of insectivorous bat species is especially difficult to study and the least invasive tool to gain information is the study of bat faecal pellets. In order to provide evidence for the consumption of pest insect species by bats and thus incentive to farmers for a more integrated pest management approach (IPM), this study explored molecular approach to insectivorous bat diet analyses using fragment analysis of bat faecal pellets with fluorescent-labelled species-specific primers (designed for the CO I gene). This study was conducted in the subtropical fruit growing area of Levubu, Limpopo province, South Africa between the towns Thohoyandou (22°59'03.7 S, 30°27'12.8 E) and Makhado/Louis Trichardt (23°03'03.6 S, 29°55'12.7 E). Levubu also accounts for the second highest production of macadamia in South Africa. An introduction to the order Chiroptera and into the relevance of insectivorous bat species to agriculture as well as the importance of a more integrated pest management approach (IPM) focusing on bats is provided in Chapter One. Bats were acoustically monitored and light traps were used to catch arthropods during one annual cycle. I sampled five macadamia orchards once a month from September 2015 to August 2016 and used GIS and R to analyse both the general bat activity and foraging bat activity of the two main foraging guilds (open-air/clutter edge guild) in different land use types as well as total bat activity with respect to arthropod abundances. As reported in Chapter Two, results show that the overall clutter edge guild activity (number of passes) decreased with macadamia and orchard (all other fruit) cover in the macadamia high season (December to end of May) and increased with bush cover and distance to settlements (potential roosts) in the macadamia low season (June to end of November). Open-air guild activity increased with fallow cover (uncultivated grassland with scattered trees and shrubs) in the high season. Foraging activity (feeding buzzes) of the clutter edge guild increased with bush cover over the whole year. Total activity (both guilds) increased with abundance of true bugs (Hemiptera), including the main macadamia pests, and bush cover. Macadamia cover has a negative effect on the activity of the clutter edge guild in the high season, with low activity in the orchard center (high cover), and activity increasing in a linear way with decreasing orchard cover at the orchard edge (low cover). These results suggest that the clutter edge guild prefers foraging close to the edges of the orchards rather than in the center, while the open-air guild prefers semi-natural habitats (fallow). When numbers of pest arthropods drop in the macadamia orchards, the natural land use type, bush, becomes a more important foraging habitat and thereby increased the activity of the clutter edge guild. From June 2016 to July 2017, I scanned 31 bat houses, mounted on poles on six macadamia orchards, for bats or any other occupants such as wasps, birds and bees. Twenty-one multichambered bat houses of three slightly different chamber designs were erected on poles, in sets of three. Additionally, five bat houses of the type ‘Rocket box’, four bat houses in sets of two (black and white) and one colony bat house were erected. Bats were counted and visually identified to family or species level. From December 2016 to end of March 2017, three IButtons were installed to record temperature variation between one set of three bat houses. As reported in Chapter Three, results show that the central bat house in the set of three and the black bat house in the set of two had a significantly positive effect on bat house occupancy. There was a significant difference in the mean temperature between the houses in the set of three, with a significant difference in temperature of 0.46°C between the central and the first bat house. The three bat houses erected in sets varied slightly in their chamber design, with the central bathouse having the most chambers (six), while the bat houses to either side had less chambers (four), set at an angle or straight. This and the insulation to either side by the other bat houses is assumingly what caused the central bat house to be on average warmer. The Yellow-bellied house bat (Scotophilus dinganii) was by far the most recorded and the only species observed to co-habitat a bat house with another animal species, in particular honeybees. The study might confirm assumptions in that the microclimate of bat houses, respectively their insulation, sun exposure and color appear to be important factors influencing bat house occupancy. The two preferred bat houses in our study were the black, in the set of black and white, as well as the central, and on average warmest bat house, in the set of three. I collected bat faecal pellets with two different methods between July 2015 and April 2017 to determine the prevalence of pest insects in faecal pellets. Eighteen of the bat houses (in sets of three) on three different farms and two Egyptian slit-faced bat (Nycteris thebaica) roosts were fitted with trays in order to collect pellets from those occupied by bats. I noted occupancy of bat houses to species or family level to keep disturbance minimal. Additionally, I collected pellets from individuals captured by means of mist nets and harp traps. Four of the main pest-insects; the two-spotted stinkbug (Pentatomidae: Bathycoelia distincta), the green vegetable bug (Pentatomidae: Nezara viridula), the macadamia nut borer (Tortricidae: Thaumatotibia batrachopa) and the litchi moth (Tortricidae: Cryptophlebia peltastica), were collected from pheromone traps or after scouting for primer development and optimisation. After extracting DNA from the bat faecal samples the target regions were amplified in a multiplex PCR and fluorescently labelled PCR amplicons were analysed and interpreted. In order to verify multiplex analyses results, all samples were amplified with all four sets of primers in plates and those that produced amplicons were purified and sequenced. As reported in Chapter Four, results show that fragment analyses yielded a total of 63 out of 103 samples tested positive for pest insect species (61%) with a total of 92 positive fragments. Primer specificity could be confirmed to 100% for the sequences obtained for Bathycoelia distincta (26/26) and Nezara viridula (12/12) primers but not for all sequences obtained fot Cryptophlebia peltastica (18/30) and Thaumatotibia batrachopa (1/14) primers. One sample showed no positive fragments but contained a positive sequence for N. viridula. Three samples tested positive for one pest-species fragment but contained a positive sequence for a second pest-species (B. distincta, T. batrachopa and C. peltastica). Adding four positive fragments and one additional positive sequence to the data. This means that sequences of pest insect species were obtained from 54 out of the 103 samples (55.6%) with a total of 73 pest insect sequences. For the high season (December to end of May) a total of 37 positive fragments for the four pest insect species and 24 negative samples were yielded and for the a low season (June to end of November) a total of 36 positive fragments and 15 negative samples. Looking at the pest consumption of the different bat species or families, our results show that all of them foraged on pest insect species. Whereas, all species and families except Myotis bocagii and Rhinolophus simulator (for which N<2) foraged on both the Lepidopteran and Hemipteran pest species. Therefore, all families of bats of which faecal pellets were analysed for this study (Molossidae, Nycteridae, Rhinolophidae and Vespertilionidae) foraged on one or more of the four pest insect species. In summary, Chapter Five concludes that natural and semi-natural vegetation promote bat activity in macadamia orchards, and potentially bats' provision of the ecosystem service of pest control. In times of accelerating land use change, remnants of natural vegetation are important refuges and need to be maintained or restored to conserve bat species and promote their ecosystem services. The study also shows that bat activity might be improved by adding roosting opportunities to orchards. Warm and well-insulated bat houses mounted freestanding on poles and in sets appeared to work best in northern South Africa. Further research on co-habitation of bat houses and displacement behaviour as well as the potential importance of altitude and distance to water is needed. All of the species or families of bats from which faecal pellets were collected have been confirmed to forage on at least one of the four pest insects and the bat species have shown to be much more generalist and presumably opportunistic feeders than previously assumed. Thus, this study provides incentive and advice to farmers for a more integrated pest management approach (IPM). / NRF

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