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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Radono tūrinio aktyvumo patalpose kaitos tyrimai ir radono sąlygotos dozės gyvenamosiose patalpose įvertinimas / Investigation of variation of indoor radon and assessment of exposure due to radon for the public

Kievinas, Remigijus 30 June 2009 (has links)
Norint išvengti apšvitos nuo pavojingo žmogaus sveikatai radono ir jo skilimo produktų, reikia daugybės tyrimų, kurie nustatytų radono tūrinį aktyvumą mus supančioje aplinkoje, gyvenamosiose patalpose. Radonas patalpose atsiranda iš įvairių šaltinių: grunto, statybinių medžiagų, vandens. Radono tūrinis aktyvumas labai priklauso nuo namo konstrukcijos, vėdinimo ir nuo grunto, ant kurio jis pastatytas. Nors darbų skaičius, nagrinėjantis šią problemą, yra didelis, vienas iš faktorių, kuris sąlygoja radono tūrinius aktyvumus gyvenamojoje aplinkoje, yra regiono, kuriame radono tūrinis aktyvumas matuojamas, ypatumai – grunto sudėtis, poringumas, namo konstrukcijų tipai ir kiti. Nėra visiškai aišku, kurie iš faktorių lemia radono tūrinio aktyvumo kitimą pastatuose konkrečioje vietoje. Šio darbo tikslas – ištirti, kokį sąryšį radono tūrinis aktyvumas turi grunto ore, geriamajame vandenyje ir radono tūrinis aktyvumas patalpose, tyrimams pasirenkant palyginti nedidelį regioną – šalies pietryčiuose esančios Vilniaus apskrities Vilniaus, Šalčininkų ir Širvintų rajonus. Palyginimui naudotas radono tūrinis aktyvumas, tirtas pastatuose kituose šalies regionuose. Taip pat įvertinta radono tūrinio aktyvumo kaita skirtingais metų sezonais gyvenamajame pastate, kiek aktyvumui įtakos daro grunto pralaidumas ir namo sandarinimo ypatybės. / Indoor radon is most important expose for human population. It is necessary to investigate reasons of increasing of radon concentration. It is known that radon concentrations are highly variable within a region. This work deals with the investigations of indoor radon and radon in water in dwellings of Vilnius region. Measurements of radon in soil ware performed as well. Measurements were made at 22 private dwellings and surrounding off them in 2008 year. Statistically estimated that this region is not different from others Lithuanian districts. Effective dose for public due to indoor radon and radon in water were estimated. Results showed that the highest effective dose due to the indoor radon for public in Vilnius region is 2.1 mSv per year, highest effective dose due to radon in drinking water 5.7 μSv per year. No correlation funded between radon in soil and indoor radon in may investigation. So there are other factors that influence increase of radon concentration in buildings: engineering barrier, air conditions and others. Variation of indoor radon concentrations in a dwelling survey has been carried out in Panevezys districts in the village of Pinava. Indoor radon levels were measured in selected dwelling in autumn, winter, spring and summer seasons using radon monitor AlphaGuard. The average radon concentrations vary from 52 Bq/m3 in summer to 289 Bq/m3 in winter. Relation between first and second flour was estimated, its shows that radon concentrations on first flour... [to full text]

Šeimos gydytojų informuotumo apie rentgeno tyrimų metu pacientų gaunamą apšvitą tyrimas / Privity research of family physicians about the patient's exposure during x-ray examinations

Paliulian, Anželika 25 June 2014 (has links)
Šiuo metu išsivysčiusiose pasaulio šalyse apie 80 % sveikatos problemų turi spręsti šeimos gydytojas. Jis turi nukreipti pacientus atlikti įvairius tyrimus, konsultuotis pas kitus specialistus, bei gydytis.Vienas svarbiausių žmogaus apšvitos šaltinių medicinoje yra rentgenodiagnostika. Todėl atliekant šį tyrimą buvo iškelta problema - ar pakankamas šeimos gydytojų žinių lygis apie pacientų rentgenodiagnostikos tyrimų metu gaunamą apšvitą ir radiacinę saugą ir ar visada rentgenodiagnostikos tyrimai yra skiriami tikslingai ir pagrįstai? Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti ir įvertinti Vilniaus mieste dirbančių šeimos gydytojų informuotumą apie rentgeno tyrimų metu pacientų gaunamą apšvitą. Metodai. Tyrimo objektas – šeimos gydytojai. Tyrimas buvo vykdomas Vilniaus mieste, viešosiose asmens sveikatos priežiūros įstaigose ir privačiose šeimos klinikose bei šeimos gydytojų kabinetuose. Atlikta anketinė apklausa, kurioje dalyvavo 70 gydymo įstaigų ir buvo išdalinta 312 anketų. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant SPSS 17 programos versiją ir WinPepi 6.4 programos versiją. Pateikiamas rodiklių pasiskirstymas absoliučiais skaičiais ir procentais. Kategorinių duomenų analizei naudotas chi kvadratas (&#967;2) ir Fišerio tikslus testas. Reikšmingumo lygmuo &#945;=0,05. Išvados vertinamos statistiškai reikšmingomis, kai pasikliovimo lygmuo p<0,05. Atlikta mokslinių straipsnių, sveikatos sistemos teisinės ir normatyvinės medžiagos analizė. Rezultatai. 65,1 proc. respondentų mano, kad jiems... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Currently in the developed world, about 80% of health problems have to be solved by a family physician. He/she has to divert patients to carry out a series of studies, consultations with other specialists, and get cured. One of major human sources of exposure in medicine is X-ray diagnostics. Therefore, in this investigation one has raised a question whether there is a sufficient level of knowledge of family physicians about patient’ X-ray diagnostic exposure and radiation protection, and if always X-ray diagnostics examination is allocated in a reasonable way? The object of the study is to identify and assess family physicians’ awareness about the exposure of X-ray exposed patients in the city of Vilnius. Methods. The object of the research: family physicians. The research was carried out in Vilnius, in the public health care institutions and private family clinics and family physicians’ offices. One conducted a questionnaire survey, which included 70 hospitals where 312 questionnaires were distributed. The statistical analysis was performed using version 17 of SPSS software and version 6.4 of WinPepi. An indicator distribution in absolute numbers and percentages was presented. Categorical data analysis used chi-square (&#967;2) and Fisher's exact test. Significance level &#945;=0,05. Conclusion considered to be statistically significant when the confidence level of p<0.05. One conducted research analysis of articles, and analysis of health system of legal and normative... [to full text]

Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo statybinėse medžiagose Lietuvoje eksperimentinis tyrimas, jų sukeltos apšvitos modeliavimas ir vertinimas / Investigation of concentrations of radionuclides in Lithuanian construction materials, modelling and evaluation of exposure due to these radionuclides

Pilkytė, Laima 09 November 2006 (has links)
The study is devoted to problems of exposure caused by radionuclides in construction materials. Results received by gamma measurements and calculations (dose modeling) are used. Construction materials produced and/or used in Lithuania were investigated. The results of measurements (concentrations of natural radionuclides and activity indexes) are given for different types of construction materials. On the basis of these results and peculiarities of use of construction materials they have been classified according to their radiological significance. It helps to determine possible amounts of construction materials to be investigated and priorities of investigations. Relationship between activity indexes of different construction materials and dose rates in premises constructed of these construction materials has been determined. It might be used for increase of precision of personal dosimetric measurements performed in premises constructed of different materials. Possible relationship between absorbed dose rate indoors and concentration of indoor radon is discussed. Results of measurements of concentrations of natural radionuclides in archeological samples of construction materials are also presented and discussed. Dose modeling has been performed with the help of ALARA planning tool Visiplan 3D. Distributions of absorbed dose rate in standard living premises have been determined, relationship between dose rate and different parameters of constructions, such as thickness... [to full text]

Radionuklidų savitojo aktyvumo statybinėse medžiagose Lietuvoje eksperimentinis tyrimas, jų sukeltos apšvitos modeliavimas ir vertinimas / Investigation of concentrations of radionuclides in Lithuanian construction materials, modelling and evaluation of exposure due to these radionuclides

Pilkytė, Laima 10 November 2006 (has links)
The study is devoted to problems of exposure caused by radionuclides in construction materials. Results received by gamma measurements and calculations (dose modeling) are used. Construction materials produced and/or used in Lithuania were investigated. The results of measurements (concentrations of natural radionuclides and activity indexes) are given for different types of construction materials. On the basis of these results and peculiarities of use of construction materials they have been classified according to their radiological significance. It helps to determine possible amounts of construction materials to be investigated and priorities of investigations. Relationship between activity indexes of different construction materials and dose rates in premises constructed of these construction materials has been determined. It might be used for increase of precision of personal dosimetric measurements performed in premises constructed of different materials. Possible relationship between absorbed dose rate indoors and concentration of indoor radon is discussed. Results of measurements of concentrations of natural radionuclides in archeological samples of construction materials are also presented and discussed. Dose modeling has been performed with the help of ALARA planning tool Visiplan 3D. Distributions of absorbed dose rate in standard living premises have been determined, relationship between dose rate and different parameters of constructions, such as thickness... [to full text]

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