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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Some factors affecting fresh apples purchases in retail stores

Brown, Sidney E. January 1955 (has links)
In an economy characteristics by keen competition among commodities for consumers' disposable income, the per capita demand for a product may shift over a period of time. With a decline in demand (a shift to the left of the demand curve) for a commodity, the total consumption may be less than in previous years even with an expanding population. In the past four decades the trend in per capita consumption of apples has been downward. This downward trend is evident when the per capita rates of apple consumption are compared for various time periods during these years. In fact, the trend in per capita consumption of apples has been steadily downward from 1909 to 1953 as shown by the averages for each five-year period beginning with 1909¹. The trend in total yearly consumption of apples in the United States has likewise been downward. However, this decline has been less pronounced than per capita consumption declines because of the counteracting influence of population increases in this country. Shifts in demand for a commodity create economic problems in both production and marketing. These problems are especially acute for products such as apples, which require large fixed investments of capital for production and handling. Apple production initially requires large outlays of capital for land, labor, and nursery stock. It is approximately eight years before an apple tree is brought into production and the orchardist begins to realize a return on his investment. During these formative years, and more especially in later years, the land planted in trees is not easily and readily shifted into production of other commodities. Likewise, the special equipment and storage facilities necessary for efficient marketing of apples represent a sizable investment of capital of a specialized nature that is not easily and readily adaptable for other uses. In order to make production and marketing decisions that are economically sound, people in the apple industry need adequate information on changes in consumer reactions to apples. To be adequate, this information must not only reflect the changes in the movement of apples moving into consumption, but must also provide information concerning the effectiveness of current merchandising practices on apple sales. The best source of this information is the market place where consumer preferences are registered. / Master of Science

Fungi associated with root rot of apple trees

Thomas, H. Earl January 1916 (has links)
Master of Science

Net photosynthesis, specific leaf weight and growth of apple leaves as affected by canopy position and leaf age

Caldwell, Judith Dawn January 1977 (has links)
Shoots were selected in both interior and exterior canopy positions on 20-year-old 'Delicious' apple trees located at the VPI & SU Horticulture Farm orchard, Blacksburg, Va. The most recently unfolded leaf was tagged on April 28, May 12, and May 26, 1976. Shoot length was unaffected by canopy position but leaf number was greater on exterior shoots. One shoot from each canopy positions was detached for determination of net photosynthesis (Pn) and specific leaf weight (SLW) of tagged leaves on June 6, July 7, and August 4. Net photosynthesis and SLW of exterior leaves were greater than that of interior leaves. As leaf age increased, Pn tended to decrease while SLW increased. No significant correlation was found between SLW and Pn. Young container trees were placed under the canopy of the orchard trees and in a full sun location nearby. The most recently unfolded leaf was tagged on June 6, June 17, June 30, and July 14. Shoot length of the single stem tree was not affected by exposure, but leaf number was greater on sun trees. Net photosynthesis was determined on the same attached leaves at each time and was significantly higher for sun leaves than shade leaves. There were no differences in Pn as leaves aged. Specific leaf weight was determined once and was significantly higher for sun leaves. Maximum Pn rates were reached at approximately 13 klx for shade leaves while sun leaves had not reached maximum Pn at 27 klx. / Master of Science

Effect of paclobutrazol (PP333) and flurprimidol (EL500) on vegetative growth, fruit characteristics and storage of Golden Delicious and Red Delicious apple

Ebrahem, Kais Shaheb. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 E27 / Master of Science

Quantification of genotypic variation and consumer segmentation related to fruit quality attributes in apple (Malus x domestica Borkh.)

Van der Merwe, Anreza 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Limited information is available on the apple preferences of the South African consumer market, which is characterised by diverse consumers from different age and ethnic groups with different food preferences. White, coloured and black consumers from different age groups were selected from the Stellenbosch area, Western Cape, South Africa. Consumer preference analysis for apple eating quality and appearance, and descriptive sensory analysis (DSA) were performed on nine commercial apple cultivars. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) conducted on mean preference scores for each age and ethnic group showed that preference generally differed between these groups. However, Ward’s statistical clustering that was applied to the same data set showed that the sociodemographic composition of consumer groups with similar apple preferences is not homogenous. Three consumer clusters were identified with similar preferences for apple eating quality (E1-3) and appearance (A1-3): E1 liked firmness and therefore tolerated sour taste and disliked mealiness. Although E1 liked sweet fruit, they indicated lower preference for sweet fruit compared to E2 and E3. E2 liked sour taste and apple flavour more compared to the other clusters while E3 disliked sour taste and had the highest preference for sweetness. Although coloured and black consumers generally disliked sour taste and E3 constituted a larger proportion of these consumers, the coloured and black consumers who liked or tolerated sour taste constituted approximately 41% of the total consumer population in the Western Cape. White and younger (<26 years) consumers were mostly in cluster E1 liking firm fruit. Peel colour preferred by the appearance preference clusters were: Green and pink bi-colour (A1), green/yellow and red-striped (A2); and red peel colour (A3). Consumers preferred the appearance of cultivars that associated with the eating quality attributes that they liked. When consumers’ preference for the eating quality of five cultivars were analysed during presentation with different levels of visual pictorial information (no, correct and incorrect photograph), mismatches between expected and actual eating quality preference resulted in lower preference scores. Apple breeding is time-consuming and expensive. Comprehensive knowledge of fruit quality parameters that drive consumer preference is required to streamline the breeding process. Eating quality and appearance attributes of four apple breeding families were subjected to instrumental and individual assessment by a trained assessor and DSA by a trained panel. Instrumental measurements could not predict the sensory attributes analysed by the individual assessor. Sensory textural attributes, apple flavour and sweet taste as quantified by DSA and instrumental measurement of titratable acidity (TA) and total soluble solids (TSS)/TA, but not TSS, could predict consumer preference. The assessor responsible for individual assessment could not predict the preference of the total consumer group. A quantitative genetic analysis of the data was carried out to quantify within- and between-family variation using ANOVA, variance components and heritability estimates. Variation between families was shown for attributes relating to colour and acidity, but not for sweet taste, TSS and apple flavour. Strong genetic control that was generally shown for colour attributes predicts a rapid selection response. Most attributes were inherited quantitatively, but TA showed complicated inheritance mechanisms. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Min inligting is beskikbaar oor die appelvoorkeure van die diverse Suid-Afrikaanse verbruikersmark wat bestaan uit verbruikers van verskillende ouderdomme en etnisiteite met verskillende voedselvoorkeure. Wit, bruin en swart verbruikers van verskillende ouderdomsgroepe is geselekteer in Stellenbosch in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Verbruikersvoorkeuranalise vir die eetkwaliteit en voorkoms van appels en beskrywende sensoriese analise (BSA) is uitgevoer op nege kommersiële appelkultivars. Analise van variansie (ANOVA), uitgevoer op gemiddelde voorkeurdata per ouderdom en etniese groep, het getoon dat die voorkeure van hierdie verskillende groepe oor die algemeen verskil het. Volgens Ward statistiese groepering op dieselfde datastel was die sosiodemografiese samestelling van verbruikersgroepe met soortgelyke voorkeure egter nie homogeen nie. Drie verbruikersgroepe is geïdentifiseer met soortgelyke voorkeure vir appel eetkwaliteit (E1-3) en voorkoms (V1-3). E1 het ‘n voorkeur vir fermheid, ‘n afkeur vir melerigheid en verdra suurheid. Alhoewel E1 van soet vrugte gehou het, het hulle ‘n laer voorkeur vir soetheid as E2 en E3. E2 het ‘n voorkeur vir suurheid en appelgeur terwyl E3 ‘n afkeur vir suur smaak en die hoogste voorkeur vir soetheid getoon het. Alhoewel swart en bruin verbruikers meestal ‘n renons in suur smaak getoon het en meer van hierdie verbruikers tot E3 behoort, maak swart en bruin verbruikers wat suur smaak aanvaar ongeveer 41% van die totale verbruikersgroep in die Wes-Kaap uit. Wit en jonger (<26 jaar) verbruikers was meestal in E1 en het ‘n voorkeur vir fermheid getoon. Vrugkleurvoorkeure was vir groen en pienk (tweekleurig) (V1), groen/geel en rooi gestreep (V2) en rooi (V3). Verbruikers het ‘n voorkeur gehad vir die voorkoms van kultivars waarvan hulle die eetkwaliteit verkies het. Die effek van gevestigde kleur en smaak assosiasies is getoets deur verbruikers te versoek om die eetkwaliteit van vyf kultivars te evalueer tydens aanbieding daarvan met drie vlakke van visuele inligting, naamlik geen, korrekte en verkeerde foto. Verwarring tussen verwagte en werklike eetkwaliteit het gelei tot ‘n laer voorkeur. Teling van appels is tydrowend en duur. Uitgebreide kennis van die vrugkwaliteit parameters wat verbruikersvoorkeur dryf, is noodsaaklik vir effektiewe teling. Eienskappe wat verband hou met die eetkwaliteit en voorkoms van saailinge is in vier appelfamilies geanaliseer. Die eienskappe is geassesseer deur middel van instrumentele en individuele evaluasie deur ‘n opgeleide assessor asook deur BSA deur ‘n opgeleide paneel. Instrumentele analise kon nie die vlakke van sensoriese eienskappe voorspel soos waargeneem deur die individuele assessor nie. BSA van sensoriese tekstuureienskappe, appelgeur en soetheid, en instrumentele meting van titreerbare suur (TS) en totale oplosbare vastestowwe (TOV)/TS, maar nie TOV nie, kon verbruikersvoorkeur voorspel. Die assessor wat individuele evaluasies uitgevoer het, kon nie die voorkeur van ‘n groot verbruikersgroep akkuraat voorspel nie. Kwantitatiewe genetiese analise van die data is uitgevoer en binne- en tussen-familie variasie is gekwantifiseer deur middel van ANOVA, variansie komponente en oorerflikheidsskattings. Variasie tussen families is gevind vir kleureienskappe en suurheid, maar nie vir soet smaak, TOV en appelgeur nie. Resultate het getoon dat kleureienskappe meestal aan sterk genetiese beheer onderworpe is en dit dui op vinnige vordering met seleksie vir vrugkleur. Vrugeienskappe is meestal kwantitatief oorgeërf. Oorerwing van TS blyk ingewikkeld te wees.

A study of apple fruiting branch development under conditions of insufficient winter chilling

Maguylo, Karen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Horticulture))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Branch architecture is the position and length of lateral shoots along a main axis, and is dependant on competitions (dominance) among meristems and lateral shoots. In areas with inadequate winter chilling, branch architecture is altered, the dynamics of which are poorly understood. The aim of this work was to better understand the dynamics underlying plant architecture. In the first part of the study, the dynamics of apple branch architecture were characterized for two cultivars, Golden Delicious and Granny Smith, in areas with differing degrees of inadequate winter chilling (a warm area and a cool area). In an additional study, progeny of a mapped ‘Telamon’ (columnar habit) and ‘Braeburn’ (normal habit) population were used to quantify branch architecture in an effort to develop quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for branching habit. Although branch architecture could be quantified, it was difficult to relate these to known qualitative branching habits, as the columnar gene is dominant and limited the number of progeny that were not columnar. With the exception of organogenesis in the season preceding growth, acrotonic tendencies (number of growing laterals, lateral length, fruit set) were not related to temporal (primigenic) dominance of the distally located buds or flowers within an axis. In the warm area, both relative time of budburst and flowering among buds within an axis did depict a loss of acrotony (positional dominance of the distally located buds and shoots within an axis). The first buds to burst and flower in the warm area had the greatest ability to grow out and set fruit, respectively, regardless of position within the shoot, implicating a role for primigenic dominance when chill unit accumulation was inadequate. Overall, temporal (primigenic) dominance in the warm area, and positional dominance (acrotony) in the cool area dictated lateral outgrowth and development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Takargitektuur verwys na die posisie en lengte van laterale lote soos dit oor die hoofas versprei voorkom. Dit is afhanklik van kompetisie (dominansie) tussen meristeme en laterale lote. In areas met onvoldoende winterkoue word takargitektuur verander, maar die dinamika van hierdie veranderinge word nog nie goed verstaan nie. Die doel van hierdie navorsing was om die onderliggende dinamika wat plantargitektuur beïnvloed beter te verstaan. In die eerste deel van die studie is die dinamika van appeltakargitektuur van twee cultivars Golden Delicious en Granny Smith, in twee areas met verskillende mate van onvoldoende winterkoue bestudeer (’n warm en ’n koel area). In ’n verdere studie is die nageslag van ‘n ‘Telemon’ (kolomgroeiwyse) en ‘Braeburn’ (normale groeiwyse) kruising gebruik om takargitektuur te kwantifiseer. Dit is gedoen in ’n poging om kwantitatiewe eienskapslokusse vir vertakking te ontwikkel. Alhoewel takargitektuur kwantifiseer kon word, was dit moeilik om dit in verhouding te bring met kwalitatiewe vertakkingspatrone daar die kolomgroeiwyse-geen dominant is en die aantal indiwidue in die nageslag wat nie ’n kolomgroeiwyse gehad het nie beperk was. Met die uitsondering van organogenese in die seisoen wat groei voorafgaan, is akrotoniese neigings (aantal laterale lote, laterale lootlengte, vrugset) nie beïnvloed deur tydelike (primigeniese) dominansie van distale knoppe of blomme binne ’n as nie. In die warm area het beide relatief tot knopbreek en blomtyd binne ’n assestelsel die verlies aan akrotonie beskryf (posisionele dominansie van distale knoppe en lote in assestelsel). Die eerste knoppe wat bot en blom in die warm area het die beste vermoë om te groei en vrugte te set, onafhanklik van hul posisie. Dit impliseer die rol van primigeniese dominansie wanneer ’n gebrek aan winterkoue ervaar word. Algemeen gesien was dit tydelike (primigeniese) dominansie in warm areas en posisionele dominansie (akrotonie) in die koeler area wat lateraal bot en ontwikkeling bepaal het.

Alternative orchard floor management practices, soil quality, nitrogen fertilizer uptake, and apple tree growth and yield /

McDonald, Sarah Finger. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Oregon State University, 2007. / Printout. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 192-209). Also available on the World Wide Web.

Mulch management systems in organic dwarf apple orchards and their effects on soil physical properties, soil nutrient availability, and tree nutrition

Walsh, Brice D. (Brice David) January 1994 (has links)
An alternative to herbicides in dwarf apple orchards (Malus pumila Mill.) is the use of mulches. Research objectives were to compare several mulch systems (Festuca rubra L., Lupinus albus L. plus Daucus carota L.; straw, manure compost, geotextile) with soil cultivation as to soil physical properties and plant nutrient levels in soils, leaves and fruit. Studies carried out in 1992 and 1993 on three dwarf apple orchards on the Macdonald Campus of McGill University showed that straw mulch increased soil water contents and exchangeable K, but reduced exchangeable Mg compared to Festuca mulch. Straw mulch reduced soil temperatures in summer relative to geotextile or cultivation. Festuca reduced leaf N contents but increased leaf P contents-elative to geotextile treatments. Soil nitrate N contents were correlated with soil water contents, and the ratios N/Ca and K/Ca in the fruit were unaffected by treatment. Straw and geotextile mulches increased soil water content and nitrate-N levels during peak sowing periods and thus were the superior treatments.

Labor processes within a commodity system : a comparative study of workers in apple packing houses /

Bello Barros, Rosario. January 1993 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1993. / Vita. Abstract. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 201-221). Also available via the Internet.

Postharvest manipulation of fruit colour in apples and pears

Marais, Evelyn 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Red colour development on bi-coloured apples and pears ensures better prices for producers. The use of postharvest irradiation to improve colour has been successful on apples, and the objectives of this thesis were to optimise conditions during irradiation for apples and to evaluate the effects of irradiation on pears. 'Cripp's Pink' apples responded to postharvest irradiation with high-pressure sodium (HPS) lights by developing a red blush, whereas the response to irradiation with UV 8 plus incandescent lights was less effective. '8raeburn' apples held at -0.5°C for 4 or 8 weeks prior to irradiation showed a decrease in hue angle and an increase in anthocyanin concentration after 72 hours of irradiation with HPS lamps. In 'Forelle' pears treated in the same way, neither colour development nor anthocyanin synthesis was affected by irradiation. '8raeburn' and 'Cripp's Pink' apples picked weekly for 5 weeks until the optimum harvest date were irradiated with HPS lights. A significant increase in fruit colour was only measured in mature fruit of both cultivars. 'Cripp's Pink' apples were harvested from two production areas with different microclimates, namely, Ceres and Grabouw, and stored for 0, 2 or 5 days at -0.5 °C before irradiation for 120 hours at either 6°C or 20°C. Fruit from Ceres that were irradiated immediately after harvest developed better colour at 6 °C than at 20°C. The differences between fruit irradiated at the two temperatures were no longer significant after 5 days of cold storage prior to irradiation. Fruit from Grabouw consistently developed better colour when irradiated at 6°C than at 20°C. Colour development slightly after 5 days of cold storage prior to irradiation. In another experiment, fruit from both areas were stored at -0.5°C for 20 days before irradiation at either 6°C or 6/20°C. The fluctuating temperature regime resulted in decreases in hue angle of 70° and 65° for the fruit from Grabouw and Ceres, respectively. The decreases were smaller (±200) when fruit were irradiated at 6°C. The hue angle value of well-coloured 'Cripp's Pink' apples held at 3rC under HPS lights for 144 hours increased from 29.3° to 48.3°, and anthocyanin concentration decreased from 739.9 IJg·g·1to 283.6 IJg·g·1. Control fruit held at the same temperature in the dark did not show any change in hue angle value or anthocyanin concentration. 'Bon Rouge' and 'Red d' Anjou', two full red pear cultivars, irradiated with HPS lights for 72 hours, showed no significant changes in hue angle. 'Forelle' pears, harvested with or without attached leaves, were irradiated with HPS at two temperature regimes, 20°C and 200/6°C. The resulting decreases in hue angle were attributed to yellowing and not red colour formation. In conclusion, the response of apples to postharvest irradiation was affected by maturity and temperature, while pears failed to respond at all. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Rooikleurontwikkeling van twee-kleur appels en pere verseker beter pryse vir die produsente. Na-oesbestraling om kleur te verbeter is al suksesvol uitgevoer op appels, en die doelwit van hierdie tesis was om die kondisies vir appels gedurende bestraling te optimaliseer en om die effek van bestraling op pere te evalueer. 'Cripp's Pink' appels het reageer op na-oesbestraling met hoëdruk-natriumligte (HDN) deur 'n rooi blos te ontwikkel, terwyl die reaksie op bestraling met UV-B plus gloeilamplig minder effektief was. 'Braebum' appels opgeberg by -O.5aC vir 4 of 8 weke voor bestraling het 'n afname in die kleurskakeringswaarde getoon, asook 'n toename in antosianienkonsentrasie na 72 uur se bestraling met HDN ligte. 'Forelle' pere wat dieselfde behandeling ontvang het, het geen kleurontwikkeling en geen antosianienontwikkeling getoon na bestraling nie. 'Braebum' en 'Cripp's Pink' appels wat weekliks geoes is vir 5 weke tot die optimum oesdatum is bestraal met HDN ligte. Slegs die volwasse vrugte van beide kultivars het 'n betekenisvolle toename in kleur getoon. 'Cripp's Pink' appels is geoes in twee produksie areas met verskillende mikroklimate, naamlik Ceres en Grabouw. Vrugte is opgeberg vir 0, 2 of 5 dae by -O.5aC voor bestraling vir 120 uur by of 6aC of 20aC. Vrugte van Ceres wat onmiddellik na oes bestraal is het beter kleur ontwikkel by 6aC as by 20aC. Kleurontwikkeling by vrugte bestraal by 6 of 20aC het nie verskil wanneer vrugte vooraf opgeberg was by -~5ac vir 5 dae nie. Vrugte van Grabouw het konstant beter kleur pntwikkel wanneer bestraling by 6°C eerder as 20°C plaasgevind het. In die volgende eksperiment, was beide die vrugte van Ceres en Grabouw vir 20 dae opgeberg by -o.soC voor bestraling by 6°C of 6°/20°C. Die flukturerende temperatuur regime het afnames van 70° en 65° in kleurskakeringswaarde getoon vir die vrugte van Grabouw en Ceres, respektiewelik. Die afname was kleiner (±200)wanneer vrugte by 6°C bestraal is. 'Cripp's Pink' appels wat goed gekleur was en opgeberg is by 3rC terwyl dit blootgestel is aan HDN ligte vir 144 uur, het 'n toename van 29.30 tot 48.3° getoon vir die kleurskakeringswaarde, en antosianienkonsentrasie het afgeneem van 739 I'g.g-1 tot 283.6 I1g.g-1. Die kontrole vrugte opgeberg by dieselfde temperatuur in die donker het geen verandering in beide die kleurskakeringswaarde of die antosianienkonsentrasie getoon nie. 'Bon Rouge' en 'Red d' Anjou', twee volrooi peerkultivars, is bestraal met HDN ligte vir 72 uur en het geen betekenisvolle verandering in kleur getoon nie. 'Forelle' pere, geoes met of sonder 'n aangehegte stingelsegment, is bestraal met HDN ligte by twee verskillende temperatuur regimes, nl. 20°C of 20/6°C. Die afname in kleurskakeringswaarde is aan vergeling toegeskryf eerder as aan rooikleurontwikkeling. Ter opsomming, die reaksie van appels op na-oes bestraling is beïnvloed deur rypheid en temperatuur, terwyl pere geen reaksie getoon het nie.

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