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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Podpůrné nástroje pro tvorbu a sledování vybraných klíčových ukazatelů výkonnosti / Supporting Tools for Creation and Pursue of Chosen Key Performance Indicators

SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Tereza January 2014 (has links)
In the diploma thesis, Supporting Tools for Creation and Pursue of Chosen Key Performance Indicators, the aim was to find the new KPI which would support purchasing department in selected production company in field of automotive. The main aim of definition of this KPI and mainly its follow-up and development is to support purchasing management for right and appropriate decisions. Within definition of KPI also methodology for follow up had to be defined. Based on existing tools and systems the methodology was created, tested and the best one was implemented. The sustainability was tested together with purchasing management who confirmed decision for successful implementation.

Konkurenční prostředí v oblasti spotřebitelských úvěrů / The Competetive Environment in Sphere of Consumer Lending

Peňáz, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with individual lending in the Czech republic. Main focus is given to the analysis of consumer loans provided by selected banks and non-banking credit institutions operating on the Czech financial market. Based on the results of the analysis the recomendations for potential consumer credit applicants are given.

Rhythmic structure in the music of Jean Guillou: "Agni-Ignis" from Hyperion (1988).

Lee, Ju Yeon 08 1900 (has links)
In 1988, Jean Guillou composed Hyperion on a commission from the French oil company, Société Nationale Elf Aquitaine, to celebrate its discovery of oil. He developed this theme of fire using his imagination, European philosophical concepts, and various myths. As with Messiaen, rhythm becomes a significant element in Guillou's organ music to convey a heightened dramatic story of an exaltation of fire and to represent the fourth movement of "Agni-Ignis." For aspects of rhythmic structure, I developed new methodology to analyze rhythm in six sections of "Agni-Ignis." Guillou uses experimental rhythmic techniques such as rhythmic subdivision, cycling, rhythmic ostinato, durational contrast, and rhythmic crescendo to build the musical structure of the piece. Among them, the primary subdivision of 16th-note groups organizes throughout the piece as a cyclic theme to convey the powerful and vivid mood of fire. This rhythmic group creates many pitch patterns as thematic transformation to provide both rhythmic and harmonic complexities. The two types of rhythmic ostinato, which is variable and invariable type, juxtapose below the manual's skillful rhythm to provide variety and unity. The other notable features of rhythm appear at the border of each section, such as rhythmic crescendo, durational contrast, 32nd-note groupings, rest and fermata to build tension and relaxation. The rhetorical figure of pitch D, which is another "fire theme" in the pitch aspect dominates the core section which has a much slower rhythm with sustained notes. In general, Guillou has been influenced by his predecessors such as his teacher, Messiaen, and Stravinsky. However, he is uniquely suited to explore the limitless possibilities of the organ in a more secular and avant-garde style. The purpose of this study is to give the performer new insight to guide his or her performance.

Validation of Loci Conferring Adult Plant Resistance to Powdery Mildew in Wheat Cultivar Massey and Identification of Diagnostic Molecular Markers

Sikes, Tiffany Rochelle 22 May 2014 (has links)
Powdery mildew, caused by the pathogen Blumeria graminis (DC) Speer (Syn. Erysiphe graminis DC) f. sp. tritici, is a major disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Race-specific resistance is easily identified in the field due to its qualitative phenotype and it is easy to incorporate because it is inherited as a single gene. Unfortunately, this type of resistance is easily overcome by the pathogen. Traits associated with quantitative trait loci (QTL) such as adult-plant resistance (APR), have become popular with plant breeders because of their durability over a wide geographic range and time. Due to the quantitative nature of these genes, they are difficult to study requiring multiple assessments of disease development under natural conditions in more than one location over a period of several weeks. Numerous QTL for APR to powdery mildew have been mapped in independent studies in different wheat backgrounds. The wheat cultivar Massey has been the subject of several studies due to its APR to powdery mildew that has remained effective for several decades. However, it has been difficult to identity simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers that are tightly linked to the QTL for APR in Massey. Such markers give breeders an advantage by allowing them to quickly identify and select for traits that would be difficult to distinguish in the field among breeding progeny from several backgrounds. Therefore, identification of tightly linked markers associated with APR to powdery mildew is necessary so that these traits can be selected for reliably in progeny. / Master of Science

Structure et exercices pédagogico-thérapeutiques des Lettres à Lucilius de Sénèque

Trudel, Vincent 16 January 2024 (has links)
Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 12 janvier 2024) / Les 124 Lettres à Lucilius de Sénèque constituent, selon toute vraisemblance, un exemple de direction philosophique. Sénèque s'y entretient avec son correspondant de sujets divers, le conseille dans ses études et lectures, commente son progrès et lui prescrit différentes pratiques et des exercices spécifiques qui évoluent au gré de l'avancement de Lucilius. Bien que cette œuvre ait été abondamment étudiée, aucune étude d'ensemble sur les exercices n'a été réalisée sur les Lettres à Lucilius à ce jour, et seules des informations parcellaires ont été révélées à propos de leur structure ou de celle de la direction de Sénèque. Si les Lettres sont effectivement le lieu d'une transmission par Sénèque à Lucilius de renseignements sur des pratiques, de prescriptions d'exercices, de consignes d'apprentissage et de conseils thérapeutiques, nous pouvons concevoir que ces éléments suivaient une certaine structure ou méthode conforme aux principes du stoïcisme et adaptée à l'état de Lucilius. Qui plus est, si Sénèque avait véritablement l'intention de transmettre par voie épistolaire à Lucilius des consignes et prescriptions réelles au sujet de pratiques concrètes, il a nécessairement dû fournir à Lucilius, dans ses missives, des informations suffisamment détaillées à leur sujet pour que son correspondant puisse les appliquer correctement, c'est-à-dire conformément aux indications de Sénèque, à son mode de vie. À partir de critères de définition précis, élaborés en analysant d'autres textes stoïciens anciens traitant de l'ἄσκησις philosophique, nous avons donc analysé les Lettres à Lucilius dans le but d'y identifier des exercices. Le thème de ces exercices en conjonction avec les éléments textuels exposés par Sénèque à travers son propos et les doctrines du stoïcisme ancien permettent de discerner une structure pédagogico-thérapeutique dans la direction de Sénèque et dans ses prescriptions d'exercices qui évoluent de manière cohérente avec le progrès de Lucilius. / Seneca's 124 Moral Letters to Lucilius form, in all likelihood, an example of philosophical direction. Seneca corresponds with his addressee on various subjects, advises him regarding his studies and readings, comments on his progress and prescribes various practices and specific exercises which evolve according to his progress. Although this work has been extensively studied, no global study has been made to date about the exercises in the Moral Letters to Lucilius and only fragmentary information has been revealed about their structure or that of Seneca's mentoring to Lucilius. If the Letters are indeed the place of a transmission by Seneca to Lucilius of information on practices, prescriptions on exercises, learning instructions and therapeutic advices, we can conceive that they followed a certain structure or method in conformity with the principles of Stoicism and adapted to Lucilius' level. Moreover, if Seneca really intended to transmit real instructions and prescriptions about concrete practices to Lucilius by epistolary means, he must necessarily have provided Lucilius, in his letters, with sufficiently detailed information about those exercises so that his correspondent can apply them correctly, that is to say, to his way of life in accordance with Seneca's indications. Based on precise definition criteria, developed by analyzing other ancient Stoic texts dealing with the philosophical ἄσκησις, we have therefore analyzed the Moral Letters to Lucilius with the goal of identifying exercises in them. The theme of these exercises in conjunction with the textual elements exposed by Seneca through his words and the doctrines of ancient Stoicism allow us to identify a pedagogical-therapeutic structure in the direction of Seneca and in his prescriptions of exercises as they follow Lucilius' evolution.

Filtration des nanoparticules : application aux appareils de protection respiratoire / Filtration of nanoparticles : Application to Respiratory Protecting Devices

Brochot, Clothilde 11 May 2012 (has links)
Cette étude a pour objectif de déterminer dans quelle mesure les APR, dont les performances sont qualifiées pour des particules supérieures à 100 nm, sont efficaces pour des nanoparticules. En effet, dans le cas où l'utilisation d'une filtration collective est insuffisante, le port d'un Appareil de Protection Respiratoire (APR) est le dernier rempart préconisé. Une synthèse bibliographique a montré qu'aucune recherche n'a porté sur l'efficacité de demi-masques avec filtres pour des nanoparticules. Le banc d'ETude des NAnoparticules a été dimensionné et réalisé afin de pallier ces manques. Deux demi-masques ont été testés selon différentes configurations d'essais : débit constant et débit cyclique (débit moyen de 84 L/min) ; taille des particules (de 5 à 100 nm) ; pose du masque (scellée, libre, ou avec des fuites calibrées). Les résultats montrent que, dès lors que les APR utilisés contiennent des media (non électrets) efficaces pour des particules de la zone MPPS (100 nm - 300 nm), les APR sont plus efficaces pour les particules nanométriques. De plus, les résultats obtenus, en présence de fuites réelles et calibrées, ont mis en évidence l'importance des fuites au visage dans la détermination des performances des APR. Un modèle de calcul du facteur de protection a été établi, basé sur la différenciation des débits d'air traversant la fuite et le filtre. Cette modélisation a été validée à l'aide des mesures obtenues en présence des fuites calibrées, et appliquée pour l'analyse de nos résultats en pose libre / This study aims to determine how the respiratory protective devices (RPD), whose performances are qualified for particles above 100 nm, are effective for nanoparticles. Indeed, if the use of a collective filtration is inadequate, wearing a RPD is the last protection recommended. A literature review showed that no research concerned the effectiveness of half-masks for nanoparticles. The test bench ETNA has been sized and built to overcome these lacks. Two half masks were tested according to different configurations: constant flow rate and cyclic flow rate (average flow of 84 L /min) ; particle size (from 5 to 100 nm) ; positions of the mask (sealed, usual, or with calibrated leaks). The results show that, since the RPD contain high efficiency filter media (without charged fibers) for the most penetrating particle size (100 nm - 300 nm), the RPD is more efficient for nanoparticles. Furthermore, the results obtained in the presence of actual and calibrated leaks, highlighted the importance of faceseal leakages in determining the performance of RPD. A model for calculating the protection factor was established based on the balance between the airflow through the filter and the leak. This model was validated using measurements obtained in the presence of calibrated leaks, and applied for the analysis of our results in usual position

German-Soviet military relations in the era of Rapallo

Hale, Carol Anne January 1989 (has links)
This study examines German-Soviet military relations between 1917 and 1922 and demonstrates the involvement of the Reichswehr in the Treaty of Rapallo. Since early 1919, the Reichswehr cultivated entente with the Soviet Union in opposition to the German government and in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, both to regain its military preeminence and to recapture Germany's power-political position in Europe. The Reichswehr attempted to draw German industry into relations with the Soviet state in order to secure the manufacture of military machinery and support troop training. By 1922, the foundation for collaboration between German industry, the Reichswehr and the Soviet Union/Red Army had been laid. The Treaty of Rapallo, concluded by government officials that were privy to the activities of the Reichswehr, removed the threat of a western consortium against the Soviet Union, and ensured the growth of the Reichswehr's alliance with the Soviet state.

Selling the Good Friday Agreement : developments in party political public relations and the media in Northern Ireland

Kirby, Shane Christian January 2005 (has links)
This study documents the rise of party political public relations in Northern Ireland and explores its impact on the media and the peace/political process more generally. While this research primarily charts and describes the chronological development of public relations pertaining to Northern Ireland's four main political parties (the SDLP, Sinn Fein, the DUP and the UUP), it also explores the media-source relations or interactions between journalists and public relations personnel. Significantly, political public relations has expanded considerably in Northern Ireland since the mid-90s, and political parties are increasingly utilising PR to enhance their media relations capabilities and improve their image (or `brand') with the public. What was once mainly the remit of the British government and its agencies in Northern Ireland (that is, political public relations) has now become an area in which the four main political parties (to varying degrees of success) have become increasingly more professional and well-resourced. The result of this expansion of party political public relations has seen the regional media in Northern Ireland become increasingly more vulnerable to the promotional efforts of `spin doctors' or media relations personnel from all four parties. This research, while acknowledging that there are undoubtedly multiple factors involved in how people decide to vote, argues that the 71.12% Yes vote in favour of the Good Friday Agreement can be partly explained by the significant impact of public relations strategies and techniques employed by a number of key behind-the-scenes players and conducted publicly by influential, high-profile figures. Essentially, it challenges the argument prevalent in the vast majority of literature on elections that public relations campaigns have very little `effect' on voting behaviour or that those changes of voting behaviour are due either to other factors or to long-term media campaigns and influences. This research also argues, on the one hand, that the electoral success of both Sinn Fein and the DUP in recent years (the two parties `hungry' for political power, who became the leading political parties in nationalism and unionism respectively) can be partly explained by their `courting' of the media and their development of strong and efficient communications structures. On the other hand, the recent electoral failure of both the SDLP and the UUP can be partly explained by their laissez-faire or complacent approach to both public relations and the media, and their weak and inefficient communications structures in comparison to both Sinn Fein and the DUP.

Analýza spotřebitelských úvěrů / The analysis of consumer loans

Šubová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The master´s thesis analyses consumer loans provided by selected bank and non-bank entities within the Czech financial market. The main objective of the thesis, as well as the subject matter of its practical part, is to analyse the offers of particular bank and non-bank consumer loan providers and compare their financial advantages on sample examples of selected consumer loans. Partial goals of theoretical part of the thesis include closer presentation of the subject-matter of consumer loans, definition of the basic concepts and brief explanation of relevant law. The thesis also incorporates the evaluation of indebtedness development of Czech households.

German-Soviet military relations in the era of Rapallo

Hale, Carol Anne January 1989 (has links)
No description available.

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