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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tsenguluso ya maipfi ane a khou ngalangala kha Tsivenda

Mudau, Mmbulaheni Lawrence January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (African Languages)) -- University of Limpopo, 2012 / The title of the research topic is Tsenguluso ya maipfi ane a khou ngalangala kha Tshivenḓa. A multilingual society as South Africa compels a variety of communities to interact with one another. This impacts on languages as well. Tshivenḓa has not escaped this phenomenon as it constantly adopts many words from its sister languages and English in order to cope with the demands of modernity. The study would like to examine this phenomenon as a way of trying to establish the advantages and disadvantages of phasing out what might be termed archaic words and adopting new terms

Archaizmy w przysłowiach polskich (na wybranych przykładach) / Archaizmai lenkų kalbos patarlėse / Archaisms in Polish proverbs

Lenkevič, Justina 29 June 2009 (has links)
Przysłowia podobnie jak i frazeologizmy, są skarbnicą mądrości ludowej. Stanowią one obiekt badań zarówno literaturoznawców, jak i językoznawców, można je badać uwzględniając różne aspekty. Należy zaznaczyć, że archaizmy we współczesnejpolszczyźnie występują na wszystkich płaszczyznach. Zetknięcie się z tak zdumiewająco ciekawym, nasyconym artystycznością i zarazem potocznością, tworem językowo-literackim, jakim jest przysłowie, zachęca do głębszego zainteresowania się tego typu konstrukcjami nie tylko z punktu widzenia językowego, literackiego, ale również historycznego. Celem niniejszej pracy jest próba zanalizowania archaizmów, które zachowały się w przysłowiach polskich do dziś. Materiał badawczy stanowi ponad dwieście przysłów polskich, jednakże nie wszystkie zostały wykorzystane w niniejszej pracy. Słownik frazeologiczny języka polskiego pod redakcją St. Skorupki jest podstawowym źródłem materiałowym. Praca magisterska składa się z 3 rozdziałów. Rozdział I przybliża pojęcie gatunku literacko-językowego, jakim jest przysłowie, a także zawiera krótki zarys poświęcony dziejom przysłów polskich. Rozdział II składa się z sześciu podrozdziałów. Zostaną tu omówione takie pojęcia, jak archaizm, archaizacja oraz opisane następujące grupy archaizmów: archaizmy rzeczowe i leksykalne, archaizmy fleksyjne, słowotwórcze, semantyczne, fonetyczne, frazeologiczne i składniowe. W Rozdziale III na podstawie zebranego materiału badawczego zostaną poddane analizie różne typy archaizmów... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Justina Lenkevič. Archaizmai lenkų kalbos patarlėse: lenkų filologijos magistro studijų baigiamasis darbas / mokslinis vadovas doc. dr. B. Dvilevič, Vilniaus Pedagoginis Universitetas, Filologijos fakultetas, Lenkų filologijos ir didaktikos katedra. – Vilnius, 2009 – p. 54. Patarlėse atsispindi visos tautos praeitis, glūdi visos tautos išmintis, kuri per amžių amžius buvo perteikiama iš lūpų į lūpas. Šio darbo tikslas, tai bandymas išanalizuoti archaizmus, kurie išliko lenkiškuose patarlėse iki šių dienų. Darbe neanalizuojama visų patarlių, kuriuose išliko archaizmai. Tai yra atranka, kuri turėjo parodyti archaizmų funkcionavimą ir išlikimą patarlėse. Pagrindinis šaltinis iš kurio buvo atrinkta medžiaga tyrimo, tai Lenkų kalbos frazeologinis žodynas (Słownik frazeologiczny języka polskiego, pod red. S. Skorupki). Prie to prisidėjo taip pat ir kiti šaltiniai. Magistro darbas susideda iš trijų dalių. Pirmoje dalyje pateikiama trumpa patarlių istorijos apžvalga. Antroje dalyje pateikiama archaizmų tipų klasifikacija. Lenkų kalbos tyrinėtojai išskiria leksinius archaizmus, istorizmus, fleksinius archaizmus, žodžių darybos archaizmus, semantinius archaizmus, frazeologinius bei sintaksės archaizmus. Trečioje, dalyje pateikiama išrinktų archaizmų analizė, kurie išliko lenkų kalbos patarlėse iki mūsų dienų. Tyrimai parodė, kad iš atrinktos medžiagos daugiau išliko istorinių, leksinių, fleksinių bei semantinių archaizmų. Mažai atrinkta žodžių darybos. Atrinktuose patarlėse nerasta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Justina Lenkevich. Archaisms in Polish proverbs: Master Research project of Polish philology – supervisor docent doctor B. Dvilevich, Vilnius Pedagogical University. Polish Philology Faculty, Department of Polish Philology and Didactics, Vilnius, 2009. p. 54. The past of all nation reflects in proverbs. Wisdom of all nation, which was spread from one to another for centuries lies in proverbs. The goal of this research project is a try to analyse archaisms, which persisted in Polish proverbs till nowadays. All the proverbs with archaisms are not analysed in this research project. There is a selection, which had to show archaisms’ functions and survival in proverbs. The main sourse of research material is Polish Dictionary of Idioms. The other sourses were also used. Master research project consists of three parts. A short historical review of proverbs is given in the first part. The researchers of Polish language distinguish lexical, historical, inflectional, semantic, syntactic, phraseological and word-formational archaisms. The analysis of the chosen archaisms, which persisted in Polish proverbs till nowadays are given in the third part. Historical, lexical, inflectional and semantic archaisms were endured from the selected material. It was shown by the explorations. A few word-formational archaisms were found. Phonetic, phraseological and syntactic archaisms were not found in chosen proverbs.

A conservação de marcas gramaticais arcaicas em manuscritos e impressos do português do século XVII: ortografia e nexos de coordenação nos textos seicentistas brasileiros / Conservation of arcaic gramatical marks in XVIIth century in Portuguese manuscripts and printed versions: orthography and coordination nexus in Brasilian seiscentits texts.

Assalim, Clarice 09 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivos apresentar a edição criteriosa de manuscritos brasileiros seiscentistas; mostrar tendências gramaticais do português do século XVII, com base nesses manuscritos e em impressos coetâneos; analisar a retenção gráfica desses textos, muito mais próxima da escrita fonética do que da etimológica e, ainda, analisar o uso freqüente das conjunções coordenativas. A preocupação com o estado da língua portuguesa no século XVII justifica-se pela pouca quantidade de estudos voltados especificamente a esse período, através de fontes primárias, e por ser este um período em que a escrita, baseada de modo geral nos textos literários, é considerada pelos lingüistas de modo geral como pseudo-etimológica, contrariando fatos apresentados nas cartas e textos notariais seiscentistas. Os passos seguidos para a análise partiram da edição criteriosa de manuscritos seiscentistas brasileiros, da comparação com impressos e com gramáticas e tratados de ortografia de mesma época e do confronto com o que dizem os atuais especialistas em lingüística diacrônica. Os resultados obtidos permitemnos afirmar que a ortografia portuguesa do século XVII e o uso dos nexos de coordenação apresentam fortes características do português medieval, contrariando o que se pregava na época, em função da revolução filosófica desencadeada pelo Renascimento. Tal conclusão, a nosso ver, deve-se, especialmente, ao fato de a educação em Portugal, e conseqüentemente no Brasil, estar nas mãos da Companhia de Jesus, defensora da filosofia escolástica e opositora, portanto, ao pensamento racional e cartesiano dos países reformados, o que manteve Portugal afastado das grandes correntes filosóficas do século em questão. / The purpose of this thesis is to present a discerning edition of seventeenth Brazilian manuscripts; to demonstrate grammatical trends of Portuguese from the Seventeenth Century, based on these manuscripts and on coetaneous printed versions; to analyze the graphical retention of these texts, much more near to the phonetic writing than to the etymological one, and, also, to analyze the frequent use of the coordinative conjunctions in those texts. The concern with the Portuguese language condition in the Seventeenth Century is justified by the little quantity of studies specifically focused on that period, through primary sources, and because that is a period in which the writing, usually based upon literary texts, is considered by almost all linguists as pseudo-etymological, contesting facts presented in letters and in seventeenth century notarial texts.The steps followed for the analysis arose from the discerning edition of seventeenth Brazilian manuscripts, the comparison with printed versions and with grammar books and treaties on orthography from the same period and from the parallel with what the specialists on diachronic linguistic say. The obtained results allow us to affirm that the Portuguese orthography from the Seventeenth Century and the use of the coordination nexus present strong characteristics of medieval Portuguese, opposing to what was preached in that period, on account of the philosophical revolution broken out by the Renascence. Such conclusion, in our point of view, is specially due to the fact that the Education in Portugal, and consequently in Brazil, in the hands of \"Companhia de Jesus\", defensor of the scholastic philosophy and, therefore, opponent of the Rational and Cartesian thought of the reformed countries, what kept Portugal away from the great philosophical chains of the century under discussion.

A conservação de marcas gramaticais arcaicas em manuscritos e impressos do português do século XVII: ortografia e nexos de coordenação nos textos seicentistas brasileiros / Conservation of arcaic gramatical marks in XVIIth century in Portuguese manuscripts and printed versions: orthography and coordination nexus in Brasilian seiscentits texts.

Clarice Assalim 09 May 2007 (has links)
Esta tese tem por objetivos apresentar a edição criteriosa de manuscritos brasileiros seiscentistas; mostrar tendências gramaticais do português do século XVII, com base nesses manuscritos e em impressos coetâneos; analisar a retenção gráfica desses textos, muito mais próxima da escrita fonética do que da etimológica e, ainda, analisar o uso freqüente das conjunções coordenativas. A preocupação com o estado da língua portuguesa no século XVII justifica-se pela pouca quantidade de estudos voltados especificamente a esse período, através de fontes primárias, e por ser este um período em que a escrita, baseada de modo geral nos textos literários, é considerada pelos lingüistas de modo geral como pseudo-etimológica, contrariando fatos apresentados nas cartas e textos notariais seiscentistas. Os passos seguidos para a análise partiram da edição criteriosa de manuscritos seiscentistas brasileiros, da comparação com impressos e com gramáticas e tratados de ortografia de mesma época e do confronto com o que dizem os atuais especialistas em lingüística diacrônica. Os resultados obtidos permitemnos afirmar que a ortografia portuguesa do século XVII e o uso dos nexos de coordenação apresentam fortes características do português medieval, contrariando o que se pregava na época, em função da revolução filosófica desencadeada pelo Renascimento. Tal conclusão, a nosso ver, deve-se, especialmente, ao fato de a educação em Portugal, e conseqüentemente no Brasil, estar nas mãos da Companhia de Jesus, defensora da filosofia escolástica e opositora, portanto, ao pensamento racional e cartesiano dos países reformados, o que manteve Portugal afastado das grandes correntes filosóficas do século em questão. / The purpose of this thesis is to present a discerning edition of seventeenth Brazilian manuscripts; to demonstrate grammatical trends of Portuguese from the Seventeenth Century, based on these manuscripts and on coetaneous printed versions; to analyze the graphical retention of these texts, much more near to the phonetic writing than to the etymological one, and, also, to analyze the frequent use of the coordinative conjunctions in those texts. The concern with the Portuguese language condition in the Seventeenth Century is justified by the little quantity of studies specifically focused on that period, through primary sources, and because that is a period in which the writing, usually based upon literary texts, is considered by almost all linguists as pseudo-etymological, contesting facts presented in letters and in seventeenth century notarial texts.The steps followed for the analysis arose from the discerning edition of seventeenth Brazilian manuscripts, the comparison with printed versions and with grammar books and treaties on orthography from the same period and from the parallel with what the specialists on diachronic linguistic say. The obtained results allow us to affirm that the Portuguese orthography from the Seventeenth Century and the use of the coordination nexus present strong characteristics of medieval Portuguese, opposing to what was preached in that period, on account of the philosophical revolution broken out by the Renascence. Such conclusion, in our point of view, is specially due to the fact that the Education in Portugal, and consequently in Brazil, in the hands of \"Companhia de Jesus\", defensor of the scholastic philosophy and, therefore, opponent of the Rational and Cartesian thought of the reformed countries, what kept Portugal away from the great philosophical chains of the century under discussion.

1880-1935 : des communautés rurales meusiennes de la veille de la grande guerre à la fin de la reconstruction : entre permanences, archaïsmes et modernités / 1880-1935 : meusian rural communities from the eve of the great war to the end of the reconstruction : between permanences, archaisms and modernities

Streiff, Karine 09 December 2016 (has links)
Le département de la Meuse est essentiellement rural et agricole. Les communautés rurales de 1880 à 1914 ne sont pas figées. Elles se transforment par la synthèse d'éléments issus de la tradition et de facteurs liés au contexte général. Elles ne sont ni réfractaires au progrès ni passéistes. Le département devient une terre de guerre. Les paysages et les patrimoines sont bouleversés et métamorphosés. Les rapports sociaux sont modifiés. À l'armistice, la situation rend le système d'avant-guerre obsolète. La loi de réparation des dommages de guerre offre un espoir de relèvement. Les bilans des destructions sont conséquents. La reconstruction est une période charnière. L'argent apparaît être le nerf de la reconstruction. Elle devient un moyen de moderniser et de rationaliser les communes rurales. Le territoire se mémorialise et de nouveaux éléments d'identification et de reconnaissance modifient la tradition / The department of the Meuse is mainly rural and agricultural. The rural communities from 1880 to 1914 are not fixed. They are transformed by the synthesis of elements from tradition and factors related to the general context. They are neither refractory to progress nor past. The department became a land of war. Landscapes and heritages are overturned and transformed. Social relations are modified. At the armistice, the situation made the pre-war system obsolete. The war damage compensation law offers hope of recovery. The results of the destruction are substantial. Reconstruction is a pivotal period. Money appears to be the nerve of reconstruction. It becomes a means of modernizing and rationalizing rural communes. The territory is memorized and new elements of identification and recognition change the tradition

From Aratus to the Aratus Latinus: A Comparative Study of Latin Translation

Lewis, Anne-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
<p>The Phaenomena, written by Aratus of Soli in 276-274 B.C., enjoyed immense popularity in antiquity and was translated into Latin verse by Marcus Tullius Cicero, Germanicus Caesar and Rufius Festus Avienus, and into Latin prose by an anonymous author writing in the seventh century A.D. Previous studies of these works have provided important observations about individual aspects of the Latin poems and this thesis seeks to add to the understanding and appreciation of the works by comparing in detail the three verse translations and, where appropriate and possible, the prose Aratus Latinus, with the Greek original and with each other.</p> <p>The first chapter examines the problem of the popularity of the Greek Phaenomena down to the Renaissance and the second chapter investigates the nature of translation as a Roman literary phenomenon. The five chapters which follow include statistical surveys, based on both scansion of the poems and on computer-concordances compiled for the thesis, and stylistic analyses in order to elucidate the degree to which the translations were dependent upon and independent from the Greek model and the similarities and differences amcng the translations them.selves. Chapter III investigates four aspects of metre (metrical patterns, first and fourth foot, elision, and caesurae and diaereses). Chapter rv examines the quantity of sound and, in particular, initial consonantal alliteration. Chapter V contains a discussion of compound adjectives and epithets and Chapter VI, a discussion of special astronomical vocabulary (words of brightness, color terms and four special words: uis, laetus, tristis, crinis). Chapter VII investigates Greek words and Latin archaisms in the Latin translations and establishes evidence for Cicero's creation of a uniquely Latin poem through the use of Latin archaisms. The final chapter discusses further the emergence of a distinctly Roman Phaenomena, for Germanicus in the use of references to aspects of Roman life and for Avienus in the area of borrowings from the previous Latin translations of Aratus' poem. It concludes with a study of the ways in which each of the verse translators alter the emphasis of the original by reshaping its theme, thereby emphasizing the extent to which the translators went beyond their Greek model to create individual and original Latin works.</p> / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Lexikalische Archaismen und ihre Verwendung in Pressetexten des heutigen Deutsch / Lexical archaisms and their use in journalistic texts in today´s German

Jang, Ae-Yoon 08 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

K lexikální úrovni žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Lexical skills of upper primary school pupils

PELIKÁNOVÁ, Petra January 2018 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the state of pupils' vocabulary in the sixths and ninths grades. The thesis focuses on the pupils' understanding of the words which occur at the periphery of the vocabulary, mainly to literary expressions, archaisms, historisms, poetisms. The thesis is divided into two parts. In the first, theoretical, part is given deffiniton off basic terms related to the topic. In the second, practical, part is described whole cours and results of tests, which I gave to the pupils. Based on these test I have answered predefined research questions.

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