Spelling suggestions: "subject:"area."" "subject:"área.""
541 |
Preliminary investigation and exploration in the Rancho El Rodeo area, Sonora, MexicoPotucek, Tony Lee, 1951- January 1978 (has links)
No description available.
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International trade in Asia Pacific: a study of trade liberalization and regionalism : an East Asia prospectiveTong, Chi-hung, Philip., 湯志雄. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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Telecommunications and urban development in the Pacific Rim: a teleport proposal for HongKongHume, Grant D. January 1992 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Urban Design / Master / Master of Urban Design
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Key to success in international telecom market: a regional focus劉先立, Liu, Sien-lap. January 1997 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration
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The Maasai : Changes in Livelihood after Land LossMörner, Sofie January 2006 (has links)
<p>This is a case study about the Maasai and their land rights. The Maasai are semi-nomadic pastoralists, living in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. It is said that they came to this area, now called Maasailand, about 300 years ago. In the beginning, they were independent and free to walk and graze their cattle without limitations and regulations. But when the British and German colonizers of these countries came to Maasailand, they discovered the advantages of its nature and started creating reserves. The Maasai were not strong enough to resist and it resulted in a land loss of two thirds for them. This has forced them to change their livelihood. They have to combine their pastoral lifestyle with other ways to make a living.</p><p>The main purpose with the study is to look at how the land loss has affected the Maasai and their livelihoods. The essay is mainly built on secondary sources, but also on a field work from the Ngorongoro Conservation Area, with qualitative interviews. This is used here, in order to give an example of a conservation area where the Maasai and the wildlife successfully coexist. To be able to understand the changes in Maasai livelihoods, the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach has been adapted. With this approach, a more holistic view of the changes can be made. The land losses have not always brought negative results for the Maasai. They have been able to adapt a multiple livelihood, including pastoralism, agriculture and tourist industry. The Maasai might benefit more by adapting different assets; instead of only rely on one.</p>
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Prediction, management and control of odour from landfill sites.Laister, Guy. January 2002 (has links)
Due to the spread of urbanisation and increased environmental awareness,
odour has become a major problem in communities surrounding landfills. The aim
of this research was to investigate odour emissions from landfills and develop a
management tool that operators could use to assist in minimising the impacts of
odour. The management tool would be in the form of real-time predictions of
odour concentrations in the vicinity of a source. The Bisasar Road landfill in
Springfield, Durban was a case study site for the research.
The methodologies used in this project can be divided into three broad
categories. Firstly, flow visualisation experiments were conducted on the case
study site to investigate the effects of complex terrain and the results compared
to predictions from a dispersion model. Secondly, source characterisation was
done on-site. Sources of odour were identified using a portable odour monitor
(Electronic nose). Sources of odour were then sampled using sorbent tubes and
analysis done using Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. Thirdly,
numerical dispersion modelling was done. Five available dispersion models were
assessed and compared against one another in order to select the most suitable
model for this application. A software management tool or 'Odour Management
System' (OMS), was designed and implemented on a computer at the Bisasar
Road landfill.
Qualitative results of the flow visualisation experiments show that terrain does
have an effect on a dispersing plume path for short-range predictions.
Comparisons between the flow experiments and model predictions are
qualitatively consistent. Quantitative results were not obtained for the emission
flow rate and emission concentration of landfill gas. The chemical composition of
the fresh waste gas was determined. ADMSTM(Advanced Dispersion Modelling
System) was found to be the most suitable dispersion model for this application.
The OMS has been installed on-site to produce odour concentration graphics
every ten minutes. A fence line odour control misting system has been installed
along approximately 600 metres of the landfill border based on work done as part
of this project. Weather conditions and information provided by the OMS, assist in
running the odour control system economically. / Thesis (M.Sc.Eng.)-University of Natal,Durban, 2002.
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Geology and mineralization of the Port Antonio-Berridale area, Portland Parish, JamaicaCleveland, Gaylord, Cleveland, Gaylord January 1979 (has links)
No description available.
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Desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de calibração e testes de medidores de produto Kerma-Área / Development of a calibration methodology and tests of kerma area product metersCosta, Nathalia Almeida 20 June 2013 (has links)
A grandeza produto kerma-área (PKA) é importante para estabelecer níveis de referência em exames de radiologia diagnóstica. Essa grandeza pode ser obtida por meio de medidores do PKA. O uso desses medidores é fundamental para avaliar a dose de radiação em procedimentos radiológicos, além de ser um bom indicador para que os limites de dose na pele do paciente não sejam excedidos. Algumas vezes, esses medidores vêm acoplados a equipamentos de radiação X, o que dificulta sua calibração. Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma metodologia de calibração de medidores do PKA. O instrumento utilizado para este fim foi o Patient Dose Calibrator (PDC). Ele foi desenvolvido para ser utilizado como referência na verificação da calibração de medidores do PKA e kerma no ar usados na dosimetria de pacientes e para verificação da consistência e do comportamento de sistemas de controle de exposição automáticos. Por se tratar de um equipamento novo, que, no Brasil, ainda não é utilizado como equipamento de referência para calibração, foi realizado, também o controle de qualidade deste equipamento, com testes de caracterização, a calibração e a avaliação da dependência energética. Após os testes, ficou provado que o PDC pode ser utilizado como instrumento de referência para a calibração a ser realizada in situ, de forma que as características de cada equipamento de radiação X onde os medidores do PKA são utilizados sejam consideradas. A calibração foi, então, realizada com medidores do PKA portáteis e em um equipamento de radiologia intervencionista que possui um medidor do PKA acoplado. Os resultados foram bons e ficou provada a necessidade de calibração desses medidores e a importância da calibração in situ com um medidor de referência. / The quantity kerma area product (PKA) is important to establish reference levels in diagnostic radiology exams. This quantity can be obtained using a PKA meter. The use of such meters is essential to evaluate the radiation dose in radiological procedures and is a good indicator to make sure that the dose limit to the patient\'s skin doesnt exceed. Sometimes, these meters come fixed to X radiation equipment, which makes its calibration difficult. In this work, it was developed a methodology for calibration of PKA meters. The instrument used for this purpose was the Patient Dose Calibrator (PDC). It was developed to be used as a reference to check the calibration of PKA and air kerma meters that are used for dosimetry in patients and to verify the consistency and behavior of systems of automatic exposure control. Because it is a new equipment, which, in Brazil, is not yet used as reference equipment for calibration, it was also performed the quality control of this equipment with characterization tests, the calibration and an evaluation of the energy dependence. After the tests, it was proved that the PDC can be used as a reference instrument and that the calibration must be performed in situ, so that the characteristics of each X-ray equipment, where the PKA meters are used, are considered. The calibration was then performed with portable PKA meters and in an interventional radiology equipment that has a PKA meter fixed. The results were good and it was proved the need for calibration of these meters and the importance of in situ calibration with a reference meter.
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Contaminação e áreas de restrição de uso de água subterrânea no entorno do Canal Jurubatuba em São Paulo - SP / Restriction areas to the use of groundwater around Jurubatuba Chanel, São Paulo (SP, Brazil)Lapiccirella, Emanuel Scarpellini Priolli 23 September 2009 (has links)
A região do canal Jurubatuba apresenta uma contaminação de água subterrânea por solventes organoclorados alifáticos, nas zonas mais industrializadas, proveniente de várias fontes. As características de mobilidade, solubilidade e persistência destes organoclorados, em relação aos aqüíferos locais, propiciaram-lhes alcançar a rede de poços de produção, expondo a população a riscos. Esta situação levou a CETESB, órgão estadual de controle de poluição ambiental, e a COVISA, órgão municipal de proteção à saúde, a atuarem conjuntamente, intensificando investigações ambientais e lacrando poços. Em seguida, o DAEE, órgão estadual gestor dos recursos hídricos, determinou uma Área de Restrição e Controle Temporário de uso da água. O objetivo deste trabalho é reconhecer o cenário de contaminação e apresentar uma metodologia para a delimitação de áreas de restrição e controle de uso da água subterrânea. O cenário hidrogeológico e ambiental foi caracterizado utilizando-se de cadastro de poços, bases cartográficas, ensaios hidrodinâmicos e análises químicas, e os dados, tratados em tabelas e gráficos, foram trabalhados em SIG. A área estudada tem 120km2 e uma população aproximada de 2 milhões de habitantes. Um levantamento de atividades no Sistema de Fontes de Poluição (SIPOL), da CETESB, seguido da aplicação do método Pollutant Origin Surcharge Hydraulically (POSH), permitiu identificar 2.490 Áreas com Elevado Potencial de Contaminação. Verificou-se ainda, a ocorrência de 87 Áreas Contaminadas Declaradas (ACD), sendo 17 delas por estes organoclorados. Foram identificados 513 poços de produção outorgados e, estimado que haja centenas de poços clandestinos. Análises químicas destes organoclorados em 86 poços de produção resultaram em 46 poços com organoclorados, sendo que em 28 destes poços as concentrações estavam acima dos Valores Orientadores de Intervenção. Verificou-se indicações de fontes ativas de contaminação, tais como, poços de monitoramento com concentrações indicativas da presença de organoclorados em fase livre no aqüífero e o modelo de descarte de efluentes, em zona desprovida de coleta de esgoto, que sugere a presença destes organoclorados em galerias ambientalmente irregulares, distribuídas pela área. Com base nos resultados, propôs-se que a Área de Restrição e Controle seja definida considerando a densidade de atividades potenciais de contaminação, as áreas declaradas contaminadas por organoclorados e os poços de produção com ocorrência de organoclorados. Foram observados, ainda, os instrumentos legais aplicáveis para apontar medidas de restrição. A metodologia caracteriza pequenas áreas, similares em seus níveis de contaminação potenciais e reais, distinguindo-as em três conjuntos, a partir dos quais são traçadas áreas de Alta, Média e Baixa restrição. O método permite definir medidas de controle para cada nível de restrição e possibilita readequar os limites das áreas se houver variações das características dessas áreas. A Área de Alta Restrição tem 10,75 km², sendo significativamente menor do que a área de restrição temporária delimitada inicialmente (com 32 km2). O resultado foi diminuir as zonas com proibição de uso de água e, simultaneamente, ampliar o tamanho de áreas de menor nível de restrição (totalizando 59,75 km² de áreas restringidas), implantando controles de regularização de poços e monitoramentos de qualidade da água melhor direcionados, propiciando, portanto, uma utilização segura do aqüífero. / The groundwater in the region of the Jurubatuba channel is contaminated by aliphatic chlorinated solvents from various sources especially where the density of industrial activity is high. The contaminants detected are relatively persistent, soluble and mobile and many of them reach the deep supply well system exposing consumers of groundwater to risks. This fact led to CETESB the environmental agency of State of São Paulo and COVISA the municipal health agency to work together intensifying environmental investigations and sealed supply wells. After this, DAEE the water resources management agency of State of São Paulo create a \"Temporary Area of Restriction and Control\" to regulate the use of groundwater. The goal is to recognize the contamination scene and provide a methodology for the delimitation of Areas of Restriction and Control to the Use of Groundwater in the area of study. The hydrogeological and environmental scene was characterized by using the cadastre of wells, cartographic databases, hydrodynamic tests and chemical analysis and data were processed in tables and graphs and worked throw GIS. The area is 120km2 and has a population of approximately 2 million inhabitants. A survey of activities based in the System of Pollution Sources (SIPOL) followed by the application of the Pollutant Origin Hydraulically Surcharge (POSH) method has identified 2,490 Areas with High Potential for Contamination. There was also the occurrence of 17 Areas Designated as Contaminated by these organochlorines. There are 513 regulated supply wells and hundreds of illegal supply wells are estimated to exists. The chemical analysis of organochlorines from 86 supply wells detected concentrations in 46 wells and the concentrations were above the Guidelines Intervention Values in 28 wells. There are evidences of occurrence of active contamination sources such as great organochlorine concentrations founded in monitoring wells which are indicative of organochlorine free phase in the aquifer and also such the type of effluents discharge. Based on the results obtained it was proposed that the area of restriction and control to the use of groundwater would be defined considering the density of activities with potential contamination Areas Designated as Contaminated by organochlorine and areas with occurrence of supply contaminated by organochlorines. The applicable legal instruments to appoint measures of restriction also were observed. The methodology characterizes small areas similar in their levels of actual and potential contamination distinguishing into three sets from which areas of high, medium and low restriction are drawn. The method allows appoint control measures for each level of restriction and allows for readjustment the area boundaries if variations occur in the characteristics of these areas. The Area of High Restriction is 10.75 km² being significantly smaller than the temporary restriction area initially defined at 32 km2. The result was to reduce the areas with prohibition of groundwater use and also enlarge the size of lower levels restriction areas (totaling 59.75 km2 of restricted areas) implementing controls to regulate the use of supply wells and providing a better model to monitoring the water quality and therefore a safe use of the aquifer.
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Análise de desempenho do protocolo CAN para aplicação na área agrícola utilizando redes de Petri coloridas / Analysis of performance of protocol CAN for agricultural field application using coloured Petri netLopes, Wellington Carlos 19 June 2007 (has links)
Empresas e instituições de pesquisa nacionais e internacionais tem concentrado esforços no sentido de desenvolver e promover a implementação do padrão internacional ISO 11783, baseado no protocolo de comunicação digital CAN (Contoller Network Area), para integração de dispositivos em máquinas e implementos agrícolas. Nesse contexto, é apresentado o desenvolvimento e a aplicação de um modelo baseado no formalismo das redes de Petri como uma ferramenta de suporte para a análise e implantação de uma rede CAN em aplicações com tempos-críticos. O modelo foi elaborado no ambiente para edição e simulação DesignCPN, sendo que a simulação é utilizada para a análise do desempenho e do comportamento de uma rede CAN com diferentes configurações que será embarcada em um veículo autônomo agrícola (VAA). / Intemational and national research institutions and companies have focused efforts to develop and promote the implementation of the international standard ISO 11783, based upon the digital communication protocol CAN (Controller Area Network), in order to integrate devices in machines and agricultural implements. Therefore, it is presented the development and the application of a model based on Petri nets\' formalism as a tool for the support, analysis and accomplishment of a CAN bus in time-critical applications. The model was constructed in an environrnent for edition and sirnulation of colored Petri nets, the software DesignCPN. The sirnulation was used for the analysis of the behavior and the performance the CAN bus for several configurations, which will be embedded in an Autonomous Agricultural Vehicle (VAA).
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