Spelling suggestions: "subject:"artificial recharge"" "subject:"artificial decharge""
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Řízená umělá infiltrace jako nástroj pro eliminaci negativních dopadů klimatické změny. / Managed artificial recharge as a tool to eliminate negative impacts of climate change.Kvašňovský, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
: The topic of artificial recharge technology for water supply into the underground, its direct use and application in the field is becoming a more frequent foreign question, but also in the Czech Republic. This is due to the negative trend in groundwater levels over the past 10 years, caused by drought and temperature regression trends. The theoretical part of this thesis presents the knowledge of the use of artificial groundwater recharge, even with specific cases in the world or in the Czech Republic. This work is especially focused on a very specific case of the construction that represent underground dam in the village of Meziboří in the environment of the Czech massif "hard rocks". Specifically, its efficiency and impact on natural groundwater runoff. For this purpose, a numerical model was developed in the program Groundwater Vistas (extension for MODFLOW). From the results we can observe the influence of natural groundwater regime in both static and dynamic model. After simulating the dam in a steady- state regime of unaffected conditions, the groundwater level in the model before the dam increased significantly above ground level. The possible pumping without drying the collector then represents values 5,4 - 5,8 m3 /day (0,063 - 0,067 l/s) from the well just before the dam. The drain...
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Modelling Of Single And Multiple Recharge Wells In Layered AquifersMajumdar, Pradeep Kumar 08 1900 (has links)
Artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting methods are being applied for mitigating effects of groundwater depletions in severe over-drafting urban and rural situations. When the aquifer to be recharged is situated at some depth below the ground surface and topped by a semi-previous layer with a large resistance against vertical water movement, recharge wells are the most appropriate solution. Water is injected by free or forced recharge technique by maintaining constant or variable head or rate of injection in the recharge well.
A review of literature, carried out in two parts, looks into the aspects and performance of the practical field applications of recharge wells all over the world in Chapter II, whereas available theoretical solutions are reviewed in chapter III. The review indicates that free recharge conditions are analysed using slug theories and mirror image type curve analysis is helpful in dealing with forced recharge cases. Many slug test and pumping test theories developed focus either on simplistic recharge conditions or homogeneous hydro-geological conditions.
Also, separate developments exist in the areas of large diameter well and flow to multi-aquifer system. These developments are mainly concentrated on constant wellhead boundary conditions with no well loss. Many researchers have dealt effect of pumping on base flow numerically, but the study on the impacts of recharge on base flow has not been noticed. One more practical issue, which has not been studied, is the aquifer clogging during well injection, though related background research on filtration phenomena is comparatively well established.
Analytical solution for recharge in a finite aquifer from a large diameter well under variable head is obtained in Chapter IV. Furthermore, issues of analytical solution difficulty, in the available solution with constant head boundary condition are resolved and extended using Discrete Kernel approach to variable heads. Usefulness of choosing the variable head boundary condition lies in the advantage that continuous pouring of water in to the recharge well is not a necessary condition. As well and aquifer clogging is minimum in hard rock terrains, present solution is useful for estimating the pressure heads and recharge rates in the well flooding techniques frequently used in hard rock regions.
For the case of free recharge in confined aquifers, available slug test theories do not consider appropriate well storage and well loss, as these may not be significant in the case of short duration test with instantaneous slug. Also slug theories are not extendable to multi-aquifer wells. Analytical solutions are obtained for free recharge condition for both single and multiple layer aquifers in chapter V, also incorporating well loss, well storage and friction loss. Parametric studies are made to see the effect of hydro-geological parameter namely; transmissivity and storativity, on recharge rates and head buildups. Theis (1935) solution is provided with well storage effects for the entire period of recharge, using Duhamel’s convolution theorem. Comparison with Cooper et al. (1967) shows, that the present solution could be useful for long-term non-instantaneous free recharge data analysis. Relationship between diffusivity and time to decay has been developed, which is useful for aquifer parameter estimation using recharge test data.
Similar improvement is feasible for other existing type curves also including leaky aquifers. Analytical solutions for free recharge with constant well loss, variable well loss and losses due to friction have been developed. Comparison indicates better solution with losses due friction, which is also a more easily measurable physical parameter as compared to other well loss constants. Free recharge solutions provide unique opportunity to estimate the recharge rates in the individual aquifers of single and multi-layered aquifer. Well bore interaction has been accounted through recharge well injecting water to multi-aquifers. Specific analytical solutions are developed for the cases of free recharge in hard rock multi-layered aquifers.
Present state of the art for recharge well considers forced recharge as mirror image of the pumping test solutions, type curves of which are found more difficult to fit in to the recharge test data. Again, deviation in type curve match lies in considering well storage, well clogging and aquifer clogging effects. In chapter VI analytical forced recharge solutions are developed for constant and variable rate of injection. Mirror image Theis (1935) solution is coupled with well storage during the recharge period to improve the existing solution and make it suitable for recharge computation after comparing it with Popodopulos and Cooper (1967) solution. Well bore interaction in case of multi-layered aquifer has been considered. Similar exercises are possible with existing solutions other than Theis (1935) including those for leaky aquifers.
Type curves for recharge for various diffusivity ratios have been developed. Constant and variable well loss is considered for forced recharge in single as well as multi-layered aquifer. Results say that present solutions are more accurate in terms of well storage, which has significant influence on well injection as compared to well pumping. In the case of pumping, well storage effects are dominant in the initial times, where as it effects the entire recharge cycle, also depend upon the aquifer diffusivity and the recharge column dimensions. Significant influence of well loss in case of forced well recharge has been taken care of by considering linear trend of deteriorating well condition between times dependant Walton’s well loss constant.
In Chapter VII, aquifer clogging, changing with time has been analysed using numerical modelling technique and applying the results of the filtration experiments reported in the literature. Inclined initial piezometric water table condition is found effective towards observation well water level and is considered for simulation of the observation well water level of Hansol project. The methodology is transferable for analyzing other injection project also. Base flow on regional scale is affected by the location, rate of injection and number of wells. In the case of Bamnod injection well project, base flow retained in the aquifer, is reducing with the increase in the quantity of injected water. This conclusion may not always be same everywhere, however, this aspect needs to be investigated.
Chapter VIII summaries and highlights the conclusions drawn out of the present research study. It has been summarized that the Chapters IV, V and VI develop analytical solutions for recharge rates under unsteady wellhead condition by coupling existing groundwater flow solution with Duhamel’s convolution theorem. It provides the well storage effects throughout the recharge cycle, which unlike in pumping cases, could be significant in recharge cases. Second foremost specific requirement for a well recharge may be the consideration of head loss. In free recharge cases friction factor per unit diameter of recharge well is found a better physically computable parameter, where as well loss constants suggested by Walton (1962) could bring the head loss effects in the developed solutions for forced recharge.
Free and forced recharge solutions developed for single aquifer are further extended to multi-aquifer system with respective head loss effects and well bore interaction. This is an useful contribution owing to the fact that no multi-aquifer solution considers aquifer interactions through recharge well and equivalent single aquifer theory worked for the multi-aquifer system without head loss All the solutions in Chapters IV, V and VI are found sensitive towards well radius and could analyze recharge behavior at the well face with horizontal initial piezometric surface. Simulation of the response in an observation well situated 50 m away from the recharge well is found inappropriate with the present solution.
Therefore in the Chapter VII, to solve the solution difficulty, analysis is extended for the observation well, some distant away from the recharge well face, using numerical solution technique. Heterogeneity in the flow medium between the recharge well and the observation well is considered as per the time dependant aquifer clogging, based upon theory of filtration. Recharge well in general has been considered as a technology, which would increase the groundwater storage. With a case study it is found that groundwater regime also plays a crucial role in this respect.
Present thesis also provides specific solution to practical issues like; estimation of diffusivity from time to decay of recharge, friction loss in the recharge well, time variant well loss as per recharge well condition, effect of sudden pump shut down, control of injection rates against recharge well over flooding, recharge rates to individual aquifers of a multi-aquifer system and multiple well recharge options. Though the scope of the present research is confined to aquifer-aquiclude system only, it could easily be extended to various other hydro-geological setups also. Unique feature of the applied analytical solution technique lies in the flexibility of transformation between head and flux boundary conditions. This provides an opportunity to compute recharge rates and corresponding heads simultaneously with any kind of boundary conditions.
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Περιβαλλοντική - υδρογεωλογική έρευνα στη λεκάνη του Γλαύκου / Environmental - hydrogeological research of Glafkos river basinΜανδηλαράς, Δημήτρης 22 June 2007 (has links)
Η λεκάνη του ποταμού Γλαύκου εκτείνεται επί των δυτικών κλιτύων του Παναχαϊκού, στο ΒΔ/κό τμήμα του νομού Αχαΐας, NA/κά της πόλης των Πατρών καταλαμβάνοντας συνολική έκταση 101,67 Km2 και αποτελεί την κύρια πηγή κάλυψης των υδατικών αναγκών της. Χαρακτηρίζεται από μέτρια ανάπτυξη υδρογραφικού δικτύου δενδριτικού τύπου αποστράγγισης και κατά συνέπεια υψηλή διαπερατότητα των πετρωμάτων και σημαντική κατείσδυση, σε βάρος της επιφανειακής απορροής. Οι σπουδαιότεροι από τους χείμαρρους που διαρρέουν την περιοχή έρευνας είναι ο Ξηροπόταμος, ο Φίλιουρας, η Σούτα, του Βερβενίου και το Ελεκιστριάνικο, οι οποίοι συμβάλουν εντός του Γλαύκου. Το αλπικά πτυχωμένο υπόβαθρο της λεκάνης περιλαμβάνει μια ακολουθία προορογενετικών ιζημάτων (πελαγικοί ασβεστόλιθοι, ραδιολαρίτες, κ.α.) της ζώνης Πίνδου, και μια συνορογενετική κλαστική ακολουθία (φλύσχης), που αποτελείται από εναλλαγές ιλυολίθων, ψαμμιτών και σπανιότερα κροκαλοπαγών. Τα στρώματα της ζώνης Πίνδου αναδύθηκαν με την τελική φάση των πτυχώσεων στο Κάτω Ολιγόκαινο, όπου έλαβε χώρα η επώθηση της Πίνδου, υπό μορφή καλύμματος, πάνω στη ζώνη Γαβρόβου – Τριπόλεως. Τα μέτωπα των επωθήσεων μεταξύ των λεπιών και οι άξονες των πτυχώσεων έχουν διεύθυνση ΒΔ – ΝΑ με κατεύθυνση της κίνησης από τα ανατολικά προς τα δυτικά και άμεση σχέση με την πλειονότητα των καρστικών πηγών. Στην περιοχή του Πατραϊκού κόλπου επικρατεί ένα ρομβοειδές σύστημα ρηγμάτωσης με μεγάλης κλίσης και ΑΒΑ/κής και ΔΒΔ/κής διεύθυνσης κανονικά ρήγματα που δημιουργεί ένα μωσαϊκό κατατεμαχισμένων τεκτονικών μπλοκ και μια γενική ανύψωση της περιοχής που συνεχίζεται μέχρι σήμερα. Τη διάνοιξη των κοιλάδων της ευρύτερης περιοχής έρευνας, η οποία συχνά συνοδεύεται από κατολισθήσεις, την καθορίζουν 4 δέσμες νεοτεκτονικών ρηγμάτων, ΒΔ/κής, ΒΑ/κής, ΔΒΔ/κής, και ΒΒΑ/κής διεύθυνσης. Το Πλειοτεταρτογενές επικάλυμμα που εμφανίζεται στην παράκτια και λοφώδη περιοχή αποτελείται από δύο λιθοστρωματογραφικές ενότητες. Η κατώτερη συνίσταται από αργίλους και άμμους, που αποτέθηκαν σε ένα λιμναίο έως υφάλμυρο περιβάλλον ιζηματογένεσης κατά τη διάρκεια του Πλειόκαινου έως το Κατώτερο Πλειστόκαινο και η ανώτερη από Καλάβριας ηλικίας δελταϊκά και χερσαία κροκαλοπαγή. Γενικά οι προσχώσεις χαρακτηρίζονται από λιθολογική ανομοιομορφία τόσο κατά την κατακόρυφη όσο και κατά την οριζόντια διεύθυνση και το πάχος τους παρουσιάζει βαθμιαία αύξηση από τα βορειότερα και νοτιότερα όρια προς το κεντρικό τμήμα της λεκάνης, όπου και υπερβαίνει τα 200 μ. Το ετήσιο ύψος βροχόπτωσης (1071 mm) στην περιοχή έρευνας είναι αρκετά υψηλό για τα δεδομένα της χώρας μας και κυμαίνεται από 640 – 900 mm στις πεδινές περιοχές, ενώ στις ορεινές περιοχές φθάνει τα 1560 mm. Τα τελευταία χρόνια παρουσιάζεται μια εποχιακή μετακίνηση των βροχοπτώσεων από τον χειμώνα προς την άνοιξη και το φθινόπωρο, η οποία συνεπάγεται απώλεια του διαθέσιμου νερού της ενεργής κατείσδυσης, λόγω αυξημένης εξατμισοδιαπνοής. Από υδρολογικής άποψης η λεκάνη του Γλαύκου δέχεται ετησίως κατά μέσο όρο 108,89 106 m3 νερού από βροχόπτωση, εκ’ των οποίων ποσοστό 48,9 % επανέρχεται στην ατμόσφαιρα με τις διαδικασίες της εξάτμισης και διαπνοής, 28,6 % απορρέει επιφανειακά και 22,5 % κατεισδύει, κυρίως σε σημαντικούς από υδρογεωλογική άποψη σχηματισμούς (ασβεστόλιθους και τεταρτογενείς αποθέσεις). Χαρακτηριστικό υδρογεωλογικό γνώρισμα της περιοχής έρευνας αποτελούν οι ημιαυτόνομες υδρογεωλογικά καρστικές ενότητες, που αναπτύσσονται λόγω της λεπιοειδούς και ρηξιγενούς τεκτονικής στην περιοχή και διαφοροποιούν την κίνηση του υπόγειου νερού. Σχετικά με τις προσχωματικές αποθέσεις του Τεταρτογενούς ο ελεύθερος υδροφόρος ορίζοντας της ανώτερης ζώνης κάμπτεται προοδευτικά και μεταπίπτει σε επάλληλους υπό πίεση υδροφόρους ορίζοντες στην παράκτια ζώνη. Στις αρχές της δεκαετίας του ’90 στην παράκτια περιοχή, λόγω της υπεράντλησης, διαπιστώθηκαν αρνητικές τιμές της πιεζομετρικής επιφάνειας σε απόσταση έως 3 Κm από την ακτή, με συνέπεια την αλμύρινση του προσχωματικού υδροφόρου από τη διείσδυση της θάλασσας. Η μείωση των αντλήσεων στα μέσα της δεκαετίας του ’90 οδήγησαν στην άνοδο των πιεζομετρικών στάθμεων και στην επανεμφάνιση φαινομένων αρτεσιανισμού των γεωτρήσεων της παράκτιας ζώνης. Από την επεξεργασία των αντλητικών δεδομένων διαπιστώθηκε η εμφάνιση υψηλών τιμών του συντελεστή της υδραυλικής αγωγιμότητας τόσο στους προσχωματικούς υδροφόρους της παράκτιας ζώνης, όσο και στους καρστικούς σχηματισμούς. Μικρότερες ταχύτητες κίνησης του υπόγειου νερού εμφανίζουν οι υδροφόροι των αποθέσεων του Νεογενούς, αλλά και των προσχώσεων της νότιας όχθης του ποταμού Γλαύκου σε σχέση με αυτούς της βόρειας όχθης, λόγω της επικράτησης των λεπτομερών έναντι των αδρομερών υλικών. Ο σημαντικότερος παράγοντας τροφοδοσίας του προσχωσιγενή υδροφόρου της λεκάνης του Γλαύκου είναι η πλευρική τροφοδοσία κατά μήκος της κοίτης του ποταμού και εν’ συνεχεία αυτός της πλευρικής τροφοδοσίας από τους ασβεστόλιθους, ενώ λιγότερο σημαντικοί εμφανίζονται οι παράγοντες του απευθείας κατεισδύοντος νερού από τις βροχοπτώσεις και από το περίσσευμα του προς αρδευτική χρήση νερού. Με βάση το ισοζύγιο εισροών – εκροών των προσχωματικών υδροφόρων της λεκάνης του Γλαύκου, για τα υδρολογικά έτη 1999 – 2002 προέκυψε μέσο ετήσιο πλεόνασμα 6,5*106 m3 νερού. Γενικά, αν εξαιρεθεί η παράκτια ζώνη της λεκάνης του Γλαύκου, η ποιότητα του νερού των προσχωσιγενών υδροφόρων, καθώς και των νεογενών αποθέσεων, αλλά και των καρστικών σχηματισμών της λεκάνης, κρίνεται καλή. Στην πλειονότητά τους τα υπόγεια νερά, όπως και τα επιφανειακά και τα πηγαία, εμφάνιζαν τον τύπο Ca-HCO3, που περιλαμβάνει γενικά νερά με καλή τροφοδοσία και ανανέωση κυρίως κατά μήκος των αξόνων αποστράγγισης. Η χωροχρονική μετακίνηση της ζώνης υφαλμύρινσης στην παράκτια ζώνη, την περίοδο 1999 – 2002, διαπιστώθηκε εκτός από την αυξημένη κατανομή διάφορων ιόντων και με την χρησιμοποίηση των συντελεστών S.A.R., Revelle και Schoeller, αλλά και των λόγων rBr-/rCl- και rBr-/rI-. Στη διάρκεια της περιόδου 1999 – 2002, προέκυψε μια αισθητή μείωση της ρύπανσης από τη διείσδυση θαλασσινού νερού στην παράκτια περιοχή. Σημαντικό ρόλο στην επιτάχυνση του ρυθμού της αποκατάστασης των παράκτιων υδροφόρων της λεκάνης του Γλαύκου διαδραμάτισε η πληθώρα γεωτρήσεων αυτόματης ροής στην παράκτια ζώνη, οι οποίες παροχετεύουν περί τα 3,5*106 m3 ρυπασμένου νερού, σε ετήσια βάση, προς τη θάλασσα. Η θέση και η χωροχρονική μετακίνηση της ζώνης υφαλμύρινσης στην παράκτια ζώνη διαπιστώθηκε επίσης από γεωηλεκτρικές έρευνες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν με τις διατάξεις Schlumberger, Wenner – Schlumberger και Pole – Pole. Από τη γεωηλεκτρική έρευνα διαπιστώθηκε ότι η διείσδυση του υφάλμυρου νερού σπανίως εμφανίζεται με τη μορφή μετώπου, αλλά ακολουθεί επιλεκτικές οδούς μέσω των αδρομερέστερων σχηματισμών, ενώ οι λεπτομερείς αργιλικοί σχηματισμοί παίζουν τον ρόλο υδραυλικού φραγμού. Τέλος, με τη μέθοδο της σεισμικής ανάκλασης προσδιορίστηκαν η γεωμετρία και το βάθος συνάντησης του υποβάθρου στην παράκτια ζώνη. Επισημαίνεται η ανάγκη τεχνητού εμπλουτισμού του προσχωσιγενή υδροφόρου ορίζοντα με τις χειμερινές απορροές του Γλαύκου για την ταχύτερη αποκατάσταση της ποιότητας του νερού και την αύξηση του υδατικού δυναμικού της λεκάνης. Εφαρμόστηκε η μέθοδος DRASTIC για την εκτίμηση της τρωτότητας των υπόγειων νερών απέναντι σε εξωτερική ρύπανση, όπου με βάση τις τιμές του δείκτη DRASTIC κατασκευάστηκε χάρτης τρωτότητας της περιοχής. Περιοχές υψηλής τρωτότητας εντοπίζονται στο παράκτιο τμήμα του υδροφορέα, ενώ αντίθετα περιοχές μέσης τρωτότητας στο Α/κό τμήμα του υδροφορέα. Τέλος, κατασκευάστηκε μαθηματικό ομοίωμα των υδροφορέων της προσχωματικής λεκάνης του Γλαύκου με την εφαρμογή του κώδικα MODFLOW παρέχοντας έτσι ένα όσο το δυνατόν πιο αξιόπιστο πρότυπο διαχείρισης του υπόγειου υδατικού δυναμικού της περιοχή έρευνας. / The Glafkos’ river basin is extended on the west side of the Panaxaikon mountain in the northwest area of the prefecture of Achaia, southeast of the city of Patras, occupying a total extent of 101,67 Km2 and constituting the main source of Patras’ water needs. It is characterized by the mediocre growth of the hydrographical network (a dendrite type of draining) and consequently the high permeability of rocks and the important infiltration at the expense of the runoff. The most important torrents that flow through the region of research are Xiropotamos, Filiouras, Souta, Verveniou and Elekistrianiko, which contribute inside the Glafkos River. The Alpine folded basin’s basement includes a sequence of pre-orogenetic sediments (marine limestone, radiolarites, etc) of the Pindos zone, and a clastic orogenetic sequence (flysch), which is constituted by alternations of silt rocks, sandstones and rarely conglomerates. The layers of the Pindos zone emerged at the final phase of the folding tectonics in the Lower Oligocene, where the Pindos’ thrust occurred in the form of a nappe, above the Gavrovo – Tripolitsa zone. The foreheads of the thrusts between the slices as well as the axes of folds have a NW – SE direction, with the direction of movement from east to west, and have a direct relation to the majority of the karstic springs. In the region of Patraikos Gulf, what prevails is a rhomboid faulting system with high slope and ENE, WNW directed normal faults that create a mosaic of fragmentized tectonic blocks and a general rising of region that continues until today. The opening up of the valleys in the wider region of research, which is often accompanied by landslides, is determined from 4 bunches of neotectonic faults directed NW, NE, WNW and NNE. The Plio-quaternary cover that appears in the coastal and hilly region is constituted by two stratigraphical units. The lower one consists of clays and sands, which were deposited in a lacustrine to brackish environment of sedimentation during the Pliocene to the Lower Pleistocene and the upper one consists of Calabria dating from the deltaic and land conglomerates. Generally the alluvium deposits are characterized by lithological heterogeneity both at the vertical and the horizontal direction and their thickness presents a gradual increase from the northerner and southerner limits to the central department of the basin, which exceeds 200 m. The annual height of rainfall (1071 mms) in the region of research is quite high for our country’s data and fluctuates from 640 to 900 mms in flat regions, whereas in the mountainous regions it reaches 1560 mms. During the last years, what takes place is a seasonal displacement of rainfall from winter to spring and autumn, which leads to the loss of the available water of the active infiltration because of increased evaporotranspiration. From a hydrologic aspect, the Glafkos basin receives annually, on average, 108,89 106 m3 of the water from rainfall, from which 48,9 % comes back to atmosphere with the processes of evaporation and transpiration, 28,6 % rises on the surface and 22,5 % infiltrates, mainly in important, from a hydrogeological aspect, formations (limestones and quaternary depositions). The semi-independent hydrogeologically karstic units, which are developed because of the laminated and faulty tectonics in the region and differentiate the movement of groundwater, constitute a characteristic hydrogeological feature of the region of research. In relation to the alluvium deposits, the unconfined aquifer of the superior area is progressively bent and falls into successive under pressure (confined) aquifers in the coastal area. At the beginning of the ‘90s in the coastal region, because of the overpumping, negative values of the piezometric surface in a distance up to 3 Km from the coastline were realised, having as a consequence the salinity of coastal alluvium aquifer from the seawater intrusion. The reduction of pumping in the middle of the ‘90s led to the rise of piezometric levels and to the reappearance of the phenomena of artesian wells in the coastal area. Due to the elaboration of the pumping data, what was realised is the appearance of high values of the hydraulic conductivity’s factor in the alluvium aquifers of the coastal zone as well as in the karstic aquifers. The aquifers of the Neogene formations as well as the alluvium aquifers of the southern bank of the river Glafkos present a smaller speed of movement of groundwater as compared to those of the northern bank, because of the predominance of the fine-grained clastics. The most important factor of the recharge of the Glafkos’ basin alluvium aquifer is basically the costal recharge from the river bank and then follows the inductive recharge from the limestones, whereas the direct infiltrated water from the rainfall and from the surplus of the irrigation water seem to be the least important factors. Based on the balance of the inflows – outflows of the Glafkos’ basin alluvium aquifer, an average annual surplus of 6,5*106 m3 of water has resulted, during the hydrologic years 1999 –2002. Generally, the quality of water in the alluvium aquifers as well as in the aquifers of Neogene formations, but also that in the karstic aquifers is considered to be good, if the coastal area of the Glafkos’ basin is excluded. Most of the groundwater, as well as the surface and spring water, presented the geochemical type Ca-HCO3, which generally includes water of good recharge and renewal, mainly along the drainage axes. The time-space movement of the brackish zone in the coastal area, in the period 1999 –2002, was realised not only by the increased distribution of various ions but also by the utilisation of factors S. A. R., Revelle and Schoeller, as well as the ratios rBr-/rCl- and rBr-/rI-. During the period 1999 – 2002, a perceptible reduction of the pollution from the saline intrusion in the coastal region took place. The abundance of wells of automatic flow into coastal area, which drain 3,5*106 m3 of brackish water, annually, to the sea played an important role in the acceleration of the restoration of the coastal basin aquifers of the river Glafkos. The position and the time-space movement of the brackish zone in the coastal area was realised also by geoelectrical researches that took place with the dispositions Schlumberger, Wenner – Schlumberger and Pole – Pole. Geoelectrical research revealed that seawater intrusion rarely appears in the form of a forehead, but follows selective paths via the coarse-grained clastics, while the fine-grained clastic formations play the role of a hydraulic barrier. Finally, the geometry and the depth of the basement in the coastal area were determined with the application of the seismic reflection method. The need of artificial enrichment of the alluvium aquifer from the wintry flows of the Glafkos River is pointed out, for a more rapid restoration of the water quality and the increase of the Glafkos’ basin water potential. The DRASTIC method was applied for the estimation of the vulnerability of the groundwater towards exterior pollution, where based on the DRASTIC indicator’s values, a map of the vulnerability of the region of research was constructed. Areas of high vulnerability are located in the coastal part of the aquifer, while areas of medium vulnerability are located in the eastern part of the basin. Finally, a mathematic model of the Glafkos’ basin alluvium aquifers was constructed with the application of code MODFLOW, thus providing an as much as possible reliable model of the management of the Glafkos’ basin groundwater potential.
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Influence des pratiques de recharge des aquifères par des eaux pluviales sur les communautés microbiennes des nappes phréatiques / Influence of managed aquifer recharge practices by stromwater runoff on groundwater bacterial communitiesVoisin, Jérémy 12 July 2017 (has links)
En ville, les systèmes de récupération et d'infiltration des eaux pluviales dans le sous-sol ont pour conséquence d'augmenter la connectivité hydrologique entre la surface et la nappe phréatique. Ces pratiques d'infiltration produisent de nombreuses perturbations physico-chimiques au niveau de la nappe (ex. augmentation des variations thermiques, baisse des concentrations en oxygène dissous, enrichissement de la nappe en matière organique dissoute) mais les conséquences sur le compartiment microbien restent peu connues. L'objectif principal de la thèse est de déterminer les effets de l'infiltration des eaux pluviales sur les communautés microbiennes des nappes phréatiques, aussi bien en termes d'abondance, d'activités que de diversité génétique bactérienne. En se basant sur les changements environnementaux associés à l'infiltration des eaux pluviales et l'analyse des communautés bactériennes, un objectif fondamental est d'évaluer l'importance des phénomènes de dispersion (ex. transferts) et de sélection par des facteurs abiotiques (ex. disponibilité des ressources nutritives) sur les assemblages bactériens au sein des nappes phréatiques. Ces travaux ont été axés sur des expérimentations de terrain utilisant deux approches d'échantillonnage : une méthode active (prélèvements d'eau) et une méthode passive (incubation de substrats artificiels). La description des communautés a été effectuée par une méthode de séquençage de nouvelle génération (i.e. Illumina MiSeq) en se basant sur le gène rrs. Les résultats de ce travail mettent en avant une influence significative des pratiques d'infiltration sur les bactériomes d'un aquifère. En effet, le développement, les activités et la diversité des micro-organismes retrouvés dans la nappe ont été stimulés significativement par l'enrichissement en carbone organique dissous biodégradable engendré par ces pratiques. Néanmoins, cet impact est fortement réduit dans les systèmes étudiés où la zone non saturée est épaisse (> 10 m) et agit comme un filtre physique, chimique et biologique efficace entre le bassin d'infiltration et l'aquifère. Les faibles similarités entre les structures génétiques des bactériomes des eaux d'infiltration et dans la nappe indiquent que la zone non saturée joue un rôle efficace sur la rétention des bactéries dans les systèmes étudiés. En conclusion, cette thèse constitue la première étude d'envergure visant à quantifier la réponse du compartiment microbien des aquifères à des perturbations engendrées par l'infiltration des eaux pluviales en milieu urbain. Elle ouvre aussi de nouvelles perspectives sur les méthodes et outils d'évaluation de la qualité des nappes phréatiques / In urban area, managed aquifer recharge (MAR) systems raises hydrological connectivity between surface and groundwater. These infiltration practices are the cause of many disturbances in groundwaters (e.g. increase of thermal variations, decrease of dissolved oxygen or enrichment in organic matter) but associated consequences on microbial compartment remains unclear. The main aim of the thesis is to determine the effects of stormwater runoff infiltration on microbial communities of groundwater, in terms of abundance, activities and bacterial diversity. Based on environmental changes associated to MAR practices and bacterial community analyses, a fundamental question is to assess the importance of dispersal (e.g. transfers) and selection by abiotic factors (e.g. nutrients availability) on groundwater communities assemblage. This study is based on field experiments with two complementary strategies of sampling: an active one (i.e. groundwater sampling) and a passive one (incubation of artificial substrate). Communities’ description was made by next-generation sequencing (i.e. Illumina MiSeq) of rrs gene. The results showed a significant influence of MAR practices on microbial communities. Growth, activities and diversity of groundwater micro-organisms were mainly stimulated by biodegradable dissolved organic carbon enrichment associated to MAR practices. Nonetheless, this impact was reduced in systems where the vadose zone is thick (> 10 m) and acts as a physical, chemical and biological filter between the infiltration basin and the aquifer. Low similarities between bacterial communities of infiltration waters and bacterial communities of groundwaters reveal that vadose zone is effective on the retention of bacteria in studied systems. To conclude, this thesis constitutes the first major study that aimed to quantify microbial compartment response to disturbances caused by MAR practices in urban area. It also opens new perspectives on assessment tool for groundwater quality
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Compréhension expérimentale et numérique des chemins de l'eau sur l'ensemble du champ captant de la Métropole de Lyon / Experimental and numerical understanding of water paths on the well field of Lyon agglomerationRéfloch, Aurore 31 May 2018 (has links)
L’alimentation en eau potable des 1 300 000 habitants de la Métropole de Lyon provient essentiellement de réserves souterraines, puisées sur le site du champ captant de Crépieux-Charmy. Ce captage est un système complexe de par sa superficie (375 ha), le nombre d’ouvrages de pompage (111 puits et forages), le système de réalimentation artificielle (12 bassins d’infiltration), la présence de différents bras du Rhône en interaction avec l’eau souterraine, mais également du fait de la complexité lithologique naturelle du sous-sol. La compréhension des interactions entre les compartiments de ce système est nécessaire pour assurer la pérennisation quantitative et qualitative de la ressource.La caractérisation des écoulements repose sur trois outils essentiels : l’observation, l’expérimentation et la modélisation numérique.L’observation, basée sur les nombreuses données acquises in-situ, met en évidence le rôle prépondérant de l’exploitation hydrique du site sur les écoulements (pompages et bassins). La réalimentation artificielle met en jeu, annuellement, un volume d’eau qui équivaut à la moitié du volume puisé sur l’ensemble du site, et entraîne un réchauffement non négligeable de la nappe en période estivale. Les cartes piézométriques et thermiques à l’échelle du champ captant permettent de visualiser les évolutions spatiales et temporelles des écoulements. D’après l’analyse de données, le dôme hydraulique créé par la réalimentation artificielle (et destiné à obtenir une barrière hydraulique de protection contre une contamination accidentelle des eaux de surface) semble perdurer au maximum 1 à 2 jours après l’arrêt de l’alimentation des bassins. Un indice d’infiltrabilité est défini pour déterminer la capacité d’infiltration de chaque bassin : tenant compte des diverses variables affectant la vitesse d’infiltration, une diminution temporelle de l’indice d’infiltrabilité reflète le colmatage progressif de la couche de sable de fond de bassin. Cet indice est de ce fait un outil d’aide à la décision pour la priorisation des bassins à réhabiliter.Le volet expérimental se décline en deux points : la caractérisation des fonds de bassins par essais d’infiltration (gain d’infiltrabilité par renouvellement du sable, couche compactée sous le sable caractérisée par une forte anisotropie de sa conductivité hydraulique) et la caractérisation des sens d’écoulement par traçage thermique à l’échelle d’un bassin. Un dispositif expérimental, créé de part et d’autre d’un des bassins permet de suivre l’évolution piézométrique et thermique lors des cycles de remplissage. La création des 31 ouvrages de ce dispositif expérimental a permis de mieux caractériser la lithologie en présence, de valider la présence de la zone non saturée règlementaire au droit du bassin, de confirmer l’existence d’écoulements sous le Vieux-Rhône mais aussi de mettre en évidence le fonctionnement 3D des écoulements.Enfin, un modèle numérique a été créé pour simuler les transferts d’eau et de chaleur, sur l’ensemble du site de captage. Cet outil permet d’identifier et de quantifier les sources d’alimentation de la zone de captage, de mettre en évidence la protection partielle des ouvrages de pompage par les dômes hydrauliques créés par les bassins, et de montrer la complexité des relations nappe-rivière, notamment leur dépendance au niveau d’eau. D’ores et déjà opérationnel pour des temps longs (supérieurs à 15 jours), l’outil numérique proposé est exploitable pour des scénarios d’évolutions climatiques ou d’évolutions de l’exploitation du site. Pour les temps inférieurs à deux semaines, le modèle nécessite une amélioration de la connaissance des interactions nappe-rivière et des transferts thermiques (prise en compte du non-équilibre thermique local).Mots clés : Hydrogéologie, réalimentation artificielle, essais d’infiltration, traçages thermiques, modélisation hydro-thermique 3D. / The supply of drinking water for the 1,300,000 inhabitants of Lyon Metropole mainly comes from underground reserves in the well field of Crépieux-Charmy. This well field is a complex system because of its surface area (375 ha), the number of pumping wells (111 wells), the artificial recharge system (12 infiltration ponds), the interaction between the Rhône River and groundwater, as well as its natural lithological complexity. Understanding the interactions between the compartments of this system is necessary to ensure quantitative and qualitative sustainability of the water resource.The characterization of field-scale flows is based on three essential tools: observation, experimentation and numerical modelling.The observations, based on a lot of operational field data, highlight the influence of site operation on the flows (pumping and basins). Annually, artificial recharge requires a volume of water which accounts for half of the volume pumped on the whole site. This also leads to a significant rise in water table temperatures during summer periods. Piezometric and water temperature maps at the well field scale allow for visualization of the spatial and temporal evolutions of the flow directions. According to the data analysis, hydraulic domes created by the artificial recharge (and designed to provide a hydraulic barrier to protect against accidental contamination of superficial water) seem to persist for a maximum of 1 to 2 days after water supply of the basins has been stopped. An infiltration index has been defined in order to determine the infiltration capacity of each basin. It takes into account the multiple variables affecting the infiltration rate. The temporal evolution of the infiltration capacity of each basin illustrates the fouling of the basement sand layer. The infiltration index is also a decision support tool for the prioritization of basins to be rehabilitated.The experimental component is divided into two parts: basins characterization by infiltrometer tests (increase of infiltration by renewal of the sand layer, compacted layer under the sand characterized by a strong anisotropy of its hydraulic conductivities) and characterization of the flow direction by heat tracing at scale of an infiltration pond. An experimental system, created on both sides of one of the basins allows tracking of the evolution of piezometric and water temperature during filling cycles.The creation of the 31 piezometers of this experimental system enabled better characterization of the lithology of the ground, to validate the conservation of the unsaturated zone under the basin, to confirm the existence of flows under the Vieux-Rhône River, and to highlight the three-dimensional flows.A digital model has been created to reproduce water and heat transfer on the entire well field. This tool is used to identify and quantify the sources of water of the water catchment area, to highlight the partial protection of the pumping wells by the hydraulic domes, and to show the complexity of the groundwater-river relationship, in particular their dependence on the water level. Already operational on long periods (over 15 days), the proposed digital model is useful for scenarios of climate change or changes in operational conditions. For periods shorter than two weeks, the model requires an improvement in the knowledge of groundwater-river interactions and heat transfer (taking into account the local thermal non-equilibrium).Key words: Hydrogeology, artificial recharge, infiltrometer tests, heat tracing, 3D hydro-thermal modelling.
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Etude de la recharge artificielle des nappes en zone semi-aride : application au bassin du Souss-Maroc / Study of artificial recharge in semiarid : application of Morocco Souss- BasinBouragba, Latifa 02 February 2011 (has links)
La plaine du Souss est délimitée au nord par le Haut-Atlas, au sud par l’Anti-Atlas et à l’estpar le massif cristallin de Siroua. Les principales formations géologiques sont des marnocalcaireset conglomérats assez perméables, les calcaires du Turonien qui leur sont sousjacentset le lit fossile de l’oued Souss composé d’alluvions sablo-graveleuses trèsperméables.La nappe du Souss est la plus importante du sud du Maroc, elle est très exploitée par unsecteur agricole exportateur, la surexploitation de la nappe s’est traduite par une baissecontinue des niveaux. Depuis 1970, les prélèvements dépassent de loin les ressourcesrenouvelables de la nappe (déficit : 185 Mm3 en 1976, 358 Mm3 en 1998, 228 Mm3 en 2003).Le barrage d’Aoulouz est principalement destiné à la recharge artificielle de la nappe par deslâchers d’eaux stockées pendant les périodes pluvieuses. En zone semi-aride, une estimationprécise de la recharge est souvent délicate, la variabilité spatio-temporelle de la recharge étantgénéralement forte et les processus variés.Ce travail a permis de mieux caractériser l’impact de la recharge sur la nappe et d’évaluer letemps de séjour et le renouvellement des eaux souterraines.L’évolution de la piézométrie à la suite des lâchers d’eau à partir du barrage Aoulouz montredes remontées locales du niveau piézométrique sur la haute plaine, environ 85% des eauxlâchées à partir du barrage d’Aoulouz s’infiltrent 80 km entre Aoulouz et Taroudant.Toutefois, le niveau général de la nappe continue de baisser.Le faciès géochimique est principalement bicarbonaté calcique (dissolution des carbonates), etpar endroits sulfaté calcique (évaporites au pied du Haut-Atlas). Les eaux de surface ont unfaciès bicarbonaté calcique et magnésien acquis lors de leur circulation sur des calcaires et desdolomies.[...] / The Souss valley is bounded to the North by the High Atlas, to the South by the Anti-Atlasand to the East by the Siroua crystalline massif. The main geological formations arecalcareous marls of the Plio-Quaternary, the Turonian limestones that underlie them, and thefossil bed of River Souss formed by sands, sandstones and gravels from high permeabilityalluvium.The Souss aquifer is the most significant aquifer in southern Morocco, highly exploited by anagricultural exporting activity. Groundwater overexploitation induced a decreases ofpiezometric heads. Since 1970, water demand far exceeds renewable groundwater resources(balance defecit: 185 Mm3 in 1976, 358 Mm3 in 1998, and 228 Mm3 in 2003).The mean role of the Aoulouz dam is the artificial recharge of the Souss plain by release ofwater stored during rainy periods in the plain.In semi-arid areas, estimating recharge is often difficult, the spatial and temporal variabilitiesof recharge are generally high, and processes are varied.This work has enabled to characterize the impact of artificial recharge and to estimate therenewal of water in the aquifer.Water releases from Aoulouz dam has permitted an increase of the piezometric level on thehigh plain, about 85% of the water released are unfiltered in the first 80 Km between Aoulouzand Taroudant cities. However, the general water level decline goes on.The geochemical facies is mainly calcium bicarbonate type (dissolution of limestone), andlocally calcium sulphate type (evaporites of the High Atlas). Surface waters are a calcium andmagnesium bicarbonate types, acquired during their flow through limestones and dolomitesoutcrops.[...]
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A modelling approach to estimate groundwater recharge from infiltration in the unsaturated zone : Siloam Village Case StudyArrey, Ivo A. 02 February 2016 (has links)
MESHWR / Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
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Artificial Groundwater Injection : A Study of Groundwater Level Control in Swedish Infrastructure ProjectsKjellberg Skjenken, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This thesis sets out to increase the knowledge of artificial groundwater injection (AGWI) in Sweden on behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration. This has been done by firstly conducting a literature review which provided the background which comprises mainly groundwater theory and subsidence. Then several methods were utilized; Interviews, cost analysis, case studies and a simplistic numerical modelling in order to obtain an overall understanding of the AGWI facilities. The interviews provide in-depth knowledge of how the techniqueis handled in different industry contexts. The cost analysis provided with an understanding of the economic relations for an AGWI facility. The case studies provided generalizability and knowledge in how the AGWI is conducted in real projects. Finally, the numerical model provided with knowledge of how a can be developed and what interesting information it can and should contain. The results showed that the AGWI as a subsidence mitigation technique have been developed and is now a subject of increased focus and demand from the legislator and designer perspective, but not the STA. The results show as well that we can expect changed preconditions both geographically and temporally varying, for the AGWI and therefor a change in how the AGWI is handled by the STA is recommended to change. Another result was that the cost analysis showed that the common idea of tap-water is a cheaper alternative than re-injecting the leaked water back to the tunnel is debatable, even false. The case studies showed that the most common water utilization was tap water and that only a few facilities has re-injection capabilities. The STA is recommended to increased their focus on the AGWI technique, to plan for a long term operation and maintenance perspective and to demand calculations of the AGWI costs in relation to water use and the facilities sustainability with the view on future estimated climate change. / Denna uppsats syftar till att öka förståelsen om skyddsinfiltration i Sverige på uppdrag av Trafikverket. Bakgrunden baseras på en litteratur granskning som huvudsakligen handlar om grundvattensteori och marksättningar. I uppsatsen används sedan flera olika metoder; Intervjuer, kostnadsanalys, fallstudier och en förenklad numerisk modell för att få en övergripande förståelse för Trafikverkets skyddsinfiltration-anläggningar. Intervjuerna gav en djupare förståelse och kunskap om hur tekniken hanteras i olika sammanhang i branchen. Kostnadsanalysen gav en insikt i de ekonomiska relationerna för hur en skyddsinfiltration-anläggning fungerar. Fallstudierna gav generaliserbarhet till studien och kunskap om hur skyddsinfiltration genomförs i verkliga projekt. Slutligen gav den numeriska modellen kunskap om hur en modell kan utvecklas och vilken relevant information den kan och bör innehålla. Resultaten visade att skyddsinfiltration som en teknik för att minska marksättningar har utvecklats mycket genom tiden. Tekniken får nu ett ökat fokus och därmed krav från lagstiftarens och projektörens sida, men däremot inte från Trafikverket. Resultaten visar också att vi kan förvänta oss förändrade förutsättningar både geografiskt och tidsmässigt för skyddsinfiltration. Därför rekommenderas att ändra hur skyddsinfiltration hanteras av Trafikverket. Ett annat resultat var att kostnadsanalysen visade att den rådande bilden om att dricksvattenanvänding är ett billigare alternativ än att återinjicera det läckta vattnet tillbaka till tunneln kanske inte stämmer. Fallstudierna visade att det vanligaste vattenutnyttjandet var dricksvatten och att endast ett fåtal anläggningar har återinjiceringsförmåga. Trafikverket rekommenderas att öka sitt fokus på skyddsinfiltration-tekniken och planera för ett långsiktigt drift- och underhållsperspektiv. Dessutom bör Trafikverket kräva beräkningar av skyddsinfiltration-kostnaderna i förhållande till vattenanvändning och anläggningens hållbarhet med tanke på framtidens uppskattade klimatförändringar.
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Écologie fonctionnelle dans les nappes phréatiques : liens entre flux de matière organique, activité et diversité biologiques / Functional ecology in groundwater : linking organic matter flux and biological activity and diversityFoulquier, Arnaud 22 September 2009 (has links)
Les réseaux trophiques jouent un rôle primordial dans la régulation des flux de matière et d’énergie au sein des écosystèmes. Dans le cadre des pratiques de recharge artificielle des aquifères, les biocénoses souterraines sont pleinement sollicitées et leur capacité à dégrader les flux de matière organique de surface conditionne le maintien de la qualité des eaux souterraines. L’objectif de ce travail est de déterminer l’influence d’une augmentation des flux de carbone organique dissous sur l’intensité des interactions trophiques entre les communautés microbiennes et les assemblages d’invertébrés au toit des nappes phréatiques rechargées artificiellement avec des eaux de ruissellement pluvial. A travers une approche expérimentale de terrain et de laboratoire, ce travail permet d’évaluer l’intensité des relations existant entre les flux de carbone organique dissous, les conditions environnementales, l’activité et la diversité de communautés microbiennes et l’abondance des communautés d’invertébrés. / Food webs play a crucial role in regulating the fluxes of matter and energy within ecosystems. Artificial recharge of aquifers relies heavily on the ability of groundwater biocenoses to degrade organic matter fluxes that is a condition to maintain the quality of groundwater. The objective of this work is to determine the impact of increased dissolved organic carbon supply on the trophic interactions between the microbial communities and invertebrate assemblages at the upper layers of groundwater artificially recharged with stormwater. Through a combined field and laboratory experimental approach, this work allows ranking the strength of relationship between dissolved organic carbon fluxes, environmental conditions, activity and diversity of microbial communities and abundance of invertebrate assemblages
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Integrated modelling of clogging processes in artificial groundwater rechargePérez Paricio, Alfredo 09 April 2001 (has links)
La Recàrrega Artificial d'aqüífers és una tècnica extremadamente poderosa per optimitzar la gestió dels recursos hídrics. De cara a eliminar actituds escèptiques respecte a la seva aplicabilitat en nombroses situacions, és essencial adquirir més coneixements sobre els conceptes quantitatius més importants. Un tema crític és el de la minimització de la colmatació en dispositius de recàrrega. Atesa la extraòrdinaria importància d'aquest problema, es va efectuar una intensa recerca bibliogràfica que permetés determinar els processos bàsics que tenen lloc en la colmatació de plantes de recàrrega. Això, juntament amb la informació de tipus tecnológic subministrada per gestors de plantes de recàrrega, ha permès proposar un model matemàtic conceptual que integra els processos principals: retenció de partícules en suspensió portades per l'aigua de recàrrega, precipitació de minerals, creixement bacterià, generació de gas y compactació. Amb l'ajuda dels codis ja existents, l'esmentat model fou posteriorment incorporat a un programa d'elements finits tridimensionals que és capaç de tractar els cinc processos citats. El programa ha estat aplicat a tres casos de laboratori i a un experiment de camp amb el fi d'establir la validesa del marc conceptual adoptat.Aquesta tesi descriu els aspectes principals del model, els seus fonaments teòrics, la implementació numèrica i l'aplicació als exemples citats. La varietat de condicions simulades i els resultats aconseguits confirmen que el programa pot reproduir de forma satisfactòria una ampli ventall de problemes de colmatació, entre les quals s'inclouen sistemes superficials (bassas) i profunds (pous), flux radial i vertical, transport reactiu multicomponent, i d'altres. Això demostra la utilitat del programa per integrar dades de naturalesa completament diferente. A pesar de les limitacions inherents a tota formulació matemàtica, la modelació integrada proporciona estimacions quantitatives del potencial colmatant. Consegüentment, pot ser considerada com a una eina bàsica per al disseny i gestió de plantes de recàrrega i, eventualment, amb un fi predictiu. / La Recarga Artificial de acuíferos es una técnica extremadamente poderosa para optimizar la gestión de los recursos hídricos. De cara a eliminar actitudes escépticas respecto a su aplicabilidad en numerosas situaciones, es esencial adquirir más conocimientos sobre los conceptos cuantitativos más importantes. Un tema crítico es el de la minimización de la colmatación en dispositivos de recarga. Dada la extraordinaria importancia de este problema, se efectuó una intensa búsqueda bibliográfica que permitiera determinar los procesos básicos que tienen lugar en la colmatación de plantas de recarga. Esto, junto con la información de tipo tecnológico suministrada por gestores de plantas de recarga, ha permitido proponer un modelo matemático conceptual que integra los procesos principales: retención de partículas en suspensión en el agua de recarga, precipitación de minerales, crecimiento bacteriano, generación de gas y compactación. Con la ayuda de códigos ya existentes, dicho modelo fue posteriormente incorporado en un programa de elementos finitos tridimensional que es capaz de tratar los cinco procesos citados. El programa ha sido aplicado a tres casos de laboratorio y a un experimento de campo con el fin de establecer la validez del marco conceptual adoptado.Esta tesis describe los aspectos principales del modelo, sus fundamentos teóricos, la implementación numérica y la aplicación a los ejemplos citados. La variedad de condiciones simuladas y los resultados logrados confirman que el programa puede reproducir de forma satisfactoria una amplia gama de problemas de colmatación, entre las que se incluyen sistemas superficiales (balsas) y profundos (pozos), flujo radial y vertical, transporte reactivo multicomponente, y otros. Esto demuestra la utilidad del programa para integrar datos de naturaleza completamente diferente. A pesar de las limitaciones inherentes a toda formulación matemática, la modelación integrada proporciona estimaciones cuantitativas del potencial colmatante. Por consiguiente, puede ser considerada como una herramienta básica de cara al diseño y gestión de plantas de recarga y, eventualmente, de cara a la predicción. / Artificial Recharge of groundwater is an extremely powerful technique to optimise the management of water resources. In order to eliminate sceptical misconceptions concerning its applicability to numerous situations, it is essential to gain insight into the fundamental quantitative concepts. A critical point is the minimisation of clogging of the recharge device. Given the extraordinary importance of this problem, an intensive bibliographic research was conducted to determine the basic processes underlying the clogging of recharge plants. This, in combination with technological information supplied by Artificial Recharge operators, allowed to propose a conceptual mathematical model that could integrate the main processes. Attachment of suspended solids carried by recharge water, mineral precipitation, bacterial growth, gas binding and compaction of the upper soil layer were found to be determinant in clogging development. Based on existing investigation codes, such model was implemented into a three-dimensional finite element code that is able to cope with the referred mechanisms. The code was applied to three laboratory cases and to one field experiment in order to assess the validity of the adopted framework.This thesis includes the main concepts of the model, its theoretical background, numerical implementation and the application to the referred cases. The variety of simulated conditions and the results achieved with the model confirm that the code can reproduce successfully a wide range of clogging problems, including surface (basins) and deep (wells) systems, vertical and radial flow, multiphase transport and other options. This demonstrates the usefulness of the code to integrate data which are completely different in nature. In spite of the limitations inherent to all mathematical formulations, integrated modelling provides quantitative estimates of the clogging potential. Consequently, can be considered as a basic tool for design and management of recharge plants, and, eventually, for predictive purposes.
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