Spelling suggestions: "subject:"artificial neural network."" "subject:"aartificial neural network.""
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Input Calibration, Code Validation and Surrogate Model Development for Analysis of Two-phase Circulation Instability and Core Relocation PhenomenaPhung, Viet-Anh January 2017 (has links)
Code validation and uncertainty quantification are important tasks in nuclear reactor safety analysis. Code users have to deal with large number of uncertain parameters, complex multi-physics, multi-dimensional and multi-scale phenomena. In order to make results of analysis more robust, it is important to develop and employ procedures for guiding user choices in quantification of the uncertainties. The work aims to further develop approaches and procedures for system analysis code validation and application to practical problems of safety analysis. The work is divided into two parts. The first part presents validation of two reactor system thermal-hydraulic (STH) codes RELAP5 and TRACE for prediction of two-phase circulation flow instability. The goals of the first part are to: (a) develop and apply efficient methods for input calibration and STH code validation against unsteady flow experiments with two-phase circulation flow instability, and (b) examine the codes capability to predict instantaneous thermal hydraulic parameters and flow regimes during the transients. Two approaches have been developed: a non-automated procedure based on separate treatment of uncertain input parameters (UIPs) and an automated method using genetic algorithm. Multiple measured parameters and system response quantities (SRQs) are employed in both calibration of uncertain parameters in the code input deck and validation of RELAP5 and TRACE codes. The effect of improvement in RELAP5 flow regime identification on code prediction of thermal-hydraulic parameters has been studied. Result of the code validations demonstrates that RELAP5 and TRACE can reproduce qualitative behaviour of two-phase flow instability. However, both codes misidentified instantaneous flow regimes, and it was not possible to predict simultaneously experimental values of oscillation period and maximum inlet flow rate. The outcome suggests importance of simultaneous consideration of multiple SRQs and different test regimes for quantitative code validation. The second part of this work addresses core degradation and relocation to the lower head of a boiling water reactor (BWR). Properties of the debris in the lower head provide initial conditions for vessel failure, melt release and ex-vessel accident progression. The goals of the second part are to: (a) obtain a representative database of MELCOR solutions for characteristics of debris in the reactor lower plenum for different accident scenarios, and (b) develop a computationally efficient surrogate model (SM) that can be used in extensive uncertainty analysis for prediction of the debris bed characteristics. MELCOR code coupled with genetic algorithm, random and grid sampling methods was used to generate a database of the full model solutions and to investigate in-vessel corium debris relocation in a Nordic BWR. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) with classification (grouping) of scenarios have been used for development of the SM in order to address the issue of chaotic response of the full model especially in the transition region. The core relocation analysis shows that there are two main groups of scenarios: with relatively small (<20 tons) and large (>100 tons) amounts of total relocated debris in the reactor lower plenum. The domains are separated by transition regions, in which small variation of the input can result in large changes in the final mass of debris. SMs using multiple ANNs with/without weighting between different groups effectively filter out the noise and provide a better prediction of the output cumulative distribution function, but increase the mean squared error compared to a single ANN. / Validering av datorkoder och kvantifiering av osäkerhetsfaktorer är viktiga delar vid säkerhetsanalys av kärnkraftsreaktorer. Datorkodanvändaren måste hantera ett stort antal osäkra parametrar vid beskrivningen av fysikaliska fenomen i flera dimensioner från mikro- till makroskala. För att göra analysresultaten mer robusta, är det viktigt att utveckla och tillämpa rutiner för att vägleda användaren vid kvantifiering av osäkerheter.Detta arbete syftar till att vidareutveckla metoder och förfaranden för validering av systemkoder och deras tillämpning på praktiska problem i säkerhetsanalysen. Arbetet delas in i två delar.Första delen presenterar validering av de termohydrauliska systemkoderna (STH) RELAP5 och TRACE vid analys av tvåfasinstabilitet i cirkulationsflödet.Målen för den första delen är att: (a) utveckla och tillämpa effektiva metoder för kalibrering av indatafiler och validering av STH mot flödesexperiment med tvåfas cirkulationsflödeinstabilitet och (b) granska datorkodernas förmåga att förutsäga momentana termohydrauliska parametrar och flödesregimer under transienta förlopp.Två metoder har utvecklats: en icke-automatisk procedur baserad på separat hantering av osäkra indataparametrar (UIPs) och en automatiserad metod som använder genetisk algoritm. Ett flertal uppmätta parametrar och systemresponser (SRQs) används i både kalibrering av osäkra parametrar i indatafilen och validering av RELAP5 och TRACE. Resultatet av modifikationer i hur RELAP5 identifierar olika flödesregimer, och särskilt hur detta påverkar datorkodens prediktioner av termohydrauliska parametrar, har studerats.Resultatet av valideringen visar att RELAP5 och TRACE kan återge det kvalitativa beteende av två-fas flödets instabilitet. Däremot kan ingen av koderna korrekt identifiera den momentana flödesregimen, det var därför ej möjligt att förutsäga experimentella värden på svängningsperiod och maximal inloppsflödeshastighet samtidigt. Resultatet belyser betydelsen av samtidig behandling av flera SRQs liksom olika experimentella flödesregimer för kvantitativ kodvalidering.Den andra delen av detta arbete behandlar härdnedbrytning och omfördelning till reaktortankens nedre plenumdel i en kokarvatten reaktor (BWR). Egenskaper hos härdrester i nedre plenum ger inledande förutsättningar för reaktortanksgenomsmältning, hur smältan rinner ut ur reaktortanken och händelseförloppet i reaktorinneslutningen.Målen i den andra delen är att: (a) erhålla en representativ databas över koden MELCOR:s analysresultat för egenskaperna hos härdrester i nedre plenum under olika händelseförlopp, och (b) utveckla en beräkningseffektiv surrogatsmodell som kan användas i omfattande osäkerhetsanalyser för att förutsäga partikelbäddsegenskaper.MELCOR, kopplad till en genetisk algoritm med slumpmässigt urval användes för att generera en databas av analysresultat med tillämpning på smältans omfördelning i reaktortanken i en Nordisk BWR.Analysen av hur härden omfördelas visar att det finns två huvudgrupper av scenarier: med relativt liten (<20 ton) och stor (> 100 ton) total mängd omfördelade härdrester i nedre plenum. Dessa domäner är åtskilda av övergångsregioner, där små variationer i indata kan resultera i stora ändringar i den slutliga partikelmassan. Flergrupps artificiella neurala nätverk med klassificering av händelseförloppet har använts för utvecklingen av en surrogatmodell för att hantera problemet med kaotiska resultat av den fullständiga modellen, särskilt i övergångsregionen. / <p>QC 20170309</p>
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Impact du stress hydrique sur les émissions d'isoprène de Quercus pubescens Willd / Water stress impact on isoprene emission from Quercus pubescens Willd.Genard-Zielinski, Anne-Cyrielle 23 June 2014 (has links)
Les Composés Organiques Volatils biogènes (COVB) sont des molécules issues du métabolisme secondaire des végétaux, dont l'émission peut être modulée par les conditions environnementales. Parmi ces composés, l'isoprène a été très étudié du fait des flux d'émission important et de son implication dans la photochimie troposphérique. Cependant, les mécanismes d'action des facteurs environnementaux sont encore mal connus, et notamment celui de l'impact du stress hydrique. Dans le contexte de changements climatiques, ce type de stress va particulièrement impacter la région méditerranéenne.Nous avons étudié l'impact du stress hydrique sur les émissions d'isoprène de Quercus pubescens Willd. Cette espèce, très présente dans cette région, serait la seconde source d'isoprène en Europe.Deux étude ont été menées.La première, effectuée en pépinière, a consisté à appliquer un stress hydrique modéré et sévère d'avril à octobre. Une augmentation des émissions d'isoprène des arbres modérément stressés a été observée alors qu'il n'y a eu aucune modification des émissions pour les arbres très stressés.La seconde a consisté à faire un suivi saisonnier du stress hydrique au sein d'une chênaie pubescente. Un stress hydrique amplifié a été appliqué par un système d'exclusion de pluie, permettant de diminuer la quantité de pluie de 30%. Nous avons observé que le stress hydrique amplifié augmentait les facteurs d'émission d'isoprène des arbres.Cette base de données a permis le développement, par Réseau de Neurones Artificiels (RNA), d'un algorithme d'émission d'isoprène. Nous avons ainsi mis en évidence l'impact prédominant du contenu en eau du sol sur les émissions d'isoprène. / Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (BVOC) are plants secondary-metabolism-molecules. Their emissions are modulated by environmental conditions. Among these compounds, isoprene has been particularly studied due to its intense emission fluxes as well as its major contribution to tropospheric photochemistry. However, the impacts of environmental constraints on isoprene emission are still not yet well known. In particular, water stress impact is still a contradictory issue. In a world facing multiple climatic changes, models expect this kind of stress to hit Mediterranean area.This work focused on the impact of water stress on Quercus pubescens Willd. isoprene emissions. This species, widely spread in this area, is the second isoprene emitter in Europe.Two types of study were used.First, during an experimental carried out in a nursery, Q. pubescens saplings were grown under a moderate and severe water stress from April to October. This experimentation highlighted an increase of isoprene emissions for mid-stressed trees, while no emission changes were observed for the highly stressed trees.Secondly, an experimentation was conducted on a pubescent oak forest with trees acclimated to long lasting stress periods. We followed, during a whole season, the impact, on isoprene emissions, of a water stress created by artificially reducing 30% of the rains by means of a specific deploying roof. Isoprene emission factors were observed to increase under water stress.The database thus obtained was used in an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to develop an appropriate isoprene emission algorithm. We underlined the predominant impact of soil water content on isoprene emissions.
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Implementação de uma rede neural em ambiente foundation fieldbus para computação de vazão simulando um instrumento multivariávelBorg, Denis 20 June 2011 (has links)
Esta dissertação propõe o desenvolvimento de uma rede neural artificial (RNA) direcionada a ambientes foundation fieldbus para realização do cálculo de vazão em dutos fechados. Para tanto, a metodologia proposta utiliza-se de medidas de pressão, temperatura e pressão diferencial, as quais normalmente estão disponíveis em plantas industriais. A principal motivação do emprego das redes neurais reside no seu baixo custo e simplicidade de implementação, o que possibilita o emprego de apenas blocos fieldbus padrões tornando a metodologia independente do fabricante. Foi utilizada uma rede perceptron multicamadas com algoritmo de treinamento backpropagation de Levenberg-Marquardt. O treinamento foi realizado numa programação elaborada para o software Matlab TM. A arquitetura da rede neural foi determinada por métodos empíricos variando-se o número de neurônios e de camadas neurais até se atingir um erro aceitável na prática. Após esses treinamentos foi desenvolvida uma programação para realizar os cálculos de vazão em um ambiente foundation fieldbus utilizando-se para tanto o software DeltaV TM do fabricante Emerson Process Management. Foram obtidos resultados com erro relativo médio de valor de vazão em torno de 1.43% para um primeiro cenário utilizando uma placa de orifício e ar como fluido, e de 0,073% para um segundo cenário utilizando uma placa de orifício e gás natural como fluido, com relação aos valores obtidos através do instrumento multivariável 3095MV TM do fabricante Rosemount. Os valores de erro encontrados validam o método desenvolvido nessa dissertação. / This dissertation proposes the development of an artificial neural network (ANN) directed to foundation fieldbus environment for calculation of flow in closed ducts. The proposed methodology uses measurements of pressure, temperature and differential pressure, which are usually available in industrial plants. The main motivation of the use of neural networks lies in their low cost and simplicity of implementation, which allows the use of standard fieldbus blocks by just making the method independent of the manufacturer. It was used a multilayer perceptron network with backpropagation training and algorithm from Levenberg-Marquardt. The training was programmed in the software Matlab TM. The architecture of the ANN was determined by empirical methods by varying the number of neurons and neural layers until it reaches an acceptable error. After such trainings, it was developed a program to perform the flow calculations in an foundation fieldbus environment using Emerson Process Management\'s DeltaV TM software. The results were obtained with an average relative error of flow rate of 1.43% for the first scenario using an orifice plate and air as a process fluid, and 0.073% for a second scenario using an orifice plate and natural gas as the fluid related to the values obtained from Rosemount 3095MV TM multivariable instrument. The values of error found validate the method developed in this dissertation.
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Metodologia para diagnóstico e análise da influência dos afundamentos e interrupções de tensão nos motores de indução trifásicos / Methodology for the diagnosis and analysis of influence of voltage sags and interruptions in three-phase induction motorsGibelli, Gerson Bessa 20 May 2016 (has links)
Nesta pesquisa, é proposta uma metodologia para detectar e classificar os distúrbios observados em um Sistema Elétrico Industrial (SEI), além de estimar de forma não intrusiva, o torque eletromagnético e a velocidade associada ao Motor de Indução Trifásico (MIT) em análise. A metodologia proposta está baseada na utilização da Transformada Wavelet (TW) para a detecção e a localização no tempo dos afundamentos e interrupções de tensão, e na aplicação da Função Densidade de Probabilidade (FDP) e Correlação Cruzada (CC) para a classificação dos eventos. Após o processo de classificação dos eventos, a metodologia como implementada proporciona a estimação do torque eletromagnético e a velocidade do MIT por meio das tensões e correntes trifásicas via Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNAs). As simulações computacionais necessárias sobre um sistema industrial real, assim como a modelagem do MIT, foram realizadas utilizando-se do software DIgSILENT PowerFactory. Cabe adiantar que a lógica responsável pela detecção e a localização no tempo detectou corretamente 93,4% das situações avaliadas. Com relação a classificação dos distúrbios, o índice refletiu 100% de acerto das situações avaliadas. As RNAs associadas à estimação do torque eletromagnético e à velocidade no eixo do MIT apresentaram um desvio padrão máximo de 1,68 p.u. e 0,02 p.u., respectivamente. / This study proposes a methodology to detect and classify the disturbances observed in an Industrial Electric System (IES), in addition to, non-intrusively, estimate the electromagnetic torque and speed associated with the Three-Phase Induction Motor (TPIM) under analysis. The proposed methodology is based on the use of the Wavelet Transform WT) for the detection and location in time of voltage sags and interruptions, and on the application of the Probability Density Function (PDF) and Cross Correlation (CC) for the classification of events. After the process of events classification, the methodology, as implemented, provides the estimation of the electromagnetic torque and the TPIM speed through the three-phase voltages and currents via Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The necessary computer simulations of a real industrial system, as well as the modeling of the TPIM, were performed by using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory software. The logic responsible for the detection and location in time correctly detected 93.4% of the assessed situations. Regarding the classification of disturbances, the index reflected 100% accuracy of the assessed situations. The ANN associated with the estimation of the electromagnetic torque and speed at the TPIM shaft showed a maximum standard deviation of 1.68 p.u. and 0.02 p.u., respectively.
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Desenvolvimento do protótipo de uma prótese antropomórfica para membros superiores / Development of an anthropomorphic prosthesis prototype for superior membersCamargo, Daniel Rodrigues de 11 August 2008 (has links)
A finalidade desse trabalho é desenvolver um protótipo de uma prótese antropomórfica multifuncional para membros superiores para pacientes amputados. Seu objetivo é substituir a mão natural perdida, de forma a auxiliar a realização de algumas tarefas diárias do usuário. A prótese possuirá características antropomórficas, tais como aparência e movimentação semelhantes às da mão humana, e características naturais inerentes à mesma, por exemplo, o arco reflexo. Além disso, contará também com meios de realimentação táteis das informações de forças aplicadas pela prótese em objetos, bem como sua temperatura para o paciente, suprindo assim uma das carências das próteses convencionais. Esse dispositivo terá incorporado na sua construção sensores diversos para realizar as funções propostas e contará com um algoritmo baseado em redes neurais artificiais, capaz de identificar padrões dos sinais mioelétricos do paciente, que serão utilizados como sinais de controle, possibilitando ao paciente um comando natural. Todas essas implementações visam contribuir para a redução da taxa de rejeição de próteses para membros superiores e possibilitar uma maior reabilitação e reintegração do paciente à sociedade. / The purpose of this assignment is to develop a multifunctional and anthropomorphic upper limb prosthesis prototype for amputated patients. Its objective is to substitute the natural lost hand, in a way to improve the performance of regular activities. This prosthesis will have anthropomorphic characteristics, like appearance and movement, similar to the ones of the human hand, and natural characteristics inherent to it, for example the reflected arc. Another characteristic will be the tactile feedback ways of obtaining the information of the forces applied by the prosthesis in objects, as well as their temperature for the patient, overcoming therefore one of the traditional prosthesis\' deficiency. This device will have incorporated in its construction many sensors in order to do the proposed functions and it will use an algorithm based on the artificial neural network that is able to recognize patterns of myoelectric signals of the patient, which will be used as control signals, making possible to the patient a natural command. All of these implementations objective to contribute for the reduction of the rejection rate of prostheses for upper limb members and make possible a better rehabilitation and reintegration of the patient in the society.
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NEAR-INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY FOR REFUSE DERIVED FUEL : Classification of waste material components using hyperspectral imaging and feasibility study of inorganic chlorine content quantificationŠevčík, Martin January 2019 (has links)
This degree project focused on examining new possible application of near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for quantitative and qualitative characterization of refuse derived fuel (RDF). Particularly, two possible applications were examined as part of the project. Firstly, use of NIR hyperspectral imaging for classification of common materials present in RDF. The classification was studied on artificial mixtures of materials commonly present in municipal solid waste and RDF. Data from hyperspectral camera was used as an input for machine learning models to train them, validate them, and test them. Three classification machine learning models were used in the project; partial least-square discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), support vector machine (SVM), and radial basis neural network (RBNN). Best results for classifying the materials into 11 distinct classes were reached for SVM (accuracy 94%), even though its high computational cost makes it not very suitable for real-time deployment. Second best result was reached for RBNN (91%) and the lowest accuracy was recorded for PLS-DA model (88%). On the other hand, the PLS-DA model was the fastest, being 10 times faster than the RBNN and 100 times faster than the SVM. NIR spectroscopy was concluded as a suitable method for identification of most common materials in RDF mix, except for incombustible materials like glass, metals, or ceramics. The second part of the project uncovered a potential in using NIR spectroscopy for identification of inorganic chlorine content in RDF. Experiments were performed on samples of textile impregnated with a water solution of kitchen salt representing NaCl as inorganic chlorine source. Results showed that contents of 0.2-1 wt.% of salt can be identified in absorbance spectra of the samples. Limitation appeared to be water content of the examined samples, as with too large amount of water in the sample, the influence of salt on NIR absorbance spectrum of water was too small to be recognized. / FUDIPO
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Uso de redes neurais artificiais para descoberta de conhecimento sobre a escolha do modo de viagem / Using artificial neural network for the discovery of mode travel choice knowledgeWermersch, Fábio Glauco 09 May 2002 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetivou uma melhor compreensão do processo de escolha do modo de viagem. Empregou-se a abordagem indutiva dirigida a dados livre de suposições a priori da mineração em banco de dados (Data Mining), utilizando redes neurais artificiais (RNA) como ferramenta mineradora, à procura de conhecimento, ou informação útil, a respeito de escolha e capaz de indicar qual das estruturas de decisão subjacentes aos modelos de escolha modal considerados mais se aproximaria ao do observado. Partindo-se da ideia de que nesse processo exista um padrão o qual pode ser captado por uma RNA, ajustou-se um modelo de RNA aos dados e extraiu-se então o conhecimento contido no modelo de RNA ajustado através de um algoritmo de extração de árvore de decisão de RNA chamado Trepan (Trees parroting network), que foi analisado e interpretado à luz dos objetivos desta pesquisa. Os dados que foram utilizados nesse processo de descoberta de conhecimento são provenientes de uma pesquisa de entrevista domiciliar realizada na cidade de Bauru - SP, para fins de estimativa da matriz de deslocamentos origem-destino dessa cidade. Obteve-se quatro árvores de decisão com estruturas simples e com a araucária preditiva de 75% aproximadamente para os três modos de viagem estudados. Embora o conhecimento extraído dos modelos neurais ajustados não tenham proporcionado a indicação de qual das estruturas de decisão subjacentes aos modelos de escolha modal mais se aproxima da obtida com o modelo neural, foi constatada nas árvores resultantes do processo de descoberta do conhecimento uma relação de compensação entre o atributo sexo e os atributos relacionados à capacidade econômica do domicílio na decisão de escolha do modo carro para a realização de uma viagem. Os resultados também sugerem a não necessidade de mais um atributo de entrada referente ao deslocamento realizado em uma viagem para modelagem por RNA do processo de escolha do modo de viagem no contexto estudado. / This research aimed at a better understanding of the mode travel choice process. The inductive data driven free from a priori assumptions of the data mining approach was employed, using artificial neural networks (ANN) as a mining tool, looking for knowledge or useful information, concerning the choice process and capable of indicating which of the underlying decision structures to the considered modal choice models would come closer to the observed one. Taking into consideration that there is a pattern in this process that can be captured by ANN, an ANN model was fitted (trained) to the data, and the knowledge contained in the trained ANN model was extracted by employing an ANN decision tree extraction algorithm called Trepan (Trees parroting network), which was analysed and interpreted in the light of the object of this research. The data which was employed in this knowledge discovery process come from a household survey carried out in Bauru - SP in order to estimate the O-D matrix in this city. Four decision trees with simple structures and predicting accuracy of approximately 75% for the three travel modes studied were obtained. Even though the knowledge extracted from the trained ANN model has not yielded the indication of which of the underlying decision structures to the modal choice models was closer to the neural model, a compensating relation between the sex attribute and the household economic-related attribute in the decision of choosing the car mode in order to travel was evidenced in the trees resulting from the process of knowledge discovery. The results also suggest the lack of necessity of more than one input travel attribute concerning the displacement performed in a trip for the ANN modelling of the mode travel choice process in the studied context.
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Algoritmos de tratamento de curvas para determinação de parâmetros de geradores síncronos através do ensaio de resposta em frequência utilizando metodologia com inversor de frequência. / Algorithms of curves treatment for parameters determination of synchronous generators through the frequency response test using a frequency inverter.Kornrumpf, Luiz Henrique Damato 07 December 2016 (has links)
O ensaio de resposta em frequência em geradores síncronos vem ganhando espaço nas últimas décadas, porém o alto custo dos equipamentos empregados para realização do ensaio ainda é um empecilho, tanto para fabricantes como para consumidores finais. Este trabalho tem por objetivo complementar trabalhos anteriores, através do uso de redes neurais artificiais para identificação de padrões em ensaios realizados com equipamentos de baixo custo e baixa resolução. Através das redes neurais artificiais utilizadas é possível estimar novos pontos de ensaio sem que seja necessário um novo ensaio ou até mesmo um ensaio com equipamentos mais caros. Através de uma combinação de algoritmos de tratamento de dados, é possível a aproximação de modelos ensaiados com modelos teóricos e através desses resultados obter parâmetros elétricos dos geradores síncronos. / The frequency response test on synchronous generators has been increasing in recent decades, but the high cost of equipment used for conducting the test is still a stumbling block for both manufacturers and end-consumers. This dissertation aims to complement previous work, through the use of artificial neural networks to identify patterns in tests conducted with low-cost and low-resolution equipment. Through the artificial neural networks used it is possible to estimate a new set of test points without retesting is necessary or even a more expensive assay equipments. Through a combination of data processing algorithms, the approach tested models with theoretical models is possible and through these results to obtain electrical parameters of synchronous generators.
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Evolução de estratégias e controle inteligente em sistemas multi-robóticos robustosPessin, Gustavo 22 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T13:59:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 22 / Nenhuma / Este trabalho está relacionado com a aplicação de técnicas de Inteligência Artificial no desenvolvimento de um Sistema Multi-Agente robótico aplicado ao problema da monitoração
e combate a incêndios em áreas florestais. O objetivo macro é
evoluir estratrégias de formação de equipes de combate a incêndio (unidade de controle) e criar métodos robustos de navegação em agentes robóticos (unidades de combate), considerando um ambiente virtual de simulação realística.No sistema proposto, uma equipe de agentes autônomos trabalha cooperativamente a fim de realizar com sucesso a identificação e o combate a incêndios em áreas florestais, sem
intervenção humana. O ambiente virtual 3D suporta uma série de características fundamentais para a simulação realística da operação, como terrenos irregulares, processos naturais e
restrições físicas na criação e uso de robôs móveis. Este ambiente foi implementado através do uso das bibliotecas OSG, ODE e Demeter. A operacão multi-agente depende essencialmente de duas etapas: p / This work is related to the application of Artificial Intelligence techniques to develop a Multi-Agent Robotic System applied to the problem of monitoring wild forest fires and to the
execution of fire fighting actions. Our main goal was to evolve strategies (control unit) in order to define the positioning of the fire-fighting autonomous robotic team and to create robust navigation methods used to control robotic agents (combat units). This work was developed based on simulations accomplished using a realistic 3D virtual environment, specially implemented for this purpose, using the software libraries OSG, Demeter and ODE. In the proposed system, a team of autonomous agents work cooperatively in order to successfully perform the identification and fighting of forest fires, without any human intervention. The 3D virtual environment includes several features for realistic simulation of this task, as for example, adoption of irregular terrains, natural processes simulation (e.g. fire propagation), and simulati
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Novo método de mapeamento de espaços de cor através de redes neurais artificiais especializadas / New method for mapping color spaces using specialized artificial neural networksBarcellos, Robson 24 August 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma nova metodologia para mapeamento no espaço de cor colorimétrico CIEXYZ, dos valores de triestímulo obtidos em um espaço de cor não colorimétrico definido pelas curvas de sensibilidade de um sensor eletrônico. A inovação do método proposto é realizar o mapeamento através de três redes neurais artificiais sendo que cada uma é especializada em mapear cores com um determinado triestímulo dominante. É feita a comparação dos resultados do mapeamento com vários trabalhos publicados sobre mapeamento de um espaço de cor em outro usando diversas técnicas. Os resultados mostram a eficiência do método proposto e permitem sua utilização em equipamentos para medir cores, incrementando sua precisão. / This work presents a new method for mapping a non colorimetric color space defined by the sensitivity curves of an electronic color sensor to the colorimetric color space CIEXYZ. The novelty of the proposed method is to perform the mapping by a set of three artificial neural networks, each one specialized in mapping colors with a specific dominant tristimulus. The results are compared with the ones obtained in published works about the mapping of color spaces, using several methods. The results of the method proposed in this work show that it is efficient and it can be used in equipments for measuring colors, improving its precision.
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