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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Late glacial to Holocene climate and vegetation changes on the Tibetan Plateau inferred from fossil pollen records in lacustrine sediments

Wang, Yongbo January 2011 (has links)
The past climate in central Asia, and especially on the Tibetan Plateau (TP), is of great importance for an understanding of global climate processes and for predicting the future climate. As a major influence on the climate in this region, the Asian Summer Monsoon (ASM) and its evolutionary history are of vital importance for accurate predictions. However, neither the evolutionary pattern of the summer monsoon nor the driving mechanisms behind it are yet clearly understood. For this research, I first synthesized previously published Late Glacial to Holocene climatic records from monsoonal central Asia in order to extract the general climate signals and the associated summer monsoon intensities. New climate and vegetation sequences were then established using improved quantitative methods, focusing on fossil pollen records recovered from Tibetan lakes and also incorporating new modern datasets. The pollen-vegetation and vegetation-climate relationships on the TP were also evaluated in order to achieve a better understanding of fossil pollen records. The synthesis of previously published moisture-related palaeoclimate records in monsoonal central Asia revealed generally different temporal patterns for the two monsoonal subsystems, i.e. the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and East Asian Summer Monsoon (EASM). The ISM appears to have experienced maximum wet conditions during the early Holocene, while many records from the area affected by the EASM indicate relatively dry conditions at that time, particularly in north-central China where the maximum moisture levels occurred during the middle Holocene. A detailed consideration of possible driving factors affecting the summer monsoon, including summer solar insolation and sea surface temperatures, revealed that the ISM was primarily driven by variations in northern hemisphere solar insolation, and that the EASM may have been constrained by the ISM resulting in asynchronous patterns of evolution for these two subsystems. This hypothesis is further supported by modern monsoon indices estimated using the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis data from the last 50 years, which indicate a significant negative correlation between the two summer monsoon subsystems. By analogy with the early Holocene, intensification of the ISM during coming decades could lead to increased aridification elsewhere as a result of the asynchronous nature of the monsoon subsystems, as can already be observed in the meteorological data from the last 15 years. A quantitative climate reconstruction using fossil pollen records was achieved through analysis of sediment core recovered from Lake Donggi Cona (in the north-eastern part of the TP) which has been dated back to the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). A new data-set of modern pollen collected from large lakes in arid to semi-arid regions of central Asia is also presented herein. The concept of "pollen source area" was introduced to modern climate calibration based on pollen from large lakes, and was applied to the fossil pollen sequence from Lake Donggi Cona. Extremely dry conditions were found to have dominated the LGM, and a subsequent gradually increasing trend in moisture during the Late Glacial period was terminated by an abrupt reversion to a dry phase that lasted for about 1000 years and coincided with the first Heinrich Event of the northern Atlantic region. Subsequent periods corresponding to the warm Bølling-Allerød period and the Younger Dryas cold event were followed by moist conditions during the early Holocene, with annual precipitation of up to about 400 mm. A slightly drier trend after 9 cal ka BP was then followed by a second wet phase during the middle Holocene that lasted until 4.5 cal ka BP. Relatively steady conditions with only slight fluctuations then dominated the late Holocene, resulting in the present climatic conditions. In order to investigate the relationship between vegetation and climate, temporal variations in the possible driving factors for vegetation change on the northern TP were examined using a high resolution late Holocene pollen record from Lake Kusai. Moving-window Redundancy Analyses (RDAs) were used to evaluate the correlations between pollen assemblages and individual sedimentary proxies. These analyses have revealed frequent fluctuations in the relative abundances of alpine steppe and alpine desert components, and in particular a decrease in the total vegetation cover at around 1500 cal a BP. The climate was found to have had an important influence on vegetation changes when conditions were relatively wet and stable. However, after the 1500 cal a BP threshold in vegetation cover was crossed the vegetation appears to have been affected more by extreme events such as dust storms or fluvial erosion than by the general climatic trends. In addition, pollen spectra over the last 600 years have been revealed by Procrustes analysis to be significantly different from those recovered from older samples, which is attributed to an increased human impact that resulted in unprecedented changes to the composition of the vegetation. Theoretical models that have been developed and widely applied to the European area (i.e. the Extended R-Value (ERV) model and the Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites (REVEALS) model) have been applied to the high alpine TP ecosystems in order to investigate the pollen-vegetation relationships, as well as for quantitative reconstructions of vegetation abundance. The modern pollen–vegetation relationships for four common pollen species on the TP have been investigated using Poaceae as the reference taxa. The ERV Submodel 2 yielded relatively high PPEs for the steppe and desert taxa (Artemisia Chenopodiaceae), and low PPEs for the Cyperaceae that are characteristic of the alpine Kobresia meadows. The plant abundances on the central and north-eastern TP were quantified by applying these PPEs to four post-Late Glacial fossil pollen sequences. The reconstructed vegetation assemblages for the four pollen sequences always yielded smaller compositional species turnovers than suggested by the pollen spectra, indicating that the strength of the previously-reported vegetation changes may therefore have been overestimated. In summary, the key findings of this thesis are that (a) the two ASM subsystems show asynchronous patterns during both the Holocene and modern time periods, (b) fossil pollen records from large lakes reflect regional signals for which the pollen source areas need to be taken into account, (c) climate is not always the main driver for vegetation change, and (d) previously reported vegetation changes on the TP may have been overestimated because they ignored inter-species variations in pollen productivity. / Das Paläoklima in Zentralasien, besonders in der Hochebene von Tibet (HT), ist von großer Bedeutung um globale Klimaprozesse zu verstehen und mögliche Voraussagung für die zukunft zu treffen. Als wichtigstes Klimaphänomen nehmen der asiatische Sommermonsun (ASM) und seine Entwicklungsgeschichte eine Schlüsselposition ein. Dennoch sind derzeit weder das Entwicklungsschema noch der antreibende Vorgang ausreichend verstanden. Dies gilt insbesondere für das Holozän, für welches große Kimaschwankungen und regionale Diskrepanzen weithin belegt sind. Deshalb habe ich zuerst holozäne Klimadaten zusammengefasst. Bereits veröffentlichte Publikationen aus den Monsungebieten Zentralasiens dienten als Grundlage, um die wichtigsten Klimasignale und die zugehörigen Intensitäten des Sommermonsuns heraus zu arbeiten. Anhand von Pollensequenzen aus tibetischen Seen erzeugte ich neue Klima- und Vegetationssequenzen, welche auf verbesserten quantitativen Methoden und rezenten Datensätzen beruhen. Außerdem wurden die Verhältnisse Pollen-Vegetation und Vegetation-Klima bewertet, um Schlussfolgerungen fossiler Pollensequenzen zu verbessern. Die Zusammenfassung der zuvor veröffentlichten, niederschlagsbezogenen Paläoklimadaten im Monsungebiet Zentralasiens ergab generell unterschiedliche Muster für die zwei Teilsysteme des ASMs, den Indischen Sommermonsun (ISM) und den Ostasiatischen Sommermonsun (OASM). Der ISM weist maximale feuchte Bedingungen während des frühen Holozöns auf, während viele Datensätze aus dem Gebiet des OASMs einen relativ trockenen Zustand anzeigen, besonders im nördlichen Zentralchina, wo maximale Niederschläge während des mittleren Holozäns registriert wurden. Genaue Betrachtungen der Antriebsfaktoren des Sommermonsuns ergaben, dass der ISM hauptsächlich durch Veränderungen der Sonneneinstrahlung auf der Nordhemisphäre angetrieben wird, während der OASM potentiell durch den ISM beherrscht wird - dies führt zu asynchronen Entwicklungen. Diese Hypothese wird durch rezente Monsunindizes gestützt. Sie weisen eine signifikant negative Korrelation zwischen den beiden Sommermonsun-Teilsystemen auf. Für die quantitative Klimarekonstruktion von Pollensequenzen wurde ein Sedimentkern aus dem See Donggi Cona im Nordosten der HT analysiert, der bis zum letzten glazialen Maximum (LGM) zurückdatiert wurde. Aufgrund der Tatsache, dass Donggi Cona ein relativ großer See ist, wird hiermit ein neuer Pollen-Klima-Kalibrierungsdatensatz auf Grundlage großer Seen in ariden und semiariden Regionen Zentralasiens vorgelegt. Das Konzept des Pollenherkunftsgebietes wurde in diese rezente, pollenbasierte Klimakalibrierung eingebracht und auf die Pollensequenz von Donggi Cona angewendet. Die Auswertung ergab, dass extrem trockene Bedingungen während des LGM (ca. 100 mm/yr) vorherrschten. Ein ansteigender Trend von Niederschlägen während des späten Glazials wurde durch einen abrupten Rückgang zu einer etwa 1000-jährigen Trockenphase beendet, welche mit Heinrich-Ereignis 1 in der Nordatlantik-Region übereinstimmt. Danach entsprechen die Klimaperioden dem warmen Bølling/Allerød und dem Kälteereignis der Jüngeren Dryas. Anschließend herrschten feuchte Bedingungen im frühen Holozän (bis zu 400 mm/yr). Ein etwas trockenerer Trend nach dem Holozänen Klimaoptimum wurde dann von einer zweiten Feuchtphase abgelöst, welche bis 4,5 cal. ka vor heute andauerte. Relativ gleichmäßige Bedingungen dominierten das späte Holozän bis heute. Die Klimadynamik seit dem LGM wurde vor allem durch Entgletscherung und Intensitätsschwankungen des ASM bestimmt. Bei der Betrachtung des Vegetation-Klima-Verhältnisses habe ich die zeitlichen Variationen der bestimmenden Faktoren hinsichtlich der Vegetationsdynamik auf der nördlichen HT untersucht. Dabei wurden hochauflösende holozäne Pollendaten des Kusai-Sees verwendet. Eine Redundanzanalyse (RDA) wurde angewendet um die Korrelation zwischen Pollenvergesellschaftungen und individuellen sedimentären Klimaanzeigern als auch die damit verbundene Signifikanz zu bewerten. Es stellte sich heraus, dass das Klima einen wichtigen Einfluss auf den Veränderungen in der Vegetation besaß, wenn die Bedingungen relativ warm und feucht waren. Trotzdem scheint es, dass, dass die Vegetation bei zu geringer Bedeckung stärker durch Extremereignisse wie Staubstürme oder fluviale Erosion beeinflusst wurde. Pollenspektren der vergangen 600 Jahre erwiesen sich als signifikant unterschiedlich verglichen mit den älterer Proben, was auf verstärkten anthropogenen Einfluss hindeutet. Dieser resultierte in einem beispiellosen Wandel in der Zusammensetzung der Vegetation. In Hinsicht auf das Pollen-Vegetation-Verhältnis und der quantitativen Rekonstruktion der Vegetationshäufigkeit habe ich theoretische Modelle, welche für europäische Regionen entwickelt und weithin angewendet wurden, respektive die Modelle "Extended R-Value" (ERV) sowie "Regional Estimates of Vegetation Abundance from Large Sites" (REVEALS), auf die hochalpinen Ökosysteme der HT überführt. Dafür wurden rezente Pollen-Vegetations-Verhältnisse von vier weit verbreiteten Pollen-Arten der HT überprüft. Poaceae wurden als Referenztaxa verwendet. Bei der Anwendung dieser Verhältnisse auf vier Pollensequenzen, welche die Paläoumweltbedingungen seit dem letzten Glazial widerspiegeln, wurden die Häufigkeiten von Pflanzen auf der zentralen und nordöstlichen HT quantifiziert. Anteile von Artimisia und Chenopodiaceae waren dabei im Vergleich zu ihren ursprünglichen Pollenprozenten deutlich verringert. Cyperaceae hingegen wies eine relative Zunahme in dieser Vegetationsrekonstruktion auf. Die rekonstruierten Vegetationsvergesellschaftungen an den Standorten der vier Pollensequenzen ergaben stets geringere Umwälzungen in der Artenzusammensetzung, als durch die Pollenspektren zu vermuten gewesen wäre. Dies kann ein Hinweis darauf sein, dass die Intensität der bislang angenommenen Vegetationsveränderungen überschätzt worden ist. Zusammengefasst sind die Hauptresultate dieser Dissertation, dass (a) die zwei ASM Teilsysteme asynchrone Muster während des Holozäns und heute aufweisen, dass (b) fossile Pollensequenzen großer Seen regionale Klimasignale widerspiegeln sofern die Herkunftsgebiete der Pollen berücksichtigt werden, dass (c) Klima nicht immer der Haupteinflussfaktor für Vegetationswandel ist und dass (d) das Ausmaß von Vegetationsveränderungen in zuvor veröffentlichten Studien auf der Hochebene von Tibet überschätzt worden sein kann, weil Diskrepanzen der Pollenproduktivität zwischen den Arten nicht einbezogen wurden.

Reconhecimento de padrões com tratamento de incertezas na localização de marcadores e modelos ativos de formas

Behaine, Carlos Alberto Ramirez January 2013 (has links)
As imagens são sinais que possuem muita informação. Os objetos representados em ima- gens podem sofrer deformações fazendo com que suas características mudem, o que difi- culta o reconhecimento do objeto. A chave para o sucesso de um sistema de reconheci- mento de padrões em imagens é escolher adequadamente a sua abordagem e um modelo para as feições presentes nas imagens. Uma das dificuldades é extrair e selecionar as feições que são mais discriminantes entre as diferentes classes usadas para modelar um objeto. Os modelos ativos de formas (Active Shape Models ASM) adaptam-se às defor- mações de um objeto. O objeto a ser modelado, pode ser representado com um modelo de pontos distribuídos (Point Distribution Models PDM). O PDM consiste de pontos de interesse ou marcadores, que permitem a extração de feições em localizações específicas do objeto. Após tratar a incerteza da localização e oclusão dos marcadores é possível ex- trair as feições mais representativas, obtendo-se um desempenho alto em termos da taxa de reconhecimento. Nesta tese são introduzidas novas formas para extrair e selecionar feições com modelos ativos de formas, que melhoram a taxa de classificação onde há objetos deformáveis. Esta tese é inovadora no sentido de aperfeiçoar o uso de ASMs na classificação de faces humanas, e na sua aplicação no monitoramento visual de outros tipos de objetos deformáveis. / Images are signals that have a lot of information. The objects depicted in images may suf- fer deformations causing changes in their characteristics, which hinders the recognition of the object. The key to the success of a system of pattern recognition in images is to choose properly your approach and a model for the features in the images. One difficulty is to extract and select the features that are most discriminating between different classes used to model an object. The Active Shape Models (ASM) adapt to deformations of an object. The object to be modeled can be represented with a Points Distribution Model (PDM). The PDM consists of points of interest or landmarks that allow the extraction of features in specific locations of the object. After treating the uncertainty of the location and occlu- sion of the landmarks it is possible to extract the most representative features, obtaining a high performance in terms of recognition rate. This thesis introduces new ways to extract and select features with ASMs, which improve the classification rate where deformable objects are present. This thesis is innovative in the sense that improves the use of ASMs in the classification of human faces, and that can be applied in visual monitoring of other types of deformable objects.

Reconhecimento de padrões com tratamento de incertezas na localização de marcadores e modelos ativos de formas

Behaine, Carlos Alberto Ramirez January 2013 (has links)
As imagens são sinais que possuem muita informação. Os objetos representados em ima- gens podem sofrer deformações fazendo com que suas características mudem, o que difi- culta o reconhecimento do objeto. A chave para o sucesso de um sistema de reconheci- mento de padrões em imagens é escolher adequadamente a sua abordagem e um modelo para as feições presentes nas imagens. Uma das dificuldades é extrair e selecionar as feições que são mais discriminantes entre as diferentes classes usadas para modelar um objeto. Os modelos ativos de formas (Active Shape Models ASM) adaptam-se às defor- mações de um objeto. O objeto a ser modelado, pode ser representado com um modelo de pontos distribuídos (Point Distribution Models PDM). O PDM consiste de pontos de interesse ou marcadores, que permitem a extração de feições em localizações específicas do objeto. Após tratar a incerteza da localização e oclusão dos marcadores é possível ex- trair as feições mais representativas, obtendo-se um desempenho alto em termos da taxa de reconhecimento. Nesta tese são introduzidas novas formas para extrair e selecionar feições com modelos ativos de formas, que melhoram a taxa de classificação onde há objetos deformáveis. Esta tese é inovadora no sentido de aperfeiçoar o uso de ASMs na classificação de faces humanas, e na sua aplicação no monitoramento visual de outros tipos de objetos deformáveis. / Images are signals that have a lot of information. The objects depicted in images may suf- fer deformations causing changes in their characteristics, which hinders the recognition of the object. The key to the success of a system of pattern recognition in images is to choose properly your approach and a model for the features in the images. One difficulty is to extract and select the features that are most discriminating between different classes used to model an object. The Active Shape Models (ASM) adapt to deformations of an object. The object to be modeled can be represented with a Points Distribution Model (PDM). The PDM consists of points of interest or landmarks that allow the extraction of features in specific locations of the object. After treating the uncertainty of the location and occlu- sion of the landmarks it is possible to extract the most representative features, obtaining a high performance in terms of recognition rate. This thesis introduces new ways to extract and select features with ASMs, which improve the classification rate where deformable objects are present. This thesis is innovative in the sense that improves the use of ASMs in the classification of human faces, and that can be applied in visual monitoring of other types of deformable objects.

Reconhecimento de padrões com tratamento de incertezas na localização de marcadores e modelos ativos de formas

Behaine, Carlos Alberto Ramirez January 2013 (has links)
As imagens são sinais que possuem muita informação. Os objetos representados em ima- gens podem sofrer deformações fazendo com que suas características mudem, o que difi- culta o reconhecimento do objeto. A chave para o sucesso de um sistema de reconheci- mento de padrões em imagens é escolher adequadamente a sua abordagem e um modelo para as feições presentes nas imagens. Uma das dificuldades é extrair e selecionar as feições que são mais discriminantes entre as diferentes classes usadas para modelar um objeto. Os modelos ativos de formas (Active Shape Models ASM) adaptam-se às defor- mações de um objeto. O objeto a ser modelado, pode ser representado com um modelo de pontos distribuídos (Point Distribution Models PDM). O PDM consiste de pontos de interesse ou marcadores, que permitem a extração de feições em localizações específicas do objeto. Após tratar a incerteza da localização e oclusão dos marcadores é possível ex- trair as feições mais representativas, obtendo-se um desempenho alto em termos da taxa de reconhecimento. Nesta tese são introduzidas novas formas para extrair e selecionar feições com modelos ativos de formas, que melhoram a taxa de classificação onde há objetos deformáveis. Esta tese é inovadora no sentido de aperfeiçoar o uso de ASMs na classificação de faces humanas, e na sua aplicação no monitoramento visual de outros tipos de objetos deformáveis. / Images are signals that have a lot of information. The objects depicted in images may suf- fer deformations causing changes in their characteristics, which hinders the recognition of the object. The key to the success of a system of pattern recognition in images is to choose properly your approach and a model for the features in the images. One difficulty is to extract and select the features that are most discriminating between different classes used to model an object. The Active Shape Models (ASM) adapt to deformations of an object. The object to be modeled can be represented with a Points Distribution Model (PDM). The PDM consists of points of interest or landmarks that allow the extraction of features in specific locations of the object. After treating the uncertainty of the location and occlu- sion of the landmarks it is possible to extract the most representative features, obtaining a high performance in terms of recognition rate. This thesis introduces new ways to extract and select features with ASMs, which improve the classification rate where deformable objects are present. This thesis is innovative in the sense that improves the use of ASMs in the classification of human faces, and that can be applied in visual monitoring of other types of deformable objects.

Aplikace pro monitorování multicastových relací / Monitoring Application for Multicast sessions

Kopecký, Martin January 2009 (has links)
This work deals with a monitoring application for multicast sessions. The general aim is to develop the application for monitoring multicast sessions from network elements of a laboratory computer network. The first part describes possibilities of monitoring computer networks in terms of monitoring techniques and protocols. The second part contains a topology of the laboratory computer network and several basic commands for setting of the multicast in Cisco IOS. The third part is devoted to the developed application for monitoring the multicast in Java language. The last part describes the testing on an actual multicast network and an example of such testing is stated there.

Modelación de la calidad de las aguas en los humedales artificiales de flujo superficial (HAFS) Aplicación a los HAFS del Tancat de la Pipa en l'Albufera de Valencia

Gargallo Bellés, Sara 23 February 2017 (has links)
Constructed wetlands (CWs) are anthropically designed systems to improve and optimize certain physical and biochemical processes that occur in the ecosystems of natural wetlands with the main objective of removing pollutants from the water. This technology, which usually has been used for the treatment of urban wastewater, is being recently applied for treating a great variety of flows, including eutrophic water. Treatment efficiency of these systems depends on the interrelation of a great variety of processes and factors that hinder the establishment of simple principles for its design and/or exploitation. Therefore, mathematical models are useful tools to increase the knowledge about this technology and to optimize their design and management. During the last decades, a remarkable advance has been produced in the modelling of CWs, especially subsurface flow systems. However, an equivalent level of development has not been reached in the modelling of surface flow systems. In this type of CWs, where there is not a porous medium through which the water to be treated circulates, the influence of environmental factors such as wind or avifauna, and the interaction with the layer of sediment can be more intense. Therefore, it is necessary having models applicable to this type of CWs which facilitate the representation of this particular casuistry. In this PhD Dissertation a mechanistic biokinetic model for the treatment of eutrophic water in free water surface constructed wetlands has been developed. The structure of the Activated Sludge Model (ASM) has been used to represent the processes that affect to the main variables of water quality in eutrophic systems, i.e., suspended solids, phytoplankton, different forms of nitrogen and phosphorus and matter organic. The model has been implemented in the software AQUASIM and has been calibrated and validated in two real systems that treated hypertrophic water from Lake l¿Albufera (Valencia) for three years. One of the most remarkable contributions of this model is the ability for simulating the operation conditions of full-scale systems, i.e., for reproducing the interactions that occur between the free water surface constructed wetland and the environment where it is integrated. A novel contribution of this model is the capacity for simulating the effects produced by the activity of the avifauna and by the action of the wind speed in the resuspension of sediments. Another important contribution is the quantification of the effect of the processes involved in the cycles of each variable. This has been able to determine the importance of resuspension in the removal of suspended solids, especially that caused by the action of the wind. Likewise, vegetation cover has been demonstrated to be an easy to monitor and valid parameter for the simulation of the effect of emerging macrophytes in water quality in surface flow CWs, in both sedimentation and resuspension processes, as well as in nutrients uptake. On the other hand, this research has allowed extend the knowledge about the immobility of microorganisms in surface flow CWs. It has also been proven that high vegetation covers as well as harvesting of emerging macrophytes are crucial factors in nutrients removal in this type of systems. / Los humedales artificiales (HHAA) son sistemas diseñados antrópicamente para mejorar y optimizar ciertos procesos físicos y bioquímicos que ocurren en los ecosistemas de los humedales naturales con el objetivo principal de eliminar contaminantes del agua. Esta tecnología, que habitualmente se ha utilizado para la depuración de aguas residuales urbanas, se está aplicando recientemente en el tratamiento de una gran variedad de corrientes, entre ellas las aguas eutróficas. La eficiencia de tratamiento de estos sistemas depende de la interrelación de una gran variedad de procesos y factores que dificultan el establecimiento de principios simples para su diseño y/o explotación. Por ello, los modelos matemáticos son una herramienta útil para aumentar el conocimiento sobre esta tecnología y para optimizar su diseño y gestión. Durante las últimas décadas se ha producido un avance notable en la modelación de los HHAA, especialmente en los sistemas de flujo subsuperficial. Sin embargo, no se ha alcanzado un nivel de desarrollo equivalente en la modelación de los sistemas de flujo superficial. En esta tipología de HHAA, donde no existe un medio poroso a través del cual circula el agua a tratar, la influencia de factores ambientales como el viento o la avifauna y la interacción con la capa de sedimentos puede ser más intensa. Por lo tanto, resulta necesario disponer de modelos aplicables a este tipo de HHAA que permitan representar esta casuística particular. En esta Tesis Doctoral se ha desarrollo un modelo mecanicista biocinético para el tratamiento de aguas eutróficas mediante humedales artificiales de flujo superficial. Se ha utilizado la estructura de los modelos Activated Sludge Model (ASM) para representar los procesos que afectan a las principales variables de calidad de aguas eutróficas, es decir, los sólidos en suspensión, el fitoplancton, las distintas formas de nitrógeno y fósforo y la materia orgánica. El modelo se ha implementado en el software AQUASIM y ha sido calibrado y validado en dos sistemas reales que han tratado durante tres años las aguas hipereutróficas del lago de l¿Albufera (València). Una de las contribuciones más destacables de este modelo es la capacidad para simular las condiciones de funcionamiento de los sistemas a escala real, es decir, para reproducir las interacciones que se producen entre el humedal artificial de flujo superficial y el medio en el que se integra. Una aportación novedosa de este modelo es la capacidad para simular los efectos producidos por la actividad de la avifauna y por la acción de la velocidad del viento en la resuspensión de los sedimentos. Otra aportación importante es la cuantificación del efecto de los procesos que intervienen en los ciclos de cada variable. Con ello se ha podido determinar la importancia de la resuspensión en la eliminación de los sólidos en suspensión, especialmente de la provocada por la acción del viento. Así mismo, se ha demostrado la aplicabilidad del grado de cobertura vegetal como un parámetro de fácil monitorización y válido para la simulación del efecto de las macrófitas emergentes en la calidad de las aguas en los HHAA de flujo superficial, tanto en los procesos de sedimentación y resuspensión del material particulado como en la toma de nutrientes. Por otra parte, esta investigación ha permitido ampliar el conocimiento sobre la inmovilidad de los microorganismos en los HHAA de flujo superficial. También se ha comprobado que un buen grado de cobertura vegetal, así como el cosechado de las macrófitas emergentes, son factores cruciales en la eliminación de nutrientes en este tipo de sistemas. / Els aiguamolls construïts (AACC) són sistemes antròpicament dissenyats per a millorar i optimitzar determinats processos físics i bioquímics que es produeixen en els ecosistemes de les zones humides naturals amb l'objectiu d'eliminar els contaminants de l'aigua. Aquesta tecnologia, que normalment s'ha utilitzat per al tractament d'aigües residuals urbanes, s'està aplicant recentment al tractament de diversos fluxos, com les aigües eutròfiques. L'eficàcia del tractament d'aquests sistemes depèn de la interrelació d'una gran varietat de processos i factors que dificulten l'establiment de principis simples per al seu disseny i/o explotació. Per això, els models matemàtics són una eina útil per a augmentar els coneixements sobre aquesta tecnologia i per a optimitzar el seu disseny i la gestió. Durant les últimes dècades s'ha produït un avanç notable en la modelització d'els AACC, especialment en els sistemes de flux subsuperficial. No obstant això, no s'ha assolit un nivell de desenvolupament equivalent en la modelització de sistemes de flux superficial. En aquesta tipologia d'AACC, on no existeix un medi porós a través del qual circula l'aigua a tractar, la influència de factors ambientals com el vent o les aus i la interacció amb la capa de sediments pot ser més intensa. Per tant, resulta necessari disposar de models aplicables a aquest tipus d'AACC que permeten representar aquesta casuística particular. En aquesta Tesi Doctoral s'ha desenvolupat un model mecanicista biocinètic per al tractament d'aigües eutròfiques mitjançant aiguamolls artificials de flux superficial. S'ha utilitzat l'estructura dels models Activated Sludge Model (ASM) per a representar els processos que afecten les principals variables de la qualitat de les aigües eutròfiques, és a dir, els sòlids en suspensió, el fitoplàncton, les diverses formes de nitrogen i fòsfor i la matèria orgànica. El model s'ha implementat en el software AQUASIM i ha estat calibrat i validat en dos sistemes reals que han tractat durant tres anys les aigües hipereutròfiques del llac de l¿Albufera (València). Una de les aportacions més remarcables d'aquest model és la capacitat per a simular les condicions de funcionament dels sistemes a escala real, és a dir, per a reproduir les interaccions que es produeixen entre l'aiguamoll artificial de flux superficial i el medi en el qual està integrat. Una aportació novedosa d'aquest model és la capacitat per a simular els efectes produïts per l'activitat de l'avifauna i per l'acció de la velocitat del vent en la resuspensió de sediments. Una altra aportació important és la quantificació de l'efecte dels processos implicats en els cicles de cada variable. Amb açò s'ha pogut determinar la importància de la resuspensió en l'eliminació dels sòlids en suspensió, especialment de la provocada per l'acció del vent. Així mateix, s'ha demostrat l'aplicabilitat del grau de cobertura vegetal com a un paràmetre de fácil monitorització i vàlid per a la simulació de l'efecte dels macròfits emergents en la qualitat de les aigües en els AACC de flux superficial, tant en els processos de sedimentació i resuspensió del material particulat com en la presa de nutrients. D'altra banda, aquesta recerca ha permès ampliar el coneixement sobre la immobilitat d'els microorganismes en els AACC de flux superficial. També s'ha comprovat que un bon grau de cobertura vegetal, així com la sega dels macròfits emergents, són factors clau en l'eliminació de nutrients en aquest tipus de sistemes. / Gargallo Bellés, S. (2017). Modelación de la calidad de las aguas en los humedales artificiales de flujo superficial (HAFS) Aplicación a los HAFS del Tancat de la Pipa en l'Albufera de Valencia [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/78215 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Optimisation of a hollow fibre membrane bioreactor for water reuse

Verrecht, Bart January 2010 (has links)
Over the last two decades, implementation of membrane bioreactors (MBRs) has increased due to their superior effluent quality and low plant footprint. However, they are still viewed as a high-cost option, both with regards to capital and operating expenditure (capex and opex). The present thesis extends the understanding of the impact of design and operational parameters of membrane bioreactors on energy demand, and ultimately whole life cost. A simple heuristic aeration model based on a general algorithm for flux vs. aeration shows the benefits of adjusting the membrane aeration intensity to the hydraulic load. It is experimentally demonstrated that a lower aeration demand is required for sustainable operation when comparing 10:30 to continuous aeration, with associated energy savings of up to 75%, without being penalised in terms of the fouling rate. The applicability of activated sludge modelling (ASM) to MBRs is verified on a community-scale MBR, resulting in accurate predictions of the dynamic nutrient profile. Lastly, a methodology is proposed to optimise the energy consumption by linking the biological model with empirical correlations for energy demand, taking into account of the impact of high MLSS concentrations on oxygen transfer. The determining factors for costing of MBRs differ significantly depending on the size of the plant. Operational cost reduction in small MBRs relies on process robustness with minimal manual intervention to suppress labour costs, while energy consumption, mainly for aeration, is the major contributor to opex for a large MBR. A cost sensitivity analysis shows that other main factors influencing the cost of a large MBR, both in terms of capex and opex, are membrane costs and replacement interval, future trends in energy prices, sustainable flux, and the average plant utilisation which depends on the amount of contingency built in to cope with changes in the feed flow.

A Framework for Call Graph Construction

Honar, Elnaz, Mortazavi Jahromi, Seyed AmirHossein January 2010 (has links)
<p>In object oriented programming, a Call Graph represents the calling relationships between the program’s methods. To be more precise, a Call Graph is a rooted directed graph where each node of the graph represents a method and each edge <em>(u, v)</em> represents a method call from method <em>u </em>to method <em>v.</em></p><p><em></em>Focus of this thesis is on building a framework for Call Graph construction algorithms which can be used in program analysis. Our framework is able to be initialized by different front-ends and constructs various Call Graph algorithms. Here, we instantiate framework with two bytecode readers (ASM and Soot) as front-ends and implement three Call Graph construction algorithms (CHA, RTA and CTA).<em></em></p><p>At first, we used two above mentioned bytecode readers to read the bytecode of a specific Java program, then we found reachable methods for each invoked method; meanwhile we kept obtained details on our own data structures.  Creating data structures for storing required information about Classes, Methods, Fields and Statements, gives us a great opportunity to implement an independent framework for applying well known Call Graph algorithms. As a result of these data structures, Call Graph construction will not depend on bytecode readers; since, whenever we read the bytecode of a program, we accumulate all necessary points in pre-defined data structures and implement our Call Graphs based on this accumulated data.</p><p>Finally, the result is a framework for different Call Graph construction algorithms which is the goal of this thesis. We tested and evaluated the algorithms with a variety of programs as the benchmark and compared the bytecode readers besides the three Call Graph algorithms in different aspects.</p>

Comportamento do tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) aos indutores de resistência à seca / Tomato performance to the resistance inductors in drought

Silva, Renato Agnelo da 10 November 2006 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo estudar a influência de um ativador de plantas e de dois fungicidas sobre o comportamento de plantas de tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), cultivadas em vasos no interior de casa-de-vegetação, no município de Piedade, SP, e submetidas a diferentes condições de fornecimento de água. Os produtos químicos aplicados de forma isolada foram respectivamente dois fungicidas, a piraclostrobina (PRT) e a azoxistrobina (AZT); um ativador de plantas, o acibenzolar-s-metil (ASM). Foi incluída uma testemunha, sem aplicações de produtos. Todos os tratamentos mantiveram-se sob quatro níveis de água (90%, 72 %, 54% e 36% da capacidade de recipiente do substrato). Foram realizadas quatro aplicações dos produtos, sendo a primeira um dia antes do plantio definitivo das mudas, a segunda aos 10 dias após o plantio (DAP), seguindo-se mais duas aplicações com intervalo de 10 dias entre as mesmas. As avaliações foram efetuadas medindo os seguintes parâmetros: a) peso da massa seca da raiz, da parte aérea e total de cada planta aos 30 e 50 DAP; b) determinação do teor de clorofila das plantas aos 35 DAP, tomando-se como padrão o segundo folíolo da primeira folha abaixo do primeiro cacho floral; c) altura das plantas aos 29 e 49 DAP; d) número de folhas abaixo do primeiro cacho floral, aos 29 DAP; e) número total de folhas por planta aos 29 DAP; f) porcentagem de plantas com o primeiro cacho floral totalmente aberto aos 28 DAP; g) sintomas de deficiência hídrica aos 7 dias após a terceira e quarta aplicação dos produtos. Os resultados indicaram que as aplicações do acibenzolar-s-metil (ASM), piraclostrobina (PRT) e azoxistrobina (AZT) evitaram sintomas visíveis de murcha ocasionada pelo estresse hídrico, enquanto que em situações com maiores níveis de fornecimento de água, ocorreu maior acúmulo de matéria seca nas raízes e na parte aérea do tomateiro. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of a systemic acquired resistance activator and two fungicides on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) plants, cultivated in pots in a greenhouse, which was exposed to different conditions of water supply. The products which were sprayed without tank mixtures (applied in their isolated form), were respectively two fungicides: piraclostrobina (PRT) and azoxistrobina (AZT); and one systemic acquired resistance activator, the acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM), and one without products. All treatments were rent on four water levels (90%, 72%, 54% and 36% of container capacity). Four sprays of these produtcs were done: the first was done one day before planting, and the second 10 days after planting. Two more spray was done with 10 days interval between them. The following parameters were taken into measured to do the evaluations: a) dry weights of the root mass, the leaf area, and the entirely plant at 30 and 50 days after the planting (DAP); b) determination of the chlorophyll contents of the plants at 35 DAP, taking as the standard the second leaflet of the first leaf, immediately bellow the first inflorescence; c) plant height at 29 and 49 DAP; d) number of leaves below the first inflorescence at 29 DAP; e) total number of leaves for each plant at 29 DAP; f) percentage of plants with the first inflorescence totally opened at 28 DAP; g) water stress symptoms evaluation at the 7th day after the third and the fourth product sprays. The results indicated that the sprays of acibenzolar-s-methyl (ASM), piraclostrobina (PRT) and azoxistrobina (AZT) avoided the visible wilt symptoms due to the hydric stress, while in situations with higher water supply levels, the accumulation of dry material in the roots and in the leaf area of tomato plants increased.

Application de l'étude du magnétisme des roches à la compréhension des gisements : Traçage des paléocirculations (expérimentation et cas des minéralisations de La Florida, Espagne) ; Structuration et histoire de l'altération des amas sulfurés (cas des chapeaux de fer de la Province Pyriteuse Sud Ibérique, Espagne).

Essalhi, Mourad 04 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette thèse était d'utiliser les propriétés magnétiques des roches (paléomagnétisme, anisotropie de la susceptibilité magnétique (ASM) et différentes techniques d'analyse de la minéralogie magnétique), complété par d'autres méthodes classiques (microscopie pétrographique et électronique, goniométrie de texture, spectroscopie Raman, statistiques d'orientation préférentielle de forme et cathodoluminescence) pour aborder des thématiques récurrentes relatives à la formation des gisements métalliques. Cette approche a été appliquée à deux problèmes métallogéniques : (i) le traçage de la circulation du fluide ayant produit la métasomatose ferrifère des carbonates de La Florida (Cantabrie, Nord de l'Espagne) et la mise en place des minéralisations à Pb–Zn associées (MVT) ; et (ii) l'étude de la structuration des gossans et le décryptage de l'histoire de l'altération des amas sulfurés de la Ceinture Pyriteuse Sud Ibérique (CPSI, Andalousie, Sud de l'Espagne). Dans le premier cas, nous avons pu démontrer expérimentalement que la circulation des fluides produit une anisotropie de forme dont on peut retrouver l'empreinte dans le signal de l'ASM. Cette propriété nous a permis de définir une direction NE–SW de circulation du fluide métasomatique à La Florida. Dans le deuxième cas, le couplage entre l'ASM et le paléomagnétisme nous a permis de définir deux fabriques magnétiques dans les gossans primaires ; (i) une fabrique, d'âge ancien, de « compaction », caractéristique des parties supérieures des gossans, probablement associé au réchauffement de l'Oligocène supérieur et (ii) une fabrique de « mélange », plus récente, localisée dans les parties inférieures des gossans, formée probablement lors de l'événement messinien. La fabrique de «compaction » refléterait donc une altération plus mâture comparée à la fabrique de « mélange ». Par ailleurs, l'analyse de la minéralogie magnétique des gossans et des terrasses de la CPSI a révélé la présence « inhabituelle » de la pyrrhotite, une présence que nous avons attribué à l'activité de bactéries sulfato-réductrices dans des microdomaines réducteurs, disséminés dans un environnement globalement oxydant et très acide.

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