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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Percepción de la paciente mastectomizada sobre su imagen corporal en el Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Neoplásicas

Escobar Rodríguez, Evelyn Yovana January 2008 (has links)
Los objetivos fueron: Determinar la percepción de la paciente mastectomizada sobre su imagen corporal en el aspecto físico, psicológico y social. El estudio es de nivel aplicativo, tipo cuantitativo, método descriptivo de corte transversal. La población estuvo constituída por 46 pacientes mastectomizadas que fueron intervenidas quirúrgicamente entre agosto – diciembre 2007. La técnica que se utilizó fue la entrevista y el instrumento fue un formulario tipo Escala de LicKert Modificada. En cuanto a la percepción de la paciente mastectomizada sobre su imagen corporal del 100% (46), 54.35% (25) tienen una percepción desfavorable y 45.65% (21) favorable. En cuanto a la percepción desfavorable está determinada por los aspectos físico y social, lo favorable por el psicológico. Respecto a la percepción de la paciente mastectomizada sobre su imagen corporal en el aspecto físico tenemos que 58.7% (27) tiene una percepción desfavorable y 41.3% (19) favorable. En cuanto al aspecto psicológico evidenciamos que 45.65% (21) tienen una percepción desfavorable, 54.35% (25) favorable. Con respecto al aspecto social 60.87% (28) tiene una percepción desfavorable y 39.13% (18) desfavorable. Por lo que la percepción de las pacientes mastectomizadas sobre su imagen corporal es en su mayoría desfavorable referida en el aspecto físico por no aceptar su nueva apariencia física, sentir que han perdido su lado femenino, no desear ver la zona, en el aspecto psicológico piensan que puede cambiar su relación de pareja, son más reservadas, y en el social por no agradarle recibir visita de amigos, no sentirse preparadas para asistir a actividades sociales. / The objectives were to determine the perception of mastectomy patient on their body image in physical, psychological and social development. The study is level application, quantitative, cross-sectional method. The population was composed of 46 patients who mastectomized surgically implanted between August-December 2007. The technique used was the interview and the instrument was a standard form of LicKert Modified Scale. As for the perception of the patient mastectomy on her body image at 100% (46), 54.35% (25) have a negative perception and 45.65% (21) Pro. As for the unfavorable perception is determined by the physical and social aspects, favorable psychological. Regarding the perception of mastectomy patient on their body image in the physical aspect we need to 58.7% (27) have an unfavorable perception and 41.3% (19) Pro. As for the psychological aspect show that 45.65% (21) have a negative perception, 54.35% (25) Pro. With regard to the social aspect 60.87% (28) have an unfavorable perception and 39.13% (18) unfavourable. As far as the perception of mastectomized patients about their body image is mostly unfavorable referenced in physical appearance not to accept his new physical appearance, feel they have lost their feminine side, not wanting to see the area, in the psychological aspect think that can change your dating relationship, are quiet, and the social please not receive visits from friends, not feel prepared to attend social activities.

Percepción que tiene el adulto mayor respecto a su proceso de envejecimiento en el Albergue Central Ignacia Rodulfo Vda. de Canevaro, 2006

Tejada Puerta, Olivia Janhayde January 2007 (has links)
El presente estudio titulado “Percepción que tiene el Adulto Mayor respecto a su Proceso de Envejecimiento en el Albergue Central Ignacia Rodulfo Vda. De Canevaro”, tuvo como objetivo general determinar cuál es la percepción que tiene el adulto mayor respecto a su proceso de envejecimiento y como objetivos específicos identificar la percepción del adulto mayor en las dimensiones física, psicológica y social. La finalidad del mismo es obtener información valiosa que determine la percepción del adulto mayor a fin de conocer las necesidades reales de este grupo poblacional en relación a este proceso tan heterogéneo e inherente a cada ser para así poder realizar procesos de reflexión que orienten nuevas estrategias en el actuar de nuestra profesión. El estudio es de enfoque cuantitativo, método descriptivo de corte transversal. La población estuvo conformada por los adultos mayores del Albergue Central Ignacia Rodulfo Vda de Canevaro que respondieron a los criterios de inclusión, siendo en total 70. La técnica usada fue la entrevista y el instrumento una Escala Tipo Lickert modificada . Los hallazgos más significativos fueron que la percepción de los adultos mayores respecto a su proceso de envejecimiento es medianamente favorable a favorable; en cuanto a los cambios físicos muestran una percepción medianamente favorable a desfavorable principalmente por los cambios funcionales de dificultad para caminar, disminución de la fuerza muscular y agudeza visual, sin embargo muestran cierta aceptación frente a los cambios en la apariencia y capacidad sexual. En cuanto a cambios psicológicos su percepción es medianamente favorable a desfavorable evidenciándose un gran porcentaje que presenta sentimientos de inutilidad y de carga; respecto a lo social la tendencia de su percepción es de medianamente favorable a favorable mostrando participación en actividades propias del albergue o instituciones afines, en su vínculo con amigos y no relacionando el alejamiento de su familia con el proceso de envejecimiento. / The present titled study Perception that has the greater adult with respect to its process of aging, must like general mission determine as it is the perception that has the greater adult with respect to its process of aging and like specific objectives to identify the perception of the greater adult in the dimensions physical, psychological and social. This problem is originated with the purpose of obtaining valuable data that it determines the perception of the greater adult in order to know the real necessities this population group in relation to this so heterogenous and inherent process each being thus to be able to make reflection processes that orient new strategies in acting of our profession. The study is of quantitative approach, descriptive method of cross section. The population was conformed by the greater adults of Central Albergue Ignacia Rodulfo Vda de Canevaro that responded to the inclusion criteria, being altogether 70. The used technique was the interview and the instrument a Scale Tipo modified Lickert. The significant findings but were that the perception of the greater adults with respect to its process of aging is moderately favorable to favorable; as far as the physical changes they moderately show unfavorable a favorable perception mainly by the functional changes of difficulty walking, diminution of the muscular force and visual sharpness, nevertheless they show to certain acceptance in front of the changes in the appearance and sexual capacity. As far as psychological changes its perception is moderately favorable to unfavorable demonstrating a great percentage that presents/displays load and uselessness feelings; with respect to social the tendency of its perception it is of moderately favorable to favorable showing to participation in own activities of the shelter or compatible institutions, in his I tie with friends and not relating the distance of its family to the aging process.

Percepción del adulto mayor respecto a la muerte, Albergue Central "Ignacia Rodulfo Vda. de Canevaro" octubre-noviembre, 2003

Bullón Zegarra, Catherine Virginia January 2005 (has links)
En este estudio de investigación se abordó la percepción que tiene el adulto mayor frente a la muerte. El objetivo fue determinar la percepción del adulto mayor con respecto a la muerte según la frecuencia, tipo de visitas y en relación a su significado, sentimientos y el proceso de preparación y aceptación a la misma. El tipo de estudio fue descriptivo, transversal, cuantitativo y fue desarrollado en el Albergue Central “Ignacia Rodulfo Vda. de Canevaro”, ubicado en el distrito del Rímac. La muestra de estudio estuvo constituida por 20 adultos mayores de ambos sexos, comprendidos entre los 70 y 90 años con grado de dependencia parcial en uso de sus facultades cognitivas, albergados por un tiempo mínimo de 1 año, los cuales reciben visita por parte de algún familiar o personas no ligadas a su entorno familiar en forma frecuente, esporádica o no reciben visita alguna. Las técnicas utilizadas para la recolección de datos fueron: la entrevista cuyo instrumento fue la escala tipo Lickert adaptado y la entrevista semi estructurada con preguntas abiertas. Los resultados determinaron que el mayor porcentaje de adultos mayores (85%) tiene una percepción con tendencia favorable frente a la muerte ya que van aceptándola paulatinamente siendo esta a su vez influenciada por diversos factores (tiempo, realidad personal de cada individuo y el apoyo de su entorno). El 40% de los adultos mayores recibe visitas mensuales y el 60% de las visitas que los adultos mayores reciben son realizadas por familiares cercanos; es por ello que consideran de gran importancia la compañía durante la muerte ya que la idea de verse solos y la presencia de dolor les genera temor y miedo. / In this study of investigation the perception was approached that have the adult greater front to the death. The objective was to determine the perception of the greater adult with respect to the death according to the frequency and type of visits and in relation to their meaning, feelings and process of preparation and acceptance to the same one. The type of study was descriptive, cross-sectional, quantitative and it was developed in Central Albergue "Ignacia Rodulfo Vda. de Canevaro”, located in the district of the Rímac. The study sample was constituted by 20 greater adults of both sexes, included/understood between the 70 and 90 years with degree of partial dependency in use of its cognitivas faculties, lodged by a minimum time of 1 year, which receive visit on the part of some relative or people nonrelatedto their familiar surroundings in frequent form, sporadic or they do not receive visit some. The techniques used for the data collection were: the interview whose instrument was the scale adapted Lickert type and the interview semi structured with open questions. The results determined that the greater percentage of greater adults (85%) has a perception with favorable tendency front to the death since they are accepting it gradually being this as well influenced by diverse factors (time, personal reality of each individual and the support of its surroundings). 40% of the greater adults receive monthly visits and 60% of the visits that the greater adults receive are made by near relatives; it is for that reason that considers of great importance the company during the death since the idea to see itself single and the pain presence generates dread and fear.

Escala de Amsterdam sobre ansiedad y la escala de información Apais en la fase preoperatoria-Perú 2005

Gonzales Bustamante, Guillermo, Pinto Samanez, Fredy January 2005 (has links)
Objetivo: El propósito del actual estudio era determinar el nivel de la ansiedad de los pacientes y el requisito de información en la evaluacion preoperatorio (MOPRI, 140 pacientes fueron evaluados para determinar su requisito de la ansiedad y de información en un cuestionario, la ansiedad y la escala de la información (APAIS) de Amsterdam Preoperatoria. 140 pacientes también fueron evaluados por la escala de ansiedad del Estado-Rasgo de Spielberger (STAI-Estado). Los pacientes podían terminar el cuestionario en menos de 2 minutos. Lugar de estudio: Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins – Unidad de MOPRI. Población y muestra: 140 pacientes que acuden a la Unidad de MOPRI, durante los meses de estudio, seleccionados en forma aleatoria al azar. Resultados: Las características demográficas : edad un media de 50.004 una desviación Standard de 14.426, con un mínimo de 20 y un máximo de 85, sexo 52.1% femenino y masculino 47.9% y pacientes con cirugía previa 62.5% y el tipo de cirugía intermedia un 70.8% No se encontraron diferencias estadísticas entre los grupos en cuanto a las variables demográficas. Pero en relación a Ansiedad:y anestesia :Inquieto por la anestesia 75%, piensa en Anestesia 25%, requiere información sobre anestesia: 93.8 %; y en relación a Ansiedad:y Cirugía :Inquieto por la cirugía 50%, piensa en Cirugía 13.9%, requiere información sobre cirugía: 60.4 %. En el análisis multivariado con significación estadística el sexo femenino y el antecedente de cirugía previa. En análisis factorial, dos factores emergieron claramente: ansiedad y la necesidad de la información. La escala de la ansiedad correlacionó altamente (0.74) con la Escala STAI. Por otra parte, los resultados demostraron que 1) las mujeres eran más ansiosas que hombres; 2) los pacientes con un alto requisito de información también tenían un alto nivel de la ansiedad; 3) los pacientes que nunca habían experimentado una operación tenían un requisito de información más alto que los que tenían. Conclusiones: El APAIS puede proveer a los anestesiólogos un instrumento válido, confiable, y fácilmente aplicable para determinar el nivel de la ansiedad preoperatorio de los pacientes y su necesidad de la información / Objective: The intention of the present study was to determine the level of the anxiety of the patients and the requirement of information in preoperating evaluation (MOPRI, 140 patients were evaluated to determine its requirement of the anxiety and information in a questionnaire, the anxiety and the scale of the information (APAIS) of Amsterdam Preoperatoria. 140 patients also were evaluated by the scale of anxiety of Estado-Rasgo de Spielberger (STAI-Estado). The patients could finish the questionnaire in less than 2 minutes. Place of study: National hospital Edgardo Rebagliati Martins - Unit of MOPRI. Population and shows: 140 patients who go to the Unit of MOPRI, during the months of study, selected in random form at random. Results: The demographic characteristics: age an average of 50,004 a Standard deviation of 14,426, with minimo of 20 and maximo of 85, feminine and masculine sex 52,1% 47,9% and patients with 62,5% previous surgery and the type of intermediate surgery 70,8% was not statistical differences between the groups as far as the demograficas variables. But about relation to:Inquieto Ansiedad:y anesthesia by anesthesia 75%, it thinks about Anesthesia 25%, it requires information on anesthesia: 93.8 %; and about relation to Ansiedad:y:Inquieto Cirugia by cirugia 50%, it thinks about Cirugia 13,9%, it requires information on cirugia: 60.4 %. In the analisis multivaried with estadistica meaning feminine sex and the antecedent of previous surgery. In factorial analysis, two factors emerged clearly: anxiety and the necessity of the information. The scale of the anxiety correlated highly (0.74) with STAI-Estado.. On the other hand, the results demonstrated that 1) the women were more anxious than men; 2) the patients with a high requirement of information also had a high level of the anxiety; 3) the patients who never had experienced an operation had a requirement of information higher than those than had. Conclusions: The APAIS can provide to the anestesiólogos an instrument valid, reliable, and easily applicable to determine the level of the preoperating anxiety of the patients and its necessity of the information

Relaciones entre la autoeficacia, las expectativas de resultado y el desempeño deportivo en jugadores de rugby del Campeonato Metropolitano de Lima

Whittembury Isla, Bryan Manuel 24 October 2013 (has links)
El presente estudio longitudinal indaga la relación entre autoeficacia, expectativas de resultado y desempeño deportivo en un grupo de jugadores del Campeonato Metropolitano de Rugby del año 2011 (n=227). A nivel general, en los tres momentos de la evaluación se observaron sistemáticamente asociaciones directas y moderadas entre los constructos evaluados. Adicionalmente, los participantes de los equipos mejor posicionados reportaron puntajes más altos de autoeficacia y expectativas de resultado que los participantes de los equipos peor posicionados; y, se observó que la autoeficacia y las expectativas de resultado no variaron significativamente durante el estudio. Esto último corrobora que una vez establecidas las condiciones contextuales para la auto-evaluación de grupos e individuos, la auto-eficacia y las expectativas de resultado suelen ser relativamente estables en el tiempo. / This longitudinal study explores the relationship between self-efficacy, outcome expectancies and sports performance in a group of players from Metropolitan Rugby Championship in 2011 (n = 227). In general, in the three times of assessment it was observed moderate direct associations between the constructs assessed. Additionally, participants from the teams best positioned reported higher scores of self-efficacy and outcome expectations than participants worst positioned and it was found that self-efficacy and outcome expectations did not change significantly during the study. This confirmed that once established the contextual conditions for self-evaluation of groups and individuals, self-efficacy and outcome expectations are relatively stable over time. / Tesis

Experiencias de relaciones de pareja de un grupo de mujeres con infertilidad primaria

Rios Garaycochea, Joanna 29 September 2014 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar y describir las experiencias de relación de pareja de 6 mujeres que presentan infertilidad primaria con causa desconocida. La edad de las participantes osciló entre los 35 a 45 años (M= 38.5 años, DE= 3.45), mantenían una relación de pareja entre 3 y 17 años (M= 6.6 años, DE= 4.75) y habían tenido dos pérdidas en promedio. Para llevar a cabo la investigación, se utilizó una metodología cualitativa que permitió recoger –a través de la creación de una entrevista semi-estructurada basada en la teoría recopilada sobre infertilidad y las relaciones de pareja- las experiencias de estas mujeres en torno a su relación. Los resultados demostraron que existen cuatro áreas principales que cobran importancia en la relación de pareja: el compromiso, la comunicación, el proyecto de vida a futuro y el vínculo sexual. Al jugar la primera área un papel esencial, ya que es el eje trasversal y unificador de la vida conjunta, las otras áreas son mostradas en relación a esta, es decir, a los momentos donde la contención y apoyo se encuentra dentro de una burbuja y a aquellos momentos donde el desborde de emociones rompe la burbuja. Todos estos resultados son discutidos en base a la dinámica propia que trae consigo la condición de infertilidad primaria. / The aim of this study was to explore and describe the experiences of couple relationship from 6 women who present primary infertility with an unknown cause. The ages of the participants ranged from 35 to 45 years (M = 38.5 years), their relationship time flowed between 3 and 17 years (M = 6.6 years) and had had, on average, two miscarriages. To carry out the research, it was use a qualitative methodology allowed to collect -through the creation of a semi-structured interview based on theory about infertility and couples relationships- the experiences of these women about their relationship. The results showed that there are four main areas that become important in the couple relationship: the comprehension, the communication, the future project and the sexual bond. As the first area showed to play an essential role as a unifying transverse axis of the unit couple, the other areas are shown in relation of this first one, that is to say, the moments where containment and support are in a bubble and those moments where the overflow of emotions breaks the bubble. All these results are discussed on the basis of the dynamic that primary infertility condition brings. / Tesis

Estereotipos de género y liderazgo en ejecutivos en una universidad privada de Lima

Cruz Hidalgo, Yasmina Francisca Isabel 09 May 2016 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio es determinar si ejecutivos de una universidad privada de Lima evidencian un estereotipo masculino tradicional en sus concepciones de liderazgo. De igual forma, si hay diferencias debido al sexo de los participantes en sus concepciones de liderazgo. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 69 ejecutivos que describieron a una Persona Líder, Líder Hombre o Líder Mujer haciendo uso de la Escala de Estereotipos de Roles Sexuales (SRSS). Los resultados mostraron que el estereotipo de líder era masculino y se presentaron diferencias debido al sexo del participante. / The aim of this study is to determine if executives from a private university in Lima demonstrate a traditional masculine stereotype in their conceptions of leadership. Also, if there are differences due to the participants’sex. The sample consisted in 69 executives that described Leader, Men Leader or Women Leader using the Sexual Roles Stereotyping Scale (SRSS). The results show that leader stereotype was masculine and that there were differences due to the sex of the participant. / Tesis

Aspectos psicológicos do controle social

Sá, Celso Pereira de 27 December 1978 (has links)
Submitted by Estagiário SPT BMHS (spt@fgv.br) on 2012-04-25T11:54:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 000013255.pdf: 21999052 bytes, checksum: 885b8797bf11a10011ec213bca8a74ac (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-04-25T11:54:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000013255.pdf: 21999052 bytes, checksum: 885b8797bf11a10011ec213bca8a74ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 1978 / The present work is an attempt to explore the psychologyical aspects inherent to the process of social control, according to the perspective of B. F. Skinner's 'experimental analysis of behavior'. Several current sociological propositions on some dimensions of the general issue are raised and critically articulated with the skinnerian behavioral approach. On the first chapter - 'Social Control in the Total Institutions' - a conceptual introduction to the operant conditioning is done, utilizing for this Goffman's sociological des cription of life inside those institutions. It is also discussed there some of the misinterpreations of skinnerian propositions and its mususages in closed orgunizations. On the second chapter, a comparative examination of the literary fictions '1984' and 'Walden II' is developed, with the purpose of , by focalizing their characteristical techniques of social control , raising already , in an informal way , several critical points of the issue, which come to receive a more de tailed treatment on the three following chapters. On 'Social Control in 'he Quotidian Life' it is cussed the diffuse nature the control assumes in that larger context, emphasizing the use that is make, for that end, of motivational and ideological devices. The approach to Sociology of Knowledge proposed by Berger and Luckmann is privileged in the articulation with skinnerian though. On the fourth chapter, which deals with the 'Identification of Controllers and Controllees' , it is proceeded to a beheviorist reinterpretation of the cogniivist constructs of 'intention' and 'perception', with which are usually described the control initiatives on the part of the social actors. Becker's analysis of the mechanisms of rule creation and imposition is utilized to support the strategy of reinterpretation. The final chapter explores a less traditional dimension of the issue - 'Control for Social Change'. The specific propositions from two authors - Popper and Mannheim – are here articulated with those from Skinner. Once characterized the situation of the contemporaneous society as one in incessant disordered change, the necessary conditions for a planned change and its psycho-social implications are discussed. On the conclusion of the work, it is tried to enhance the historical perspective of the social control issue, through a retrospective analysis made available by Schneider and a prospective speculation involving a social-political evaluation of the piecemeal and democratitical control of social change. It is held during that evaluation, the thesis that Skinner's behavioral engineering is piecemeal and democratic in its whole. / O presente trabalho constitui uma tentativa de exploração dos aspectos psicológicos inerentes ao processo de controle social, segundo a perspectiva da 'análise experimental do comportamento' de B. F. Skinner. Diversas proposições sociológicas correntes sobre algumas dimensões do problema geral são levantadas e criticamente articuladas com a abordagem comportamental skinneriana. No primeiro capítulo - 'O Controle Social nas Instituições Totais', é feita uma introdução conceitual ao condicionamento operante aproveitando-se para isso a descrição sociológica realizada por Goffman da vida naquelas instituições, são também aí discutidas algumas das interpretações erroneas das proposições skinnerianas e seus maus usos nas organizações fechadas. Desenvolve-se, no segundo capítulo, um exame comparativo das ficções literárias de '1984 ' e 'Walden II', com o propósito de pela focalização de suas técnicas características de controle social, suscitar já, de modo informal, diversos pontos críticos do problema, que vêm a receber tratamento mais pormenorizado nos três capítulos seguintes. Em 'Controle Social na Vida Cotidiana', discute-se a natureza difusa que o controle assume nesse contexto mais amplo, ressaltando-se o emprego que se faz, para esse fim, de artifícios motivacionais e ideológicos. Para a articulação com o pensamento skinneriano, é privilegiada abordagem da Sociologia do Conhecimento proposta por Berger e Luckmann. No quarto capítulo, que trata da 'Identificação de Controladores e Controlados', procede-se a uma reinterpretação comportamentista dos constructos cognitivistas de 'intenção' e 'percepção', com que comumente se descreve as iniciativas de controle por parte dos atores sociais. A análise de Becker dos mecanismos de criação e imposição de regras é utilizada par a apoiar a estratégia de reinterpretação. O capítulo final explora uma dimensão menos tradicional do problema - 'O Controle para a Mudança Social'. As proposições específicas de dois autores Popper e Mannheim - são aqui articuladas com as de Skinner. Caracterizado o estado da sociedade contemporânea como de incessante mudança desordenada, discute-se as condições necessárias para uma mudança planejada e suas implicações psicossociais. Na conclusão do trabalho, busca-se ampliar a perspectiva histórica do problema do controle social, por meio de uma análise retrospectiva proporcionada por Schneider e uma especulação prospectiva envolvendo a apreciação sócio- política do controle gradualista e democrático da mudança social. Defende-se, durante essa apreciação, a tese de que a engenharia comportamental de Skinner é gradualista e democrática em seu todo.

A parturiente: um estudo psicológico

Souza, Mariangela Freitas de Almeida e 02 July 1986 (has links)
Submitted by Estagiário SPT BMHS (spt@fgv.br) on 2012-05-07T14:21:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 000048592.pdf: 5919600 bytes, checksum: bc3713edbf3068252b9b9cbc314b37bb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-07T14:21:56Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000048592.pdf: 5919600 bytes, checksum: bc3713edbf3068252b9b9cbc314b37bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 1986 / The present study gas the purpose to identify the experiences endured by the parturient women during her first normal childbirth. Supposing beforehand a phenomenological approach, a field explanatory research was traced in which thirty recently delivery women in a normal childbirth condition, all of them primiparas, were interviewed one to three days postpartum on their beds in the motherhood. The interview followed a methodological model of life histories and by such histories the recently delivery women contributed with a detailed report about their childbirths. Their reports served for giving us information regarding the following four basic data in reference to parturient women in the course of her normal childbirth: a) physical experiences; b) emotional experiences; c) the meaning of hope; and d) perception of the medical doctor’s behavior. For practically the majority of the interviewed women, the hope of becoming pregnant was highly important and rather grafting; only a small number of them presented negative considerations as to the arrival of the baby. / Este trabalho teve por objetivo identificar as vivências femininas no decorrer de seu primeiro parto normal. Pressupondo-se uma abordagem baseada nos ensinamentos fenomenológicos, foi planejada uma pesquisa exploratória de campo em que 30 puérperas de parto normal, poucas horas após terem dado à luz. As entrevistas seguiram o modelo metodológico da técnica de histórias de vida e, através destas, as puérperas contribuíram com um relato acerca de seu parto. Os relatos serviram para nos dar informes a respeito de quatro aspectos básicos acerca da parturiente no processar do seu parto normal: a) vivências físicas; b) vivências emocionais; c) significado da experiência e d) percepção da conduta médica. A experiência de gerar um filho para praticamente todas as mulheres entrevistadas mostrou-se altamente importante e plena de gratificações. Apenas um pequeno número de mulheres apresentou considerações negativas à chegada da criança.

Um estudo piloto sobre os aspectos psicológicos associados a artrite reumatoide

Santos, Maria Fernanda Martins Ferreira dos 14 June 1991 (has links)
Submitted by Estagiário SPT BMHS (spt@fgv.br) on 2012-05-09T11:47:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 000057299.pdf: 3751960 bytes, checksum: 77f2df90a98891539665e9e812164451 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-05-09T11:48:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 000057299.pdf: 3751960 bytes, checksum: 77f2df90a98891539665e9e812164451 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1991 / This dissertation is an exploratory study concerning psychological aspects associated to rheumatoid arthritis, which predated the disease and played some role in the onset and progression of the disease process. As subjects were interviewed thirteen (13) persons with diagnosis of the disease by physicians working in the University Hospital Clementino Fraga Filho. The group was constituted of ten (10) female and three (3) male cases who did not presented others types of pathology. The primary objective this research work were the psychological factors related to the disease according to Franz Alexander psychosomatic view. The obtained results seem to evidence a psychodynamic back ground that to turned to themes, which suggest a great restrictive influence parental during the early childhood; hostility and aggressiveness contained; inhibition; low self-esteem; feelings of inferiority and RA patients tend to repress and control their feelings. In the manifest level these persons try to demonstrate externally just the opposite than feel internally (need to be active). So, it seems to exist a psychodynamic relationship between somatics and psychics aspects that influence in rheumatoid arthrritis process. The psychological effects that succeed to disease, as: deep concern about the development of the disease and its consequences; great anxiety related to the partial non-acquaintance of the real signification of the disease; less communication with home and social circle, were also emphasized. The results of this study are by no means conclusive, and the reserarcher acknowledge the possible biases due to the use of small group and of type assessment method. However, these results do seem to be agreement others investigations. / A presente dissertação de Mestrado em Psicologia Social e da Personalidade caracterizou-se por um Estudo Piloto concernente aos aspectos psicológicos relacionados a Artrite Reumatóide (AR), realizado através de uma investigação exploratória de campo no Hospital Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho (HUCFF), Ambulatório de Reumatologia, na qual treze (13) pacientes reumatóides foram entrevista dos. O grupo amostral foi constituído de dez (lO) casos do sexo feminino e três (3) do sexo masculino com diagnóstico apenas desse tipo de patologia. O foco de interesse desta pesquisa foram os aspectos psicológicos que precederam e desempenharam algum tipo de influência no começo e progressão da AR, a partir do ponto de vista psicossomático. Os resultados obtidos parecem evidenciar um background psicodinâmico, uma vez que os relatos de história de vida giraram em torno de temas que sugeriram uma influência parental restritiva na primeira infância; hostilidade e agressividade contidas; inibição; auto-estima baixa; sentimentos de inferioridade e tendência a repressão e controle dos sentimentos. A nível manifesto essas pessoas procuram demonstrar externa mente o oposto do que são ou como se sentem internamente (‘necessidade se serem ativos'). Assim, parece existir uma relação psicodinâmica entre os aspectos somáticos e psíquicos influenciando o processo da Artrite Reumatóide. Os efeitos psicológicos advindos da doença, tais como: grande preocupação acerca do processo da enfermidade em si e de suas consequências; ansiedade gerada pelo desconhecimento parcial do real significado da doença; menor comunicação tanto no meio intra como extra familiar, também foram enfatizados. Os resultados deste estudo não são conclusivos e o pesquisa dor admite que o grupo amostral foi muito reduzido e o método empregado diferiu dos comumente aplicados a este tipo de pesquisa. Entre tanto, os mesmos pouco divergiram dos de outras investigações.

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