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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Limb Darkening and Planetary Transits: Testing Center-to-limb Intensity Variations and Limb-darkening Directly from Model Stellar Atmospheres

Neilson, Hilding R., McNeil, Joseph T., Ignace, Richard, Lester, John B. 11 August 2017 (has links)
The transit method, employed by Microvariability and Oscillation of Stars (MOST), Kepler, and various ground-based surveys has enabled the characterization of extrasolar planets to unprecedented precision. These results are precise enough to begin to measure planet atmosphere composition, planetary oblateness, starspots, and other phenomena at the level of a few hundred parts per million. However, these results depend on our understanding of stellar limb darkening, that is, the intensity distribution across the stellar disk that is sequentially blocked as the planet transits. Typically, stellar limb darkening is assumed to be a simple parameterization with two coefficients that are derived from stellar atmosphere models or fit directly. In this work, we revisit this assumption and compute synthetic planetary-transit light curves directly from model stellar atmosphere center-to-limb intensity variations (CLIVs) using the plane-parallel Atlas and spherically symmetric SAtlas codes. We compare these light curves to those constructed using best-fit limb-darkening parameterizations. We find that adopting parametric stellar limb-darkening laws leads to systematic differences from the more geometrically realistic model stellar atmosphere CLIV of about 50–100 ppm at the transit center and up to 300 ppm at ingress/egress. While these errors are small, they are systematic, and they appear to limit the precision necessary to measure secondary effects. Our results may also have a significant impact on transit spectra.

A Deep X-ray Look at a Very Massive Star: HETGS Spectroscopy of the Blue Hypergiant Cyg OB2-12 (HIP 101364)

Huenemoerder, David, Oskinova, Lidia M., Ignace, Richard, Hamann, Wolf-Rainer, Schulz, Nobert S., Neilson, Hilding, Shenar, Tomer 01 January 2016 (has links)
We have obtained a Chandra/HETGS spectrum of one of the most massive and luminous stars in the Galaxy: the blue hypergiant Cyg OB2-12 (HIP 101364, spectral type B3 Ia+). This is the first measurement at high resolution of X-ray spectral lines in a blue hypergiant and allows comparison of X-ray properties between massive stars at different but related evolutionary stages: O-type supergiants, luminous blue variables, Wolf-Rayet stars, and blue hypergiants stars. The new data provide a look at how the most massive stars shed mass during their pre-supernova evolution. We find that In Cyg OB2-12 the resolved Si and Mg lines are broadened by about 1000 km/s (FWHM). The lines, however, do not show appreciable centroid shifts (/s), which would be much larger for canonical moderately thick winds (~500 km/s). The He-like Mg XI lines show evidence of photo-excitation, implying a wind origin close to the UV-bright photosphere. The spectrum also indicates relatively high temperature plasma, up to 22 MK (1.9 keV), showing significant continuum and emission lines below 5A (above 2.5 keV). Hence, at first glance, the spectrum resembles neither an O-star thick wind, nor a magnetically confined (narrow-line) plasma. We will present more detailed wind models using both X-ray and UV spectra to constrain fundamental physical parameters of this star.

High Resolution X-ray Spec- tra of WR 6

Huenemoerder, David, Gayley, K., Hamann, Wolf-Rainer, Ignace, Richard, Nichols, J., Oskinova, Lidia M., Pollock, A. M.T., Schulz, N. 01 January 2015 (has links)
As WR 6 is a putatively single WN4 star, and is relatively bright (V = 6.9), it is an ideal case for studying the wind mechanisms in these extremely luminous stars. To obtain higher resolution spectra at higher energy (above 1 keV) than previously obtained with the XMM/Newton RGS, we have observed WR 6 with the Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer for 450 ks. We have resolved emission lines of S, Si, Mg, Ne, and Fe, which all show a “fin”-shaped profile, characteristic of a self-absorbed uniformly expanding shell. Steep blue edges gives robust maximal expansion velocities of about 2000 km/s, somewhat larger than the 1700 km/s derived from UV lines. The He-like lines all indicate that X-ray emitting plasmas are far from the photosphere – even at the higher energies where opacity is lowest – as was also the case for the longer wavelength lines observed with XMM-Newton/RGS. Abundances determined from X-ray spectral modeling indicate enhancements consistent with nucleosynthesis. The star was also variable in X-rays and in simultaneous optical photometry obtained with Chandra aspect camera, but not coherently with the optically known period of 3.765 days.

Modeling the Variable Polarization of Epsilon Aurigae

Ignace, Richard, Henson, Gary D., Asbury, William 01 June 2016 (has links)
The nature of the edge-on eclipsing binary Epsilon Aurigae remains perplexing, despite notable progress since the recent 2009-2011 eclipse. The binary involves an early F supergiant with a still unknown companion enshrouded in a disk. Although the eclipse geometry produces a significant broad band polarization signature, semiregular pulsations of the F supergiant are also a source of variable polarization, with an amplitude that is commensurate with the effect of the eclipse. This fact makes use of the polarization for studying the disk of the companion far more challenging. In an effort to better understand the pulsation nature of the supergiant, we explore a simple model for the stellar contribution to the polarization signal. The model does reasonably well in characterizing the gross properties of the time-variable polarization.

Variable Polarization from Co-Rotating Interaction Regions in Massive Star Winds

Ignace, Richard 01 January 2017 (has links)
Co-rotating Interaction Regions (CIRs) are a well-known phenomenon in the solar wind, and is a favored culprit for certain cyclical behavior observed in the spectra of some massive stars. A prime example are the discrete absorption components (DACs) seen in the UV wind lines of many O stars. Here we report on modeling for the variable continuum polarization that could arise from the presence of CIR structures. Considerations are limited to optically thin scattering. Using a core-halo approach for winds that are thick to electron scattering, an application to observed variable polarization of WR6 (EZ CMa; HD 50896) is presented.

The Morphology and Uniformity of Circumstellar OH/H<sub>2</sub>O Masers around OH/IR Stars

Felli, Derek Sean 01 December 2017 (has links)
Even though low mass stars (< 8 solar masses) vastly outnumber high mass stars (< 8 solar masses), the more massive stars drive the chemical evolution of galaxies from which the next generation of stars and planets can form. Understanding mass loss of asymptotic giant branch stars contributes to our understanding of the chemical evolution of the galaxy, stellar populations, and star formation history. Stars with mass < 8 solar masses form planetary nebulae, while those with mass < 8 solar masses go supernova. In both cases, these stars enrich their environments with elements heavier than simple hydrogen and helium molecules. While some general info about how stars die and form planetary nebulae are known, specific details are missing due to a lack of high-resolution observations and analysis of the intermediate stages. For example, we know that mass loss in stars creates morphologically diverse planetary nebulae, but we do not know the uniformity of these processes, and therefore lack detailed models to better predict how spherically symmetric stars form asymmetric nebulae. We have selected a specific group of late-stage stars and observed them at different scales to reveal the uniformity of mass loss through different layers close to the star. This includes observing nearby masers that trace the molecular shell structure around these stars. This study revealed detailed structure that was analyzed for uniformity to place constraints on how the mass loss processes behave in models. These results will feed into our ability to create more detailed models to better predict the chemical evolution of the next generation of stars and planets.

Extreme Ultraviolet Polarimetry with Laser-Generated High-Order Harmonics: Characterization of Uranium

Brimhall, Nicole 23 July 2009 (has links)
We developed an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) polarimeter, which employs laser-generated high-order harmonics as the light source. This relatively high-flux, directional EUV source has available wavelengths between 10 nm and 47 nm with easily rotatable linear polarization. The polarimeter has allowed us to characterize the optical constants of materials that may be useful for EUV optics. The instrument has a versatile positioning system and a spectral resolution of about 180, and we have demonstrated that reflectance as low as 0.1% can be measured repeatably at EUV wavelengths. We investigate the high harmonic source used for polarimetry measurements by documenting the spatial evolution of the generating laser in a semi-infinite helium-filled gas cell under conditions suitable for harmonic generation. The laser is observed to focus, diverge, and refocus, accompanied by a flattop beam profile and extended harmonic phase matching. We numerically simulate the propagation to investigate these experimental results. We find that harmonic energy comes from the forward portion of the laser pulse, whereas the latter portion gives rise to the incidental double laser focusing. Good phase matching for the harmonics arises in large measure from a balance between the linear phase delay of the neutral atoms and the Gouy shift, which is elongated and nearly linearized when an aperture is partially closed on the beam. We compare reflectance data taken with the polarimeter instrument with expected results from well-characterized samples and find that they agree. To improve repeatability and reduce the effects of systematic measurement errors we have measured the ratio of p- to s-polarized reflectance and shown that optical constants can be extracted from this data as efficiently as from absolute reflectance measurements. These ratio measurements allow more accurate recovery of optical constants than our absolute reflectance measurements for our well-characterized samples. We use the polarimeter instrument and the ratio reflectance technique to determine the optical constants of copper, uranium, and their natural oxides from 10-47 nm. For copper, this measurement resolves previously conflicting data sets, where disagreement on optical-constant values arises from failure to keep samples from oxidizing before measurement. Uranium has been proposed as a high-reflectance material in the EUV for several years, however difficulties with oxidation have prevented its careful characterization previous to this work. We find that measured optical constants for uranium do not agree well with previously accepted theoretical calculations.

In Situ Magnetic Field Characterization with the Directional Hanle Effect

Jackson, Jarom Silver 01 June 2016 (has links)
We present a novel method of in situ magnetic field mapping related to the Hanle effect. This method uses the change in spatial radiation pattern of scattered light, which we call a 'directional Hanle effect,' rather than the loss of polarization more commonly associated with the Hanle effect. It is particularly well suited for fields in a magneto-optical trap (MOT), requiring only the addition of a narrow slit and a camera to typical MOT components. The use of this method is demonstrated by measuring the gradient through, and location of, the zero-point of the field in our strontium MOT.

Cluster Expansion Models Via Bayesian Compressive Sensing

Nelson, Lance Jacob 09 May 2013 (has links)
The steady march of new technology depends crucially on our ability to discover and design new, advanced materials. Partially due to increases in computing power, computational methods are now having an increased role in this discovery process. Advances in this area speed the discovery and development of advanced materials by guiding experimental work down fruitful paths. Density functional theory (DFT)has proven to be a highly accurate tool for computing material properties. However, due to its computational cost and complexity, DFT is unsuited to performing exhaustive searches over many candidate materials or for extracting thermodynamic information. To perform these types of searches requires that we construct a fast, yet accurate model. One model commonly used in materials science is the cluster expansion, which can compute the energy, or another relevant physical property, of millions of derivative superstructures quickly and accurately. This model has been used in materials research for many years with great success. Currently the construction of a cluster expansion model presents several noteworthy challenges. While these challenges have obviously not prevented the method from being useful, addressing them will result in a big payoff in speed and accuracy. Two of the most glaring challenges encountered when constructing a cluster expansion model include:(i) determining which of the infinite number of clusters to include in the expansion, and (ii) deciding which atomic configurations to use for training data. Compressive sensing, a recently-developed technique in the signal processing community, is uniquely suited to address both of these challenges. Compressive sensing (CS) allows essentially all possible basis (cluster) functions to be included in the analysis and offers a specific recipe for choosing atomic configurations to be used for training data. We show that cluster expansion models constructed using CS predict more accurately than current state-of-the art methods, require little user intervention during the construction process, and are orders-of-magnitude faster than current methods. A Bayesian implementation of CS is found to be even faster than the typical constrained optimization approach, is free of any user-optimized parameters, and naturally produces error bars on the predictions made. The speed and hands-off nature of Bayesian compressive sensing (BCS) makes it a valuable tool for automatically constructing models for many different materials. Combining BCS with high-throughput data sets of binary alloy data, we automatically construct CE models for all binary alloy systems. This work represents a major stride in materials science and advanced materials development.

Simulations of Electron Trajectories in an Intense Laser Focus for Photon Scattering Experiments

Tarbox, Grayson J. 01 March 2015 (has links)
An experiment currently underway at BYU is designed to test whether the size of a free electron wave packet affects the character of scattered radiation. Using a semi-classical argument wherein the wave packet is treated as a diffuse charge distribution, one would expect strong suppression of radiation in the direction perpendicular to the propagating field as the wave packet grows in size to be comparable to the wavelength of the driving field. If one disallows the interaction of the wave packet with itself, as is the case when calculating the rate of emission using QED, then regardless of size, the electron wave packet radiates with the strength of a point-like emitter. In support of this experiment, we explore a variety of physical parameters that impact the rate of scattered photons. We employ a classical model to characterize the exposure of electrons to high-intensity laser light in a situation where the electrons are driven by strong ponderomotive gradients. Free electrons are modeled as being donated by low-density helium, which undergoes strong-field ionization early on in the pulse or during a pre-pulse. When exposed to relativistic intensities (i.e. intensities sufficient to cause a Lorentz drift at a significant fraction of c), free electrons experience a Lorentz drift that causes redshifting of the scattered 800 nm laser light. This redshift can be used as a key signature to discern light scattered from the more intense regions of the focus. We characterize the focal volume of initial positions leading to significant redshifting, given a peak intensity of 2 x 10^18 W/cm 2 , which is sufficient to cause a redshift in scattered light of approximately 100 nm. Under this scenario, the beam waist needs to be larger than several wavelengths for a pulse duration of 35 fs in order to ensure free electrons remain in the focus sufficiently long to experience intensities near the peak pulse intensity despite strong ponderomotive gradients. We compute the rate of redshifted scattered photons from an ensemble of electrons distributed throughout the focus and relate the result to the scattered-photon rate of a single electron. We also estimate to what extent the ionization process may produce unwanted light in the redshifted spectral region that may confound the measurement of light scattered from electrons experiencing intensities greater than 1.5 x 10^18 W/cm^2.

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