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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Outsourcing vs. insourcing in the automotive industry : the role and concepts of suppliers

Nitschke, Christian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University 2005. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research report takes an in-depth look at the automotive industry and their major participants in the upstream value chain. The different parties involved are the automotive manufacturers (OEMs) and their suppliers. The overall goal of the following report is to identify suitable business models for small to medium sized (SME) automotive suppliers. As the automotive value chain currently undergoes an evolutionary change towards a diminishing vertical integration of the OEMs, it becomes a challenging issue to reconfigure the responsibilities of the suppliers. Thereby OEMs and their suppliers have to cope with a shift from a functional to a process orientated value chain. During this reorganization of the OEM-supplier interface, enterprises realign their strategic intent towards their core competencies as well. Besides the shifting value chain, both suppliers and OEMs have to cope with a consolidation in their industries. This consolidation is impacted by stagnating traditional markets, an ongoing globalization of the value chain, and an increasing productivity pressure in the automotive industry. Looking at the automotive supplier, it becomes obvious that the suppliers are on the one hand challenged by productivity pressures and on the other hand have the opportunity to take over more business of the automotive value chain. The growth potential requires changes in the area of supply chain management and new types of collaboration in the supply network. This prospective development is mainly influenced by a trend towards the outsourcing of entire processes by the OEMs and the increasing need for future innovations in the automotive industry. After discussing the above mentioned issues, the report analyses the role of suppliers with respect to their main customers, the automotive OEMs. Based on the findings business models for suppliers are assessed and key success factors for small to medium sized suppliers are proposed and evaluated. The findings of the evaluation are translated into suggestions for most suitable business models of SMEs. The report concludes with recommendations for the strategy building process indicates problems concerning the shifting value chain, and points out the importance of further research in the field of the small to medium sized automotive supplier industry. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieverslag ondersoek die motorvoertuig industrie met verwysing na die hoof deelnemers 'n die opwaartse waarde-ketting. Die partye betrokke is die motorvoertuigvervaardigers (OEMs) asook hul verskaffers. Die oorhoofse doel van die verslag is om gepaste sakeplanne vir klein en medium grootte (SME) ondernemings te identifiseer. Die motorvoertuig industrie se waardeketting ervaar tans 'n drastiese veranderingsproses - gekenmerk deur afnemende vertikale integrasie vanaf die OEMs - wat voortdurende nuwe uitdagings veroorsaak vir die innoverende verskaffer. Beide die OEMs en hul verskaffers moet dus aanpas met hierdie verandering - van funksioneel na proses-georienteerd - in die waarde-ketting. Tydens hierdie herstrukturering van OEM-verskaffer interaksie, moet deelnemers verseker dat die strategiese bedoeling in fyn ooreenstemming is met hul basiese bevoegdhede. Behalwe die verskuiwing in die waardeketting, moet OEMs asook verskaffers aanpas met samesmelting in hulle industrieë. Hierdie proses van samesmelting word beinvloed deur kwynende konvensionele markte, voortgesette globalisasie van die waardeketting, asook toenemende druk om produktief te wees in die motorvoertuig-industrie. 'n Ondersoek in motorvoertuig industrie verskaffers toon dat daar enersyds geweldige uitdagings ervaar word soverre dit produktiwiteitverbetering betref, maar andersyds daar ook geleendhede gebied word vir die verskaffer om verder te integreer deur oornames in die waarde-ketting. Om groei potensiaal te verwesenlik noodsaak dit veranderinge in die veld van verskaffingskettingbestuur, asook nuwe metodes van samewerking in die verskaffingsnetwerk. Hierdie moontlike tendens van integrasie word hoofsaaklik beinvloed deur 'n geneigdheid van OEMs om volledige prosesse te sub-kontrakteur asook deur die toenemende aanvraag vir voortdurende innovering in die motorvoertuig industrie. Laastens ondersoek die verslag die rol van die verskaffer vanuit die oogpunt van hul hoof kliënte, die OEMs. Na aanleiding van die verslag se bevindings word verskaffers se sakeplanne en modelle beoordeel en evalueer en word sleutel suksesfaktore vir die SME verskaffer voorgestel. Die uitslae van die evaluasie word verder verwerk tot in voorstelle wat gepas is vir die sakeplanne van meeste SMEs. Die verslag kom tot voltrekking met aanbevelings in die strategie bouproses rakende die veranderende waardeketting, en dui ook op die noodsaaklikheid van verdere navorsing onder die SME motorvoertuig industrie verskaffers.

Vehicle-to-Grid in Sweden:Industry Challenges and StrategicOpportunities : A Comprehensive Analysis / Vehicle-to-Grid i Sverige: Industriella Utmaningar och Strategiska Möjligheter

Nyström, Julia, Ramic, Dino January 2024 (has links)
As Sweden ambitiously works toward fulfilling its climate goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2045, the transportation sector emerges as a critical area of focus, given its substantial impact on regional emissions. In achieving these goals, Vehicle to Grid (V2G) stands out as a promising solution for integrating renewable energy sources and balancing the energy ecosystem. The technology is used to not only charge Electric Vehicles (EVs) but also to discharge electricity stored in the battery, presumably during peak demand periods. This thesis aims to explore the integration of V2G within the automotive industry, through a focal lens of the Swedish market and its conditions. The aim is dissected into an investigation and analysis of the acting barriers and drivers of V2G together with an examination of strategic business approaches that automotive manufacturers can employ to facilitate V2G integration and adoption. Through expert interviews and a comprehensive literature review, this study evaluates the current landscape, challenges, and opportunities associated with V2G in the Swedish context, providing insights into practical strategies for automotive manufacturers. The study finds that regulatory uncertainty, economic incentivization, technological and infrastructural readiness, and market dynamics act as significant barriers, while political interest, social consciousness, and legislative action toward sustainability are key drivers. With these barriers and drivers in mind, establishing a clear and secure business landscape for V2G implementation and adoption is outlined as the main aim of a strategic approach. In order to capture the aim of a strategic approach, the thesis proposes actionable strategies for automotive manufacturers to facilitate the integration of V2G, such as stakeholder collaboration, consumer education, and policy advocacy. / Sveriges ambitiösa mål att reducera utsläppet av växthusgaser med 55% till 2030 och att uppnå netto-noll utsläpp till 2045, hänvisar till transportsektorn som ett kritiskt fokusområde givet dess betydande bidrag till regionala utsläpp. I syfte att uppnå dessa mål, står Vehicle to Grid (V2G) som ett lovande alternativ till att integrera förnybara energikällor och balansera energiekosystemet. Tekniken används inte enbart till att ladda elektriska fordon, utan även till att ladda ur energi lagrad i batteriet, förutsättningsvis under perioder då belastningen på elsystemet är hög. Därmed syftar detta arbete till att undersöka integrationen av V2G inom fordonssektorn, genom perspektivet av den svenska marknaden. Arbetets mål är fokuserat på en undersökning av de innefattande barriärerna och drivkrafterna för V2G, tillsammans med en utredning av potentiella strategier för fordonstillverkare för att möjliggöra integration och användande av V2G. Genom att intervjua experter och att genomföra en omfattande litteraturstudie, så utvärderar denna studie det nuvarande landskapet, utmaningar och möjligheter associerade med V2G i en svensk miljö. Detta med syfte att ge insikter i praktiska strategier vilka fordonstillverkare kan tillämpa. Denna studie finner att lagmässig otydlighet, ekonomiska incitament, teknisk och infrastrukturell förberedelse samt marknadsdynamik är dem huvudsakliga barriärerna. Politiskt intresse, social medvetenhet och lagmässigt fokus mot hållbarhet framstår som huvudsakliga drivkrafter. Med barriärena och drivkrafterna i åtanke, är huvudsyftet med en strategi att skapa ett affärslandskap som tydliggör och stöttar integrationen av V2G. Strategins utformning föreslår att samarbete med intressenter, informationsspridning till kunder och förespråkande av stöttande lagmässiga incitament är kritiskt för att V2G ska lyckas.

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