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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A construção do conhecimento no processo de inovação: o desenvolvimento da tecnologia flex fuel nos sistemistas brasileiros / Knowledge construction in innovation process: the development of flex fuel technology in the brazilians first tier suppliers

Gatti Junior, Wilian 13 December 2010 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo caracterizar e entender a construção do conhecimento organizacional a partir dos desafios que surgem em uma das mais complexas atividades empresariais: o desenvolvimento de novos produtos. Para isto, investiga o projeto de desenvolvimento da tecnologia flex fuel no contexto brasileiro de três fornecedores de sistemas para a indústria automobilística (sistemistas), historicamente voltado à adaptação de tecnologias e não ao desenvolvimento. O projeto de desenvolvimento da tecnologia flex fuel reúne características que o diferencia da maioria de outros no setor no país, pois foi concebido fora do domínio das montadoras e representa uma experiência, talvez pioneira, que subsidiárias de sistemistas no Brasil tiveram no sentido de integrar competências direcionadas a um desenvolvimento (e não simples adaptação) de elevado grau de complexidade. A pesquisa concluiu que as interações entre as dimensões do conhecimento (epistemológica e ontológica) ocorrem de modo distinto em cada uma das fases do projeto. No prédesenvolvimento, a organização se utiliza mais do conhecimento tácito e individual dos seus empregados (ex.: desenvolvimentos anteriores, interpretação dos sinais de mercado) para construir o conceito de um novo produto. Na etapa seguinte, fase de desenvolvimento, um projeto conduzido de modo formal (com aprovação e recursos destinados ao projeto) emprega o conhecimento tácito, por meio da interação entre diferentes gerações de engenheiros e principalmente, o conhecimento explícito, com o registro das lições do desenvolvimento em relatórios, arquivos e banco de dados, promovendo a construção do conhecimento individual, do grupo e organizacional. Nessa etapa, se inicia também a construção do conhecimento interorganizacional, com a aplicação do sistema flex nos veículos das montadoras. Já um projeto informal, se concentra na construção do conhecimento tácito, que por ter características de conhecimento individual, pode se perder com a saída dos funcionários. Na última fase do projeto, o pós-desenvolvimento, a organização aprende por meio da interação comercial com o mercado (conhecimento tácito) e pelo aprendizado de campo, com as informações reportadas sobre o desempenho do seu produto em condições reais de utilização (conhecimento explícito). Nessa fase, se conclui a formação do conhecimento interorganizacional. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir com novas perspectivas de estudos voltados a relação entre conhecimento e inovação, sobretudo pela importância dos temas para o aumento da competitividade do país. / The objective of this dissertation is to characterize and understand the organizational knowledge construction starting from the challenges that come from one of the most complexes corporate activities: the new product development. For this, it investigates the development project of the flex fuel technology in the Brazilian context of three systems suppliers for the automobile industry (first-tier suppliers), historically related to the adaptation of technologies and not of development. The development project of the flex fuel technology gathers characteristics that distinguishes it from the majority of the other sectors of the country, because it was conceived outside the domain of the carmakers and represents maybe a pioneer experience, that subsidiary of first-tier suppliers in Brazil had in the sense of integrate competences directed to a development (and not simple adaptation) of high degree of complexity. The research concluded that the interaction between the knowledge dimensions (epistemological and ontological) happen in a distinctive way in each one of the projects phases. In the pre-development, the organization uses more from the tacit and individual knowledge from its employees (ex.: former development, interpretation of the market signs) to build the concept of a new product. The following phase, development phase, a project conducted in a formal way (with approval and resources destined to the project) uses the tacit knowledge, through the interaction among different generations of engineers and especially, the explicit knowledge, with the register of the lessons of the development in reports, files and database, promoting building of the individual, group and organizational knowledge. In this phase, it also begins the building of the inter-organizational knowledge, with the application of the flex system in the carmakers. As for an informal Project, that focuses in the building of the tacit knowledge, and has as its characteristics the individual knowledge, it can be lost when the employees leave the company. In the last phase of the project, the post-development, the organization learns through the commercial interaction with the market (tacit knowledge) and through the field learning, through the reported information about the performance of their product in real conditions of use (explicit knowledge). In this phase, the formation of the inter-organizational knowledge is finished. It is the hope that this work could contribute with new studies perspectives related to the relation between knowledge and innovation, above all, because of the importance of the themes for the increasing of the country competitiveness.

Desoneração tributária de 2009: por que veículos e não produtos agropecuários? Uma análise de equilíbrio geral inter-regional / Tax relief in 2009: why vehicles and not food? An interregional general equilibrium analysis

Regazzini, Leonardo Coviello 02 July 2015 (has links)
Ao final da primeira década dos anos 2000, com o objetivo de conter a desaceleração econômica decorrente da crise internacional do período, o governo brasileiro lançou mão da chamada política econômica anticíclica. Dentre as principais medidas adotadas destacou-se a desoneração tributária de veículos. Mas por que esse setor foi escolhido? Os impactos sobre a economia brasileira seriam menos positivos se a desoneração fosse dada a outro setor da economia, como a agropecuária? Esta tese busca analisar os efeitos dessa política sobre a economia brasileira no período, comparando-a com uma política de desoneração tributária voltada à agropecuária. Por suas características estruturais - especialmente no que se refere ao perfil de sua mão de obra e à sua distribuição territorial - espera-se que a desoneração tributária da agropecuária produzisse efeitos mais positivos sobre os agregados macroeconômicos e, principalmente, sobre a distribuição de renda e o equilíbrio regional do que a desoneração tributária da indústria automotiva. Fazendo uso de um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável inter-regional (TERM-BR), devidamente atualizado para o ano de análise (2009) e agregado de acordo com os objetivos desta tese, são simuladas e comparadas duas políticas de desoneração tributárias de mesmo custo direto para o governo. Os resultados observados permitem concluir que a desoneração de produtos agropecuários pode ser considerada superior à desoneração de veículos do ponto de vista de seus efeitos sobre o emprego, a renda, o consumo das famílias, o PIB e, especialmente, sobre a distribuição regional da atividade econômica e a distribuição de renda. Este tese discute ainda o papel da indústria no crescimento econômico como possível argumento em defesa da priorização dada à indústria automotiva em 2009, a despeito dos resultados empíricos obtidos. Conclui-se que a escolha de priorizar a indústria automotiva naquele momento possa ter sido resultado da influência política do setor sobre o governo, em um processo de captura característico de economias com forte presença estatal, como a brasileira. / At the end of the first decade of the 2000s, in order to contain the economic slowdown resulting from the international crisis, the Brazilian government made use of so-called countercyclical economic policy. Among the main measures adopted stood out the tax relief of vehicles. But why this sector was chosen? The impacts on the Brazilian economy would be less positive if the exemption was given to another sector of the economy, such as agriculture? This thesis analyzes the effects of this policy on the Brazilian economy in the period, comparing it with a policy of tax relief focused on agriculture. By their structural characteristics - especially as regards on its workforce and territorial distribution - is expected that the relief of agriculture generates more positive effects on macroeconomic aggregates and mainly on the distribution of income and the regional balance than the tax exemption in the automotive industry. Making use of a computable general equilibrium (CGE) interregional model (TERM-BR), updated to the year of analysis (2009) and aggregate in accordance with the objectives of this thesis, two alternative tax exemption policies with the same cost to the government are simulated and compared. The findings show that the tax relief of agricultural products can be considered superior to the tax relief of vehicles from de point of view of its effects on employment, income, household consumption, GDP and especially on the regional distribution of activity economic and income distribution. This thesis also discusses the role of industry in economic growth as a possible argument for the prioritization given to the automotive industry in 2009, despite the above empirical results. It follows that the choice to prioritize the automotive industry at that time may have been a result of sector policy influence on the government, in a capture process typical of economies with strong state presence, like Brazil.

Alliance Networks Management: A Study of Global Automotive Industry

Zhao, Yue 11 May 2018 (has links)
This dissertation studies the importance of alliance networks on firms’ behavior and performance outcomes in the context of the global automotive industry. The first essay examines the importance of alliance networks positions on the persistence of an innovation advantage for a firm. The results contribute to our understanding of network advantages and network structure persistence over time. Building upon network theory, I found that network prominence facilitates the persistence of an innovation advantage over time as network prominence supports a firm’s continuous innovation and can effectively impede imitation by competitors. Conversely, network density and brokerage are negatively associated with the persistence of an innovation advantage over time. Drawn upon organization learning, knowledge transfer, and network literature, the second essay aims to uncover different combinations of a firm’s internal and external knowledge creation capabilities and knowledge transfer capabilities that lead to a firm’s superior innovation performance within different environments. Specifically, using a fuzzy set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) technique, I identified three possible solutions to a firm’s superior innovation performance. Results from the global automotive industry highlight that the novel knowledge recognition capability, represented by alliance network diversity and structural holes, play a critical role for firms to achieve superior innovation. In the third essay, I explored how MNEs’ host country local network advantages can influence their subsequent entry strategies. Based on a study of 345 FDI entries in the U.S. market, I found that firms with a higher level of local network prominence are more likely to choose greenfield investments over acquisitions in their subsequent entries as local network prominence can facilitate firms’ local resource access and reduce the dependence on forming new cooperative modes in the host country. This study contributes to both the entry mode and network literature by showing the importance of firms’ network positions on their resource access and control in the process of internationalization. In sum, the findings of this dissertation contribute to our understanding of alliance networks and alliance management by providing empirical evidence of the influence of alliance networks on firms’ behavior and performance outcomes.

Temperature dependency of burn-off emissions in the automobile industry

Scott, Krista Janette 01 January 2008 (has links)
This work characterized burn-off emissions from automobiles. After an exhaustive literature review, engine temperatures were determined to reach a maximum temperature of approximately 110oC, while exhaust system components reached a maximum temperature around 600oC. Metal-drawing fluids were used to bend the exhaust system components during manufacturing. Because these components were not rinsed prior to incorporation into a vehicle, residues could be left on the surfaces. An experimental test chamber was constructed to conduct controlled testing of three metalworking fluids of various types to mimic real-world conditions. Real-time particle number measurements were made using a condensation particle counter and an optical particle counter. The temperature at which burn-off begins to occur was found to be around 120 to 150oC. This burn-off was found to be an evaporation-condensation phenomenon when metalworking fluid residues vaporize and condense forming fine (0.1µm to 2.5µm) and ultrafine (<0.1µm) aerosols. The temperature dependency of this phenomenon was observed to follow the Clausius-Clapeyron equation that states as temperature increases, vapor pressure increases. Most aerosol particles were observed to be in the range of less than 0.01µm to approximately 2.0µm.

Collaborative and cross-company project management within the automotive industry using the Balanced Scorecard.

Niebecker, Klaus Dieter January 2009 (has links)
Cross-company product development projects are often managed without clearly defined project goals and without an alignment of these goals to an organisations strategy and objectives. With a shift towards more decentralised and distributed development teams, and an increasing level of collaboration, project transparency is reduced and status measurement more difficult due to a lack of transparency. To overcome these difficulties, the quality of collaboration in the automotive manufacturing industry needs to be improved. The understanding of unifying goals and of the mutual purpose to produce new products is essential for efficient and effective collaboration. A methodological study in the automotive industry as part of this research lead to the conclusion that a strategic scorecard method based on the Balanced Scorecard concept by Kaplan and Norton is capable to improve cross-company project management and reduce existing difficulties in typical product development collaboration, such as communication or collaborative risk management. A common definition of project goals, leading and lagging indicators to measure the status, and defining corrective action are core elements of the Collaborative Project Scorecard concept. This thesis identifies the current problems and difficulties in automotive project management and explores solutions to improve its efficiency and effectiveness based on the Collaborative Project Scorecard. It is shown how the concept is derived from business strategies for an improved alignment of project goals with business objectives. A project impact analysis facilitates the development of project strategy maps to increase transparency of goal impact interdependencies. Furthermore, based on the results of workshops, surveys, and interviews the Collaborative Project Scorecard concept is applied to typical automotive product development projects and the identified advantages and limitations are evaluated by an application to a crosscompany project of an automotive supplier and a manufacturer. The development of the Collaborative Project Scorecard is followed by a software implementation of the results. The integration of a collaborative project management model that has a focus on time, task and communication management enables the project manager to create operational indicators that can be controlled on a strategic level by the Collaborative Project Scorecard. Additionally, it is shown how risk management and performance assessment are supported by the concept. Advantages, benefits, and limitations of the methodology are identified and further application scenarios suggested.

“Brand Management in conjunction with Merger and Acquisition in Theory and Practice – Volvo Car Corporation”

Steurenthaler, Jochen January 2009 (has links)
<p><em>Aim:</em> This study deals with Brand Management after acquisitions. Since this subject is still quite unexplored, a case study backed the theoretical review in order to answer the two research questions. Furthermore, the work educes a model which shows the ascendancies that are involved in the field of Brand Management after acquisitions. It is the aim to reveal the necessity of strong branding for acquired companies and the importance of the continuity of their presenting brand values. I hope this paper adds new knowledge in the Brand Management sector in connection with acquisitions and gives the reader a proper understanding about the issue.<sub><em></em></sub></p><p><sub><em>Method:</em> The study occupies a theoretical and an empirical study. The theory<sup> </sup></sub>part presents a selection of theories and models developed by scholars in the field of business administration. While the first research question concerning brand equity after acquisitions is addressed in the theoretical review in chapter 3, the second question regarding brand image is mainly discussed during the empirical part. The data for the latter was primarily obtained by a case study which is a qualitative method and occupies interviews and discussions.</p><p><em>Result:</em> Brand Management has become a key issue for companies and is a sensitive subject in the context of Merger and Acquisition. Hence, it is a challenge for the acquirer and the acquired company to manage control and adapt to the new situation. Brand equity as a key asset of Brand Management is the amount of loyalty a customer has towards a brand and it is certainly influenced by such transactions as M&A. In the real-life comparison of the specific case it proved to be successful for the acquirer to maintain the autonomy of the acquired brand and continue the meaning of the brand. In addition, the loyalty of the customers is of great importance to assure a smooth process of the business operations.</p><p><em>Suggestions for future research: </em>Due to the current situation and constant changes it would be interesting to repeat the study some time in the future for a final conclusion. Furthermore, since the findings for the empirical part of this study are based on a strong acquired brand, it would be interesting to investigate the case of another company of weaker nature, and maybe of a different branch. The high profile of the target firm and its strong brand values had a remarkable influence on the revelations of this study.</p><p><em>Contribution of the thesis: </em>The result of this study helps companies to maintain their brand values during an acquisition. The research adds new knowledge in the brand management sector in connection with acquisitions, and it is useful for companies which are involved in M&A activities.</p><p> </p>

“Brand Management in conjunction with Merger and Acquisition in Theory and Practice – Volvo Car Corporation”

Steurenthaler, Jochen January 2009 (has links)
Aim: This study deals with Brand Management after acquisitions. Since this subject is still quite unexplored, a case study backed the theoretical review in order to answer the two research questions. Furthermore, the work educes a model which shows the ascendancies that are involved in the field of Brand Management after acquisitions. It is the aim to reveal the necessity of strong branding for acquired companies and the importance of the continuity of their presenting brand values. I hope this paper adds new knowledge in the Brand Management sector in connection with acquisitions and gives the reader a proper understanding about the issue. Method: The study occupies a theoretical and an empirical study. The theory part presents a selection of theories and models developed by scholars in the field of business administration. While the first research question concerning brand equity after acquisitions is addressed in the theoretical review in chapter 3, the second question regarding brand image is mainly discussed during the empirical part. The data for the latter was primarily obtained by a case study which is a qualitative method and occupies interviews and discussions. Result: Brand Management has become a key issue for companies and is a sensitive subject in the context of Merger and Acquisition. Hence, it is a challenge for the acquirer and the acquired company to manage control and adapt to the new situation. Brand equity as a key asset of Brand Management is the amount of loyalty a customer has towards a brand and it is certainly influenced by such transactions as M&amp;A. In the real-life comparison of the specific case it proved to be successful for the acquirer to maintain the autonomy of the acquired brand and continue the meaning of the brand. In addition, the loyalty of the customers is of great importance to assure a smooth process of the business operations. Suggestions for future research: Due to the current situation and constant changes it would be interesting to repeat the study some time in the future for a final conclusion. Furthermore, since the findings for the empirical part of this study are based on a strong acquired brand, it would be interesting to investigate the case of another company of weaker nature, and maybe of a different branch. The high profile of the target firm and its strong brand values had a remarkable influence on the revelations of this study. Contribution of the thesis: The result of this study helps companies to maintain their brand values during an acquisition. The research adds new knowledge in the brand management sector in connection with acquisitions, and it is useful for companies which are involved in M&amp;A activities.

Investment Performance of the World Automotive Industry

Yildiz, Cagri January 2006 (has links)
The paper examines the investment performance of the world automotive industry using a sample of 21 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) based in three major continents, North America, Europe and Asia between the years 1999 and 2004. The empirical findings suggest that there exists persistent overinvestment not only in the global level but also in the major automotive production regions analyzed. Proving that none of the 3 regions gain returns on investment at least as large as their costs of capital, shareholder wealth is not maximized in the world automotive industry. Europe, among these regions, proves to gain the highest return on investment of its cost of capital. The empirical results also show that the return on investment financed by debt is high around the world and close to 100% of its cost of capital.

Balancing the Paradox of Localization and Globalization : Research and Analyze the Levels of Market Involvement for Multinational Carmakers in China's Market

Chen, Jun, Jiao, Zhiqiang January 2008 (has links)
Multinational Corporations (MNCs) are facing the paradox of globalization and localization in entering each new market. Generally, there are two perspectives which regard to how a MNC configure its cross-border activities: The first is global convergence perspective, which focuses on leveraging corporate resources and attaining global synergies. The second is international diversity perspective, which lays more emphasis on local adaptation and harnessing diversities. Both perspectives have their pros and cons, a balance between international standardization and local adaptation is vital. For the major Auto Giants in the world operating and competing worldwide, the significance of China market is as clear as day to everyone. This paper focuses on how the major Auto Giants balance the paradox of globalization and localization in the China market. In other words, how the MNCs deal with the dilemma of globalization and localization under different strategic contexts? We adopt a model which divides their activities in China into 6 stages and which includes criteria with regard to the dilemma of localization and globalization.

The Political Economy of TNCs and the Host Country¡¦s Industrial Policies: a Case study of the Thai Automotive Industry

Hung, Po-Chih 10 July 2011 (has links)
Thailand is the 13th automotive manufacturer, and it is also the important part and component manufacturer in the world. After 2000, Toyota and GM established the R&D Centre and Production Base in Thailand. Now, Thailand has become ¡§Detroit of Asia.¡¨ How could we find the developmental model of Thailand automotive industry? Maybe it cannot be explained by one theory. So we try to select three theories, different ideology, to find the path of industrial development in three periods. Finally, we find the path of automotive industrial development in Thailand. Triple Alliance of dependency development theory let the industry updrade and become more and more important. And then, international division let Thailand became the key role of supply chain in the world. Laissez faire and compare advantage are the characteristics in this period, so we know the developmental model of neo-classical economic theory let Thailand shining in the world.

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