Spelling suggestions: "subject:"555"" "subject:"655""
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Nutrition and diet therapy in schools of nursingBlankenship, Susie Jane January 1973 (has links)
A comparative study was undertaken in diploma and degree schools of nursing within the state of Virginia to evaluate nutrition and diet therapy knowledge of presently enrolled nursing students. A questionnaire determined which schools would participate in the study which was done by using a standard test. The test was pre-tested, accepted at face validity and administered to 701 students.
Results of the test showed that nutrition knowledge did not vary according to position of instructor and that diet therapy knowledge varied slightly. Test scores were consistently higher in nutrition than in diet therapy and gradually increased from the first through the last year of training.
In nutrition, mean test scores for all schools combined ranged from 13.0 to 20.0 with standard deviations of . 2 .. 5 to 4.5 from the first through the last year of training. Me~n scores in diet therapy ranged from 10.0 to 16.0 with .standard deviations of 3. 0 to 3. 5.
The hypothesis that knowledge of nutrition and diet therapy in diploma schools of nursing was improved when a nutrition instructor was employed on the nursing faculty was not correct. The use of another instrument for testing and a wider sample selection might have given the anticipated results. / Master of Science
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Asymptotic safety and black holesFalls, Kevin January 2013 (has links)
We study the ultraviolet properties of quantum gravity and its consequences for black hole physics using the functional renormalisation group (RG). In particular we concentrate on the asymptotic safety scenario for quantum gravity put forward by S. Weinberg. This approach relies on the existence of an ultraviolet fixed point in the renormalisation group flow. In chapter 2 we review the functional renormalisation group formalism that is used in order to search for the existence of a fixed point with the properties required for asymptotic safety. Following this introduction, in chapter 3 we use these methods to find ultraviolet fixed points in four-dimensional quantum gravity to high order in a polynomial approximation in the Ricci scalar. In the following three chapters we concentrate on the implications of the renormalisation group for black hole physics. In chapter 4 we study quantum gravitational corrections to black holes in four and higher dimensions using a renormalisation group improvement of the metric. The quantum effects are worked out in detail for asymptotically safe gravity, where the short distance physics is characterised by a weakening of gravity due to the nontrivial fixed point. Furthermore, mini-black hole production in particle collisions, such as those at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is analysed within low-scale quantum gravity models. In chapter 5 we investigate the thermodynamical properties of the RG improved metrics in detail and study their evaporation process. In chapter 6 we study renormalisation group improved black hole thermodynamics in a metric free approach. Conditions are formulated under which the thermodynamic properties of four dimensional Kerr-Newman type black holes persist under the RG evolution of couplings. We show that the RG scale must be set by the horizon area of the black hole which acts as a diffeomorphism invariant cut-off for the underlying Wilsonian action.
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The impact of cosmetic surgery media portrayals on body image and attitudesAshikali, Eleni-Marina January 2014 (has links)
The cosmetic surgery industry has rapidly expanded and Professional Associations for surgery in the UK and USA have expressed concern over the ways in which surgery is portrayed in the media. This thesis aimed to investigate how different portrayals of cosmetic surgery in the media impact women and adolescent girls' body image and attitudes towards surgery. Moreover, it examined a number of moderating variables which may affect responses to such media. The first three studies examined the impact of different aspects of cosmetic surgery advertising on adult women using experimental designs. Study 1 (N=161) looked at the effect of including discount incentives or risk information on women's attitudes towards surgery and body image. Study 2 (N=151) examined the effect of different images in cosmetic surgery advertising (female models, locations, scalpels or control images) on the same outcomes. Study 3 (N=145) was a replication of Study 1, looking at whether discount incentives and risk information have a similar impact in Switzerland, a country with less exposure to cosmetic surgery. The final two studies focused on adolescent girls aged 15-18 using mixed methods. Study 4 was a qualitative focus-group investigation of girls' (N=17) attitudes towards surgery. Study 5 experimentally examined the impact of different information provided in cosmetic surgery reality television (risks associated with surgery versus no risks) on girl's (N=99) body image and attitudes towards cosmetic surgery. Results from these studies consistently showed cosmetic surgery advertising and television shows have a negative impact on women and girls' body image. Attitudes towards cosmetic surgery varied as a result of different content of advertising. Moreover, materialistic values moderated how women and girls responded to cosmetic surgery advertising or reality shows across all studies, whereas restrained eating, body dissatisfaction and basing one's self-worth on appearance played a less consistent role in responses.
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Quantum black holes at the LHC : production and decay mechanisms of non-thermal microscopic black holes in particle collisionsGausmann, Nina January 2014 (has links)
The scale of quantum gravity could be as low as a few TeV in the existence of extra spatial dimensions or if the Planck scale runs fast due to a large number of particles in a hidden sector. One of the most striking features of low-scale quantum gravity models would be the creation of quantum black holes, i.e. non-thermal black holes with masses around a few TeV, in high energy collisions. This thesis deals with the production and decay mechanisms of quantum black holes at current colliders, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Firstly, a review of models with low-scale gravity is given. We will present an overview of production and decay mechanism of classical and semi-classical black holes, including the Hoop conjecture criterion, closed trapped surfaces and thermal decay via Hawking radiation. We will then introduce a phenomenological approach of black holes, very differently from the (semi-)classical counterparts, which covers a substantially model independent and specifically established field theory, describing the production of quantum black holes. This is done by matching the amplitude of the quantum black hole processes to the extrapolated semi-classical cross section. All possible decay channels and their probabilities are found for quantum black holes with a continuous and discrete mass spectrum, respectively, by considering different symmetry conservation restrictions for a quantum gravitational theory. In conjunction with these branching ratios, we developed a Monte Carlo integration algorithm to determine the cross sections of specific final states. We extended the algorithm to investigate the enhancement of supersymmetric particle production via quantum black hole processes. Studying such objects proves very important, since it provides new possible insights and restrictions on the quantum black hole model and likewise on the low-scale quantum gravity scenarios.
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Constraining the early universe with primordial black holesYoung, Samuel Mark January 2016 (has links)
Inflation is the leading candidate to explain the initial conditions for the Universe we see today. It consists of an epoch of accelerated expansion, and regularly solves many problems with the Big Bang theory. Non-Gaussianity of the primordial curvature perturbation can potentially be used to discriminate between competing models and provide an understanding of the mechanism of inflation. Whilst inflation is believed to have lasted at least 50 - 60 e-folds, constraints from sources such as the cosmic microwave background (CMB) or large-scale structure of the Universe (LSS) only span the largest 6 - 10 e-folds inside today's Hubble horizon, limiting our ability to constrain the early universe. Strong constraints on the non-Gaussianity on smaller scales. Primordial black holes (PBHs) represent a unique probe to study the small-scale early Universe, placing an upper limit on the primordial power spectrum spanning around 40 e-folds smaller than those visible in the CMB. PBHs are also a viable dark matter candidate. In this thesis, the effect of non-Gaussianity upon the abundance of PBHs, and the implications of such an effect are considered. It is shown that even smaller non-Gaussianity parameters can have a large effect on the constraints that can be placed on the primordial curvature perturbation power spectrum - which can become stronger or weaker by an order of magnitude. The effects of super-horizon curvature perturbation modes at the time of PBH formation are considered, and it is shown that these have little effect on the formation of a PBH, but can have an indirect effect on the abundance of PBHs due to modal coupling to horizon-scale modes in the presence of non-Gaussianity. By taking into account the effect of modal coupling to CMB-scale modes, many models can be ruled out as a mechanism to produce enough PBHs to constitute dark matter.
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Droplet-based air-liquid interface biofilm reactor: 基于液滴的气-液界面生物膜反应器 / 基于液滴的气-液界面生物膜反应器 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Droplet-based air-liquid interface biofilm reactor: Ji yu ye di de qi-ye jie mian sheng wu mo fan ying qi / Ji yu ye di de qi-ye jie mian sheng wu mo fan ying qiJanuary 2015 (has links)
Bacterial biofilms consist of communities of cells encased in self-produced extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) at the interface of different phases. While most of our understanding of biofilms to date has been obtained from submerged biofilms formed at the solid-liquid (S-L) interface, the interface between air and liquid provides a niche for the formation of biofilms with unobstructed access to both liquid and gaseous phases, which is of ecological, clinical and commercial significance. But there is a paucity of information on air-liquid (A-L) interface biofilms. Cultivation and characterization of A-L interface biofilms are still limited to traditional methods created for S-L interface biofilms, mostly based on microtiter plates and tubes. In this thesis, two bioreactors have been designed, fabricated and validated to culture A-L interface and air-liquid-solid (A-L-S) interface biofilms. / The first bioreactor, named hanging drop biofilm reactor (HDBR), has been constructed on an open microfluidic platform to hold hanging droplets culturing biofilms in a suspended fashion. Hanging droplets containing microorganisms were accessed from the topside of the microfluidic platform, whilst measurement and harvesting were performed on the underside. The system was driven by evaporating flows. No additional electronic or mechanical actuation was needed. Biofilms were formed in hanging droplet biofilm reactors with bacterial suspensions. After 24 h of incubation under optimized conditions, biofilm-positive phenotype Bacillus subtilis developed A-L biofilms eliciting distinct developmental stages. Formation and dispersal of A-L interface biofilms were for the first time analytically characterized. Biofilms harvested by dripping droplets showed a spherical cap shape with porous structures. This is the first reported attempt to culture A-L interface biofilms inside a hanging droplet on an open microfluidic platform under evaporation flow. / The second bioreactor, named segmented-flow microfluidic air-liquid-solid interface biofilm reactor (SFMBR), has been implemented to grow A-L-S interface biofilms on chip. A distinct A-L-S interface was made available by introducing a gas phase into successive nutrient flows with a T-junction design, forming a segmented gas-liquid flow. Velocity fields were computed by numerical simulation, involving not only the hydrodynamic fields in the gaseous and aqueous phases, but also of the air-liquidand solid-liquid interfaces. Formation of A-L-S interface biofilms along microfluidic channels was observed and characterized by microscopy techniques non-destructively. The effect of hydrodynamics, interface topology and channel hydrophobicity on A-L-S interface biofilm formation was simulated and tested. Biofilms interacted with the shear forces introduced by the passage of A-L interfaces of an air slug with a shear stress of about 0.66 Pa and relaxed after the A-L interface passed. This device is a low-cost on-chip biofilm reactor to culture A-L-S interface biofilms and to measure in situ biological and mechanical properties of growing biofilm. / We have successfully constructed and validated two novel microfluidic strategies utilizing the interfacial phenomenon at the air-liquid interface and evaporating flow to culture and investigate the complex biology of A-L and A-L-S interfaces biofilms. / 细菌生物膜(生物膜)由生长在固、气、液相的界面上的细菌包裹于由其产生的细胞外间质聚合物内组成。固-液界面生物膜可以利用微流系统低耗材高效培养检测。但没有微流系统可研究生长在气-液界面的生物膜。为了填补这个空白,本论文设计了两种微流生物膜反应器(反应器)培养气-液和气-液-固界面生物膜。 / 一种反应器是培养气-液界面生物膜的基于蒸发产生的微流动和微循环的倒悬液滴反应器。我们创新的利用蒸发产生的微流和微循环增加微流系统中材料混合和供氧。我设计了两种倒悬液滴反应器:倒悬液滴气-液界面反应器微孔板和微流气-液界面反应器在静态和流动培养液条件下培养气-液界面生物膜。我们监控并分析了气-液界面生物膜形成过程。第一次报道了气-液界面生物膜生长阶段的划分。了解反应器的特性,如微流动和反应器形态等对应用反应器有至关重要的作用。我们使用粒子图像测这和数值模拟的方法研究了反应器特性。设计了滴落打印的方法收获并离线测量生物膜。这是第一种可以方便、可重复收获生物膜的方法。我们研究了收获后生物膜的抗药性和微结构,发观倒悬液滴反应器培养的生物膜对干燥和灭菌过程有很高的抗性。我们还首次发现了细菌由纳米管连接的气液界面细菌生物膜。 / 另一种反应器是基于微流分段气-液流的分段流微流反应器。这是首个培养气-液-固界面生物膜的微流反应器。我们创新性的应用了分段气-液流为生物膜滴定供养。我们的微流反应器模拟工业标准方法培养气-液-固界面生物膜的反应器。为了研究生物膜在反应器中的生长和流动对生物膜的影响,我们监测了生物膜的生长,用数值模拟的方法研究了分段流的流动。发现了单层菌落储水的现象。我们还首次报道了微流系统中,用粒子图像測速和数值模拟的方法研究生物膜的弹性松弛过程。 / 这里设计的基于液滴的高通量,高效率,低成本,操作简单的生物膜反应器可以加快生物膜的研究。 / Liu, Songlin. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 115-130). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on 19, September, 2016). / Liu, Songlin. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only.
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An evaluation of the organization and administration of interscholastic athletics in the AAA public senior high schools of the Commonwealth of VirginiaBlaylock, Larry Pat 07 April 2010 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the organization and administration of the interscholastic athletic programs in the AAA public senior high schools of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
The study was based on the following null hypotheses:
1. There is no significant difference of opinion among the various levels of administrators that the organization and administration is inadequate in governing the interscholastic athletic program in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
2. There is no significant difference of opinion among the various levels of administrators that a supplemental Public High School Athletic Association in their region in coordination with the League office in Charlottesville would improve the organization and administration of the interscholastic athletic program.
3. There is no significant difference of opinion among the various levels of administrators that the student should have little input about decisions concerning the organization and administration of high school athletics.
An opinionnaire was mailed to 371 administrators representing the school beard members, chief school administrators, principals, athletic directors, and assistant athletic directors, Therefore, opinionnaires were sent to 70 school board members, 35 chief school administrators, 98 high school principals, 98 athletic directors, and 70 assistant athletic directors.
The data was kevpunched and the computer was programmed to handle the statistical analysis of the data, Data included:
1. Frequency and percentage of response.
2. Analysis of possible relations between and among items within the opinionnaire.
3. Analysis of possible relations between the opinions of the various levels of administration for descriptive purposes, Statistical significance of the relations examined were determined by the use of Chi-square Analysis.
4. One-way Analysis of Variance was used to examine each hypothesis for statistical significance, The .05 level of confidence was considered significant for the rejection of the null hypothesis. Returns were received from 336 of 371 administrators (90.5 percent) of which 328 were used, Eight of the returns were not used for various reasons.
On the basis of these analyses, the following conclusions were drawn:
1. A significant difference of opinion does exist among the various levels of administration that the organization and administration is inadequate in governing the interscholastic athletic program in the Commonwealth of Virginia, This evaluation concludes that the Virginia High School League is doing an adequate job for the AAA Public Senior High Schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia with the organization and administration of interscholastic athletics, The five levels of administration in 1977 support the Virginia High School League goals, objectives, rules, and regulations for the administration of interscholastics.
2. A significant difference of opinion does exist among the various levels of administration that a supplemental Public High School Athletic Association in their region in coordination with the League office in Charlottesville would improve the organization and administration of the interscholastic athletic program, The athletic directors and assistant athletic directors are for such a supplemental association to improve interscholastic athletics and the principals and chief administrators are opposed to such a supplemental association. Board members are indecisive, All groups combined would not be in favor of such a supplemental association at this time to improve the communication, the organization, and the administration of interscholastic athletics in the AAA public senior high schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
3. A significant difference of opinion does exist among the various levels of administration that the student should have little input about decisions concerning the organization and administration of high school athletics, This evaluation concludes that the student should have input about the decisions that are made concerning policies, rules, regulations, and scheduling of interscholastic athletics in the ASA public senior high schools in the Commonwealth of Virginia. / Ed. D.
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Mathematical modelling of mitotic controlsRata, Scott January 2018 (has links)
The mitotic cell cycle is fundamental to eukaryotic life. In mitosis, replicated chromosomes are segregated to form two new nuclei. This is essential to ensure the maintenance of chromosome number between parent and daughter cells. In higher eukaryotes, numerous cytological changes occur to facilitate the separation of the genetic material: the nuclear envelope breaks down, the mitotic spindle assembles, and the cell rounds-up. There is a well-conserved control network that regulates these processes to bring about the entry into mitosis, the separation of the genetic material, and the reversal of these processes during mitotic exit. To build a coherent model of these regulatory networks requires us to write the biochemical reactions in mathematical form. The work in this Thesis pertains to three fundamental switches: entry into mitosis, the metaphase-to-anaphase transition, and exit from mitosis. I present three studies from a systems-level perspective. The first investigates a novel bistable mechanism controlling mitotic entry/exit in vitro using purified proteins. Dephosphorylation of Greatwall kinase by the phosphatase PP2A-B55 creates a double negative feedback loop that gives a bistable system response with respect to cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) activity. The second looks at hysteresis between mitotic entry and mitotic exit in HeLa cells. Hysteresis persists when either of the regulatory loops of Cdk1 or its counter-acting phosphatase PP2A-B55 is removed, but is diminished when they are both removed. Finally, the regulation of separase in the metaphase-to-anaphase transition is analysed. Separase that is liberated from securin inhibition is isomerised by Pin1 into a conformation that can bind to cyclin B1. This binding peaks after separase has cleaved cohesin and initiated anaphase.
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Mapping and re-mapping the city : representations of London in black British women's writingDanaher, Katie January 2018 (has links)
This thesis maps and re-maps literary London through an engagement with selected novels by Diana Evans, Bernardine Evaristo and Andrea Levy. The thesis builds on the work of very strong strands of black British women's writing, an area of writing that remains committed to the necessity of having to defend it. I argue that the literature of this group of contemporary women writers re-orientates trajectories of black British writing to focus on emerging distinctive London identities in the twenty-first century. The thesis charts a shift in black British women's writing which rewrites familiar postcolonial tensions around nationhood, displacement and unbelonging to articulate a rootedness in London. Evans', Evaristo's and Levy's sense of belonging stems from the city in which they were all born and raised, their 'London-ness' rendering a new form of selfhood which informs who they are and what they write. The study is motivated by an agenda to critique black British women's writing outside of the historical paradigmatic racial and gendered identities through which it has traditionally been read. I wish to attend to women's writing in a way which disturbs the canon of contemporary British fiction, reconfiguring predominately male narratives of London life to present an alternative view of the city. The study assesses Evans', Evaristo's and Levy's contributions to and reappraisal of long traditions of women writing novels of family and home. The novels I engage with are localised within a particular London postcode, foregrounding the importance of microcosmic conceptions of home and domestic spaces to constructions of belonging in a multifaceted, complex urban environment such as London. The role of family is central to the authors' narratives and the thesis explores familial women's relationships which are both nuanced and complicated. The trope of sisterhood is deployed across the texts and raises profound questions concerning ideological constructions of belonging and home. The thesis grounds itself intellectually at the nexus of debates in the fields of feminist discourse, postcolonial theory and contemporary urban theory, implementing them within a more fluid critical framework capable of reading the literature by this group of writers outside rigid categorising partitions. To not attend to questions of race and gender within their works would be to distort the thematic framework underpinning the novels. Nevertheless, I wish to re-inflect the ways in which we critique London writing to encourage the emergence of a new language which allows us think about it as organically diverse, rather than consciously or systematically 'multicultural'.
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The politics of partnership : Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant, 1912-1961Clarke, Darren January 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyses the relationship of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant, artists that were central to the visual culture of the Bloomsbury group. The title of this project positions ‘partnership' as a connecting force between the two artists, a term I interpret as a series of layers, boundaries, and thresholds that are in a constant state of flux, over-lapping, layering and leaking. By mapping the artists' presence I am able to construct a new model of partnership. Chapter one considers the artists' signing and marking of their work, examining the variations of the signature, tracing its evolution, its presence and its absence, its location on the work and the calligraphy of the mark. By examining the various ways that Bell and Grant had of signing and of not signing their work and the use and function of the mechanically reproduced signature, I demonstrate the uneasy relationship that can occur between objects, names and signatures. Chapter two focuses on the pond at Charleston, the home that the artists shared for almost half a century, which is central to many of the narratives and mythologies of the household and is the subject of many paintings and decorations. I chart how the artists map this space by repeatedly recording it and how the pond acts as a layered topography for the exploration and presentation of gender, queerness and familial relationships. Chapter three continues the process of examining boundaries and layers by exploring the artists' often problematic relationship to clothes and to the delicate threshold between fabric and skin that often loosens and gapes. I cast the artists as agents of disguise and masquerade in which uncertain and unstable boundaries are created. I map the transference of fabric and demonstrate how this textile threshold ruptures, how the body leaks, leaving marks and traces.
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