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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evolução cariótipica no gênero Phaseolus L.: mapeamento comparativo entre P. microcarpus Mart. e o feijão comum (P. vulgaris L.)

Fellipe de Andrade Fonseca, Artur 31 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-12T15:02:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 arquivo2079_1.pdf: 1542093 bytes, checksum: 5ba006fe6225bec7d678f8e2525b50f3 (MD5) license.txt: 1748 bytes, checksum: 8a4605be74aa9ea9d79846c1fba20a33 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Fundação de Amparo à Ciência e Tecnologia do Estado de Pernambuco / O gênero Phaseolus apresenta grande importância econômica no mundo, principalmente por ser uma das principais fonte de proteínas para alimentação humana. Estudos cariotípicos no gênero têm acompanhado os avanços das técnicas citogenéticas em plantas, desde análises convencionais até estudos comparativos de mapas citogenéticos construídos através da hibridização in situ fluorescente (FISH). Cromossomos artificiais de bactérias (BACs) foram utilizados como sondas em FISH na comparação entre os mapas de P. vulgaris (2n = 22), principal representante de gênero, e P. lunatus (2n = 22), uma espécie filogeneticamente próxima, revelando uma total conservação de sintenia e apenas três quebras de colinearidade. Visando estender os conhecimentos acerca da evolução do gênero, o presente estudo utilizou esses mesmos marcadores em FISH para evidenciar os principais eventos cromossômicos ocorridos entre P. vulgaris e P. microcarpus (2n = 22), uma espécie selvagem e distante filogeneticamente. Análises de bandeamento CMA/DAPI e localização de sítios de DNAr 5S e 45S e da sequência telomérica também foram realizadas. O estudo revelou que, apesar da distância filogenética entre as duas espécies, houve uma forte conservação de sintenia entre os homeólogos e apenas quatro quebras de colinearidade. Apenas eventos de inversão cromossômica foram propostos, justificando sua estabilidade numérica. Além disso, foram evidenciados padrões distintos de hibridização entre sequências repetitivas para uma mesma região cromossômica. Os resultados demonstraram que em Phaseolus a evolução cromossômica parece estar relacionada a eventos de rearranjo raros e de pouca complexidade, confirmando sua aparente estabilidade cariotípica postulada em estudos convencionais

Identifica??o de genes MUTM em BACs da cana-de-a?ucar e caracteriza??o preliminar destes genes e seus promotores

Trindade, Adilson Silva da 22 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:03:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AdilsonST_DISSERT.pdf: 1536537 bytes, checksum: ea209d9f1b9abb20e4a9c39ef312c31d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / Sugarcane has an importance in Brazil due to sugar and biofuel production. Considering this aspect, there is basic research being done in order to understand its physiology to improve production. The aim of this research is the Base Excision Repair pathway, in special the enzyme MUTM DNA-glycosylase (formamidopyrimidine) which recognizes oxidized guanine in DNA. The sugarcane scMUTM genes were analyzed using four BACs (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) from a sugarcane genomic library from R570 cultivar. The resulted showed the presence in the region that had homology to scMUTM the presence of transposable elements. Comparing the similarity, it was observed a highest similarity to Sorghum bicolor sequence, both nucleotide and peptide sequences. Furthermore, promoter regions from MUTM genes in some grass showed different cis-regulatory elements, among which, most were related to oxidative stress, suggesting a gene regulation by oxidative stress / A cana-de-a??car ? uma das principais culturas brasileiras e importante, principalmente, pela produ??o de a??car e biocombust?vel. Por isso, manter a qualidade das cultivares desta esp?cie tornou-se alvo das pesquisas envolvendo gen?tica e bioqu?mica moleculares. Um dos objetivos destas pesquisas ? descobrir informa??es ?teis sobre o material gen?tico que as cultivares da cana-de-a??car possuem, para utiliz?-las como ferramentas no melhoramento contra intemp?ries que afetam sua produ??o, muitas vezes, de forma dr?stica. O foco deste trabalho ? a via de reparo de DNA conhecida por Reparo por Excis?o de Base, mais precisamente, a enzima DNA-glicosilase MUTM (formamidopirimidina-DNA-glicosilase), a qual reconhece e repara guaninas oxidadas no DNA. A caracteriza??o dos genes MUTM da cana-de-a??car foi realizada a partir das an?lises de quatro BACs (Bacterial Artificial Chromosome) de uma biblioteca gen?mica da cultivar R570. Os resultados obtidos dos alinhamentos mostraram a presen?a marcante de elementos de transposi??o. Al?m disso, foi verificado que os genes MUTM foram altamente similares aos de Sorghum bicolor, tanto em sequ?ncias nucleot?dicas e pept?dicas, como na estrutura g?nica. Foi analisado tamb?m que as regi?es promotoras de genes MUTM em algumas gram?neas apresentam v?rios elementos reguladores de express?o, associados com o estresse oxidativo, indicando uma regula??o por estresse oxidativo

Entwicklung eines FISH-Referenzkaryotyps der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris) für die Integration genetischer Kopplungskarten und die Analyse der chromosomalen Verteilung von repetitiven Sequenzen

Päsold, Susanne 13 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Verbindung von genetischen, physikalischen und zytologischen Daten ist entscheidend für die Genom- und Chromosomenanalyse. Obwohl Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) als wichtige Kulturpflanze und Untersuchungsobjekt der Grundlagenforschung eine intensiv analysierte Art darstellt, existiert bisher keine Verknüpfung zwischen Kopplungsgruppen (LG) und Chromosomen. B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen können zudem aufgrund fehlender morphologischer Unterscheidungsmerkmale bisher nicht einzeln identifiziert und klassifiziert werden. Somit sind zytogenetisch gewonnene Ergebnisse nicht ohne weiteres auf genetische Kopplungsgruppen und physikalische Karten übertragbar. Zytogenetische Methoden können zur Analyse struktureller Chromosomenveränderungen, zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von repetitiver DNA sowie zur Kartierung schwierig zu positionierender Marker verwendet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, ein FISH (Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung)-Verfahren zu etablieren, das die Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen der Zuckerrübe korreliert und die mikroskopische Identifizierung aller Chromosomenarme ermöglicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein FISH-Referenzkaryotyp der Zuckerrübe entwickelt. Durch ein Sondenset aus 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) sind alle Chromosomenarme der Zuckerrübe identifizierbar und werden mit den nördlichen und südlichen Enden der genetischen Kopplungsgruppen verknüpft. Somit ist eine einheitliche Nummerierung von Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen möglich. Durch die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung von chromosomenspezifischen BACs und den Satelliten-DNA-Sonden pAv34 und pBV VI beziehungsweise pEV und pBV wurden die Verteilungsmuster der Sequenzfamilien auf den Chromosomen ermittelt. Die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung aller vier repetitiven Sonden ergab ein chromosomenspezifisches Muster aus subtelomerischen, interkalaren und zentromerischen Signalen. Damit ist die Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen in einem einzelnen FISH-Experiment möglich. Zudem wurden dadurch die Chromosomen mit hohem Anteil an tandemartig angeordneten repetitiven Sequenzen identifiziert und die Chromosomenregionen lokalisiert, welche die Sequenzassemblierung behindern können. Sowohl das entwickelte BAC-Set als auch der Sondenpool aus repetitiver DNA unterscheiden die somatischen Metaphasechromosomen erstmals unabhängig von trisomen Linien. Da mit Hilfe der Satelliten-DNA-Sonden alle Chromosomen gleichzeitig markiert werden können, waren die spezifischen physikalischen Längen ermittelbar. Sie wurden mit den genetischen Längen der Kopplungsgruppen in Verbindung gebracht und deckten eine kopplungs-gruppenspezifische Rekombinationshäufigkeit zwischen 0,73 und 1,14 Mb/cM auf. Durch Hybridisierung der BACs und subtelomerischer beziehungsweise telomerischer Sonden auf Pachytänchromosomen wurde der Abstand der BACs sowie der in ihnen enthaltenen genetischen Marker zum physikalischen Chromosomenende abgeschätzt. An fünf Chromo-somenenden wurde ein deutlicher Abstand zwischen den Signalen des BACs und der terminalen Sonden festgestellt. Die zugehörigen Kopplungsgruppen sind demnach erweiterbar. Zudem wurden drei BACs mit nicht detektierbarem Abstand zum Chromosomenende durch FISH an gestreckten Chromatinfasern näher untersucht. Einer der drei BACs wurde eindeutig in unmittelbarer Nähe des Telomers nachgewiesen. Für dieses Ende (Chr 2N) ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit gering, dass die Kopplungsgruppe durch zusätzliche Marker erweitert werden kann; sie wird darum als abgeschlossen angesehen. Für die Enden Chr 4S und Chr 9S war der Abstand zwischen BAC und terminaler Sonde zu groß, um ihn durch Fiber-FISH zu ermitteln. Für sie sind weitere distal zu positionierende Marker wahrscheinlich. Weiterhin wurden bioinformatische Analysen an der verfügbaren B.-vulgaris-Genomsequenz RefBeet 1.0 durchgeführt. Scaffolds, welche die genetischen terminalen Marker enthalten, wurden bioinformatisch identifiziert und auf ihren Gehalt subtelomerischer und telomerischer Sequenzen untersucht. Vorhandene terminale Sequenzen sind ein Nachweis für eine terminale Lokalisierung der in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitte. Für drei Scaffolds mit zuvor ungeklärter Lage wurde dadurch das in-silico-Chromosom ermittelt beziehungsweise die nördliche oder südliche Position auf dem Chromosom dargestellt. Durch die Lokalisierung dieser Bereiche innerhalb der Sequenz in Bezug zum genetischen Marker und unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der Pachytän-FISH wurde die Strangorientierung von 16 Scaffolds ermittelt. Auf 14 Scaffolds wurden die Abstände der Marker zu den terminalen Sequenzen bestimmt. Der Median betrug etwa 196 kb. Für alle Kopplungsgruppenenden außer dem Norden von LG 2 und LG 4 ist das Vorhandensein weiterer distaler genetischer Marker wahrscheinlich. Satelliten-DNA ist innerhalb einer Art meist homogen, kann jedoch chromosomenspezifische Varianten ausbilden. Auf dem BAC-Marker für Chr 2N wurde durch Southern-Hybridisierung die subtelomerische Sequenzfamilie pAv34 detektiert. Von dem betreffenden BAC wurde eine Subklonbank erstellt. Durch Southern-Hybridisierung wurde der pAv34-Gehalt der Subklone analysiert. Positive Klone wurden sequenziert. Dabei wurden vier verschiedene vollständige pAv34-2N-Monomere detektiert. Im Vergleich mit pAv34-Volllängenmotiven aus der RefBeet 1.0 und dem Datensatz der nicht assemblierten Sequenzen der RefBeet 0.2 bilden die pAv34-2N-Einheiten mit pAv34-Kopien, die verschiedenen in-silico-Chromosomen und Contigs zugeordnet sind, eine Subfamilie. Aus den Sequenzen der Subklone wurden zwei Subklon-Contigs gebildet, die im in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitt von Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001) positioniert wurden. Dadurch wurden Regionen bisher unbekannter Sequenz entschlüsselt. Abweichungen zwischen den assemblierten Daten und den Subklonsequenzen deuten auf Assemblierungsfehler der Genomsequenz in repetitiven Bereichen hin. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse ermöglichen erstmalig die eindeutige Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen unabhängig vom Zellzyklusstadium und im Einklang mit genetischen Informationen. Zytogenetische sind jetzt mit molekularen Daten integrierbar und können verwendet werden, um den chromosomenspezifischen Satelliten-DNA-Gehalt aufzudecken und mögliche chromosomenspezifische Subfamilien zu identifizieren. Sie erlauben, physikalische Abstände zwischen Markern zu ermitteln und die Abdeckung von Kopplungsgruppen im terminalen Bereich zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, Marker und nicht zugeordnete Contigs und Scaffolds zu kartieren, Ursachen für Lücken aufzudecken und damit die Sequenzdaten des Zuckerrübengenoms zu einer fortlaufenden, hochqualitativen Sequenz zu assemblieren. Die zytogenetischen Daten bilden zudem die Basis für zukünftige Untersuchungen struktureller Umbauten von Chromosomen, die während der Genomevolution stattfanden. / The correlation of genetic, physical and cytological data is crucial for interdisciplinary genome and chromosome analyses. Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) is an important crop and an object of basic research. Although it is an intensely analysed species, its genetic linkage groups (LG) have not been assigned to chromosomes. Additionally, sugar beet chromosomes lack distinct morphological features and could therefore not be identified and classified individually. Consequently, results generated by cytogenetic methods can not be readily applied to genetic and physical maps. Cytogenetic approaches enable analysing structural chromosomal changes, identifying and localizing repetitive DNA, and mapping of markers which are difficult to place within linkage maps. Therefore, the main objective of this work has been the development of a FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) procedure that correlates LGs with chromosomes of sugar beet and that allows the microscopic identification of individual chromosome arms. In this work a FISH reference karyotype for sugar beet has been established. A set of 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) allows the unequivocal identification of each sugar beet chromosome and assigns them to the southern and northern ends of LGs. Hence, the chromosomes are numbered in accordance with the genetic map. The arm-specific BACs and the satellite DNA families pBV and pBV VI or pEV and pAv34 have been hybridized simultaneously to assign the distribution patterns of the highly abundant sequence families to chromosomes. Simultaneous hybridization of the four repetitive probes revealed a chromosome-specific pattern of subtelomeric, intercalary and centromeric signals. Thus, each of the sugar beet chromosomes can be identified in a single FISH experiment. Furthermore, chromosomes with a high content of repetitive DNA have been identified and chromosomal regions that may hinder the correct sequence assembly have been localized. The BAC set as well as the pooled satellite DNA probes discriminate the somatic chromosomes for the first time independently from trisomic lines. Since the chromosomes are differentially labelled with the satellite DNA probes their physical distances could be determined and correlated with genetic distances of the corresponding LGs. A LG-specific recombination frequency from 0.73 to 1.14 Mb/cM has been disclosed. BACs and subtelomeric or telomeric sequences have been hybridized simultaneously on pachytene chromosomes to estimate distances between BACs plus the markers they contain and the physical chromosome ends. Five BACs showed substantial distances to the physical chromosome ends; the corresponding LGs could thus be extended by additional markers. Furthermore, three BACs showing only minor distances to chromosome ends have been investigated in detail by fiber-FISH. One of these BACs was localized closely adjacent to the telomere. For this chromosome end (Chr 2N) it is unlikely that the LG could be extended distally by additional markers and is therefore considered to be closed. The BACs for the chromosome ends Chr 4S and Chr 9S have been too distant from the terminal probe to be bridged by fiber-FISH. For them it is likely that further markers can be placed distally. Furthermore, the B. vulgaris genomic sequence RefBeet 1.0 has been investigated. Scaffolds containing terminal genetic markers have been identified bioinformatically and analysed for the content of subtelomeric and telomeric sequences. The occurrence of terminal sequences confirms the terminal localization of in silico chromosome segments. Three scaffolds with an initially unknown position could thus be allocated to in silico chromosomes and to the northern or southern position on the chromosome. The strand orientation of 16 scaffolds has been determined based on the localization of terminal sequences in relation to the genetic marker considering the results of FISH on pachytene chromosomes. The distance between markers and terminal sequences has been determined for 14 scaffolds. The median is 196 kb. It is likely that further markers can be placed distally from all LG ends except for the north of LG 2 and LG 4. Satellite DNA is usually homogenous within one species; however, it can form chromosome-specific variants. Southern hybridization revealed that the BAC marker for Chr 2N contains the subtelomeric sequence family pAv34. The BAC has been subcloned and the pAv34 content of the subclones has been analysed by Southern hybridization. Positive clones have been sequenced. Thereby, four pAv34-2N monomeres have been detected. Compared to full-length pAv34 motives derived from the RefBeet 1.0 and from unassembled sequence data of the RefBeet 0.2 the pAv34-2N units form a subfamily together with pAv34 copies assigned to different in silico chromosomes and contigs. The subclone sequences have been assembled to two subclone contigs, which have been positioned within the in silico chromosome segment of Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001). Thereby, regions of unknown sequence have been decoded and probable misassemblies in repetitive regions within the RefBeet 1.0 have been disclosed. The results obtained in this work enable the identification of all sugar beet chromosomes independently from their stage of cell division and in accordance with genetic information. Cytogenetic data are integrated with molecular data and can be used for identifying the chromosome-specific distribution of repeats and chromosome-specific repeat variants. They enable determining physical distances between markers and investigating the terminal coverage of LGs. The results support the correct mapping of markers and unassigned contigs, uncover reasons for gaps within maps and sequence assemblies, and thus contribute to assembling data into a continuous high quality genome sequence of sugar beet. Moreover, the cytogenetic data represent the basis for future investigations of structural chromosomal changes that took place during evolution.

Entwicklung eines FISH-Referenzkaryotyps der Zuckerrübe (Beta vulgaris) für die Integration genetischer Kopplungskarten und die Analyse der chromosomalen Verteilung von repetitiven Sequenzen

Päsold, Susanne 19 December 2013 (has links)
Die Verbindung von genetischen, physikalischen und zytologischen Daten ist entscheidend für die Genom- und Chromosomenanalyse. Obwohl Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) als wichtige Kulturpflanze und Untersuchungsobjekt der Grundlagenforschung eine intensiv analysierte Art darstellt, existiert bisher keine Verknüpfung zwischen Kopplungsgruppen (LG) und Chromosomen. B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen können zudem aufgrund fehlender morphologischer Unterscheidungsmerkmale bisher nicht einzeln identifiziert und klassifiziert werden. Somit sind zytogenetisch gewonnene Ergebnisse nicht ohne weiteres auf genetische Kopplungsgruppen und physikalische Karten übertragbar. Zytogenetische Methoden können zur Analyse struktureller Chromosomenveränderungen, zur Identifizierung und Lokalisierung von repetitiver DNA sowie zur Kartierung schwierig zu positionierender Marker verwendet werden. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es daher, ein FISH (Fluoreszenz-in-situ-Hybridisierung)-Verfahren zu etablieren, das die Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen der Zuckerrübe korreliert und die mikroskopische Identifizierung aller Chromosomenarme ermöglicht. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde ein FISH-Referenzkaryotyp der Zuckerrübe entwickelt. Durch ein Sondenset aus 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) sind alle Chromosomenarme der Zuckerrübe identifizierbar und werden mit den nördlichen und südlichen Enden der genetischen Kopplungsgruppen verknüpft. Somit ist eine einheitliche Nummerierung von Kopplungsgruppen und Chromosomen möglich. Durch die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung von chromosomenspezifischen BACs und den Satelliten-DNA-Sonden pAv34 und pBV VI beziehungsweise pEV und pBV wurden die Verteilungsmuster der Sequenzfamilien auf den Chromosomen ermittelt. Die gleichzeitige Hybridisierung aller vier repetitiven Sonden ergab ein chromosomenspezifisches Muster aus subtelomerischen, interkalaren und zentromerischen Signalen. Damit ist die Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen in einem einzelnen FISH-Experiment möglich. Zudem wurden dadurch die Chromosomen mit hohem Anteil an tandemartig angeordneten repetitiven Sequenzen identifiziert und die Chromosomenregionen lokalisiert, welche die Sequenzassemblierung behindern können. Sowohl das entwickelte BAC-Set als auch der Sondenpool aus repetitiver DNA unterscheiden die somatischen Metaphasechromosomen erstmals unabhängig von trisomen Linien. Da mit Hilfe der Satelliten-DNA-Sonden alle Chromosomen gleichzeitig markiert werden können, waren die spezifischen physikalischen Längen ermittelbar. Sie wurden mit den genetischen Längen der Kopplungsgruppen in Verbindung gebracht und deckten eine kopplungs-gruppenspezifische Rekombinationshäufigkeit zwischen 0,73 und 1,14 Mb/cM auf. Durch Hybridisierung der BACs und subtelomerischer beziehungsweise telomerischer Sonden auf Pachytänchromosomen wurde der Abstand der BACs sowie der in ihnen enthaltenen genetischen Marker zum physikalischen Chromosomenende abgeschätzt. An fünf Chromo-somenenden wurde ein deutlicher Abstand zwischen den Signalen des BACs und der terminalen Sonden festgestellt. Die zugehörigen Kopplungsgruppen sind demnach erweiterbar. Zudem wurden drei BACs mit nicht detektierbarem Abstand zum Chromosomenende durch FISH an gestreckten Chromatinfasern näher untersucht. Einer der drei BACs wurde eindeutig in unmittelbarer Nähe des Telomers nachgewiesen. Für dieses Ende (Chr 2N) ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit gering, dass die Kopplungsgruppe durch zusätzliche Marker erweitert werden kann; sie wird darum als abgeschlossen angesehen. Für die Enden Chr 4S und Chr 9S war der Abstand zwischen BAC und terminaler Sonde zu groß, um ihn durch Fiber-FISH zu ermitteln. Für sie sind weitere distal zu positionierende Marker wahrscheinlich. Weiterhin wurden bioinformatische Analysen an der verfügbaren B.-vulgaris-Genomsequenz RefBeet 1.0 durchgeführt. Scaffolds, welche die genetischen terminalen Marker enthalten, wurden bioinformatisch identifiziert und auf ihren Gehalt subtelomerischer und telomerischer Sequenzen untersucht. Vorhandene terminale Sequenzen sind ein Nachweis für eine terminale Lokalisierung der in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitte. Für drei Scaffolds mit zuvor ungeklärter Lage wurde dadurch das in-silico-Chromosom ermittelt beziehungsweise die nördliche oder südliche Position auf dem Chromosom dargestellt. Durch die Lokalisierung dieser Bereiche innerhalb der Sequenz in Bezug zum genetischen Marker und unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse der Pachytän-FISH wurde die Strangorientierung von 16 Scaffolds ermittelt. Auf 14 Scaffolds wurden die Abstände der Marker zu den terminalen Sequenzen bestimmt. Der Median betrug etwa 196 kb. Für alle Kopplungsgruppenenden außer dem Norden von LG 2 und LG 4 ist das Vorhandensein weiterer distaler genetischer Marker wahrscheinlich. Satelliten-DNA ist innerhalb einer Art meist homogen, kann jedoch chromosomenspezifische Varianten ausbilden. Auf dem BAC-Marker für Chr 2N wurde durch Southern-Hybridisierung die subtelomerische Sequenzfamilie pAv34 detektiert. Von dem betreffenden BAC wurde eine Subklonbank erstellt. Durch Southern-Hybridisierung wurde der pAv34-Gehalt der Subklone analysiert. Positive Klone wurden sequenziert. Dabei wurden vier verschiedene vollständige pAv34-2N-Monomere detektiert. Im Vergleich mit pAv34-Volllängenmotiven aus der RefBeet 1.0 und dem Datensatz der nicht assemblierten Sequenzen der RefBeet 0.2 bilden die pAv34-2N-Einheiten mit pAv34-Kopien, die verschiedenen in-silico-Chromosomen und Contigs zugeordnet sind, eine Subfamilie. Aus den Sequenzen der Subklone wurden zwei Subklon-Contigs gebildet, die im in-silico-Chromosomenabschnitt von Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001) positioniert wurden. Dadurch wurden Regionen bisher unbekannter Sequenz entschlüsselt. Abweichungen zwischen den assemblierten Daten und den Subklonsequenzen deuten auf Assemblierungsfehler der Genomsequenz in repetitiven Bereichen hin. Die in dieser Arbeit erzielten Ergebnisse ermöglichen erstmalig die eindeutige Identifizierung aller B.-vulgaris-Chromosomen unabhängig vom Zellzyklusstadium und im Einklang mit genetischen Informationen. Zytogenetische sind jetzt mit molekularen Daten integrierbar und können verwendet werden, um den chromosomenspezifischen Satelliten-DNA-Gehalt aufzudecken und mögliche chromosomenspezifische Subfamilien zu identifizieren. Sie erlauben, physikalische Abstände zwischen Markern zu ermitteln und die Abdeckung von Kopplungsgruppen im terminalen Bereich zu untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse tragen dazu bei, Marker und nicht zugeordnete Contigs und Scaffolds zu kartieren, Ursachen für Lücken aufzudecken und damit die Sequenzdaten des Zuckerrübengenoms zu einer fortlaufenden, hochqualitativen Sequenz zu assemblieren. Die zytogenetischen Daten bilden zudem die Basis für zukünftige Untersuchungen struktureller Umbauten von Chromosomen, die während der Genomevolution stattfanden. / The correlation of genetic, physical and cytological data is crucial for interdisciplinary genome and chromosome analyses. Beta vulgaris (2n = 18) is an important crop and an object of basic research. Although it is an intensely analysed species, its genetic linkage groups (LG) have not been assigned to chromosomes. Additionally, sugar beet chromosomes lack distinct morphological features and could therefore not be identified and classified individually. Consequently, results generated by cytogenetic methods can not be readily applied to genetic and physical maps. Cytogenetic approaches enable analysing structural chromosomal changes, identifying and localizing repetitive DNA, and mapping of markers which are difficult to place within linkage maps. Therefore, the main objective of this work has been the development of a FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization) procedure that correlates LGs with chromosomes of sugar beet and that allows the microscopic identification of individual chromosome arms. In this work a FISH reference karyotype for sugar beet has been established. A set of 18 BACs (bacterial artificial chromosome) allows the unequivocal identification of each sugar beet chromosome and assigns them to the southern and northern ends of LGs. Hence, the chromosomes are numbered in accordance with the genetic map. The arm-specific BACs and the satellite DNA families pBV and pBV VI or pEV and pAv34 have been hybridized simultaneously to assign the distribution patterns of the highly abundant sequence families to chromosomes. Simultaneous hybridization of the four repetitive probes revealed a chromosome-specific pattern of subtelomeric, intercalary and centromeric signals. Thus, each of the sugar beet chromosomes can be identified in a single FISH experiment. Furthermore, chromosomes with a high content of repetitive DNA have been identified and chromosomal regions that may hinder the correct sequence assembly have been localized. The BAC set as well as the pooled satellite DNA probes discriminate the somatic chromosomes for the first time independently from trisomic lines. Since the chromosomes are differentially labelled with the satellite DNA probes their physical distances could be determined and correlated with genetic distances of the corresponding LGs. A LG-specific recombination frequency from 0.73 to 1.14 Mb/cM has been disclosed. BACs and subtelomeric or telomeric sequences have been hybridized simultaneously on pachytene chromosomes to estimate distances between BACs plus the markers they contain and the physical chromosome ends. Five BACs showed substantial distances to the physical chromosome ends; the corresponding LGs could thus be extended by additional markers. Furthermore, three BACs showing only minor distances to chromosome ends have been investigated in detail by fiber-FISH. One of these BACs was localized closely adjacent to the telomere. For this chromosome end (Chr 2N) it is unlikely that the LG could be extended distally by additional markers and is therefore considered to be closed. The BACs for the chromosome ends Chr 4S and Chr 9S have been too distant from the terminal probe to be bridged by fiber-FISH. For them it is likely that further markers can be placed distally. Furthermore, the B. vulgaris genomic sequence RefBeet 1.0 has been investigated. Scaffolds containing terminal genetic markers have been identified bioinformatically and analysed for the content of subtelomeric and telomeric sequences. The occurrence of terminal sequences confirms the terminal localization of in silico chromosome segments. Three scaffolds with an initially unknown position could thus be allocated to in silico chromosomes and to the northern or southern position on the chromosome. The strand orientation of 16 scaffolds has been determined based on the localization of terminal sequences in relation to the genetic marker considering the results of FISH on pachytene chromosomes. The distance between markers and terminal sequences has been determined for 14 scaffolds. The median is 196 kb. It is likely that further markers can be placed distally from all LG ends except for the north of LG 2 and LG 4. Satellite DNA is usually homogenous within one species; however, it can form chromosome-specific variants. Southern hybridization revealed that the BAC marker for Chr 2N contains the subtelomeric sequence family pAv34. The BAC has been subcloned and the pAv34 content of the subclones has been analysed by Southern hybridization. Positive clones have been sequenced. Thereby, four pAv34-2N monomeres have been detected. Compared to full-length pAv34 motives derived from the RefBeet 1.0 and from unassembled sequence data of the RefBeet 0.2 the pAv34-2N units form a subfamily together with pAv34 copies assigned to different in silico chromosomes and contigs. The subclone sequences have been assembled to two subclone contigs, which have been positioned within the in silico chromosome segment of Chr 2N (Bvchr2.un.sca001). Thereby, regions of unknown sequence have been decoded and probable misassemblies in repetitive regions within the RefBeet 1.0 have been disclosed. The results obtained in this work enable the identification of all sugar beet chromosomes independently from their stage of cell division and in accordance with genetic information. Cytogenetic data are integrated with molecular data and can be used for identifying the chromosome-specific distribution of repeats and chromosome-specific repeat variants. They enable determining physical distances between markers and investigating the terminal coverage of LGs. The results support the correct mapping of markers and unassigned contigs, uncover reasons for gaps within maps and sequence assemblies, and thus contribute to assembling data into a continuous high quality genome sequence of sugar beet. Moreover, the cytogenetic data represent the basis for future investigations of structural chromosomal changes that took place during evolution.

Genome-level studies on late maturity alpha amylase and boron tolerance in wheat

M.Carter@murdoch.edu.au, Meredith Diane Carter January 2006 (has links)
Under certain environmental conditions, some varieties of wheat synthesize the enzyme alpha amylase late in grain ripening, even in the absence of rain or sprouting. The resulting grain has a sound appearance but can be unsuitable for end-product applications due to the presence of late maturity alpha amylase (LMA) activity. Reduction of LMA and the development of cultivars tolerant to boron toxic soils are high priority traits in the WA wheat breeding program and the use of molecular markers closely linked to these traits for marker assisted selection (MAS) is highly desirable. The aims of this study were to take a genomics approach to provide detailed structural information for the region on wheat chromosome 7BL in which quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for LMA and boron tolerance (Bo1) have been mapped. Once the structure had been determined, this then laid the foundation for further studies to investigate the function of putative candidate genes identified within this region. The research involved the use of bioinformatic tools and rice/wheat synteny to investigate the structure of this chromosome region, followed by the use of molecular probes to isolate genomic DNA clones (BAC clones) corresponding to this region. A two-step bioinformatics strategy was used, involving (1) alignment of portions of the wheat and rice genomes, to identify rice genomic regions syntenic to wheat group 7L and (2) selection of candidate genes from those regions of the rice genome. The selected candidate genes included an anion transporter, as a candidate gene for boron tolerance, and GAMYB-like genes, as candidate genes for LMA. The GAMYB class of transcription factors identified were of particular interest because of published literature indicating its importance in controlling ƒÑ-amylase levels in cereal grains. The key phenotype of interest in this thesis is LMA and different levels of expression of ƒÑ-amylase are a key feature of this phenotype. Molecular markers and candidate genes were then used to screen two BAC libraries, one derived from the French cultivar, ¡¥Renan¡¦ and the other derived from Aegilops tauschii (the source of the D genome of wheat). About 300 BAC clones corresponding to the chromosome region of interest were obtained. Of these, 8 BAC clones (6 chosen through hybridization to a GAMYB-like probe, and 2 from wheat ESTs anchored to the rice genome) were selected for sequencing, allowing for the development of new microsatellite and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers and for the discovery of novel transposable elements that provide a rich source of polymorphism for the development of additional markers. Novel microsatellite and SNP markers that were identified from the BAC clone sequence were mapped on the Cranbrook/Halberd doubled haploid (DH) mapping population. Markers were located to chromosomes 7AL, 7BL and 7DL. New markers derived from the BAC sequence information were used to anchor the BAC clones to the genetic map and develop a framework physical-genetic map. An automated annotation pipeline has been established and was used to annotate selected contigs of the sequenced BAC clones. A new marker assisted selection strategy, termed Multiplex Trait Signature (MuTs) analysis, was developed and tested on 39 wheat cultivars of known LMA phenotype. MuTs provides a graphical genotype of individuals for a particular chromosomal region and is a convenient tool for interrogating genetic similarity in the individuals surveyed. Based on assays of 22 markers (12 spanning the LMA QTL on chromosome 7BL and 10 spanning the LMA QTL on chromosome 3BS) on these 39 wheat cultivars, it was found that the varieties can be grouped according to pedigree and provides a tool for interpreting LMA status for a variety. Validation of the 7BL LMA and boron tolerance (Bo1) QTL regions was achieved using a targeted mapping approach using the doubled haploid population Pastor/RAC891 using published molecular markers and markers developed in this thesis. The main outcome of this study is that the genomic organisation of this region on chromosome 7BL is complex, and that the identification of candidate genes in wheat controlling 1) tolerance of cultivars to boron toxic soils and 2) pathways regulating the expression of LMA, is likely to involve the interplay of a network of regulatory genes.

Caracteriza??o de um hom?logo de HINT1 em cana-de-a??car encontrado em bibliotecas subtrativas de CDNA para flora??o

Sousa, Isabel Andrade Lopes de 27 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-02-05T23:00:04Z No. of bitstreams: 1 IsabelAndradeLopesDeSousa_DISSERT.pdf: 1629932 bytes, checksum: 69b762646403d829620b6a8a168e9988 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-02-16T21:49:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 IsabelAndradeLopesDeSousa_DISSERT.pdf: 1629932 bytes, checksum: 69b762646403d829620b6a8a168e9988 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-02-16T21:49:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IsabelAndradeLopesDeSousa_DISSERT.pdf: 1629932 bytes, checksum: 69b762646403d829620b6a8a168e9988 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-27 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPq / A cana-de-a??car ? uma planta monocotiled?nea cultivada em regi?es tropicais e subtropicais, sendo o Brasil o maior produtor mundial. Apesar de sua import?ncia econ?mica, muito pouco ? conhecido molecularmente sobre o processo de flora??o em cana-de-a??car. Este processo fisiol?gico pode promover uma perda de at? 60% na produtividade de a??car ou bioetanol. Desta forma, este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar um gene hom?logo ao gene que codifica a prote?na HINT1, identificado anteriormente em bibliotecas subtrativas de flora??o. An?lises gen?micas da estrutura g?nica e regi?o promotora permitiram observar que existem pelo menos dois genes distintos hom?logos ? HINT em cana-de-a??car. An?lises de bioinform?tica mostraram a conserva??o do dom?nio proteico caracter?stico da superfam?lia HIT e indicam uma rela??o filogen?tica associada ? localiza??o celular. Al?m disso, foi observada uma poss?vel rela??o com as prote?nas da fam?lia SBTILISIN-like por meio das informa??es dispon?veis em interatomas. Isto sugere que o gene HINT de cana-de-a??car pode estar relacionado ao desenvolvimento vegetal, havendo v?rias possibilidades de intera??es para a regula??o do processo de indu??o floral, pois as sequ?ncias presentes nas regi?es regulat?rias indicam que a express?o diferencial de HINT seria relacionada tanto com fatores clim?ticos presentes na regi?o Nordeste do Brasil quanto ? estresse bi?tico e fito-horm?nios. Al?m disso, os fen?tipos relacionados ao florescimento tardio indicam que a influ?ncia de HINT pode ocorrer devido ao ac?mulo de produtos na sua atua??o enzim?tica. Por estas caracter?sticas este gene pode ser utilizado como um marcador na sele??o de novos cultivares. / The sugarcane is a monocot plant grown in tropical and subtropical regions, with Brazil being the largest producer. Despite its economic importance, little is known about the molecular flowering process in sugarcane. This physiological process can promote a loss up to 60% in sugar or bioethanol. Thus, this work had as objective characterize a HINT1 homologous gene previously identified in subtractive libraries of flowering. Genomic analysis of gene and promoter region structure allowed the observation that there are at least two distinct genes homologous to HINT on sugarcane. Bioinformatics analyses showed the conservation of the characteristic protein domain of HIT superfamily and indicate a phylogenetic relationship associated to cell location. Moreover, a possible relation with the SBTILISIN-like protein family through the information available in interatomas was observed. This suggests that the HINT gene of sugarcane can be related to plant development, there are several possibilities of interactions in the regulation of floral induction process, because the sequences present in regulatory regions indicate that differential expression of HINT was related to with climatic factors in the Northeast region of Brazil as well as to biotic stress and phytohormones. Furthermore, the sugarcane phenotypes indicate that the influence of HINT may happen due to product accumulation of its enzymatic activity. For these characteristics this gene can be used as a marker in the selection of new varieties.

Évolution des chromosomes sexuels chez les plantes : développements méthodologiques et analyses de données NGS de Silènes / Sex chromosome evolution in plants : methodological developments and NGS data analysis in the Silene genus

Muyle, Aline 03 September 2015 (has links)
Malgré leur importance dans le déterminisme du sexe chez de nombreux organismes, les chromosomes sexuels ont été étudiés chez quelques espèces seulement du fait du manque de séquences disponibles. En effet, le séquençage et l'assemblage des chromosomes sexuels est rendu très difficile par leurs abondantes séquences répétées. Durant cette thèse, une méthode probabiliste a été développée pour inférer les gènes liés au sexe à partir de données RNA-seq chez une famille. Des tests de cette méthode appelée SEX-DETector sur des données réelles et simulées suggèrent qu'elle fonctionnera sur une grande variété de systèmes. La méthode a inféré ∼1300 gènes liés au sexe chez Silene latifolia, une plante dioïque qui possède des chromosomes sexuels XY pour lesquels quelques données de séquence sont disponibles (dont certaines obtenues lors de cette thèse par séquençage de BACs). Les gènes du Y sont moins exprimés que ceux du X chez S. latifolia, mais le statut de la compensation de dosage (un mécanisme qui corrige la sous-expression des gènes liés au sexe chez les males) est encore controversé. L'analyse des nouveaux gènes liés au sexe inférés par SEX-DETector a permis de confirmer la compensation de dosage chez S. latifolia, qui est effectuée par la surexpression du X maternel, possiblement via un mécanisme epigénétique d'empreinte. Les données ont également été utilisées pour étudier l'évolution de l'expression biaisée pour le sexe chez S. latifolia et ont révélé que la majorité des changements de niveaux d'expression ont eu lieu chez les femelles. Les implications de nos résultats concernant l'évolution de la dioécie et des chromosomes sexuels sont discutés / In many organisms, sexes are determined by sex chromosomes. However, studies have been greatly limited by the paucity of sex chromosome sequences. Indeed, sequencing and assembling sex chromosomes are very challenging due to the large quantity of repetitive DNA that these chromosomes comprise. In this PhD, a probabilistic method was developed to infer sex-linked genes from RNA-seq data of a family (parents and progeny of each sex). The method, called SEX-DETector, was tested on simulated and real data and should performwell on a wide variety of sex chomosome systems. This new method was applied to Silene latifolia, a dioecious plant with XY system, for which partial sequence data on sex chromosomes are available (some of which obtained during this PhD by BAC sequencing), SEX-DETector returned ∼1300 sex-linked genes. In S. latifolia, Y genes are less expressed than their X counterparts. Dosage compensation (a mechanism that corrects for reduced dosage due to Y degeneration in males) was previously tested in S. latifolia, but different studies returned conflicting results. The analysis of the new set of sex-linked genes confirmed the existence of dosage compensation in S. latifolia, which seems to be achieved by the hyperexpression of the maternal X chromosome in males. An imprinting mechanism might underlie dosage compensation in that species. The RNAseq datawere also used to study the evolution of differential expression among sexes in S. latifolia, and revealed that in this species most changes have affected the female sex. The implications of our results for the evolution of dioecy and sex chromosomes in plants are discussed

Caracterização de genes associados ao tipo de reação sexual em Sporisorium scitamineum, agente causador do carvão da cana-de-açúcar / Characterization of mating type loci of Sporisorium scitamineum, the causal agent of sugarcane smut

Kmit, Maria Carolina Pezzo 30 January 2014 (has links)
Sporisorium scitamineum é um fungo basidiomiceto causador do carvão da cana-de-açúcar, uma doença com impacto negativo no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, e com ocorrência em todos os países produtores. A manifestação da doença na cultura da cana depende da formação de uma hifa dicariótica a partir da anastomose de duas hifas haplóides compatíveis com relação ao tipo de reação sexual (mating-type). O controle do cruzamento sexuado (mating) é realizado pela expressão de um conjunto de genes presentes em dois loci, a e b. O locus a codifica um lipopeptídeo com função de feromônio e um receptor de feromônio, responsáveis pelo reconhecimento de células compatíveis e fusão de hifas, enquanto o locus b codifica fatores de transcrição que controlam a expressão de genes responsáveis pela manutenção das hifas dicarióticas durante o processo de infecção e crescimento do fungo dentro da planta. Apesar de desempenharem função essencial no processo de infecção e manutenção da doença em cana-de-açúcar, o conhecimento a respeito da organização genômica ou da função dos demais genes presentes nos loci a e b em S. scitamineum e em outros fungos causadores de carvão é ainda incipiente. Desta forma, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi isolar as regiões genômicas relacionadas aos genes de cruzamento em S. scitamineum e analisar comparativamente com regiões similares já descritas e depositadas em bancos de dados públicos. Para o isolamento destas regiões, foi construída uma biblioteca genômica em BAC de uma linhagem haplóide de S. scitamineum, a Ssc39 (+), isolada de uma variedade de cana-de-açúcar com sintomas de alta susceptibilidade. Foram selecionados 11 clones por PCR. Os insertos foram sequenciados e utilizados para confirmação da montagem dos loci no sequenciamento do genoma do fungo. Apesar do fungo S. scitamineum apresentar sistema bipolar de reação sexual assim como o fungo U. hordei, as análises comparativas de ambos os locus indicaram que S. scitamineum apresenta maior similaridade com o fungo S. reilianum principalmente com o alelo a1, no qual apresenta sistema tetrapolar de reação sexual. A anotação e caracterização dos genes do tipo de reação sexual (mating type) possibilitaram a comparação e melhor entendimento sobre esses genes de grande importância na patogenicidade e no ciclo de vida do fungo. / Sporisorium scitamineum is a basidiomycete fungus causing the smut disease in sugarcane, with a negative impact on the cultivation of sugarcane, and occurring in all producing countries. The manifestation of the disease in sugarcane crop depends on the formation of a dikaryotic hyphae originated of the anastomosis of two haploid mating type compatible cells. The control of the sexual crossing (mating) is performed by expression of a set of genes present in two loci, a and b. The locus a encodes a lipopeptide with the function of pheromone and pheromone membrane receptor responsible for cell recognition and compatible hyphal fusion, whereas the locus b encodes transcription factors that control the expression of genes responsible for the maintenance of the dikaryotic hyphal growth in plant. Although they play an essential role in the maintenance of infection and disease in sugarcane process, knowledge about the genomic organization and function of other genes in these two loci of S. scitamineum and other smut fungi is still incipient. Thus, the overall goal of this work was to isolate genomic regions related to the mating type in S. scitamineum and to perform a comparative analyze with similar regions described and deposited in public databases. For the isolation of these regions, we constructed a genomic BAC library of a haploid strain of S. scitamineum, the Ssc39 (+), isolated from a variety of sugarcane with symptoms of high susceptibility. Eleven clones were selected by PCR. The inserts were sequenced and used to confirm the assembly of both loci in the genome sequencing of the fungus. Although S. scitamineum belongs to the class of bipolar system of sexual response as well as the fungus U. hordei , the comparative analysis of both loci indicated that S. scitamineum shows greater similarity to the S. reilianum mainly with A1 allele, which has a tetrapolar system sexual response. The annotation of the genes and characterization mating type genes enabled the comparison and better understanding of the importance of these genes in the life cycle of the fungus.

Caracterização de genes associados ao tipo de reação sexual em Sporisorium scitamineum, agente causador do carvão da cana-de-açúcar / Characterization of mating type loci of Sporisorium scitamineum, the causal agent of sugarcane smut

Maria Carolina Pezzo Kmit 30 January 2014 (has links)
Sporisorium scitamineum é um fungo basidiomiceto causador do carvão da cana-de-açúcar, uma doença com impacto negativo no cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, e com ocorrência em todos os países produtores. A manifestação da doença na cultura da cana depende da formação de uma hifa dicariótica a partir da anastomose de duas hifas haplóides compatíveis com relação ao tipo de reação sexual (mating-type). O controle do cruzamento sexuado (mating) é realizado pela expressão de um conjunto de genes presentes em dois loci, a e b. O locus a codifica um lipopeptídeo com função de feromônio e um receptor de feromônio, responsáveis pelo reconhecimento de células compatíveis e fusão de hifas, enquanto o locus b codifica fatores de transcrição que controlam a expressão de genes responsáveis pela manutenção das hifas dicarióticas durante o processo de infecção e crescimento do fungo dentro da planta. Apesar de desempenharem função essencial no processo de infecção e manutenção da doença em cana-de-açúcar, o conhecimento a respeito da organização genômica ou da função dos demais genes presentes nos loci a e b em S. scitamineum e em outros fungos causadores de carvão é ainda incipiente. Desta forma, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi isolar as regiões genômicas relacionadas aos genes de cruzamento em S. scitamineum e analisar comparativamente com regiões similares já descritas e depositadas em bancos de dados públicos. Para o isolamento destas regiões, foi construída uma biblioteca genômica em BAC de uma linhagem haplóide de S. scitamineum, a Ssc39 (+), isolada de uma variedade de cana-de-açúcar com sintomas de alta susceptibilidade. Foram selecionados 11 clones por PCR. Os insertos foram sequenciados e utilizados para confirmação da montagem dos loci no sequenciamento do genoma do fungo. Apesar do fungo S. scitamineum apresentar sistema bipolar de reação sexual assim como o fungo U. hordei, as análises comparativas de ambos os locus indicaram que S. scitamineum apresenta maior similaridade com o fungo S. reilianum principalmente com o alelo a1, no qual apresenta sistema tetrapolar de reação sexual. A anotação e caracterização dos genes do tipo de reação sexual (mating type) possibilitaram a comparação e melhor entendimento sobre esses genes de grande importância na patogenicidade e no ciclo de vida do fungo. / Sporisorium scitamineum is a basidiomycete fungus causing the smut disease in sugarcane, with a negative impact on the cultivation of sugarcane, and occurring in all producing countries. The manifestation of the disease in sugarcane crop depends on the formation of a dikaryotic hyphae originated of the anastomosis of two haploid mating type compatible cells. The control of the sexual crossing (mating) is performed by expression of a set of genes present in two loci, a and b. The locus a encodes a lipopeptide with the function of pheromone and pheromone membrane receptor responsible for cell recognition and compatible hyphal fusion, whereas the locus b encodes transcription factors that control the expression of genes responsible for the maintenance of the dikaryotic hyphal growth in plant. Although they play an essential role in the maintenance of infection and disease in sugarcane process, knowledge about the genomic organization and function of other genes in these two loci of S. scitamineum and other smut fungi is still incipient. Thus, the overall goal of this work was to isolate genomic regions related to the mating type in S. scitamineum and to perform a comparative analyze with similar regions described and deposited in public databases. For the isolation of these regions, we constructed a genomic BAC library of a haploid strain of S. scitamineum, the Ssc39 (+), isolated from a variety of sugarcane with symptoms of high susceptibility. Eleven clones were selected by PCR. The inserts were sequenced and used to confirm the assembly of both loci in the genome sequencing of the fungus. Although S. scitamineum belongs to the class of bipolar system of sexual response as well as the fungus U. hordei , the comparative analysis of both loci indicated that S. scitamineum shows greater similarity to the S. reilianum mainly with A1 allele, which has a tetrapolar system sexual response. The annotation of the genes and characterization mating type genes enabled the comparison and better understanding of the importance of these genes in the life cycle of the fungus.

Cytogenomic Analyses of the genus Sorghum

Anderson, Jason C. 2010 May 1900 (has links)
A phylogenetic tree based on ITS1, Adh1 and ndhF grouped the species of the genus Sorghum into one distinct monophyletic group, but including two sister lineages, one with x=5, the other with x=10 as basic chromosome numbers. The goal of this study was to elucidate major patterns in Sorghum genome evolution, particularly n=5 vs. n=10 genomes. A very recent molecular cytogenetic study in our laboratory revealed striking structural karyotypic rearrangements between S. bicolor (x=10) and an x=5 Sorghum species, S. angustum; so an immediate objective here was to determine if identical or similar rearrangements exist in other wild Sorghum species. Our approach was [1] to extend similar methods to additional species, i.e., fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses of sorghum genomic bacterial artificial chromosome clones and multi-BAC cocktail probes to mitotic chromosomes of S. angustum, S. versicolor, S. brachypodum and S. intrans; and [2] to augment the BAC-FISH findings by comparing telomeric and ribosomal DNA FISH signal distributions to x=5 and x=10 Sorghum species. Signals from in situ hybridizations of BAC-based probes were insufficiently robust and insufficiently localized to delineate FISH signal patterns akin to those discovered previously in S. angustum. Southern blots of the same BACs to restricted DNA of these species revealed relatively moderate affinity to smeared DNA, suggesting homology to non-tandemized sequences. FISH of the A-type TRS (Arabidopsis-like telomeric repeat sequence) revealed its presence is limited to terminal chromosomal regions of the Sorghum species tested, except S. brachypodum, which displayed intercalary signal on one chromosome and no detachable signal at its termini region. The hybridization of 45S and 5S rDNA revealed that the respective sites of tandemized clusters differ among species in terms of size, number and location, except S. angustum versus S. versicolor. Well localized BAC-FISH signals normally occur when signals from low-copy sequences discernibly exceed background signal, including those from hybridization of dispersed repetitive elements. The low level of signal intensity from BAC low-copy sequences relative to the background signal "noise" seems most likely due to low homology and(or) technical constraints. Extensive dispersal of low-copy sequences that are syntenic in S. bicolor seems unlikely, but possible. In conclusion, the result was a lack of clear experimental success with BAC-FISH and an inability to effectively screen for S. angustum-like rearrangements using BAC-FISH. The telomeric and rDNA FISH indicated that the x=5 genomes vary extensively. One can surmise that although the arrangements seen in S. angustum might extend to S. versicolor, they certainly do not extend to S. versicolor, they certainly do not extend to S. intrans or S. brachypodum. It is clear that S. brachypodum has telomeric repeats that are either very short or rely on some sequence other than the A-type TRS.

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