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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Českobudějovická společnost v 19. století optikou pivní kultury / The Budweiser society in the 19th century from the perspective of beer culture

Vávrová, Eliška January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores the social changes in Budweis in the 19th and in the beginning of the 20th century from a perspective of local beer brewing and hospitality industry. The principles of economic nationalism are examined on the example of interactions of two local breweries. The second part of this thesis focuses on inns and taprooms in Budweis. These are presented as important locations for social life and consumption. A typology of these establishments is prepared based on multiple factors. The mutual relations between establishments and beer suppliers are also investigated. The locations of both breweries' clients is compared with the local population's character in order to investigate to what degree did nationality determine the preference of a given beer brand. Finally, two case studies present the "dark side" of the hospitality industry and they suggest that nationality was not the main influence on the consumers' relation to a given brand or establishment. Key words: Budweis, brewery, beer brewing, public houses and taprooms, nationalism, economic nationalism, history of consumption

Toward Computationally Efficient Models for Near-infrared and Photoacoustic Tomographic Imaging

Bhatt, Manish January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Near Infrared (NIR) and Photoacoustic (PA) Imaging are promising imaging modalities that provides functional information of the soft biological tissues in-vivo, with applica-tions in breast and brain tissue imaging. These techniques use near infrared light in the wavelength range of (600 nm - 900 nm), giving an advantage of being non-ionizing imaging modality. This makes the prolong bed-side monitoring of tissue feasible, making them highly desirable medical imaging modalities in the clinic. The computation models that are deployed in these imaging scenarios are computationally demanding and often require a high performance computing systems to deploy them in real-time. This the-sis presents three computationally e cient models for near-infrared and photoacoustic imaging, without compromising the quality of measured functional properties, to make them more appealing in clinical scenarios. The attenuation of near-infrared (NIR) light intensity as it propagates in a turbid medium like biological tissue is described by modi ed the BeerLambert law (MBLL). The MBLL is generally used to quantify the changes in tissue chromophore concen-trations for NIR spectroscopic data analysis. Even though MBLL is e ective in terms of providing qualitative comparison, it su ers from its applicability across tissue types and tissue dimensions. A Lambert-W function-based modeling for light propagation in biological tissues is proposed and introduced, which is a generalized version of the Beer-Lambert model. The proposed modeling provides parametrization of tissue properties, which includes two attenuation coe cients o and . The model is validated against the Monte Carlo simulation, which is the gold standard for modeling NIR light propagation in biological tissue. Numerous human and animal tissues are included to validate the proposed empirical model, including an inhomogeneous adult human head model. The proposed model, which has a closed form (analytical), is rst of its kind in providing accurate modeling of NIR light propagation in biological tissues. Model based image reconstruction techniques yield better quantitative accuracy in photoacoustic (PA) image reconstruction, especially in limited data cases. An exponen-tial ltering of singular values is proposed for carrying out the image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography. The results were compared with widely popular Tikhonov regularization, time reversal, and the state of the art least-squares QR based reconstruc-tion algorithms for three digital phantom cases with varying signal-to-noise ratios of data. The exponential ltering provided superior photoacoustic images of better quanti-tative accuracy. Moreover, the proposed ltering approach was observed to be less biased towards regularization parameter and did not come with any additional computational burden as it was implemented within the Tikhonov ltering framework. It was also shown that the standard Tikhonov ltering becomes an approximation to the proposed exponential ltering. The model based image reconstruction techniques for photoacoustic tomography re-quire an explicit regularization. An error estimate minimization based approach was proposed and developed for the determination of regularization parameter for PA imag-ing. The regularization was used within Lanczos bidiagonalization framework, which provides the advantage of dimensionality reduction for a large system of equations. The proposed method was computationally faster than the state of the art techniques and provided similar performance in terms of quantitative accuracy in reconstructed im-ages.The estimate can also be utilized in determining suitable regularization parameter for other popular techniques such as Tikhonov,exponential ltering and `1 norm based regularization methods.

An exploratory analysis of the global brand perceptions of SABMiller's global beer brands in Africa

Ndisengei, Charity 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: David Ogilvy stated that ‘I have seen one advertisement actually sell not twice as much, not three times as much, but 19 ½ times as much as another. Both advertisements occupied the same space. Both were run in the same publication. Both had photographic illustrations. Both had carefully written copy. The difference was that one used the right appeal and the other used the wrong appeal’, Ogilvy (1983, 9) He then goes on to say that, the wrong advertising can actually reduce the sales of products. It is with this quote in mind that the researcher took to this research study. The objective of this study is to understand why the current advertising for SABMiller’s Global brands does not resonate with its intended target audience and based on these findings make recommendations that can be implemented by SABMiller. The design of this report is qualitative and exploratory. Participants of this study included a sample of fifteen individuals made up of SABMiller customers, and employees from Tanzanian brewery’s marketing and sales departments. The findings confirmed that Global brand advertising does not currently resonate with consumers in Tanzania. The perception generally is that these brand’s communication does not compel consumers to want to interact with them, let alone drive the propensity for purchase. Factors such as a mismatch in culture, language and relevance were identified as drivers to advertising relevance, all of which were lacking in Global brand advertising. The practical impact of this study is that SABMiller marketers can use this information to develop robust brand positioning strategies as well as communications strategies that will better resonate with their intended target audience and help to increase consumer’s propensity to purchase these brands.

Beer as a signifier of social status in ancient Egypt with special emphasis on the New Kingdom period (ca.1550 – 1069 BC) : the place of beer in Egyptian society compared to wine.

Klop, Damian Jerome O'Reilly 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Some academics are of the generalist opinion that ancient Egyptian beer was only consumed by the lower classes because of its low social status. This is based on the generalization that individuals only consume alcoholic beverages matching the status of their social class. Therefore the lower classes consumed beer while the upper classes consumed an alcoholic beverage of higher status, i.e. wine. However, other academics are of the universalist opinion that Egyptian beer was universally consumed by all Egyptian social classes irrespective of the status of beer. This study aims to test the validity of these opposing academic opinions and also strives to understand how statements of status in Egyptian society were devised, and what they were conveying. This was achieved by determining the status of Egyptian beer and wine and then comparing them to the respective status of beer and wine drinkers in the New Kingdom period (c. 1550-1069) according to the factors of production, consumption, health, economic exchange & distribution, and religion. Use is made of an anthropological approach which allows the researcher to limit social bias and understand ancient Egyptian society on its own terms. Results of this study indicate that Egyptian beer had a much lower status than Egyptian wine and all social classes consumed beer while only the upper classes consumed wine. The generalist opinion, therefore, is falsified and the universalist opinion validated. The results also indicate that the upper classes justified their beer consumption by producing, consuming and exchanging an elite beer of higher status in a manner reminiscent of wine so that it compared more favourably with the status of their social classes. This study, therefore, not only settles an old academic dispute but also provides new insight into Egyptian beer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sommige akademici huldig die algemene siening dat antieke Egyptiese bier uitsluitlik deur die laer klasse gebruik is, omdat bier ‘n laer status geniet het. Dit is gegrond op die veralgemening dat individue slegs alkoholiese drank gebruik het wat ooreenstem met hul eie sosiale klas. Die laer klasse het dus bier gedrink terwyl die hoër klasse alkoholiese drank van ‘n hoër status, naamlik wyn, gedrink het. Ander akademici is egter van mening dat Egiptiese bier deur alle Egiptiese sosiale klasse gebruik is, ongeag die status van bier. Hierdie studie poog om die geldigheid van hierdie teenstrydige akademiese menings te toets en poog ook om te verstaan hoe stellings oor status in die Egiptiese samelewing bedink is en wat hulle wou oordra. Dit is bereik deur die status van Egiptiese bier en wyn te bepaal en dit dan te vergelyk met die besondere status van bier en wyndrinkers in die Nuwe Koningkryk tydperk (c. 1550-1069) volgens die faktore van produksie, verbruik, gesondheid, ekonomiese uitruiling & verspreiding en godsdiens. ‘n Antropologiese benadering is gevolg omdat dit die navorser in staat stel om sosiale partydigheid te beperk en sodoende die Egiptiese samelewing in eie reg te kan verstaan. Resultate van hierdie studie dui aan dat alhoewel Egiptiese bier ‘n veel laer status as Egiptiese wyn geniet het, het alle sosiale klasse nietemin bier gedrink, terwyl net die hoër klasse wyn gedrink het. Die algemene mening is gefalsifiseer, terwyl die universele mening gestaaf word. Die resultate dui ook aan dat die hoër sosiale klasse hul bierverbruik geregverdig het deur ‘n elite bier van hoër status te produseer, uit te ruil en te gebruik op ‘n wyse soortgelyk aan diè van hul wynverbruik, sodat dit gunstig vergelyk met die status van hul sosiale klasse. Hierdie studie los dus nie net ‘n ou akademiese meningsverskil op nie, maar gee ook ‘n nuwe insig in Egiptiese bier en die gebruik daarvan deur die hoër klasse.

LTP1 and LOX-1 in barley malt and their role in beer production and quality

Nieuwoudt, Melanie 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Selection of raw materials for a consistent and high quality end product has been a challenge for brewers globally. Various different factors may influence quality and although a great number of methods for malt analysis exist today for the prediction of end product quality, some still do not accurately represent malt performance in beer. This research focussed on determining parameters in malts to predict two of the major beer quality determining factors namely, foam- and flavour stability. Specific biochemical markers in barley malt such as lipid transfer protein 1 (LTP1) lipoxygenase-1 (LOX-1), anti-radical/oxidant potential (AROP), free amino nitrogen and intact protein were determined and used in beer quality prediction from malt character. These biochemical quality predictions were then correlated with the end product beer quality as assessed in sensory analysis trials on micro-brewed beers. Being such a multi-faceted factor in beer, LTP1 have already become an attractive field of study. LTP1 is primarily associated with stable beer foam, as a foam protein in its own right, and acting as a lipid scavenger. This protein is also theorised to play a role in the stability of beer flavour by possibly acting as anti-oxidant. Lastly LTP1 is known to have anti-yeast activity, which could negatively impact fermentation. In this study LTP1 and its lipid bound isoform LTP1b were successfully purified in an economical and easy five step protocol. Both isoforms showed temperature stability at temperatures >90°C and prefer more neutral and basic pH environments. Although the reported antioxidant activity was not observed, both purified LTP1 and LTP1b inhibited lipoxygenase-1 (LOX-1) activity, which is responsible for the enzymatic breakdown of linoleic acid to form 2(E)-nonenal. This is a novel finding that links LTP1 also to flavour stability. LTP1 exhibited anti-yeast activity whereas LTP1b lost most if not all the activity. However, since most of the LTP1 is converted to LTP1b and glycosylated isoforms during the brewing process fermentation will not be greatly influenced, while foam and flavour stability could still be promoted by the presence of LTP1b. Flavour deterioration of the final packaged product is partially due to the enzymatic production of 2(E)-nonenal by LOX-1 and the presence of free oxygen radical species, limited anti-radical/oxidant potential (AROP) and LTP1. The development of two 96-well micro-assays based on the ferrous oxidation-xylenol orange (FOX) assay for the determination of LOX-1 and AROP was successfully accomplished and compared well with established assays. The LOXFOX and AROP-FOX assays were specifically developed for the on-site, high throughput comparative determination of LOX-1 and AROP in malt and other brewery samples. The AROP-FOX and LOX-FOX micro-assays and a number of established assays were used to categorise malts in different predicted quality groups, various biochemical markers were measured which included LOX activity, LTP1 content, FAN values, intact protein concentration and AROP. An excellent trend (R2=0.93) was found between FAN/LOX and LTP1/LOX which also correlated with the novel observation that LOX-1 activity is inhibited by LTP1 at various concentrations. These trends could assist brewers in optimal blending for not only high quality end products but also fermentation predictions. To determine whether these biochemical markers selected for screening in barley malt are predictive of shelf life potential of the end product, sensory trials were performed. Three barley malt cultivars were selected for LOX, AROP, LTP1, protein and FAN content and used in micro-brewery trials at 0 and 3 months and evaluated using sensory analysis. Good correlation was found between the biochemical predictors and sensory trial for the best quality malt and beer. These parameters were therefore highly relevant for predicting shelf life potential, although additional research is required to elucidate the effect of LTP1 and LOX-1 on each other during the brewing process, since it seems that high LOX-1 concentrations could be leading to LTP1 decreases. With this study it is proposed that if more detailed protein or FAN characterisation is used together with the screening of LOX-1, LTP1 and AROP, an more accurate shelf life prediction, based on malt analysis, is possible and with the help of these parameters brewers can simply blend malts accordingly. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die keuse van roumateriaal om 'n konstante eindproduk van goeie kwaliteit te lewer, was nog altyd 'n uitdaging vir brouers wêreldwyd aangesien verskeie faktore 'n invloed het op die kwaliteit van die produk. Alhoewel daar tans verskeie metodes vir moutanalise bestaan wat die eindproduk–kwaliteit voorspel, is daar min wat werklik die eindproduk kwaliteit soos voorspel deur moutanalise verteenwoordig. Hierdie navorsing fokus op die bepaling van mout-eienskappe om twee van die belangrikste bierkwaliteitvereistes, naamlik skuim- en geurstabiliteit te voorspel. Spesifieke biochemiese eienskappe in garsmout soos lipiedtransportproteien-1 (LTP1), lipoksigenase-1 (LOX-1), antioksidant-antiradikaal potensiaal (AROP), vry aminostikstof (FAN) is geïdentifiseer en gebruik in voorspelling van bierkwaliteit vanaf moutkarakter. Hierdie biochemiese kwaliteit voorspellings is dan gekorreleer met die eindproduk soos ge-evalueer d.m.v sensoriese analise op mikro-gebroude bier. Omdat LTP1 soveel fasette in bier beïnvloed, het dit reeds 'n aanloklike studiefokus geword. LTP1 word hoofsaaklik geassosieer met stabiele skuimkwaliteit in bier en tree op as 'n lipiedmop (“lipid scavenger”). Die proteien speel teoreties ook 'n rol in die stabiliteit van bier geur deur moontlik as 'n anti-oksidant op te tree. Laastens is LTP1 bekend vir sy antigis aktiwiteit wat moontlik 'n negatiewe uitwerking op fermentasies het. Gedurende hierdie navorsing is LTP1 en sy lipiedbinding isoform LTP1b suksesvol gesuiwer met 'n ekonomies en eenvoudige 5-stap protokol. Beide isoforme het stabiliteit by temperature >90°C en meer neutrale en basiese pH omgewings getoon. Alhoewel die voorheen gerapporteerde anti-oksidant aktiwiteit vir LTP1 nie bevestig kon word nie, is daar wel gevind dat beide LTP1 en LTP1b, LOX-1, wat verantwoordelik is vir die ensimatiese afbraak van linoleensuur na 2(E)-nonenal, se aktiwiteit inhibeer. Dit is 'n unieke bevinding wat LTP1 ook koppel aan geurstabiliteit. LTP1 het antigis aktiwiteit getoon, maar LTP1b het die meeste, indien nie alle antigis-aktiwiteit verloor. Omdat die meeste van die LTP1's omgeskakel word na LTP1b's en geglikosileerde isoforme tydens die brouproses, sal fermentasie nie beduidend beinvloed word nie, maar die skuim- en geurstabiliteit sal steeds bevorder word deur die blote teenwoordigheid van die LTP1b. Geurverval van die finale verpakte produk is gedeeltelik a.g.v die ensimatiese produksie van 2(E)-nonenal deur LOX-1 en die teenwoordigheid van vry suurstofradikaal spesies, beperkte AROP en LTP1. Die ontwikkeling van twee 96-putjie mikroessaïs, gebasseer op die yster oksidasie-xilenol oranje (FOX) essai vir die bepaling van LOX-1 en AROP, was suksesvol en het goed vergelyk met reeds gevestigde essaïs. Die LOX-FOX en AROP-FOX mikroessaïs is spesifiek ontwikkel vir die residente, hoë deurvloei vergelykende bepaling van LOX-1 en AROP in mout en ander brouery-monsters. Die AROP-FOX en LOX-FOX mikroessaïs en 'n paar gevestigde essaïs is gebruik om moute te kategoriseer in die verskillende voorspelde kwaliteitsgroepe. Die biochemiese merkers wat gemeet is het die volgende ingesluit: LOX aktiwiteit, LTP1 inhoud, FAN waardes, proteïen konsentrasie en AROP. 'n Merkwaardige korrelasie (R2=0.93) is gevind tussen FAN/LOX en LTP1/LOX wat ook ooreenstem met die waarneming dat LOX-1 aktiwiteit onderdruk word deur LTP1 by verskeie konsentrasies. Hierdie korrelasies kan brouers help met optimale versnitting van moute vir, nie net die hoogste kwaliteit eindproduk nie, maar ook vir fermentasie voorspellings. Om te bepaal of hierdie geselekteerde biochemiese merkers in mout die potensieële raklewe van die eindproduk verteenwoordig, is sensoriese evaluerings uitgevoer. Drie gars-mout kultivars is geselekteer o.g.v LOX-, AROP-, LTP1-, proteïen- en FAN-inhoud en gebruik in mikro-brouery proewe en op 0 en 3 maande en is ge-evalueer deur sensoriese analise. Goeie korrelasie is gevind tussen die biochemiese voorspellers en sensoriese evaluering vir die beste kwaliteit mout en bier. Hierdie maatstawwe is daarom uiters relevant vir voorspelling van die potensiele rakleeftyd, alhoewel addisionele navorsing nodig is om die effek van LTP1 en LOX-1 op mekaar gedurende die brouproses te bepaal. Dit blyk dat 'n hoë LOX-1 konsentrasies kan lei tot 'n afname in LTP1. Met hierdie studie word dit voorstel dat, as meer gedetaileerde proteien of FAN karakterisering saam met LOX-1, LTP1, en AROP analise uitgevoer word, 'n meer akkurate raklewe voorspelling moontlik is en met behulp van hierdie parameters kan brouers moute dienooreenkomstig versnit.

The effect of ultraviolet-C treatment on the biochemical composition of beer

Mfa-Mezui, Antoine Aime 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study describes: · Development of analytical tools to investigate the light struck flavour (LSF) in beer by Gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) and by liquid chromatography mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS). Development of a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method to analyse carbohydrates in beer. · The efficiency a pilot scale ultraviolet (UV-C) system at 254 nm to inactivate spoilage microorganisms spiked in commercial beer. Bacteria test were Lactobacillus brevis, Acetobacter pasteurianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae · A pilot scale UV treatment of commercial and non-commercial lager beers at UV dosage of 1000 J/L. Following the UV treatment, the correlation between chemical analyses and sensory tests conducted by consumers’ tasters were investigated. · A pilot scale UV treatment of non-commercial beer brewed with reduced hops iso-α-acids (tetrahydro-iso-α-acids) at UV dosage of 1000 J/L. Sensory changes and chemical properties were investigated. · The development and optimisation of an UV light emitting diodes (UV-LED) bench scale apparatus. Chemical and microbiological tests were conducted to investigate the effect of UV-LEDs on beer at 250 nm and 275 nm wavelengths. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie beskryf: · Die ontwikkeling van analitiese toerusting om die invloed van lig op die smaakontwikkeling in bier te bestudeer m.b.v gaschromatografie massa spektrometrie (GCMS) en vloeistofchromatografie massa spektrometrie/massa spektrometrie, asook die ontwikkeling van ‘n hoë druk vloeistofchromatografiese metode vir die analise van koolhidrate in bier. · Die doeltreffendheid van ‘n toetsskaal ultraviolet (UV-C) sisteem om die nadelige mikroorganismes waarmee die bier geïnnokuleer was, by 254 nm te inaktiveer.. Toetse is uitgevoer met die volgende bakterieë, Lactobacillus brevis, Acetobacter pasteuriants en Saccharomyces cerevisiae. · ‘n Toetsskaal UV behandeling van kommersiële en nie-kommersiële lager biere by ‘n UV dosering van 1000 J/L. Na UV behandeling is die verwantskap tussen chemiese analises en ‘n reeks sensoriese toetse deur vebruikers proeërs ondersoek.. · ‘n Toetsskaal UV behandeling van ‘n nie-kommersiële bier gebrou met verlaagde hops-iso-α-sure (tetrahidro-iso-α -sure) by UV dosering van 1000 J/L. Sensoriese veranderinge asook chemiese eienskappe is ondersoek. · Die ontwikkeling en optimalisering van ‘n UV-lig emissie diodes bankskaal apparaat. Chemiese en mikrobiologiese toetse is uitgevoer om die effek van UV lig op bier by 250 nm en 275 nm te ondersoek.

Marketing management in PRC: an overview of beer market in china : a case study of understanding consumerbehaviour and managing brand equity in China

李國華, Lee, Kwok-wah, Gilbert. January 1996 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Business Administration / Master / Master of Business Administration


程桑妮 Unknown Date (has links)
啤酒是當今世界上最流行的飲料之一,也與人們的生活息息相關,但隨著世界市場的開放,使得啤酒市場也興起了一股新的競爭力量。 品牌在食品市場中所扮演的角色非常重要,尤其是在流通方面。譬如:知名品牌擁有較多的優待,如與製造者、銷售員、通路商之間有較大的彈性、議價空間和產品陳列位置等好處,所以企業或是投資者會將品牌視為公司最有價值的財產,強勢品牌更可以為企業帶來無窮的利益。 希望可以透過本研究的了解海尼根啤酒品牌形象對於顧客忠誠度和顧客滿意度的影響,並且探討海尼根啤酒品牌權益對顧客忠誠度和顧客滿意度的影響,進而以人口統計變數來區分出消費者和海尼根啤酒的市場區隔。 / Beer now is one of most popular drinks in the world. It also closely linked with people's life. Along with the world market opening, the beer market starts new competition situation. Brand plays an extremely important role in food market, especially in logistics aspect. For example, the well-known brand has many special treatments with manufactures, sellers and wholesalers, such as flexibility, discount and space. Therefore, the enterprise or the investor regard “brand” as the company most valuable asset. Strong brand can bring the infinite benefits to the enterprise. This research is trying to understand the influence of Heineken beer brand image to the customer loyalty and the customer satisfaction. It also discusses the influence of Heineken beer brand equity to the customer loyalty and the customer satisfaction. Moreover, try to use population variables to distinguish consumers and the Heineken beer markets.

The Great Fermentation: A Study of the Social and Economic Evolution of the American Brewing Industry

Link, David A 01 January 2013 (has links)
This thesis studies the development of the “macro” and “craft” sectors of the brewing industry. After a comprehensive understanding of the history of beer, the focus segues into the economic development of the industry – including macro and microbrewery concentration, strategy analysis, and the recent emergence of craft breweries. Finally, two data sets are analyzed. The first examines overall industry trends against factors of horizontal differentiation, while the second observes how certain characteristics of an individual beer drinker indicate the degree to which their taste in / preference for beer has changed over the last five years. Results show that with the diminishment of homogeneity (via quality of ingredients and cultural shifts), craft breweries emerged. Furthermore, traits such as the quality of a beer drunk and the number of beers drunk a week are strong indicators that an individual beer drinker’s taste for beer has changed in the last five years. These findings, supported by earlier industry observations, suggest that craft breweries will continue to acquire a larger share of the American brewing industry.

Start-up Craft Brewery Strategies: A Look into What Factors Correlate with Demand

Price, Daniel 01 January 2013 (has links)
This paper explores the factors related to demand for craft beer and whether there is a specific stereotype of craft beer drinkers that aligns with this demand. Using regression analysis on data from all 50 states, this paper concludes that there is a significant correlation between the number of organic farms, colleges, and 55-64 year olds and the number of craft breweries in a state, suggesting that there is evidence that craft beer drinkers tend to be eco-friendly. The paper then goes on to briefly discuss certain production, distribution, and expansion strategies.

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