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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Enhancement diesel oil degradation by using biofilm forming bacteria on biochar

Le, Thi Nhi Cong, Cung, Thi Ngoc Mai, Vu, Ngoc Huy, Do, Thi Lien, Do, Thi To Uyen, Nguyen, Thi Minh, Hoang, Phuong Ha 16 January 2019 (has links)
Biochar is defined as a carbon-rich, fine-grained, porous substance, which is produced by pyrolysis biomass with little or no oxygen. Biochar is usually produced from crop residues, wood biomass, animal litters, and solid wastes. Recently, biochar is increasingly receiving attention as an environmental-friendly approach, especially as a climate change mitigation strategy. Biochar is especilly demonstrated to remove diesel oil (DO) from soil and water. In this report, 4 biofilm forming bacteria including Klepsiella sp. VTD8, Pseudomonas sp. BQN21, Rhodococcus sp. BN5 and Stenotropomonas sp. QND8 were used to attach to biochar produced from husk to estimate the capacity of their DO removal. As the results, removal efficiency of biofilm formed by each strain VTD8, BQN21, BN5 and QND8 were 67, 73, 75 and 68 % with initial concentration of 39 g/l, respectively. On the other hand, mix species biofilm attached to husk carrier and without carrier degraded 98 and 78 %. Using husk without bacteria as absortion control, the amount of DO removal was 23 %. These results gave hint that using biochar produced from husk as carrier for biofilm forming bacteria to attach may increase efficiency of DO pollution treatment. / Than sinh học (biochar) là một chất xốp có các gốc carbon và có nguồn gốc từ quá trình nhiệt phân sinh khối các loại chất thải, động, thực vật,… dưới điều kiện hạn chế oxy hoặc không có oxy. Hiện nay biochar đã được ứng dụng rộng rãi trong xử lý môi trường. Đặc biệt các biochar còn được chứng minh là có thể xử lý dầu diesel (diesel oil - DO) có trong đất và nước. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi sử dụng 4 chủng vi khuẩn tạo màng sinh học tốt là Klepsiella sp. VTD8, Pseudomonas sp. BQN21, Rhodococcus sp. BN5 và Stenotropomonas sp. QND8 để gắn lên chất mang là biochar làm từ trấu nhằm đánh giá hiệu quả xử lý DO của chúng. Kết quả cho thấy, sau 7 ngày, các chủng VTD8, BQN21, BN5 và QND8 có khả năng phân hủy 67, 73, 75 và 68 % DO với hàm lượng ban đầu là 39 g/l. Trong khi đó, hiệu suất của màng sinh học tạo thành bởi hỗn hợp các chủng này khi không có chất mang biochar trấu và khi có chất mang biochar trấu lần lượt là 78 và 98 %. Còn sử dụng chất mang biochar trấu không có vi sinh vật làm đối chứng thì thu được hiệu suất hấp phụ DO là 23 %. Như vậy, kết quả này mở ra tiềm năng ứng dụng biochar trấu làm chất mang cho các chủng vi khuẩn tạo màng sinh học để nâng cao hiệu quả xử lý ô nhiễm dầu.

Numerical Design of an Extremely High Temperature Thermochemical Reactor for Converting Biochar to Hard Carbon

Zhang, Jinghe January 2022 (has links)
Hard carbon is now a popular choice for the anode material in sodium-ion batteries. Converting biochar to produce hard carbon is considered carbon neutral and of great interest since it reduces the environmental impacts of biomass waste. This procedure requires high temperatures, and induction heating provides several advantages over other heating methods and is, therefore, widely used. In this thesis, a thermochemical reactor based on the principle of induction heating is designed, and CFD simulations of fluid-thermal coupling are performed. According to the simulation results, the total energy use efficiency of the induction heating reactor is calculated and compared with that of the thermal conduction heating reactor, which is found to be much higher than that of the thermal conduction heating reactor. Furthermore, the temperature of the tube wall of the reactor and the power losses of the inlet and outlet are observed, and design improvements are suggested. Simulation results indicate that adding a layer of protector to the exterior of the workpiece effectively reduces the wall temperature and the effect would be greater as the thickness of the protector increases. Meanwhile, the change in efficiency and energy losses are essentially negligible. / Hårt kol är nu ett populärt val för anodmaterialet i natriumjonbatterier. Att omvandla biokol till att producera hårt kol anses vara kolneutralt och av stort intresse eftersom det minskar miljöpåverkan från biomassaavfall. Denna procedur kräver höga temperaturer och induktionsuppvärmning ger flera fördelar jämfört med andra uppvärmningsmetoder och är därför allmänt använd. I detta examensarbete designas en termokemisk reaktor baserad på principen om induktionsvärme, och CFD-simuleringar av fluid-termisk koppling utförs. Enligt simuleringsresultaten beräknas den totala energianvändningseffektiviteten för induktionsvärmereaktorn och jämförs med den för värmeledningsvärmereaktorn, som visar sig vara mycket högre än den för värmeledningsvärmereaktorn. Vidare observeras temperaturen på reaktorns rörvägg och effektförlusterna i inloppet och utloppet, och designförbättringar föreslås. Simuleringsresultat indikerar att att lägga till ett lager av skydd på utsidan av arbetsstycket effektivt minskar väggtemperaturen och effekten skulle bli större när tjockleken på skyddet ökar. Samtidigt är förändringen i effektivitet och energiförluster i stort sett försumbara.

Organic By-Product Materials as Soil Amendments

Tvergyak, Jennifer Louise 19 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Kartläggning av fastigheters utsläpp med avseende på drift / Mapping of property emissions with respect to operational activities

Babavand, Shahin January 2021 (has links)
Länder som skrivit under parisavtalet har som mål att sänka sina utsläpp av växthusgaser, men också med hjälp av mänsklig aktivitet absorbera växthusgasutsläpp för att förhindra den globala uppvärmningen till max 1,5°C under 2000-talet. Satsningar som berör mänsklig aktivitet är bland annat Bio-energy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) och tillämpning av biokol. Sektorer som måste genomgå förändringar angående hur de bedriver sina verksamheter är bland annat transport, energiproduktion, fastigheter och lantbruk med mera. Studiens syfte är att beskriva kolsänkemetoderna BECCS och biokol samt kartlägga växthusgasutsläppen på en fastighet med hänsyn till dess drift och påvisa hur stor andel lagrad koldioxid som behövs för att fastigheten skall bli klimatpositiv. Kartlägga studenters intressen med hänsyn till klimatpositiva produkter och tjänster. Studien utgår från att göra en bokförings-livscykelanalys (BLCA) och information hämtas direkt från bolaget som ansvarar för driften av fastigheten samt utgår från hållbarhetsrapporter från företag och organisationer som har emissionsfaktorer gällande el och fjärrvärme kopplat till fastigheten. En marknadsundersökning riktad mot studenter genomfördes även för att kartlägga studenters intresse angående klimatpositiva produkter och tjänster. Fastigheten släpper ut ca 15,4 kg CO2e / m2 per år med avseende på drift. Det framkommer även att ca 70 procent av de tillfrågade studenterna är intresserade av klimatpositiva produkter och tjänster. Några slutsatser ur studien är att de kan installeras en förnybar energikälla på fastigheten och teckna elavtal gällande grön el för att minska koldioxidutsläppen. / Countries that have signed the Paris agreement aims to decrease their greenhouse gas emissions, and with the help of human activity absorb greenhouse gases to prevent a global temperature increase of 1,5°C before the turn of the century. Investments that involve human activity include Bioenergy with carbon capture storage (BECCS) and usage of biochar. Among the sectors that need to make a change regarding their behavior towards greenhouse gas emission are transportation, energy production, real estate, and agriculture. The purpose of this study is to describe BECCS and biochar as a method for decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Calculate the greenhouse gas emissions for a premise regarding its operational activities and determine how much carbon dioxide the premise need to store in order to obtain climate positive status. Determine students interests regarding climate positive products and services. The study used the life-cycle analysis method to determine how much greenhouse gas emissions the premise emitted. The information was obtained by the company that is responsible for the operational activities and emission factors for the district heating and electricity was obtained from secondary sources connected to the premise. A survey aimed at students was conducted to determine the interest of the students regarding climate positive products and services. The premise emitted approximately 15,4Kg CO2e/m2 Atemp per year for its’ operational activities. Approximately 70 percent of the students that answered the survey are interested in climate positive products and services. Conclusion from the study involves installing a renewable energy source on the premise and signing an electricity agreement regarding green electricity in order to decrease carbon dioxide emissions.

Pyrolysis as a business for heat-requiring industries : A case​ study of biochar production in connection to an asphalt plant / Pyrolys som en verksamhet för värmekrävande industrier : En fallstudie om biokolsproduktion kopplat till ett asfaltverk

Malmén, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
The expectations on companies to introduce better business models to enhance environmental performance are increasing. Sweden is aiming at becoming climate neutral in 2045 which requires methods to capture and store carbon in addition to decrease emissions. Research has shown that biochar production can be one way to support the target. The process to produce biochar is called pyrolysis and is still only implemented in a smaller scale in Sweden. This study aims to facilitate implementation of pyrolysis in heat-requiring industries. By collecting knowledge from existing literature of the topic, as well as exploring a case at Skanska, the objectives to answer are related to the design of the pyrolysis process, the suitable feedstocks and where in the value chain cooperation is needed. Additional objectives are to develop guidelines and apply them on a case study for evaluation. Pyrolysis is the name of thermal decomposition of biomass, a process that generates biochar, bio-oil and syngas. Based on a literature review on the pyrolysis process with its products, some criteria for a successful implementation of pyrolysis are created. Those criteria are the foundation to address the first objective with relevance to heat-requiring industries. The answers are used to develop guidelines that are meant to support stakeholders that are interested to invest in a pyrolysis facility. Additionally, the results indicate that more industries could see benefits from biochar production as the design can be customized. Cooperation is considered important to deliver feedstocks and possibly sell the products, where pyrolysis is also a good example of integrating more circularity in business. It is recommended that heat-requiring industries should indeed consider an investment in pyrolysis in order to improve the environmental work. Intermediate pyrolysis with good flexibility of both feedstocks and product distribution is considered most suitable. However, further research and practical cases are needed to optimize the process for the desired objectives as well as explore the products’ markets more. / Sverige har som mål att bli ett klimatneutralt land till år 2045. Detta mål kan inte nås genom endast utsläppsminskning utan kräver också åtgärder som fångar och förvarar koldioxid. Forskning har visat att pyrolys kan vara en process som kan användas för att bidra till detta mål. Pyrolys är en process där biomassa upphettas till en hög temperatur med ingen eller endast små mängder tillförsel av syre, vilket gör att det skiljer sig från förbränning. Pyrolys producerar bland annat biokol som idag används i mindre skala i Sverige. Syftet med studien är att underlätta implementeringen av pyrolys i värmekrävande industrier genom att föreslå hur pyrolys kan vara en del av affärsmodellen. Målen att uppnå för att möta detta syfte är: Identifiera viktiga faktorer för att uppveckla en verksamhet som integrerar pyrolys, innehållandes men inte begränsad tilla) hur pyrolysprocessen ska utformas.b) vilken typ av bränsle som är lämplig.c) var i värdekedjan samarbete behövs. Baserat på de identifierade faktorerna, skapa riktlinjer för att stödja intressenter i implementering av pyrolys. Tillämpa och utvärdera riktlinjerna i en fallstudie av biokolsproduktion i anslutning till ett asfaltverk. Klimatnyttan med biokol är anledningen till att intresset för pyrolys har växt de senaste åren. Det kan vara av intresse för aktörer som investerar i pyrolys att kunna tillgodoräkna negativa utsläpp, men det behövs bättre standarder för hur detta ska gå till. Idag används biokol i Stockholms stads urbana trädplanteringar eftersom de planteras i en mindre bördig miljö, ett projekt som har visat goda resultat. Användningsområdet i jord innebär bland annat att vatten och näring kan hållas i biokolets porösa struktur, samtidigt som kol är bundet i en stabil form. Denna studie grundas i en literturstudie som har kompletterats med en fallstudie. Uppdragsgivare till studien är Skanska som i ett första steg ställde frågan hur pyrolys skulle kunna leverera värme till ett asfaltverk i Borlänge. Skanska har under det senaste året undersökt möjligheterna att själva börja producera biokol eftersom de redan använder biokol i vissa anläggningsarbeten idag, i Stockholms stad bland annat. Att producera eget biokol skulle kunna göras på eget anläggnings- och träavfall och flera av produkterna från pyrolys är möjliga att använda i verksamheten internt. Dock räcker inte det interna materialet som bränsle till pyrolysanläggningen vilket gör det viktigt att samarbeta med externa parter för att samla tillräckligt med bränslematerial. Genom litteraturstudien förklaras de begrepp och processer som är grunden för att besvara målen med studien, så som pyrolysprocessen med dess produkter, asfaltproduktion och begrepp inom industriell ekologi som ämnar till att utveckla affärsmodeller baserat på samarbete med hållbarhet i fokus. Baserat på literturstudien kan ett antal kriterier ställas upp som möjliggör att ta sig an studiens mål ur ett perspektiv som passar en värmekrävande industri i Sverige. Svaren kunde användas för att utveckla ett antal riktlinjer för att stödja en industri som är intresserad av att investera i en pyrolysanläggning. Riktlinjerna ger bland annat stöd i val av process, användningsområden för produkter, lämpliga bränslen, placering av anläggning och prioriterade samarbetspartners – allt baserat på vilket det huvudsakliga syftet med investeringen är. I fallstudien undersöks om ett asfaltverk i Borlänge skulle vara en lämplig placering för en pyrolysanläggning i Skanskas regi. Detta har gjorts genom personlig kontakt med involverade personer både inom och utanför Skanska. Främst har Borlänge kommun setts som en viktig partner, med vikt på det kommunala energi- och avfallsbolaget Borlänge Energi. Anställda där har kontaktats för att diskutera möjligheterna med att få köpa in bränslematerial från avfallsanläggningen som ligger på samma mark som Skanskas asfaltverk. En konsult har kontaktats för att undersöka möjligheterna med att koppla den föreslagna pyrolys-anläggningen till fjärrvärmenätet, vilket ansågs fullt möjligt. Avslutningsvis har riktlinjerna som togs fram i resultatet använts för att utvärdera existerande och föreslå ytterligare åtgärder för integreringen av en pyrolysanläggning i Skanskas affärsmodell. Slutsatserna med studien visar på att pyrolys mycket väl kan vara en lämplig investering för en värmekrävande industri i Sverige. Investeringen kan stödja miljöarbetet på företaget genom egentillverkad förnybar energi samt produkter som kan användas för miljöförbättrande åtgärder internt eller annars säljas till externa parter. Mellansnabb pyrolys med möjlighet att ta emot varierande bränsletyper samt flexibilitet i produktfördelning anses vara den mest lämpliga för dessa industrier. Alla produkterna måste vara värdefulla, helst för intern användning, men annars för att möjliggöra försäljning på marknaden. Slutligen visar studien att det är fullt möjligt för fler aktörer att investera i pyrolys i takt med att intresset ökar. Samarbete mellan olika typer av aktörer kommer dock vara en nyckel för lyckas med integrering. Där kan industriell symbios att bli ett vägledande koncept för att utforma och hitta värden i samarbetet. När fler aktörer ger sig in i branschen kommer utvärdering och optimering av pyrolys att bli avsevärt enklare.

Biochar and pH as Drivers of Greenhouse Gas Production in Denitrification Systems

Davis, James Martin IV 05 January 2016 (has links)
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a greenhouse gas (GHG) with 300 times the radiative forcing in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide (CO2), and has recently become a subject of great concern because the nitrogen (N) fertilizers which have been necessary to increase agricultural productivity have also dramatically increased N2O emissions from agroecosystems. Many N control practices have been suggested and implemented in agroecosystems, but their ability to simultaneously remove reactive N from the environment and prevent the production of N2O is, at best poorly understood. The goal of this work is to characterize environmental controls on production of N2O in denitrifying bioreactors. The review portion of this work first discusses the geologic history of the N cycle, how its past and present processes differ, and how it is being affected by human activity. It then explores the N cycle's biochemical pathways, reviews the controls for each of its steps, and discusses the environmental drivers of these controls. The review closes with a discussion of environmental N management strategies. The experimental portion of this work further explores these concepts by observing how biochar amendment and the modification of pH affect N2O production in the denitrification pathway in denitrifying bioreactors. Both pH and biochar have previously been shown to affect N2O production and many N management practices utilize biochar or manipulate pH to increase N retention. The objectives of the experiment were to: 1) Examine headspace N2O concentration in sealed, biochar-amended, denitrifying bioreactors; 2) Determine if the effects of pH on N2O production differ in biochar-amended systems versus controls (under acidic, unbuffered, and buffered conditions); 3) Quantify key denitrification genes (nirK, nirS, nosZ) in each treatment combination. Experimental results showed biochar treatment to significantly increase N2O emissions, a result which runs contrary to most, but not all studies regarding its effects on N2O production. Differences between treatments decreased with increasing pH levels. Biochar did not exhibit significant effects on individual denitrification genes, but it did show influence on the ratios of their populations. On the other hand, pH was found to have significant effects on nirS and nosZ populations. Differences in N2O production between biochar and controls were thus explained by biochar's chemical effects, likely its ability to increase denitrification activity. Developing an understanding of the mechanisms behind these differences will require using a combination of isotope tracing, enzyme assays, and mass balance approaches. Future microbial work in biochar-amended systems should attempt to characterize differences in gene expression, overall community structure, and long-term population trends in the genes of interest. The combination of these approaches should allow researchers to better predict where N2O production will occur and develop strategies to mitigate it while simultaneously increasing food production to meet the demands of a growing population. / Master of Science

Modeling the global potential and limitations of biomass pyrolysis as a negative emission technology using a dynamic vegetation model

Werner, Constanze Inge Maria 25 March 2024 (has links)
Der anhaltende Anstieg der anthropogenen Treibhausgasemissionen führt zu einer erheblichen Verschärfung des Klimawandels und bedroht damit zunehmend die Integrität der Biosphäre und Gesellschaften weltweit. Negative Emissions-Technologien (NETs) wie die Pyrogene Kohlenstoffbindung und -speicherung (PyCCS) bieten potenzielle Lösungsansätze zur Minderung dieser Bedrohung. Diese Dissertation umfasst drei Studien, in denen das Vegetationsmodell LPJmL angewendet wird, um die globalen biogeochemischen Potenziale von PyCCS unter verschiedenen Implementierungsszenarien zu analysieren und die damit verbundenen Landnutzungsdynamiken zu evaluieren, die zu den kritischsten Zielkonflikten gehören. Zunächst zeigt die erste Studie mithilfe einer bedarfsorientierten Analyse, dass die Speicherung von Pflanzenkohle im Boden das Potenzial aufweist, NE von einem Umfang zu liefern, der laut klima-ökonomischen Szenarien zur Begrenzung der globalen Klimaerwärmung auf 1,5°C erforderlich wäre, was als besonders schwer vereinbar mit Naturschutz identifiziert wird. Die zweite Studie untersucht darauffolgend einen PyCCS-Ansatz, der den Landnutzungsdruck reduziert, indem Ackerflächen für PyCCS freigegeben werden, während die Kalorienversorgung auf den verbleibenden Anbauflächen durch Ertragssteigerungen mittels Pflanzenkohlezuführung aufrechterhalten wird. Dieser Ansatz könnte NE aus Bioenergie mit CO2-Abscheidung und -Speicherung—eine wichtige NET in ökonomischen Mitigationsszenarien—ersetzen und Flächen freigeben, die alternativ die Kalorienproduktion oder Naturschutzflächen fördern könnten. Im Rahmen der dritten Studie baut die Dissertation das Verständnis über das Potenzial von LCN-PyCCS als Instrument zur Klimastabilisierung durch die zusätzliche Darstellung der sich verbreitenden Praxis der Pflanzenkohle-basierten Düngung und Sensitivitätsanalysen der angenommenen Pyrolyseparameter und Bewirtschaftungsintensitäten weiter aus. / The ongoing rise in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions is significantly exacerbating climate change, which poses an increasing threat to the integrity of the biosphere and societies worldwide. Negative emission technologies (NETs) like Pyrogenic carbon capture and storage (PyCCS) offer potential mitigation solutions. This dissertation comprises three studies that apply the Dynamic Global Vegetation Model LPJmL to estimate global biogeochemical potentials of PyCCS under different deployment scenarios and evaluate the associated land use dynamics, which are among the most critical potential trade-offs. The first study is a demand-driven analysis aiming to achieve NEs projected to be required for limiting global warming to 1.5°C by PyCCS deployment. It finds that that biochar application has the potential to deliver these NEs — yet only under significant land use expansion, posing a significant threat to areas identified as particularly relevant for conservation. Subsequently, a novel approach to PyCCS deployment was assessed that reduces land pressure by releasing cropland to PyCCS feedstock production while maintaining calorie supply through biochar-mediated yield increases on remaining cropland. Based on this allocation scheme and LPJmL-computed biomass yields, a sequestration potential of 0.44–2.62 Gt CO2 yr−1 was quantified alongside calculating the potential benefits of replacing NE from BECCS (bioenergy with carbon capture and storage — a prominent NET in stabilization scenarios of climate economics) with PyCCS for nature restoration and calorie production. The understanding of the potential for LCN-PyCCS as a strategy for climate stabilization was further expanded by the representation of the emerging practice of biochar-based fertilization (i.e., biochar applied as mixtures with fertilizer at lower rates than the previously evaluated soil amendment) and sensitivity analyses of assumed pyrolysis parameters and management intensities in the third study.

Biomassa carbonizada como condiciondor de solo: aspectos agronômicos e ambientais do seu uso em solos de cerrado / Biochar as soil amendment: agronomic and environmental aspects of its application in soils of the Brazilian savana (cerrado)

PETTER, Fabiano André 02 July 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T14:52:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIANO ANDRE PETTER.pdf: 2453719 bytes, checksum: da5399318ecc7cdd53eb39e42af320d6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-07-02 / The effect of biochar on the chemical and biological soil properties, on the physiological response and productivity of soybean and upland Rice and on N2O emission was investigated. The study was carried out in Nova Xavantina, Mato Grosso state between September 2006 and May 2009 on two different soil types: Haplic Ferralsol (soybean) and Dystric Cambisol (rice). The experimental design was a combination of strips and random blocks where 5 doses (0 kg ha-1, 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 e 400 kg ha-1) of NPK (0-20-20) were distributed in strips and 5 doses of biochar (0 Mg ha-1, 2 Mg ha-1, 4 Mg ha-1, 8 Mg ha-1 e 16 Mg ha-1) in random a manner in the case of soybean and 4 doses (0 kg ha-1, 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1 and 300 kg ha-1) of NPK (05-25-15) were distributed in strips and 4 doses of biochar (0 Mg ha-1, 8 Mg ha-1, 16 Mg ha-1 and 32 Mg ha-1) in random a manner in the case of rice. For rice urea was applied as top dressing corresponding the NPK doses: 0 kg ha-1, 15 kg ha-1, 32 kg ha-1 e 50 kg ha-1 de N, respectively. Every treatment had 4 replications. The biochar was applied only once, before the instalation of the experiments to the 0-15 cm soil layer. Soil fertility parameters were evaluated in samples collected at 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm and pH, Ca, Mg, Al, H+Al, P, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, SOM and total C and N were measured. Among physiological parameters the height and dry mass of plants were evaluated plus the nutrient levels in plant tissue at flowering and yield. The evaluation of soil biological parameters included the basal respiration rate of the soil (C-CO2) and the microbial biomass carbon (MBC). Nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions were also measured. Total C was significantly higher at 0-10 cm in the 1st year after biochar application and at 10-20 cm in the 3rd year in the treatment with 16 Mg ha-1 biochar. There was interaction between biochar and NPK, resulting in increase in K levels at 0-10 cm, 1st and 3rd year after application of biochar and decrease in exchangeable acidity in the 1st year. The 8 Mg ha-1 and 16 Mg ha-1 biochar doses resulted in higher values of plant height and dry mass both in the 1st and 3rd year, however, biochar had no effect on nutrient levels in plant tissue. Soybean yields were, again, significantly affected by biochar doses in a positive and quadratic manner both in the 1st and 3rd year. There was a significant increase in P, Ca, levels and pH, and Al and exchangeable acidity (H+Al) were reduced at 0-10 cm in the treatments with 32 Mg ha-1 biochar. Similar effect was observed for (H+Al) and K at 10-20 cm. Biochar had no effect on other soil chemical parameters. It negatively affected the dry mass of the plants at 25 and 55 DAP, however, did not have influence on plant height. Rice yield was directly and linearly influenced by biochar doses. Increase in nutrient use efficiency (N, P, K) was also observed at the highest biochar dose (32 Mg ha-1). Biochar had no effect on C-CO2 and MBC but seu uso resulted in higher emission rates of N2O at the 32 Mg ha-1 dose. In conclusion, in general, biochar had similar effects on soil chemical properties and yields, however its effect was manifested in a greater manner (larger contrast) in the more sandy soil. It increased nutrient use efficiency. As of plant height and dry mass, soybean gave better response for biochar application than rice. Finally, biochar seems to maintain its effect on yield and increases its effect on SOM accumulation over time. / Estudou-se o efeito do carbono pirogênico nas características químicas e biológicas do solo, na fisiologia e produtividade das culturas da soja e do arroz de terras altas e na emissão de N2O para a atmosfera. Os experimentos foram realizados em Nova Xavantina, MT, em dois diferentes tipos solos: Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo (soja) e Cambissolo Háplico (arroz) em delineamento experimental com junção de faixas e blocos ao acaso, em que 5 doses (0 kg ha-1, 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1, 300 kg ha-1 e 400 kg ha-1) de NPK (0-20-20) e 5 doses de carvão vegetal (0 Mg ha-1, 2 Mg ha-1, 4 Mg ha-1, 8 Mg ha-1 e 16 Mg ha-1), no caso da soja, e 4 doses (0 kg ha-1, 100 kg ha-1, 200 kg ha-1 e 300 kg ha-1) de NPK (05-25-15) e 4 doses de carvão (0 Mg ha-1, 8 Mg ha-1, 16 Mg ha-1 e 32 Mg ha-1), no caso do arroz, foram aplicadas, para o carvão ao acaso, em 4 repetições (blocos). Combinado com NPK na cultura do arroz foi realizada aplicação de 0, 15, 32 e 50 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura, respectivamente. Para avaliação de fertilidade do solo foram coletadas amostras de solo nas camadas de 0-10 cm, 10-20 cm e 20-30 cm e analisados os seguintes atributos: pH, Ca, Mg, Al, H+Al, P, K, Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn, M.O., C orgânico e N total. Os parâmetros fisiológicos avaliados foram: altura, matéria seca, teor foliar dos nutrientes P, K, Ca e Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn e Mn em pleno florescimento e produtividade. A avaliação dos parâmetros biológicos do solo consistiu na determinação da taxa de respiração basal do solo (C-CO2) e carbono da biomassa microbiana (CBM). Foi avaliado a emissão de N2O para a atmosfera. Na cultura da soja houve aumento significativo nos teores de C total de 0-10 cm no 1° ano e 10-20 cm no 3° ano com a aplicação de 16 Mg ha-1de carvão. Verificou-se efeito na interação carvão e NPK, com aumento de K e na camada de 0-10 cm no 1° e 3° ano e acidez potencial apenas no 1° ano. As doses de 8 Mg ha-1 e 16 Mg ha-1 proporcionaram maiores alturas e massa seca nas épocas avaliadas. Não se verificou efeito nos teores foliares de nutrientes. A produtividade foi significativamente aumentada em razão da aplicação de 16 Mg ha-1. Na cultura do arroz houve aumento significativo nos teores de P e Ca e no pH e redução de Al e H+Al na camada de 0-10 cm com a aplicação de 32 Mg ha-1de carvão. Esse efeito se repetiu para H+Al na camada de 10-20 cm e com aumento nos teores de K. Verificou-se efeito negativo do carvão na matéria seca aos 25 e 55 DAP, todavia não influenciou a altura das plantas. A produtividade foi aumentada à medida que se aumentou as doses de carvão. Observou-se maior eficiência no uso do N, P e K na dose de 32 Mg ha-1. Não se verificou efeito significativo do carvão no C-CO2 e CBM. Observou-se os maiores fluxos de N2O para a atmosfera na presença de 32 Mg ha-1. Como conclusão geral, o carvão vegetal teve efeito similar nas propriedades de fertilidade do solo e produtividade das plantas nos dois experimentos, entretanto seu efeito foi mais fortemente manifestado (maior contraste) no solo mais arenoso. Aumentou ainda a eficiência de uso de nutrientes. Considerando a altura das plantas e a massa seca a soja apresentou melhor resposta para a aplicação de carvão no solo. Finalmente, o carvão vegetal manteve seu efeito na produtividade e aumentou a acumulação da M.O. no solo com o passar do tempo.

Effect of biochar on chemistry, nutrient uptake and fertilizer mobility in sandy soil

Sika, Makhosazana Princess 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Biochar is a carbon-rich solid material produced during pyrolysis, which is the thermal degradation of biomass under oxygen limited conditions. Biochar can be used as a soil amendment to increase the agronomic productivity of low potential soils. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of applying locally-produced biochar on the fertility of low-nutrient holding, sandy soil from the Western Cape, and to determine the optimum biochar application level. Furthermore, this study investigates the effect of biochar on the leaching of an inorganic nitrogen fertilizer and a multi-element fertilizer from the sandy soil. The biochar used in this study was produced from pinewood sawmill waste using slow pyrolysis (450 °C). The soil used was a leached, acidic, sandy soil from Brackenfell, Western Cape. In the first study, the sandy soil mixed with five different levels of biochar (0, 0.05, 0.5, 0.5 and 10.0 % w/w) was chemically characterised. Total carbon and nitrogen, pH, CEC and plant-available nutrients and toxins were determined. The application of biochar resulted in a significant increase in soil pH, exchangeable basic cations, phosphorus and water holding capacity. A wheat pot trial using the biochar-amended soil was carried out for 12 weeks and to maturity (reached at 22 weeks). The trial was conducted with and without the addition of a water-soluble broad spectrum fertilizer. Results showed that biochar improved wheat biomass production when added at low levels. The optimum biochar application level in the wheat pot trial was 0.5 % (approximately 10 t ha-1 to a depth of 15 cm) for the fertilized treatments (21 % biomass increase), and 2.5 % (approximately 50 t ha-1 to a depth of 15 cm) for unfertilized treatments (29 % biomass increase). Since most biochars are alkaline and have a high C:N ratio, caution should be taken when applying it on poorly buffered sandy soil or without the addition of sufficient nitrogen to prevent nutrient deficiencies. In the second study, leaching columns packed with sandy soil and biochar (0, 0.5, 2.5 and 10.0 % w/w) were set up to determine the effect of biochar on inorganic nitrogen fertilizer leaching over a period of 6 weeks. It was found that biochar (0.5, 2.5, and 10.0 % w/w) significantly reduced the leaching of ammonium (12, 50 and 86 % respectively) and nitrate (26, 42 and 95 % respectively) fertilizer from the sandy soil. Moreover, biochar (0.5 %) significantly reduced the leaching of basic cations, phosphorus and certain micronutrients. This study demonstrated the potential of biochar as an amendment of acidic, sandy soils. Our findings suggest that an application rate of 10 t ha-1 should not be exceeded when applying biochar on these soils. Furthermore, biochar application can significantly reduce nutrient leaching in sandy agricultural soils. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Biochar is ʼn koolstof-ryke, soliede materiaal geproduseer gedurende pirolise, wat die termiese degradasie van biomassa onder suurstof-beperkte omstandighede behels. Biochar kan gebruik word as ʼn grondverbeterings middel om die agronomiese produktiwiteit van grond te verhoog. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van plaaslike vervaardigde biochar op die vrugbaarheid van die sanderige grond van die Wes-Kaap te ondersoek, en om die optimale biochar toedieningsvlak te bepaal. Verder, het hierdie studie die effek van biochar op die loging van anorganiese stikstof kunsmis en ‘n multi-elementkunsmis op sanderige grond ondersoek. Die biochar wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is van dennehout saagmeul afval vervaardig d.m.v. stadige pirolise (450 °C). Die grond wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, is ‘n geloogde, suur, sanderige grond van Brackenfell, Wes-Kaap. In die eerste studie, is ‘n chemiesie ondersoek van die sanderige grond wat vermeng met is met vyf verskillende vlakke van biochar (0, 0.05, 0.5 en 10.0 % w/w) uitgevoer. Totale koolstof en stikstof, pH, KUK, en plant-beskikbare voedingstowwe en toksiene is in die grondmengsels bepaal. Die toediening van biochar het ‘n veroorsaak dat die grond pH, uitruilbare basiese katione, fosfor en waterhouvermoë beduidend toegeneem het. ‘n Koringpotproef was uitgevoer vir 12 weke en ook tot volwassenheid (wat op 22 weke bereik was) om die effek van die biochar op die sanderige grond teen die vyf verskillende toedieningsvlakke te bepaal. Daar was behandelings met en sonder die bykomstige toediening van ‘n wateroplosbare breë-spektrumkunsmis. Resultate toon dat die toediening van biochar teen lae vlakke koringbiomassa produksie verbeter. Die optimale biochar toedieningsvlak in die koringpotproef is 0.5 % (omtrent 10 t ha-1 tot ‘n diepte van 15 cm) vir die bemeste behandeling (21 % biomassa toename), en 2.5 % (omtrent 50 t ha-1 na ‘n diepte van 15 cm) vir onbemeste behandelings (29 % biomassa toename). Aangesien die meeste biochars alkalies is en ‘n hoë C:N verhouding besit, moet sorg gedra word wanneer dit op swak-gebufferde of lae N-houdende sanderige gronde toegedien word. Die resultate het aangedui dat die biochar versigtig aangewend moet word om grond oorbekalking te voorkom. In die tweede studie, was kolomme gepak met 2.0 kg van die sanderige grond gemeng met biochar (0, 0.05, 0.5, 2.5 en 10.0 % w/w) om die effek van biochar op die loging die anorganiese stikstof kunsmis oor ‘n tydperk van 6 weke om vas te stel. Daar is gevind dat biochar (0.5, 2.5 en 10.0 % w/w) die loging van ammonium (12, 50 en 86 % onderskeidelik) en nitraat (26, 42 en 95 % onderskeidelik) op sanderige grond aansienliek verminder. Verder, het biochar (0.5 %) die loging van basiese katione, fosfor en mikrovoedingstowwe aansienlik verminder. Hierdie studie het die potensiaal van biochar as verbeteringmiddel van suur, sanderige grond gedemonstreer. Ons bevindinge dui daarop aan dat ‘n toepassing vlak van 10 t ha-1 moet nie oorskry word nie wanneer biochar op hierdie gronde toegedien word. Die toediening van biochar op sanderige grond kan die loging van voedingstowwe aansienlik verlaag.

Effect of biochar on selected soil physical properties of sandy soil with low agricultural suitability

Zeelie, Angelique 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2012 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Biochar has been labelled to be a key factor in the global carbon mitigation act and has been described as the modern day equivalent (terra nova) to the terra preta dark earth soils of the Brazilian Amazon. Globally biochar has been evaluated as a means to improve soil fertility and to mitigate greenhouse gases (GHGs). Little research has however been published on the effects of biochar incorporation on soil physical properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of pine sawmill waste derived biochar (locally-produced via slow pyrolysis – 450°C) on selected soil physical properties, soil-water dynamics and crop production and- performance, when amended to a Kroonstad (Kd 1000 – Morgendal) soil form. This soil form is commonly found in the Western Cape area (South Africa) and can be classified as having low agricultural suitability for perennial- and annual crop species. Two pot trials were carried out in an atmospheric controlled greenhouse, where winter wheat and green beans respectively were planted, with five different application levels of biochar (0t/ha, 1t/ha, 10t/ha, 50t/ha and 200t/ha). Soil physical properties namely, water-stable aggregates, bulk density and water-retention capacity along with physiochemical characterisation of the sandy soil and biochar was determined. The water-use was monitored throughout the trials (evapotranspiration, volumetric water content and biomass water use efficiency, BWUE). The above- and below ground (specific leaf traits for the green bean and the root structural development for the winter wheat) biomass was collected and analysed at harvest. There was significantly higher volumetric water content measured for the 50t/ha and 200t/ha biochar treatments. This effect can be ascribed due to a change in the soil’s tortuosity and porosity where more meso- and micro-pores were present as the biochar rate increased. The same results were evident when a water-retention curve was established in vitro by means of the sandbox method. The bulk densities were only significantly lower for the 200t/ha biochar treatments. The wheat root systems differed greatly among the fertilised biochar treatments: the 50t/ha and 200t/ha treatments had a more complex fibrous root system (more extensive branching and thinner roots) than 0t/ha, 1t/ha and 10t/ha application levels. This is attributed to the increased water-holding capacity along with a reduction of N- and P availability with increasing addition of biochar. Several leaf traits were measured for the green bean crops; however the leaf nitrogen- and carbon content, chlorophyll content index (CCI) and carbon isotope fractionation yielded the most interesting findings. Concerning the fertilised biochar treatments, there was established that the 10t/ha treatments had the highest leaf nitrogen- and carbon content. The leaf chlorophyll content did not differ significantly between the fertilised biochar treatments; however a very interesting observation was evident regarding the measured leaf CCI for the unfertilised treatments. A decreasing trend and lower leaf CCI was measured as the biochar application levels increased. This effect was ascribed to be due to a decrease in N uptake by the plants as the biochar application increased, the C/N ratio also increased, and this leading to N immobilisation. The lowest leaf carbon isotope fractionation was measured for the 10t/ha fertilised treatments and is inversely correlated with BWUE and therefore endorses the conclusion that the 10t/ha biochar application had a positive effect on the long term water use efficiency for the green bean plants. Biochar promoted aggregation in the sand-rhizosphere interface for winter wheat, increased water-holding capacity and enhanced crop performance for green beans. The findings reported here provide new information on the effect of biochar on the structural development of sandy soil, combined with biochar- and root growth effects for winter wheat; along with detailed interpretations of specific leaf traits associated with crop production for commercial green beans. The addition of biochar at low application levels (approximately 1-10t/ha to 15 cm depth) increased the biomass yield and water use efficiency of the crop species. Besides long term carbon storage, biochar can have immediate positive effects on the physical properties of sand and plant growth. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Biokoolstof word beskou as ‘n sleutel komponent rakende die wet op globale koolstofvermindering en is al beskryf as die moderne ekwivalent (terra nova) van die terra preta donker-aardgronde wat aangetref word in die Brasiliaanse Amasone. Wêreldwyd word biokoolstof tans geëvalueer met die doel om grondvrugbaarheid te verbeter asook kweekhuisgasse (KHG) se nadelige gevolge te verlig. Min navorsing was tot dus ver gedoen rakende die uitwerking met toediening van biokoolstof op grondfisiese-eienskappe. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van biokoolstof, wat afkomstig is van denne-saagmeul-afval (plaaslik geproduseer is en d.m.v. stadige perolise - 450°C) te evalueer aangaande die volgende faktore: geselekteerde grondfisiese-eienskappe, grond-waterdinamika interaksie en die uitwerking op gewasproduksie; met toediening aan 'n Kroonstad (Kd 1000 - Morgendal) grondvorm. Hierdie grondvorm word as algemeen in die Wes-Kaap (Suid-Afrika) bestempel en kan geklassifiseer word as ‘n lae-geskiktheid landbougrond vir meerjarige- en eenjarige gewasse. Twee potproewe is uitgevoer onder beheerde atmosfeer in ‘n kweekhuis, waar winter koring en groenbone geplant is, met vyf verskillende behandelings van biokoolstof (0t/ha, 1t/ha, 10t/ha, 50t/ha en 200t/ha). Die volgende grondfisiese-eienskappe is ondersoek, naamlik water-stabiele aggregaat formasie, bulkdigtheid en waterhouvermoë, asook die fisiochemiese karakterisering van die sanderige grond en biokoolstof wat gebuik is. Waterverbruik is gedurende die proewe gekontroleer (evapotranspirasie, volumetriese waterinhoud en die biomassa se water verbruiksdoeltreffendheid, BWVD). Die bo- en ondergrondse biomassa, spesifiek die blaareienskappe van die groenboontjie en die strukturele ontwikkeling van die winter koring se wortels, is tydens die oes ondersoek en ontleed. Die volumetriese waterinhoud was betekenisvol, asook hoër vir die 50t/ha en 200t/ha behandelings. Hierdie effek word toegeskryf as gevolg van 'n verandering in die grond se kronkeligheid en porositeit; waar meer meso- en mikroporieë teenwoordig was soos die biokoolstof inhoud toegeneem het. Dieselfde resultate was verkry met die opstelling van ‘n water-retensie kurwe in vitro d.m.v. die Sandboks metode. Bulkdigtheid was slegs betekenisvol verskilled asook aansienlik laer vir die 200t/ha biokoolstof behandelings. Die koring se wortelstelsel het drasties verskil tussen die verskillende bemeste biokoolstof behandelings: die 50t/ha en 200t/ha behandelings het 'n meer komplekse en veselagtige wortelstelsel gevorm (hoër graad van vertakking en dunner wortels was aanwesig) as die 0t/ha, 1t/ha en 10t/ha behandelings. Die effek word toegeskryf aan die toenemende waterhouvermoë, tesame met 'n tekort aan N- en P-beskikbaarheid soos die biokoolstof toedieningshoeveelhede verhoog het. Verskeie blaareienskappe is gemeet vir die groenboon gewasse, maar die blaar stikstof- en koolstof-inhoud, chlorofil inhoud indeks (CII) en koolstof-isotoop fraksionering het die mees interessante bevindinge opgelewer. Die hoogste blaar stikstof-en koolstof-inhoud is gemeet vir die 10t/ha bemeste biokoolstof behandelings. Die blaar chlorofil inhoud het nie beduidend verskil tussen die bemeste biokoolstof behandelings nie, maar daar was egter 'n baie interessante waarneming vir die onbemeste biokoolstof behandelings. ‘n Tendens was aanwesig waar die CII afgeneem het soos die biokoolstof toedieningshoeveelheid ook afgeneem het vir die onbemeste behandelings. Die effek word toegeskryf as gevolg van 'n afname in N-opname deur die plant soos die biokoolstof toedieningshoeveelheid verhoog is en tot gevolg gehad het dat die C/N-verhouding ook toegeneem het, wat gelei het tot N-immobilisasie. Die laagste blaar koolstof-isotoop fraksionering was geassioseer met die 10t/ha bemeste biokoolstof behandelings en is omgekeerd gekorreleerd met BWVD en onderskryf dus die gevolgtrekking dat die 10t/ha biokoolstof behandeling 'n positiewe uitwerking het op die langtermyn waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid vir groenboontjie plante. Biokoolstof het aggregasie bevorder binne die wortelsone, asook deurgans die waterhouvermoë verhoog en gewasproduksie verbeter. Hierdie bevindinge lewer nuwe inligting oor die effek van biokoolstof op die strukturele ontwikkeling van sanderige grond en die gekombineerde interaksie met biokoolstof toediening en hoe dit wortegroei beïnvloed van winter koring; asook 'n gedetailleerde interpretasie van spesifieke blaareienskappe wat verband hou met die produksie van gewasse vir kommersiële verbouing soos die groenboontjie. Die toediening van biokoolstof by die lae hoeveelhede (ongeveer 1-10t/ha tot op 15 cm diepte) het die opbrengs en waterverbruiksdoeltreffendheid van die gewasse verbeter. Behalwe vir die langtermyn koolstofvaslegging, kan biokoolstof toediening onmiddellike positiewe resultate teweeg bring aangaande die fisiese eienskappe van sandgronde en plantegroei.

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