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Zjištění výskytu obezity u dětí mladšího školního věku v Českých Budějovicích / Detect the presence of obesity of children 10-11 years old in České Budějovice by BMI methodNOVÁK, Václav January 2014 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to determine the occurrence of obesity in schoolchildren attending primary schools in České Budějovice. The research focused on determining whether students of the 5 th grades aged 10 and 11 are obese based on their body mass index, age and sex BMI percentile graph. the findings were compared against the Parizkova and Lisa method (2007). It was discovered that 5,13 % of the responded girls and 6,67 % of the boys are obese. The results suggest that out of 195 participants, 11,5% of them suffer from obesity and that the occurrence of obesity is more frequent in boys.
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Hodnocení nadváhy a obezity u dětí mladšího školního věku / Evaluation of overweight and obesity in children of younger school agePaulusová, Denisa January 2020 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of overweight and obesity in children of younger school age Objectives: The aim of this work is to evaluate the body compositon of a sample of children of younger school age. Another intention is to find out the preferences od spending free time and wheter the choice of leasure activities is determinated by overweight and obesity. Methods: In my theses I used a quantitative method of data collection using a survey. The survey is anonymous and was compiled on the basis of knowledge from the theoretical part. The target group is children of younger school age from Prague schools. The obtained BMI values will be compared with the tables and in children with higher BMI values the individual answers will be analyzed in more detail. This method should indicate the possible cause of elevated BMI values. Results: The results of the survey showed, it was found that Below-avarage (42 %) and average (53 %) BMI values were most often found in most children. Most children with higher BMI values aet breakfast regularly (71 %), but physical activities in the weekend program are included irregularly (78 %). Secondary education was most often mentioned among the parents of these children (60 %). Keywords: overweight, obesity, BMI, percentile graphs, lifestyle
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Dětská obezita - epidemiologická studie / Childhood obesity - the epidemiological studyMádlová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
Obesity is considered to be one of the diseases related to the change in the lifestyle, leading to increased incidence of myocardial infarction, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension and other diseases. Due to the progressively increasing prevalence of obesity in adulthood, prevention of obesity has to start in childhood and adolescent, in which also increase in prevalence of obesity was found. Actual prevalence of overweight and obesity was tested in this thesis by different standards (5. NAS, WHO, IOTF, CDC) in Czech children population in age of 6.5 - 7.5 years in 2013. Its trend since 1951 was evaluated. Since 2008 maintaining of the values in all categories at the constant level was found. The role of risk factors assessed by personal, family and school questionnaires in overweight prevalence was tested. The most important factors were diet, exercise and family factors. Increased weight/height ratio (WHtR) marker of adipose tissue was found in the category of normal weight children also and it shows the link with above-mentioned risk factors of diet, exercise and family prediction. Key words Obesity, Overweight, Prevalence, Childhood, BMI, 5. NAS, WHO, IOTF, CDC, COSI, WHtR, Waist circumference, Risk factors
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Används vårdprogram för identifiering och behandling av övervikt och fetma? : En undersökning av ett befintligt vårdprograms tillämpning på tre hälsocentraler i Sandvikens kommun / Are health care programs for identification and treatment of overweight and obesity in use? : A study of the practical use of a care program in three health clinics in the municipality of SandvikenRiddarström, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
<p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p> <em>Introduktion</em></p><p><em></em><em> </em><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Övervikt och fetma (BMI > 25 respektive BMI > 30) ökar i omfattning i hela världen och så även i Sverige. Prevalensen av övervikt/fetma i Sverige är ca 44 % och specifikt i Sandvikens kommun så är drygt hälften av den vuxna befolkningen överviktig/fet vilket ökar risken för ohälsa och sjukdom.</p><p>Det är angeläget att hitta de personer som löper risk att utveckla alternativt redan har övervikt/fetma för att kunna förebygga och behandla. Med tidig upptäckt och rätt behandling så gynnas förstås patienten i första hand, men även sjukvården och samhället i stort då detta i förlängningen minskar kostnaderna. I denna studie undersöktes hur ett vårdprogram som ska användas för upptäckt och behandling av övervikt/fetma tillämpades på tre hälsocentraler i Sandvikens kommun under två månader hösten 2005.</p><p>Metod</p><p>Utgångspunkten för vårdprogrammet med tillhörande flödesschema är att man mäter BMI först. Mätning ska ske på alla patienter som söker vård inom Primärvården Gästrikland – inte bara de patienter som specifikt söker för övervikt eller fetma. Kontroller gjordes först av hur många patienter som fick BMI uppmätt under vald tidsperiod och beroende på resultat av BMI-mätning kontrollerades därefter hur många patienter som fick behandling.</p><p>Resultat</p><p>Av totalt antal patienter som besökte hälsocentralerna under vald tidsperiod kontrollerades BMI på 6 %. Av dessa hade 38 % ett BMI som enligt vårdprogrammet skulle leda till erbjudande om behandling. Vid kontroll av behandling så hade i stort sett alla patienter fått någon form av behandling men med utgångspunkt från andra vårdprogram och orsaker än just övervikt och fetma. En femtedel av de 38 % fick behandling pga. sin övervikt/fetma och endast ett fåtal fick diagnos " övervikt/fetma".</p></p><p>Konklusion</p><p>Då så få patienter fick sitt BMI kontrollerat och därefter behandlades enligt vårdprogrammet finns misstanken att undersökt vårdprogram inte används överhuvudtaget. Detta skulle kunna bero på att personalen inte känner till dess existens alternativt inte finner vårdprogrammet användarvänligt. Det är synnerligen viktigt att använda sig av bevisat effektiva metoder för upptäckt och behandling av övervikt/fetma men oavsett metod så gäller förstås att de som ska använda sig av metoderna också känner till dem samt finner metoderna möjliga att använda i dagligt arbete.</p> / <p>Introduction</p><p> </p><p>The number of overweight (BMI > 25) and obese (BMI > 30) people is rising worldwide and also in Sweden where the prevalence is 44 %. In the municipality of Sandviken more than half of the population is overweight or obese and that could lead to poor health and/or sickness. It is important to find the persons in risk of developing overweight/obesity and the people who already are overweight/obese to be able to prevent or to give treatment. Early discovery and correct treatment will of course benefit the patient but it will also lower the costs for the healthcare system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the practical use of a program for identification and treatment of overweight/obesity in three health clinics in the municipality of Sandviken during two months in 2005.</p><p>Method</p><p>The starting-point of the program is to measure BMI. BMI should be measured on all patients who seek care and treatment at the health clinic – not just the ones who want help because of overweight or obesity. The first control was therefore to see how many of all the patients who visited the health clinic who got their BMI measured. The second control was to see how many of those patients who got treatment according to the program.</p><p>Results</p><p>BMI were measured on 6 % of all the patients who visited the health clinics. Out of these patients, 38 % had a BMI that should lead to an offer of treatment according to the program. Almost all of the 38 % did get treatment but for other reasons and diagnoses than overweight or obesity which only one fifth of the 38 % got. Very few got the diagnose "overweight/obesity".</p><p><em></em><p> </p></p><p>Conclusions</p><p>With such low figures of BMI-measuring and treatment according to the program, you could suspect that the program is not in use at all. The reason for this could be that the staff at the health clinics does not know that the program exists or that they do not find the program user-friendly. It is very important to use effective methods for identification and treatment of overweight/obesity, but no matter what method – the most important thing is that the staff who is supposed to adopt these methods is well acquainted with them and also finds them useful in their daily work.</p>
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Används vårdprogram för identifiering och behandling av övervikt och fetma? : En undersökning av ett befintligt vårdprograms tillämpning på tre hälsocentraler i Sandvikens kommun / Are health care programs for identification and treatment of overweight and obesity in use? : A study of the practical use of a care program in three health clinics in the municipality of SandvikenRiddarström, Jenny January 2009 (has links)
Introduktion Övervikt och fetma (BMI > 25 respektive BMI > 30) ökar i omfattning i hela världen och så även i Sverige. Prevalensen av övervikt/fetma i Sverige är ca 44 % och specifikt i Sandvikens kommun så är drygt hälften av den vuxna befolkningen överviktig/fet vilket ökar risken för ohälsa och sjukdom. Det är angeläget att hitta de personer som löper risk att utveckla alternativt redan har övervikt/fetma för att kunna förebygga och behandla. Med tidig upptäckt och rätt behandling så gynnas förstås patienten i första hand, men även sjukvården och samhället i stort då detta i förlängningen minskar kostnaderna. I denna studie undersöktes hur ett vårdprogram som ska användas för upptäckt och behandling av övervikt/fetma tillämpades på tre hälsocentraler i Sandvikens kommun under två månader hösten 2005. Metod Utgångspunkten för vårdprogrammet med tillhörande flödesschema är att man mäter BMI först. Mätning ska ske på alla patienter som söker vård inom Primärvården Gästrikland – inte bara de patienter som specifikt söker för övervikt eller fetma. Kontroller gjordes först av hur många patienter som fick BMI uppmätt under vald tidsperiod och beroende på resultat av BMI-mätning kontrollerades därefter hur många patienter som fick behandling. Resultat Av totalt antal patienter som besökte hälsocentralerna under vald tidsperiod kontrollerades BMI på 6 %. Av dessa hade 38 % ett BMI som enligt vårdprogrammet skulle leda till erbjudande om behandling. Vid kontroll av behandling så hade i stort sett alla patienter fått någon form av behandling men med utgångspunkt från andra vårdprogram och orsaker än just övervikt och fetma. En femtedel av de 38 % fick behandling pga. sin övervikt/fetma och endast ett fåtal fick diagnos " övervikt/fetma". Konklusion Då så få patienter fick sitt BMI kontrollerat och därefter behandlades enligt vårdprogrammet finns misstanken att undersökt vårdprogram inte används överhuvudtaget. Detta skulle kunna bero på att personalen inte känner till dess existens alternativt inte finner vårdprogrammet användarvänligt. Det är synnerligen viktigt att använda sig av bevisat effektiva metoder för upptäckt och behandling av övervikt/fetma men oavsett metod så gäller förstås att de som ska använda sig av metoderna också känner till dem samt finner metoderna möjliga att använda i dagligt arbete. / Introduction The number of overweight (BMI > 25) and obese (BMI > 30) people is rising worldwide and also in Sweden where the prevalence is 44 %. In the municipality of Sandviken more than half of the population is overweight or obese and that could lead to poor health and/or sickness. It is important to find the persons in risk of developing overweight/obesity and the people who already are overweight/obese to be able to prevent or to give treatment. Early discovery and correct treatment will of course benefit the patient but it will also lower the costs for the healthcare system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the practical use of a program for identification and treatment of overweight/obesity in three health clinics in the municipality of Sandviken during two months in 2005. Method The starting-point of the program is to measure BMI. BMI should be measured on all patients who seek care and treatment at the health clinic – not just the ones who want help because of overweight or obesity. The first control was therefore to see how many of all the patients who visited the health clinic who got their BMI measured. The second control was to see how many of those patients who got treatment according to the program. Results BMI were measured on 6 % of all the patients who visited the health clinics. Out of these patients, 38 % had a BMI that should lead to an offer of treatment according to the program. Almost all of the 38 % did get treatment but for other reasons and diagnoses than overweight or obesity which only one fifth of the 38 % got. Very few got the diagnose "overweight/obesity". Conclusions With such low figures of BMI-measuring and treatment according to the program, you could suspect that the program is not in use at all. The reason for this could be that the staff at the health clinics does not know that the program exists or that they do not find the program user-friendly. It is very important to use effective methods for identification and treatment of overweight/obesity, but no matter what method – the most important thing is that the staff who is supposed to adopt these methods is well acquainted with them and also finds them useful in their daily work.
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Stravovací návyky a pohybový režim současných českých dětí a adolescentů ve věku 11 - 13 let / Diet and exercise regime of Czech children and adolescents aged 11 - 13Maratová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The prevalence of overweight and obesity is constantly growing all over the world. Not only adults, but also children and adolescents are affected by this increase. The development of overweight or obesity in childhood represents a rather significant health risk that extends to adulthood. Both being overweight and being obese causes various secondary diseases, e.g. type II. diabetes or cardiovascular diseases. That is why the attempts to stop the increase of prevalence of overweight and obesity emerged in recent years. The attempts to stop these tendencies are aimed especially at children and adolescents, who carry the habits developed in childhood even to their adult life. In order for these attempts to be successful, one needs to have at their disposal information about the contemporary status and factors, which influence the development of overweight and obesity. The primary prevention ought to be concentrating on these factors. The survey, which was created in the questionnaire form, was conducted in primary schools and on the lower grade of grammar schools in Prague and its surroundings. 1897 questionnaires were distributed throughout the whole year; 366 were given back and out of these 225 questionnaires belong to girls and 141 to boys. This thesis focuses on the issues of the diatery,...
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Vliv lázeňského pobytu na obezitu dětí staršího školního věku / The effect of spa treatment in obese school-aged kidsSvoboda, Václav January 2017 (has links)
Title: Impact of spa stay on obesity of older school-aged children. Purpose: Principal purpose of this thesis is to find out and assess the impact of spa stay on obesity of older school-aged children. Methodology: 100 children in the age of 11-15 participated in this inquiry (49 boys, 51 girls, average age 13 years). The children went through the 28-day long reduction treatment in spa facility. At the beginning and end of the therapy the following criteria were assessed: body weight, BMI, volume of body fat, volume of muscle mass, abdominal circumference and tests of agility, endurance and strength (Jacik's motoric test and test of walking for 2 km). During the 4-day treatment the children had the adjusted diet to 5000 KJ, respectively 8000 KJ (by age) and they participated every weekday in group exercise classes and guided walk. Results: The outcomes showed that the spa treatment favourably affected all observed criteria. The decrease of the following criteria of the respondents is statistically significant: body weight decrease (on average by 5,76 kg), decrease of volume of fat tissue (on average 3,36 %) and decrease of abdominal circumference (on average 5,62 cm). At the same time the ratio of children in particular categories of obesity and overweight changed, at the end of the stay, 28,6 %...
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Studium trajektorií BMI v závislosti na faktorech životního stylu - longitudinální studie českých adolescentů / Study of BMI trajectories depending on lifestyle factors - longitudinal study of Czech adolescentsKřivánková, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Obesity is a serious metabolic disease that often occurs in childhood. Up to 55 % of obese children continue to be obese until adolescence and then 80 % of these obese adolescents remain obese in adulthood. This diploma thesis follows the results of the first round of the study Childhood Obesity Prevalence and Treatment (COPAT). Analyzes the data found in 2009-2010 in relation with the results from 2018. The aim of this work was to determine the prevalence of overweight, obesity, metabolic syndrome, hidden (normal-weight) obesity and to examine the factors potentially contributing to the development of excessive body weight in the participants in the second round of COPAT study. After eight years, 12 % of the original sample, ie 246 probands (150 women and 96 men), were repeatedly examined within the diploma thesis. The examinations took place at the Institute of Endocrinology in Prague and consisted of fasting blood, clinical examination (blood pressure and pulse measurement; determination of body composition by bioimpedance analysis) and anthropometric examination. All participants also completed an on-line questionnaire consisting of three parts (personalized questionnaire; Eating inventory questionnaire; Baecke questionnaire of habitual physical activity). The obtained data were processed using...
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Vliv konstituční hypermobility, obezity a stavu nožní klenby na výsledky v testu dle Véleho u dětí mladšího školního věku / Effect of constitutional hypermobility, obesity and the condition of the foot arch on the results of the Véle test of primary school childrenHiršová, Pavlína January 2016 (has links)
Title: Effect of constitutional hypermobility, obesity and the condition of the foot arch on the results of the Véle test of primary school children Objektives: The aim of my study was to establish whether the foot arch, scope of joint mobility and body weight affects the postural stability of primary school children. Another aim was to compare the incidence of functional flatfoot, constitutional hypermobility and obesity or overweight among school age children. Methods: The data were processed from selected primary schools in Prague 6. In total participed 854 children 7 - 12 years old. The used methods were common and accessible physiotherapy methods. The stability was evaluated according Véle test. Flat foot was examined aspection in standing, assessment of flexibility was performed while standing on tiptoes. Hypermoblity was determined using test according to Janda and body weight was determined by body mass index. Data were evaluated in Microsoft Office Excel. Results: We found that the evaluation of the Véle test better performance girls than boys. Rigid flat foot was more common in pupils of 2nd class, functional flat foot in pupils of 6th class. Constitutional hypermobility suffer more girls 2nd class, overweight or obese suffer more girls of 6th class. We found that functional flat foot has...
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Differences in Sleep Duration, Quality and Patterns Between Male and Female Kent State and King Abdulaziz Universities Students of varying BMI StatusesAlghamdi, Malak Mohammed 05 December 2019 (has links)
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