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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Productivity and Quality of Brown Midrib (bmr) Sorghum Varieties to Producers in Central America

Portillo Rodriguez, Ostilio Rolando 03 October 2013 (has links)
The improved dry matter digestibility of the brown midrib (bmr) sorghum cultivars is attributed to constitutive deficiencies of the lignin biosynthesis pathways which results in lower lignin concentrations. The lower lignin concentrations are expressed only in a homozygous recessive genotypes and it is phenotypically identified by a brown to tan vascular coloration present in the mid-rib of the leaf blades. Utilizing this trait increases forage consumption and productivity of both dairy and beef production. There is a need to extend this trait into more forage production systems, including those in Central America where forages constitute a major portion of the ruminants’ diets. To achieve this goal, the bmr12 gene was incorporated via conventional breeding, into 16 lines derived from commonly used Central American sorghum varieties. These experimental lines were tested for agronomic performance during 2010 and 2011 in the Central American region. In addition, grain and biomass composition were estimated using near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) whereas the dry biomass digestibility was evaluated using an in vitro approach. The combined analysis indicated the bmr trait increased in vitro dry matter digestibility and reduced acid detergent lignin and acid detergent fiber levels. This combination results in improved sorghum forage quality. Furthermore, negative traits typically associated with bmr mutants such as plant height reduction, delayed flowering, and lodging problems were not observed and the bmr trait had no effect on grain composition. Additionally, post hoc tests identified CI0947bmr as the best experimental line for dry both biomass and grain yield across multiple environments. Stability analysis, identified CI0947bmr as the most stable genotype for both traits. Finally, the “which-won-where” biplot analysis graphically identified CI0947bmr as the best bmr inbred for Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua across several environments.

The causes of individual and seasonal variation in the metabolic rate of Knot Calidris canutus

Selman, Colin January 1998 (has links)
Basal metabolic rate (BMR), an individual bird's minimum rate of energy expenditure, was followed in adult and juvenile captive Knot throughout their annual cycle, in conjunction with measurements of total body mass (BM) and body composition (lean mass and fat mass, as predicted using Total Body Electrical Conductivity). Adult captive Knot increased significantly in BM during spring, primarily due to fat deposition. Most juvenile Knot did not display fat deposition in their first spring in captivity. A seasonal peak in BMR, often double the seasonal minimum, occurred during spring but typically took place, on average, 5,11 and 4 days (respectively) after the seasonal peaks in BM, lean mass and fat mass. Little of the variation in BMR seen within or amongst captive Knot, irrespective of physiological state, was explained by variation in a single parameter (BM, lean mass or fat mass). As variation in BMR was not simply a consequence of variation in total lean mass, the average metabolic output per gram of the lean tissues must also have altered seasonally. During fat deposition in spring, Knot exhibited a significant increase in liver mass and a significant elevation (approximately 50% higher) in the activity of succinate dehydrogenase (SDH, an indicator of metabolic activity) in the small intestine. Such adaptations may have assisted an increase in fat deposition rate. SDH activity decreased by approximately 60% in the pectoral muscle of Knot during this period. Such a reduction in SDH may also aid fat deposition as it lowered an individual’s overall BMR. As Knot BM decreased after the spring peak, then BMR decreased in parallel with a decrease in SDH activity in their pectoral muscles. The spring peak in overall BMR may indicate an increase in the maximal sustainable metabolic rate (MMR) of an individual during migratory flight. If a relationship exists between BMR and MMR, then variation in metabolic activity rather than variation in the mass of various lean tissues (e.g. pectoral muscle) will increase metabolic scope without increasing the energetic costs of flight.


Salamone, Ashley Marie 01 August 2012 (has links)
The effects of feeding Master Graze (MG) on dairy cows productivity and nutrient digestibility were evaluated in experiment 1. Sixteen cows were divided into 4 groups and fed treatment diets for 4 consecutive periods. Cows on the control diet were fed a diet with corn silage and alfalfa hay as forage source (1:1; DM basis). For treatment groups, the MG substituted the forage mix at 16, 33 and 50%. The feeding of MG at the three tested levels had no effects on feed intake, milk production or milk composition. The apparent digestibility of DM, OM, NDF and CP were higher in cows fed the MG. In experiment 2, the effects of maturity and preservation method on MG nutrient composition and digestibility were evaluated. The MG was harvested at 3 maturity levels and then preserved using oven-dried, ensiled, or freeze dried. In general, the MG digestibility and nutritional quality was higher in the first cut and with the freeze dried preservation method.

Samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och basalmetabolism hos överviktiga barn

Nylander, Karolina, Gerdin, Sabina January 2012 (has links)
Syfte: Att utvärdera om samband finns mellan fysisk aktivitet, som antas öka muskelmassan och därmed även den fettfria massan, och basalmetabolismen hos barn i åldern 10-13 år med övervikt. Metod: En kvantitativ, deskriptiv korrelationsstudie utfördes. 24 barn som remitterats från Överviktsenheten till Enheten för klinisk nutrition och metabolism vid Akademiska sjukhuset i Uppsala för utredning av övervikt inkluderades i studien. Relevant data hämtades från deltagarnas patientjournaler och värden på den fysiska aktivitetsnivån (PAL) beräknades. Efter sammanställning av data delades deltagarna in i två grupper efter fysisk aktivitetsnivå varpå statistiska analyser utfördes. Resultat: Resultaten i utförd studie påvisade inga statistiskt signifikanta samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och basalmetabolism eller mellan andelen fettfri massa och basalmetabolism hos överviktiga barn i åldern 10-13 år. Någon statistisk signifikant skillnad i basalmetabolism eller andelen fettfri massa beroende på fysisk aktivitetsnivå fanns heller inte i den undersökta gruppen. Slutsats: I utförd studie kunde inga statistiskt signifikanta samband eller skillnader påvisas. Vidare studier är nödvändiga för att uttala sig om eventuella samband eller skillnader föreligger inom undersökta områden hos barn i åldern 10-13 år med övervikt.

Vyhodnocení stravovacích zvyklostí u skupiny lidí od 40 let věku

Maradová, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A Theoretical Approach To Assessing Annual Energy Balance In Gray Whales (eschrichtius Robustus)

Greenwald, Nathalie Lucie Elizabeth 01 January 2005 (has links)
While direct measurements of energetic demands are nearly impossible to collect on large cetaceans, comprehensive bioenergetic models can give insights on such parameters by combining physiological and ecological knowledge. This model was developed to estimate necessary food intake of gray whales, Eschrichtius robustus, of the Eastern North Pacific stock. Field Metabolic Rates (FMR) for gray whales were first estimated based on various assumptions (e.g. volumetric representation of gray whales, extent of their feeding season, and blubber depth distribution) using morphometric data, energetic costs, and food assimilation according to age and gender specific requirements. Food intake rates for gray whales of varying maturity and gender were then estimated based on FMR and caloric value of prey and compared to food intake rates of previous studies. Monte Carlo simulations and sensitivity analysis were performed to assess the model's predictions compared to observed field data from previous studies. Predicted average food intakes for adult male, pregnant/ lactating female, and immature whales were 475 ± 300, 525 ± 300 and 600 ± 300 kg d-1, respectively. Estimated blubber depths resulting from these food intakes were comparable to field data obtained from whaling data. Sensitivity analysis indicated food intake, from all parameters, as having the highest impact on the percent change in ending mass from a simulation. These food intake estimates are similar to those found in a previous study and fall within the range of food intake per body mass observed in other species of cetaceans. Though thermoregulation can be a factor in some cetaceans, it appears not to be an additional cost for gray whales as the present model's predicted lower critical temperatures for the whales (TLC) were below ambient temperatures. With temperatures increasing in the Bering Sea, the main prey of gray whales, ampeliscid amphipods, could be adversely affected, possibly resulting in increased food shortages leading to a surge in gray whale strandings.

Basalmetabolism hos barn och ungdomar med cystisk fibros : En jämförande studie av uppmätta och beräknade basalmetabolismvärden

Andersson, Emilie, Edbom, Elisabet January 2011 (has links)
Objective: The aim of this study was to compare equations used to calculate BMR to values of BMR obtained from measurements in order to determine the most suitable equation to be used on children and adolescents with CF. Design: The participants where children and adolescents with CF. Data was collected from the division of Clinical Nutrition at Uppsala Akademiska Sjukhus. Age, weight, height, BMI, BMR, FFM and FM was recorded from 27 measurements. BMR from the participants collected from the indirect respiratory calorimetry was compared to the results obtained from five equations used to obtain a calculated value of BMR. Results: Tverskayas equation was best correlated with the measured BMR for the whole group. The equation underestimated BMR for the participants with a measured BMR over 1400 kcal/24h and overestimated BMR for participants with a measured BMR under 1400 kcal/24h. Similar results could be seen in the subgroups boys, girls and adolescents. Maffeis equation can be applied on the subgroup children. However, larger studies are needed to guarantee the results. Conclusion: It is desirable that an equation for calculating BMR would be developed that is specifically developed for children and adolescents with a low to normal BMI that takes into consideration a heightened metabolism and is therefore suitable for children and adolescents with CF. / Syfte: Att utifrån uppmätt BMR jämföra olika ekvationer för att hitta den mest lämpliga ekvationen för beräknandet av ett förutsätt värde av basalmetabolism hos en grupp barn och ungdomar med cystisk fibros. Metod: Deltagarna var barn och ungdomar med CF. Data till arbetet hämtades från enheten för klinisk nutrition vid Uppsala Akademiska sjukhus. Ålder, vikt, längd, BMI, BMR, FFM och FM samlades in från totalt 27 mättillfällen. Deltagarnas BMR, som uppmätts genom indirekta respiratorisk kalorimetri, jämfördes med fem ekvationer som räknar ut BMR utifrån olika antropometriska mått. Resultat: Tverskayas ekvation överensstämde bäst med uppmätt BMR i gruppen som helhet. Ekvationen underskattade dock BMR hos deltagare med ett BMR-behov över 1400 kcal/dygn och överskattade BMR hos deltagare med ett BMR-behov lägre än 1400 kcal/dygn. Liknande resultat sågs i undergrupperna pojkar, flickor och ungdomar. Maffeis ekvation skulle möjligen kunna tillämpas på gruppen barn, dock behöver större studier utföras för att kunna dra säkra slutsatser. Slutsats: Det vore önskvärt att det utvecklas en ekvation för BMR, särskilt utvecklad för barn och ungdomar med lågt till normalt BMI, som tar hänsyn till förhöjt BMR och som därmed lämpar sig särskilt för barn och ungdomar med CF.

Vilometabolism hos barn och ungdomar med Cerebral Pares : En deskriptiv korrelationsstudie

Karlsson, Maria, Arborén, Charlotte January 2013 (has links)
Background: Cerebral Palsy is usually divided into three subgroups: ataxic, spastic and dyskinetic, where children and adolescents can, because of misestimation in nutrition and energy intake, suffer from weight problems. Aim: To compare calculations with equations with the individual's measured RMR in the subgroups, to see if any equation is more suitable. This could be used as a tool to calculate the resting metabolism at times when it is not possible to perform clinical measurements. Method: The RMR has been measured in 37 children and adolescents aged 3-15 years through indirect respiratory calorimetry. Those values have been compared with calculations from five equations. The results were then analyzed in order to find if any equation is better to apply for calculating resting metabolism for each subgroup. Results: The ataxic group was overestimated by 56.5% of the calculated values. WHO/FAO/UNU’s equation indicates a significantly strong correlation between the measured and calculated values (r=0.85, p<0.05). The spastic group was underestimated by 53.3%. There is significance for all equations, however it is a relatively low correlation (r=0.63–0.66, p=0.02–0.03). The dyskinetic group was underestimated by 95%. There was no significant association between clinically measured values and the calculated resting metabolism (r=0.21–0.45, p=0.26–0.61). Conclusion: The equations are not reliable for calculation of energy need for all subgroups. There is a substantial risk of over- and underestimation, therefore awareness of the equations insufficiency is needed. Studies should be performed with additional basic data, and with more equations. Especially equations including further variables that involves the body composition. / Bakgrund: Cerebral Pares brukar delas in i undergrupper: ataktisk, spastisk och dyskinetisk, där barn och ungdomar kan, beroende på felskattningar av näringsintag och energiberäkning, lida av över- eller undervikt. Syfte: Att jämföra uträkningar med ekvationer med individernas uppmätta vilometabolism i de tre undergrupperna, för att se om någon ekvation lämpar sig bättre. Detta skulle kunna ge ett verktyg för att kunna räkna ut vilometabolismen vid de tillfällen då det inte är möjligt att utföra kliniska mätningar. Metod: Mätningar av vilometabolismen har utförts på 37 barn och ungdomar i åldern 3-15 år genom indirekt respiratorisk kalorimetri. Värdena har jämförts med uträkningar från fem ekvationer. Resultatet har sedan analyserats, för att hitta någon ekvation som är bättre lämpad för att räkna ut vilometabolismen, för respektive undergrupp. Resultat: Den ataktiska gruppen överskattades i 56,5% av uträkningarna av vilometabolism. WHO/FAO/UNUs ekvation påvisar ett signifikant starkt samband mellan det uppmätta och uträknade värdena (r=0,85, p<0,05). Den spastiska gruppen underskattades 53,3% av de uträknade värdena. Det föreligger signifikans för alla ekvationer, dock ett relativt lågt samband (r=0,63–0,66, p=0,02–0,03). Den dyskinetiska gruppen underskattades i 95 %. Det förelåg inget signifikant samband mellan kliniskt uppmätt och uträknad vilometabolism (r=0,21–0,45, p=0,26–0,61). Slutsats: Ekvationerna är inte tillförlitliga för uträkning av energibehov för alla undergrupper. Risk för över- och underskattning är överhängande, och en ökad medvetenhet om ekvationernas ofullständighet måste belysas. Studier bör göras med större underlag och med fler ekvationer. Framförallt ekvationer med fler variabler som tar hänsyn till kroppssammansättning.

Vliv životního stylu středoškoláků na vybrané parametry tělesného složení / Influence of life style on selected parameters of the body composition

Murko, Igor January 2017 (has links)
Title: The influence of lifestyle on selected parameters of body composition of high school students. Objectives: The main objective of the thesis is to determine the impact of lifestyle on selected components of body composition of the high school students. The secondary objective is the statistical processing of data obtained from the body composition measurements and from the responses obtained from the questionnaires about lifestyle. Method used: 60 high school students aged 17-20 years were measured by BIA method. Appliance used for the measurement was BODYSTAT 1500. We obtained information about lifestyle from questionnaires. Results: The average percentage of body fat of boys is 12.2 ± 2.6 %. In comparison with the standard, these boys have lower or below average values. The average value of body fat of girls is 22.5 ± 5%. We consider this average value as normal. 43 % of the respondents sleep 7-8 hours per day as recommended. Boys drink more water than girls. The average time spent with a cell phone and with a PC by respondents per day is 3.2 h ± 1.5 hours. The most common answers of way of spending free time are sports, activities with friends and family, watching movies/TV shows and reading books. Most students (65 %) use public transportation to get to school. 48 % of students perform...

Correlations between anthropometricmeasurements, fasting-insulin andrespiratory quotent in obese children

Gustafsson, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
The number of obese children has increased with almost 100 % in a few decades. Deceases like insulin-resistance and type-2 diabetes often comes with overweight and worldwide research to prevent and cure these complications is constantly approaching. This study provides with greater knowledge of what correlations there are between anthropometric measurements, insulin resistance and respiratory quotient.For this study, data from 83 children and teenagers was included. The medical records from their first visit to the pediatric science unit at Uppsala University Hospital was used. To measure basal metabolic rate (BMR), indirect respiratory calorimetrics was used to measure the respiratory ratio at rest and fasting (RQ-BMR), and blood samples were collected to analyze fs-(fasting) insulin. The anthropometric measurements that were taken were waist, waist-height-ratio (WtHR), waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-hip-height ratio (WHtR), waist circumference (AC), waist circumference-height ratio (ACHR), sagittal abdominal diameter (SAD) and Sagittal abdominal diameter-height ratio (SADHR).Correlations between fs-insulin and WHtR, WCHR, SAD and SADHR was found for the whole group of participators in this study. The strongest correlation was to WHtR for boys and SAD for girls. The RQ-BMR correlated the best with SADHR and ACHR. No correlations between RQ-BMR were found specifically for boys or girls.

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