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Analýza návrhu šroubového přípoje otočné desky kolesového skládkového stroje / Analysis of the design of the bolted connection pivot plate-wheel of bucket wheel stacker-reclaimerLoaderŠrajer, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes an analysis of the design of the bolted connection pivot plate-wheel of bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer loader. The challenge solution is to decide whether the current design is suitable. The thesis contains comparison of calculation according to VDI regulation with the ČSN, performing stress analysis using FEM calculation model and a design of changes, joint bearings with steel structures.
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Analysis of Parameters Affecting Modal Frequencies in Bolted Joint ConnectionsMohammed, Usman Ali January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Understoppning av bergbultsbricka : En undersökning om möjlig uteslutning av arbetsmomentet / Underfilling of rock bolt platesBlomster, Elin, Litton Fredriksson, Sara January 2021 (has links)
Vid byggnation av tunnlar och bergrum används bergförstärkning för att exempelvis säkra mot nedfallande lösa block och uppsprickning av berg. En vanlig förekommande förstärkning är bergbultar i kombination med sprutbetong. Vid installation av bultar borras hål i bergväggen som sedan fylls med cementbruk. Bultar som redan är försedd med bricka, halvkula, och mutter trycks sedan in i borrhålen av manuell kraft. Understoppningen görs i samband med att den sista biten av bulten trycks in i borrhålet. Då förses brickans undersida med cementbruk innan den skruvas åt med mutter mot den sprutbetongtäckta bergväggen. Denna rapport syftar till att ta reda på om momentet understoppning av bergbultsbricka vid montering av kamstålsbultar vid konventionell tunneldrivning är möjlig att utesluta. Idag råder det delade meningar mellan beställare, entreprenörer och specialister kring momentets betydelse för bergförstärkningen av tunnlar då vissa menar att det är nödvändigt och andra menar att det kan uteslutas. Däremot är det ofta angett i tekniska beskrivningar att momentet ska utföras då det står med i AMA Anläggning 20, vilket innebär att momentet inte kan uteslutas vid installation av kamstålsbultar. Med denna bakgrund ämnar föreliggande studie till att ta reda på grunderna till varför och när kravet på understoppning av bergbultsbrickor lades till, samt huruvida det fortfarande finns belägg för att ha kvar kravet. I denna studie har ingen tidigare forskning hittats om själva syftet med understoppning som kan visa på anledningar till varför man utför momentet samt varför det har lagts till som ett krav. Metoden har därför utförts genom att inhämta information och sökta svar från litteraturstudier inom ämnet samt via intervju- och enkätstudier. En teoretisk livslängdsberäkning för rostskyddssystemet har utförts för att få svar på om det uppfyller Trafikverkets krav på en teknisk livslängd på 120 år. Att utföra experimentella tester för att svara på studiens syfte diskuterades under studiens gång men var inte möjligt att genomföra med tillhandahållen tidsram och resurser. Resultatet visade att understoppningens huvudsakliga syfte är för att skydda bergbulten mot korrosion och mot genomstansning av brickan i sprutbetongen. Studien visade dock att det saknas bakgrund och konkreta bevis som säkerställer att understoppning motverkar detta. Litteraturstudien visade att varmförzinkade och epoxilackerade bultar har hög beständighet mot korrosion men att tunnelmiljön troligtvis har en betydande faktor för bultens livslängd. Litteraturstudien visade även att brickans betydelse för bärsystemet är odefinierad. Detta då vissa studier fastställer att brickan endast har en liten inverkan och andra visar att brickans styvhet har betydelse för genomstansning. Resultatet visade även att momentet innebär en ogynnsam arbetsmiljö för yrkesarbetare samt att en eventuell uteslutning skulle innebära förmodade vinster för inblandade parter. En annan fråga som belysts är huruvida den omfattning av bergsförstärkning som utförs idag verkligen är nödvändig. Om bergförstärkningen skulle kunna ske mer sparsamt skulle det möjliggöra en besparing av statliga medel och naturresurser. Denna studie har inte gett svar på om kravet på bärighet och beständighet uppfylls utan understoppning. Förslag på vidare studier för att besvara den frågan har därför redovisats. / When building tunnels, rock reinforcement is used. E.g., to secure against falling loose blocks and cracking of rock. A common reinforcement is rock bolts in combination with shotcrete. When installing bolts, holes are drilled into the rock wall, which are then filled with cement mortar. Bolts already provided with plate, hemisphere, and nut are then pushed into the boreholes by manual force. The underfilling of the plate is done in connection with the last part of the bolt being pushed into the borehole. Then the underside of the plate is provided with cement mortar before it is screwed on against the shotcrete-covered rock wall with a nut. The purpose of this report is to evaluate whether it is possible to exclude underfilling of rock bolt plates when installing rebar bolts during conventional tunnelling. Today, there are divided opinions between customers, contractors and specialists about the importance of underfilling for the rock reinforcement. I.e., there is a lack of consensus if underfilling of rock bolt plates is necessary or can be excluded. On the other hand, it is often stated in the technical descriptions that the task must be fulfilled then it is included in AMA Anläggning 20, which means that it cannot be excluded when installing rebar bolts. With this background, this study aims to find out the reasons why and when the requirement for underfilling of rock bolt plates was added, and whether there is still evidence to maintain the requirement. No previous research has investigated applicable reasons of why it is performed and why it has been added as a requirement. The method has therefore been performed by obtaining information from literature studies in the subject as well as via interview and survey studies. A theoretical lifetime calculation for the corrosion protection system has been performed to answer whether it achieves the requirement of a technical lifetime of 120 years issued by the Swedish Transport Administration. Performing experimental tests to answer the purpose of this study was discussed but was not possible to perform with the resources provided. The result showed that the main purpose of underfilling is to protect the rock bolt against corrosion and punching of the plate into the shotcrete. However, the study showed that there is a lack of background and actual evidence that proves that underfilling counteracts this. The literature study showed that hot galvanized and epoxy-painted bolts have high resistance against corrosion, but that the tunnel environment probably is a significant factor for the bolt's lifetime. The literature study also showed that the importance of the plate for the support system is undefined. Some studies demonstrate that the plate only has a small impact and others shows that the stiffness of the plate has a high impact for shear punching. The results also showed that the task causes an unfavourable working environment for professional workers and that a possible exclusion would mean presumed profits for involved parties. Another question that is highlighted is whether the extent of rock reinforcement that is carried out today is really necessary. If the rock reinforcement could be done more sparingly, it would make it possible to save state funds and natural resources. This study has not been able to answer whether the requirement for bearing capacity and durability is achieved without underfilling of rock bolt plates. Suggestions for further studies to answer this question have therefore been presented.
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Static Friction in Slip Critical Bolt Joints : Coefficient of Friction in Steel, Aluminium and ED Coated SteelLång, Marcus January 2017 (has links)
This project was performed together with ÅF Industry AB in Trollhättan, Sweden. ÅF’s expertise in Trollhättan is oriented towards the automotive industry. It was conducted within the section of CAE and safety where they, for instance, dimension bolt joints in the cars. Bolt joints play an important role in the automotive industry. Slip critical bolt joints are used widely throughout the vehicles. With lack of good test data, the bolt joints need to be dimensioned conservatively. This may lead to that bolt joints are over-dimensioned, adding more mass to the car. On the contrary, the availability of reliable test data enables designers to optimize joint dimensions to achieve a safe design with minimized mass. A mechanical testing configuration has been designed as well as a testing procedure for a test to determine the static friction value between mating surfaces in bolt joints. The testing configuration has been used to perform tests to find the static friction coefficient in different materials. The study contains varied combinations of steel, aluminium and ED-Coated steel. The study resulted in tables with levels of probability. The developed test configuration is robust and relatively simple to use and is recommended for further use. For improved statistical significance, it was noted that more samples should be used than was used in this study. The aluminium has a smoother surface finish and that could be the reason why its coefficient of friction is lower than steel. It is therefore considered important to also include surface roughness when presenting coefficient of friction results.
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Development and Validation of Threaded Fastener Test RigWirström, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
Threaded fastener is one of the most common ways to join components. Having a method to test threaded fasteners is key when designing a joint and even more a nutrunner. A joint is often tightened by a torque applied on the head. The applied torque is equal to three quantities in the joint, the thread torque, the underhead torque and the clamp force. To measure these quantities are the propose of a friction test rig. A test rig was built last year to be able to do that in a flexible and effective way. But the test rig built last year does not have the possibility to measure the underhead torque. A new transducer is constructed to add that possibility. The transducer is constructed by using methods such as concept generation, strength calculations, FEM simulations and a comparison of sensors are made. An easy way to change the stiffness is also investigated but no possible solution could be found. Some modifications and trims are also done on the test rig and also a comparison with the older BLM rig. A validation is made of how good the rig perform is also done. The results shows in favour for the FTR but precise results is not possible to determine.
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Investigação da força de união de juntas aparafusadas com o auxílio da técnica de ultrassom / Investigation of the clamp force of bolted joints with the aid of the ultrasound techniqueTavares, Rafael Carlucci 28 November 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe investigar o método para estimar a força exercida pelo parafuso na junta aparafusada, propondo uma possível substituição a célula de carga convencional. Com base na técnica pulso-eco ultrassônico, verificando o tempo de propagação da onda em um parafuso retificado antes e após ser submetida a uma carga normal. A diferença de tempo correlacionada à força medida pela célula de carga foi realizada após a aplicação de um torque de aperto na região elástica da fixação. As amostras de parafuso foram retificados nas suas extremidades paralelas, o aparelho ultrassônico com transdutor de 5MHz de 6mm de diâmetro foi acoplado magneticamente sob o parafuso utilizando gel a base dágua como acoplante, para assim verificar o deslocamento, no tempo, do sinal do eco que é detectado por um limiar de amplitude desse sinal, o tempo de voo do pulso-eco longitudinal no meio isotrópico foi o objeto do estudo para correlacionar com a força medida em uma célula que mede força (kN). A diferença do tempo do pulso ultrassônico foi causado por um esforço longitudinal após um torque aplicado na região elástica de resistência mecânica do parafuso na junta simulada, utilizando um equipamento que basicamente é formado por célula de carga longitudinal e torcional com torquímetro eletrônico transdutorizado para efetuar o aperto gradativo. Este equipamento é atualmente usado para verificar o atrito de elementos roscados e as interações de inúmeras possibilidades de superfícies de contato, tais quais porcas e parafusos, conforme fórmulas da norma ISO16047. / The present study proposes to investigate the method to estimate the force exerted by the screw in the bolted joint, proposing a possible replacement to the conventional load cell. Based on the pulse-echo technique ultrasonic, checking the wave propagation time in a rectified screw before and after being subjected to a normal load. The time difference correlated to the force measured by the load cell was performed after the application of a tightening torque in the elastic region of the fixation. The screw samples were rectified at their parallel ends, the ultrasonic apparatus with a 5MHz of 6mm diameter was magnetically coupled under the screw using water-based gel as a coupling, to thereby verify the time shift of the echo signal that is detected by a threshold amplitude of that signal, the flight time of the pulse-echo in the isotropic medium was the object of the study to correlate with the force measured in a cell that measures force (kN). The difference of the time of the ultrasonic pulse was caused by a longitudinal effort after a tightening torque applied in the elastic region of mechanical resistance of the screw in the simulated joint, using equipment that basically is formed by cell of longitudinal and torsional load with electronic transduced torque wrench to define the gradual tightening. This equipment is currently used to check the friction of threaded elements and the numerous possibilities of contact surfaces, such as nuts and bolts, according to ISO16047 formulas.
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Investigação da força de união de juntas aparafusadas com o auxílio da técnica de ultrassom / Investigation of the clamp force of bolted joints with the aid of the ultrasound techniqueRafael Carlucci Tavares 28 November 2017 (has links)
O presente estudo propõe investigar o método para estimar a força exercida pelo parafuso na junta aparafusada, propondo uma possível substituição a célula de carga convencional. Com base na técnica pulso-eco ultrassônico, verificando o tempo de propagação da onda em um parafuso retificado antes e após ser submetida a uma carga normal. A diferença de tempo correlacionada à força medida pela célula de carga foi realizada após a aplicação de um torque de aperto na região elástica da fixação. As amostras de parafuso foram retificados nas suas extremidades paralelas, o aparelho ultrassônico com transdutor de 5MHz de 6mm de diâmetro foi acoplado magneticamente sob o parafuso utilizando gel a base dágua como acoplante, para assim verificar o deslocamento, no tempo, do sinal do eco que é detectado por um limiar de amplitude desse sinal, o tempo de voo do pulso-eco longitudinal no meio isotrópico foi o objeto do estudo para correlacionar com a força medida em uma célula que mede força (kN). A diferença do tempo do pulso ultrassônico foi causado por um esforço longitudinal após um torque aplicado na região elástica de resistência mecânica do parafuso na junta simulada, utilizando um equipamento que basicamente é formado por célula de carga longitudinal e torcional com torquímetro eletrônico transdutorizado para efetuar o aperto gradativo. Este equipamento é atualmente usado para verificar o atrito de elementos roscados e as interações de inúmeras possibilidades de superfícies de contato, tais quais porcas e parafusos, conforme fórmulas da norma ISO16047. / The present study proposes to investigate the method to estimate the force exerted by the screw in the bolted joint, proposing a possible replacement to the conventional load cell. Based on the pulse-echo technique ultrasonic, checking the wave propagation time in a rectified screw before and after being subjected to a normal load. The time difference correlated to the force measured by the load cell was performed after the application of a tightening torque in the elastic region of the fixation. The screw samples were rectified at their parallel ends, the ultrasonic apparatus with a 5MHz of 6mm diameter was magnetically coupled under the screw using water-based gel as a coupling, to thereby verify the time shift of the echo signal that is detected by a threshold amplitude of that signal, the flight time of the pulse-echo in the isotropic medium was the object of the study to correlate with the force measured in a cell that measures force (kN). The difference of the time of the ultrasonic pulse was caused by a longitudinal effort after a tightening torque applied in the elastic region of mechanical resistance of the screw in the simulated joint, using equipment that basically is formed by cell of longitudinal and torsional load with electronic transduced torque wrench to define the gradual tightening. This equipment is currently used to check the friction of threaded elements and the numerous possibilities of contact surfaces, such as nuts and bolts, according to ISO16047 formulas.
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Dependency of Loosening Parameters on Secondary Locking Features of Threaded InsertsAcosta, Carlos Felipe 31 October 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents a study of the dependency of loosening parameters on secondary locking features of threaded inserts subjected to dynamic shear loads. Secondary locking is used to assist and/or provide redundancy to the primary locking feature (threads) in preventing preload loss in almost any mechanical applications. Two different secondary locking features are studied: the Locking Heli-Coil insert and the Loctite Threadlocker (R) applied before assembly to a Standard Heli-Coil insert. Five parameters are studied in this thesis: percentage loss of initial preload, initial rate of preload loss, secondary rate of preload loss, steady-state value, and the final preload value.
Statistical analysis was used to quantify the dependencies between locking levels. Results show that the loss of initial preload is dependent on secondary locking features, the initial and secondary rate of preload loss are dependent on secondary locking features, the steady-state value and the final preload value are dependent on secondary locking features. Also, due to secondary locking features, 83% of the "Locking Heli-Coil with Braycote" tests reached steady-state while only 16% of the "Standard Heli-Coil with Loctite" tests reached steady-state even though the final preload value were higher for "Standard Heli-Coil with Loctite."
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Statistical Analysis of Fastener Vibration Life TestsCheatham, Christopher 01 November 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents methods to statistically quantify data from fastener vibration life tests. Data from fastener vibration life tests with secondary locking features of threaded inserts is used. Threaded inserts in three different configurations are examined: no locking feature, prevailing torque locking feature, and adhesive locking feature. Useful composite plots were developed by extracting minimum preloads versus cycles from test data. Minimum preloads were extracted due to the overlapping of varying test data and because the minimum preload is of most interest in such tests.
In addition to composite plots, descriptive statistics of the samples were determined including mean, median, quartiles, and extents. These descriptive statistics were plotted to illustrate variability within a sample as well as variability between samples. These plots also reveal that characteristics of loosening for a sample, such as preload loss and rates of preload loss, are preserved when summarizing such tests. Usually fastener vibration life tests are presented and compared with one test sample, which is why statistically quantifying them is needed and important.
Methods to predict the sample population have been created as well. To predict populations, tests to determine the distribution of the sample, such as probability plots and probability plot correlation coefficient, have been conducted. Once samples were determined to be normal, confidence intervals were created for test samples, which provides a range of where the population mean should lie. It has been shown that characteristics of loosening are preserved in the confidence intervals. Populations of fastener vibration life tests have never before been presented or created.
The evaluation of loosening has been conducted for fastener vibration life tests in the past with plots of one test sample; however, in this work statistically quantified results of multiple tests were used. This is important because evaluating loosening with more than one test sample can determine variation between tests. It has been found that secondary locking features do help reduce the loss of preload. The prevailing torque secondary locking feature is found to be more effective as preload is lost. The best secondary locking feature has been found to be the adhesive.
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Internationalization through Acquisition : A Case Study of Getinge ABHuang, Jinlong, Wang, Hui January 2010 (has links)
<p>Business has seen tremendous growth through internationalization over the last several decades. As one of the strategies for companies to internationalize, acquisition has since then been a well-studied subject. Various steps have to be gone through in order to acquire a company. Afterwards, companies need to take different measures to ensure the success of the acquisition. Culture is usually considered as the most important aspect which determines post-acquisition success. The purpose of this master dissertation is to thus investigate company’s internationalization via acquisition regarding the pre-acquisition decision-making and post-acquisition cultural management. The theoretical framework consists of literature of pre-acquisition decision-making process and post-acquisition culture management. These theories are put together in an analytical model where possible connections are intended to achieve. It will also be used as a foundation in gathering and analyzing the empirical data. In a qualitative approach, the empirical data was gathered through semi-structured interview with the president of Getinge International Group. These findings were also complemented with secondary data such as corporate websites, documents and various scientific articles. The findings of the study show that planning, evaluating, negotiating, making the deal and integration are the five essential steps concerning the process of internationalization through acquisition. The authors find out that identifying of acquisition candidates is not necessarily a part of pre-acquisition as the theory may suggest. The distinction between bolt-on and platform acquisition is of critical importance to determine the different criteria and procedure certain company is going to take. This proves to be much more practical, where theoretical support has not been fully established. Both national and corporate cultures are of crucial importance for the success of company’s post-acquisition culture management. According to the finding of this research, two factors seem to link pre and post acquisition process; one is the planning of how future organization is managed; the other is the appropriate choice of managing director.</p>
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