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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Matéria escura como uma extensão Higgs-Stueckelberg do modelo padrão

Santos, Alexander Lunkes dos January 2015 (has links)
Partículas massivas fracamente interagentes (WIMPs) são um dos mais atrativos candidatos para a matéria escura. Tais partículas são também muito promissoras em termos de detecção direta e indireta, pois elas devem possuir alguma conexão com as partículas do Modelo Padrão. Nesse contexto, extensões do Modelo Padrão podem introduzir candidatos para essas partículas de matéria escura. Propomos um modelo de extensão dupla para descrever as WIMPs, também chamadas de partículas escuras. Essa extensão é feita adicionando dois grupos de simetrias de calibre U(1) ao Modelo Padrão, um via mecanismo de Stueckelberg e o outro via mecanismo de Higgs. O mecanismo de Stueckelberg é um dos caminhos para garantir a invariância de calibre em bósons vetoriais massivos. Então, obtemos dois novos bósons de calibre, um chamado Z′ que é massivo e o outro γ′ (fóton escuro), que não possui massa e não interage com partículas do Modelo Padrão. A densidade de relíquia obtida experimentalmente pelas sondas espaciais WMAP e Planck auxilia na obtenção do valor mais provável para a massa do WIMP e, assim, podemos fixar outros parâmetros importantes para o modelo. Fazemos uma estimativa do impacto da presença de matéria escura e, principalmente, da emissão de fótons escuros no resfriamento de anãs brancas e de estrelas de nêutrons. Alguns resultados e perspectivas são apresentados. / Weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) are one of the most attractive candidates for dark matter. Such particles also are very promising in terms of direct and indirect detection, because they must have some connection to Standard Model (SM) particles. In this context, extensions of the SM can introduce candidates for these dark matter particles. In this sense, we propose a double extension model to describe the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) or sometimes called dark particles. This extension is done by adding two extra U(1) gauge groups to the Standard Model, one via Stueckelberg mechanism and the other via Higgs mechanism. The Stueckelberg mechanism is one of the ways to ensure gauge invariance . Then we get two new gauge bosons, one called Z′ which is massive and the other γ′ (dark photon), which is massless and does not interact with the Standard Model particles. The relic density experimentally obtained by the WMAP and Planck spacecrafts will help in getting the most likely value for the mass of the WIMP and we can thus set other important parameters for the model. We estimate the impact of the presence of dark matter, and especially dark photon emission, in the cooling of white dwarfs and neutron stars. Some results and perspectives are presented.

A search for Higgs bosons in final states with multiple tau leptons at the DZero experiment

Suter, Louise January 2013 (has links)
Two searches for the production of Higgs bosons decaying into tau and mu leptons, using data collected with the DZero detector at the Fermilab Tevatron p-bar(p)collider, are presented. A search for the pair production of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the processq-bar(q) to H^{++}H^{--}, where H^{++} decays to tau-tau, mu-mu or tau-mu lepton pairs, with an integrated luminosity of up to L= 7.0 fb^{-1}, is presented. No significant excess of data over the expected SM background is observed and the results are used to set 95\% C.L. limits on the pair production cross section of doubly charged Higgs bosons in the range 90 < M_{H^{++}} < 200 GeV. A second search for the production of the Standard Model Higgs boson in the final state tau-tau-mu+X is presented, using an integrated luminosity of L=8.6 fb^{-1}. Again no significant excess of data is observed over the background expectation and 95% C.L. limits are set on the observed cross section relative to the Standard Model prediction, in the range 100 < M_{H} < 200 GeV.

Potentiel de découverte d'un boson de Higgs lourd avec le détecteur ATLAS

Savard, Pierre January 1997 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Measurements of the W boson mass from e'+e'-#->#W'+W'-#->#lvqq events with the ALEPH detector

Thomson, Evelyn Jean January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Phases désordonnées dans des gaz d'atomes froids de basse dimensionnalité / Disordered phases in low dimensional ultra-cold atomic gases.

Crépin, François 28 September 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde deux problèmes ayant trait à la physique des gaz quantiques de basse dimensionnalité. Le premier système étudié est un mélange unidimensionnel de bosons et de fermions sans spin soumis à un potentiel aléatoire. Nous commençons par écrire un Hamiltonien de basse énergie et abordons la question de la localisation du point de vue de l'accrochage des ondes de densité par un désordre faible. En utilisant le Groupe de Renormalisation et une méthode variationnelle dans l'espace des répliques, le diagramme de phase peut être tracé en fonctions de deux paramètres : la force des interactions Bose-Bose et Bose-Fermi. La position et les propriétés des phases dépendent d'un paramètre additionnel, le rapport des vitesses du son de chaque composante du gaz. Quelque soit la valeur de ce rapport nous trouvons trois phases, (i) une phase totalement délocalisée, le liquide de Luttinger à deux composantes, (ii) une phase totalement localisée où les deux composantes sont accrochées par le désordre et (iii) une phase intermédiaire où seuls les fermions sont localisés. Le deuxième système est un gaz de bosons de cœur dur sur un réseau en échelle. Trois paramètres en contrôlent la physique : les amplitudes de saut transverse et longitudinale, et le remplissage. En utilisant plusieurs méthodes analytiques (théorie des perturbations, bosonisation et RG) nous proposons une interprétation de résultats numériques nouveaux obtenus par nos collaborateurs, notamment sur le paramètre de Luttinger du mode symétrique. Nous en déduisons un diagramme de phase en présence de désordre faible. / In this thesis we study two distinct problems related to the physics of quantum gases in one dimension. After writing a low-energy Hamiltonian, we address the question of localization by considering the pinning of density waves by weak disorder. Using the Renormalization Group and a variationnal method in replica space, we find that the phase diagram is adequately plotted as a function of two parameters: the strength of Bose-Bose and Bose-Fermi interactions. The position and properties of the various phases depend on an additional third parameter, the ratio of the phonon velocities of each component of the gas. Whatever the value of this ratio, we identify -- using the Renormalization Group and a variational calculation -- three types of phases, (i) a fully delocalized phase, that is a two-component Luttinger, (ii) a fully localized phase where both components are pinned by disorder and (iii) an intermediate phase where fermions are localized and bosons are superfluid. The second system is a two-leg ladder lattice of hardcore bosons. Three parameters control the physics: transverse and longitudinal tunneling and the filling. Using several analytical methods (perturbation theory, bosonization, RG) we give an interpretation of new numerical results obtained by our collaborators, namely on the Luttinger parameter of the symmetric mode. We deduce a phase diagram for weak disorder.

Etablissement du diagramme de phase de bosons bidimensionnels avec couplage spin-orbite / Finite temperature phases of two-dimensional spin-orbit-coupled bosons

Kawasaki, Eiji 20 October 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude théorique de phases exotiques dans un gaz dilué de bosons avec deux composantes (spins) en présence d'un couplage spin-orbite (SOC) entre ces deux états internes. En ajoutant ce dernier couplage à une description de type champs classiques de notre système, nous montrons que cette méthode permet de prédire le diagramme de phase à température finie de manière quantitative, efficace et fiable. Notre étude porte particulièrement sur un système de bosons bidimensionnels avec SOC dont nous dessinons le diagramme de phase en fonction de l'anisotropie du couplage spin-orbite ainsi que des interactions. Dans le cas d'un SOC anisotrope, une transition de phase de type Berenzinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless sépare une phase dite normale d'une phase superfluide à plus basse température. L'ordre des spins du quasi-condensat dans la phase superfluide est alors guidé par les interactions de contact dépendantes du spin. Elles favorisent l'apparition soit d'un état onde plane avec moment non-nul (PW) soit d'une superposition linéaire de deux ondes planes appelée état de bande (SP). Pour des interactions indépendantes du spin des particules, nos simulations indiquent une fractionalisation du quasi-condensat. Les états PW et SP restent alors dégénérés. Dans le cas d'un SOC isotrope, nos calculs n'indiquent aucune transition de phase à la limite thermodynamique et à température finie. Un changement de comportement non critique subsiste pour un nombre important mais fini d'atomes. / In this thesis, we theoretically study the occurrence of exotic phases in a dilute two component (spin) Bose gas with artificial spin-orbit coupling (SOC) between the two internal states. Including spin-orbit coupling in classical field Monte Carlo calculations, we show that this method can be used for reliable, quantitative predictions of the finite temperature phase diagram. In particular, we have focused on SOCed bosons in two spatial dimensions and established the phase diagram for isotropic and anisotropic SOC and interparticle interactions. In the case of anisotropic SOC, the system undergoes a Berenzinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition from a normal to a superfluid state at low temperature. The spin order of the quasicondensate in the low temperature superfluid phase is driven by the spin dependence of the interparticle interaction, favoring either the occurence of a single plane wave state at non-vanishing momentum (PW) or a linear sperposition of two plane waves with opposite momenta, called stripe phase (SP). For spin-independent interparticle interaction, our simulations indicate a fractionalized quasicondensate where PW and SP remain degenerate. For isotropic SOC, our calculations indicate that no true phase transition at finite temperature occurs in the thermodynamic limit, but a cross-over behavior remains visible for large, but finite number of atoms.

Mesure de la section efficace différentielle de production des bosons W et de l'asymétrie de charge avec l'expérience ATLAS à l'énergie dans le centre de masse de √ s=7 TeV / Measurement of the differential production cross section of W Bosons and Charge Asymmetry at √s = 7 TeV with the ATLAS Detector

Tsionou, Dimitra 24 July 2012 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente une mesure de la section efficace de production des bosons W et de l'asymétrie de charge dans les collisions proton-proton avec l'expérience ATLAS à une énergie dans le centre de masse de 7 TeV. Ces mesures posent des contraintes sur la fraction d'impulsion des protons portée par les partons qui contribuent à la production des bosons W et donc elles permettent d'ameliorer notre compréhension des fonctions de distribution de partons. Dans l'analyse, les événements de signal sont sélectionnés dans le canal électronique W −→eν . Le calorimètre électromagnétique à Argon Liquide joue un rôle important pour la détection des électrons. L'auteur de cette thèse a travaillé sur la reconstruction en ligne de l'énergie dans les détecteurs à LAr. Un aspect important pour les mesures liées à la charge électrique, comme l'asymétrie de charge du boson W, est l'évaluation du taux de misidentification de la charge pour des électrons et des positons. Dans ce manuscrit, la section efficace de production de bosons W multipliée par le rapport de branchement est présentée de façon inclusive, en fonction de la pseudorapidité du lepton, et comme mesure différentielle en deux dimensions (c'est à dire en fonction de la pseudorapidité et de l'énergie transverse du lepton). La mesure de l'asymétrie de charge est aussi présentée en fonction de la pseudorapidité du lepton uniquement et en fonction de la pseudorapidité et de l'énergie transverse du lepton. Les données ont été enregistrées par l'expérience ATLAS en 2011 et correspondent à 4.7 fb−1 . / This document presents a measurement of the production cross section of W bosons and of its charge asymmetry in proton-proton collisions at a centre of mass energy of 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector. These measurements provide information on the momentum fraction of the protons carried by the partons contributing to the W production and therefore allow to better understand the parton distribution functions of the proton. The W candidate events are selected in the W −→ eν decay mode. The LAr electromagnetic calorimeter plays an important role in the detection of electrons and the author has worked on the on-line energy reconstruction in the LAr detectors. A subject which is treated in some detail is the evaluation of the charge misidentification rates for electrons and positrons. This is a key ingredient for charge related measurements such as the W charge asymmetry. In this document, the W production cross section times the branching ratio is studied inclusively, as a function of the lepton pseudorapidity and as a double differential measurement as a function of the lepton pseudorapidity and transverse energy. The charge asymmetry measurement is presented as a function of the lepton pseudorapidity and as a double differential measurement as well. The data were recorded by the ATLAS detector in 2011 and correspond to 4.7 fb−1 .

The Late Light Show with Long-Lived Particles: A Search for Displaced and Delayed Diphoton and Dielectron Vertices at the LHC

Kennedy, Kiley Elizabeth January 2022 (has links)
The Standard Model of particle physics constitutes the most accurate and comprehensive known description of the fundamental building blocks of the universe. However, overwhelming evidence suggests that the theory is incomplete and that new physics may be hiding at the TeV-scale. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN probes these high-energy scales, opening a potential gateway to access physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Long-lived particles (LLPs) arise in many promising BSM theories, but they remain weakly constrained at the LHC. This thesis presents a novel search for displaced and delayed diphoton and dielectron vertices originating from the decay of a neutral LLP. The analysis uses the full LHC Run 2 dataset of pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 139 fb-1. The search harnesses the capabilities of the ATLAS Liquid Argon calorimeter to precisely measure the displacement and delay of the final state electromagnetic objects. The results are interpreted in a gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking model that features the pair-production of LLPs, with each LLP subsequently decaying into either a Higgs boson or a Z boson. Since no significant excess is observed above the background expectation, the results are used to set upper limits on the cross section of LLP pair-production for signals with an LLP mass between 100 and 725 GeV and lifetime between 0.25 ns and 1 μs. A model-independent limit is also set on the production of pairs of photons or electrons with a significantly delayed arrival at the calorimeter.

Catching Some Z's: A Search for Three Massive Vector Boson Production at the LHC

Williams, Daniel Mays January 2024 (has links)
A search for the production of three massive vector bosons with at least one Z boson is presented. 140 fb⁻¹ of pp collisions at center-of-mass energy sqrt(s) = 13 TeV collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC from 2015 to 2018 are analyzed. Events with three leptons and at least one reconstructed jet are discussed, targeting the WWZ → lνqqll and WZZ → lνqqll decay channels. Evidence for the searched-for production process is observed. Additional results demonstrating the combination of the three lepton search with searches including four or more leptons are shown. Pending the unblinding and combination of these results, there is potential for the discovery of the searched-for production process.

A measurement of triple gauge boson couplings in fully leptonic W decays

Lloyd, Alun Wyn January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

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