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La retraite spirituelle dans l'Ordre libanais maronite selon ses cofondateurs Qara'ali et Farhat : caractéristiques et actualisationsEl Hajj, Marine 23 November 2018 (has links)
La retraite spirituelle est une pause qui implique une rupture avec le train de vie ordinaire, dans un cadre plus ou moins isolé, silencieux et paisible, en vue de permettre une rencontre plus intime avec Dieu, au sein d’une expérience spirituelle intense. Elle est aujourd’hui un exercice spirituel présent dans toutes les Règles des ordres religieux. Ainsi en est-il dans l’Ordre libanais maronite. Qu’est-ce qui caractérise la retraite spirituelle dans cet Ordre, à la lumière des écrits de ses cofondateurs, et quelles en sont les perspectives actuelles ? Telle est la question posée dans ces pages. Pour y répondre, ce travail propose d’abord une incursion historique pour découvrir et comprendre l’émergence de cette pratique dans la tradition chrétienne proche-orientale. Suit une présentation de l’Ordre libanais maronite et de sa spiritualité. Ensuite est approfondie la lecture des écrits : Modèle des retraitants et La retraite spirituelle ou Note dans l’organisation de la retraite des retraitants que deux des cofondateurs de cet Ordre, ‘Abd Allāh Qara‘alī et Ğibrāyil Farḥāt, ont livrés sur le sujet. Enfin les caractéristiques sont présentées et mises à jour tout en les confrontant à quelques défis actuels d’ordre personnel, culturel, social et monastique. L’objectif de cette recherche est de donner des perspectives pour une retraite spirituelle, enracinée dans la tradition, actualisée et propre à l’Ordre libanais maronite. / A spiritual retreat means taking a break from one’s daily routine in an environment that is more or less isolated, silent and peaceful, in order to facilitate a more personal encounter with God through an intense spiritual experience. The retreat is now a spiritual exercise present in the Rules of all Religious Orders. This is the case with the Lebanese Maronite Order. What characterizes the spiritual retreat in that Order, in light of the writings of its cofounders, and what are its present perspectives? This is the question addressed in the following pages. To answer it, this research paper first delves into history to discover and understand the emergence of this practice in Near-Eastern Christian tradition. A presentation of the Lebanese Maronite Order and its spirituality followed. An analysis was then made of two writings — Model for retreatants [Modèle des retraitants] and The spiritual retreat, or Note for the organization of the retreat for retreatants [La retraite spirituelle ou Note dans l’organisation de la retraite des retraitants] — left by two of the co-founders of that Order, ‘Abd Allāh Qara‘alī and Ğibrāyil Farḥāt. Finally, the characteristics are presented and updated, in the context of contemporary personal, cultural, social and monastic challenges. The goal of this research paper is to offer perspectives for a spiritual retreat that is rooted in tradition yet updated and proper to the Lebanese Maronite Order.
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« Communion » ou « confusion » des états? : l'expérience des communautés nouvelles plurivocationnelles relue à la lumière de la notion d'« état » au concile Vatican IILier, Rick van 18 December 2019 (has links)
Durant la période qui a suivi la tenue du concile Vatican II (1962-1965), l’Église catholique a vu naître plus de 750 nouvelles communautés religieuses dans pas moins d’une quarantaine de pays à travers le monde. Parmi elles, nous retrouvons lesdites communautés nouvelles plurivocationnelles, représentant environ 24 % de l’ensemble. Composées d’hommes et de femmes, elles réunissent en une même appartenance communautaire et juridique des fidèles représentant l’ensemble des états constitués dans l’Église : des ministres ordonnés, en l’occurrence diacres et prêtres, des personnes laïques, célibataires ou mariées – dans certains cas avec leur famille –, ainsi que des personnes célibataires consacrées à Dieu au moyen des conseils évangéliques (chasteté, pauvreté, obéissance). Leur idéal : la communion des états. En cela, elles disent trouver dans l’enseignement de Vatican II leur source d’inspiration et de légitimation. Tandis que pour nombre de fondations plurivocationnelles l’expérience pluriétatique est marquée par des réussites, d’autres communautés, en revanche, ont connu des difficultés notables. L’idéal de la communion des états fut marqué par diverses formes et divers degrés de confusions et de tensions entre les états représentés. Quelle est la source, l’origine ou la cause des difficultés rencontrées et, le cas échéant, y en aurait-il plusieurs ? Quelles seraient, dès lors, les voies de résolution à envisager ? Prenant en compte les aspects psychosociologiques et canoniques liés à la problématique, l’étude se concentre prioritairement sur les aspects théologiques, nommément ecclésiologiques, impliqués. Sur ce plan, la notion d’« état » se révèle centrale et constitue la porte par laquelle les questions sont abordées. Partant des hypothèses attribuant les confusions et les tensions expérimentées à des méconnaissances identitaires de la part des membres concernés, à des lacunes définitoires relatives aux diverses notions étatiques employées, puis à la présence implicite mais agissante de principes, théoriques et pratiques, présidant à la détermination des états, l’étude présente une analyse de la notion d’« état » au concile Vatican II dans le but ultime d’éclairer, à la lumière du Concile, la problématique initiale. Passant en revue, à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse en dix catégories thématiques, l’ensemble des textes conciliaires se reportant à l’état des clercs, à l’état des laïques, à l’état des religieux, puis à l’état du célibat sanctionné par l’Église et à l’état du mariage sacramentel, le parcours proposé permet d’étayer une série de trois thèses relatives à l’enseignement de Vatican II au regard des états des fidèles, d’où ressortent un nombre équivalent de recommandations conclusives adressées aux communautés nouvelles plurivocationnelles. Premièrement, le Concile, grâce aux traits caractéristiques, communs et particuliers, qu’il attribue aux différents états concernés, permet d’éclairer positivement les méconnaissances identitaires pointées au départ. À cet égard, la contribution de l’étude consiste à mettre en relief ces traits caractéristiques disséminés à même les textes conciliaires. Il en ressort une première recommandation, consistant à connaître les traits de chacun des états, à partir des textes conciliaires, lus et interprétés au moyen des présentations descriptives offertes dans cette étude. Deuxièmement, le Concile, en ce que ses textes comportent un certain nombre d’imprécisions langagières et de lacunes définitoires, peut potentiellement ou possiblement contribuer aux confusions et aux tensions expérimentées. À cet égard, l’étude contribue à la résolution des difficultés visées en proposant des distinctions et des définitions palliatives. Il en ressort une seconde recommandation, consistant à faire un usage éclairé des notions se reportant aux états des fidèles, usage qui commande, au préalable, d’avoir distingué clairement et défini de manière univoque les termes employés. Troisièmement, le Concile, sans offrir de solutions immédiates, témoigne de la présence souvent implicite de déterminants principiels de nature diverse et de questions irrésolues requérant d’être traitées. À cet égard, l’étude contribue à la résolution des difficultés visées en pointant une série de huit principes en cause, en en nommant leurs multiples natures, en les rattachant aux divers états impliqués, puis en exposant les questions litigieuses qui s’y rapportent. Il en ressort une dernière recommandation, consistant à reprendre l’exercice mené et à tenter de trouver, sur cette base, des solutions appropriées. Enfin, de manière prospective et critique, l’étude s’intéresse aux notions de « communauté nouvelle plurivocationnelle », de « communion des états [de vie] » et de « laïques consacrées », en plus de proposer des axes théologiques et des avenues canoniques au profit des couples mariés engagés au sein des fondations plurivocationnelles. / During the period following the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), the Catholic Church saw the birth of more than 750 new religious communities in no fewer than forty countries around the world. Among them, we find the so called new plurivocational communities, representing about 24 % of all new communities. Composed of men and women, they bring together in the same community and legal membership faithful representing all the states constituted in the Church: ordained ministers, in this case deacons and priests; lay people, single or married, some with their families; and singles consecrated to God by means of evangelical counsels (chastity, poverty, obedience). The ideal of the plurivocational communities is the communion of states. In this, they say they find in the teaching of Vatican II their source of inspiration and legitimation. While for many plurivocational foundations the multi-state experience is marked by successes, other communities have experienced significant difficulties. The ideal of the communion of states was marked by various forms and degrees of confusion and tension between the states represented. What is the source, origin or cause of the difficulties encountered ? Would there be more than one ? What are the avenues of resolution to consider ? Taking into account the psychosociological and canonical aspects related to the problematic, the study focuses primarily on the theological aspects, namely ecclesiological, involved. In this regard, the notion of “state” is central and is the frame through which issues are addressed. The study presents an analysis of the notion of “state” at the Second Vatican Council with the ultimate goal of illuminating, in the light of the Council, the initial problematic. Its hypotheses attribute the confusion and tensions experienced by the members concerned to misunderstandings of their respective identities, to deficiencies relating to the various concepts of state, and to implicit but active theoretical and practical principles defining the different states. Using a grid of analysis in ten thematic categories, the study reviews all the conciliar texts referring to the state of the clergy, to the state of the laity, to the state of the religious, to the state of celibacy sanctioned by the Church and to the state of sacramental marriage. The proposed method supports a series of three theses relating to the teaching of Vatican II with regard to the states of the faithful, from which stand out an equivalent number of concluding recommendations addressed to new plurivocational communities. Firstly, thanks to the common and particular characteristic features which it attributes to the various states concerned, the Council makes it possible to shed positive light on the misunderstanding of identities pointed out at the outset. In this respect, the contribution of the study is to highlight these characteristic features disseminated in the conciliar texts. The first recommendation is to know the features of each state, based on the conciliar texts, read and interpreted through the descriptive presentations offered in this study. Secondly, the Council, in that its texts contain a certain number of linguistic imprecisions and definitional gaps, can potentially or possibly contribute to the confusion and tensions experienced. In this respect, the study contributes to the resolution of the difficulties concerned by proposing distinctions and palliative definitions. A second recommendation emerges, which consists in making an informed use of the notions referring to the states of the faithful, a practice which requires, beforehand, to have clearly distinguished and unequivocally defined the terms used. Thirdly, the Council, without offering immediate solutions, testifies to the often implicit presence of principled determinants of various kinds and unresolved issues needing to be looked at. In this regard, the study contributes to the resolution of the difficulties by pointing out a series of eight principles and naming their multiple natures, connecting them to the various states involved, and then exposing the contentious issues related to them. A final recommendation is to resume the exercise and to find appropriate solutions on that new basis. Finally, in a prospective way, the study critically engages the notions of “new plurivocational community”, “communion of states [of life]” and “consecrated lay people”, in addition to proposing theological axes and canonical avenues for the benefit of married couples committed to the plurivocational foundations.
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Le sangha de la forêt d'Ajahn Chah : l'innovation religieuse au service d'un monachisme bouddhique thaïlandais implanté en OccidentGuillemette, François 12 July 2018 (has links)
Ajahn Chah (1918-1992) est un maître de méditation appartenant à la tradition bouddhique thaïlandaise des moines de la forêt. À partir de la fin des années 1960 jusqu’à ce qu’il tombe gravement malade au début des années 1980, Ajahn Chah offre une formation monastique à plusieurs dizaines d’Occidentaux. Dans la vague de l’engouement occidental pour le bouddhisme, il est invité en Angleterre à la fin des années 1970 pour y établir un monastère. Son principal disciple occidental, Ajahn Sumedho, en assurera la direction. L’implantation réussit, et d’autres monastères sont ensuite fondés dans plusieurs pays d’Europe, d’Amérique du Nord et d’Océanie. Malgré son conservatisme notoire, la lignée a mis en oeuvre plusieurs innovations pour s’adapter et assurer sa pérennité en terre occidentale, d’une part dans son propre fonctionnement interne afin de faciliter l’implantation, et d’autre part à l’intérieur des enseignements dispensés. Nous analysons ces innovations en termes de stratégies afin de mettre en lumière le dynamisme de la lignée et de situer celle-ci au sein de la constellation bouddhique occidentale contemporaine.
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Andrew of Caesarea and the Apocalypse in the ancient Church of the EastConstantinou, Eugenia Scarvelis 12 April 2018 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of the most important Greek patristic commentary on the Book of Revelation, composed in 611 by Andrew, "Archbishop of Caesarea, Cappadocia. The dissertation consists of two parts: Part 1, Studies on the Apocalypse Commentary of Andrew of Caesarea, and Part 2, Translation of the Apocalypse Commentary of Andrew of Caesarea. Part 1, Studies on the Apocalypse Commentary of Andrew of Caesarea, consists of an analysis of the commentary and an explanation of the Book of Revelation in the history of Eastern Christianity. Chapter 1 is an introduction to the commentary and to the historical context, audience, purpose and motivation for its composition. Chapter 2 discusses the Book of Revelation in the canon of Eastern Christianity through an historical overview of the place of Revelation in the canon of the East from the second century through the present day. The chapter considers which factors accounted for the early and immediate appeal of Revelation, examines the attitudes toward it as revealed in primary sources, and demonstrates that the Apocalypse was consistently recognized as an apostolic document from the second century through the early fourth century. Revelation eventually came under attack due to its association with controversies such as Montanism and chiliasm. Doubts about its authorship were raised to discredit it in order to undermine the controversial movements which relied upon it. It remained in an uncertain canonical status until relatively recently and is now presumed to be part of the New Testament by most Eastern Christians but the question of its status in the canon has never been "officially" resolved. Chapter 3 explains the importance of the commentary from a text-critical perspective and for the purpose of studying the history of the Apocalypse text itself. A large percentage of Apocalypse manuscripts contain the Andréas commentary, which has preserved a text type of its own, and the study of the Andréas text type facilitates the analysis and evaluation of other text types by comparison. This chapter also discusses the dual textual transmission of the Book of Revelation, unique among the books of the New Testament, since manuscripts of Revelation are found both in scriptural collections as well as bound with a variety of spiritual and profane writings. Chapter 4 discusses Andrew's commentary in the context of the trajectory of other ancient Apocalypse commentaries, East and West, and how the interpretative history proceeded along a dual stream of tradition. The first commentators greatly influenced those who followed them, but only those who wrote in the same language. The Latin tradition did not influence Greek interpreters, nor vice-versa, and commonalities between Greek and Latin writers can be traced back to the earliest Fathers and to the perspectives, Scriptures, exegetical techniques and traditions common to both East and West from the first centuries of Christianity. Chapter 5 commences an evaluation of the commentary itself, including Andrew's purpose, motivation and orientation, as well as a discussion of the structure, style and characteristics of the commentary. This chapter also explains Andrew's methodology, techniques and use of sources. Chapter 6 explores Andrew's theology, including his doctrine, view of prophecy, history, eschatology, angelology and salvation. Chapter 7 reviews Andrew's influence on subsequent Eastern commentators, the translation of his commentary into other ancient languages, its impact on the reception of the Book of Revelation into the Eastern canon and the commentary's lasting pre-eminence and importance. Part 2 of the dissertation, Translation of the Apocalypse Commentary of Andrew of Caesarea, is an English translation of the commentary with extensive explanatory footnotes.
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Formation de disciples dans un contexte de nouvelle évangélisation : élaboration d'un modèle d'intervention en coaching d'apprentissageAuger, Jean-Philippe 23 April 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte de nouvelle évangélisation, convertis et recommençants frappent à la porte de l’Église pour recevoir une formation. L’intervenant-chercheur a pris acte de ce besoin de formation en milieu paroissial. C’est pourquoi il s’est engagé dans une pratique de formation peu connue dans l’Église catholique appelée « formation de disciples ». Les formateurs protestants évangéliques misent sur la relation d’apprentissage, sachant que « tout disciple bien formé sera comme son maître » (Luc 6, 40), c’est-à-dire apte à former des disciples à son tour. Voilà pourquoi ceux-ci parlent de multiplication en actualisant le passage de 2 Timothée 2, 2 : « Ce que tu as appris de moi en présence de nombreux témoins, confie-le à des hommes fidèles qui seront eux-mêmes capables de l’enseigner encore à d’autres ». Sur cette base, l’intervenant-chercheur a répondu à la question suivante : « Quelles sont les compétences du formateur de disciples qui favorisent la multiplication? ». Une revue de la littérature évangélique a permis de constater que peu de praticiens ont défini ces compétences. Traditionnellement, la relation pédagogique est conçue de manière unilatérale, de formateur à disciple. Au terme d’une recherche-action, l’intervenant-chercheur a découvert que la relation pédagogique avait intérêt à se concevoir de manière bilatérale, comme une relation partenariale. Une analyse praxéologique a mis au jour les lacunes de la pratique de l’intervenant-chercheur en termes de compétences relationnelles. De telles compétences sont assimilables à celles exercées en coaching. L’interprétation théologique a conduit à les mettre en corrélation avec les compétences exercées par Jésus dans l’Évangile selon Matthieu. Une relecture critique avec l’énoncé de compétences de la Fédération internationale de coaching a permis de formuler douze compétences relationnelles. Des applications pastorales ont été dégagées pour chacune d’elles. Ces compétences ont permis d’élaborer un modèle d’intervention comprenant un modèle de formation qui pave la voie à un nouveau modèle d’Église. Le modèle de formation axé sur l’apprentissage s’appuie sur une relecture des Évangiles à l’aide de la théorie du leadership situationnel de Hersey et Blanchard. Le modèle de l’Église communauté de disciples s’inspire des travaux de la Conférence des évêques latino-américains à Aparecida (2007).
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Importance de la relâche polarisée des rétrovirus dans la transmission viraleDeschambeault, Julie January 1998 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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O BBT-Br e a avaliação da personalidade: um estudo de validação com adolescentes / The BBT-Br and Personality Assessment: a validation study with adolescents.Bordão-Alves, Daniele Palomo 05 September 2008 (has links)
A satisfação com o exercício profissional é reconhecidamente associada ao processo de sua escolha, dependendo de fatores da dinâmica interna do indivíduo. Estudos científicos têm encontrado relação entre traços de personalidade e interesses profissionais, aspectos ainda pouco investigados no contexto sócio-cultural brasileiro. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho objetivou examinar possível associação entre interesses, inclinações profissionais e características de personalidade de adolescentes em momento de escolha profissional, a partir das indicações técnicas de dois instrumentos de avaliação psicológica: Teste de Fotos de Profissões (BBT-Br) e Escalas de Personalidade Comrey (CPS). Almejou-se, portanto e a partir da análise de correlação entre variáveis destes dois instrumentos de avaliação psicológica, evidenciar a validade de indicadores do BBT-Br a partir das evidências empíricas obtidas pela CPS. Após consentimento formal, foram avaliados 107 estudantes do terceiro ano do ensino médio público diurno de Ribeirão Preto (SP), 50 do sexo masculino e 57 do sexo feminino, com idade entre 16 e 18 anos, todos com sinais de desenvolvimento típico. Como instrumentos foram utilizados: um questionário de história de vida (para seleção dos participantes), o BBT-Br (forma masculina e feminina) e a CPS. Inicialmente foi realizada a aplicação coletiva da CPS, em sala de aula, e posterior aplicação individual do BBT-Br, em local apropriado para avaliação psicológica. A aplicação e avaliação desses instrumentos seguiram os padrões e os referenciais normativos específicos dos respectivos manuais. Os resultados foram inicialmente apresentados de modo descritivo, na tentativa de caracterizar o desempenho global médio dos adolescentes no BBT-Br e na CPS, sendo depois realizadas análises estatísticas inferenciais sobre estes dados. A análise comparativa dos atuais resultados da CPS com as normas originais brasileiras (para adultos), por meio do Teste t de Student (p 0,05), evidenciou diferenças significativas entre ambas, confirmando a necessidade de normas específicas da CPS para adolescentes. Quanto ao BBT-Br, a caracterização da estrutura primária de interesses dos adolescentes mostrou especificidades técnicas em função do sexo. O grupo feminino sinalizou um perfil de interesses dirigido a atividades relacionadas ao cuidado e ao envolvimento nas relações interpessoais, enquanto o grupo masculino sinalizou preferência por atividades dinâmicas e de movimentação física, atividades de reconhecimento pessoal, além de tarefas envolvendo raciocínio abstrato, comunicação e precisão. Tanto o grupo masculino quanto o feminino rejeitaram atividades implicando em força física e em agressividade, assim como a concretude no trabalho e ambientes repetitivos e monótonos para atividades profissionais. O grupo masculino sinalizou ainda rejeição por tarefas envolvendo sensibilidade e subjetividade. Comparando-se, por meio dos Testes t de Student e Qui-Quadrado (p 0,05), os resultados atuais do BBT-Br a seus respectivos padrões normativos, pode-se notar semelhança no desempenho dos adolescentes, confirmando evidências de estruturas motivacionais estáveis entre adolescentes do contexto sócio-cultural avaliado. A investigação específica da relação entre interesses e inclinações profissionais (dados do BBT-Br) e características de personalidade (dados da CPS), realizada por correlações de Pearson, p 0,05, apontou para índices significativos entre algumas variáveis destas técnicas de avaliação psicológica, porém de baixa magnitude. Estes índices apontaram, portanto, a existência de aspectos em comum entre as variáveis examinadas pelo BBT-Br e pela CPS, com alguma convergência entre seus resultados, porém sugerindo interferência importante de outras variáveis psicológicas na dinâmica individual inerente às escolhas profissionais e às características de personalidade. / Satisfaction with professional exercise is widely associated to the latters choice process, which depends on factors related to the individuals internal dynamics. Scientific studies have been finding a relationship between personality traits and professional interests; such aspects are not very investigated in the brazilian sociocultural context, though. This way, the present study aimed to examine the possible association among interests, professional inclinations and personality characteristics of adolescents, during the moment they are choosing their careers. In order to do so, the technical indicators of two psychological assessment tools were used: The BBT-Br (Profession Photos Test - Teste de Fotos de Profissões) and the Comrey Personality Scales (CPS). The intention was, so, based on a correlation analysis of both tools indicators, to evidence the validity of the BBT-Brs indicators from empiric evidence obtained through CPS. After formal consent, 107 last-year high school students were assessed. The students were from day-shift public school in Ribeirão Preto (São Paulo Brazil); 50 of them were male and 57 female, with ages varying from 16-18 years old and typical developmental indicators. The following tools were used: a life-history questionnaire for participants selection, both male and female forms of the BBT-Br and the CPS. First, the CPS had been applied in a collective session in class. The BBT-Br was then applied individually, in an appropriate room for psychological assessment. Both applying and correction of the tests followed the standards and norms form their respective manuals. The results were initially presented descriptively, in order to characterize the adolescents global performance on both BBT-Br and the CPS. Later, inferential statistical analyses were performed over the data. The comparative analysis of the present CPS results with the original brazilian norms (for adults), using Students T Test (p 0,05), showed significant differences between them, which confirms the need for specific CPS norms for adolescents. As for the BBT-Br, the characterization of adolescents primary interests structure showed technical specifications related to gender. The female group showed an interest profile focused in care-related activities and involvement in interpersonal relationships, while the male group showed preference for activities which were dynamic and related to physical movement and promoted personal acknowledgement, besides activities involving abstract thinking, communication and precision. Both male and female groups rejected activities related to physical strength and aggressiveness, as well as concreteness at work and repetitive and monotonous work environments for professional activities. The male group also showed rejection for activities involving sensitiveness and subjectivity. Comparing the results obtained on the BBT-Br with its normative patterns, using Students T and Chi-Square Tests (p 0,05), it is possible to note similarities in the adolescents performances, which confirms the evidences of stable motivational structures in adolescents of the sociocultural context assessed. The specific investigation regarding the relationship between interests and professional inclinations (BBT-Br data) and personality characteristics (CPS data), which was performed using Pearson correlation coefficient (p 0,05), showed significant indexes between some variables from these psychological assessment tools, although these indexes magnitude was low. These data shows, thus, common aspects between BBT-Brs and CPS variables, with some convergence between their results. However, data also suggest an important interference of aspects related to individual psychological variables which are inherent to professional choices and personality characteristics.
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O teste de fotos de profissões (BBT-Br) em adolescentes: evidências psicométricas / The Berufsbilder-Test BBT-Br among teenagers: Psychometric evidencesBarrenha, Rafael Paz Landim 12 December 2011 (has links)
O Teste de Fotos de Profissões (BBT-Br) constitui-se como método projetivo de avaliação psicológica de inclinações motivacionais e interesses. De origem suíça, este instrumento foi adaptado ao Brasil e estudado nas últimas três décadas, buscando seu aperfeiçoamento no contexto brasileiro. Em consonância com esta meta, o presente trabalho objetivou elaborar novos referenciais normativos para as duas versões (feminina e masculina) do instrumento, examinando-se possível efeito da origem e série escolar sobre a produção de adolescentes do Ensino Médio brasileiro, potenciais solicitantes de Orientação Vocacional/Profissional, onde este instrumento tem apresentado positivos e relevantes resultados. Além disso, este estudo buscou identificar evidências empíricas de validade fatorial e precisão para a forma masculina e a feminina do BBT-Br. Foram examinados 1582 protocolos do BBT-Br (em suas duas versões), sendo 862 estudantes do sexo feminino e 720 do sexo masculino, com idades entre 14 e 19 anos, da 1ª, 2ª e 3ª séries do ensino médio de escolas públicas e particulares de cidade do interior paulista. Estes casos foram retirados de Banco de Dados colecionado no Centro de Pesquisas em Psicodiagnóstico da Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto. Os resultados foram elaborados em função da versão do BBT-Br (feminina ou masculina), descrevendo-os de modo a compor novos padrões normativos para este método projetivo, focalizando índices de produtividade e estruturas de inclinação motivacional (positivas e negativas) dos adolescentes, realizando-se comparações inferenciais (ANOVA One way) em função do sexo, da procedência escolar (particular ou pública) e da série escolar. A precisão das duas versões do BBT-Br foi estimada por sua consistência interna (Alfa de Cronbach) e foram realizadas análises fatoriais exploratórias (por meio da Principal Axis Factoring - PAF, com rotação Varimax) dos resultados, determinando-se extrações de quatro, cinco, seis, sete e oito fatores para testar o melhor modelo ao conjunto dos dados. Uma vez selecionada a extração mais representativa, foi verificada a consistência interna dos fatores encontrados. Os resultados apontaram diferenças significativas no modo dos adolescentes selecionarem fotos representativas de interesses e rejeições de atividades profissionais, indicando especificidades no modo de responder ao BBT-Br em função do sexo, origem e série escolar. A precisão variou entre 0,57 e 0,82, indicando bons índices de fidedignidade para as duas formas do BBT-Br. Os resultados das PAFs realizadas apontaram para a extração de seis fatores como mais representativa dos dados do BBT-Br, formas feminina e masculina, com precisão variando entre 0,72 e 0,90, indicando bons índices de fidedignidade para esta extração fatorial. As atuais evidências empíricas, de modo geral, indicaram adequados índices psicométricos para este instrumento projetivo, agregando valor científico e qualificando o uso do BBT-Br no contexto sócio-cultural brasileiro, reforçando suas possibilidades informativas sobre inclinações motivacionais e interesses em estudantes do ensino médio. / The Berufsbilder Test, BBT-Br, is a projective method of psychological assessment for motivational inclinations and interests. This Swiss instrument was adapted for use in Brazil and has been studied for the last three decades, in the pursuit of its improvement for the Brazilian background. In line with this goal, the present work sought to formulate new normative references for both instrument versions (female and male), evaluating the possible effect of school grade and origin on the teenagers production. The sample was composed by Brazilian high school teenagers, potential applicants for Vocational / Professional Guidance, where this instrument has presented positive relevant results. Furthermore, this study aimed to identify empirical evidences of factorial validity and accuracy for both male and female BBT-Br forms. Were examined 1582 protocols from both versions of BBT-Br, from which 862 were female students and 720 were male students, ages from 14 to 19 years old, from 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. They studied in both public and private schools from the interior of the state of São Paulo (Brazil). These cases were from a databank collected in the Research Center in Psychodiagnostic from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters from Ribeirão Preto. The results were prepared according to the BBT-Br versions, describing them in the way to compose new normative standards for this projective method, focusing productivity indexes and motivational inclination structure (positive and negative) from the teenagers, performing inferential comparisons (One way ANOVA) on gender, academic origination (public or private) and school grade. The accuracy of both BBT-Br versions was estimated by its inner consistency (Cronbachs Alfa) and exploratory factorial analysis (Principal Axis Factoring PAF, with Varimax rotation) from the results were performed, determining extractions of four, five, six, seven and eight factors to test the best model to the data series. Once the most representative extraction was selected, the inner consistency of the found factors was verified. The results pointed to significant differences in the way teenagers select representative pictures of interests and rejections of professional activities, indicating specificities in the way of answering to the BBT-Br on gender, origin and school grade. The accuracy varied from 0,57 to 0,82, indicating good reliability indexes for both BBT-Br forms. The PAFs results pointed to a six factors extraction as the most representative of the data with accuracy from 0,72 to 0,90, indicating good reliability indexes for this factorial extraction. Current empirical evidences, altogether, indicated appropriate psychometric indexes to this projective instrument, adding scientific value and qualifying the use of BBT-Br in Brazilian socio-cultural context, reinforcing its informative possibilities about motivation inclinations and interests in high school students.
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Previous issue date: 2017-03-07 / This study seeks to determine the economic and social impacts that highway
infrastructure projects caused in cities in the state of Mato Grosso, situated along the
BR 158 Highway, such as Barra do Garças, Água Boa, Canarana and Confresa, in
the period from 2000 to 2014. Firstly, the role of highway infrastructure investments
in promoting the expansion of large monocultures, such as soybeans and corn, was
identified. Then, the socioeconomic profile of the region of influence of the BR 158
Highway was characterized, encompassing demography, flow of employment,
economic production, exports and imports of the cities, and other items. The study
also verified the effects of highway infrastructure investments in the cities in question,
in relation to small and medium-sized industrial and commercial segments. Lastly, it
identified the goods that are transported and the highway support conditions from the
perspective of truck drivers. The methodology used, which was quantitative and
qualitative in nature, was supported by instruments, such as observation, interviews,
document research and a literature review, with the data presented in the form of
comments and tables. In assessing the economic and social impacts of the
production changes in the Brazilian cerrado (tropical savanna ecoregion), as a result
of highway infrastructure projects, the objective is to help explain the process of
regional integration in Mato Grosso, in the current period, and chart it for the
upcoming years, based on the infrastructure projects in question. / Com este trabalho procurou-se descobrir quais os impactos econômicos e sociais
que as obras de infraestrutura viária desencadearam em municípios matogrossenses,
situados ao longo da rodovia BR 158, como Barra do Garças, Água
Boa, Canarana e Confresa, no período compreendido entre 2000 e 2014.
Primeiramente, identificou-se o papel dos investimentos em infraestrutura rodoviária
no estímulo à expansão das grandes monoculturas agrícolas, soja e milho. Na
sequência, fez-se uma caracterização do perfil socioeconômico da região de
influência da rodovia BR 158, abrangendo demografia, fluxo de emprego, produção
econômica, exportação e importação dos municípios, entre outros. Também
identificou-se a repercussão dos investimentos em infraestrutura rodoviária nos
municípios em questão, para os pequenos e médios segmentos industriais e
comerciais e, para finalizar, identificaram-se as mercadorias que são transportadas e
as condições de suporte da rodovia na perspectiva dos caminhoneiros. A
metodologia utilizada, de natureza quanti-qualitativa, foi auxiliada por instrumentos,
como: a observação, a entrevista, a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, sendo os
dados apresentados, em forma de comentário e de tabelas. Ao avaliar os impactos
econômicos e sociais das transformações produtivas, na área do cerrado brasileiro,
derivados das obras de infraestrutura de rodovias, esperou-se contribuir para
explicar a natureza do processo de integração regional em Mato Grosso, no período
atual, e projetá-lo para os próximos anos, com base nas obras de infraestrutura em
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Mapeamento geotécnico dos principais condicionantes de ruptura de taludes de corte da duplicação da BR-116 entre São Lourenço do Sul e Barra do Ribeiro (RS) / Mapping the geotechnical controlling factors for sliding road cuts during the BR-116 duplication beyween São Lourenço do Sul and Barra do Ribeiro (RS)Ziebell, Arthur January 2017 (has links)
A BR 116, no Rio Grande do Sul, perfaz uma extensão total de 653,8 quilômetros, iniciando na divisa entre SC e RS, na ponte sobre o Rio Pelotas, entre Lajes e Vacaria, prolongando-se até Jaguarão. A sua importância econômica no estado decorre do fato de ser um corredor que liga o norte do Rio Grande do Sul ao porto de Rio Grande (através da BR 392) e à fronteira com o Uruguai. A duplicação da BR-116 visa o escoamento da produção até o Porto de Rio Grande e a distribuição de produtos e bens que ingressam pelo Porto ou pela fronteira. Atualmente, as obras de duplicação encontram-se executadas em 50-60 % e parcialmente paralisadas (cada trecho/lote tem uma situação diferente). Este trabalho dedicou-se ao mapeamento geotécnico dos condicionantes de ruptura dos taludes de cortes rodoviários da BR-116, entre os municípios de São Lourenço do Sul e Barra do Ribeiro (RS). A investigação ocorreu por meio da análise dos taludes em campo, estudando as relações geológicas e pedológicas que condicionam as instabilidades situadas ao longo do trecho entre os quilômetros 332 e 477. O mapeamento geotécnico executado incluiu o levantamento da localização geográfica (coordenadas geográficas, e km da rodovia) de todos os cortes de estrada (taludes) existentes no trecho escolhido, bem como o levantamento fotográfico e a coleta de dados como altura, inclinação, extensão, cota altimétrica, medidas estruturais, medidas e descrição dos horizontes pedogenéticos, problemas geotécnicos, comportamento mecânico, fluxo de água superficial, nível do lençol freático, descrição geológica, descrição do nível de intemperismo e coleta de amostra para ensaios geotécnicos e difratometria de raios X Após as descrições de campo, os talude 8, 15 e 30 foram definidos como taludes representativos para análise mineralógica através de difração de raios X e caracterização dos argilo-minerais através de microscópio eletrônico de varredura. O talude 8 ainda contou com ensaios de cisalhamento direto para caracterização geomecânica do horizonte C. Esta análise permitiu definir que o principal condicionante para as rupturas de taludes na BR-116, trecho Sul, está na exposição do horizonte C, que induz diferentes tipos de processos erosivos sobre o mesmo. As investigações mostraram que a exposição do horizonte C faz com que a água da chuva aja na erosão direta do sopé do talude, ou na formação de canaletas e piping pela remoção de finos, os quais evoluem para bossorocas. As estruturas geológicas reliquiares preenchidas por caulinita também incrementam os processos erosivos, pela retirada da base estrutural de todo o corte. Assim, os horizontes A e B e a vegetação logo acima perdem sustentação e a gravidade determina o rompimento do talude em escorregamentos rotacionais. A continuidade dos eventos pluviométricos e, portanto, dos processos erosivos induzem novas rupturas em alguns taludes, ou na erosão direta do material escorregado para a base do talude, removendo material para as drenagens adjacentes. / The BR-116 is one of the most important longitudinal highways in Rio Grande do Sul state (RS, Brazil). The highway has 653.8 kilometers, starting at the bridge over the Pelotas River, and extending to Jaguarão city. It is part of an important economic corridor, that connects the north of RS to the Rio Grande Harbor (through BR 392) and Uruguay border. Therefore, the importance of the highway to the economic outflow from the state. The BR-116 duplication effort is actually halfway to the end, each segment in a different situation, and is slowly going on. This work was focused on mapping the geotechnical controlling factor for road cuts slidings, that occurred between São Lourenço do Sul and Barra do Ribeiro municipalities (RS) along BR-116 highway. The geotechnical investigation was carried out through fieldworks road cut slopes analysis, which included geology and pedology slopes characterization along the 332 and 477 kilometer of the BR-116 highway. The geotechnical field mapping procedures include recording and analyzing the geographic location (geodetic coordinates, and altimeter), photographic survey, and mainly the height, inclination, extension, structural features measurements, measure and description of pedogenetic horizons, geotechnical problems, mechanical behavior, surface water flow, groundwater level, geological description, description of weathering level and sample collection for all road cut slopes that show sliding or erosional features. The slopes numbered 8, 15 and 30 were defined as representative slopes for mineralogical analysis (X-ray diffraction and scanning electronic microscope) This analyses allowed to define that the main controlling factor for the road cut sliding along BR-116 under duplication is the exposure of the pedogenetic C horizon, since this enables different erosional processes upon it. The investigation has shown that the rainwater can acts directly on the footwall erosion, or even in the formation of channels and piping, which evolve to ravines. The relict geological structures weathered to kaolinite additionally contribute to the erosion processes. In such a scenario, the decreasing structural support due to C horizon erosion enable gravity to act upon pedogenetic A and B horizons, as well as on the vegetation cover just above, and cause rotational sliping on the road cut slopes. The subsequent pluviometric events contribute to additional direct erosion on slope footwall, to material removal to adjacent drainage channels, and, consequently, to repeated sliping in some slopes.
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