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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die toetsing van 'n sakeplanraamwerk by 'n eiendomsontwikkelaar

Vos, W.L. 24 August 2012 (has links)
M.Comm. / In a changing world, adaptation is essential to survival. This holds particularly true for businesses in view of the increasing responsibility entailed upon their management by the globalisation of trade and technology. Planning for the future is crucial, and proper planning methods must be implemented to meet challenges successfully. One of the most important planning methods is the Business Plan, which can be used according to the particular needs and objectives of a business. In South Africa, the requirements of the Government's Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) have made it necessary for companies to plan better than ever before - especially in terms of the major RDP objective of making affordable housing available to all the country's citizens. This study is an investigation into the development and implementation of a framework for a Business Plan for SouthNet Projects, a property development company whose objective is to provide housing at the so-called lower end of the market. The chief aims of this study have been to: determine whether the Business Plan of SouthNet Projects meets all the requirements for drawing venture capital into the business; develop a framework for a Business Plan that can be utilised for measuring the content and standard of an overall or comprehensive Business Plan so that improvements can be effected where necessary. The methodology involved a comparative study in which Business Planning, as reflected in eight authors/institutions, was analysed. This analysis was used for drawing up a framework according to which the Business Plan of S?uthNet Projects could be measured. It was found that the existing Business Plan was indeed a sound one in that it: generally measured up to required standards; addressed all the essential aspects; was drafted by professionals thoroughly acquainted with the industry. However, certain shortcomings - inter alia the following - were identified: A "standard" (overall or comprehensive) Business Plan was lacking. Some aspects recurred repeatedly under different headings, a problem that could be remedied by grouping related topics (marketing, for instance) under the same heading ("Marketing). The executive summary needed to be remoulded to ensure that the readers' attention would immediately be caught. It is recommended that, although the variedness of the nature and purpose of industries makes it difficult to formulate a standard Business Plan, the framework developed should be integrated with other business plans as far as possible in an attempt to approach the ideal of a standard plan.

Ensuring succesful ERP implementations using the vision-to-project framework

Marnewick, Carl 15 September 2011 (has links)
PhD. (Computer Science) / Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems are implemented within organisations to enable them to work more efficiently and enhance productivity. They also ensure that different levels of information are available to managers within the organisation for strategic and tactical decision-making. The implementation of ERP systems is often associated with great costs, they are resource intensive and cover the whole organisation. The implementation of ERP systems is perceived as a project that often fails owing to overrun on cost and time. The return on investment (ROI) is also often questioned once an ERP system has been implemented, since the organisation does not always see the benefits of the ERP system versus the effort and cost of implementing it. The purpose of this thesis is twofold: firstly it determines what an ERP system is and whether it can be subdivided into different components. The focus of this section is on the operational side of an ERP system to determine how it is managed and operated within an organisation. The second focus is on the way that ERP systems are implemented and the management that goes hand in hand with this implementation. The first focus area is addressed by developing a model that explains ERP and the different components within it. It describes the interactions between the different components and how the ERP system affects the organisation. This model provides a better understanding of an ERP system and shows the technology to be mature. The second focus area is addressed by a framework that assists organisations in deriving projects from the organisational vision. This ensures that the implementation of an ERP system will directly support the organisation’s vision and strategies. This addresses the issue of determining the value of the ERP system as well as ROI. The framework also provides alternative ways and methods that can be used to implement ERP systems. The value of this research is firstly that it provides a holistic model of what constitutes an ERP system and its effect on the organisation. ERP systems change not only the financial systems, but also the way the organisation operates. They introduce organisational change. The value of the framework is that it can assist organisations in identifying and implementing projects that will enable the implementation of the organisation’s vision and strategies. This will eliminate any favoured projects that are not in support of the organisation’s vision and can save the organisation’s scarce resources that would have been wasted on these projects. The framework can also assist organisations in determining if they must implement an ERP system and what value this implementation will have for the organisation.

The role of management in effective knowledge and skills transfer

Buys, Neil Armstrong 01 May 2013 (has links)
Ph.D. (Leadership Performance and Change) / Organisations worldwide have made substantial investments in the training of their employees even though it is generally understood that only a small amount of learning is usually transferred to the work environment. The knowledge of the extent of employer investments in training compared to the benefits that accrue from this training for the organisation underlies the continuous debate concerning the return on investment and the effectiveness of the transfer of learning. Learning Transfer is defined as the application of knowledge, skills and attitudes learned from training and the subsequent maintenance of it over a period of time. This paucity of learning transfer, in spite of the substantial investment in training by employers, must be considered against the reality of organisations continuously being confronted by demands emanating from developments such as globalisation. Equally, technological developments necessitate change in the nature of work and consequently in the knowledge and skills required by employees to perform the work, as well as for organisations to remain globally competitive. The aim of this study is to determine whether a causal relationship exists between management support for learning and the effectiveness of learning transfer. In pursuance of finding causes for the lack of learning transfer, the study has the further objective of determining whether management support could be elevated above other differentiators, such as motivation of the trainee, training design and the workplace or organisational climate factors. The study is premised on the perception that management exercises a great deal of influence over their employees and that they determine organisational outcomes because of their decision-making authority. This gave rise to the presumption that management plays a leading role in ensuring that effective learning transfer is achieved and that the nature and extent of management‟s influence determines whether effective and efficient learning transfer is realised.

Ontbondeling en swart ekonomiese bemagtiging in Suid-Afrika in perspektief

Geldenhuys, M. L. 11 February 2014 (has links)
M.Com. (Financial Management) / Ontbondeling kan met reg as die sake-onderwerp van 1993 in SA beskryf word. Die siening word gesteun deur Clarke (1994) in sy artikel "Year of unbundling", waarin hy ontbondeling as die grootste kenmerk van die korporatiewe finansieringsakiwiteite van die groot banke in SA gedurende 1993 beskryf. In die voorwoord van die 1993-weergawe van "The Giants" (bylae by Financial Mail) word ontbondeling as die hoofrede vir "the most significant shake-up of corporate SA's shareholding structure" sedert die eerste publikasie van die bylae beskryf (Anon., 1993j:3). Indien ontbondeling as die sake-onderwerp van 1993 in SA beskou word, kan swart ekonomiese bemagtiging as die sake-onderwerp van 1994 in SA beskou word. Ontbondeling en swart ekonomiese bemagtiging was nie net die twee belangrikste onderwerpe van korporatiewe finansieringsaktiwiteite in SA gedurende die afgelope twee jaar nie, maar moontlik ook die twee onderwerpe wat die meeste gedurende die periode in die SA sakewereld bespreek is. Daar het in die proses verskeie wanindrukke oar die twee begrippe ontstaan en die hoofredes daarvoor was waarskynlik eerstens dat beide onderwerpe op een of ander wyse aan die politieke en ekonomiese transformasie in die land gekoppel is, en tweedens dat dieselfde name, byvoorbeeld Sanlam, Barlow Rand en Anglo American, telkens tydens 'n bespreking van die twee onderwerpe opgeduik het. Hierdie dokument poog onder andere om die twee begrippe, wat beide ook as "prosesse" beskryf kan word, duidelik te definieer en te onderskei, onder andere aan die hand van voorbeelde, in perspektief te stel, van die wanindrukke uit die weg te ruim en die gebeure rondom beide onderwerpe gedurende die afgelope twee jaar aan 'n paar gemene faktore, byvoorbeeld die politieke en ekonomiese veranderinge in die land en die rol van die konglomerate in beide prosesse, te koppel.

A strategic engineering philosophy

Leonard, Pierre 25 April 2005 (has links)
Economic and productive utilization of natural resources are central to fundamental Industrial Engineering science, whereas capitalistic corporate strategy is aimed at growth of shareholders capital investments made into capitalistic systems of organizations and industries. In this thesis it is established that Industrial Engineering principles are applicable, as a strategic tool, in the economic and productive utilization of corporate resources such as organizations within unrelated industries aimed at achieving the capitalistic corporate goal. In this expanded field of Industrial Engineering termed Strategic Industrial Engineering, scientific engineering knowledge is therefore applied to capitalistic systems with the strategic aim of accumulating capital for the corporate shareholders. The proposition of this thesis, termed A Strategic Industrial Engineering Philosophy, is primarily justified by applying the philosophical principle of sufficient reasoning. Secondary to this, scientific frameworks are proposed that support this expanded philosophy of Industrial Engineering by demonstrating the achievement of the capitalistic corporate goal. This is achieved through the following: -- Setting return on equity (ROE) as the scientific measure of capital accumulation; -- proposing a Strategic Industrial Engineering Process, aimed at achieving the capitalistic corporate goal, for further research. This process is based on the following: --- the relationship between the fundamental strategy and engineering processes; and --- fundamental corporate performance-regulating principles. -- demonstrating the validity of these performance-regulating principles through explorative statistical analyses. The proposed Strategic Industrial Engineering Process, to be fully defined through further research, is illustrated in Figure 1. See figure 1 in 00front Fundamental corporate strategies are proposed based on applying the Strategic Industrial Engineering Process as a strategic tool. These corporate strategies are based on the following, as indicated in Figure 2. -- Organisational competitiveness -- industry competitiveness; and -- cost of equity. See figure 2 in 00front In figure 3 it is illustrated that the following performance-regulating principles influence the accumulation of capital (ROE) for the benefit of capitalistic corporate shareholders. -- The competitiveness of its individual organizations; -- The individual organisations’ accumulation of capital relative to the cost of equity; -- The competitiveness of the industry structures that the corporation is exposed to; and -- Strategic fit benefits that improve the corporate performance too more than the average performance of its individual organizations. See figure 3 in 00front A corporation’s accumulation of capital is influence by the positions of its individual organizations on the industry ROE life cycle. The proposed industry ROE life cycle is illustrated in Figure 4. See figure 4 in 00front Lastly, the foremost intent with this thesis is to establish and demonstrate a specific way of thinking about the role of Industrial Engineering in corporate strategy. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Industrial and Systems Engineering / unrestricted

Strategic management of construction companies

Van Rooyen, Roelof Petrus January 2013 (has links)
The research emanated from an investigation of GB7, GB8 and GB9 main contractors in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The study was focussed on the strident economic times in the construction industry following the FIFA Soccer World Cup from August 2010 to December 2012. The research was conducted to identify the key strategy or combination of strategies keeping construction entities in operation. The study further investigates the key elements of a successful turnaround strategy as well as the most effective methods in implementing strategies within construction organizations. The research took the form of an empirical quantitative study where a descriptive survey was used to collect data. Structured interviews were held with the target population to collect data in the field. The study established that geographic diversification was the most effective method utilized by main contractors for survival during the study timeframe. The study also found that lowering of profit margins and preliminary and general amounts were most effective methods in the use of turn around strategies. The study finally concluded that effective steps were taken by main contractors in the Eastern Cape to implement corporate strategies within their organizations. Step by step guidance to all employees on new processes was the key element in successful strategic implementation of a strategy within construction organizations. The research conducted contributes to the strategic management competency within the built environment as well as the existing body of knowledge within the construction industry. All members of the construction industry in South Africa involved with strategic level planning of entities would value the study.

Online marketing of commercial and industrial properties and services in a small business

Jansen van Rensburg, Charmaine January 2013 (has links)
In view of the factors influencing and the steps in the design of a Website, building a successful Website will vary from business to business. This study investigates what is required from a small commercial and industrial property and services business to take their business online and create an effective Website. The environment of the property market reflected the role that government plays in the property industry and also the role of the private sector. Marketing in the real estate context indicated that if real estate agents have access to the right type of information, not only can they add value to their own organizations, but they can also capitalize on the same information to create added value for their clients. The elements of the marketing management process include four steps, namely to gather information, to set marketing goals and plan strategy, to organize and implement marketing strategy and to control the marketing activities. Marketing in the online environment showed that the Marketing Mix includes personalisation, privacy, customer services, community, site, security and sales promotion. The principles of online marketing revealed the important role of the customer and customer relationships. An investigation into the difference between e-commerce and online marketing made it clear that online marketing is one component of e-commerce. This study critically analysed the available literature in order to suggest a proposed framework of what should be included in the Website of a small commercial and industrial property and services business. In order to successfully research online marketing of commercial and industrial properties and services in a small business, a basic but thorough understanding of online marketing principles and Website content are important. In this study a qualitative research approach was followed where secondary sources were critically evaluated to design the required framework. Thereafter three Websites of marketing of commercial and industrial properties and services were content analysed to see whether anything else should be added to the framework. This would assist in taking a small business in commercial and industrial properties and services online. The framework suggests that the Website homepage content should include:  Business overview/information Products/services What’s new Search Employment opportunities Interactive feedback Customer service/ assistance Index/directory  Financial facts Links to other sites Online business services/utilities  Guest book Frequently Asked Questions Messages from CEO A purposeful sample of three Websites was then content analysed so as to provide the information necessary to reach the objectives of the study. The following Websites were included in the content analysis: Broll, which operates as a national agency with international associations. The firm renders services (Estate Agency) and does not own property. Bruce McWilliams Industries Pty Ltd is operative in Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage and surrounds. It is a family business that owns property, which it develops and markets itself. Seeff is a national agency. It renders services (estate agency) and does not own property. Lastly, a narrative of a small commercial and industrial property and services business was created by means of document analysis of a specific business. The researcher was allowed to study the documents and diaries of the business in order to provide a narrative for this business. This narrative can be used as part of the envisaged Website for the business.

An exploratory study of employee responses to the implementation of SAP R/3 and connected application portfolios (CAPs) at an energy company

Anthony, Lizel Angelique January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore employee responses to the implementation of SAP R/3 and Connected Application Portfolios (CAPs) in Shell South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Downstream-One (DS-1) Business/Lubricants (B2B/Lubes) Project Implementation Programme. It assessed whether employees accepted or rejected change prior to the implementation of SAP R/3 and CAP’s. In 2005 globally Shell launched its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation. Its 16th implementation was conducted in Shell South Africa (Pty) Ltd. (Shell SA) in 2008. This research was conducted using a qualitative approach.

An analysis of use of cloud enterprise resource planning systems in South Africa

Atukwase, Denise January 2015 (has links)
Due to innovation, Information Technology (IT) is changing all the time. One of the fast growing IT innovations is cloud computing. The phenomenon of cloud computing has changed the way that business consumes IT and in particular Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This phenomenon has led to a need for research in the field of cloud ERP systems. A review of the literature revealed a gap in research related to cloud ERP systems and particularly to the adoption of these systems in South African companies. Only a few studies have been done regarding the adoption of cloud computing in South Africa, and the extent of adoption of cloud ERP systems in South Africa is not known. This study set out to answer the research question “What is the extent of understanding and adoption of ERP system in South African companies?” The study will be useful to the ERP industry in understanding the level of adoption of and perceptions about cloud ERP systems by South African companies. In order to answer the research question a survey research strategy was adopted and was of an exploratory nature. The sample was composed of IT professionals and line managers in South African companies. Questionnaires were sent via web link and 41 complete responses were obtained. The results showed that the respondents had a good understanding of the advantages/benefits of cloud ERP systems. However, a lack of clear understanding of the disadvantages/drawbacks of cloud ERP systems was evident in the research data which could lead to non-adoption of cloud ERP systems. Adoption of cloud ERP systems was highest in the engineering, manufacturing and IT sector. It was evident that IaaS and PaaS have not been adopted at all. The majority of the companies (60 percent) that had adopted cloud ERP systems were SMEs. This is in line with international studies that show that SMEs are driving the change in IT innovation such as cloud ERP systems.

The development of best practice guidelines that will assist small businesses planning

Kemp, John Morne January 2009 (has links)
The research problem addressed in this study was to provide a planning guideline for Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMME’s) to assist them to plan more effectively and be sustainable in their businesses. A guideline for planning is needed, as planning is one of the most difficult activities a business owner needs to undertake. Yet it is essential to do because, before taking action, you must know where you are going and how to get there. Well-developed plans can assist the business owner to interest banks and/or investors to invest in the business, guide the owner in operating the business, give direction to and motivate employees, and provide an environment to attract customers and prospective employees. To become an effective business owner, one must look ahead. Planning, which is the process of setting objectives and devising actions to achieve those objectives are imperative to be sustainable in business. The findings of the literature survey clearly highlights the reasons why a business owner needs to plan and provide a guideline how to plan. It was found in the empirical study that Standard Bank rate the SMME market as a very valuable part of their business. The SMME market has a benefit to various departments within the bank, not only the SMME business market. The empirical study also found that not every entrepreneur that holds a business plan is successful. Many reasons for this exist. One aspect that was identified, is that the wrong idea was implemented. The empirical study revealed that in all respondents agreed that planning forms an integral part of the entrepreneurs business. The empirical study found that a business plan will assist the entrepreneur to be sustainable in their business, only if a thorough feasibility study was conducted. The respondents agreed that the feasibility study, will either support or contradict the assumptions made in the business plan, this will assist the entrepreneur to decide to either continue or end the business activity. It was found that the entrepreneur, with especially a financial expert should be involved when a business planning is undertaken. Other experts in the various business arenas should also be requested to assist with the setting up of the business plan.

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