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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A strategic business plan with emphasis on the marketing of sports footwear and apparel brands in South Africa

Gous, Johannes Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is normally very difficult for an entrepreneur to start a new business. One of the most difficult things is to raise capital from financial institutions or venture capitalists. This mini study project shows the importance of a well thought-through business plan. The business plan not only concentrates on the positives, but will also indicate the risks involved. This will show financial institutions that the entrepreneur is serious about his idea and positive about its chances for success. In the business plan a lot of emphasis are put on the importance of a successful marketing plan. The marketing plan will determine the success of a new business. It is however very important not to loose site of the importance of a very thorough financial and economic review. There will always be risks involved in starting a new business. Entrepreneurship is all about risk-taking by individuals willing to pioneer new paradigms. A successful business plan will however remove some of the risk and make it more attractive to financial institutions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is normaalweg baie moeilik vir 'n entrepreneur on 'n nuwe besigheid te begin. Een van die struikelblokke is die verkryging van kapitaal by finansiële instansies. Hierdie mini werkstuk wys die belangrikheid van 'n wel deurdagte besigheidsplan. Die besigheidsplan konsentreer nie net op die positiewe punte nie, maar wys ook alle risiko's betrokke. Dit wys aan finansiële instansies dat die entrepreneur ernstig is oor sy idee en die kanse vir sukses. In die besigheidsplan word daar baie klem gelê op die belangrikheid van 'n suksesvolle bemarkingsplan. Die bemarkingsplan sal die sukses van die besigheid bepaal. Dit is egter baie belangrik om nie die belangrikheid van 'n volledige finansiële en ekonomiese ondersoek te vergeet nie. Daar sal altyd risiko's betrokke wees by die begin van 'n nuwe besigheid. Entrepeneurskap in essensie is die neem van risiko's deur individue wat bereid is om nuwe paradigmas te ontwikkel.

An empirical study of South African business forecasting practices in the context of Western benchmarks

Conway, Miles V. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Business Management))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

A study for an expanded conceptual scanning framework and the impact on current business environment scanning : a systems thinking approach

Heckroodt, Steyn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study addresses the question of whether there is a need for an expanded conceptual scanning framework that could benefit present-day business organisations. It addresses this question through the conceptualisation of such a framework, based on findings from the literature review executed during the secondary research phase of the study. Through the primary research phase, an attempt is made to reach conclusions pertaining to the research question. The extent to which businesses perform scanning and related activities as per the findings of the literature review is investigated by means of a Likert scale questionnaire presented to a sample of respondents. The study acknowledges that the imperative of environmental scanning for business organisations also holds true for non-business organisations, but focuses on business organisations that specifically drive sustainable competitiveness and increased business success. The study involves the conceptualisation of an expanded scanning framework through combining aspects and components of the ontological and epistemological dimensions prevalent in scanning and its derived activities. These derived activities include information gathering, scenario planning and strategy selection, and their impact on business performance. Furthermore, the conceptualisation of an expanded framework involves the application of a systems thinking approach in executing business environmental scanning. The inclusion of the ontological and epistemological dimensions are proposed as part of the a-priori design of an expanded conceptual scanning framework, offering the opportunity to present-day scanners to deal with matters of environmental dynamism more effectively through increased levels of understanding of the environment. The study aims to move beyond the empiricist mode of scanning and merely levels of knowledge that scanners have about the environment, to how they should approach, view, understand and manage it. The study expands on current conceptual scanning frameworks, methodologies and approaches applied by business organisations when scanning the business environment. It proposes an expanded conceptual scanning framework, which could increase the depth and width of current conceptual scanning frameworks. The aim is to provide a tool with which business organisations can increase the compound whole of information gleaned from the environment, and its integrity. The expanded framework includes a conceptualisation of the construct content of an emerging newness between two or more systems in the scanned environment. It is based on the analysis of the inter-relatedness, inter-dependence and relation between the co-contributing systems of the emerging newness and the interplay of the co-contributing systems’ aspects, characteristics, dimensions and qualities. This conceptualised inclusion of emergent newness is based on the methodological analysis of system complexities through the application of a systems thinking approach to create the expanded conceptual scanning framework. Strategy, as the juncture between environmental scanning and an organisation’s capacity, has an environment-strategy interface and an organisation-strategy interface. The proposed expanded conceptual scanning framework incorporates both the ontological environment-strategy interface and the epistemological organisation-strategy interface, which concerns a particular worldview. This worldview underpins their approach when business organisations scan the environment. The expanded conceptual scanning framework aims to enhance the understanding of environmental complexity in order to enhance the management thereof. In this regard, it deviates from the notion that enhanced management of the environment would depend on a more accurate prediction of future environmental changes. Rather, it highlights the notion of increasing the understanding of the environment, in order to manage the opportunities and threats embedded in the environment and its future dynamism better. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie ondersoek die vraag of daar ‘n behoefte is aan ‘n breër konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk wat hedendaagse besigheidsorganisasies kan bevoordeel. Dit hanteer hierdie vraag deur middel van die konseptualisasie van so ‘n raamwerk, gegrond op die bevindings van die literatuuroorsig wat gedurende die sekondêre navorsingsfase van die studie uitgevoer is. Gedurende die primêre navorsingsfase word gepoog om gevolgtrekkings rakende die navorsingsvraag te maak. Die mate waarin besighede skandering en verwante bedrywighede onderneem, volgens die bevindings uit die literatuuroorsig, word ondersoek by wyse van ‘n Likert-skaal-vraelys wat aan ‘n steekproef van respondente voorgelê is. Die studie aanvaar dat die imperatief van omgewingskandering by besigheidsorganisasies ook vir nie-besigheidsorganisasies belangrik is, maar is spesifiek toegespits op besigheidsorganisasies wat handhaafbare mededingendheid en verhoogde besigheidsukses as dryfkragte het. Die studie behels die konseptualisasie van ‘n verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk deur die saamvoeging van aspekte en komponente van die ontologiese en epistemologiese dimensies wat by skandering en die daaruit voortvloeiende bedrywighede belangrik is. Hierdie voortspruitende bedrywighede sluit in inligtingsversameling, scenario-beplanning en strategieseleksie; en die impak daarvan op besigheidsprestasie. Verder behels die konseptualisasie van ‘n verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk dat ‘n stelselsdenke-benadering by die skandering van die besigheidsomgewing toegepas word. Die insluiting van die ontologiese en epistemologiese dimensies word voorgestel as deel van ‘n a-priori-ontwerp van ‘n verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk, wat die geleentheid bied aan hedendaagse skandeerders om meer doeltreffend te werk met aangeleenthede van omgewingsdinamika deur middel van hoër vlakke van insig in die omgewing. Die studie poog om wyer as slegs die empiriese skanderingsmodus en kennisvlakke, gegrond op wat skandeerders van die omgewing weet, te beweeg, na die wyse waarop hulle dit behoort te benader, te aanskou, te verstaan en te bestuur. Die studie verbreed huidige konseptuele skanderingsraamwerke – metodologieë en benaderings – soos toegepas deur besigheidsorganisasies in hul skandering van die besigheidsomgewing. ‘n Verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk word voorgestel, wat die diepte en breedte van huidige konseptuele skanderingsraamwerke sou kon verhoog. Sodoende is hierdie studie gerig op die bydrae tot ‘n werktuig waarmee besigheidsorganisasies die saamgestelde geheel van inligting wat uit die omgewing verkry is, en die integriteit daarvan, kan verhoog. Die verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk sluit in ‘n konseptualisasie van die konstruk-inhoud van ‘n ontluikende nuutheid tussen twee of meer stelsels in die geskandeerde omgewing. Dit is gebaseer op ‘n ontleding van die interverwantheid, interafhanklikheid en verwantskap tussen die mee-bydraende stelsels van hierdie ontluikende nuutheid en die tussenspel van die stelsels se aspekte, kenmerke, dimensies en eienskappe. Hierdie gekonseptualiseerde invoeging van ‘n ontluikende nuutheid is gegrond op die metodologiese ontleding van stelselkompleksiteite deur middel van die gebruik van stelselsdenke by die toepassing van die verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk. Strategie, as die kruispunt waar omgewingskandering en ‘n organisasie se kapasiteit ontmoet, het ‘n omgewing-strategie-koppelvlak en ‘n organisasie-strategie-koppelvlak. Die voorgestelde verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk behels beide die ontologiese omgewing-strategie-koppelvlak en die epistemologiese organisasie-strategie-koppelvlak, soos dit ‘n spesifieke wêreldbeskouing mag raak. Dit onderskraag die benadering waarmee besigheidsorganisasies die omgewing skandeer. Die verbreede konseptuele skanderingsraamwerk is gerig op die verstewiging van die begrip van omgewingskompleksiteit met die doel om die bestuur daarvan te verbeter. In hierdie sin verskil dit van die siening dat die verbeterde bestuur van die omgewing afhanklik is van ‘n meer akkurate voorspelling van toekomstige omgewingsveranderings. Dit plaas die kollig op die siening dat ‘n verhoogde begrip van die omgewing dit makliker maak om die geleenthede en bedreigings wat deel is van die omgewing, en die toekomstige dinamika daarvan, beter te bestuur.

Methodological issues in the evaluation of small business development policies and programmes

Bukula, Mandulo Septi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Evaluating small business development policies and programmes is a methodologically difficult task. A wide range of role players in the economy - government departments and agencies, corporations, international donors, and non-governmental organisations - invest resources of sizeable magnitude annually in promoting small business. This investment is often justified on the basis of the importance of small business in contributing to the attainment of a range of socio-economic objectives such as job creation, addressing economic inequity among various population groups, stimulating competition in the economy, and enhancing economic growth. With the increase in the magnitude of public investment in small business development, and increasing competition for the same resources from other worthwhile interventions, the pressure for public accountability and the need to demonstrate effectiveness of policies and programmes has increased. Programme sponsors are increasingly requiring that those receiving public funds for small business development projects should ensure effective monitoring and evaluation of their programmes in order to ensure that there is a sound information base to provide the necessary policy and programme feedback. The question, however, is to what extent small business policies and programmes are successful in ensuring the attainment of their objectives. To what degree can any changes at the level of the enterprise and its immediate environment be realistically attributed to the effectiveness of policies and programmes? Can ongoing investment In small business development be justified in the face of competing demands for the same resources from other worthwhile and perhaps more pressing causes? How efficient is a particular policy or programme in terms of its cost in relation to other policy or programme alternatives? These and more are questions facing evaluators of small business development policies and programmes. This thesis shows that the task facing these evaluators is not an easy one, due to methodological complexities encountered in attempting to answer these questions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die evaluering van ontwikkelingsbeleidsrigtinge en -programme van kleinsakeondernemings is metodologies geen maklike taak nie. 'n Groot verskeidenheid rolspelers in die ekonomie, ingeslote regeringsdepartemente en -instansies, korporasies, internasionale skenkers en nie-regeringsorganisasies, belê jaarliks aansienlike hulpbronne in die bevordering van kleinsakeondernemings. Sodanige beleggings word dikwels geregverdig aan die hand van die belangrikheid van kleinsakeondernemings se bydrae tot die bereiking van verskeie sosio-ekonomiese doelwitte soos werkskepping, en om die kwessie van ekonomiese ongelykheid tussen onderskeie bevolkingsgroepe aan te roer, om mededinging binne die ekonomie aan te moedig en om ekonomiese groei te versterk. Die toename in die omvang van openbare beleggings in kleinsakeontwikkeling asook toenemende mededinging vir dieselfde hulpbronne deur ander verdienstelike partye gaan gepaard met toenemende druk vir openbare aanspreeklikheid en noodsaak doeltreffende beleidsrigtingr en -programme. Programborge vereis toenemend dat diegene wat openbare fondse vir kleinsakeontwikkelingsprojekte ontvang, die doeltreffende monitering en evaluering van hulle programme moet waarborg sodat daar 'n deeglike inligtingsbasis bestaan om die nodige beleids- en programterugvoer te verskaf. Die vraag is egter tot welke mate kleinsakebeleidsrigtinge en -programme daarin slaag om te verseker dat hul doelwitte bereik word. Tot watter mate kan enige veranderinge op ondernemingsvlak en sy onmiddellike omgewing, realisties gesproke, aan die doeltreffendheid van beleidsrigtinge en -programme toegeskryfword? Kan voortgesette beleggings in kleinsakeontwikkeling geregverdig word in die lig van mededinging vir dieselfde hulpbronne deur ander verdienstelike, en moontlik selfs meer dwingende, sake? Hoe doeltreffend is 'n bepaalde beleid of program in terme van sy koste, gesien in verhouding tot ander beleids- of programkeuses? Diegene, wat verantwoordelik is vir die beoordeling van kleinsakeontwikkelingsbeleidsrigtinge en - programme word deur hierdie en vele ander vrae gekonfronteer. Hierdie tesis toon aan dat sodanige beoordelaars, as gevolg van die metodologiese ingewikkeldhede waarvoor hulle te staan kom in die poging om hierdie vrae te beantwoord, geen maklike taak het me.

Integration of the outsourcer's strategy with that of the client

May, Shaun Patrick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "Strategy is when you are out of ammunition but keep on firing so that the enemy won't know". (Mintzberg, 2005, 13) Business Connexion (Pry) Ltd (BCX) is a leading black empowered ICT company with a proud 25-year track record. BeX is an integrator of competitive, innovative business solutions based on information and communications technology (ICT). Business Connexion runs mission-critical ICT systems for many JSE listed organisations and manages products, services and solutions for key public sector organisations, parastatal enterprises and a host of medium sized emergent companies. Nampak is the largest and most diverse packaging company in South Africa, with operations in Africa and Europe as well. Nampak Pty. Ltd. has experienced declining revenues over the last two years despite an upturn in the South African economy. This has resulted in them putting pressure on BCX and going out on a request for proposal (RFP) for the infrastructure outsourcing. This research report addresses how a company like BCX can align its strategy to that of an outsource client, Nampak Currently in an outsource environment the client will say that they see no value add from being outsourced. BCX will produce statistics to say that they are performing to service licence agreements (SLA). Between BCX and the Nampak there is misaligrunent. The outsource market is a maturing one and companies like BCX are struggling to maintain and grow their market share. Currently there are international players like HP trying to enter the African market. Globalisation is affecting the economy of South Africa. An organisation's strategy defines the sum of its choices about where it will compete, how it will create superior value for its customers, and how it will generate superior profits for itself. If you look at the strategies of the competitors they will invariably say and come to the same conclusions as Bex. This report hopes to show that strategy development is the search for ways to build a competitive advantage through distinctive capabilities. It is about finding new ways of doing things that provide an advantage over the competitors. The literature review indicates that everyone is a strategy consultant and that there is no one definition in defining and aligning this strategy! Methodologies do exist and where a company takes the advice of consultants they fmd themselves ending up with a synonym for the word strategy - expensive. The literarure review looks at some of the academics and consultants thinking on the subject since 1960. Interviews were conducted with key players within Group IT for Nampak and with some of the business executives of Nampak. The interviews were supplemented by information gathered by the author from working on the account for two years. This researeh report aims to use the experience of the people working on the account to derme the strategy with Nampak going forward. Currently BCX runs the Nampak account within the structures of a cluster and uses shared services to manage the account. The strategy is a reactive one and Nampak sces very little value add from BCX. Nampak sees BCX as a strategic supplier as opposed to a strategic partner. The conclusion of this report represents the "what" of the report. By continuing to carry on in the fashion BCX has, will result in them losing the outsource contract with Nampak. This is the reason that Nampak has gone out on a general request for proposals to the market. The "so what" of the report is that BCX will lose the Nampak account should it not change the way it handles this outsource business. BCX would be better off running the account as a stand alone business with its own executive who is empowered to make decisions. This fmding supports the work of Miller and Heiman who do consulting on how to handle large strategic accounts (Miller, 2004). The recommendations of this research report support the direction some of the executives at BCX would like to take, which is treat each large outsourced account as a stand alone business. BCX needs to position itself as a strategic supplier to Nampak and be more involved in the business. The "now what" is more fully explored in the recommendations part of this report. Companies think that by introducing a new product or service they will beat the competition. Whilst this is sometimes true, companies are better off focusing on delivering what they do to the client better. The recommendations focus on how BCX can deliver better value and strucntre themselves more efficiently. A good strategy in outsourcing means fully understanding your own and your customer's position so that like a good general you are in the right place with the right people at the right time. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Business Connexion (pty) Ltd (BeX) is 'n voorstc swart-bemagtigde ICT-maatskappy met 'n trOlse rekord van 25 jaar. sex integreer mededingende, vemuwende sake-opJossings met inligtings- en kommunikasietegnoiogie (lCT) as grondsiag. Business Connexion bedryf missie-gerigte ICT-stelsels vir baie maatskappye wat op die JSE genoteer is en bestuur produkte, dienste en opJossings vir sleutelorganisasics in die openbarc sektor, semistaatsmstellings en 'n groat aaotal opkomende maatskappye van gemiddeJde groone. Nampak is die grootste en mees gediversifisecrde verpakkingsmaatskappy in Suid-Afrika, met takke in die res van Afrika en Europa. Nampak Pty. Ltd. het die afgelope twee jaar 'n afname in inkomste ondervind, ten spyte van 'n verbetering in die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie. As gevolg daarvan bet hulle druk op sex geplaas eo '0 algemene versoek in die mark gerig om voorleggings vir uitkontraktering van die infrastruktuur. Hierdie navorsingsvcrSlag dui aan hoe 'n maatskappy soos BeX sy strategie op eeo lyn kan bring met die van '0 uitkontrakteringsklient, Nampak. Tans sal die klient in 'n uitkontrakteringsomgewing se ciat bulle geeo waardetoevoeging sien in uitkontraktering nie. sex sal statistieke voorsien om te toon dat hulle presteer volgens dienslisensie-ooreenkomste. sex en Nampak is nie op een Jyn nie. Die uitkontrakteriogsmark is 'n ontwikkelende mark en maatskappye soos sex sukkel om bulle markaandeel te bebou en te vergroot. Daar is tans internasionale maatskappye soos HP wat probeer om die Afrika-mark binne te dring. Globalisering het 'n impak op die ekonomie van Suid-Afrika. 'n Organisasie se strategic defirueer die sam van sy keuses I.o.v. waar am te kompeteer, boe am uitstekende waarde aan kliente te bied, en boe om vir bomself uitstekende wins te genereer. As jy na die strategie van die kompetcsie kyk, jy sal sien dat bulle baie na aan die strategie van BeX is. Hierdie report wil wys dat strategie ontwikkeling is die besoeking van nuwe maniere om kompetitief te bly deur distinktiewe maniere. Dit is hoe u nuwe dinge doen, dat u kompetisie nie doen rue. Die literatuuroorsig dui aan dat almal strategiekonsultante is en dat daar geen enkele defirusie is wat hierdie strategie defmieer en belyn nie! Daar bestaan wei memdicke en waar 'n maatskappy die advies van konsultante aaovaar, vind hulle dat bulle eiodig met 'n sinoniem vir die woord strategic - duur. Die literatuuroorsig bekyk die gedagtes van akademici en konsullante oor hierdie ondelWerp sedert 1960. Onderhoude is gevoer met s!eutelro!spelers binne Groep IT vir Nampak en met sommlge van die uitvoerende sakebestuurders van Nampak. Die onderhoude is aangevul deur inligting ingewin deur die auteur, wat twee jaar lank op hierdie rekening gewerk het. Hierdie navorsingsverslag het ten docl om gebruilc te maak van die ondervinding van die mense wat op die rekening werk, om toekomstige strategic vir Nampak te dcfinieer. Bex bedryf tans die Nampak-rekening binne die strukture van 'n saamgroepering en gebruik gedeelde dienste om die rekening te bestuur. Die strategic is rcaktief en Nampak ondervind baie min waardetoevoeging van Bex. Nampak beskou BeX as 'n strategiese verskaffer cerder as 'n strategiese vennoot. Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie verslag verteenwoordig die "what" van die verslag. As BeX voortgaan soos tans, sal die gevolg wees dat hulle die uitkontrakteringskontrak met Nampak verloor. Oit is waarom Nampak algemene versoeke in die mark gerig het vir voorleggings. Die "so what" van die verslag is dat sex die Nampak-rekening sal verloor as hulle Die 'n verandering aanbring aan die wyse waarop hulle hierdie uitkontrakteringsbesigheid hanteer nie. sex sal beter vaar as bulle die rekening as 'n aparte besighcid bedryf, met sy eie uitvoerende bestuurder wat mab>tiging het om besluite te neern. Hierdie bevinding ondersteun die werk van Miller en Heiman, wat konsu!teer op hoe om groot strategiese rekeninge te hanteer (Miller, 2004). Die aanbeve!ings van hierdie navorsingsverslag ondersteun die rigring wat sommige van die uitvoerende bestuurders by sex wi! inslaan, naamlik om elke groot uitgekontrakteerde rekening te hanteer as 'n alleenstaande besighcid. sex moet homself posisioneer as 'n strategiese verskaffer vir Nampak en moet meer betrokke raak by die besigbeid. Die "now what" word meer volledig ondersoek in die aanbevelingsgedec!te van hierdic verslag. 'n Maatskappy dink dat as hulle 'n nuwe produk skep dat bulle die komperisie sal oorwin. Party keur is dir waar, maar meestal is dit beter om dinge beter to lever as die kompetisie. Die rekomendasies vir sex wys dat dit bcter is as hulle korrek restrukteer vir die klient. 'n Goeie strategie vir uitkontraktering beteken volle begrip van jou eie en jOll klient se posisie, sodat jy soos 'n goeie generaal op die regte tyd op die regte plek is met die rcgte mense.

An evaluation study of technoserve's small business training probramme in Swaziland

Arubayi, Odamaro Damis Feyisayo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDF (Development Finance))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

A study of factors leading to growth in small firms : an examination of factors that impact on growth of small manufacturing in least developed countries : the case of Ghana

Owusu, Kwame January 2007 (has links)
The focus of this study is to examine the factors that lead to growth in small firms in a Least Developed Country (LDC). The research is based on the manufacturing sector in Ghana. The main objectives of the research are to identify the key variables that lead to small firms' growth and to ascertain the critical barriers that impede growth. A research model which is developed out of an initial exploratory research and existing literature focuses on how the characteristics of the owner/manager, the characteristics of the firm and the business strategy variables interact to affect growth in employment. In addition factors that are perceived to have constrained the growth of the small firms during the study period are ascertained and discussed. To properly test the hypotheses developed a face to face interview survey involving 122 owner/managers of small manufacturing firms is conducted. This resulted in a range of variables that allowed for the construction of a comprehensive multivariate model of small firm growth. A resulting regression model provides about 68 percent of the explanation for the growth of the small firms sampled. It also indicates that the owner/manager characteristics variables offer the most powerful explanation to small firm growth. We find that the owner/manager's growth aspiration is the most influential factor in achieving growth. The other owner/manager characteristics variables that have positive influence on growth are level of education, prior industry experience and entrepreneurial family background. Owner/managers with local experience and/or with other business interests are less likely to achieve faster growth. Foreign owned/managed firms grow faster. Younger and smaller firms appear to grow faster. While firms with multiple ownerships tend to grow at a slower rate than firms owned and managed by one person. Business planning, marketing and export have positive and significant impacts on growth. Other business strategies such as innovations and staff training also have direct relationships with growth but not significant. Some of the main constraining factors to growth are cost of borrowing, lack of access to credit, high cost of inputs, lack of trust within the business community, high bureaucracy, late payments and lack of efficient support system. While the external environment plays important role in small firm growth and development, the behaviours, response and strategies pursued by individual owner/manager are significant factors that determine the rate at which a firm will grow.

A taxonomy of strategic practices: an empirical investigation of manufacturing firms in the PRD

Lai, Man-shan, Hilda., 賴文山. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering / Master / Master of Philosophy

Practical reasoning and strategic business management : towards a more pragmatic approach to entrepreneurship in the context of Hong Kong

Kwong, Kam-wong, 鄺錦鍠 January 2004 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Sociology / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

The impact of real time shop floor information on operational decision making

Vermaak, Martin 29 June 2011 (has links)
The concept of Operational decision making is not new, but in the context of Enterprise Resource Planning implementation as is the case at PFK Electronics (PTY) Ltd., it becomes part of what ERP process that makes organisations more competitive and profitable as Wallace and Kremzar (2001) comment, "Effective forecasting, planning, and scheduling is fundamental to productivity and ERP is a fundamental way to achieve it. Properly implementing ERP will give you a competitive advantage and help you run your business more effectively, efficiently and responsively." The Operational decision making process that forms part of the research question is a process known as Sales and Operational Planning process (SOP's). The research paper is looking at how Real Time Shop floor information can impact on the decision making process, as Wallace and Kremzar (2001 : 165) state that this is the most important element in making ERP systems work. The study looks at what information is required to make effective decisions in the SOP's process and how the respondents perceive information quality, its value and the impact on decision making in the SOP's process. The research sought to further investigate a diverse demographic population, the behavioural culture within the organisation and their perception on having this information in real time directly from the shop floor. Data was collected via a survey questionnaire and an interview process which also required the review of organisational documentation where available. The research aimed to investigate what information Operations (SOP's) need to make effective decisions to meet the organisational strategic objectives and to determine the best means of obtaining and communicating the information to managers. Developing this further the research was then broken down into three objectives: • To investigate 'what' information sales and operations managers need in order to make effective decisions that will have an impact on them meeting strategic performance objectives. • To evaluate 'how' real time shop floor information can improve the decision making process in Operations in meeting strategic objectives; by understanding the types and methods used in decision making and the significance of time on information. • To recommend suitable Information Communication Technology (ICT) systems to obtain and communicate information to managers effectively within operations. During this process time constraints were of a concern, which manifested in objective three not being able to be completed to the satisfaction of the researcher. However the research process, which included the survey and interviews of respondents, the researcher felt that respondents where honest and open in expressing their views which adds to the validity and reliability of the research. The results showed that there was a clear understanding of the topic amongst the respondents. It showed that the respondents had a good understanding of information and its importance in meeting strategic objectives by making better decisions. It became clear that ERP was generally working well but that timeliness of information was the biggest obstacle in meeting strategic objectives in balancing supply and demand. The research identified the information necessary for the SOP's process to be effective and it also showed the impact of having real time shop floor information available to the decision making process. It also showed that there would be other benefits as performance could also be improved by having real time performance indicators that are used to set the pace and common goal. The report also identified some cultural differences between PFK electronics culture and NUMSA unionised employees culture and the impact it has on relationships and communication. The report concludes with the research question being answered and with a recommendation that the single most important means of improving operational effectiveness is going to be to improve the quality of information used in decision making. The research has shown that getting this information in 'real time' or as close as possible to real time is the best means of improving the quality of information and its impact on management decisions. It is further recommended to investigate the implementation of systems such as Manufacturing Execution Systems to link the shop floor directly into the current ERP system and lastly to find a means of bridging the cultural differences between NUMSA unionised employees and PFK behavioural culture. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / M.B.A.

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