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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An analysis of the impact of industry role players on the competitiveness and profitability of an entity in a volatile environment

Muli, Mary Goreti Shingirai 25 July 2013 (has links)
The airline industry has grown rapidly over the past few decades, recording a ten-fold rise in passenger numbers and a fourteen-fold increase in cargo volumes. This growth has created overwhelming value to airline passengers, employees, suppliers and the broader economy. Unfortunately, this industry has been affected by terrorism attacks, wars, revolutions, pandemic fears, earthquakes, volcanoes, failing economies and skyrocketing fuel prices all of which have negatively impacted on profitability and resulted in intense competition. Consequently, airlines have spent the last decade in survival mode having to adapt to harsh changes. Air Zimbabwe, a state-run organisation which operates in this highly regulated and turbulent industry, is faced with numerous micro and macro environmental challenges and has been purposively selected for this study. According to company statistics, the airline’s annual passenger uplifts have declined from a peak of over 1 million in the 1990s to less than 200 000 in 2011, with revenue generation declining in correlation. Whilst Air Zimbabwe has experienced depressed demand for its services, competitor airlines are recording brisk business. The aim of this study was to investigate how a struggling organisation, which operates in a turbulent environment, can improve its competitiveness and profitability by better understanding the impact of industry role players and adapting organisational strategies to industry variations. This study examined, from the point of view of the industry players themselves, the extent to which customers, suppliers, competitors, regulatory authorities, substitute products and new entrants have impacted on the competitiveness and profitability of the airline. Major findings reveal that an organisation cannot operate in isolation and be competitive or profitable, but constantly needs to analyse the industry environment in which it operates in and to amicably interact with other industry role players. The research outlines the need for competition in certain areas and cooperation in others. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

Exploring the strategising practices of middle managers- a case study at a South African University

Davis, A. 09 1900 (has links)
This study set out to explore the strategising practices of middle managers and thereby expand the body of knowledge in terms of middle management practices in strategising in general, and makes an original contribution at the frontiers of middle management practices in a university context in South Africa. Although some research has been done on middle managers and strategy, a knowledge gap still exists, especially regarding strategising in emerging economies, such as South Africa. More specifically, the actions of middle managers at universities are open for exploration. Universities are increasingly exposed to new challenges in a competitive environment due to declining state funding, changing student demographics, new technological developments and increased market pressures. The sustainability of universities is also threatened by changes inside the universities, such as the drive for corporatisation and a changing internal focus. The way universities respond to and pre-empt dealing with these challenges will influence the sustainability and competitiveness of the university and subsequently the nations it serves. However, very little is known about the university managers who are powerful in terms of the administrative systems and decision processes. In order to understand strategy work viii and to know what enables or constrains it, it is necessary to look at middle managers at universities. This research puts forward three main arguments: firstly, strategy is dispersed throughout the entire organisation and includes middle managers’ strategising activities. Secondly, a need exists for practically relevant research founded in the organisational realities. Thirdly, universities present a relevant context within which to study strategising practices. An exploratory qualitative case study was followed to answer the research questions. Findings indicate that university middle managers, who operate within a machine bureaucracy, create systems within systems in order to cope with the organisational demands. Middle managers are mostly responsible for strategy implementation and the support role of university managers is prominent. Findings also indicate that the strategy loses its meaning and in an environment where the strategy textual artefacts and talk are abundant. In such an environment compliance takes precedence over buy-in. Finally, this study identified the enablers of and constraints on the strategy work of university middle managers. This research confirmed that strategy and strategising are human actions and confirmed that knowledge of what people do in relation to the strategies of organisations is required. / Economics / D. Com. (Business Management)

Applying PRINCE2 project management disciplines to address key risks in ERP System Implementation Projects

Plotnikova, Svetlana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAcc (Accountancy))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The successful implementation of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System can help an organisation to redefine its business processes and enhance its competitive advantage. An ERP System Implementation is a transformation project, which changes the way an organisation thinks and acts about its business. An ERP System implementation is also a complex endeavour, and as such, it requires rigorous risk management. The understanding and management of risks relevant to ERP System Implementation Projects are critical in order to ensure that the project delivers on its objectives within the specified budget and timelines, and eventually realises the envisaged business benefits. The purpose of this study is to discuss how key risks relevant to ERP System Implementation Projects could be addressed by applying project management disciplines derived from the PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environment) project management methodology. This methodology was developed by the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom. This study also provides a framework that could be applied at the outset and during an ERP System Implementation Project by business management, to understand the risks (“what could go wrong?”) and project management disciplines that should be applied to address these risks (“what must go right?”). This framework was derived by: • Identifying key risks relevant to ERP System Implementation Projects; • Mapping these key risks onto SAP Implementation phases to highlight where these risks could materialise in the SAP Implementation process; • Then mapping these key risks across PRINCE2 project management processes and SAP Implementation phases by creating the SAP Implementation Key Risks Map; and finally • Providing a detailed description of how to apply PRINCE2 project management disciplines to address each risk in the SAP Implementation Key Risks Map.

Measuring the health of business nodes

Hartshorne, Wendy Anne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa requires sustained economic growth in order to alleviate the poverty of its urban population. This study is based on the hypothesis that in order to sustain the existing "good" infrastructure and secure the "high-quality" human resource base of our country, it is necessary to be proactive with regard to the management of commercial/business nodes in order to ensure that they do not deteriorate or become stifled and/or excluded from delivering their full economic potential/contribution towards the urban economy. This study contains a synopsis of the research conducted by the author on behalf of the City of Cape Town - Economic Development and Tourism Directorate during 2003. The purpose was to develop a uniform model to ascertain and monitor the economic health of business areas within the Cape Town metropole. The research was presented to the City of Cape Town in the form of a protocol, which has subsequently been utilised to establish economic profiles for the Athlone Central Business District, Gatesville/Rylands business centre and Airport Industria. The focus and purpose of the protocol was to place tbe City Council in a position whereby the relative economic health of specific business/mixed-use areas within the Cape Metropolitan Area can be properly assessed, selected interventions made where necessary and results monitored. The point of departure that was adopted from the outset was that the assessment need not just relate to negative trends or indications of economic distress, but that there is substantial merit in assessing nodes that are seemingly "getting it right" or "booming". / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika benodig volgehoue ekonomiese groei ten einde die armoede van sy stedelike bevolking te verlig. Hierdie navorsing is gebaseer op die hipotese dat ten einde die bestaande "goeie" infrastruktuur te handhaaf en ons land se menslike hulpbronbasis van hoë gehalte te verseker, dit nodig is om proaktief te wees ten opsigte van die bestuur van kommersiële/sakepunte ten einde te verseker dat hulle nie agteruitgaan of doodwurg en/of uitgesluit raak van die lewering van hulle volle ekonomiese potensiaal/bydrae tot die stedelike ekonomie nie. Hierdie tesis bevat 'n sinopsis van die navorsing wat die outeur gedurende 2003 namens die Stad Kaapstad - Direktoraat: Ekonomiese _Ontwikkeling en Toerisme - gedoen het. Die doel was die ontwikkeling van 'n eenvormige model om die ekonomiese welstand van sakegebiede binne die Kaapstadse metropool te bepaal en te monitor. Die navorsing is in die vorm van 'n protokol aan die Stad Kaapstad gelewer. Die protokol is daarna aangewend om ekonomiese profiele vir die Athlone Sentrale Sakegebied, Gatesville/Rylands sakesentrum en Airport Industria op te stel. Die fokus en doel van die protokol was om die Stadsraad in 'n posisie te plaas waardeur die relatiewe ekonomiese welstand van spesifieke sakegebiede of gebiede met verskillende ondernemings in die Kaapse Metropolitaanse Gebied behoorlik geassesseer kan word, geselekteerde intervensies waar nodig gemaak kan word en resultate gemonitor kan word. As uitgangspunt is van die begin aanvaar dat die behoefte aan assessering nie net met negatiewe tendense of aanduidings van ekonomiese nood verband hou nie, maar dat daar ook wesenlike meriete lê in die assessering van gebiede wat op die oog af "dinge regkry" of "floreer".

Positioning of a company in the new economy : the development of a conceptual positioning model

Van der Watt, Juanita Belinda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering, tegnologiese vooruitgang, die Internet en veranderinge in Suid-Afrika vanaf 1994 het bygedra tot die huidige nuwe ekonomie. Indien organisasies wil oorleef in die nuwe ekonomie sal hulle moet aanvaar dat die nuwe ekonomie ‘n aantal nuwe uitdagings te weë gebring het tot die manier waarop besigheid gedoen word in Suid-Afrika en in die res van die wêreld. In die nuwe ekonomie moet organisasies takties te werk gaan om volgehoue sukses te verseker. Besluitnemers moet die impak wat die nuwe ekonomie op hulle besigheid en hul stand in die betrokke mark het analiseer en strategiese beplanning doen oor hoe die organisasie gaan aanpas in die nuwe ekonomie om oorlewing te verseker in ‘n mark wat aanhoudend verander. Verwantskappe met interne en eksterne belangegroepe en deelhebbers is van kardinale belang in die nuwe ekonomie. Organisasies moet hul fokus plaas op verwantskappe met belangegroepe wat deel is van die besigheidsproses en sodoende deelhebbers beïnvloed tot voordeel van die organisasie. ‘n Aantal nuwe toetreders tot die mark (klein tot medium ondernemings en internasionale organisasies wat investeer in Suid-Afrika) het ‘n beduidende toename in mededinging veroorsaak. Die toename in mededinging het op sy beurt gelei tot ‘n groter veskeidenheid aanbiedinge wat beskikbaar gestel word aan verbruikers en ander belangegroepe. Die reputasie van ‘n organisasie, sy produkte en sy werknemers speel ook ‘n baie belangrike rol in die nuwe ekonomie aangesien belangegroepe en deelhebbers verkies om geassosieer te word met geloofwaardige en suksesvolle organisasies, produkte en dienste. Dit is dus belangrik dat indien ‘n organisasie will oorleef in die nuwe ekonomie moet die organisasie homself onderskei van ander en seker maak dat hulle ‘n plek in die gedagtes van hulle belangegroepe en deelhebbers toe eien. Die enigste manier om ‘n mededingende voordeel binne die nuwe ekonomie te bewerkstellig is om die besigheid takties in die gedagtes van alle belangegroepe en deelhebbers te posisioneer. As gevolg van die uitdagings en veranderinge wat die nuwe ekonomie te weeg gebring het kan ‘n organisasie nie langer net staat maak op tradisionele bemarkingsbeginsels om hulle self te posisioneer nie. ‘n Posisionerings- (of plasings-) strategie moet ontwikkel en toegepas word deur ‘n stelsel benadering te volg waar die hele organisasie betrokke is in posisionering. Die navorser het hierdie studie aangepak omrede ‘n handleiding te ontwerp en daar te stel vir besluitnemers in organisasies wat hul betrokke organisasies takties wil posisioneer in die nuwe ekonomie. Om die konsepsionele model vir posisionering (of plasing) van ‘n organisasie in die nuwe ekonomie daar te stel het die navorser kwalitatiewe navorsing gedoen wat ‘n studie van gepaste vak-inhoud, teorieë, beskikbare studiemateriaal, opinies van deskundiges en ‘n inhouds-analise van steekproef onderhoude ingesluit het. Die resultaat van die studie is ‘n goed geformuleerde teoretiesie model vir posisionering van ‘n organisasie in die nuwe ekonomie wat enige organisaie wat dit toepas in sy geheel sal bevoordeel en sy posisionering sal versterk. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globalisation, technological enhancements, the Internet and changes in South Africa from 1994 led to the current new economy. If a company wants to survive in the new economy it will have to realise that the new economy brings a number of challenges to the way that business is conducted in South Africa and abroad. Companies need to work tactically in the new economy business environment to ensure sustainability. Decision-makers are to access the impact that the new economy has on the company and its position in the market and strategise how to adapt to the new economy in order to survive in an ever changing market. In the new economy relationships with internal and external stakeholders have become more important and companies need to focus on the relationships within its value chain in order to influence its stakeholders to the benefit of the company. Competition has increased due to a number of new entrants to the market (small to medium enterprises and international companies investing in South Africa) which led to a vast amount of offerings being available to consumers and other stakeholders. The reputation of a company, its products and its employees also play an important role in the new economy as stakeholders want to be associated with a credible and successful company, product or service. It is thus important that if a company wants to survive in the new economy it needs to differentiate themselves from others and make sure to own an area in the minds of their stakeholders. The only way to create a competitive advantage in the new economy is to position a company tactically in the minds of all stakeholders. Due to the challenges and changes that the new economy brought about a company can no longer only use traditional marketing principles to position themselves. A positioning strategy needs to be developed and implemented from a systems point of view where the whole company is involved in its positioning. The researcher embarked on this study to create a tool for companies that will assist decision-makers in the tactical positioning of their companies within the new economy. In order to create a conceptual model for positioning of a company in the new economy qualitative research was conducted, that included a study of content, theories, available material, views from experts as well as a content analysis from sample interviews. The outcome of the study was a well formulated theoretical model for positioning of a company in the new economy that will benefit and enhance the positioning of any company that applies it in its entirety.

The development of a strategic business plan to grow the mining and minerals division of Kellogg Brown & Root into Sub-Saharan Africa

Carvelas, Wray Anthony 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA (Business Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 1999. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Globally the mining and minerals market is experiencing a decline. With this decline, focus is turning to Africa as an unexplored mineral wealth. In terms of global exploration expenditure, Africa is said to be experiencing the highest percentage growth of any other regional budget. The Halliburton company is reputed to be the premier source for the engineering and construction of refineries, chemical plants, and pipelines along with office buildings, infrastructure systems, government facilities, and much more. The South African office has recently established a mining and minerals division, which has experienced certain measures of success, however, a failure of the division appears to be the total lack of a significant growth strategy. This has resulted in the division becoming a one-client business. The Sub-Saharan market is characterised by unique challenges, which require a strong culture aligned with its market environment, strategic choice and distinctive competencies to be successful in the market. The purpose of this study project is primarily to make a contribution to the formulation of strategic direction in order to obtain practical implementation guidelines given the unique opportunities and challenges presented in this market. The formulation of the strategy for the mining and minerals business unit is achieved firstly be analysing the Sub-Saharan market, the dominant economic traits, and conducting a full industry and competitive analysis. Secondly, organisation situation analysis of Kellogg Brown & Root is conducted in order to assess the competitive positioning of the firm and distinct capabilities that the firm possesses, and those necessary for success in the market. This will include conducting an analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses, of the company, and the external opportunities and threats facing the company. From the analyses conducted, strategic challenges are identified and suggestions are made to address these challenges. A strategic intent is proposed together with a mission statement, and a strategic and financial statement of objectives is developed. These statements of intent are not intended to prescribe to the firm and it's employees what the strategic approach should be, but to form the basis of further discussions and research and should not give way to misleading and unwarranted interpretations. The strategy formulated is superimposed onto the corporate strategy and no major discordance is evident. From the analyses conducted and strategy formulation process, suggestions are made that could provide manageable guidelines for the final implementation of the strategic business plan for the minerals division. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tans word 'n afname in die mynbou en minerale mark wêreldwyd ondervind. As gevolg van hierdie afname het die fokus na Afrika as 'n onverkende minerale rykdom verskuif. In terme van wêreldwye eksplorasie besteding, word beweer dat Afrika die hoogste persentasie groei ten opsigte van enige ander streeksbegroting ondervind. Die Halliburton maatskappy word beskou as 'n vername bron vir die ontwikkeling en konstruksie van raffinaderye, chemiese aanlegte, pyplyne, geassosieerde kantoor geboue, infrastrukture, regerings fasiliteite en vele meer. Die Suid Afrikaanse kantoor het onlangs 'n mynwese en minerale afdeling op die been gebring wat al 'n mate van sukses ondervind het. Dit wil egter voorkom asof 'n tekortkoming van die afdeling 'n gebrek aan 'n doelgerigte groei strategie is. Dit het tot gevolg gehad dat die afdeling tot 'n een-kliënt-saak verval het. Die Sub-Sahara mark word gekenmerk deur unieke uitdagings wat 'n sterk kultuur inlyn met die mark omgewing, strategiese keuses en relevante bevoegdhede verg om suksesvol in die mark te wees. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie is om 'n bydrae te maak tot die formulering van 'n strategiese koers met die doel om praktiese implementerings riglyne daar te stel, met inagneming van die unieke geleenthede en uitdagings wat in die mark bestaan. Die formulering van 'n strategie vir die mynwese en minerale besigheidsektor word eerstens verkry deur 'n analise van die Sub-Sahara mark, dominerende ekonomiese eienskappe en 'n ontleding van die industriele en mededingende omgewing. Tweedens word 'n organisaie situasie analise van Kellogg Brown & Root uitgevoer om die kompeterings posisie, huidige kenmerkende bekwaamhede en die wat benodig word vir sukses in die mark, van die maatskappy vas te stel. Dit sluit 'n ontleding van die interne swak en sterk punte van die maatskappy, asook die eksterne geleenthede en bedreigings vir die maatskappy in. Vanuit hierdie analise word strategiese uitdagings geidentifiseer en word voorstelle gemaak om hierdie uitdagings aan te spreek. 'n Strategiese oogmerk, tesame met 'n doelwitstelling word voorgestel, en 'n strategiese en finansiele doelstelling word ontwikkel. Die doel van hierdie studie projek is nie om aan die maatskappy en sy werknemers 'n strategiese benadering voor te skryf nie, maar om die basis te vorm vir verdere bespreking en navorsing. Die studie moet nie aanleiding gee tot verkeerde en misleidende vertolkings nie. Die geformuleerde strategie is ook met die huidige korporatiewe strategie vergelyk en geen noemenswaardige verskille is ooglopend nie. Vanuit die analise en die strategiese formuleringsproses word praktiese riglyne voorgestel vir die implementering van die strategiese besigheidsplan vir die mynwese en minerale afdeling.

A survey of strategy formulation practices in large financial services businesses in South Africa

Behr, Rolf Gregory 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2010. / The research undertaken in this paper explores the strategy formulation practices of large financial services organisations in South Africa. Following a review of academic sources, it was concluded that strategy formulation comprises three distinct but interdependent activities. The first is that of foresight development, followed by strategy development and finally strategic or business planning. In addition, a variety of approaches to stakeholder engagement are possible. A review of similar research identified primary research into foresight practices in Europe and the professional experiences of two South African chartered accountants of strategic or business planning. No research on strategy development was identified. Thus, the researcher chose to conduct primary research in the form of a survey to interrogate each of the strategic activities. This focused on the level of resourcing applied to each activity, the tools used, the time horizon adopted and the breadth of stakeholder engagement. A review of the South African financial services industry suggested that banking, short-term insurance and long-term insurance needed to be included in the sample. An analysis of the respective organisations‟ market share for most key products was completed. This produced a sample of twelve organisations which had a market share in excess of 10per cent as at 31 December 2009 with the exception of those selected based on total life insurance premiums, which were based on December 2008 data due to information availability. Of the twelve organisations identified 66per cent (or eight) responded to the survey which was conducted using an online survey tool. Three respondents chose to respond telephonically when contacted by the researcher. The respondents for the respective organisations were either senior managers, in several cases members of the executive team, or people involved with strategy formulation at a corporate or group level. In order to increase the response rate, the survey was conducted anonymously, thus limiting comparison been organisations and industry sectors. The result of the analysis highlighted two key dimensions on which organisations differed. The first is the time frame used. Only two organisations regularly look more than three years ahead. The second is that of stakeholder engagement. Half of the respondents are interactive and include employees in the strategy formulation process, while the other half is autocratic limiting strategy formulation activity to management and often senior management only. This lead the researcher to conclude that while a wide array of strategy formulation tools are applied, many South African financial services organisations have opportunity to improve their strategy formulation practice by being more inclusive and adopting a longer and more holistic approach to scanning and foresight as part of the foresight development activity.

Assessing company strength in South Africa using value added : 1990 - 2000

King, Cecilia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The publication of the Value Added Statement should be seen as an attempt to introduce financial results to all the stakeholders of an organisation that aided in its wealth creation process. However, the current practice to present Value Added Statements in a variety of ways is not conducive to financial analysis and users of the information find it difficult to compare company results. The information on the Value Added Statement provides useful knowledge of the contribution of employees and fixed assets, the relative relationship of dependency and control between the organisation and its suppliers and the long-term requirements of the organisation to meet market demands. This study project aims to determine if value added-based ratio analysis could be used to measure company strength and be useful as a tool in corporate strategy formulation. The areas of investigation included productivity of production factors, reinvestment in capital and overall business control. The measures used to determine productivity also provided insight into the capital and labour intensity of companies and sectors. The model that was developed in this section indicates how companies differ in terms of their intensity and how productive their production factors are. It was found that although some companies were able to exert high value added to sales ratios, they did not perform as well when their productivity levels were measured. This is an indication that an imbalance exists between the current production factor proportions and management should try to find the optimal solution for increased productivity. The search for the optimal point between labour and fixed assets could convince management to reduce employee numbers or fixed assets to increase their productivity ratios. This is not a favoured approach as companies are dependent on their production factors for continuous growth and prosperity. The aim is to determine if companies have the means to invest in their production factors to increase their levels of productivity. Reinvestment in capital refers to fixed assets, as well as investment in training and development of current employee skills. The investigation revealed that many companies have the ability to reinvest, while others appear to be in a less favourable position. The last section was an attempt to measure the overall business control of companies when their margins on sales and value added were compared. These ratios provided insight into the ability of companies to add value through their own production skills or by command of lucrative contracts with suppliers. Those companies that are able to show high values on both ratios are said to display a high degree of overall business control. In conclusion it was found that value added-based ratio analysis could be used to identify problem areas in corporate strategy. Management's reaction to those areas and their continuous drive to improve value creation in the organisation would eventually lead to increased national wealth creation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die publikasie van die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde moet gesien word as 'n poging om finansiële resultate aan alle belanghebbendes van 'n organisasie, wat bygedra het tot die proses van welvaartskepping, aan te bied. Die huidige praktyk om die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde op verskeie maniere aan te bied is egter nie bevorderlik vir finansiële analise nie en gebruikers van die inligting vind dit moeilik om maatskappy resultate te vergelyk. Die inligting op die Staat van Toegevoegde Waarde verskaf waardevolle kennis oor die bydrae van werknemers en vaste bates, die relatiewe verhouding van afhanklikheid en beheer tussen die organisasie en sy verskaffers en die langtermyn behoeftes van die organisasie om aan markverwagtinge te voldoen. Hierdie studieprojek poog om vas te stel of toegevoegde waarde gebaseerde verhoudingsanalise gebruik kan word om maatskappyvermoë te bepaal en of dit 'n nuttige instrument in korporatiewe strategieformulering kan wees. Die areas van ondersoek het die produktiwiteit van produksiefaktore, herinvestering in kapitaal en algehele besigheidsbeheer ingesluit. Die maatstawwe wat gebruik is om produktiwiteit te bepaal het ook insig gegee oor die kapitaal- en arbeidsintensiteit van maatskappye en sektore. Die model wat ontwikkel is in hierdie afdeling wys hoe maatskappye verskil in terme van hul intensiteit en hoe produktief hul produksiefaktore is. Dit is gevind dat, alhoewel sommige maatskappye in staat was om hoë waardes vir die toegevoegde waarde tot verkope verhouding te openbaar, hulle nie so goed gevaar het toe hul produksie vlakke gemeet is nie. Dit is 'n aanduiding dat 'n wanbalans bestaan tussen die huidige produksiefaktor verhouding en bestuur moet probeer om 'n optimale oplossing te vind vir verhoogde produktiwiteit. Die soeke na die optimale punt tussen arbeid en vaste bates kan bestuur oortuig om werknemer getalle of vaste bates te verminder ten einde hul produktiwiteitsverhouding te verbeter. Dit is nie die aangewese benadering nie aangesien maatskappye afhanklik is van hul produksiefaktore vir volgehoue groei en welvaart. Die doel is om te bepaal of maatskappye die middele het om te investeer in hul produksiefaktore ten einde hul vlakke van produksie te verhoog. Herinvestering in kapitaal verwys na vaste bates, sowel as investering in opleiding en ontwikkeling van bestaande werknemer vaardighede. Die ondersoek het openbaar dat baie maatskappye wel oor die vermoë beskik om te herinvesteer, terwyl ander blyk om in 'n minder gunstige posisie te wees. Die laaste afdeling was 'n poging om die algehele besigheidsbeheer van maatskappye te bepaal wanneer die marge op verkope en toegevoegde waarde vergelyk word. Hierdie verhoudings bied insig oor die vermoë van maatskappye om waarde toe te voeg deur hul eie produksievaardighede of deur middel van winsgewende kontrakte met hul verskaffers. Maatskappye wat in staat is om hoë waardes vir beide verhoudingsgetalle te openbaar word beskou as maatskappye met 'n hoë algehele besigheidsbeheer.

Survival strategies of micro business in the Pinetown area.

Mchunu, Goodness Busisiwe. 22 September 2014 (has links)
There are numerous government and private sector initiatives aimed at supporting micro business in South Africa, yet there seems to be a lack of coercion, synergy and harmony in these endeavours to assist such businesses. A common perception about government is that all of its business programmes, have a string of protocols, red tape and intermediaries resulting in delays and inefficient support. Efforts to access this assistance is burdensome for micro-business. There is loss of time and resources in the process. This research paper sought to establish what business management strategies are employed by the micro-business owner in the Pinetown area, as a means to survive and grow. Business management strategies have been discussed in light of their strength to help the business survive and grow. The effectiveness and the efficiency of these management strategies is measured based on the classification of micro- business and the research methodology chosen. Questionnaires have been self administered to the micro-business owners to obtain their response on strategies practical for their survival. The area of study selected has been the Pinetown Area located within the Ethekwini Municipality, and part of the Province of KwaZulu- Natal. Findings from literature have highlighted constraints limiting micro business growth in South Africa. Findings have also highlighted major survival strategies viewed as the main motivating factor for micro-business owners to survive. Two key findings emerged from the study; firstly the need micro business owners to be financially prudent and to manage their business better. The second major finding was the existence of collaborative savings (stokvel), utilized as a traditional investment strategy. Recommendations based on these are the provision of financial management skills to micro business, through mentorship and financial assistance programmes by government agencies. This would benefit the micro-business owners realize their dreams of substantial and extensive business expansion. / MBA. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2012.

Succession planning and its impact on the performance of small medium micro enterprises within the manufacturing sector in South Africa

Van Weele, Erich Frederik. January 2012 (has links)
M.Tech in Business Administration (MBA) / The literature shows that most of these entities are run by their founders or by a small management team and very few such operators have proper succession planning in place. The lack of proper succession planning can have the direct effect of causing the collapse of these businesses especially when key players leave the business upon retirement or in pursuit of other options. The loss of knowledge and experience, and the consequences thereof for business is well-documented. The exit or exodus of key stakeholders can make a business vulnerable and diminish its worth as investors will not invest in a business that is unsustainable. Succession planning was identified as one of the most pressing issues for small, micro and medium enterprises in the corporate governance sphere.

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