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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Controlador adaptativo backstepping a estrutura variavel com Observadores de estado

Amorim, Breno Meira Moura de 12 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T15:07:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BrenoMMA_DISSERT.pdf: 2152939 bytes, checksum: 11e98e5a221057a9bd3545dd9b777bb5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This research aims at developing a variable structure adaptive backstepping controller (VS-ABC) by using state observers for SISO (Single Input Single Output), linear and time invariant systems with relative degree one. Therefore, the lters were replaced by a Luenberger Adaptive Observer and the control algorithm uses switching laws. The presented simulations compare the controller performance, considering when the state variables are estimated by an observer, with the case that the variables are available for measurement. Even with numerous performance advantages, adaptive backstepping controllers still have very complex algorithms, especially when the system state variables are not measured, since the use of lters on the plant input and output is not something trivial. As an attempt to make the controller design more intuitive, an adaptive observer as an alternative to commonly used K lters can be used. Furthermore, since the states variables are considered known, the controller has a reduction on the dependence of the unknown plant parameters on the design. Also, switching laws could be used in the controller instead of the traditional integral adaptive laws because they improve the system transient performance and increase the robustness against external disturbances in the plant input / Esta pesquisa objetiva desenvolver um controlador adaptativo backstepping a estrutura vari?vel (Variable Structure Adaptive Backstepping Controller, VS-ABC) utilizando observadores de estado para plantas monovari?veis, lineares e invariantes no tempo com grau relativo unit?rio. Para isso, os filtros K foram substitu?dos por um Observador Adaptativo de Luenberger e o algoritmo de controle utiliza leis chaveadas. As simula??es apresentadas comparam o desempenho do controlador quando as vari?veis de estado s?o estimadas por um observador, com o caso em que as vari?veis est?o dispon?veis para medic?o. Os controladores adaptativos backstepping mesmo com v?rias vantagens de desempenho, ainda possuem algoritmos muito complexos, principalmente quando n?o s?o medidas as vari?veis de estado do sistema, pois o uso de filtros nos sinais de entrada e sa?da da planta n?o ? algo trivial. Na inten??o de tornar o projeto do controlador mais intuitivo, pode-se utilizar um observador adaptativo em alternativa aos comumente utilizados filtros K. Al?m disso, o controlador tem uma menor depend?ncia dos par?metros desconhecidos da planta na fase de projeto, ja que as vari?veis de estado s?o consideradas conhecidas. E ainda, leis chaveadas podem ser utilizadas no controlador em vez das leis integrais tradicionais porque melhoram o desempenho transit?rio do sistema e aumentam a robustez perante dist?rbios externos na entrada da planta

Modelagem e controle de um microve?culo a?reo: uma aplica??o de estabilidade robusta com a t?cnica backstepping em uma estrutura hexarrotor

Sanca, Armando Sanca 01 February 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ArmandoSS_TESE.pdf: 2110397 bytes, checksum: c6ade2a7219938325c34c1856e93d29f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-01 / In this Thesis, the development of the dynamic model of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicle with vertical takeoff and landing characteristics, considering input nonlinearities and a full state robust backstepping controller are presented. The dynamic model is expressed using the Newton-Euler laws, aiming to obtain a better mathematical representation of the mechanical system for system analysis and control design, not only when it is hovering, but also when it is taking-off, or landing, or flying to perform a task. The input nonlinearities are the deadzone and saturation, where the gravitational effect and the inherent physical constrains of the rotors are related and addressed. The experimental multirotor aerial vehicle is equipped with an inertial measurement unit and a sonar sensor, which appropriately provides measurements of attitude and altitude. A real-time attitude estimation scheme based on the extended Kalman filter using quaternions was developed. Then, for robustness analysis, sensors were modeled as the ideal value with addition of an unknown bias and unknown white noise. The bounded robust attitude/altitude controller were derived based on globally uniformly practically asymptotically stable for real systems, that remains globally uniformly asymptotically stable if and only if their solutions are globally uniformly bounded, dealing with convergence and stability into a ball of the state space with non-null radius, under some assumptions. The Lyapunov analysis technique was used to prove the stability of the closed-loop system, compute bounds on control gains and guaranteeing desired bounds on attitude dynamics tracking errors in the presence of measurement disturbances. The controller laws were tested in numerical simulations and in an experimental hexarotor, developed at the UFRN Robotics Laboratory / Nesta Tese, s?o apresentados os desenvolvimentos da modelagem din?mica de um ve?culo a?reo n?o tripulado multirrotor com capacidade de decolagem e pouso vertical, considerando as n?o linearidades de entrada e o desenvolvimento de um controlador robusto por backstepping. A formula??o do modelo din?mico ? expressa usando-se as leis de Newton-Euler, visando ? obten??o de uma melhor representa??o matem?tica do sistema mec?nico para a an?lise e projeto das leis de controle, n?o apenas quando est? pairando, como tamb?m de decolagem, de pouso, ou de voo executando uma tarefa. As n?o linearidades de entrada s?o a zona morta e a satura??o, onde o efeito gravitacional e as inerentes restri??es f?sicas dos rotores s?o relacionadas e abordadas. O microve?culo experimental est? equipado com uma unidade de medida inercial e um sonar, que devidamente instrumentada fornece as medidas da atitude e altitude. Foi desenvolvido um estimador em tempo real para atitude usando quat?rnios e baseado em filtro de Kalman estendido. Para a formula??o robusta do controlador, os sensores foram modelados como o valor real, que ? o valor ideal com a adi??o de um vi?s e mais um ru?do branco desconhecidos e limitados. Os controladores de atitude e altitude foram derivados usando-se o crit?rio globalmente uniformemente praticamente assintoticamente est?vel para sistemas reais, que permanece globalmente uniformemente assintoticamente est?vel se e somente se suas solu??es s?o globalmente uniformemente limitadas, lidando com a converg?ncia e estabilidade dentro de uma regi?o com raio n?o nula, levando em considera??o algumas suposi??es como as incertezas nas medi??es. A t?cnica de an?lise de Lyapunov foi usada para: provar a estabilidade do sistema em malha fechada; calcular os limites dos ganhos de controle, e, obter a garantia limitada pretendida sobre o erro de rastreamento da din?mica de atitude na presen?a de dist?rbios nas medi??oes. As leis de controle foram testadas em simula??es num?ricas e em um hexarrotor experimental, desenvolvido no Laborat?rio de Rob?tica da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte

Sliding mode control of active magnetic bearings with low losses : a model-free approach / Commande par mode glissant de paliers magnétiques actifs économes en énergie : une approche sans modèle

Kandil, Mohamed Salah January 2016 (has links)
Abstract : Over the past three decades, various fields have witnessed a successful application of active magnetic bearing (AMB) systems. Their favorable features include supporting high-speed rotation, low power consumption, and rotor dynamics control. Although their losses are much lower than roller bearings, these losses could limit the operation in some applications such as flywheel energy storage systems and vacuum applications. Many researchers focused their efforts on boosting magnetic bearings energy efficiency via minimizing currents supplied to electromagnetic coils either by a software solution or a hardware solution. According to a previous study, we adopt the hardware solution in this thesis. More specifically, we investigate developing an efficient and yet simple control scheme for regulating a permanent magnet-biased active magnetic bearing system. The control objective here is to suppress the rotor vibrations and reduce the corresponding control currents as possible throughout a wide operating range. Although adopting the hardware approach could achieve an energy-efficient AMB, employing an advanced control scheme could achieve a further reduction in power consumption. Many advanced control techniques have been proposed in the literature to achieve a satisfactory performance. However, the complexity of the majority of control schemes and the potential requirement of powerful platform could discourage their application in practice. The motivation behind this work is to improve the closed-loop performance without the need to do model identification and following the conventional procedure for developing a model-based controller. Here, we propose applying the hybridization concept to exploit the classical PID control and some nonlinear control tools such as first- and second-order sliding mode control, high gain observer, backstepping, and adaptive techniques to develop efficient and practical control schemes. All developed control schemes in this thesis are digitally implemented and validated on the eZdsp F2812 control board. Therefore, the applicability of the proposed model-free techniques for practical application is demonstrated. Furthermore, some of the proposed control schemes successfully achieve a good compromise between the objectives of rotor vibration attenuation and control currents minimization over a wide operating range. / Résumé: Au cours des trois dernières décennies, divers domaines ont connu une application réussie des systèmes de paliers magnétiques actifs (PMA). Leurs caractéristiques favorables comprennent une capacité de rotation à grande vitesse, une faible consommation d'énergie, et le contrôle de la dynamique du rotor. Bien que leurs pertes soient beaucoup plus basses que les roulements à rouleaux, ces pertes pourraient limiter l'opération dans certaines applications telles que les systèmes de stockage d'énergie à volant d'inertie et les applications sous vide. De nombreux chercheurs ont concentré leurs efforts sur le renforcement de l'efficacité énergétique des paliers magnétiques par la minimisation des courants fournis aux bobines électromagnétiques soit par une solution logicielle, soit par une solution matérielle. Selon une étude précédente, nous adoptons la solution matérielle dans cette thèse. Plus précisément, nous étudions le développement d'un système de contrôle efficace et simple pour réguler un système de palier magnétique actif à aimant permanent polarisé. L'objectif de contrôle ici est de supprimer les vibrations du rotor et de réduire les courants de commande correspondants autant que possible tout au long d'une large plage de fonctionnement. Bien que l'adoption de l'approche matérielle pourrait atteindre un PMA économe en énergie, un système de contrôle avancé pourrait parvenir à une réduction supplémentaire de la consommation d'énergie. De nombreuses techniques de contrôle avancées ont été proposées dans la littérature pour obtenir une performance satisfaisante. Cependant, la complexité de la majorité des systèmes de contrôle et l'exigence potentielle d’une plate-forme puissante pourrait décourager leur application dans la pratique. La motivation derrière ce travail est d'améliorer les performances en boucle fermée, sans la nécessité de procéder à l'identification du modèle et en suivant la procédure classique pour développer un contrôleur basé sur un modèle. Ici, nous proposons l'application du concept d'hybridation pour exploiter le contrôle PID classique et certains outils de contrôle non linéaires tels que contrôle par mode glissement du premier et du second ordre, observateur à grand gain, backstepping et techniques adaptatives pour développer des systèmes de contrôle efficaces et pratiques. Tous les systèmes de contrôle développés dans cette thèse sont numériquement mis en oeuvre et évaluées sur la carte de contrôle eZdsp F2812. Par conséquent, l'applicabilité des techniques de modèle libre proposé pour l'application pratique est démontrée. En outre, certains des régimes de contrôle proposés ont réalisé avec succès un bon compromis entre les objectifs au rotor d’atténuation des vibrations et la minimisation des courants de commande sur une grande plage de fonctionnement.

Development of theoretical and computational tools for the design of control strategies for nonlinear sampled-data systems / Développement d'outils de calcul et de logiciels pour la réalisation et l'implantation de stratégies de commande non linéaires échantillonnées

Tanasa, Valentin 23 November 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse concerne la conception de commandes échantillonnées pour les systèmes non-linéaires en temps continu. Les systèmes échantillonnés sont des éléments inhérents aux systèmes contrôlés par ordinateur, les systèmes hybrides ou les systèmes embarqués. La conception et le calcul des contrôleurs numériques appropriés sont des taches difficiles car ils contiennent des composants à la fois continu et en temps discret. Ce travail s'inscrit dans une activité de recherche menée par S. Monaco et D. Normand-Cyrot dans le domaine des systèmes échantillonnés non-linéaires. L'idée de base est de concevoir des contrôleurs digitaux qui permettent de récupérer certaines propriétés en temps continu qui sont généralement dégradées par l'échantillonnage. Tel est le cas de l'émulation lorsque les contrôleurs en temps continu sont mis en ouvre en utilisant des bloqueurs d'ordre zéro. Cette thèse apporte des contributions dans trois directions complémentaires. La première concerne les développements théoriques: une nouvelle conception de type ``backstepping digital" est proposée pour les systèmes en forme ``strict-feedback". Cette méthode est comparée à d'autres stratégies proposées dans la littérature. La deuxième contribution est le développement d'un logiciel pour la synthèse des contrôleurs et d'une ``boîte à outils" pour simuler (en Matlab) les systèmes échantillonnés non-linéaires et leurs contrôleurs. Cette boîte à outils inclut plusieurs algorithmes pour la synthèse de contrôleurs échantillonnés tels que: commande de type multi-échelle, reproduction entrée-sortie/Lyapunov, backstepping digital, etc. La troisième contribution concerne plusieurs études de cas menées pour mettre en évidence les performances des contrôleurs échantillonnés, calculés avec l'aide du logiciel. Des résultats expérimentaux et des simulations sont décrits pour divers exemples réels dans les domaines électriques et mécaniques. / This thesis is concerned with the sampled-data control of non-linear continuous-time systems. Sampled-data systems are present in all computer controlled, hybrid or embedded systems. The design and computation of suitable digital controllers represent unavoidable tasks since both continuous and discrete-time components interact. The basic framework of this work takes part of a wide research activity performed by S. Monaco and D. Normand-Cyrot regarding non-linear sampled-data systems. The underlying idea is to design digital controllers that recover certain continuous-time properties that are usually degraded through sampling as it is the case when continuous-time controllers are implemented by means of zero-order holder devices (emulated control). This thesis brings contributions into three different directions. The first one regards theoretical developments: a new digital backstepping-like strategy design for strict-feedback systems is proposed. This method is compared with other strategies proposed in the literature. The second contribution is the development of a control designer and of a simulation toolbox (in Matlab) for non-linear sampled-data systems. This toolbox includes different digital design strategies such as: multi-rate control, input-output/Lyapunov matching, digital backstepping design, etc. The third contribution concerns several case studies conducted to highlight the performances of the sampled-data controller designs, computed by the means of the software toolbox. Experimental and simulation results are described for various real examples especially in the area of electrical and mechanical processes. / Teza de față se concentrează asupra studiului controlului eșantionat pentru sisteme neliniare în timp continuu. Sistemele eșantionate sunt componente indispensabile oricăror sisteme de control bazate pe dispozitive de calcul, sisteme hibride sau sisteme embedded. Sinteza și calculul comenzilor digitale, potrivite pentru astfel de sisteme, devine o sarcină dificilă o dată ce presupune existența de dinamici în timp discret respectiv în timp continuu.Cadrul de bază al acestei lucrări se regăsește în activitatea de cercetare realizată de Salvatore Monaco și Dorothée Normand-Cyrot în domeniul sistemelor eșantionate neliniare. Ideea care stă la bază este de a sintetiza comenzile digitale urmărind menținerea unor proprietăți impuse în timp continuu sub eșantionare. Aceste proprietăți sunt în general degradate sub eșantionare cum este cazul comenzilor emulate, când comenzile continue sunt implementate practic cu ajutorul extrapolatoarelor de ordin 0.Această teză își aduce aportul în 3 direcții complementare. Prima adresează dezvoltările teoretice unde o nouă sinteză de tip backstepping digital este propusă pentru sisteme în formă <strict-feedback>. Această metodă, dezvoltată în două versiuni, este comparată cu alte strategii similare propuse în literatură. A doua contribuție a tezei este legată de dezvoltarea unui toolbox software pentru sinteza de controllere digitale pentru sisteme nelinare sub eșantionare. Acest toolbox include strategii diferite pentru sinteza eșantionată precum: comandă de tip multi-rate, reproducere intrare-ieșire/Lyapunov, backstepping digital și alte soluții care sunt obiectul unor noi extensii. A treia contribuție este dată de studiile de caz dezvoltate pentru a scoate în evidență performanțele comenzilor eșantionate testate și calculate cu ajutorul aplicației software. Rezultatele experimentale și de simulare sunt obținute pentru diverse exemple reale din domeniul electric și mecanic.

Adaptive Controller Development and Evaluation for a 6DOF Controllable Multirotor

Furgiuele, Theresa Chung Wai 03 October 2022 (has links)
The omnicopter is a small unmanned aerial vehicle capable of executing decoupled translational and rotational motion (six degree of freedom, 6DOF, motion). The development of controllers for various 6DOF controllable multirotors has been much more limited than development for quadrotors, which makes selecting a controller for a 6DOF multirotor difficult. The omnicopter is subject to various uncertainties and disturbances from hardware changes, structural dynamics, and airflow, making adaptive controllers particularly interesting to investigate. The goal of this research is to design and evaluate the performance of various position and attitude controller combinations for the omnicopter, specifically focusing on adaptive controllers. Simulations are first used to compare combinations of three position controllers, PID, model reference adaptive control, augmented model reference adaptive control (aMRAC), and four attitude controllers, PI/feedback linearization (PIFL), augmented model reference adaptive control, backstepping, and adaptive backstepping (aBack). For the simulations, the omnicopter is commanded to point at and track a stationary aim point as it travels along a $C^0$ continuous trajectory and a trajectory that is $C^1$ continuous. The controllers are stressed by random disturbances and the addition of an unaccounted for suspended mass. The augmented model reference adaptive controller for position control paired with the adaptive backstepping controller for attitude control is shown to be the best controller combination for tracking various trajectories while subject to disturbances. Based on the simulation results, the PID/PIFL and aMRAC/aBack controllers are selected to be compared during three different flight tests. The first flight test is on a $C^1$ continuous trajectory while the omnicopter is commanded to point at and track a stationary aim point. The second flight test is a hover with an unmodeled added weight, and the third is a circular trajectory with a broken blade. As with the simulation results, the adaptive controller is shown to yield better performance than the nonadaptive controller for all scenarios, particularly for position tracking. With an added weight or a broken propeller, the adaptive attitude controller struggles to return to level flight, but is capable of maintaining steady flight when the nonadaptive controller tends to fail. Finally, while model reference adaptive controllers are shown to be effective, their nonlinearity can make them difficult to tune and certify via standard certification methods, such as gain and phase margin. A method for using time delay margin estimates, a potential certification metric, to tune the adaptive parameter tuning gain matrix is shown to be useful when applied to an augmented MRAC controller for a quadrotor. / Doctor of Philosophy / The omnicopter is a small unmanned aerial vehicle capable of executing decoupled translational and rotational motion. The development of controllers for these types of vehicles has been limited, making controller selection difficult. The omnicopter is subject to variations in hardware and airflow, making adaptive controllers particularly interesting to investigate. The goal of this research is to design and compare the performance of various position and attitude controller combinations for the omnicopter, specifically focusing on adaptive controllers. Simulations are first used to compare combinations of several position and attitude controllers on various trajectories and disturbances. Simulation results showed that a fully adaptive controller combination produced the best trajectory tracking while subject to disturbances. As with the simulation results, flight tests showed the adaptive controller yields better performance than the nonadaptive controller for all scenarios, particularly for position tracking. Finally, while the adaptive position controller was shown to be effective, it is difficult to tune and certify for widespread use. A method for using time delay margin estimates, a potential certification metric, to tune the adaptive controller is shown to be useful when applied to an adaptive controller for a quadrotor.

Contribution à la commande résiliente aux défaillances des convertisseurs statiques et à la démagnétisation de la génératrice synchrone à aimants permanents d'une hydrolienne / On fault-tolerant control of a permanent magnet synchronous-based tidal turbine under faulty converter and magnet failure

Toumi, Sana 09 December 2017 (has links)
De nos jours, l’exploitation des énergies renouvelables afin de générer de l’électricité est en croissance soutenue puisqu’elles sont à ressource illimitée, gratuites et ne provoquent pas de déchets ou d’émissions polluantes. Dans cette thèse, on se propose d’étudier l’un de ces types d’énergie à savoir l’énergie issue des courants marins. Il s’agit plus particulièrement de s’intéresser à la commande tolérante aux défauts des systèmes de récupération de l’énergie des courants marins. Le potentiel de la production d'électricité à partir des courants marins est estimé à une production de 100 GW dans le monde. Cependant, ces chaînes de conversion d’énergie sont exposées et soumises à des contraintes fonctionnelles et environnementales importantes et sévères. Ces contraintes favorisent inévitablement la dégradation des performances des différents blocs fonctionnels de ces systèmes et l’accélération de leur processus de vieillissement, conduisant ainsi à l’apparition des défauts d’origines mécaniques et/ou électriques. Ainsi, la mise en place des techniques de commande tolérantes aux défauts de ces systèmes permettra d’améliorer la fiabilité, les performances et réduire les coûts relatifs au fonctionnement en mode dégradé et aux opérations de maintenance. Le but des travaux de cette thèse est l’étude, la modélisation et la simulation d’une chaîne de conversion hydrolienne à vitesse variable dans le cas sain et le cas d’un défaut (soit au niveau de la machine synchrone à aimants permanents (défaut de la désaimantation) ou au niveau du convertisseur statique (défaut d’un circuit ouvert d’un interrupteur). Il s’agira donc d’étudier les différentes commandes tolérantes aux défauts utilisées en cas d’un défaut au niveau de la génératrice ou au niveau de l’électronique de puissance associée. / Nowadays, the exploitation of renewable energies in order to generate electricity is growing steadily because they are unlimited resources, free and don’t cause waste or polluting emissions. In this context, it is proposed to study one of these types of energy, which is marine currents energy. In particular, we are interested in fault-tolerant control of tidal turbines. The potential for power generation from marine currents is estimated at 100GW in the world. However, tidal turbines are submitted to severe operational and environmental constraints. These constraints inevitably will lead to these systems performance degradation and the acceleration of their aging process, thus leading to the occurrence of mechanical and/or electrical faults. The implementation of fault-tolerant control techniques will improve the tidal turbines reliability, performance, and reduce costs relating to maintenance operations. The aim of this thesis is to study, model, and simulate a tidal turbine system in healthy and faulty conditions (either in the converter (switch open circuit) or in the permanent magnet synchronous generator (magnet failure). Various fault-tolerant control approaches are therefore evaluated and compared under these specific failure It will therefore be necessary to study the various fault-tolerant controls used in the event of a fault in the generator or in the associated power electronics.

Mechanical design, dynamic modeling and control of hydraulic artificial muscles

Nikkhah, Arman 18 August 2020 (has links)
Artificial human muscles have traditionally been operated through pneumatic means, and are known as Pneumatic Artificial Muscles (PAMs). Over the last several decades, Hydraulic Artificial Muscles (HAMs) have also been investigated due to their high power-to-weight ratio and human-like characteristics. Compared to PAMs, HAMs typically exhibit faster response, higher efficiency, and superior position control; characteristics which provide potential for application in rehabilitation robotics. This thesis presents a new approach to actuate artificial muscles in an antagonistic pair configuration. The detailed mechanical design of the test platform is introduced, along with the development of a dynamic model for actuating an artificial elbow joint. Also, custom manufactured Oil-based Hydraulic Artificial Muscles (OHAMs) are implemented in a biceps-triceps configuration and characterized on the test platform. Furthermore, an integrator-backstepping controller is derived for HAMs with different characteristics (stiffness and damping coefficients) in an antagonistic pair configuration. Finally, simulations and experimental results of the position control of the artificial elbow joint are discussed to confirm the functionality of the OHAMs utilizing the proposed actuating mechanism and the effectiveness of the developed control algorithm. / Graduate

Adaptive Quaternion Control for a Miniature Tailsitter UAV

Knoebel, Nathan B. 30 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The miniature tailsitter is a unique aircraft with inherent advantages over typical unmanned aerial vehicles. With the capabilities of both hover and level flight, these small, portable systems can produce efficient maneuvers for enhanced surveillance and autonomy with little threat to surroundings and the system itself. Such vehicles are accompanied with control challenges due to the two different flight regimes. Problems with the conventional attitude representation arise in estimation and control as the system departs from level flight conditions. Furthermore, changing dynamics and limitations in modeling and sensing give rise to significant attitude control design challenges. Restrictions in computation also result from the limited size and weight capacity of the miniature airframe. In this research, the inherent control challenges discussed above are addressed with a computationally efficient adaptive quaternion control algorithm. A backstepping method for model cancellation and consistent tracking of reference model attitude dynamics is derived. This is used in conjunction with two different algorithms designed for the identification of system parameters. For a metric of baseline performance, gain-scheduled quaternion feedback control is developed. With a regularized data-weighting recursive least-squares parameter estimation algorithm, the adaptive quaternion controller is shown to be better than the baseline method in simulation and hardware results. This method is also shown to produce universal performance for all aircraft with the three conventional control surface actuators (aileron, elevator, and rudder) barring saturation and assuming accurate system identification. Testing of attitude control algorithms requires development in quaternion-based navigational control and attitude estimation. A novel technique for hover north/east position control is derived. Also, altitude tracking in hover, given an inconsistent thrust system, is addressed with an original method of on-line throttle system identification. Means for quaternion-based level flight control are produced from adaptations made to existing techniques employed in the Brigham Young University Multi-Agent Coordination and Control Lab. Also generated are simple trajectories for transitions between flight modes. A method for the estimation of quaternion attitude is developed, which uses multiple sensors combined in a filtering technique similar to the fixed-gain Kalman filter. Simulation and hardware results of these methods are presented for concept validation. A discussion of the development and production of these testing means (a simulation environment and hardware flight test system) is provided. In culmination, a fully autonomous miniature tailsitter system is produced with results demonstrating its various capabilities.

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