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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Characterization of the structure and function of a <I>Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron</I> 16S rRNA promoter

Thorson, Mary Leah 13 June 2003 (has links)
The bacteroides group is a subdivision in the <I>Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides</I> phylum. This group is as phylogenetically distinct from other Gram-negative enterics, including <I>Escherichia coli</I>, as they are from Gram-positive organisms. Furthermore, there is no cross expression between genes of <I>E. coli</I> and <I>Bacteroides</I> species. It is thought that this difference in gene expression lies in part at the level of transcription initiation and is due to the sequences within the promoter region itself. A putative consensus sequence for <I>Bacteroides</I> promoters has been published by C. Jeff Smith&#146;s research group based on alignments of the sequences upstream of certain regulated genes. However, this consensus has not been found within all putative <I>Bacteroides</I> promoters. In this study, the promoter structure and function of a strong housekeeping <I>B. thetaiotaomicron</I> 16S rRNA promoter was examined and compared to an <I>E. coli</I> 16S rRNA promoter. Our hypothesis is that there are significant differences between the promoters of these two organisms. Analysis of <I>B. thetaiotaomicron</I> sequence upstream of the 16S rRNA gene has revealed the same overall structure known for <I>E. coli</I> 16S rRNA promoters in that there are two putative promoters separated by approximately 150 bp. However, the <I>B. thetaiotaomicron</I> 16S rRNA promoter contains the proposed <I>Bacteroides</I> &#151;7 and &#151;33 consensus sequences instead of the well known <I>E. coli</I> &#151;10 and &#151;35 consensus sequences. The biological activity of the<I> B. thetaiotaomicron</I> 16S rRNA full-length promoter was confirmed using a <I>Bacteroides lux</I> reporter system. A newly designed <I>Bacteroides lux</I> reporter was used to analyze specific regions of the <I>B. thetaiotaomicron</I> 16S rRNA promoter. In addition, by pairing the <I>B. thetaiotaomicron</I> 16S rRNA promoter with an <I>E. coli</I> ribosomal binding site, and vice-versa, the improved <I>lux</I> reporter was used to further confirm that the difference in gene expression between the two species lies at the level of transcription in <I>E. coli</I>. In <I>Bacteroides</I>, however, transcription and translation may work together to create a barrier to efficient gene expression of foreign genes. </P> / Master of Science

Phagocytosis of Bacteroides in Suspension and on a Glass Surface Determined by a Modified Fluorochrome Assay

Veringa, E. M., Ferguson, D. A., Lambe, D. W., Verhoef, J. 01 January 1989 (has links)
Phagocytosis of Bacteroides fragilis and Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron by human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNL) was studied using a modified fluorochrome assay. Bacteria were grown overnight, washed and opsonized in normal, human, pooled serum. Preopsonized bacteria, either in suspension or preadhered onto a glass cover slip, were then incubated with PMNL. Afer appropriate incubation, the mixtures were centrifuged onto the cover glasses. The cover glasses were stained with acridine orange, while duplicate cover glasses were also stained with Giemsa solution. The total number and distribution of bacteria and PMNL, as well as morphological changes in PMNL, were observed with the Giemsa stain. The acridine orange stained only ingested bacteria which provided an accurate indication of phagocytosis. Bacteroides cells adhered to a glass surface were phagocytized significantly more efficiently than Bacteroides in suspension.

Assessment of Fecal Source Pollution in Plum Creek Watershed, Nebraska Using Bacteroidetes-Targeted PCR Assays and Phylogenetic Analysis

Lamendella, Regina 03 April 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Bestimmung der in vitro Aktivität von Clindamycin, Imipenem, Metronidazol und Piperacillin/Tazobactam gegenüber sensiblen und resistenten Bacteroides fragilis Stämmen mittels Absterbekinetik

Funke, Matthias 23 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Obligat anaerob wachsende Bakterien sind an einer Vielzahl von Infektionen beteiligt. Dabei ist Bacteroides fragilis einer der wichtigsten opportunistischen Erreger unter den Anaerobiern. Bei Verdacht auf eine Infektion durch obligate Anaerobier muss nach Materialentnahme für die mikrobiologische Diagnostik unverzüglich eine kalkulierte Therapie eingeleitet werden. Oft ist eine chirurgische Therapie notwendig, die ebenso wie eine adäquate Antibiotikatherapie entscheidend für den Verlauf der Erkrankung ist. Wichtige Substanzen für eine Therapie bei Infektionen mit Beteiligung von B. fragilis sind Clindamycin, Imipenem, Metronidazol und Piperacillin/Tazobactam. Um Aussagen zur in vitro Wirksamkeit dieser Antibiotika gegenüber obligaten Anaerobiern treffen zu können, wurden in der vorliegenden Arbeit die Aktivitäten von verschiedenen Konzentrationen des jeweiligen Antibiotikums auf das Wachstum von sensiblen und resistenten B. fragilis Stämmen mittels Absterbekinetik untersucht. In Abhängigkeit von der zuvor ermittelten minimalen Hemmkonzentration des jeweiligen Antibiotikums wurden die Stämme in 2 Gruppen eingeteilt. Die erste Gruppe umfasst alle Stämme mit einer MHK ≤ 8 µg/ml. In der zweiten Gruppe sind die Stämme mit einer MHK > 8 µg/ml zusammengefasst. Die einzelnen Stämme wurden mit einem Vielfachen der minimalen Hemmkonzentration (MHK) beziehungsweise einem Vielfachen der im menschlichen Blutplasma maximal erreichbaren Konzentration (Cmax) des jeweiligen Antibiotikums inkubiert und die Bakterienkonzentration zu definierten Zeitpunkten ermittelt. Dadurch können sowohl die Wirksamkeit unterschiedlicher Antibiotikakonzentrationen als auch verschiedene Antibiotikaklassen miteinander verglichen und Aussagen zu Empfehlungen für kalkulierte Therapien getroffen werden.

Etude des mécanismes d’action de l’anticorps anti-CTLA4 et de leurs liens avec le microbiote intestinal / Study of Anti-CTLA4 Antibody Mechanisms of Action and their Association with the Gut Microbiota

Vétizou, Marie 08 July 2015 (has links)
Le CTLA4 permet de maintenir la tolérance du soi et prévient le développement d’auto-immunités. Contenu au sein de vésicules intra-cytoplasmiques des lymphocytes T au repos, le CTLA4 est exprimé à la membrane plasmique suite à l’activation du TCR, on le qualifie de rétrocontrôle inhibiteur du système immunitaire (ICB). L’anticorps bloquant le CTLA4, l’ipilimumab induit un contrôle immunitaire à long terme chez une fraction de patients atteints de mélanomes métastatiques. Deux études cliniques de phase III ont conduit à son autorisation de mise sur le marché dans le traitement du mélanome métastatique par la FDA et l’EMA en 2011. Cependant le blocage du CTLA4 est souvent associé au développement d’effets indésirables liés à l’immunité, irAEs, majoritairement au niveau de la peau et de l’intestin, deux sites colonisés par la flore microbienne. Afin de continuer le développement des ICB et des combinaisons de traitements, de nombreux efforts visent à découpler l’efficacité anti-tumorale de la toxicité associée à l’anti-CTLA4. Bien que la stimulation du système immunitaire soit responsable des effets thérapeutiques de l’anti-CTLA4, aucun biomarqueur immunologique d’efficacité n’a été décrit. Dans notre première étude nous avons étudié le mécanisme d’action de l’anti-CTLA4 et nous avons décrit un rôle de l’IL-2 et de ses récepteurs dans l’activité anti-tumorale de l’anticorps. Nous avons également décrit la fraction soluble du récepteur à l’IL-2, le sCD25 comme un biomarqueur potentiel de résistance au traitement. Une concentration élevée de sCD25 dans le sérum des patients atteints de mélanome prédit la résistance à l’ipilimumab. Dans notre second projet, nous avons révélé le rôle du microbiote intestinale et particulièrement de bactéries Gram négatives, des Bacteroides, dans l’efficacité anti-tumorale de l’anti-CTLA4. L’absence d’efficacité du blocage du CTLA4 chez les animaux dépourvus de flore intestinale peut être rétablie par l’administration de Bacteroides fragilis, ou bien de DC, ou encore de lymphocytes T spécifiques de B. fragilis, sans déclencher de colites. Ces travaux suggèrent de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques pour espérer améliorer la balance bénéfice / toxicité / coût de l’ipilimumab. / CTLA4, cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4, which is present in the intracytoplasmic vesicles of resting T cells, is upregulated at the surface of activated T cells where it maintains self-tolerance and prevents autoimmunity. The CTLA4-blocking antibody, ipilimumab, induces immune-mediated long term control of metastatic melanoma in a fraction of patients, leading to its approval by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medical Agency (EMA) in 2011 for the treatment of advanced metastatic melanoma. However, blockade of CTLA4 by ipilimumab often results in immune-related adverse events (irAEs) at sites that are exposed to commensal flora, namely the gut and the skin. Uncoupling efficacy from toxicity is a challenge for the development of immune checkpoint blockers and therapeutic combinations. Although ipilimumab undoubtedly exerts its therapeutic effects via immunostimulation, relevant immune biomarkers that predict treatment efficiency remain elusive. Firstly, we unravel a role for IL-2 and IL-2 receptors in the anticancer activity of CTLA-4 blockade. Importantly, our study provides an immunologically relevant biomarker, elevated serum sCD25, which predicts resistance to CTLA-4 blockade in patients with melanoma. Secondly, we show that the antitumor effects of CTLA4 blockade depend upon intestinal Gram-negative bacteria, mostly Bacteroides species. These bacteria accumulate at the bottom of the intestinal crypts and elicit an IL-12-dependent Th1 immune response specific for distinct Bacteroides species, both in tumor bearing mice and in cancer patients. CTLA4 blockade lost its anticancer efficacy in antibiotic-treated or germ-free mice. This defect could be overcome by oral administration of Bacteroides fragilis (Bf), immunization with Bf polysaccharides, or adoptive transfer of Bf-specific T cells, all of which in the absence of colitis. Our study unravels the key role of Bacteroides in the immunostimulatory effects of CTLA4 blockade, suggesting novel strategies for safely broadening its clinical use

Quinolone resistance in Bacteroides fragilis and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, two opportunistic pathogens /

Oh, Herin, January 2003 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.

Otimização da produção de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos em reator em batelada a partir de consórcio de bactérias autóctones e alóctones do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar / Optimization of hydrogen and organic acids productions with autochthonous and allochthonous bacteria from sugarcane bagasse in batch reactors

Rabelo, Camila Abreu Borges da Silva 09 February 2018 (has links)
Nessa pesquisa avaliou-se a produção fermentativa de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos a partir do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (BCA) usado como substrato em reatores em batelada. Três condições de pré-tratamento (hidrotérmico, autoclave e hidrotérmico mais autoclave) do BCA e condição in natura foram avaliadas a fim de favorecer a produção de hidrogênio. Verificou-se produção molar de hidrogênio de 3,79 mmol/L, 3,47 mmol/L, 1,67 mmol/L e 1,01 mmol/L para BCA autoclavado, BCA in natura, BCA pré-tratado em sistema hidrotérmico e BCA pré-tratado em sistema hidrotérmico seguido de autoclave, respectivamente. A partir desses valores, optou-se por usar o BCA autoclavado como substrato para otimização da produção de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos a partir de metodologias de delineamento do composto central e superfície de resposta. Foram monitorados 10 reatores em batelada (R1 a R10), em triplicatas, com diferentes concentrações de substrato (0,8 a 9,2 g/L) e pH (de 4,6 a 7,4). A maior produção de hidrogênio (24,1 mmol/L) e 6,4 g/L de ácidos orgânicos foram obtidos em R4 (8,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,0). Os açúcares glicose, arabinose, xilose, manose e galactose foram observados ao longo do tempo de operação em todos os reatores, sendo arabinose observado em maior concentração nas condições dos reatores R3 (8,0 g BCA/L e pH 5,0) e R8 (5,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,4), respectivamente, 1.415,3 e 1.372,5 mg/L. A produção de hidrogênio foi concomitante à formação de ácidos orgânicos, principalmente butírico (de 14,6 a 33,8% em R1 e R6, respectivamente) e succínico (de 19,5 a 26,4% em R3 e R9, respectivamente). Os dois fatores analisados, concentração de substrato e pH, exerceram efeitos significativos na produção de hidrogênio, ácido butírico e succínico. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o planejamento fatorial, foi possível verificar que o valor máximo de produção de hidrogênio estimado pelo modelo foi de 23,10 mmol/L, para 7,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,2. O valor obtido no experimento de otimização (Rotm) foi de 19,84 mmol/L, com grau de precisão do modelo de 85,9% para produção de hidrogênio a partir de BCA autoclavado. Sequenciamento massivo via plataforma Illumina (Miseq) foi realizado para a identificação de bactérias do reator do ponto central, (R9, 5,0 g BCA/L e pH 6,0), do reator otimizado (Rotm, 7,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,2), de amostras do BCA autoclavado e inóculo. No inóculo foram identificadas principalmente bactérias semelhantes a Clostridium bifermentans (62,69% de abundância relativa), Bacillus coagulans (31,67%) e Enterobacter aerogenes (2,72%). No BCA foram identificadas bactérias semelhantes a C. bifermentans (31,91%), C. cellobioparum (32,29%), C. cellulolyticum (5,69%), C. sartagoforme (14,63%) e Paenibacillus spp. (11,67%). Estas bactérias não foram favorecidas sob as condições impostas em R9 (5,0 g BCA/L e pH 6,0) e Rotm (7,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,2), uma vez que a abundância relativa das bactérias nas amostras dos reatores foram completamente diferentes. Em R9, bactérias semelhantes a Lactobacillus paracasei e Escherichia hermannii foram as principais identificas com 37,50 e 34,32% de abundância relativa, respectivamente. Em Rotm, as principais bactérias identificadas foram semelhantes a Bacteroides sp. e Enterobacter aerogenes, com 37,35 e 27,72% de abundância relativa, respectivamente. Assim, as populações bacterianas, bem como a produção de metabólitos, foram alteradas em função das condições impostas; ou seja, concentração de BCA, pH em reatores em batelada com BCA autoclavado como substrato. / This study evaluated the hydrogen and organic acids fermentative productions from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) as substrate in batch reactors. Three pre-treatment conditions (hydrothermal, autoclave and hydrothermal plus autoclave) of BCA and the in natura condition were evaluated in order to favor the hydrogen production. Hydrogen molar productions of 3.79 mmol/L, 3.47 mmol/L, 1.67 mmol/L and 1.01 mmol/L was found for SCB pretreated in autoclave, BCA in natura, SCB pretreated in hydrothermal system and SCB pretreated in hydrothermal system followed by autoclaving, respectively. From these values, it was decided to use autoclaved BCA as a substrate for optimization of hydrogen and organic acids productions from the design methodologies of the central compound and response surface. Ten batch reactors (R1 to R10) were monitored in triplicates with different substrate concentrations (0.8 to 9.2 g/L) and pH (4.6 to 7.4). The highest production of hydrogen (24.06 mmol/L) and 6.42 g/L of organic acids were obtained in R4 (8.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.0). Glucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose and galactose were produced and consumed throughout the operating time of all reactors, and arabinose was observed at higher concentration, 1,415.26 and 1,372.45 mg/L in R3 (8.0 g BCA/L and pH 5.0) and R8 (5.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.4), respectively. The production of hydrogen was concomitant to the formation of organic acids, mainly butyric (from 14.6 to 33.8% in R1 and R6, respectively) and succinic (from 19.5 to 26.4% in R3 and R9, respectively). The two factors analyzed, substrate concentration and pH, had significant effects on the production of hydrogen, butyric acid and succinic acid. From the results obtained with the factorial design, it was possible to verify that the maximum value of hydrogen production estimated by the model was 23.10 mmol/L, to 7.0 g BCA L and pH 7.2. The value obtained in the optimization experiment (Rotm) was 19.84 mmol/L, with an accuracy of 85.9% for hydrogen production from autoclaved BCA. Sequencing by the Illumina platform (Miseq) was performed for the identification of bacteria from the central point reactor (R9, 5.0 g BCA/L and pH 6.0), optimized reactor (Rotm, 7.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.2), autoclaved BCA and inoculum samples. In the inoculum were identified mainly bacteria similar to Clostridium bifermentans (62,69% of relative abundance), Bacillus coagulans (31,67%) and Enterobacter aerogenes (2,72%). Bacteria similar to C. bifermentans (31.91%), C. cellobioparum (32.29%), C. cellulolyticum (5.69%), C. sartagoforme (14.63%) and Paenibacillus spp. (11.67%). These bacteria were not favored under the conditions imposed on R9 (5.0 g BCA/L and pH 6.0) and Rotm (7.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.2), since the relative abundance of the bacteria in the reactor samples were completely different. In R9, bacteria similar to Lactobacillus paracasei and Escherichia hermannii were the main identified with 37.50 and 34.32% of relative abundance, respectively. In Rotm, the main bacteria identified were similar to Bacteroides sp. and Enterobacter aerogenes, with 37.35 and 27.72% relative abundance, respectively. Thus, bacterial populations, as well as the production of metabolites, were altered as a function of the imposed conditions; ie, BCA concentration, pH in batch reactors with autoclaved BCA as substrate.

Investigação do microbioma intestinal em camundongos deficientes em CRAMP submetidos à sepse experimental / Investigation of the intestinal microbiome in mice deficient in CRAMP subjected to experimental sepsis

Almeida, Marta Lucia de 05 December 2018 (has links)
O microbioma intestinal tem sido associado à sepse, causada por infecção, apresentando respostas imunológicas exacerbadas. O peptídeo antimicrobiano CRAMP atua na imunidade inata com característica ambígua, ora pró-inflamatória ora anti-inflamatória. Nesse estudo, a sepse foi induzida por modelo de ligadura e punção cecal (CLP) e, através de RT-qPCR, o DNA de amostras fecais de camundongos selvagens e deficientes em CRAMP foi analisado. A expressão de Alfa-defensina 5 e Beta-defensina 1 foi investigada em RT-qPCR. Técnicas de imunofluorescência, Elisa e Milliplex, foram utilizadas na quantificação de citocinas - IL-1Beta, IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1 e TNF-Alfa -, e Alfa-defensina 7 e Beta-defensina 1. Os resultados mostraram a intensificação da resposta imune, diante da sepse, com alterações pró-inflamatórias de IL-1Beta, IL-6, MCP-1 e TNF-Alfa e anti-inflamatória de IL-10. A Beta-defensina 1 teve expressão aumentada, enquanto a produção foi mantida ou reduzida nos tecidos, após CLP. A liberação de Alfa-defensina 7 foi ampliada no pulmão de animais selvagens durante a sepse, enquanto a expressão de Alfa-defensina 5 foi reduzida no íleo e cólon. A relação entre o microbioma intestinal e a sepse evidenciou-se com o crescimento da espécie Escherichia coli, enquanto o CRAMP apresentou associação com a espécie Bacteroides vulgatus. Novos estudos permitiram mais conhecimento sobre a interação entre sepse e microbioma intestinal, potencializando o uso de biomarcadores e nova terapêutica na recuperação intestinal, tal como transplante microbiológico fecal / The intestinal microbiome has been associated with sepsis, caused by infection, presenting exacerbated immune responses. The antimicrobial peptide CRAMP acts on innate immunity with ambiguous features, pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory. In this study, sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) model and, through RT-qPCR, the DNA of fecal samples from wild type and CRAMP-deficient mice was analyzed. Expression of Alpha-defensin 5 and Beta-defensin 1 was investigated in RT-qPCR. Immunofluorescence techniques, Elisa and Milliplex, were used to quantify cytokines - IL-1Beta, IL-6, IL-10, MCP-1 and TNF-Alpha -, and Alpha-defensin 7 and Beta-defensin 1. The results showed the enhancement of the immune response to sepsis with proinflammatory alterations of IL-1Beta, IL-6, MCP-1 and TNF-Alpha and anti-inflammatory IL-10. CRAMP and Beta-defensin 1 peptides had increased expression, while production was maintained or reduced in tissues after CLP. The release of Alpha-defensin 7 was amplified in the lungs of wild type animals during sepsis, while expression of Alpha-defensin 5 was reduced in the ileum and colon. The relationship between the intestinal microbiome and sepsis was evidenced by the growth of Escherichia coli, while CRAMP was associated with Bacteroides vulgatus. New studies have allowed more knowledge about the interaction between sepsis and intestinal microbiome, potentializing the use of biomarkers and new therapy in intestinal recovery, such as fecal microbiological transplantation

Etude fonctionnelle des systèmes pectinolytiques et xylanolytiques de Bacteroides xylanisolvens, espèce bactérienne majeure du côlon de l'homme / Functional study of pectinolytic and xylanolytic systems of Bacteroides xylanisolvens, a prominent human gut symbiont

Despres, Jordane 09 November 2015 (has links)
Chez l’homme, la dégradation des fibres alimentaires est une des fonctions principales du microbiote colique. Elles ont de nombreux effets bénéfiques en santé humaine et pourtant les mécanismes microbiens mis en jeu dans leur dégradation restent encore largement méconnus. L’objectif de cette thèse était d’approfondir les connaissances sur la dégradation des polysaccharides pariétaux (hémicelluloses et pectines) par une espèce bactérienne prédominante du côlon de l’homme, Bacteroides xylanisolvens. L’analyse du transcriptome de B. xylanisolvens XB1AT a révélé l’existence de six et deux loci génomiques respectivement dédiés à la dégradation des pectines et des xylanes. Ces loci ou PULs (« Polysaccharide Utilization Loci ») sont connus chez Bacteroides pour coder pour des systèmes enzymatiques spécifiques d’un polysaccharide en particulier. L’analyse des CAZymes (Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes) codées par les PULs « pectinolytiques » a permis de proposer une cible polysaccharidique (homogalacturonane, rhamnogalaturonane de type I et II, arabinane) à cinq des six PULs identifiés. Les deux PULs « xylanolytiques » cibleraient les xylanes de faible complexité. La mutation du gène susC-like dans le PUL 49 et du gène HTCS (Hybrid Two-Component System) dans le PUL 43 a démontré l’importance respective de ces deux loci dans la fonction pectinolytique et xylanolytique de la bactérie. Le mutant HTCS a aussi permis de montrer pour la première fois que deux PUL peuvent être liés au niveau transcriptionnel. En présence de xylane, les données de protéomique ont souligné la surproduction par la bactérie d’une endo-xylanase possédant deux CBMs (Carbohydrate-Binding Modules). Cette enzyme modulaire pourrait être considérée comme un marqueur fonctionnel de la xylanolyse dans l’écosystème microbien intestinal. En conclusion, B. xylanisolvens déploie une machinerie enzymatique qui reflète la complexité des polysaccharides pariétaux de plantes. La plasticité métabolique de B. xylanisolvens vis-à-vis des fibres alimentaires contribue certainement à sa survie et son maintien dans le côlon humain. Des études d’écologie fonctionnelle ciblant la communauté fibrolytique intestinale sont encore nécessaires afin de mieux décrypter l’impact des fibres alimentaires et en particuliers des polysaccharides pariétaux sur le métabolisme microbien intestinal et par conséquent sur la santé humaine. / Dietary fiber degradation is a key function of the human gut microbiota. They have many beneficial effects on human health and yet microbial mechanisms involved in their degradation remain largely unknown. The aim of this thesis was to increase our knowledge on the degradation of plant cell wall polysaccharides (hemicelluloses and pectins) by a prominent human gut bacterial species, Bacteroides xylanisolvens. The transcriptome analysis of B. xylanisolvens XB1AT revealed the existence of six and two genomic loci dedicated to the degradation of pectins and xylan, respectively. These loci or PUL ("Polysaccharide Utilization Loci") are known to encode enzyme systems in Bacteroides that are specific to a particular polysaccharide. Analysis of the CAZymes (Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes) encoded by the "Pectinolytic" PULs allowed us to propose a polysaccharide target (homogalacturonan, type I and type II rhamnogalaturonane, arabinan) to five of the six identified PULs. The two identified "xylanolytic" PULs would target low complexity xylan. Mutation of the susC-like gene of PUL 49 and of the HTCS gene (Hybrid Two-Component System) of PUL 43 showed the importance of these two loci in pectinolytic and xylanolytic functions of the bacterium, respectively. The HTCS mutant also revealed for the first time that two PULs can be linked at the transcriptional level. With xylan, proteomic data highlighted the overproduction by the bacterium of an endo-xylanase with two CBMs (Carbohydrate-Binding Modules). This modular enzyme could be considered as a functional marker of xylan breakdown in the intestinal microbial ecosystem. In conclusion, B. xylanisolvens harbors an enzymatic machinery that reflects the complexity of plant cell wall polysaccharides. The metabolic plasticity of B. xylanisolvens towards dietary fibers certainly contributes to its fitness in the human gut. Functional and ecological studies targeting the intestinal fibrolytic community are still necessary to better understand the impact of dietary fibers and in particular plant cell wall polysaccharides on the intestinal microbial metabolism and consequently on human health.

Otimização da produção de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos em reator em batelada a partir de consórcio de bactérias autóctones e alóctones do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar / Optimization of hydrogen and organic acids productions with autochthonous and allochthonous bacteria from sugarcane bagasse in batch reactors

Camila Abreu Borges da Silva Rabelo 09 February 2018 (has links)
Nessa pesquisa avaliou-se a produção fermentativa de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos a partir do bagaço de cana-de-açúcar (BCA) usado como substrato em reatores em batelada. Três condições de pré-tratamento (hidrotérmico, autoclave e hidrotérmico mais autoclave) do BCA e condição in natura foram avaliadas a fim de favorecer a produção de hidrogênio. Verificou-se produção molar de hidrogênio de 3,79 mmol/L, 3,47 mmol/L, 1,67 mmol/L e 1,01 mmol/L para BCA autoclavado, BCA in natura, BCA pré-tratado em sistema hidrotérmico e BCA pré-tratado em sistema hidrotérmico seguido de autoclave, respectivamente. A partir desses valores, optou-se por usar o BCA autoclavado como substrato para otimização da produção de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos a partir de metodologias de delineamento do composto central e superfície de resposta. Foram monitorados 10 reatores em batelada (R1 a R10), em triplicatas, com diferentes concentrações de substrato (0,8 a 9,2 g/L) e pH (de 4,6 a 7,4). A maior produção de hidrogênio (24,1 mmol/L) e 6,4 g/L de ácidos orgânicos foram obtidos em R4 (8,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,0). Os açúcares glicose, arabinose, xilose, manose e galactose foram observados ao longo do tempo de operação em todos os reatores, sendo arabinose observado em maior concentração nas condições dos reatores R3 (8,0 g BCA/L e pH 5,0) e R8 (5,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,4), respectivamente, 1.415,3 e 1.372,5 mg/L. A produção de hidrogênio foi concomitante à formação de ácidos orgânicos, principalmente butírico (de 14,6 a 33,8% em R1 e R6, respectivamente) e succínico (de 19,5 a 26,4% em R3 e R9, respectivamente). Os dois fatores analisados, concentração de substrato e pH, exerceram efeitos significativos na produção de hidrogênio, ácido butírico e succínico. A partir dos resultados obtidos com o planejamento fatorial, foi possível verificar que o valor máximo de produção de hidrogênio estimado pelo modelo foi de 23,10 mmol/L, para 7,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,2. O valor obtido no experimento de otimização (Rotm) foi de 19,84 mmol/L, com grau de precisão do modelo de 85,9% para produção de hidrogênio a partir de BCA autoclavado. Sequenciamento massivo via plataforma Illumina (Miseq) foi realizado para a identificação de bactérias do reator do ponto central, (R9, 5,0 g BCA/L e pH 6,0), do reator otimizado (Rotm, 7,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,2), de amostras do BCA autoclavado e inóculo. No inóculo foram identificadas principalmente bactérias semelhantes a Clostridium bifermentans (62,69% de abundância relativa), Bacillus coagulans (31,67%) e Enterobacter aerogenes (2,72%). No BCA foram identificadas bactérias semelhantes a C. bifermentans (31,91%), C. cellobioparum (32,29%), C. cellulolyticum (5,69%), C. sartagoforme (14,63%) e Paenibacillus spp. (11,67%). Estas bactérias não foram favorecidas sob as condições impostas em R9 (5,0 g BCA/L e pH 6,0) e Rotm (7,0 g BCA/L e pH 7,2), uma vez que a abundância relativa das bactérias nas amostras dos reatores foram completamente diferentes. Em R9, bactérias semelhantes a Lactobacillus paracasei e Escherichia hermannii foram as principais identificas com 37,50 e 34,32% de abundância relativa, respectivamente. Em Rotm, as principais bactérias identificadas foram semelhantes a Bacteroides sp. e Enterobacter aerogenes, com 37,35 e 27,72% de abundância relativa, respectivamente. Assim, as populações bacterianas, bem como a produção de metabólitos, foram alteradas em função das condições impostas; ou seja, concentração de BCA, pH em reatores em batelada com BCA autoclavado como substrato. / This study evaluated the hydrogen and organic acids fermentative productions from sugarcane bagasse (SCB) as substrate in batch reactors. Three pre-treatment conditions (hydrothermal, autoclave and hydrothermal plus autoclave) of BCA and the in natura condition were evaluated in order to favor the hydrogen production. Hydrogen molar productions of 3.79 mmol/L, 3.47 mmol/L, 1.67 mmol/L and 1.01 mmol/L was found for SCB pretreated in autoclave, BCA in natura, SCB pretreated in hydrothermal system and SCB pretreated in hydrothermal system followed by autoclaving, respectively. From these values, it was decided to use autoclaved BCA as a substrate for optimization of hydrogen and organic acids productions from the design methodologies of the central compound and response surface. Ten batch reactors (R1 to R10) were monitored in triplicates with different substrate concentrations (0.8 to 9.2 g/L) and pH (4.6 to 7.4). The highest production of hydrogen (24.06 mmol/L) and 6.42 g/L of organic acids were obtained in R4 (8.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.0). Glucose, arabinose, xylose, mannose and galactose were produced and consumed throughout the operating time of all reactors, and arabinose was observed at higher concentration, 1,415.26 and 1,372.45 mg/L in R3 (8.0 g BCA/L and pH 5.0) and R8 (5.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.4), respectively. The production of hydrogen was concomitant to the formation of organic acids, mainly butyric (from 14.6 to 33.8% in R1 and R6, respectively) and succinic (from 19.5 to 26.4% in R3 and R9, respectively). The two factors analyzed, substrate concentration and pH, had significant effects on the production of hydrogen, butyric acid and succinic acid. From the results obtained with the factorial design, it was possible to verify that the maximum value of hydrogen production estimated by the model was 23.10 mmol/L, to 7.0 g BCA L and pH 7.2. The value obtained in the optimization experiment (Rotm) was 19.84 mmol/L, with an accuracy of 85.9% for hydrogen production from autoclaved BCA. Sequencing by the Illumina platform (Miseq) was performed for the identification of bacteria from the central point reactor (R9, 5.0 g BCA/L and pH 6.0), optimized reactor (Rotm, 7.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.2), autoclaved BCA and inoculum samples. In the inoculum were identified mainly bacteria similar to Clostridium bifermentans (62,69% of relative abundance), Bacillus coagulans (31,67%) and Enterobacter aerogenes (2,72%). Bacteria similar to C. bifermentans (31.91%), C. cellobioparum (32.29%), C. cellulolyticum (5.69%), C. sartagoforme (14.63%) and Paenibacillus spp. (11.67%). These bacteria were not favored under the conditions imposed on R9 (5.0 g BCA/L and pH 6.0) and Rotm (7.0 g BCA/L and pH 7.2), since the relative abundance of the bacteria in the reactor samples were completely different. In R9, bacteria similar to Lactobacillus paracasei and Escherichia hermannii were the main identified with 37.50 and 34.32% of relative abundance, respectively. In Rotm, the main bacteria identified were similar to Bacteroides sp. and Enterobacter aerogenes, with 37.35 and 27.72% relative abundance, respectively. Thus, bacterial populations, as well as the production of metabolites, were altered as a function of the imposed conditions; ie, BCA concentration, pH in batch reactors with autoclaved BCA as substrate.

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