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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Robust Measurement of the Cosmic Distance Scale Using Baryon Acoustic Oscillations

Xu, Xiaoying January 2012 (has links)
We present techniques for obtaining precision distance measurements using the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) through controlling systematics and reducing statistical uncertainties. Using the resulting distance-redshift relation, we can infer cosmological parameters such as w, the equation of state of dark energy. We introduce a new statistic, ɷ(l)(r(s)), for BAO analysis that affords better control over systematics. It is computed by band-filtering the power spectrum P(k) or the correlation function ξ(r) to extract the BAO signal. This is conducive to several favourable outcomes. We compute ɷ(l)(r(s)) from 44 simulations and compare the results to P(k) and ξ(r). We find that the acoustic scales and theoretical errors we measure are consistent between all three statistics. We demonstrate the first application of reconstruction to a galaxy redshift survey. Reconstruction is designed to partially undo the effects of non-linear structure growth on the BAO, allowing more precise measurements of the acoustic scale. We also present a new method for deriving a smooth covariance matrix based on a Gaussian model. In addition, we develop and perform detailed robustness tests on the ξ(r) model we employ to extract the BAO scale from the data. Using these methods, we obtain spherically-averaged distances to z = 0.35 and z = 0.57 from SDSS DR7 and DR9 with 1.9% and 1.7% precision respectively. Combined with WMAP7 CMB observations, SNLS3 data and BAO measurements from 6dF, we measure w = -1.08 ± 0.08 assuming a wCDM cosmology. This represents a ~8% measurement of w and is consistent with a cosmological constant.The preceding does not capture the expansion history of the universe, H(z), encoded in the line-of-sight distance scale. To disentangle H(z), we exploit the anisotropic BAO signal that arises if we assume the wrong cosmology when calculating the clustering distribution. Since we expect the BAO signal to be isotropic, we can use the magnitude of the anisotropy to separately measure H(z) and D(A)(z). We apply our simple models to SDSS DR7 data and obtain a ~3.6% measurement of D(A)(z=0.35) and a ~8.4% measurement of H(z = 0.35).

High-Precision Large-Scale Structure: The Baryon Acoustic Oscillations and Passive Flow

Seo, Hee-Jong January 2007 (has links)
We present a precision study of large-scale structure from large galaxy redshift surveys. We focus on two main subjects of large-scale structure: precisioncosmology with baryon acoustic oscillations from large galaxy surveys and the evolution of galaxy clustering for passively flowing galaxies.The baryon acoustic oscillations in galaxy redshift surveys can serve as an efficient standard ruler to measure the cosmological distance scale, i.e., theangular diameter distances and Hubble parameters, as a function of redshift, and therefore dark energy parameters. We use a Fisher matrix formalism to show that such a standard ruler tests can constrain the angular diameter distances and Hubble parameters to a precision of a few percent, thereby providing robust measurements of present-day dark energy density and its time-dependence.We use N-body simulations to investigate possible systematic errors in the recovery of the cosmological distance scale from galaxy redshift surveys. We show that the baryon signature on linear and quasi-linear scales is robust against nonlinear growth, redshift distortions, and halo (or galaxy) bias, albeit partial obscuration of the signature occurs due to nonlinear growth and redshift distortions.We present the improved Fisher matrix formalism which incorporates the Lagrangian displacement field to describe the nonlinear effects on baryon signature as a function of time and scale. We present a physically motivated, reduced 2-dimensional fitting formula for the full Fisher matrix formalism. We show that distance precision from the revised formalism is in excellent agreement with distance precision from N-body simulations.Finally, we present a numerical study of the evolution of galaxy clustering when galaxies flow passively from high redshift to low redshift, that is, without merging or new formations. We show that passive flow evolution induces interesting characteristics in the galaxy distribution at low redshift: we find an asymptotic convergence in galaxy clustering and halo occupation distribution regardless of the initial distribution of galaxies.

Systematics Study and Detection of Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Future Galaxy Survey and Weak Lensing Survey

Ding, Zhejie 05 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

WMAP 5-year data: Let’s test Inflation

Halpern, Mark 18 April 2008 (has links)
We have released maps and data for five years of observation of the cosmic microwave background with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and I will review the main results in this talk. A simple 6 parameter cosmological model continues to be an excellent fit to the CMB data and to our data in conjunction with other astrophysical measurements. In particular a running spectral index is not supported by the data, and constraints that the Universe is spatially flat have increased in precision. Increased sensitivity and improvements in our understanding of the instrumental beam shape have allowed us to measure for the first time a cosmic neutrino background. Neutrinos de-coupled from other matter earlier than photons did. While they are expected to have a 2 Kelvin thermal distribution today, they comprised 10% of the energy density of the Universe at the epoch of photon de-coupling. The data also allow tighter constraints on the shape of the inflationary potential via the amplitude of a gravitational wave background new constraints on features of cosmic axions. Recorded at TRIUMF on Thursday April 17, 2008.

Clustering Analysis in Configuration Space and Cosmological Implications of the SDSS-IV eBOSS Quasar Sample / Analyse des corrélations spatiales des quasars et implications cosmologiques avec le multi-spectrographe SDSS-IV eBOSS

Zarrouk, Pauline 01 October 2018 (has links)
Le modèle ΛCDM de la cosmologie repose sur l’existence d’une composante exotique, appelée énergie noire, pour expliquer l’accélération tardive de l’expansion de l’univers à z < 0.7. Des alternatives à cette constante cosmologique proposent de modifier la théorie de la gravitation basée sur la relativité générale aux échelles cosmologiques. Depuis l’automne 2014, le multi-spectrographe SDSS-eBOSS effectue un relevé de quasars dans un domaine en redshift peu exploré entre 0.8 ≤ z ≤ 2.2 dont l’un des objectifs majeurs est d’étendre les contraintes sur la nature de l’énergie noire et de tester la validité de la théorie de la relativité générale à plus haut redshift en utilisant les quasars comme traceurs de la matière.Dans cette thèse, nous mesurons et analysons la fonction de corrélation à deux points de l’échantillon de quasars obtenu après deux ans d'observation de eBOSS pour contraindre les distances cosmiques, à savoir la distance angulaire DA et le taux d'expansion H, ainsi que le taux de croissance des structures fσ8 à un redshift effectif Zeff = 1.52. Nous commençons par construire des catalogues des grandes structures qui prennent en compte la géométrie angulaire et radiale du relevé. Puis pour obtenir des contraintes robustes, nous identifions plusieurs sources d’effets systématiques, en particulier ceux liés à la modélisation et aux observations sont étudiées avec des « mock catalogues » dédiés qui correspondent à des réalisations fictives de l’échantillon de quasars eBOSS. Les paramètres cosmologiques de ces catalogues fictifs étant connus, ils sont utilisés comme référence pour tester notre procédure d’analyse. Les résultats de ce travail sur l’évolution des distances cosmiques sont compatibles avec les prédictions du modèle ΛCDM utilisant les paramètres de Planck et basé sur l’existence d’une constante cosmologique. La mesure du taux de croissance des structures est compatible avec la prédiction de ce modèle basé sur la relativité générale, ce qui étend ainsi la validité de la théorie aux échelles cosmologiques à grand redshift. Nous utilisons également notre mesure pour mettre à jour les contraintes sur les modèles d'extensions à ΛCDM et sur les scénarios de gravité modifiée. Ce travail de thèse constitue une première étude menée avec les données de quasars eBOSS et sera utilisée pour l’analyse de l’échantillon final à la fin 2019 ou l’on attend une amélioration de la précision statistique d’un facteur 2. Associé à BOSS, eBOSS ouvrira la voie pour les futurs programmes d’observation, comme le télescope au sol DESI et le satellite Euclid. Ces deux programmes sonderont intensivement l’époque de l’univers entre 1 < z < 2 en observant plusieurs millions de spectres, ce qui permettra d'améliorer d'un ordre de grandeur au moins les contraintes actuelles sur les paramètres cosmologiques. / The ΛCDM model of cosmology assumes the existence of an exotic component, called dark energy, to explain the late-time acceleration of the expansion of the universe at redshift z < 0.7. Alternative scenarios to this cosmological constant suggest to modify the theory of gravitation based on general relativity at cosmological scales. Since fall 2014, the SDSS-IV eBOSS multi-object spectrograph has undertaken a survey of quasars in the almost unexplored redshift range 0.8 ≤ z ≤ 2.2 with the key science goal to complement the constraints on dark energy and extend the test of general relativity at higher redshifts by using quasars as direct tracers of the matter field.In this thesis work, we measure and analyse the two-point correlation function of the two-year data taking of eBOSS quasar sample to constrain the cosmic distances, i.e. the angular diameter distance DA and the expansion rate H, and the growth rate of structure fσ8 at an effective redshift Zeff = 1.52. First, we build large-scale structure catalogues that account for the angular and radial incompleteness of the survey. Then to obtain robust results, we investigate several potential systematics, in particular modeling and observational systematics are studied using dedicated mock catalogs which are fictional realizations of the data sample. These mocks are created with known cosmological parameters such that they are used as a benchmark to test the analysis pipeline. The results on the evolution of distances are consistent with the predictions for ΛCDM with Planck parameters assuming a cosmological constant. The measurement of the growth of structure is consistent with general relativity and hence extends its validity to higher redshift. We also provide updated constraints on extensions of ΛCDM and models of modified gravity. This study is a first use of eBOSS quasars as tracers of the matter field and will be included in the analysis of the final eBOSS sample at the end of 2019 with an expected improvement on the statistical precision of a factor 2. Together with BOSS, eBOSS will pave the way for future programs such as the ground-based Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) and the space-based mission Euclid. Both programs will extensively probe the intermediate redshift range 1 < z < 2 with millions of spectra, improving the cosmological constraints by an order of magnitude with respect to current measurements.

Cosmological probes of light relics

Wallisch, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
One of the primary targets of current and especially future cosmological observations are light thermal relics of the hot big bang. Within the Standard Model of particle physics, an important thermal relic are cosmic neutrinos, while many interesting extensions of the Standard Model predict new light particles which are even more weakly coupled to ordinary matter and therefore hard to detect in terrestrial experiments. On the other hand, these elusive particles may be produced efficiently in the early universe and their gravitational influence could be detectable in cosmological observables. In this thesis, we describe how measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and the large-scale structure (LSS) of the universe can shed new light on the properties of neutrinos and on the possible existence of other light relics. These cosmological observations are remarkably sensitive to the amount of radiation in the early universe, partly because free-streaming species such as neutrinos imprint a small phase shift in the baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) which we study in detail in the CMB and LSS power spectra. Building on this analytic understanding, we provide further evidence for the cosmic neutrino background by independently confirming its free-streaming nature in different, currently available datasets. In particular, we propose and establish a new analysis of the BAO spectrum beyond its use as a standard ruler, resulting in the first measurement of this imprint of neutrinos in the clustering of galaxies. Future cosmological surveys, such as the next generation of CMB experiments (CMB-S4), have the potential to measure the energy density of relativistic species at the sub-percent level and will therefore be capable of probing physics beyond the Standard Model. We demonstrate how this improvement in sensitivity can indeed be achieved and present an observational target which would allow the detection of any extra light particle that has ever been in thermal equilibrium. Interestingly, even the absence of a detection would result in new insights by providing constraints on the couplings to the Standard Model. As an example, we show that existing bounds on additional scalar particles, such as axions, may be surpassed by orders of magnitude.

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