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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sedimentary record of tectonic growth along a convergent margin: Insights from detrital zircon geochronology of Mesozoic sedimentary basins and modern rivers in south-central Alaska

Cooper R Fasulo (8067611) 02 December 2019 (has links)
<p>This study presents new detrital zircon geochronologic data from Jurassic to Cretaceous sedimentary basins and modern rivers in south-central Alaska in order to examine the sedimentary record of magmatism and tectonics associated with the Mesozoic to Cenozoic growth of the southern Alaska convergent margin. Jurassic to Cretaceous strata of the Wrangell Mountains, Nutzotin, and Wellesly basins formed coeval with the Mesozoic accretion of the Wrangellia composite terrane (WCT) to the continental margin. New detrital zircon data from the Wrangell Mountains and Nutzotin basins demonstrate that these basins were derived primarily from sources associated with the WCT, with little to no derivation from continental margin sources. Detrital zircon ages from the Wrangell Mountains and Nutzotin basins are very similar, suggesting that these basins may have initially formed in a connected retroarc basin system. New detrital zircon data from the Wellesly basin show that the basin was source chiefly from continental margin sources. These ages show that the Wellesly basin is not related to the Nutzotin basin as previously suggested, and may be genetically related to the Kahiltna basin; this suggests that ~330-390 km of post-collisional strike-slip offset occurred along the Denali Fault. Comparing our new data with a regional detrital zircon database from similar-aged depocenters shows that there is a strong provenance and temporal link between outboard and inboard depocenters, with these depocenters being sourced from the same magmatic arcs from the late Jurassic to the late Cretaceous. Our findings from these comparisons are most consistent with a scenario where the WCT was accreted to the margin along an eastward-dipping subduction zone, in contrast to recent suggestions that the accretion was the result of westward-dipping subduction. New and previously published detrital zircon ages from the Tanana, Matanuska-Susitna, and Copper River watersheds in south-central Alaska document the major magmatic episodes that occurred along the southern Alaska convergent margin. These magmatic episodes display a periodicity that is similar to documented cyclic magmatic patterns in other regions along the Cordilleran margin, suggesting similar processes may be occurring margin-wide. The magmatic record of south-central Alaska can also be compared with the magmatic record of other regions in the northern Cordillera such as the Coast Plutonic Complex in British Columbia and the western Alaska Peninsula, which shows a spatial and temporal relationship of magmatism along the entire northern Cordilleran margin.</p>

Sediment Routing and Provenance of Shallow to Deep Marine Sandstones in the Late Paleozoic Oquirrh Basin, Utah

Jones, Adam J. 19 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Offshore mapping and modeling of Miocene-Recent extensional basins adjacent to metamorphic gneiss domes of the D'Entrecasteaux Islands, eastern Papua New Guinea

Fitz, Guy Gregory 15 February 2012 (has links)
The D'Entrecasteaux Island (DEI) gneiss domes are fault-bounded domes with ~2.5 km of relief exposing ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) and high-pressure (HP) metamorphic gneisses and migmatites exhumed in an Oligocene-Miocene arc-continent collision and subduction zone subject to Late Miocene to Recent continental extension. To study the style of continental extension accompanying exhumation of the DEI gneiss domes, a grid of 1,518 km of 2-D multi-channel seismic (MCS) reflection data and well data is interpreted from the offshore areas surrounding the DEI, including the Trobriand basin and the Goodenough basin. The offshore study is combined with onshore geologic information to constrain the area's Oligocene to Recent basinal and tectonic evolution. MCS and well data show the Trobriand basin formed as a forearc basin caused by southward Miocene subduction at the Trobriand trench. Late Miocene basin inversion uplifted the southern and northern basin margins. Subduction slowed at ~8 Ma as the margin transitioned to an extensional tectonic environment. Since then, the Trobriand basin has subsided 1-2.5 km as a broad sag basin with few normal faults deforming the basin fill. South of the DEI, the Goodenough rift basin developed after extension began (~8 Ma) as the hanging-wall of the north-dipping Owen-Stanley normal fault bounding the southern margin of the basin. Rapid uplift of the adjacent footwall of the Owen-Stanley fault zone in the Papuan Peninsula accompanied the formation of the Goodenough submarine rift basin. The lack of upper crustal extension accompanying subsidence in the Trobriand and Goodenough basins suggests depth-dependent lithospheric extension from 8-0 Ma has accompanied uplift of the DEI gneiss domes. Structural reconstructions of seismic profiles show 2.3 to 13.4 km of basin extension in the upper crust, while syn-rift basin subsidence values indicate at least 20.7 to 23.6 km of extension occurred in the lower crust since ~8 Ma. Results indicating thinning is preferentially accommodated in the lower crust surrounding the DEI are used to constrain a schematic model of uplift of the DEI domes involving vertical exhumation of buoyant, post-orogenic lower crust, far-field extension from slab rollback, and an inverted two-layer crustal density structure. / text

Cenozoic evolution of a fragmented foreland basin, Altiplano plateau, southern Peru

Fitch, Justin David 14 November 2013 (has links)
Debate persists on the timing, magnitude and style of crustal shortening, uplift and basin evolution in the Andes. Many studies suggest that the central Andes, including the Altiplano plateau, were gradually uplifted as a result of protracted Cenozoic retroarc shortening. However, recent isotopic studies conclude that the Andes instead rose in pulses, with the most significant event occurring at 10-6 Ma. Many researchers attribute these rapid pulses of uplift to lower lithosphere delamination events. A better understanding of the history of Cenozoic crustal shortening is essential for determination of the mechanism(s) of Andean uplift. The well-exposed Cenozoic San Jerónimo Group was studied in the Ayaviri basin of the northern Altiplano in southern Peru. The 3-5 km-thick succession is situated at 3900-4800 m elevation, between the Western Cordillera magmatic arc and the Eastern Cordillera fold-thrust-belt. New detrital zircon U-Pb geochronological results from four sandstones and one reworked tuff in the San Jerónimo succession show large age populations indicative of syndepositional volcanism between approximately 38 and 27 Ma. A 1600-m-thick magnetostratigraphic section further constrains the depositional timing and accumulation rate of the upper portion of the succession. Sedimentological observations show a rapid transition from cross-stratified braided-fluvial sandstones to proximal channel-fill and alluvial-fan conglomerates at ~30 Ma. Paleocurrent measurements show important temporal and spatial variations in sediment dispersal patterns while conglomerate clast counts show an upsection transition from almost exclusively volcanic input to increasing contributions of clastic, quartzite, and limestone detritus. The corresponding shifts in depositional environment and sediment provenance are attributed to the activation of new thrust structures in close proximity to the basin, namely the Pucapuca-Sorapata fault system, indicating the presence of an eastward advancing fold-thrust belt dating to at least 38 Ma and reaching the Ayaviri basin within the northern Altiplano plateau at ~30 Ma. / text

On the evolution of atmosphere-ocean oxygenation and plate tectonic processes as recorded in Paleoproterozoic sedimentary basins

Partin, Camille Ann January 2013 (has links)
Important geochemical and tectonic events in the Paleoproterozoic Era lay the foundation for the status and operation of the modern Earth, including the initial rise of atmospheric oxygen paving the path for animal evolution, and the emergence of modern plate tectonic processes leading to the amalgamation of the Canadian Shield (Laurentia). Rudimentary geological and geochronological documentation of Paleoproterozoic sedimentary basins is the foundation from which we can ask larger questions about geochemical changes or plate tectonic events on the evolving Earth, since those questions are largely answered by analyzing the sedimentary record. This thesis outlines the stratigraphy, detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology, elemental and isotopic geochemistry, and basin evolution of the Paleoproterozoic Penrhyn and Piling basins on the Rae craton in Arctic Canada, which record important tectonic and geochemical events on both a regional and global scale. The concentration of the redox-sensitive trace element, U, in seawater has not been constant throughout geologic time and is linked to changes in oceanic and atmospheric oxygen content. Secular variations in the record of U contents of shales and iron formations indicate that the redox state of the atmosphere-ocean system after the Great Oxidation Event (GOE) was more dynamic than previously thought. Trends towards lower oxygen content recorded after ~2.05 Ga in the middle Proterozoic suggest that oxygen level decreased. This is contrary to traditional models assuming unidirectional atmospheric oxygen rise throughout the Proterozoic. The data demonstrate the earliest signal of oxidative U cycling, manifested in 2.47 - 2.43 Ga iron formations, and show that oxygenation was a protracted process initiated shortly after the end of the Archean. It has been proposed that a global and long-lived magmatic and tectonic shutdown event from ~2.45 to 2.22 Ga played a causal role in the GOE, since it overlaps the time interval in which atmospheric oxygen initially rose on Earth. Coupled U-Pb, Hf, and O isotope data on magmatic and detrital zircon determine that plate tectonic processes continued to operate during this interval. It is argued instead that plate tectonic processes are necessary to promote conditions favorable for atmospheric oxygen to rise.

Subsurface Depositional Systems Analysis of the Cambrian Eau Claire Formation in Western Ohio

Laneville, Michael Warren 26 November 2018 (has links)
No description available.


Amanda Rudolph (16636299) 02 August 2023 (has links)
<p>The present-day sedimentary rock record on Mars provides insights into the early surface and subsurface geologic processes. Understanding the sediment characteristics in different environments can help to constrain the climate regimes, potential for habitability, and provide a record of ancient surface processes. The research presented in this dissertation uses complementary remote sensing techniques and datasets from rovers at the surface, satellites in orbit, and at terrestrial analogs that are relevant to current Mars exploration to better characterize alteration through water-rock alteration at multiple scales.</p><p>The martian field site for this work is Mt. Sharp, a 5-kilometer-high mountain in Gale crater that is predominantly composed of fluviolacustrine strata overlain by aeolian strata. At the rover-scale, the effects of large clay-mineral rich deposits were characterized using landscape- and hand lens-scale visible images from the Mastcam and MAHLI instruments, and multispectral visible/near-infrared images from Mastcam (445-1013 nm). Detailed analysis of the observed textures and spectral properties showed that the clay-rich deposits preserve the early surface environment, based on their lack of diagenetic features. While the regions immediately surrounding the clay-rich deposit experienced prolonged exposure to water, leading to enhanced alteration zones, and destroying characteristics from the early environment but providing insight into later water-rock processes.</p><p>At the orbital-scale, three visually distinct, dark-toned, and erosion-resistant layers were mapped and characterized using visible to short wave infrared hyperspectral (700-2650 nm) and image data. Two of these units have been identified as either aeolian or lacustrine through in situ rover investigations and the third unit will not be explored in situ so its origin can only be constrained through orbital analyses. We conducted a comparison of the morphological and spectral properties of the two known units to constrain whether their respective environments can be differentiated from orbit and apply this knowledge to the unknown third unit. The composition of all three units is similar, dominated by mafic minerals, suggesting a similar sediment source. The morphology is distinct between the lacustrine and aeolian units, with the unknown unit having similar morphology as the lacustrine unit, suggesting similar environments. We propose that the lacustrine unit in this study likely represent short-timescale transitions between wet and dry environments, where mafic sands are exposed to water prior to burial and lithification. While in the aeolian unit, most water-rock interactions occur upon lithification and later diagenesis. This has climatic implications in terms of the presence of surface water as these units were deposited as part of the original Mt. Sharp strata (i.e., the lacustrine unit) while some mantling existing topography (i.e., the aeolian and unknown units), representing similar processes but at a much later time.</p><p>The terrestrial analog field site for this dissertation was conducted in Iceland which represents a cold and wet/icy climate. We characterized sediments produced through glaciovolcanism and how they are sorted and altered through transport from source to sink along to characterize unique identifiers of glaciovolcanism that can be determined with Mars-relevant techniques. Decorrelation stretched visible images and lab visible/near-infrared reflectance and thermal-infrared emission data sets (400-2500 nm and 1200-400 cm-1, respectively) show that it is possible to differentiate sediments from glaciovolcanic and subaerial volcanic systems. In some glaciovolcanic systems, a high glass abundance (50-90 %) is observed in sediment grains due to the erosion of hyaloclastite and hyalotuff, deposits that form in water- and ice-magma interactions. These glass grains did not readily breakdown physically or chemically during transport, suggesting that they could still be observed on the martian surface today and be used to identify possible glaciovolcanic deposits.</p><p>The research described in this thesis improves the understanding of different geologic environments using remote sensing techniques and their climatic implications. This will help to better constrain early environments on Mars and identify areas where water may have been present through the rock record, as observed from the surface and from orbit.</p>


Lukas Geiger-Rigby McCreary (18824572) 14 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The Intermontane terranes represent one of the largest composite accreted terranes that built the northern Cordillera. To better understand the interactions between the continental margin of Laurentia and the Intermontane terranes, this study analyzes twelve detrital zircon samples (n=3232) from a Neoproterozoic (?) to Cretaceous metasedimentary stratigraphic section exposed in central Alaska. Distinct detrital zircon populations have been identified and are interpreted to represent four stages in the geologic development of this part of western North America. Stage 1 extends from the Neoproterozoic (?) to the Early Paleozoic, and is characterized by Proterozoic and Archean detrital zircon populations that correlate with Laurentian sources of sediment. We interpret Stage 1 to represent deposition along the northwestern continental margin of Laurentia. Stage 2 extends from the Silurian (?) to the Devonian and is characterized by a dominant Devonian and Silurian detrital zircon population. We interpret Stage 2 to have been deposited in a backarc basin coeval with active volcanism as the Yukon-Tanana terrane was rifted away from the Laurentian continental margin as the Slide Mountain Ocean opened. Stage 3 extends from the Mississippian to the Jurassic and records a shift back to sediment sources with abundant Proterozoic and Archean zircon. We interpret this stage to represent deposition of Laurentian detritus along the eastern margin of the Slide Mountain Ocean basin. Stage 4 is represented by the Lower Cretaceous strata of the Manley basin that contain one major Late Triassic to Early Jurassic detrital zircon population. We interpret this population to be sourced from the syn-collisional and post-collisional Late Triassic to Early Jurassic plutons and related sedimentary basins of the Intermontane terranes that were exhumed and eroded during the closure of the Slide Mountain Ocean and the subsequent collision with the Laurentian continental margin. We interpret the Manley basin as a syn- to post-collisional extensional basin associated with regional detachment faults that formed because of crustal thickening in the collisional zone. From a regional perspective, an extensive clastic wedge prograded northward away from the zone of crustal thickening and can be identified in a series of Mesozoic sedimentary basins that are discontinuously exposed over 1500 km in southern Alaska. Results of our study better delineate the tectonic processes that set the framework for the construction of the Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic Cordilleran orogen.</p>

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