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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kontinualių struktūrų diskretizavimas vaizdų algebros metodais / Discretization of continuum structures via image algebra methods

Palionytė, Agnė 16 June 2011 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjami struktūrų modeliavimo, diskretizavimo ir optimizavimo uždaviniai, jų sprendimo būdai ir algoritmai. Pasiūlyta originali strypinių struktūrų optimizavimo ir diskretizavimo technika, kurioje naudojami vaizdų algebros metodai ir baigtinių elementų metodo (toliau – BEM) programiniai paketai. Atlikta BEM programinių paketų apžvalga, parinkti tinkamiausi paketai darbo tikslams realizuoti ir rezultatams verifikuoti. Išanalizuoti skaitmeninių vaizdų skeletų išgavimo metodai. Pasiūlytas originalus vaizdo skeleto apdorojimo algoritmas skerspjūvio charakteristikoms nustatyti. Sudarytas ir programiškai realizuotas strypinių struktūrų optimizavimo-diskretizavimo algoritmas. Realizuota programinė sistema susideda iš vaizdų apdorojimo ir duomenų paruošimo dalies (MATLAB kalba) bei BEM skaičiavimų dalies (ANSYS vidine programavimo kalba APDL). Skaičiavimo rezultatai atvaizduojami ir verifikuojami STAAD.Pro paketu. Diskretizavimo metu strypinės struktūros mazgų vieta randama vaizdo skeleto segmentų sankirtos taškuose, o segmentų skerspjūvių plotai randami atkarpų, jungiančių šiuos mazgus, vidurio taškuose. Kai struktūros mazgų padėtis fiksuota arba mazgai yra per arti vienas kito atliekamas mazgų padėties koregavimas. Darbe atlikti testiniai skaičiavimai, rezultatų analizė ir verifikavimas, suformuluotos išvados. / In the master thesis the problems of structure modeling, discretization-optimization and their solution methods and algorithms are analyzed. The original technique for optimization and discretization of beam structures has been suggested; The packages of image algebra methods and of the finite element methods were employed for that. Several packages of finite element method have been reviewed and the most suitable packages for the current problems were identified. The methods for obtaining skeletons of digital images were explored. The algorithms for optimization and discretization of beam structures has been suggested and coded. The program created consents of the part for image processing and input data preparing, and the part for image the finite element via method. The results obtained are represented and verified by STAAD.Pro package. During the discretization, the positions of structure nodes are obtained in the intersection of skeleton segments. The segments' cross-section areas are obtained in the middle-points between two adjacent nodes. The positions of nodes may be corrected if the nodes close to each other. The test-calculation, analysis of results and verification are presented and conclusions are drawn.

Dynamic Interactions Between Multidimensional Viscoelastic Joints and an Elastic Frame Structure

Noll, Scott A. 05 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Wave Propagation in Healthy and Defective Composite Structures under Deterministic and Non-Deterministic Framework

Ajith, V January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Composite structures provide opportunities for weight reduction, material tailoring and integrating control surfaces with embedded transducers, which are not possible in conventional metallic structures. As a result there is a substantial increase in the use of composite materials in aerospace and other major industries, which has necessitated the need for structural health monitoring(SHM) of aerospace structures. In the context of SHM of aircraft structures, there are many areas, which are still not explored and need deep investigation. Among these, one of the major areas is the development of efficient damage models for complex composite structures, like stiffened structures, box-type structures, which are the building blocks of an aircraft wing structure. Quantification of the defect due to porosity and especially the methods for identifying the porous regions in a composite structure is another such area, which demands extensive research. In aircraft structures, it is not advisable for the structures, to have high porosity content, since it can initiate common defects in composites such as, delamination, matrix cracks etc.. In fact, there is need for a high frequency analysis to detect defects in such complex structures and also to detect damages, where the change in the stiffness due to the damage is very small. Lamb wave propagation based method is one of the efficient high frequency wave based method for damage detection and are extensively used for detecting small damages, which is essentially needed in aircraft industry. However, in order, to develop an efficient Lamb wave based SHM system, we also need an efficient computational wave propagation model. Developing an efficient computational wave propagation model for complex structures is still a challenging area. One of the major difficulty is its computational expense, when the analysis is performed using conventional FEM. However, for 1D And 2D composite structures, frequency domain spectral finite element method (SFEM), which are very effective in sensing small stiffness changes due to a defect in a structure, is one of the efficient tool for developing computationally efficient and accurate wave based damage models. In this work, we extend the efficiency of SFEM in developing damage models, for detecting damages in built-up composite structures and porous composite structure. Finally, in reality, the nature of variability of the material properties in a composite structure, created a variety of structural problems, in which the uncertainties in different parameters play a major part. Uncertainties can be due to the lack of good knowledge of material properties or due to the change in the load and support condition with the change in environmental variables such as temperature, humidity and pressure. The modeling technique is also one of the major sources of uncertainty, in the analysis of composites. In fact, when the variations are large, we can find in the literatures available that the probabilistic models are advantageous than the deterministic ones. Further, without performing a proper uncertain wave propagation analysis, to characterize the effect of uncertainty in different parameters, it is difficult to maintain the reliability of the results predicted by SFEM based damage models. Hence, in this work, we also study the effect of uncertainty in different structural parameters on the performance of the damage models, based on the models developed in the present work. First, two SFEM based models, one based on the method of assembling 2D spectral elements and the other based on the concept of coupling 2D and 1D spectral elements, are developed to perform high frequency wave propagation analysis of some of the commonly used built-up composite structures. The SFEM model developed using the plate-beam coupling approach is then used to model wave propagation in a multiple stiffened structure and also to model the stiffened structures with different cross sections such as T-section, I-section and hat section. Next, the wave propagation in a porous laminated composite beam is modeled using SFEM, based on the modified rule of mixture approach. Here, the material properties of the composite is obtained from the modified rule of mixture model, which are then used in SFEM to develop a new model for solving wave propagation problems in porous laminated composite beam. The influence of the porosity content on the parameters such as wave number, group speed and also the effect of variation in theses parameters on the time responses are studied first. Next, the effect of the length of the porous region (in the propagation direction) and the frequency of loading, on the time responses, is studied. The change in the time responses with the change in the porosity of the structure is used as a parameter to find the porosity content in a composite beam. The SFEM models developed in this study is then used in the context of wave based damage detection, in the next study. First ,the actual measured response from a structure and the numerically obtained response from a SFEM model for porous laminated composite beam are used for the estimation of porosity, by solving a nonlinear optimization problem. The damage force indicator (DFI) technique is used to locate the porous region in a beam and also to find its length, using the measured wave propagation responses. DFI is derived from the dynamic stiffness matrix of the healthy structure along with the nodal displacements of the damaged structure. Next, a wave propagation based method is developed for modeling damage in stiffened composite structures, using SFEM, to locate and quantify the damage due to a crack and skin-stiffener debonding. The method of wave scattering and DFI technique are used to quantify the damage in the stiffened structure. In the uncertain wave propagation analysis, a study on the uncertainty in material parameters on the wave propagation responses in a healthy metallic beam structure is performed first. Both modulus of elasticity and density are considered uncertain and the analysis is performed using Monte-Carlo simulation (MCS) under the environment of SFEM. The randomness in the material properties are characterized by three different distributions namely normal, Weibul and extreme value distribution and their effect on wave propagation, in beam is investigated. Even a study is performed on the usage of different beam theories and their uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load. A study is also conducted to analyze the wave propagation response In a composite structure in an uncertain environment using Neumann expansion blended with Monte-Carlo simulation (NE-MCS) under the environment of SFEM. Neumann expansion method accelerates the MCS, which is required for composites as there are many number of uncertain variables. The effect of the parameters like, fiber orientation, lay-up sequence, number of layers and the layer thickness on the uncertain responses due to dynamic impulse load, is thoroughly analyzed. Finally, a probabilistic sensitivity analysis is performed to estimate the sensitivity of uncertain material and fabrication parameters, on the SFEM based damage models for a porous laminated composite beam. MCS is coupled with SFEM, for the uncertain wave propagation analysis and the Kullback-Leibler relative entropy is used as the measure of sensitivity. The sensitivity of different input variables on the wave number, group speed and the values of DFI, are mainly considered in this study. The thesis, written in nine chapters, presents a unified document on wave propagation in healthy and defective composite structure subjected to both deterministic and highly uncertain environment.

Control Of A Satellite With Flexible Smart Beam During Slew Maneuver

Urek, Halime 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, an attitude control system based on Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) technique is developed for a hypothetical Earth observation satellite with a long flexible boom. To improve pointing performance of the satellite, the piezoelectric actuators are used as well. The boom is rectangular made of aluminum with the surface bonded piezoelectric layers on all four surfaces. The boom is modeled using finite elements. The pointing performance of the satellite using various metrics is evaluated through simulations. Effectiveness of the piezoelectric actuators is demonstrated.

Frequency-Tuning and Dynamic Simulation of Electrostatically Actuated Beams

Mittal, Saurabh January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The resonance frequency of electrostatically actuated micromachined beams can be tuned substantially by applying a DC voltage bias, first by decreasing the frequency until the onset of pull-in and then by increasing it by the virtue of contact. With the objective of modeling and designing the micromechanical structures after pull-in, a semi-analytical method was developed to determine the length of the contact between the beam and the substrate. The semi-analytical method which is validated on the straight beams is extended for the folded beam structures. This method provides a tool to the microsystem designer to quickly evaluate the deformed configuration of the folded beams after pull-in without the time-intensive contact analysis. This tool is used to design the micro‐speaker elements suitable for emitting low frequency sounds. Multiple instabilities after the pull-in were numerically observed and it was shown that the resonant frequency of an L-shaped beam can be varied in different frequency bands. The speaker element can emit any frequency in a given range, as the resonant frequency of the beam structures can be tuned both before and after pull-in. Operating the speaker element at resonance maximizes the efficiency of the speaker design because the amplitude of vibration is maximum at the resonance frequency. Furthermore, the interplay between the torsional and bending loads is used to minimize the out-of-plane deflection under self weight. A selection criterion is employed to choose a beam structure with optimum stiffness and natural frequency. Beam-based micro-speaker element designs with single and multi-layered suspended structures are proposed. Practical considerations such as volume displacement, mode shapes and dynamic coupling are discussed, on the basis of which design guidelines for a speaker element are proposed. Squeeze film effects and nonlinearity due to the midplane stretching is integrated into the transient analysis model to analyze the effect on the stroke of beam operating at resonance. A comparison between various speaker elements is presented.

Entwicklung eines Berechnungsmodells für das Langzeitverhalten von Stahlbeton und textilbewehrtem Beton bei überwiegender Biegebeanspruchung

Seidel, André 29 August 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Tragwerke aus Stahlbeton weisen infolge des Kriechens und Schwindens des Betons ein zeitveränderliches Materialverhalten auf. Die Folge sind Umlagerungen der im Querschnittsinneren wirkende Kräfte und im Zeitverlauf zunehmende Verformungen. Zur Beurteilung dieses Langzeitverhaltens sind geeignete Berechnungsmodelle erforderlich, die im Planungsstadium eine zuverlässige Prognose ermöglichen. Dabei spielen nicht nur reine Stahlbetonkonstruktionen eine Rolle, sondern im Zuge von Ertüchtigungsmaßnahmen werden zur Erhöhung der Tragfähigkeit zunehmend auch textile Bewehrungen aus Carbon- und AR-Glasfasern eingesetzt. Durch die beanspruchungsgerecht aufzubringenden Bewehrungsstrukturen und einen speziellen Feinbeton können sehr geringe Betonschichtdicken realisiert werden. Es entsteht ein Verbundquerschnitt mit unterschiedlichen Betonrezepturen, gleichfalls unterschiedlichem Betonalter und mit mehreren verschiedenen Bewehrungskomponenten. Um Aussagen zum Langzeitverhalten derartiger Konstruktionen treffen zu können, ist eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung über alle diese im Verbund liegenden Komponenten mit ihren jeweiligen Materialeigenschaften erforderlich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sind in einem ersten Schritt die Stoffgesetze für die beteiligten Materialien Beton, Stahl- und Textilfaserbewehrung zu formulieren. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das viskoelastische Verhalten des Betons, für dessen baumechanische Beschreibung ein geeignetes rheologisches Modell in Form einer Feder-Dämpfer-Kombination dargestellt und die zugehörige Spannungs-Dehnungs-Zeit-Beziehung hergeleitet wird. Ferner wird aufgezeigt, wie die erforderlichen Materialparameter mit Hilfe üblicher Berechnungsansätze für Kriechen und Schwinden (z.B. nach EUROCODE 2) kalibriert werden können. Die betrachteten Textilfasern werden zunächst mit linear-elastischem Verhalten in Rechnung gestellt. Auf alternative Ansätze, die auch hier viskoelastische Eigenschaften berücksichtigen, wird hingewiesen, und das Berechnungsmodell ist dahingehend erweiterbar gestaltet. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die Materialmodelle der Einzelkomponenten nach den mechanischen Grundprinzipien von Gleichgewicht und Verträglichkeit und unter der BERNOULLIschen Annahme eines eben bleibenden Querschnittes miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Hierfür ist eine inkrementelle Vorgehensweise erforderlich, die mit dem Zeitpunkt der ersten Lastaufbringung beginnt und schrittweise den darauffolgenden Zustand berechnet. Im Ergebnis entsteht ein Algorithmus, der die am Querschnitt stattfindenden Veränderungen im Spannungs- und Dehnungsverhalten unter Einbeziehung der Stahlbewehrung sowie einer ggf. vorhandenen Textilbetonschicht wirklichkeitsnah erfaßt. Für statisch bestimmte Systeme mit bekanntem Schnittkraftverlauf wird gezeigt, wie sich so zu jeder Zeit an jeder Stelle der vorliegende Dehnungszustand und aus diesem über die Krümmung die Durchbiegung berechnen läßt. Der dritte und für viele praktische Anwendungen wichtigste Schritt besteht darin, die am Querschnitt hergeleiteten Beziehungen in ein finites Balkenelement zu überführen und dieses in ein FE-Programm zu implementieren. Auch das gelingt auf inkrementellem Wege, wobei für jedes Zeitinkrement die Spannungs- und Verformungszuwächse aller Elemente mit Hilfe des NEWTON-RAPHSON-Verfahrens über die Iteration des Gleichgewichtszustandes am gesamten System bestimmt werden. Hierzu werden einige Beispiele vorgestellt, und es werden die Auswirkungen des Kriechens und Schwindens mit den sich daraus ergebenden Folgen für das jeweilige Tragwerk erläutert. Ferner wird gezeigt, wie textilbewehrte Verstärkungsmaßnahmen gezielt eingesetzt werden können, um das Trag- und Verformungsverhalten bestehender Bauwerke unter Beachtung des zeitveränderlichen Materialverhaltens kontrolliert und bedarfsgerecht zu beeinflussen. / Structures of reinforced concrete show a time-varying material behaviour due to creeping and shrinking of the concrete. This results in the rearrangement of the stresses in the cross-section and time-depending increase of the deformations. Qualified calculation models enabling a reliable prediction during the design process are necessary for the assessment of the long-term behavior. Not only pure reinforced concrete structures play an important role, but within retrofitting actions textile reinforcements of carbon and AR-glass fibres are applied in order to enhance the load-bearing capacity. A small concrete-layer-thickness can be achieved by the load-compatible application of reinforced textile configurations and the usage of a special certain fine-grained concrete. It leads to a composite section of different concrete recipes, different concrete ages and also several components of reinforcement. To give statements for the long-term behaviour of such constructions, a holistic examination considering all this influencing modules with their particular material properties is necessary. Within this dissertation in a first step the material laws of the participated components, as concrete, steel and textile reinforcement, are defined. The focus is layed on the visco-elastic behaviour of the concrete. For its mechanical specification a reliable rheological model in terms of a spring-dashpot-combination is developed and the appropriate stress-strain-time-relation is derived. Furthermore the calibration of the required material parameters considering creep and shrinkage by means of common calculation approaches (e.g. EUROCODE 2) is demonstrated. For the textile fibres a linear-elastic behaviour is assumed within the calculation model. It is also refered to alternative approaches considering a visco-elastic characteristic and the calculation model is configured extendable to that effect. In a second step the material models of the single components are correlated taking into account the mechanical basic principles of equilibrium and compatibility as well as the BERNOULLIan theorem of the plane cross-section. Therefore an incremental calculation procedure is required, which starts at the moment of the first load-application and calculates the subsequent configuration step by step. In the result an algorithm is derived, that realistically captures the occuring changings of stress and strain in the cross-section by considering the steel reinforcement as well as a possibly existing layer of textile concrete. For statically determined systems with known section force status it is demonstrated how to calculate the existing condition of strain and following the deflection via the curvaturve at every time and at each position. The third step - for many practical applications the most important one - is the transformation of the derived relations at the cross-section into a finite beam-element and the implementation of this in a FE-routine. This also takes place in an incremental way, whereat for each time-increment the increase of stress and strain for all elements is identified by using the NEWTON-RAPHSON-method within the iteration process for the equilibrium condition of the whole system. Meaningful numerical examples are presented and the effects of creep and shrinkage are explained by depicting the consequences for the particular bearing structure. Moreover it is shown how the purposeful use of textile reinforcement strengthening methodes can influence and enhance the load-bearing and deflection characteristics of existing building constructions by considering the time-varying material behaviour.

Entwicklung eines Berechnungsmodells für das Langzeitverhalten von Stahlbeton und textilbewehrtem Beton bei überwiegender Biegebeanspruchung

Seidel, André 08 July 2009 (has links)
Tragwerke aus Stahlbeton weisen infolge des Kriechens und Schwindens des Betons ein zeitveränderliches Materialverhalten auf. Die Folge sind Umlagerungen der im Querschnittsinneren wirkende Kräfte und im Zeitverlauf zunehmende Verformungen. Zur Beurteilung dieses Langzeitverhaltens sind geeignete Berechnungsmodelle erforderlich, die im Planungsstadium eine zuverlässige Prognose ermöglichen. Dabei spielen nicht nur reine Stahlbetonkonstruktionen eine Rolle, sondern im Zuge von Ertüchtigungsmaßnahmen werden zur Erhöhung der Tragfähigkeit zunehmend auch textile Bewehrungen aus Carbon- und AR-Glasfasern eingesetzt. Durch die beanspruchungsgerecht aufzubringenden Bewehrungsstrukturen und einen speziellen Feinbeton können sehr geringe Betonschichtdicken realisiert werden. Es entsteht ein Verbundquerschnitt mit unterschiedlichen Betonrezepturen, gleichfalls unterschiedlichem Betonalter und mit mehreren verschiedenen Bewehrungskomponenten. Um Aussagen zum Langzeitverhalten derartiger Konstruktionen treffen zu können, ist eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung über alle diese im Verbund liegenden Komponenten mit ihren jeweiligen Materialeigenschaften erforderlich. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit sind in einem ersten Schritt die Stoffgesetze für die beteiligten Materialien Beton, Stahl- und Textilfaserbewehrung zu formulieren. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei das viskoelastische Verhalten des Betons, für dessen baumechanische Beschreibung ein geeignetes rheologisches Modell in Form einer Feder-Dämpfer-Kombination dargestellt und die zugehörige Spannungs-Dehnungs-Zeit-Beziehung hergeleitet wird. Ferner wird aufgezeigt, wie die erforderlichen Materialparameter mit Hilfe üblicher Berechnungsansätze für Kriechen und Schwinden (z.B. nach EUROCODE 2) kalibriert werden können. Die betrachteten Textilfasern werden zunächst mit linear-elastischem Verhalten in Rechnung gestellt. Auf alternative Ansätze, die auch hier viskoelastische Eigenschaften berücksichtigen, wird hingewiesen, und das Berechnungsmodell ist dahingehend erweiterbar gestaltet. In einem zweiten Schritt werden die Materialmodelle der Einzelkomponenten nach den mechanischen Grundprinzipien von Gleichgewicht und Verträglichkeit und unter der BERNOULLIschen Annahme eines eben bleibenden Querschnittes miteinander in Beziehung gesetzt. Hierfür ist eine inkrementelle Vorgehensweise erforderlich, die mit dem Zeitpunkt der ersten Lastaufbringung beginnt und schrittweise den darauffolgenden Zustand berechnet. Im Ergebnis entsteht ein Algorithmus, der die am Querschnitt stattfindenden Veränderungen im Spannungs- und Dehnungsverhalten unter Einbeziehung der Stahlbewehrung sowie einer ggf. vorhandenen Textilbetonschicht wirklichkeitsnah erfaßt. Für statisch bestimmte Systeme mit bekanntem Schnittkraftverlauf wird gezeigt, wie sich so zu jeder Zeit an jeder Stelle der vorliegende Dehnungszustand und aus diesem über die Krümmung die Durchbiegung berechnen läßt. Der dritte und für viele praktische Anwendungen wichtigste Schritt besteht darin, die am Querschnitt hergeleiteten Beziehungen in ein finites Balkenelement zu überführen und dieses in ein FE-Programm zu implementieren. Auch das gelingt auf inkrementellem Wege, wobei für jedes Zeitinkrement die Spannungs- und Verformungszuwächse aller Elemente mit Hilfe des NEWTON-RAPHSON-Verfahrens über die Iteration des Gleichgewichtszustandes am gesamten System bestimmt werden. Hierzu werden einige Beispiele vorgestellt, und es werden die Auswirkungen des Kriechens und Schwindens mit den sich daraus ergebenden Folgen für das jeweilige Tragwerk erläutert. Ferner wird gezeigt, wie textilbewehrte Verstärkungsmaßnahmen gezielt eingesetzt werden können, um das Trag- und Verformungsverhalten bestehender Bauwerke unter Beachtung des zeitveränderlichen Materialverhaltens kontrolliert und bedarfsgerecht zu beeinflussen. / Structures of reinforced concrete show a time-varying material behaviour due to creeping and shrinking of the concrete. This results in the rearrangement of the stresses in the cross-section and time-depending increase of the deformations. Qualified calculation models enabling a reliable prediction during the design process are necessary for the assessment of the long-term behavior. Not only pure reinforced concrete structures play an important role, but within retrofitting actions textile reinforcements of carbon and AR-glass fibres are applied in order to enhance the load-bearing capacity. A small concrete-layer-thickness can be achieved by the load-compatible application of reinforced textile configurations and the usage of a special certain fine-grained concrete. It leads to a composite section of different concrete recipes, different concrete ages and also several components of reinforcement. To give statements for the long-term behaviour of such constructions, a holistic examination considering all this influencing modules with their particular material properties is necessary. Within this dissertation in a first step the material laws of the participated components, as concrete, steel and textile reinforcement, are defined. The focus is layed on the visco-elastic behaviour of the concrete. For its mechanical specification a reliable rheological model in terms of a spring-dashpot-combination is developed and the appropriate stress-strain-time-relation is derived. Furthermore the calibration of the required material parameters considering creep and shrinkage by means of common calculation approaches (e.g. EUROCODE 2) is demonstrated. For the textile fibres a linear-elastic behaviour is assumed within the calculation model. It is also refered to alternative approaches considering a visco-elastic characteristic and the calculation model is configured extendable to that effect. In a second step the material models of the single components are correlated taking into account the mechanical basic principles of equilibrium and compatibility as well as the BERNOULLIan theorem of the plane cross-section. Therefore an incremental calculation procedure is required, which starts at the moment of the first load-application and calculates the subsequent configuration step by step. In the result an algorithm is derived, that realistically captures the occuring changings of stress and strain in the cross-section by considering the steel reinforcement as well as a possibly existing layer of textile concrete. For statically determined systems with known section force status it is demonstrated how to calculate the existing condition of strain and following the deflection via the curvaturve at every time and at each position. The third step - for many practical applications the most important one - is the transformation of the derived relations at the cross-section into a finite beam-element and the implementation of this in a FE-routine. This also takes place in an incremental way, whereat for each time-increment the increase of stress and strain for all elements is identified by using the NEWTON-RAPHSON-method within the iteration process for the equilibrium condition of the whole system. Meaningful numerical examples are presented and the effects of creep and shrinkage are explained by depicting the consequences for the particular bearing structure. Moreover it is shown how the purposeful use of textile reinforcement strengthening methodes can influence and enhance the load-bearing and deflection characteristics of existing building constructions by considering the time-varying material behaviour.

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