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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beneficiary dependence on the South African Working for Water Programme : a multi-site case study of four projects in the Western Cape

Hough, Jan Anton 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Sociology and Social Anthropology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s natural environment is internationally recognised for its biodiversity, and therefore deep concern exists regarding the significant impact of invasive alien species (IAS) on that biodiversity. To combat the spread of IAS in South Africa, the national Working for Water (WfW) Programme was established in 1995. In addition to the clearing of IAS, the programme has also been designed to provide employment and empowerment to the marginalised sectors of South African society. With regard to the latter, WfW forms part of South Africa’s Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP), and can be defined as a workfare programme, since it provides paid employment, rather than welfare payment. Following a contractor development approach, it also intends to create independent entrepreneurial contractors who, ideally, should ‘exit’ WfW, by being absorbed in the broader labour market. However, anecdotal evidence indicates that, since the establishment of WfW, many of its intended beneficiaries have become highly dependent on such employment, and therefore do not wish to “exit” the programme. Also, mounting concern regarding beneficiary dependence on Public Works Programmes in general, has spurred numerous academic debates on welfare dependence, as well as attempts to explain variability in dependence on government support. This thesis reports on a multi-site case study of beneficiary dependence on four WfW projects, which was undertaken in four CapeNature reserves in the Western Cape province of South Africa. Five broad research questions were formulated, which relate to the extent of beneficiaries’ dependence on the projects concerned, as well the sociological factors that may contribute to such a phenomenon. The data collected for this study were analysed with reference to various theories of state dependence. The beneficiaries were found to have become highly dependent, mostly in a financial sense, on the WfW projects studied, but also in regard to expectations of remaining in the WfW Programme in future. Such dependence is largely due to WfW having become engrained in beneficiaries’ social structure to such an extent, that it affects both their choices and their actions. Fearing a return to the conditions of farm labour, or the inability to escape the culture of poverty and/or marginalisation they experienced before joining WfW, seems to have resulted in the “unanticipated consequence” of workers being reluctant to exit from the programme, on which they have become dependent for their income and social standing. In the light of these findings, the thesis also briefly reflects upon South Africa’s EPWPs, with the conclusion of the case study offering at least a partial solution to improving the WfW Programme as an EPWP. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika se natuurlike omgewing word internasionaal erken vir sy biodiversiteit, en om hierdie rede bestaan daar goot bekommernis oor die beduidende uitwerking van uitheemse indringerspesies (UIS) op hierdie biodiversiteit. Om die verspreiding van UIS in Suid-Afrika te bekamp, is die Nasionale Werk vir Water (WfW) Program in 1995 gestig. Benewens die verwydering van UIS, is die program ook ingestel op werkverskaffing en bemagtiging van die gemarginaliseerde sektore van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Met betrekking tot laasgenoemde vorm WfW deel van die Suid-Afrikaanse Uitgebreide Openbare Werke Program (UOWP), en kan gedefineër word as ‘n werkswelsynsprogram, met die klem op die verskaffing van werk teen betaling, eerder as bloot net ’n welsynsbetaling. WfW volg ‘n kontrakteur-ontwikkelingsbenadering, waarvolgens kontrakteurs ontwikkel word, wat, ideaal gesien, die program as entrepreneurs kan verlaat en as sodanig in die breër arbeidsmark geabsorbeer kan word. Nietemin, in die praktyk wil dit tans egter voorkom asof die veronderstelde begunstigdes van WfW eerder hoogs afhanklik geraak het van die werk en dit derhalwe nooit wil verlaat nie. Die stygende kommer rakende begunstigde afhanklikheid van Openbare Werke Programme oor die algemeen, het reeds oorsprong verleen aan menige akademiese debatte oor welsynsafhanklikheid, sowel as pogings om verskille in omvang van afhanklikheid van regeringsondersteuning te verduidelik. Die tesis rapporteer oor ’n veelligging gevallestudie oor begunstigde afhanklikheid van vier WfW-projekte, wat geleë is in vier CapeNature reservate in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie van Suid-Afrika. Vyf breë navorsingsvrae is ontwerp, wat verband hou met die omvang van afhanklikheid van hierdie spesifieke projekte, sowel as die sosiologiese faktore wat tot die ontwikkeling van hierdie verskynsel sou kon bydra. Data is ontleed met verwysing na verskeie teorieë van staatsafhanklikheid. Daar is bevind dat begunstigdes hoogs afhanklik geraak het, hoofsaaklik in ‘n finansiële sin, van die bestudeerde WfW-projekte, maar ook verwagtinge het om in die toekoms deel te bly van die WfW-Program. Hierdie afhanklikheid spruit voort daaruit dat die begunstigdes se sosiale struktuur tot so ‘n mate met WfW verweef geword het, dat dit ’n uitwerking het op die werkers se keuses, asook hul optrede. ’n Vrees om terug te keer na die omstandighede van plaaswerk, of die onvermoë om te ontvlug van die kultuur van armoede en/of marginalisering wat hulle ervaar het voor deelname aan WfW, het skynbaar die “onbedoelde gevolg” gehad dat werkers onwillig is om te tree uit die program waarvan hulle afhanklik geraak het vir hul inkomste en sosiale stand. In die lig van hierdie bevindinge reflekteer hierdie tesis ook kortliks oor Suid-Afrika se UOWP, met die gevolgtrekking van die gevallestudie wat ten minste ‘n gedeeltelike oplossing bied ter verbetering van die WfWProgram, as ’n UOWP.

The law relating to documentary credits from a South African perspective with special reference to the legal position of the issuing and confirming banks

Hugo, Charl Francois 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis ((LLD (Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 1996. / 424 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages and numbered pages 1-356. Includes bibliography, digitized at 300 dpi (OCR), used Bizhub 250. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The documentary credit is one of the most important methods of payment utilised in international trade. This versatile instrument is encountered in a variety of forms. In its simplest form it is an undertaking by a bank given on application by a buyer-importer (the bank's client) to pay the seller-exporter (the beneficiary) against delivery of stipulated documents. It has two essential characteristics: (i) the bank's undertaking to pay the beneficiary is independent of the contract of sale and the contract between the bank and its client; and (ii) the bank will pay only against the precise documents stipulated in the credit. In Chapter One the different relationships established between the parties involved are dealt with against this background, and the different types of credits are discussed. Documentary credits are, comparatively speaking, modern instruments. Possible historical origins are explored briefly in Chapter Two. Documentary credits are virtually invariably applied for and issued subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (the UCP). The UCP is a set of rules formulated by the International Chamber of Commerce. The modern history of documentary credits as reflected in the development of the UCP is discussed in Chapter Three. The legal nature of the UCP is analysed from a civilian, common-law and South African perspective in Chapter Four. The legal nature of the relationship between the bank and the beneficiary is the focal point of Chapter Five. The question is approached from a civilian (especially German and Dutch), common-law (especially English and American) and South African point of view. Special attention is devoted to the ability (or inability) of the traditional law of contract of the different jurisdictions to provide a theoretical foundation for (i) the independence of the bank's obligation, and (ii) the irrevocability of the bank's undertaking. The conclusion arrived at is that the South African law of contract is able to provide an adequate basis for this relationship in general and these two matters in particular. In the final chapter the defences available to the bank against the beneficiary's claim are scrutinised, as well as the possibility of the bank being interdicted from paying the beneficiary. Related issues such as anti-dissipation interdicts and attachments in the documentary-credit context are also dealt with. These questions are likewise investigated from a civilian, common-law and South African perspective. This investigation leads to the conclusion that the South African law is essentially in harmony with the law elsewhere and that our courts have been successful to date in protecting the integrity of documentary credits. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dokumentêre kredietbrief is een van die belangrikste betalingsmetodes wat in die internasionale handel aangewend word. Hierdie buigbare middel kan 'n verskeidenheid van vorms aanneem. In sy eenvoudigste vorm is dit 'n onderneming deur 'n bank wat op aansoek van 'n koper-invoerder (die bank se kliënt) aan die verkoper-uitvoerder (die begunstigde) gegee word. Dit het twee essensiele eienskappe: (i) die onderneming van die bank om die begunstigde te betaal is onafhanklik van die koopkontrak sowel as die kontrak tussen die bank en sy klient; en (ii) die bank sal slegs betaal teen lewering van die presiese dokumente vereis in die kredietbrief. In Hoofstuk Een word die verskillende verhoudinge tussen die partye betrokke teen hierdie agtergrond bespreek asook die verskillende tipes kredietbriewe. Dokumentere kredietbriewe is relatief gesproke moderne instrumente. Moontlike historiese oorspronge word kortliks in Hoofstuk Twee verken. Kredietbriewe word bykans sonder uitsondering aangevra en uitgereik onderworpe aan die Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (die UCP). Die UCP is 'n stel reels wat deur die Internasionale Kamer van Koophandel opgestel is. Die moderne geskiedenis van kredietbriewe soos in die ontwikkeling van die UCP weerspieel, is die hoofonderwerp van Hoofstuk Drie. In Hoofstuk Vier word die regsaard van die UCP vanuit die perspektief van die regstelsels baseer op die ius civile, die common-law stelsels en die Suid-Afrikaanse reg beskou. In Hoofstuk Vyf word op die regsaard van die verhouding tussen die bank en die begunstigde gefokus. Die aangeleentheid word benader vanuit 'n ius civile (veral Duitse en Nederlandse) perspektief, 'n common-law (veral Engelse en Amerikaanse) perspektief, asook 'n Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief. Besondere aandag word verleen aan die vermoe (of onvermoe) van die tradisionele kontraktereg in die verskillende jurisdiksies om 'n teoretiese grondslag daar te stel vir: (i) die onafhanklikheid van die bank se verpligting; en (ii) die onherroepbaarheid van die bank se betalingsonderneming. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking geraak dat die Suid-Afrikaanse kontraktereg wel in staat is om 'n bevredigende basis vir die verhouding in die algemeen, en hierdie twee aangeleenthede in die besonder, daar te stel. In die laaste hoofstuk word aandag geskenk aan die verwere wat 'n bank teenoor die begunstigde se aanspraak kan opper, asook aan die moontlikheid dat die bank by wyse van interdik belet kan word om die begunstigde te betaal. Verwante aangeleenthede soos interdikte in securitatem debiti en beslagleggings in die konteks van kredietbriewe word ook bygehaal. Hierdie aangeleenthede word eweneens vanuit 'n ius civile, common-law, en Suid-Afrikaanse perspektief benader. Die ondersoek lei tot die gevolgtrekking dat die Suid-Afrikaanse reg breedweg beskou in harmonie is met ander stelsels en dat ons howe die integriteit van kredietbriewe tot dusver suksesvol beskerm het.

Sutartis trečiojo asmens naudai / Contract for a benefit of a third party

Borevičienė, Edita 24 January 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai institutas, užsienio valstybėse susiformavusi šio instituto doktrina, apimanti jo kūrimosi, raidos tendencijas bei teisinio tapatumo apibrėžties ypatumus kitose šalyse, jų raiškos santykį su Lietuvoje įtvirtinta sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai sąvoka bei jos taikymo praktika. Tyrimu siekta išsamiai ir sistemiškai, remiantis užsienio šalių patirtimi, išanalizuoti Lietuvoje įtvirtintą sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai koncepciją, atskleidžiant teorines bei praktines sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai instituto reguliavimo Lietuvoje problemas ir trūkumus, sukurti bendrą metodologinę instituto sampratos platformą kaip pagrindą nuosekliai instituto raidai bei pasiūlyti egzistuojančio teisinio reguliavimo spragų užpildymo būdus. Šis tyrimas atskleidžia sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai instituto teisinę prigimtį bei nubrėžia šio instituto nuostatų taikymo gaires. / The subject of the research of the thesis is the institute of a contract for a benefit of a third party and the doctrine of this institute of foreign countries, covering the trends of its creation and development as well as the peculiarities of the definition of legal identity in other countries, the relationship of their expression with the concept of a third party beneficiary contract established in Lithuania and the practice of its application. The study is aimed to comprehensively and systematically, basing on the experience of foreign countries, analyze the concept of a contract for a benefit of a third party established in Lithuania revealing theoretical and practical problems and shortcomings of the regulation of the institute of a third party beneficiary contract in Lithuania, to develop a common methodological platform of the concept of the institute as the basis for the coherent development of the institute and to suggest the ways to fill the existing legal regulatory gaps. This study reveals the legal nature of the institute of a contract for a benefit of a third party and outlines the guidelines of the application of this institute’s provisions.

Seguros: beneficiários e suas implicações / Insurance: beneficiaries and their implications

Souza, Bárbara Bassani de 21 October 2015 (has links)
O seguro é abordado de forma pouco detalhada pela doutrina. A figura do beneficiário no seguro é ainda menos estudada, tendo em vista que, por se relacionar tanto a questões típicas de direito securitário, como de direito de família e sucessões, acaba não sendo analisada de forma profunda, nem pelos estudiosos de direito securitário e, tampouco, pelos de direito de família e sucessões. O objetivo da presente dissertação é traçar os principais aspectos relacionados ao contrato de seguro, desde a sua origem e evolução histórica, natureza jurídica, conceito, elementos e partes, à luz da legislação securitária, tanto no âmbito civil como no âmbito regulatório (Superintendência de Seguros Privados SUSEP e Conselho Nacional de Seguros Privados CNSP), para então, demonstrar as espécies e as coberturas securitárias nas quais pode surgir a figura do beneficiário. O estudo do tema estará limitado ao beneficiário de seguro com cobertura de morte, seu conceito, como se dá a sua designação, substituição e renúncia, as pessoas que podem ser beneficiárias (companheira como beneficiária, pessoa jurídica, o nascituro). Será analisada a sistemática do artigo 792, do Código Civil Brasileiro atual, no tocante ao pagamento de indenização securitária na falta de indicação de beneficiário e a polêmica em torno do referido artigo, além de situações como a perda da condição de beneficiário, premoriência e comoriência, a prescrição da pretensão do direito do beneficiário, o suicídio do segurado. Em todas essas situações, a jurisprudência e a doutrina divergem, seja em razão da interpretação dada ao dispositivo legal pertinente (como ocorre na prescrição e no suicídio), seja porque não há previsão específica na lei (como ocorre nos casos de premoriência e comoriência). Para dirimir tal divergência, na árdua tarefa de buscar uma solução equânime às questões práticas expostas, sugere-se, ao final, um projeto de lei para modificar a redação de alguns artigos do Código Civil referentes à matéria. / Jurists provide little in the way of detailed analysis of insurance. The figure of the insurance beneficiary has been studied even less. It is related to typical questions both of insurance law and of family and successions law, and as a result, it has not been thoroughly analyzed by students of either of these branches of the law. The purpose of this dissertation is to trace the key aspects related to insurance contracts, from their origin, looking at changes that have taken place, their legal nature, concept, elements and parties involved, in the light of the insurance legislation both in the civil and in the regulatory sphere (Private Insurance Superintendence - SUSEP and the National Private Insurance Council - CNSP), and subsequently to demonstrate the types of insurance and of insurance coverage in which the figure of the beneficiary may arise. The study of the topic will be limited to beneficiaries of life insurance: the concept of the beneficiary, how they are designated and replaced, how they can waive their position, and who can be a beneficiary (companions, legal entities, unborn children). The implications of Article 792 of the Brazilian Civil Code will be analyzed, in relation to the payment of indemnity when no beneficiary is named and the controversy this article has stirred up, as well as situations such as the loss of the status of beneficiary, predeceasing and simultaneous death, the statute of limitations affecting beneficiaries claims, and the suicide of the insured. In all these situations, case law and jurists diverge, whether because of the interpretation given to the pertinent legal device (as in the case of statute of limitations and suicide) or because there is no specific provision in the law (as in the case of predeceasing and simultaneous death). It is no easy task to find a fair solution to these practical issues. In conclusion, as a way of settling the differences identified, the dissertation proposes a draft law amending the wording of certain relevant articles in the Civil Code.

It's not always sunny in relationally rich jobs: negative beneficiary contact and the role of perceived self-sacrifice

Nielsen, Jordan D 01 August 2019 (has links)
Contact with beneficiaries has been described as the most important job characteristic for increasing the salience of meaningful work. However, our understanding of beneficiary contact has primarily been limited to positive experiences with beneficiaries, despite the fact that many jobs are defined as much by the negative experiences with beneficiaries as they are by the positive. To increase understanding of negative beneficiary contact, I draw from identity theory to propose that negative experiences with beneficiaries have a dual effect on employees. Whereas negative contact may make employees feel unappreciated (low perceived social worth), it may also lead employees to believe they are engaging in self-sacrifice for worthy cause—a relatively positive interpretation of such experiences. In a study of 257 registered nurses from a large academic medical center, these hypotheses were supported. However, contrary to expectations, the effects of beneficiary contact on employee perceptions of social worth and self-sacrifice were not contingent upon their willingness to relate to beneficiaries (perspective taking and affective commitment to beneficiaries). Only perceived social worth was found to predict job satisfaction, and neither social worth nor self-sacrifice predicted job performance. Longitudinal analyses suggested that beneficiary contact is reciprocally related to employee’s work perceptions over time, but neither factor predicted changes in job satisfaction. Overall, findings suggest that negative beneficiary contact makes employees feel less appreciated, but also serves as a badge that signifies a willing sacrifice for a worthy cause. Moreover, perceived self-sacrifice may have a more complex relationship with employee outcomes than originally thought.

Sutartis trečio asmens naudai: lyginamoji analizė / The contract of the third parties: comparative analysis

Tarvainytė, Agnė 19 December 2006 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe, remiantis Lietuvos bei užsienio valstybių teisės aktais bei teisine literatūra, apžvelgiamas sutarčių trečiojo asmens naudai istorinis vystymasis Lietuvoje bei kitų valstybių praktikoje, sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai samprata bei elementai, kurie atskleidžia šios sutarties ypatumus bei sutartis, kurios savo prigimtimi yra pripažįstamos sutartimis trečiojo asmens naudai. / The final paper to obtain the Master’s degree deals with the historical formation of contracts of third parties in law practice in Lithuania and in other countries, to the conception and the elements of contract of third parties on the basis of legal reference and interpretation of law acts in Lithuania and foreign countries, contracts which by their nature belong to contract of third parties. The final paper to obtain the Master’s degree deals with issues related to contract of third parties. It consists of four parts. In the first part author summarizes the historical formation of contract of third parties in law practice in Lithuania and in other countries. The second part is devoted to the conception of contract of third parties and its place in civil law in different countries. The third part discusses the elements of contract of third parties by establishing the particularity of these contracts and underlining their differences in comparison with other types of contracts. The author attempts to summarize the juridical facts, which are necessary for third party to become a creditor. This part also analyses the situation of the claim when the third party has an ability to gain it from the contract or from law acts. Next in this part the role of creditor in the contract of third parties is analyzed. The fourth part of final paper is devoted to the contracts which by their nature belong to contract of third parties. The purpose of final paper to obtain the Master’s... [to full text]

Impact of information and communication technologies on charitable organisations in Kuwait

Al-Foudary, Adel K. E. January 2005 (has links)
In many countries, non-profit organisations provide enormous help to the public in the form of services, aid, education, advocacy, and many other humanitarian supports. However, despite the important work of many non-profit organisations in their fields, there has been little research about the role on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in facilitating aid distribution. In an effort to improve understanding of non-profit organisations working in charitable programmes, this research assesses the impact of ICTs in charitable organisations in the State of Kuwait. One of the purposes of this study is to provide guidelines to improve the use of ICTs in order to meet the needs of charities, their donors and beneficiaries, and their ability to comply with state legislation. This research uses a multi-methodology approach, which employs two system methodologies in tackling the research problem. The research methodologies that have been applied are Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and Effective Technical and Human Implementation of Computer based System (ETHICS). The participants of the research included charities, authorities, staff, beneficiaries, and donors. The results showed that the current services and activities do not meet the needs and satisfaction of the charities, donors, and beneficiaries. The results also showed that the charities fall short in coping with the national and international compliance requirements. Consequently, there is a need for an appropriate change in systems and procedures, which include database system, communication, technical, confidentiality and security of donors and beneficiaries, co-operation and coordination, and awareness and attitudes of authorities. The study provides the changes needed to improve the current situation in Kuwaiti charities. As one of these changes, a novel design of a web-based Information Exchange System amongst Kuwaiti Charity Organisations (IESKCO) has been developed. This web-based system will combine all Kuwaiti charitable programmes in to one appropriate system, which offers the highest level of benefits at the lowest cost for their clients. In order to ensure that this new system meets the users' needs, an empirical evaluation method has been chosen to evaluate the IESKCO prototype. The results revealed that the users' needs are met using the application. This research has also led to conclusions and directions for further research on the impact of ICTs in charitable sectors.

The Role of Community Participation in Water Production and Management: Lessons From Sustainable Aid in Africa International Sponsored Water Schemes in Kisumu, Kenya

Ananga, Erick Oniango 14 October 2015 (has links)
Few studies have attempted to determine the tenability of Community Participation (CP) theory is explicating Water Production and Management dynamics in Urban Informal Settlements. Consequently, several gaps exist in knowledge of the value of this important theory for efforts to improve water service delivery in such settlements. The main purpose of this study is to contribute to efforts addressed to filling these gaps. Four water schemes established by Sustainable Aid in Africa International in partnership with different communities in the informal neighborhoods of Kisumu Kenya are used as empirical referent. The study is guided by the following three Research Questions; 1) what is the relationship between community participation and beneficiary satisfaction with the work of the water management committees in the four schemes? 2) what are the contributions (positive or negative) of community participation on the production of clean potable water supply in the informal settlements? 3) what are the participation-related factors affecting the performance of the schemes? Uncovering answers to these questions entailed the use of a mixed methods approach. The approach involved the application of both quantitative and qualitative techniques. The former was employed mainly to answer the first two Research Questions and latter to deal with Research Question Three. The quantitative component of data collection involved administering a survey questionnaire through a simple random sampling technique. Logistic Regression and Chi-square Tests were employed to analyze the quantitative data. In the qualitative phase, Focus Group Discussions, Observation, Transect Walks and Photographic evidence was used to collect data analyzed through Constant Comparison Analytic technique. For Research Question One, the logistic regression results indicate that five participatory variables are significantly associated with beneficiary satisfaction with the work of the water management committees. These are provision of paid or unpaid labor to the water schemes, household willingness to intervene against pipe vandalism, meeting attendance, willingness to contribute money or time to the community water scheme and whether a household has ever made a complaint about water supply/quality issues. For Research Question Two, the chi-square test shows that households who use community managed water schemes and attend water and sanitation meetings tend to practice better water handing hygiene in the settlements. For Research Question Three, the following factors are identified to be either aiding and/or impeding the success of the schemes; networking and collaboration, continuous community engagement/participation, the formation of water consumer groups, coordination and organizational management, extent of institutional formalization, provision of dividends to the community, clannism, population increase, and poverty and community fatigue. This dissertation sheds new light on the role played by CP in managing vital resources such as water in urban informal settlements/neighborhoods. An important policy contribution is that CP can be used as a viable strategy in the establishment of effective water schemes in urban informal settlements. Furthermore, it can act as an antidote with regards to water quality improvements in urban informal settlements/neighborhoods.

Svěřenský fond v České republice / Trust in the Czech Republic

Filipová, Silvie January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis „Trust in the Czech Republic“ deals with new institute in Czech law legislation. The first part is focused on theoretical knowledge of the Trust Fund, it is history and similar institutions based abroad. The second part deals with the process of establishment of the Trust and show methodical instructions for the system of taxation of income related to the operation of the Trust Fund.

Namibia’s land redistribution programme: A case study of Steinhausen (Okarukambe) constituency in Omaheke region

Mandimika, Prisca January 2020 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae (Land and Agrarian Studies) - MPhil(LAS) / As a means to assuage historical land inequities, resultant socio-economic disparities and poverty alleviation, the Namibian Government undertook to reform the land sector. Guided by the Constitution and the Resolutions of the 1991 Land Conference policy and legal framework, a fractured consensus is built on the rationale to redistribute land to a targeted group. Parallel to the reform agenda, systemic challenges to the resettlement process are growing amid questions on Government’s ability to respond to sustainable programme objectives embedded within land reforms. Literature coalesces on the issues of land-reform programmes having lost direction, being skewed in favour of a few, being biased towards commercial agriculture, and requiring review and re-configuration to be inclusive and to satisfy equity and poverty-alleviation concerns.

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