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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Maximizing Local Acceptance through Benefit Sharing

Koebel, Evan January 2011 (has links)
Local opposition has been widely recognized as a potentially powerful barrier to the successfuldevelopment of wind power projects. As a result, there has been increasing pressure put on industryproponents to adopt comprehensive strategies aimed at increasing local acceptance. The concept ofbenefit sharing is becoming more widely recognized as an effective method of doing so.A comparative analysis of wind power projects throughout Europe has demonstrated considerablevariability both in terms of the quantities and qualities of benefit sharing mechanisms applied. Despitethis variability, however, there does appear to be a tendency toward establishing community funds tosupport certain initiatives in the host locality. Developers have also offered local ownershipopportunities, electricity price reduction for community members, knowledge sharing and/oreducational initiatives, local employment opportunities, and some have undertaken extensiveenvironmental restoration or enhancement projects. The key factors influencing the development of abenefit sharing strategy are the national context, the organizational competencies of the developer andthe local context. Careful consideration of these factors will inform the creation of an effective benefitsharing scheme.However, the application of a benefit sharing scheme in itself does not guarantee acceptance, but rathermust be integrated with effective public engagement and participation in decision making throughwhich the needs, wishes and demands of the host community are addressed and incorporated into theproject details, where possible. Overall, based on the influences of the national context in combinationwith the specific competencies of the developer, organizations are recommended to adopt formalized,yet flexible policies or strategies for benefit sharing in each country where they operate, which can thenbe adapted to the unique circumstances of each project and community.

Analýza ekonomické efektivnosti opatření směřujících ke zlepšení kvality vody v Máchově jezeře / Analysis of the Economic efficiency of the provision that should improve water quality in Macha´s Lake

Kuličková, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on data evaluation of economic efficiency of provisions for impoving of water quality in Macha's lake. Data estimation of economic value of chase in water quality in Macha's lake were acquired during on-site research in the area. Choice Experiment was used for modelling of recreational demand. The base of Choice Experiment is coming out from Lancaster's Attribution theory and Random utility function. Data presentation and its acquiring is a part of the diploma thesis, there is also discussed the new findings and the base of neoclassical methodology of Cost-Benefit Analysis that is suitable for judging of economic efficiency of provisions that help improving water quality in The Macha's lake. Macha's lake is a signifiant recreational area. While deciding about long term solution of the problem of water quality it is necessary to judge efficiency of invested ressources. Estimations of changes in water quality in Macha's lake is going to be used for Cost-Benefit Analysis. Cost-Benefit Analysis is based on measuring costs and benefits and their comparisons and this Analysis is main scope of the thesis.

Vybrané efekty investičnej podpory na štátny rozpočet a zamestnanosť v ČR / Selected effects of investment incentives on the state budget and employment in the Czech Republic

Bolcha, Peter January 2004 (has links)
The policy of investment incentives is applied in majority of countries all over the world. This popularity is in contradiction with rare academic analyses of this phenomenon and those few existing are not reflected by the actual policy. This work intends to partially fill the first gap and is devoted to estimation of fiscal impact of the policy and also its effects on employment. It contains a proposal of cost-benefit calculation and its application in Czech Republic. The necessary condition for any application of this method, one needs to assess causal impact of such policy on investment and also indirect effects in the labour market. Comparison of investment behavior of supported firms and firms from control group (chosen by matching estimator) shows that the extra investment generated (or maybe only accelerated) was at most 30% of contracted amounts. Indirect effects in labour market are estimated via dynamic model of employment using Heckman's treatment of selection. Inquireies show that linkage effects dominate the crowding out effects, signalling that domestic firms on average benefit from the presence of their foreign conterparts. Turning to supported vs. nonsupported firms, this effect diminishes. For estimation of various scenarios of fiscal and employment effects I use results from econometric estimates of this work as well as the other works from Czech environment. The unitary fiscal cost of one job created is several hundred tousand CZK and therefore the net cost has to be confronted with other potencial benefits of policy. With respect to fact that majority of firms resides and operates in Czech Republic prior the incentive award, technological transfer or other positive effects do not find much support in my findings. This indicates that the arguments for the provision of this policy in Czech economy are not valid (any more).

Investigating the criterion validity of contingent valuation-willingness to pay methods

Kanya, Gladys Lucy Wanjiru January 2018 (has links)
With theoretical foundations in welfare theory, the cost benefit analysis (CBA) technique is a powerful tool for assessing benefits particularly where markets do not exist or would fail (for example due to the existence of public goods) or have become potentially politically excluded (such as the health sector). Unlike other economic evaluation techniques, costs and benefits are measured in monetary terms allowing for comparisons within and between different sectors of the economy for resource allocation decisions. Using contingent valuation (CV) techniques, people's preferences for goods are determined by finding out what they would be willing to pay (WTP) for specified benefits or improvements; or accept (WTA), as compensation for withdrawal or loss of benefit. While the use of WTP methods has grown in other sectors, the uptake in health has been limited. A long-standing criticism is that stated WTP estimates may be poor indicators of actual WTP, calling into question their validity and the use of such estimates for welfare valuation. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the criterion validity of CV-WTP studies. A four-pronged approach including critical appraisals of the available literature and evidence on criterion validity and empirical analyses was adopted. The thesis established the scarcity in criterion validity assessments, particularly in the health sector and that evidence on the criterion validity of CV-WTP is more varied than authors are presenting. The variety in the methods used to assess and report criterion validity assessments is demonstrated. Further, the impact of the analysis of hypothetical WTP on criterion validity assessments and conclusions thereof is demonstrated. The empirical analyses further demonstrate the differences in predictions and predictors of WTP analyses, discussing the effect of these on criterion validity assessments and conclusions. Finally, the thesis offers suggestions for the reporting of criterion validity assessments, in efforts to improve the method.

Processing in the perceptual span : investigations with the n+2-boundary paradigm

Risse, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
Cognitive psychology is traditionally interested in the interaction of perception, cognition, and behavioral control. Investigating eye movements in reading constitutes a field of research in which the processes and interactions of these subsystems can be studied in a well-defined environment. Thereby, the following questions are pursued: How much information is visually perceived during a fixation, how is processing achieved and temporally coordinated from visual letter encoding to final sentence comprehension, and how do such processes reflect on behavior such as the control of the eyes’ movements during reading. Various theoretical models have been proposed to account for the specific eye-movement behavior in reading (for a review see Reichle, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2003). Some models are based on the idea of shifting attention serially from one word to the next within the sentence whereas others propose distributed attention allocating processing resources to more than one word at a time. As attention is assumed to drive word recognition processes one major difference between these models is that word processing must either occur in strict serial order, or that word processing is achieved in parallel. In spite of this crucial difference in the time course of word processing, both model classes perform well on explaining many of the benchmark effects in reading. In fact, there seems to be not much empirical evidence that challenges the models to a point at which their basic assumptions could be falsified. One issue often perceived as being decisive in the debate on serial and parallel word processing is how not-yet-fixated words to the right of fixation affect eye movements. Specifically, evidence is discussed as to what spatial extent such parafoveal words are previewed and how this influences current and subsequent word processing. Four experiments investigated parafoveal processing close to the spatial limits of the perceptual span. The present work aims to go beyond mere existence proofs of previewing words at such spatial distances. Introducing a manipulation that dissociates the sources of long-range preview effects, benefits and costs of parafoveal processing can be investigated in a single analysis and the differing impact is tracked across a three-word target region. In addition, the same manipulation evaluates the role of oculomotor error as the cause of non-local distributed effects. In this respect, the results contribute to a better understanding of the time course of word processing inside the perceptual span and attention allocation during reading. / Die kognitive Psychologie beschäftigt sich traditionell mit dem Zusammenspiel von Wahrnehmung, Kognition und Verhaltenssteuerung. Die Untersuchung von Blickbewegungen beim Lesen bildet dabei ein Forschungsfeld, in dem die Prozesse und Interaktionen dieser Subsysteme in einem klar definierten Rahmen untersucht werden können. Dabei geht es speziell um die Frage, wie viel Information visuell wahrgenommen wird, wie die kognitive Weiterverarbeitung der visuellen Buchstabeninformation über lexikalische Wortverarbeitung hin zu einem inhaltlichen Satzverständnis zeitlich koordiniert ist, und wie sich diese Prozesse auf das Verhalten – die Steuerung der Blickbewegung – auswirken. Verschiedene Modelle zur Erklärung des spezifischen Blickbewegungsverhaltens beim Lesen wurden vorgeschlagen (für einen Überblick siehe Reichle, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2003). Einige Modelle basieren auf der Annahme serieller Aufmerksamkeitsverschiebung von Wort zu Wort, wohingegen andere verteilte Aufmerksamkeit auf eine Region mehrerer Wörter im Satz gleichzeitig annehmen. Da Aufmerksamkeit eng mit der eigentlichen Wortverarbeitung assoziiert ist, besteht ein wesentlicher Unterschied zwischen den Modellen darin, dass die eigentlichen Wortverarbeitungsprozesse entweder ebenfalls strikt seriell oder parallel erfolgen. Trotz solch entscheidender Unterschiede im zeitlichen Verlauf der Wortverarbeitung können beide Modellklassen viele der Benchmark-Effekte beim Lesen hinreichend erklären. Tatsächlich scheint es nicht viel empirische Evidenz zu geben, die die Grundannahmen der Modelle falsifizieren könnte. Die Frage, ob und wie noch nicht direkt angesehene Wörter rechts der Fixation die Blickbewegung beeinflussen, wird in der Debatte über serielle oder parallele Wortverarbeitung oft als entscheidend betrachtet. Insbesondere wird diskutiert, bis zu welcher Entfernung parafoveale Wörter vorverarbeitet werden und wie das die gegenwärtige und folgende Wortverarbeitung beeinflusst. In einer Serie von vier Leseexperimenten wurde die Vorverarbeitung von Wörtern an den Grenzen der Wahrnehmungsspanne untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht zudem, über einen einfachen Existenzbeweis der Vorverarbeitung von Wörtern in solchen Distanzen hinaus zu gehen. Mit einer Manipulation, die verschiedene Quellen solcher weitreichenden Vorverarbeitungseffekte dissoziiert, können Nutzen und Kosten der parafovealen Vorschau in einer einzigen Analyse untersucht und über eine Zielregion von drei Wörtern hinweg verfolgt werden. Dieselbe Manipulation überprüft gleichzeitig die Rolle okulomotorischer Fehler als Ursache für nicht lokale, verteilte Effekte beim Lesen. Die Ergebnisse tragen zu einem differenzierteren Verständnis der Wortverarbeitung in der Wahrnehmungsspanne und der zeitlich-räumlichen Verteilung der Aufmerksamkeit beim Lesen bei.

Understanding the Impact of Utilitarian and Hedonic Benefit on Satisfaction and Continuance Intention of Social Network Site: An Extended Expectation Confirmation Model

Tsai, Jia-jin 15 August 2011 (has links)
Social network site (SNS) has been very popular with global Internet users since 2008, the amount of social network users grew very much. Based on some reasons, users enjoyed using social network site. However, whether the current users or new users will continue to use social network site or not is an issue today. To assure social network site¡¦s company could develop and run well in the future, we must realize the factors that can increase and retain the user to use. This study based on expectation confirmation theory (ECT) and through literature review to explore the factors that can influence the user¡¦s satisfaction. Successfully, we integrated perceived utilitarian benefit and perceived hedonic benefit into original ECT model. In this study, an empirical survey methodology with eight hypotheses was applied to verify this model. Covariance-based structural equation model (SEM) was used to analyze data and evaluate the model. The results pointed out that past ECT model with only one aspect can be extended from utilitarian and hedonic dimensions. It indicated that confirmation of utilitarian benefit, perceived utilitarian and hedonic benefits have significant influence on user¡¦s satisfaction. Lastly, user¡¦s satisfaction will positively influence the continuance intention. In sum, this study integrated utilitarian and hedonic dimensions into original ECT model, and proposed a more comprehensive framework to explain the continuance usage of social network site. This study also provided a reference model for future continuance intention research and some suggestions for social network site practitioners.

Evaluation of the First Stage of Integrated Treatments Planning on Shihmen Reservoir

Cheng, Chen-Chun 03 July 2012 (has links)
Shihmen Reservoir has contributed to the economic development of northern Taiwan since it was built in 1964. As result of natural disasters and improper development, Shihmen Reservoir had a big problem with sediment deposition. To solve this problem, government executed the first stage of integrated treatments planning on Shihmen Reservoir.The period of program is from 2006 to 2008 and divided into three parts. From the government point of view, this study recognized the use of agriculture water¡Nindustrial water¡Ndomestic water¡Nelectricity generation¡Ntourism and decreased sediment extraction expense as benefit index ¡F recognized budgets and natural disasters as cost index to evaluate the effect of this program.The value of benefit-cost ratio before integrated treatments is 2.817 and the value of benefit-cost ratio after integrated treatments is 3.566. The value of benefit-cost ratio after integrated treatments is bigger than the value of benefit-cost ratio before integrated treatments.It means that it is workable for this program. Considering the reason that the water rate and utility bills are much cheaper in Taiwan, this study adjust the rate of water and utility individually. With the adjustment of water rate, the value of benefit-cost ratio before integrated treatments is 3.519 and the value of benefit-cost ratio after integrated treatments is 4.31. With the adjustment of utility rate, the value of benefit-cost ratio before integrated treatments is 3.689 and the value of benefit-cost ratio after integrated treatments is 4.074. It is also beneficial for this program.

Psychometric functions of clear and conversational speech for young normal hearing listeners in noise

Smart, Jane 01 June 2007 (has links)
Clear speech is a form of communication that talkers naturally use when speaking in difficult listening conditions or with a person who has a hearing loss. Clear speech, on average, provides listeners with hearing impairments an intelligibility benefit of 17 percentage points (Picheny, Durlach, & Braida, 1985) over conversational speech. In addition, it provides increased intelligibility in various listening conditions (Krause & Braida, 2003, among others), with different stimuli (Bradlow & Bent, 2002; Gagne, Rochette, & Charest, 2002; Helfer, 1997, among others) and across listener populations (Bradlow, Kraus, & Hayes, 2003, among others). Recently, researchers have attempted to compare their findings with clear and conversational speech, at slow and normal rates, with results from other investigators' studies in an effort to determine the relative benefits of clear speech across populations and environments. However, relative intelligibility benefits are difficult to determine unless baseline performance levels can be equated, suggesting that listener psychometric functions with clear speech are needed. The purpose of this study was to determine how speech intelligibility, as measured by percentage key words correct in nonsense sentences by young adults, varies with changes in speaking condition, talker and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Forty young, normal hearing adults were presented with grammatically correct nonsense sentences at five SNRs. Each listener heard a total of 800 sentences in four speaking conditions: clear and conversational styles, at slow and normal rates (i.e., clear/slow, clear/normal, conversational/slow, and conversational/normal). Overall results indicate clear/slow and conversational/slow were the most intelligible conditions, followed by clear/normal and then conversational/normal conditions. Moreover, the average intelligibility benefit for clear/slow, clear/normal and conversational/slow conditions (relative to conversational/normal) was maintained across an SNR range of -4 to 0 dB in the middle, or linear, portion of the psychometric function. However, when results are examined by talker, differences are observed in the benefit provided by each condition and in how the benefit varies across noise levels. In order to counteract talker variability, research with a larger number of talkers is recommended for future studies.


du Plessix, Justin Christopher 07 April 2011 (has links)
Upon completing the construction of the Panama Canal in 1914, vessels sailing between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans were provided an alternative to navigating the southern tip of South America. In order to accommodate future demand of Canal services, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) in 2006 began planning a Canal expansion. The ACP enlisted URS Holdings, Inc to do a social cost-benefit analysis of the project. This thesis thoroughly examines the contents of this analysis and critiques the content and methodology of the study. The URS analysis suffers from numerous problems, including a lack of monetary values for potentially significant social and environmental impacts of the Canal expansion, a failure to distinguish pecuniary versus non-pecuniary externalities, causing the social benefits of the expansion to be grossly overstated and a questionable choice of discount rate which make a more positive picture of the private returns from expanding the Canal.

Les cessions contractuelles de créances de sommes d'argent dans les relations civiles et commerciales franco-allemandes /

Cashin-Ritaine, Eleanor. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Univ., Diss.--Nancy, 1998.

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