Spelling suggestions: "subject:"greatestpsychological aspects"" "subject:"currentpsychological aspects""
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A psycho – analysis of bereavement in Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana culturesYawa, Sibongile Ndileka 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the process of bereavement in the Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana cultures with participants including three cultural experts and a bereaved family from each ethnic group. Data was collected using semi – structured interviews mainly in the participants’ homes. Analysis was used by comparing and contrasting the information gathered.
Empirical research findings revealed that the process in the African culture specifically in these three ethnic groups is different from the western culture as stated in the literature. The literature review findings show that the western culture’s processes of bereavement seem focused in the intrapersonal processes. However, the African Black cultures seem to be focused more on interpersonal processes of bereavement.
Recommendations are made in the study on how a western trained Educational Psychologist can approach a bereaved client coming from these ethnic groups. Recommendations are also made for Educators and Parents. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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A psycho – analysis of bereavement in Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana culturesYawa, Sibongile Ndileka 11 1900 (has links)
This study investigated the process of bereavement in the Xhosa, Zulu and Tswana cultures with participants including three cultural experts and a bereaved family from each ethnic group. Data was collected using semi – structured interviews mainly in the participants’ homes. Analysis was used by comparing and contrasting the information gathered.
Empirical research findings revealed that the process in the African culture specifically in these three ethnic groups is different from the western culture as stated in the literature. The literature review findings show that the western culture’s processes of bereavement seem focused in the intrapersonal processes. However, the African Black cultures seem to be focused more on interpersonal processes of bereavement.
Recommendations are made in the study on how a western trained Educational Psychologist can approach a bereaved client coming from these ethnic groups. Recommendations are also made for Educators and Parents. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)
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The process of bereavement for Mexican-American widows: A grounded theory approach.Portillo, Carmen Julieta. January 1990 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to generate substantive theory on the bereavement process. A qualitative research design, grounded theory, was used to analyze the experience of bereavement for Mexican American widows. Research questions addressed were: What is the process of bereavement for Mexican American widows? What factors are associated with the bereavement process for Mexican American widows? Theory discovery was accomplished using the grounded theory methodology. Interviews were conducted with nineteen Mexican American widows who had been bereaved for approximately 18 months. Theoretical sampling involved the use of interviews and observations triangulated with scientific and popular literature. The constant comparative method of analytic induction was used for the analysis of data, in order to identify the elements and structure of the theory. A basic social process, Reorganizing a New Me, was identified as the core category of the theory. Reorganizing a New Me is the continuous process used by Mexican American widows in order to adjust and adapt to widowhood. The process includes four subcategories: (a) Feeling the Void is defined as the efforts of monitoring or becoming aware of the loss and highlighted the uncertainty that accompanied the experience, (b) My Mind and Body explains the Mexican American widow's work of resolving her grief in the form of culturally sanctioned idioms and emotional expressions, (c) Confronting the Paradox is defined as the centralization of the thoughts, feelings, and perceptions that represented the concerns and compensations of being a widow, and (d) Tempering explains the work of adapting to the process of becoming a widow. Coping strategies that Mexican American widows utilized during this process were also identified. The significance of the study for nursing is that it (a) sensitizes nurses and other health professionals to the bereavement process and coping strategies for Mexican American widows, (b) provides a map which can guide the assessment of the bereaved Mexican American widow, and (c) identifies a substantive theory on the bereavement process, which, through further study, can be raised to a formal theory on this transitional phase for women.
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Identity Status and Adjustment to Loss Among AdolescentsServaty, Heather L. 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the present investigation was to explore the relationship of the adolescent experience of parental death to the variables of identity formation, adjustment, and coping. The inclusion of adolescents who had experienced parental divorce and those who had not experienced either loss condition allowed for group comparisons.
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Interpersonal Reactions to Bereaved Parents: An Exploration of Attachment and Interpersonal TheoriesWilhite, Thomas R. (Thomas Ray) 06 1900 (has links)
The experiment examined negative social reactions to bereaved parents from unrelated others. Both the behavior displayed by the parent and attachment style of the perceiver were expected to influence reactions to bereaved parents. Undergraduates at a southern university (N = 239) completed both attachment measures and measures of reactions to videotapes of bereaved parents. Results indicated that bereaved parents do indeed receive negative evaluations from unrelated others, in the form of decreased willingness to interact in various roles. However, a nonbereaved parent displaying depressive symptoms also received negative evaluations.
Depressed targets in the present study did receive negative evaluations, supporting the predictions of Coyne's interpersonal-process theory of reactions to depressed individuals. Contrary to the predictions of interpersonal-process theory, a bereaved parent displaying loss content without depressive symptoms also elicited negative evaluations. Coyne's hypothesis that the amount of induced negative affect in the perceiver leads to negative evaluations was not supported by the data. Subjects appear to react to a complex set of factors when forming these evaluations, including both personal and situational information. Two factors may have undermined the present study s ability to adequately test this theory. Subjects may have perceived depressive symptoms in loss content in the present study. Further, subjects may not have identified with the parent in the present study as anticipated. Research is necessary to identify the amount and focus of subjects' identifications with depressed and bereaved targets.
Only minor support was found for the prediction that attachment style would be related to reactions to bereaved parents. Continuous measures of attachment style were related to amount of induced negative affect. However, grouping subjects by attachment patterns was not related to either induced negative affect or evaluations. The present study and previous research suggest the possibility that conceptually attachment may contain several components which relate to behavior in varying degrees and ways. Further study of the components of attachment is necessary to clarify what behaviors are related to attachment disturbance.
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Husband's and Daughter's Role Strain During Breast Cancer Hospice Patient Caregiving and Bereavement AdjustmentBernard, Lori Lynn 05 1900 (has links)
Current literature regarding caregiver bereavement adjustment has advanced two competing models explaining adjustment in relation to caregiver interrole conflict: the Relief Model and Complicated Grief Model. This research has primarily focused on the experience of those providing care to dementia patients. This study tests these competing models of bereavement adjustment for husband and daughter caregivers of breast cancer hospice patients. For husbands, greater psychological strain and health strain were predictive of greater difficulty with bereavement adjustment, supporting the Complicated Grief Model of bereavement adjustment. For daughters, strain was not a significant predictor of bereavement adjustment, and thus did not support either bereavement adjustment model. While daughter caregivers experienced more role strain than husband caregivers during patient care, the degree of role strain was predictive of bereavement adjustment for husbands but not for daughters, suggesting that relationship type (husbands versus daughters) between caregiver and patient impacts which factors influence bereavement adjustment.
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An investigation of mourning amongst urban Zulus in relation to Worden's model of mourningNembahe, Mpfariseni 22 August 2013 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Humanities, 1998.
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A linguagem cinematográfica como estratégia grupal de intervenção no luto por morte violentaMenezes, Elisângela de Melo Paes Leme 06 April 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-06-13T12:28:00Z
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Elisângela de Melo Paes Leme Menezes.pdf: 1770823 bytes, checksum: 8a0a166de01147602e6f067a4afef738 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-13T12:28:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2018-04-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Violent deaths due to disasters, accidents, suicide or homicide, in increasing
numbers in Brazil and in the world, raise important questions for research in
Psychology, especially with a focus on mourning. The violence, the unexpected,
the quality of the support after death have a great weight in the process of
mourning, and can collaborate for the installation of a complicated mourning. This
research - quantitative and qualitative - aims to Analyze the results of the use of
cinematographic language as a group psychotherapeutic strategy of intervention
in grief for violent death (caused by external factors). Participants were invited
through the internet and disseminated as snowball. An individual interview was
conducted and applied the Hogan Grief Reaction Checklist (HGRC). After ten
group sessions, with weekly frequency and two hours each, using the resource
of specifically selected films, in the last meeting was reapplied the HGRC. The
comparative Analysis between the two applications of the HGRC showed a
significant improvement in the experience of mourning of the participants. The
results of the research indicated that using cinematographic language as a
resource for psychotherapeutic intervention brought positive results to
participants / As mortes violentas, por desastres, acidentes, suicídio ou homicídio, em número
crescente no Brasil e no mundo, suscitam questões importantes para a pesquisa
em Psicologia, sobretudo com foco no luto. A violência, o inesperado e a
qualidade do suporte posterior à morte têm peso grande no processo de luto,
podendo colaborar para a instalação de um luto complicado. Esta pesquisa —
quantitativa e qualitativa — tem como objetivo analisar os resultados da utilização
da linguagem cinematográfica como recurso de intervenção psicoterapêutica em
grupo para pessoas enlutadas, em decorrência de morte violenta. Os
participantes foram convidados por meio da internet e de divulgação como bola
de neve. Foi realizada uma entrevista individual e aplicado o instrumento de
avaliação Hogan Grief Reaction Checklist (HGRC). Após dez sessões grupais,
com frequência semanal e duas horas de duração cada, tendo sido utilizado o
recurso de filmes especificamente selecionados, no último encontro foi
reaplicado o HGRC. A análise comparativa entre as duas aplicações do HGRC
evidenciou melhora significativa na experiência de luto dos participantes. Os
resultados da pesquisa indicaram que utilizar a linguagem cinematográfica como
recurso de intervenção psicoterapêutica trouxe resultados positivos aos
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A influência do coping religioso-espiritual na qualidade de vida de pais e mães, após a perda de um(a) filho(a) por causas externasParente, Natasha Torlay 10 November 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2017-11-14T14:42:14Z
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Natasha Torlay Parente.pdf: 3461866 bytes, checksum: ea2597f6af5a9ae0fbd7b4976fdd3cde (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-14T14:42:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2017-11-10 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study sought to verify the influence of spiritual/religious coping (SRC) on the quality of life of a father and/or mother who has lost a child by external causes. It is a cross-sectional, quantitative and qualitative study. Participants were invited to collaborate voluntarily and after agreeing, they answered the questionnaires Spiritual Religious Coping Scale Brief (SRCOPE brief Scale), WHOQOL Spirituality Religiousness and Personal Beliefs, and the Duke Religious Index, DUREL. The population was composed by forty participants, constituted equally by twenty mothers and twenty fathers, who lost the child by external causes, with more than three months of time of the loss. The cause of death by homicide, represents 67.5%, traffic accident composes 15%, tragedy of Kiss Nightclub constitutes 12.5%, suicide evidences 2.45%, as well as and 2.45% for lost bullet. Fathers and mothers present high frequency of IR, as well as RO and RNO. Fathers and mothers aged 29 to 44 years have a higher religiosity than those aged over 44 years. Fathers manifest a higher Positive SRC (PSRC) Offer of Help (p = 0.0001), Positive attitude towards God (p = 0.0005) and lower Negative SRC (NSRC) (p = 0.007) than mothers. No correlation was found between quality of life, religious frequency and SRC. The qualitative results revealed that mothers have greater difficulty in dealing with loss, according to Stroebe and Shut (1999; 2001), Rando (1997), Schatz (1997); There was a marked presence of illusions related to the departed child, considered expressions of continuous bonds. The positive SRC (PSRC) was highlighted in the narrative of fathers and mothers, used as a resource to serve others, through volunteering and/or building prosocial institutions, to be beneficial for well-being as well as in the construction of meaning and in the search for purpose in life / Este estudo buscou verificar a influência do coping religioso-espiritual (CRE) na qualidade de vida de um pai e/ou de uma mãe que perderam um filho por causas externas. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, quantitativo e qualitativo. Os participantes deste estudo foram convidados a colaborar voluntariamente e, após concordarem, responderam aos questionários: Escala de Coping Religioso-Espiritual Abreviada (Escala CRE-abreviada), WHOQOL Spirituality Religiousness and Personal Beliefs e a Escala de Religiosidade de Duke (DUREL). A população foi composta por 40 participantes, constituída igualitariamente por vinte mães e vinte pais, que perderam o filho por causas externas, com mais de três meses de tempo da perda. A morte por homicídio representa 67,5%, por acidente de trânsito compõe 15%, na tragédia da Boate Kiss constitui 12,5%, por suicídio evidencia 2,45% e, por bala perdida, 2,45%. Pais e mães, apresentam alta frequência de RI, assim como de RO e RNO. Pais e mães de 29 a 44 anos têm maior religiosidade do que aqueles com idade superior a 44 anos. Os pais evidenciaram maior CRE Positivo (CREP) de Oferta de Ajuda (p=0,0001), Posição Positiva Frente a Deus (p=0,0005) e menor CRE Negativo (CREN) (p=0,007) do que as mães. Não foi encontrada correlação entre qualidade de vida, religiosidade e CRE. Os resultados qualitativos revelaram que mães tem maior dificuldade em lidar com a perda, conforme apontam Stroebe e Shut (1999; 2001), Rando (1997), Schatz (1997); houve uma acentuada presença de ilusões relacionadas à criança que partiu, consideradas expressões de vínculos contínuos. O CRE Positivo (CREP) se destacou nos relatos de pais e mães, utilizado como recurso para servir ao outro por meio de voluntariado e/ou na formação de instituições pró-sociais, evidenciando benefícios para o bem-estar, assim como na construção de significado e busca de sentido da vida
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The psychological meaning of mourning rituals in Botlokwa Community, Limpopo ProvinceSeretlo-Rangata, Mmakwena Linda January 2017 (has links)
Thesis ((M. A. (Clinical Psychology)) --University of Limpopo, 2017. / The study explored the psychological meaning of mourning rituals in Botlokwa
community, Limpopo Province. The study focused on identifying and describing the
types of mourning rituals observed and performed by the participants after the loss of
a loved one. Furthermore the study explored the subjective meaning the participants
attach to the mourning rituals so as to identify and articulate the psychological
themes embedded in the mourning rituals. A total of ten participants (male = 5;
females = 5; aged between 40 and 60) were selected using the purposive sampling
method. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Thematic content
analysis method was used to analyse the data.
The three major themes that emerged during data analysis were; a) The types of
mourning rituals observed and performed after the death of a loved one; b) the
subjective meaning that the bereaved attach to the mourning rituals and c) the
psychological meaning embedded in the mourning rituals observed and performed
after the death of a loved one. The findings of the study suggest that the mourning
rituals performed by the Batlokwa people have significant psychological meanings.
These include assisting the bereaved to cope with the death of a loved one,
strengthening the bereaved and ensuring that the bereaved are healed and accept
the death of a loved one. The study results further shows the different subjective
meanings that the bereaved attach to the mourning rituals performed. Furthermore
the findings of the study suggest that the participants perform mourning rituals in
order to prevent them from misfortunes, illnesses, bad luck and to remove what is
perceived as a “dark cloud” hanging over them after the death of a loved one.
The findings further suggest that the bereaved benefit psychologically from
performing the mourning rituals. One of the benefits is having to let go of the
deceased with the knowledge that their loved ones’ soul is resting in peace. The
study is concluded by, among others, recommending that psychologists familiarise
themselves with different cultural groups and different ways of grieving and mourning
within different cultures in order to better understand patients’ different mourning
processes. / NIHSS scholarship
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