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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The influence of the Palestinian triennial cycle of synagogue lectionary readings on the Fourth Gospel

Guilding, Aileen Ethel January 1955 (has links)
No description available.

Reception-historical methods in biblical studies : an evaluation of the hermeneutics of some recent practice, with reference to reception of New Testament texts about subordination

Evans, Robert Charles January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Jesus and his Apostles as prophets par excellence in Luke - Acts

Moon, Sewon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Both Jesus and his Apostles, the main characters of Luke-Acts, cannot be identified as having the general features of prophets of the first century Mediterranean world, but nevertheless Luke elaborates on them in such a way so as to portray them as prophets. In this thesis, I have dealt with the matter of Luke’s characterization of Jesus and his Apostles, particularly the matters of how they are portrayed, and why they are portrayed as such. To answer the above questions, I have used the methodology derived from Darr’s “pragmatic reader response approach” (1992). In chapter 3, the narrative world of Luke-Acts, I have investigated the extra-textual as well as the literary context of the given text. I have defined (1) Second Temple Judaism as the hierocratic symbolic empire within the [Roman] Empire, and (2) the prophets par excellence, Moses, Samuel and Elijah, as extraordinary prophets who performed the priestly task, as well as the legislative task of making and renewing the Covenant. Such extra-texts became the background of the characterization of Jesus and his Apostles. The characterization of Jesus is developing along the narrative sequence and geographical movement in Luke-Acts. The importance of Jerusalem in Luke’s narrative and in his characterization of Jesus is noteworthy. It indicates that the ministry of Jesus and his Apostles is confronting the current hierocratic symbolic empire, which was centred around a high priest and the Jerusalem Temple. I have tried to prove this point through my exegesis in chapters of 4 and 5. I have examined Luke 4:16 and Acts 2 in terms of (1) Hellenistic conventions, typical situations and rhetoric of comparison, and (2) the inter-textual linkage, especially Old Testament quotations and typology, in Ch. 4 and 5. In terms of the Hellenistic convention, both passages can be classified as public speeches confronting the whole house of Israel which was the hierocratic symbolic empire at that time. In addition, it can be understood as the dispute of honour and shame over the status of Jesus and his Apostles as a prophet. By appealing to the OT quotations and allusions including typology, Luke portrays Jesus as the prophet par excellence in Luke 4:16-30, and identifies him as Lord and Messiah in Acts 2. Using a similar strategy, Luke portrays Jesus’ Apostles as the prophets par excellence like Moses in Acts 2. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Beide Jesus en sy apostels as die hoofkarakters kan nie in Lukas-Handelinge geïdentifiseer word met die algemene kenmerke van profete in die eerste-eeuse Mediterreense wêreld nie, maar tog verbeeld Lukas se uitbreiding oor Jesus en sy apostels hulle as profete. In hierdie tesis handel ek met die saak van Lukas se karakterisering van Jesus en sy apostels, veral die sake van hoe hulle uitgebeeld word, en waarom hulle as sodanig uitgebeeld. Om hierdie vrae te beantwoord, het ek die metodologie uit Darr se "pragmatiese leser-reaksie benadering" (1992) gebruik. In hoofstuk 3, die narratiewe wêreld van Lukas-Handelinge, het ek die ekstra-tekstuele sowel as die literêre konteks van die gegewe tekste ondersoek. Ek het die volgende posisies ingeneem (1) Tweede Tempel Judaïsme was ‘n hierokratiese simboliese ryk binne die [Romeinse] Ryk, en (2) die profete par excellence, Moses, Samuel en Elia, het as buitengewone profete ‘n priesterlike taak uitgevoer, sowel as die wetgewende taak van die maak en vernuwing van die verbond. Sulke “ekstra”-tekste het gedien as die agtergrond van die karakterisering van Jesus en sy apostels. Die karakterisering van Jesus vind plaas volgens die ontwikkeling in terme van die narratiewe volgorde en geografiese beweging in Lukas-Handelinge. Die belangrikheid van Jerusalem in Lukas se narratiewe en in sy karakterisering van Jesus is opvallend. Dit dui daarop dat die bediening van Jesus en sy apostels die huidige hierokratiese, simboliese ryk, wat om 'n hoëpriester van die Jerusalem Tempel gesentreer was, gekonfronteer het. Ek het probeer om hierdie punt te bewys deur my eksegese in hoofstukke 4 en 5. Ek het Lukas 4:16 en Handelinge 2 ondersoek aan die hand van die volgende temas (1) Hellenistiese konvensies, tipiese situasies en die retoriek van vergelyking, en (2) inter-tekstuele skakeling, veral met Ou Testamentiese aanhalings en tipologie in hoofstukke 4 en 5. In terme van Hellenistiese konvensie, kan beide gedeeltes geklassifiseer word as openbare toesprake wat die huis van Israel as hierokratiese, simboliese ryk gekritiseer het. Daarbenewens kan dit verstaan word as ‘n saak van eer en skaamte oor die status van Jesus en sy apostels as 'n profeet. Met 'n beroep op OT aanhalings en sinspelings insluitend tipologie, verbeeld Lukas vir Jesus as die profeet par excellence in Lukas 4:16-30, en identifiseer by hom as Here en Messias in Handelinge 2. Deur 'n soortgelyke strategie, word Jesus se apostels uitgebeeld as die profete par excellence (soos Moses) in Handelinge 2.

Contemporary implications of the first-century counter-ethos of Jesus to the scripted universe of gender and health in John 4 & 9 : a narrative-critical analysis

De Milander, Cornelia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africans are confronted on a daily basis with the social inequality among individuals which greatly inspires violence, victimisation, discrimination and life-denying ethos. These acts of injustice are not simply inspired by formal laws and policies, but spurred on by various ideological and symbolic categories and power structures. In a way, social behaviour can be said to be ‘scripted’ by the ideologies, perceptions and language internalised, normalised and passed on within society at large. One does not have to look very far to see the way in which this ‘script’ functions in South Africa and what impact the pre-determined and ‘scripted’ identity markers of gender and health have on individuals and groups, as categories like man, woman, HIV positive, and disabled already trigger a set of preconceived ideas and expectations regarding these individuals. The normalisation of this ‘script’ and its social hierarchies is extremely counter-productive as it often pre-determines the value, abilities, potential, limitations and ‘appropriate’ ethos of individuals and groups on the basis of the categories they fall into. The scripted nature of society is however not a twenty-first century phenomenon, but something deeply integral also to life in first century Palestine. This script interpreted, determined and reinforced the prescribed status, agency and ethos of different individuals and identity markers of health and gender were paramount in this process of scripting. Part of this ‘scripted’ world was Jesus of Nazareth. However, upon reading the narratives of John 4:1-42 and 9:1-41, it would appear that the relationship between the societal script and the actual ethos of Jesus was anything but simplistic. Upon reading these two episodes against the grain of the first century societal script, Jesus’ ethos as a Jewish man in relation to a somewhat questionable Samaritan female and blind and impure beggar brings forth some inconsistencies toward the script. It would seem as if Jesus was reluctant to read his context one dimensionally and simply comply with popular custom and ideology. The aim of this study would therefore be to explore whether these inconsistencies between the societal script and the ethos of Jesus could be of any significance in an analogously scripted twenty-first century South Africa, a society pleading for critical reflection upon the societal script. When the possible ‘counter-ethos’ of Jesus is considered, faith communities might be challenged to embrace the fragility of social categories and hierarchies and perhaps embody a similar critical attitude and ethos toward the life-denying societal script and its taken-for-granted assumptions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrikaners word daagliks gekonfronteer met die sosiaal ongelyke stand van ons samelewing. Hierdie ongelykhede is grootliks verantwoordelik vir geweld, viktimisasie, diskriminasie en nie-lewensgewende etos. Die bogenoemde word egter nie bloot deur formele wette geïnspireer nie, maar aangevuur deur verskeie ideologiese en simboliese kategorieë en magstrukture. Sosiale gedrag kan as’t ware gesien word as ʼn voorafbepaalde teks, ondersteun deur die ideologieë, persepsies en taal wat ons internaliseer, normaliseer en aan ander oordra. Hierdie voorafbepaalde ‘samelewingsteks’ is uiters prominent in Suid-Afrika, waar ʼn bepaalde status, etos en grense dikwels aan individue gegee word op die basis van identiteits-merkers van onder andere gender en gesondheid. Die identifisering van iemand as man, vrou, MIV positief, gestremd, ensovoorts spreek ideologiese boekdele van hul plek, doel en perke in die samelewing. In hierdie sin dien die vooropgestelde ‘samelewingsteks’ ʼn uiters teenproduktiewe rol, aangesien dit die waarde, vermoëns, potensiaal, en ‘korrekte’ etos van individue vooraf bepaal op grond van die simboliese kategorieë waarin hul val. Die voorafbepaalde ‘samelewingsteks’ herbevestig dikwels sosiale hiërargieë, wat ongeregtigheid normaliseer en bevorder. Hierdie is egter nie net ʼn een-en-twintigste eeu se verskynsel nie, maar iets wat al reeds prominent voorgekom het in eerste eeu se Palestina. Hierdie ‘samelewingsteks’ het die gepaste status en etos van verskillende individue bepaal op die grond van identiteits-merkers, soos die van gender en gesondheid. Dit is ook die samelewing waarin Jesus van Nasaret homself bevind het. Wanneer die narratiewe van Johannes 4:1-42 en 9:1-41 gelees word, kom dit egter voor asof die verhouding tussen hierdie ‘samelewingsteks’ en die etos beliggaam deur Jesus kompleks was. Wanneer die twee episodes in lig van die voorafbepaalde ‘samelewingsteks’ gelees word, blyk Jesus, ʼn Joodse man, se etos teenoor ʼn redelike verdagte Samaritaanse vrou en blinde en onreine bedelaar in spanning te wees met die etos aan hom voorgeskryf. Dit sou voorkom asof Jesus gewaak het teen die eenvoudige beliggaming van wat deur die ‘samelewingsteks’ as gehoord voorgeskryf en verwag is. Die doel van hierdie studie sou daarom wees om te ondersoek of die spanning tussen die eerste eeu se ‘samelewingsteks’ en die ware beliggaamde etos van Jesus enigsins betekenisvol kan wees in lyn van die een-en-twintigste eeu se voorafbepaalde ‘samelewingsteks’ in ʼn land wat ryp is vir kritiese refleksie op dit wat as ‘normaal’ en ‘korrek’ beskou word. Die moontlike ‘kontra-etos' van Jesus kan geloofsgemeenskappe uitdaag om die broosheid van sosiale en simboliese kategorieë en hiërargieë aan te gryp en ʼn soortgelyke kritiese houding en etos teenoor die nie-lewegewende ‘samelewingsteks’ en sy voorveronderstellings te beliggaam.

Resurrection Hope in Daniel 12:2: An Exercise in Biblical Theology

Chase, Mitchell 31 December 2013 (has links)
This dissertation argues that Daniel relied on earlier Old Testament texts and theological convictions when he expressed the hope of bodily resurrection, and his expression informed and shaped subsequent nonbiblical and biblical authors. Chapter 1 introduces the thesis, methodology, and preliminary issues pertinent to the following study. Chapter 2 is a survey of research. This survey shows what proposals scholars have made regarding the emergence of resurrection hope in the Old Testament, it references the intertestamental literature that scholars believe Daniel 12:2 influenced, and it cites the New Testament passages that scholars believe may echo Daniel 12:2. Chapter 3 sets Daniel 12:2 in its context. Relevant considerations include the structure of the book of Daniel, the precursors of resurrection in the book, and a detailed exegesis of Daniel 12:2. Chapter 4 examines the seeds of resurrection hope sown in the Old Testament prior to Daniel 12:2. This study progresses through the Law, Prophets, and Writings. By looking for theological convictions, images, and expressions that advocate a belief in resurrection, it will be evident Daniel 12:2 was not the first occurrence of such hope. Instead, Daniel 12:2 had many implicit and explicit precursors in the Law, Prophets, and Writings. Chapter 5 focuses on the intertestamental literature in order to show and explain how Daniel 12:2 influenced authors of pseudepigraphal and apocryphal literature. Chapter 6 focuses on the New Testament authors and explains the influence of Daniel 12:2 on the Gospels, the book of Acts, the Epistles, and the Apocalypse. This influence is not only lexical but conceptual, and it is the latter kind of influence that has been neglected with regard to Daniel 12:2. Chapter 7 is the conclusion. It summarizes the evidence presented in the foregoing chapters as well as reiterates the conclusions drawn from this evidence.

Die absicht des1. Timotheus: eine performanzkritische untersuchung / (The purpse of 1 Timothy: a perfomance critical analysis

Stemmler, Klaus 06 1900 (has links)
Starting point of the search for the purpose of 1 Timothy is the assumption of basic similarities between this letter and letter writing in Greco-Roman antiquity. This means that 1 Timothy is designed for an oral performance in front of an audience. The analysis concentrates on the so far neglected classical duties of the speaker: memoria and pronuntiatio. This means the memorized performance in front of an audience. 1 Timothy shows many mnemotechnical devices and puts certain terms in focus. This shows what expressions the audience has to memorize and what aspects show prominence. The result of this can be formulated as the purpose of 1 Timothy: Paul wants to confirm Timothy in his mandate to guard the gospel from being changed through a resolute dismissal of wrong teachings and an ethic that honours God and men. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (New Testament)

Die "offer" van Isak as motief vir die verkondiging van Jesus as die lydende Christus

Bekker, Cornelius Johannes 29 October 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Religious Studies) / Please refer to full text to view abstract

The Jesus mystery : a biblical, historical and Christological study of Jesus

Bacchioni, Philip Louis 11 1900 (has links)
The Jesus of history and the Christ of faith are two different figures. Two centuries of search for the historical Jesus has led to greater awareness and better use of New Testament criticism, had salutary effects on proper historical biblical research and the desire to look beyond the paucity of material about Jesus in the canonical gospels. Despite proven difficulties the historical Jesus is an endless enterprise eliciting an equally endless fascination. The solution to the Jesus mystery appears better linked to Paul who has never been subjected to the same degree of historical research as Jesus. The figure, character, preaching, and teaching of Jesus was fashioned by the gospel authors not just to fit in. with the primitive church but to provide a natural linkage with Pauline Christianity. Christian faith is only loosely intertwined with Jesus of Nazareth and has everything to do with the Christ de"-ised by Paul. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Systematic Theology)

The expository preaching of New Testament quotations of the Old Testament : a patristically informed redemptive-historical model

Maples, Kevin January 2014 (has links)
This thesis employs a historical approach to practical theology in an effort to discover resources from past practices for critical reflection upon a current methodology with the intent of producing a revised practice. The following research question is pursued: How can the practices of patristic preachers enhance the current efforts of redemptive-historical preachers to preach faithfully the New Testament quotations of the Old Testament? Chapter One reviews literature from five major redemptive-historical theologians: Geerhardus Vos, Edmund Clowney, Sidney Greidanus, Bryan Chapell, and Graeme Goldsworthy. Five of the major shared characteristics of these authors are considered in light of their various contributions. Chapters Two, Three, and Four examine various patristic homilies, outlining practical considerations for a contemporary model of preaching. Chapter Two examines two early homilies, 2 Clement and Quis Dives Salvetur, noting the influence of the synagogue. Chapters Three and Four respectively examine the preaching of Origen and Chrysostom. Chapter Five outlines some major characteristics of patristic preaching discovered through a comparison of the findings of chapters Two through Four. Chapter Six provides a model for preaching New Testament quotations of the Old Testament that is consistent with the theological convictions of redemptive-historical homileticians and informed by the insights gained from reflection upon the practices of patristic preachers. This model makes an original contribution to knowledge by advancing the discussion of redemptive-historical preaching both through the application of the redemptive-historical approach to the New Testament quotations of the Old Testament and through the consideration of the relationship between redemptive-historical practices and patristic practices. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

Teil der grossen Geschichte sein Die missiologische Bedeutung theologischer Narrative am Beispiel der “Reich Gottes Story” von N.T. Wright / To be part of the Bible's grand narrative The missiological importance of theological narratives,using the example of N.T. Wright's narrative approach to the "Story of the Kingdom of Heaven“

Roth, Tobias 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German with summaries in German, English and Afrikaans / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 138-144) / In dieser Masterarbeit wird die Korrelation zwischen der Narrativität des Reich Gottes und missiologischen Ansätzen untersucht. Am Beispiel von N.T. Wright wird ermittelt, welche Bedeutung Narrative des Reich Gottes in der Theologie haben und wie diese für einen narrativ-missiologischen-Ansatz nutzbar gemacht werden können. Die Untersuchung wird von der Forschungsfrage geleitet: Welche Bedeutung haben Reich Gottes Narrative von N.T. Wright für die Missiologie? Im ersten Kapitel werden die Rahmenbedingungen dieser Thesis dargelegt. Im zweiten Kapitel wird das Werk und die Person von N.T.Wright untersucht. Das dritte Kapitel widmet sich der inhaltlichen Untersuchung und der Herausarbeitung eines Metanarratives des Reich Gottes bei Wright. Im vierten und letzten Kapitel werden die Ergebnisse dieser Untersuchung zusammengetragen. Diese münden in einen Entwurf eines narrativ- missiologischen- Ansatzes. Des Weiteren werden einige Aspekte von Wrights Ansatz kritisch reflektiert. Die Ergebnisse werden in den deutschen Kontext eingeordnet und darauf aufbauend erfolgt dann noch ein Ausblick auf weitere Forschungsmöglichkeiten. / Hierdie meesterstesis bestudeer die verband tussen die teorie van die verhaal van die hemelse koninkryk en die missiologiese aanpassings daarvan. Op grond van die werke van N.T. Wright, is die doel van hierdie werk om te bepaal watter tipe belang die teorie van die verhaal van die hemelse koninkryk vir die teologie kan hê en hoe dit in missiologie toegepas kan word. Hierdie ontleding handel oor die hoofvraag: Watter belang moet in missiologie aan die verhale oor die hemelse koninkryk geheg word? Die eerste hoofstuk handel gevolglik oor die basiese raamwerk van hierdie werk. Hoofstuk twee fokus dan op die studie van die basiese inhoud van Wright se werk en hoe hy 'n metaverhaal kan skep op grond van die benadering van die hemelse koninkryk. Die derde hoofstuk is gewy aan die substantiewe ondersoek en verwerking van Wright se metaverhaal oor die koninkryk van God. Die vierde en laaste hoofstuk van hierdie werk bevat die hoofresultate van hierdie tesis voor dit na 'n konsep van 'n benadering tot verhalende missiologie lei. Verder word verskeie aspekte van Wright se benadering krities bespreek. Die resultate is dan in 'n Duitse konteks vasgelê wat tot 'n vooruitsig van toekomstige navorsingsgeleenthede kan lei. / This master thesis examines the correlation between the narrative of the kingdom of heaven theory and its missiological adaptations. Based on examples from the works of N.T. Wright, the purpose of this paper is to ascertain what kind of relevance narratives of the kingdom of heaven theory might have for theology and how they could be applied in missiology. This analysis revolves around the main question: What importance should be awarded to the kingdom of heaven narratives in missiology? Consequently, the first chapter deals with the basic framework of this paper. Chapter two then focuses on examining the basic contents of Wright’s work and how he is able to create a meta-narrative based on the kingdom of heaven approach. The third chapter is devoted to the substantive investigation and elaboration of a metanarrative of the kingdom of God defined by Wright. The fourth and last chapter of this paper is presenting the main results of this thesis before leading up to a draft of a narrative-missiological approach. In addition, various aspects of Wright’s approach are critically discussed. The results then are embedded in a German context which leads to a prospect of future research opportunities. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

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