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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quantificação e avaliação da bioacessibilidade in vitro de micro e macroelementos em frutas, hortaliças e cereais / Quantification and evaluation of in vitro bioaccessibility of micro and macroelements in fruits, vegetables and cereals

Tognon, André Luiz 20 April 2012 (has links)
Os micro e macroelementos são nutrientes essenciais para o correto funcionamento do metabolismo humano, participando direta ou indiretamente de diversas funções metabólicas e estruturais do organismo, tais como cofatores de enzimas, equilíbrio osmótico nas interfaces de membranas biológicas, biossinalização, constituintes de biomoléculas importantes para o organismo, dentre outros. O consumo de frutas, hortaliças e cereais na dieta é uma forma de se obter as necessidades diárias destes nutrientes, uma vez que se trata de um grupo de alimentos ricos nesses elementos. Levando em conta que apenas uma parcela dos nutrientes de um alimento é bioacessível durante a digestão humana, avaliar a bioacessibilidade destes nutrientes é muito importante. Esta pesquisa de mestrado destinou-se a quantificar, por meio de técnicas espectrométricas de absorção atômica, o teor de micro e macroelementos em alimentos dentro do grupo das frutas, hortaliças e cereais (mais e menos conhecidos pela população brasileira em geral), e posteriormente avaliar, por meio de um teste in vitro, a bioacessibilidade destes elementos nos alimentos. Além disso, visando buscar correlações entre os resultados, a composição centesimal e o conteúdo de ácido fítico dos alimentos analisados foram também determinados. A composição centesimal dos alimentos revelou que os pseudocereais amaranto e quinoa são fontes importantes de proteínas para os humanos. No que diz respeito aos cereais, evidenciou-se que o processo de cozimento provoca uma diminuição dos conteúdos totais dos micro e macroelementos determinados na pesquisa, mas também faz com que as porcentagens de bioacessibilidade aumentem consideravelmente em relação aos cereais crus, mostrando que o maior aproveitamento do potencial nutritivo dos cereais analisados no que tange aos micro e macroelementos estudados é obtido quando os cereais estão cozidos. As quantidades totais e bioacessíveis dos elementos nos alimentos permitiram constatar que existe um relacionamento entre a quantidade de um determinado elemento químico necessária na dieta diária dos seres humanos, e a quantidade deste mesmo elemento presente nas frutas, hortaliças e cereais analisados na pesquisa de mestrado, pois para os macroelementos estas quantidades (total e bioacessível) foram, de modo geral, maiores do que as correspondentes quantidades para os microelementos. Além disso, os resultados mostraram que as hortaliças analisadas podem atuar como boas fontes de cálcio (Ca) para a dieta diária dos seres humanos, e que o macroelemento potássio (K) possui as maiores quantidades totais e bioacessíveis, informação que se encontra em concordância com o fato de este elemento (o K) ser fundamental no crescimento de qualquer espécie vegetal, e de que todos os alimentos analisados na pesquisa são provenientes direta ou indiretamente de espécies vegetais. De modo geral observou-se que a quantidade bioacessível dos elementos nos alimentos menos conhecidos é maior ou igual em relação às correspondentes quantidades presentes nos alimentos mais conhecidos pela população brasileira em geral, demonstrando o potencial nutritivo das frutas, hortaliça e cereais menos conhecidos analisados. A determinação do conteúdo de ácido fítico (fitatos) dos alimentos permitiu evidenciar a tendência de que quanto maior o conteúdo de ácido fítico de um alimento, menor a porcentagem de bioacessibilidade mineral (micro e macroelementos). Para os cereais observaram-se algumas contradições a esta tendência, que possibilitaram concluir que a influência do ácido fítico (e seus fitatos) na bioacessibilidade mineral depende das partes dos grãos cereais (pericarpo, endosperma ou gérmen) que alojam as maiores porcentagens do conteúdo total tanto de ácido fítico, quanto dos elementos químicos nutrientes. Além disso, os resultados também permitiram concluir que os fitatos possuem diferentes intensidades de ligação com os cátions dos elementos nutrientes presentes nas amostras alimentares; desse modo, a influência dos fitatos na bioacessibilidade é maior para alguns elementos e menor para outros, dependendo da estabilidade dos complexos mineral-fitatos. Comparando tipo a tipo os alimentos menos conhecidos e os mais conhecidos pela população brasileira em geral, constatou-se que mesmo tendo conteúdos de ácido fítico comparáveis aos alimentos mais conhecidos, nos alimentos menos conhecidos esse conteúdo exerce uma influência menor sobre a bioacessibilidade mineral de forma geral, mostrando que os alimentos menos conhecidos estudados possuem um valor nutricional no que tange aos micro e macroelementos comparável e, em alguns casos, até maior do que os alimentos mais conhecidos. Levando em conta que o ácido fítico (e seus fitatos) também pode apresentar benefícios para a saúde, os resultados permitiram concluir que o amaranto e a quinoa são alimentos com notáveis propriedades nutricionais, pois combinam um significativo conteúdo de ácido fítico com boas quantidades bioacessíveis dos micro e macroelementos determinados na pesquisa de mestrado. / The micro and macroelements are essential nutrients for proper functioning of the human metabolism, directly or indirectly participating in various metabolic functions and structural organization, such as cofactors of enzymes, osmotic equilibrium at the interface of biological membranes, biosignaling, important constituents of biomolecules for body, among others. The consumption of fruits, vegetables and cereals in the diet is a way to obtain the daily requirements of these nutrients, since it is a group of foods rich in these elements. Taking into account that only a portion of the nutrients of a food is bioaccessible during human digestion, assess the bioaccessibility these nutrients is very important. This research aimed to quantify, by means of atomic absorption spectrometric techniques, the micro and macroelements content in foods within of group of fruits, vegetables and cereals (more or less known by Brazilian population in general), and subsequently evaluating, by means of an in vitro test, the bioaccessibility these elements in the food. Furthermore, in order to seek correlations between the results, the percent composition and phytic acid content of foods analyzed were also determined. The percent composition of food revealed that the pseudocereals amaranth and quinoa are important sources of protein for humans. With regard to cereals, it became clear that the cooking process causes a decrease in the total contents of micro and macroelements determined in the research, but also makes the percentages of bioaccessibility increase considerably compared to raw grains, showing that the more nutritional potential of cereals analyzed (in relation to micro and macroelements studied) is obtained when the cereals are cooked. The total and bioaccessibles amounts of elements in foods allowed to observe that there is a relationship between the amount of a chemical element necessary in the daily diet of humans, and the amount of that element present in fruits, vegetables and cereals analyzed in the research, because for the macroelements these quantities (total and bioaccessible) were generally larger than those corresponding to the microelements. Furthermore, the results showed that the vegetables analyzed can act as good sources of calcium (Ca) for the daily diet of humans, and that the macroelement potassium (K) has the largest totals and bioaccessibles quantity, information that is in accordance with the fact of the K be essential in the growth of any plant species, and that all foods analyzed in this research are derived directly or indirectly from plant species. Overall it was observed that the amount bioaccessible of elements in the food less known is equal or greater in relation to the corresponding quantities present in the foods well known by Brazilian population, demonstrating the nutritive potential of fruits, vegetable and cereals less known analyzed. The determination of content of phytic acid (phytates) of foods allowed to evidence the trend of that as higher the phytic acid content of a food, lower the percentage of bioaccessibility mineral (micro and macroelements). For cereals was observed some contradictions to this trend, which allowed to conclude that the influence of phytic acid (and their phytates) in the bioaccessibility mineral depends of part of cereal grains (pericarp, endosperm and germ) that contains the largest percentages of total content of phytic acid and of chemical elements nutrients. Furthermore, the results also showed that the phytate have different intensities of connection with the cations of nutrients elements present in food samples; thus the influence of phytic acid in bioaccessibility is greater for some elements and smaller for other, depending on stability of mineral-phytate complexes. Comparing type by type the foods less and well known by Brazilian population in general, it was found that even with phytic acid content comparable to the most popular foods, in less known foods this content has a minor influence on the mineral bioaccessibility in general, showing that the foods less known studied have a nutritional value in relation to micro and macroelements comparable and, in some cases, greater than the well known foods. Taking into account that the phytic acid (and their phytates) can also bring health benefits, the results showed that amaranth and quinoa are foods with remarkable nutritional properties, since they combine a significant content of phytic acid with good bioaccessibles amounts of micro and macroelements determined in the research.

Carotenoid In Planta Development, Storage, and Bioaccessibility: A Comprehensive Approach to Nutrient Analysis

Jeffery, Jennifer L. 14 January 2010 (has links)
Plants contain a host of secondary metabolites that may be of dietary use to man. A comprehensive approach to plant-based nutrition would include investigating all aspects of a nutrient, from creation through storage and consumption. Here, experiments address each of these facets for a group of important antioxidant and pigment compounds, the carotenoids. The carotenoid biosynthetic pathway regulatory mechanisms leading to lycopene accumulation are well defined in the model fruit, tomato. Those leading to accumulation of other carotenoids and flesh colors, however, are poorly understood. The variety of flesh colors available in watermelon fruit (red, orange, salmon yellow, and canary yellow) makes it an ideal candidate for investigating the regulation of the full pathway. Carotenoid accumulation was measured in ten watermelon varieties, representing the four flesh colors and three ploidy levels, throughout fruit maturation. It was found that the putative regulatory mechanisms controlling lycopene accumulation in red-fleshed fruit may be applied in a generalized fashion to each flesh color in respect to the major carotenoid accumulated at maturity. Additionally, triploid varieties were generally found to have higher accumulation levels than diploids, and tetraploids were intermediate to both. In addition to total carotenoid content, many factors are important in determining perceived benefit. Several of these factors involve components of the food matrix, cellular and subcellular species-specific characteristics of the food which act as barriers to nutrient release. Cell size, cell wall, and chromoplast (the carotenoid storage organelle) characteristics were observed in nine fruits and vegetables using light and transmission electron microscopy. Watermelon, tomato, and melon have the largest cells. Sweet potato, butternut squash, carrot, and mango have the most fibrous cell walls; mango and papaya additionally had the thickest walls. Chromoplast globular, tubular, crystalline, and membranous substructures were described for each food. These food matrix factors may be related to differences in carotenoid bioaccessibility between food sources. An in vitro digestion experiment was used to determine carotenoid bioaccessibility for each of these foods. Per serving, grapefruit yielded the most lycopene while carrot gave the most ?-carotene, ?-carotene, lutein, and phytoene, and mango proved a good source of violaxanthin.

Influence of Digestion Model, Product Type, and Enrichment Level on in vitro Bioavailability of Lutein from High Lutein Functional Bakery Products

Read, Andrew 23 January 2012 (has links)
Lutein is a lipid soluble plant pigment with recognized health benefits, although intake levels by the general population and bioavailability are generally low. These factors have led to interest in producing high lutein functional foods, including baked products. Cookies, muffins, and flatbreads, were produced at three enrichment levels (equivalent to 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 mg per serving) and then subjected to an in vitro simulation of human gastric and duodenal digestion coupled with Caco-2 monolayers. Lutein transfer to the aqueous phase during digestion (i.e. bioaccessibility) and monolayer absorption were determined as estimates of potential bioavailability. The higher fat products (muffins and cookies) resulted in higher overall bioaccessibility (p<0.05) and absorption at most levels of enrichment. Digestive conditions representative of the fed and fasted state were compared, with the fed model resulting in much higher estimates of bioavailability. Lutein concentration in the aqueous was the most important factor in determining subsequent monolayer absorption. Overall, the cookie was the most effective product for bioaccessibility, and enriching them to the highest level would result in the greatest delivery of bioavailable lutein to the body. / Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

Mercury in Sub-Saharan Africa: Developing an Exposure Assessment Framework for Ghana and Uganda

D'Souza, ESTELLE 27 September 2008 (has links)
Exposure to environmental toxins is a major contributing factor to the expected increase in chronic disease within developing countries in the next 20 years. Due to its ubiquitous distribution and persistent nature, mercury (Hg) is an example of a toxic substance that has garnered global concern because of its known detrimental effects on human and ecosystem health. Although fish consumption is the predominant source of Hg exposure to humans in developed nations, studies in developing countries have shown that high Hg concentrations in humans cannot be explained by fish consumption alone. The estimated daily intake (EDI) and the relative contribution of various sources of Hg to humans differ significantly between individuals, ethnic groups, and across continents. Health Canada is currently attempting to regulate the anthropogenic release and exposure dose of Hg to its citizens based on known EDIs, however the greatest sources of Hg exposure across sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are still unknown, thus impeding the regulatory process. This thesis focuses on four major sources of Hg exposure in SSA: skin-lightening cosmetics, soil geophagy, small-scale gold mining, and fish consumption. An exposure assessment model has been developed to identify the sources of greatest concern for various age groups in Ghana and Uganda and is presented using published and unpublished data, as well as experimental Hg bioaccessibility data. The results indicate that occupational exposure and lifestyle choices (mining and use of skin-lightening cosmetics) have the greatest contribution to overall increases in Hg toxicity in adults. The health of infants, however, is most likely to be compromised before birth and in the first few days of life due to maternal consumption of fish with elevated Hg concentrations and the use of Hg-containing cosmetics. It is imperative that further research of these sources be carried out to prevent the possible long-term negative social and economic consequences of chronic illness in SSA. / Thesis (Master, Environmental Studies) -- Queen's University, 2008-09-25 20:05:32.606


Jaggard, Heather 29 February 2012 (has links)
One of the main risks that exposed and unvegetated tailings pose to the environment and human health is airborne dust that may be inhaled or ingested. In the case of Pb-bearing dust, both particle size and the identity of the Pb-hosting minerals affect the degree of risk. Finer dusts (<5µm diameter) have a higher potential of being ingested deeper into the human lung causing possible tissue damage and toxic effects. We have collected size-fractionated airborne dust and near-surface pH-neutral tailings at New Calumet Mine, Quebec, Canada, a former Pb-Zn mine. Bioaccessibility describes how much of a substance can be dissolved by body fluids and become available for absorption by the body. The most bioaccessible Pb compounds are PbCO3 (cerussite), Pb3(CO3)2(OH)2 (hydrocerussite) and PbO, followed by PbSO4 (anglesite), PbS (galena) and Pb5(PO4)3Cl (pyromorphite). Airborne dust samples were collected on the tailings piles using a PIXE Cascade Impactor which separates aerosol fractions onto nine impactor stages ranging from 16µm to 0.06µm. These stages were then analyzed by PIXE to obtain elemental concentrations. Samples of non-vegetated and vegetated near-surface tailings were collected for bioaccessibility tests as well as for total metal content, grain size distribution, and Pb speciation using ESEM and synchrotron techniques. Both airborne dust and near-surface tailings samples underwent synchrotron microanalysis including microXRD for identification of microcrystalline compounds and microXRF for element mapping and metal ratio evaluation. Despite extensive oxidation of iron sulfide minerals in the near-surface tailings, galena persists as the most abundant Pb-bearing phase in the pH-neutral tailings. However, rims of cerussite and hydrocerussite forming alteration rims on galena grains have been identified throughout the tailings. In vitro bioaccessibility testing of Pb in the tailings resulted in 0-0.05% bioaccessible Pb in lung fluid and 23-69% bioaccessible Pb in the gastric fluid. / Thesis (Master, Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering) -- Queen's University, 2012-02-28 21:09:08.432

Quantificação e avaliação da bioacessibilidade in vitro de micro e macroelementos em frutas, hortaliças e cereais / Quantification and evaluation of in vitro bioaccessibility of micro and macroelements in fruits, vegetables and cereals

André Luiz Tognon 20 April 2012 (has links)
Os micro e macroelementos são nutrientes essenciais para o correto funcionamento do metabolismo humano, participando direta ou indiretamente de diversas funções metabólicas e estruturais do organismo, tais como cofatores de enzimas, equilíbrio osmótico nas interfaces de membranas biológicas, biossinalização, constituintes de biomoléculas importantes para o organismo, dentre outros. O consumo de frutas, hortaliças e cereais na dieta é uma forma de se obter as necessidades diárias destes nutrientes, uma vez que se trata de um grupo de alimentos ricos nesses elementos. Levando em conta que apenas uma parcela dos nutrientes de um alimento é bioacessível durante a digestão humana, avaliar a bioacessibilidade destes nutrientes é muito importante. Esta pesquisa de mestrado destinou-se a quantificar, por meio de técnicas espectrométricas de absorção atômica, o teor de micro e macroelementos em alimentos dentro do grupo das frutas, hortaliças e cereais (mais e menos conhecidos pela população brasileira em geral), e posteriormente avaliar, por meio de um teste in vitro, a bioacessibilidade destes elementos nos alimentos. Além disso, visando buscar correlações entre os resultados, a composição centesimal e o conteúdo de ácido fítico dos alimentos analisados foram também determinados. A composição centesimal dos alimentos revelou que os pseudocereais amaranto e quinoa são fontes importantes de proteínas para os humanos. No que diz respeito aos cereais, evidenciou-se que o processo de cozimento provoca uma diminuição dos conteúdos totais dos micro e macroelementos determinados na pesquisa, mas também faz com que as porcentagens de bioacessibilidade aumentem consideravelmente em relação aos cereais crus, mostrando que o maior aproveitamento do potencial nutritivo dos cereais analisados no que tange aos micro e macroelementos estudados é obtido quando os cereais estão cozidos. As quantidades totais e bioacessíveis dos elementos nos alimentos permitiram constatar que existe um relacionamento entre a quantidade de um determinado elemento químico necessária na dieta diária dos seres humanos, e a quantidade deste mesmo elemento presente nas frutas, hortaliças e cereais analisados na pesquisa de mestrado, pois para os macroelementos estas quantidades (total e bioacessível) foram, de modo geral, maiores do que as correspondentes quantidades para os microelementos. Além disso, os resultados mostraram que as hortaliças analisadas podem atuar como boas fontes de cálcio (Ca) para a dieta diária dos seres humanos, e que o macroelemento potássio (K) possui as maiores quantidades totais e bioacessíveis, informação que se encontra em concordância com o fato de este elemento (o K) ser fundamental no crescimento de qualquer espécie vegetal, e de que todos os alimentos analisados na pesquisa são provenientes direta ou indiretamente de espécies vegetais. De modo geral observou-se que a quantidade bioacessível dos elementos nos alimentos menos conhecidos é maior ou igual em relação às correspondentes quantidades presentes nos alimentos mais conhecidos pela população brasileira em geral, demonstrando o potencial nutritivo das frutas, hortaliça e cereais menos conhecidos analisados. A determinação do conteúdo de ácido fítico (fitatos) dos alimentos permitiu evidenciar a tendência de que quanto maior o conteúdo de ácido fítico de um alimento, menor a porcentagem de bioacessibilidade mineral (micro e macroelementos). Para os cereais observaram-se algumas contradições a esta tendência, que possibilitaram concluir que a influência do ácido fítico (e seus fitatos) na bioacessibilidade mineral depende das partes dos grãos cereais (pericarpo, endosperma ou gérmen) que alojam as maiores porcentagens do conteúdo total tanto de ácido fítico, quanto dos elementos químicos nutrientes. Além disso, os resultados também permitiram concluir que os fitatos possuem diferentes intensidades de ligação com os cátions dos elementos nutrientes presentes nas amostras alimentares; desse modo, a influência dos fitatos na bioacessibilidade é maior para alguns elementos e menor para outros, dependendo da estabilidade dos complexos mineral-fitatos. Comparando tipo a tipo os alimentos menos conhecidos e os mais conhecidos pela população brasileira em geral, constatou-se que mesmo tendo conteúdos de ácido fítico comparáveis aos alimentos mais conhecidos, nos alimentos menos conhecidos esse conteúdo exerce uma influência menor sobre a bioacessibilidade mineral de forma geral, mostrando que os alimentos menos conhecidos estudados possuem um valor nutricional no que tange aos micro e macroelementos comparável e, em alguns casos, até maior do que os alimentos mais conhecidos. Levando em conta que o ácido fítico (e seus fitatos) também pode apresentar benefícios para a saúde, os resultados permitiram concluir que o amaranto e a quinoa são alimentos com notáveis propriedades nutricionais, pois combinam um significativo conteúdo de ácido fítico com boas quantidades bioacessíveis dos micro e macroelementos determinados na pesquisa de mestrado. / The micro and macroelements are essential nutrients for proper functioning of the human metabolism, directly or indirectly participating in various metabolic functions and structural organization, such as cofactors of enzymes, osmotic equilibrium at the interface of biological membranes, biosignaling, important constituents of biomolecules for body, among others. The consumption of fruits, vegetables and cereals in the diet is a way to obtain the daily requirements of these nutrients, since it is a group of foods rich in these elements. Taking into account that only a portion of the nutrients of a food is bioaccessible during human digestion, assess the bioaccessibility these nutrients is very important. This research aimed to quantify, by means of atomic absorption spectrometric techniques, the micro and macroelements content in foods within of group of fruits, vegetables and cereals (more or less known by Brazilian population in general), and subsequently evaluating, by means of an in vitro test, the bioaccessibility these elements in the food. Furthermore, in order to seek correlations between the results, the percent composition and phytic acid content of foods analyzed were also determined. The percent composition of food revealed that the pseudocereals amaranth and quinoa are important sources of protein for humans. With regard to cereals, it became clear that the cooking process causes a decrease in the total contents of micro and macroelements determined in the research, but also makes the percentages of bioaccessibility increase considerably compared to raw grains, showing that the more nutritional potential of cereals analyzed (in relation to micro and macroelements studied) is obtained when the cereals are cooked. The total and bioaccessibles amounts of elements in foods allowed to observe that there is a relationship between the amount of a chemical element necessary in the daily diet of humans, and the amount of that element present in fruits, vegetables and cereals analyzed in the research, because for the macroelements these quantities (total and bioaccessible) were generally larger than those corresponding to the microelements. Furthermore, the results showed that the vegetables analyzed can act as good sources of calcium (Ca) for the daily diet of humans, and that the macroelement potassium (K) has the largest totals and bioaccessibles quantity, information that is in accordance with the fact of the K be essential in the growth of any plant species, and that all foods analyzed in this research are derived directly or indirectly from plant species. Overall it was observed that the amount bioaccessible of elements in the food less known is equal or greater in relation to the corresponding quantities present in the foods well known by Brazilian population, demonstrating the nutritive potential of fruits, vegetable and cereals less known analyzed. The determination of content of phytic acid (phytates) of foods allowed to evidence the trend of that as higher the phytic acid content of a food, lower the percentage of bioaccessibility mineral (micro and macroelements). For cereals was observed some contradictions to this trend, which allowed to conclude that the influence of phytic acid (and their phytates) in the bioaccessibility mineral depends of part of cereal grains (pericarp, endosperm and germ) that contains the largest percentages of total content of phytic acid and of chemical elements nutrients. Furthermore, the results also showed that the phytate have different intensities of connection with the cations of nutrients elements present in food samples; thus the influence of phytic acid in bioaccessibility is greater for some elements and smaller for other, depending on stability of mineral-phytate complexes. Comparing type by type the foods less and well known by Brazilian population in general, it was found that even with phytic acid content comparable to the most popular foods, in less known foods this content has a minor influence on the mineral bioaccessibility in general, showing that the foods less known studied have a nutritional value in relation to micro and macroelements comparable and, in some cases, greater than the well known foods. Taking into account that the phytic acid (and their phytates) can also bring health benefits, the results showed that amaranth and quinoa are foods with remarkable nutritional properties, since they combine a significant content of phytic acid with good bioaccessibles amounts of micro and macroelements determined in the research.

Avaliação e especiação do ferro bioacessível em alimentos / Assessment and speciation of bioaccessible iron in food

Melina Borges Teixeira 30 July 2014 (has links)
O ferro é um nutriente essencial para quase todas as espécies vivas e desempenha muitos papéis essenciais nos sistemas biológicos, como transporte de oxigênio, respiração, metabolismo energético, destruição de peróxidos e síntese de DNA. A deficiência de ferro no organismo pode acarretar diversas desordens fisiológicas, como por exemplo, a anemia ferropriva, que está relacionada com os níveis de hemoglobinas no sangue. Uma das maneiras de se obter as necessidades diárias desse nutriente e, dessa forma evitar as desordens fisiológicas ocasionadas pela deficiência do mesmo, é o consumo de frutas, hortaliças e carnes na dieta, uma vez que esses alimentos são ricos nesse elemento. Dessa forma, foram feitas determinações para avaliar as quantidades totais e a bioacessibilidade (através de métodos in vitro) de ferro, e de outros macro e micronutrientes, em diferentes tipos de alimentos. Além disso, visando buscar correlações com os resultados obtidos, a composição centesimal e o conteúdo de ácido fítico dos alimentos analisados também foram determinados. A concentração de ferro heme foi determinada para as amostras de fígado bovino. As quantidades totais e bioacessíveis dos elementos permitiram constatar que dentre todos os alimentos analisados, o espinafre foi o alimento que apresentou a maior quantidade de ferro total, porém verificou-se que a bioacessibilidade deste nutriente é muito baixa, sendo inferior a 20%. Isto pode estar relacionado ao elevado teor de oxalatos e fitatos (que possuem capacidade complexante) presente neste tipo de alimento. Ainda com relação a bioacessibilidade deste nutriente, o fígado bovino cru foi o alimento que apresentou a maior quantidade de ferro bioacessível. Porém, quando o mesmo é submetido ao processo de cocção, o valor da bioacessibilidade deste nutriente diminui consideravelmente, o que está correlacionado com a quebra do complexo de ferro heme presente em maior parte neste alimento, transformando-se em ferro iônico, que possui uma menor biodisponibilidade no organismo humano, pois é absorvido de forma menos eficaz que o ferro heme. Além disso, com relação aos alimentos de origem vegetal, os resultados mostraram que o potássio (K) possui as maiores quantidades totais e bioacessíveis para os alimentos analisados, resultado que se encontra em concordância com o fato deste elemento ser fundamental no crescimento de qualquer espécie vegetal. A determinação do conteúdo de ácido fítico (fitatos) permitiu evidenciar que os mesmos possuem diferentes intensidades de ligação com os cátions dos nutrientes presentes nos alimentos avaliados, e desse modo a influência dos fitatos na bioacessibilidade dos elementos analisados é maior para alguns e menor para outros, dependendo da estabilidade dos complexos formados entre os minerais e os fitatos. As concentrações de ferro heme obtidas para as amostras de fígado bovino demonstraram que o aquecimento provoca uma diminuição considerável na porcentagem de ferro heme presentes nas amostras, variando entre 33 e 43 %. Esta diminuição está relacionada à clivagem oxidativa do anel porfirínico em que o Fe está coordenado, e essa redução é relativamente alta uma vez que a liberação do ferro do complexo heme só ocorre em temperaturas elevadas, de 85 a 100 °C. / Iron is an essential nutrient for almost all living species and plays essential roles in many biological systems, such as oxygen transport, respiration, energy metabolism, destruction of peroxides, and DNA synthesis. Iron deficiency in the body may cause various physiological disorders, such as anemia, which is related to hemoglobin levels in blood. One way to obtain the daily requirement of this nutrient and thus avoid the physiological disorders caused by its deficiency is to ingest fruits, vegetables, and meat, because they are rich in this element. This work evaluated the bioaccessibility (by in vitro methods) and the total amounts of iron and other macro and micronutrients in different types of food. Seeking correlations with the results, the percent composition and phytic acid content of the analyzed foods were also determined, and the concentration of heme iron in samples of bovine liver was analyzed. The total and bioaccessibles amounts of elements allowed to observe that among all foods, spinach contained the highest amount of total iron, but the bioaccessibility of this nutrient was low, below 20%, probably due to the high levels of oxalates and phytates (which have complexing capacity) in this type of food. Still regarding the bioaccessibility of this nutrient, bovine liver was the food with the highest amount of bioaccessible iron. However, cooking considerably reduced bioaccessibility of this nutrient. This decrease is correlated with the breakdown of the heme iron complex present in bovine liver, wich generated the less bioavailable and the less efficiently absorbed ionic iron. Concerning plant species, the results showed that potassium (K) had the highest total and bioaccessible amounts for the analyzed foods, a result that agreed with the fact that this element is essential for the growth of any kind vegetable. Determination of phytic acid (phytates) content showed that they correlated with the cations of the nutrients in the tasted foods differently; i. e., phytates affected the bioaccessibility of the analyzed elements to different degrees, depending on the stability of the complexes formed between the minerals present in a given food and phytic acid. The heme iron concentrations in bovine liver samples revealed that heating significantly lowered the percentage of heme iron present in the samples, which ranged from 33 to 43%. This decrease was related to the oxidative cleavage of the porphyrin ring. The reduction in heme iron was relatively large, since the release of heme iron complex only occurs at elevated temperatures from 85 to 100 ° C.

Bioacessibilidade de Hg em peixes de diferentes níveis tróficos, originário da Amazônia / Bioaccessibility of Hg in fish from different trophic levels, originating from the Amazon

Mariana Ayumi Sibuya Nakatsubo 04 August 2017 (has links)
No Brasil, principalmente na região Amazônica, o pescado representa uma importante fonte proteica, especialmente para as populações indígenas e ribeirinhas. Por outro lado, estudos demonstram altos níveis de mercúrio (Hg), nos pescados desta região. O Hg é conhecido por ser altamente neurotóxico e por possuir efeito bioacumulativo, sendo os peixes a principal via de contaminação pelo homem. Neste trabalho, foi realizado um estudo de bioacessibilidade in vitro de Hg total em espécies originadas da Amazônia central. O Hg foi determinado utilizando-se o analisador direto de mercúrio (DMA-80, Milestone Inc) com limite de detecção de 0,003 ng. Neste trabalho foi realizada a validação da metodologia e a validação da bioacessibilidade, juntamente com os cálculos de incerteza de ambos os processos. A validação analítica seguiu o DOQ-CGCRE-008-004 (INMETRO, 2016), tendo uma incerteza de 14,7%. Já a bioacessibilidade foi validada através da análise do material de referencia certificado: Dourada 1 (Brachyplatystoma Flavicans) (IPEN-Brasil), certificado para mercúrio total (0,271 &plusmn; 0,057 &mu;g g-1) considerando a quantidade de Hg recuperado em cada etapa do processo e o balanço de massa final do processo. Os resultados obtidos demostraram a robustez do procedimento com uma recuperação >90%, coeficiente de variação < 10%, limite de detecção de 0,01 &mu;g g-1 e o limite de quantificação de 0,1 &mu;g g-1 e incerteza de 25%. O estudo indicou que a média bioacessível do mercúrio total é de 60%, para as espécies carnívoras, e 45% para os não carnívoros, demonstrando que o mercúrio presente no tecido não é absorvido pelo organismo em sua totalidade. A especiação do MeHg, indicou que do total bioacessível apenas uma parcela de 80% é MeHg demonstrando que a absorção de Hg pelo corpo pode ser ainda menor. Estudos como esse são fundamentais para influenciar nas decisões regulatórias, agências de controle dos níveis permissíveis de contaminantes nos alimentos, visto que, somente avaliar a concentração total do contaminante e não considerar a sua bioacessibilidade pode levar a um equívoco quanto à segurança de consumo do alimento. / In Brazil, mainly in the Amazon region, fish represent an important protein source mainly for the indigenous and riverside populations. On the other hand, studies showed high levels of mercury in the fish of this place. Hg is known to be highly neurotoxic and bioaccumulative. Fishes are well known for being the main source of Hg for humans. In this work, an in vitro bioaccessibility of total Hg was carried out in species originating from Amazonia central. Mercury was determined using the mercury direct analyzer (DMA-80, Milestone Inc) with a detection limit of 0.003 ng. In this work, it was performed methodological and bioaccessibility validation, and the calculation for uncertainty in both processes. Analytical validation followed the DOQ-CGCRE-008-004 (INMETRO, 2016), presenting uncertainty of 14.7%. Validation for bioaccessibility considered the recovery Hg in each step of the process and mass balance from each stage of the process. The certified reference material: Dourada - 1 (Brachyplatystoma Flavicans) (IPEN-Brazil), certified for total mercury (0.277 &plusmn; 0.057 &mu;g g-1). The result obtained show a great robustness, a recovery> 90%, the coefficient of variation <10%, limit of detection of 0.01 &mu;g g-1 and limit of quantification of 0.1 &mu;g g-1 and a uncertainty of 25%. The study indicated that the mean bioaccessible fraction of total mercury is 60% for carnivorous species and 45% of non-carnivorous species, demonstrating that not all is absorbed by the human body. The speciation of MeHg indicated that from the total bioaccessible only a portion of 80% is MeHg demonstrating that the uptake of Hg by the body may be even lower. Studies like this are fundamental to influence the regulatory decisions by agencies to control the permissible levels of contaminants in food, since evaluating the concentration of contaminants and not considering their bioaccessibility may lead to a misunderstanding regarding the safety of food consumption.

Adapta??o de metodologia de digest?o in vitro para avalia??o da bioacessibilidade de carotenoides em suco de melancia / Adaptation of in vitro digestion methodology for evaluation of carotenoid bioaccessibility in watermelon juice

Constant, L?via da Silva 01 March 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-06-19T13:50:40Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - L?via da Silva Constant.pdf: 1334910 bytes, checksum: d0292b86877823c0cee4f2c013dfee10 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-19T13:50:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - L?via da Silva Constant.pdf: 1334910 bytes, checksum: d0292b86877823c0cee4f2c013dfee10 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-03-01 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Known for its pleasant sensory characteristics, watermelon is a fruit much appreciated worldwide, especially for fresh consumption. Lately, it has been indicated as an important source of lycopene, a red coloring pigment and has stood out due to its beneficial health action. This compound is identified as a potent antioxidant among the carotenoids and responsible for reducing the risk of development of certain degenerative diseases, thus increasing their scientific interest. The membrane separation process has been widely used for concentration of bioactive compounds, it has been able to preserve heat sensitive compounds since they can be conducted under mild temperature conditions. In order to increase the stability of products with high water content, freeze-drying is presented as a preservation method able to retain sensory and nutritional characteristics of the product because it is based on sublimation for even water removal, thereby promoting their dehydration. The increase of the content of bioactive compounds in foods does not necessarily, is related to its absorption into the human body in order to bring beneficial health effects, thus necessary assessing their bioaccessibility and bioavailability. This study aimed to get two products rich in lycopene, being a powder and concentrated extract, characterize them with the whole juice, and then evaluate the adaptation of an in vitro digestion model for evaluation of bioaccessibility of carotenoids. For the powder sample was sought to assess the influence of the amount of oil added to the bioaccessibility. The results indicated that lycopene is presented as the major carotenoid in all samples, the sample being in the richest powder. The results indicated bioaccessibility micelariza??o greater efficiency for the sample of whole juice when compared to the other samples. For powder sample, the addition of 250% oil mass ratio is used as shown best condition for lycopene micelarization / Conhecida por suas agrad?veis caracter?sticas sensoriais, a melancia ? um fruto muito apreciado no mundo todo, especialmente para consumo in natura. Ultimamente, tem sido indicada como importante fonte de licopeno, um pigmento de colora??o vermelha e que vem se destacando devido a sua a??o ben?fica ? sa?de. Este composto ? apontado como um potente antioxidante dentre os carotenoides e respons?vel pela redu??o do risco do desenvolvimento de algumas doen?as degenerativas, aumentando, assim, o seu interesse cient?fico. O processo de separa??o por membranas vem sendo muito utilizado para concentra??o de compostos bioativos, pois tem sido capaz de preservar os compostos termosens?veis uma vez que pode ser conduzido em condi??es brandas de temperatura. A fim de aumentar a estabilidade de produtos com alto teor de ?gua, a liofiliza??o se apresenta como um m?todo de conserva??o capaz de reter caracter?sticas sensoriais e nutricionais do produto pois baseia-se na sublima??o para remo??o da ?gua do mesmo, promovendo, assim, sua desidrata??o. O aumento do teor de compostos bioativos em alimentos n?o necessariamente, est? relacionado ? sua maior absor??o pelo organismo humano de forma a trazer efeito ben?fico para a sa?de, sendo necess?rio assim, a avalia??o da sua bioacessibilidade e biodisponibilidade. Este trabalho objetivou obter dois produtos ricos em licopeno, sendo um p? e um concentrado, caracteriz?-los juntamente com o suco integral, e posteriormente avaliar a adapta??o de um modelo de digest?o in vitro para avalia??o da bioacessibilidade dos carotenoides. Para a amostra em p? buscou-se avaliar a influ?ncia da quantidade de ?leo adicionada na bioacessibilidade. Os resultados indicaram que o licopeno se apresentou como carotenoide majorit?rio em todas as amostras, sendo a amostra em p? a mais rica. Os resultados de bioacessibilidade indicaram uma maior efici?ncia de micelariza??o para a amostra de suco integral, quando comparada ?s outras amostras. Para a amostra em p?, a adi??o de 250% de ?leo em rela??o a massa utilizada se mostrou como a melhor condi??o para micelariza??o do licopeno.

Methodologies for Estimating Bioaccessibility of Six Metals in Household Dust: Zn, Pb, Cd, Cu, Ni, and Cr

Boros, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the relative advantages and disadvantages of two approaches for estimating oral bioaccessibility using a physiologically-based extraction technique (PBET): a simple gastric phase simulation and a two-phase gastrointestinal simulation. Bioaccessibility estimates of six metals prevalent in Canadian contaminated sites (zinc, lead, cadmium, copper, nickel, and chromium) were compared using the gastric phase simulation alone and the complete gastrointestinal simulation. Samples included vacuum dust samples from 33 homes, certified dust and soil reference materials, and a house dust control sample. Bioaccessibility measurements using the gastric phase simulation were greater than or equal to measurements obtained using the gastrointestinal simulation for the six studied metals. This research found that for the six studied metals, a simple simulation of the gastric phase provides the most conservative and cost-effective approach for estimating oral bioaccessibility of ingested metals.

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