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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da aplicação de biossorventes no tratamento de rejeitos radioativos líquidos contendo Amerício-241. / A study on application of biosorbents for treatment of radioactive liquid waste containing americium-241

Borba, Tania Regina de 20 August 2010 (has links)
O uso da energia nuclear para as mais diversas finalidades tem se intensificado e destacado pelos benefícios que proporciona. A medicina diagnóstica e terapêutica, a agricultura, a indústria, a geração de energia elétrica, são alguns exemplos. Entretanto, o uso da energia nuclear gera rejeitos radioativos e estes requerem tratamento adequado para garantir a segurança ambiental e dos seres vivos. A biossorção e bioacumulação representam uma alternativa emergente, para o tratamento de rejeitos radioativos líquidos, proporcionando redução de volume e mudança de estado físico. Este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar biossorventes para promover o tratamento de rejeitos líquidos contendo Amerício-241, proporcionando redução de volume e mudando seu estado físico para sólido. Os biossorventes avaliados foram: Saccharomyces cerevisiae imobilizadas em alginato de cálcio, Saccharomyces cerevisiae livres e inativadas, alginato de cálcio, Bacillus subtilis, Cupriavidus metallidurans e Ochrobactrum anthropi. Os resultados foram bastante satisfatórios, chegando a 100 % em alguns casos. Esta técnica parece viável para a implantação no Laboratório de Rejeitos Radioativos do IPEN - CNEN/SP a curto prazo, por ser simples e de baixo custo. / The use of nuclear energy for many different purposes has been intensified and highlighted by the benefits that it provides. Medical diagnosis and therapy, agriculture, industry and electricity generation are examples of its application. However, nuclear energy generates radioactive wastes that require suitable treatment ensuring life and environmental safety. Biosorption and bioaccumulation represent an emergent alternative for the treatment of radioactive liquid wastes, providing volume reduction and physical state change. This work aimed to study biosorbents for the treatment of radioactive liquid wastes contaminated with americium-241 in order to reduce the volume and change the physical state from liquid to solid. The biosorbents evaluated were Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in calcium alginate beads, inactivated and free cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, calcium alginate beads, Bacillus subtilis, Cupriavidus metallidurans and Ochrobactrum anthropi. The results were quite satisfactory, achieving 100% in some cases. The technique presented in this work may be useful and viable for implementing at the Waste Management Laboratory of IPEN CNEN/SP in short term, since it is an easy and low cost method.

Efeitos dos metais cobre e zinco no desenvolvimento e capacidade bioacumuladora de Pistia stratiotes e Azolla filiculoides em condições nutricionais diferenciadas / Effects of copper and zinc in the development and bioaccumulating ability of Pistia stratiotes and Azolla filiculoides on different nutritional conditions

Schneider, Danieli Delello 14 November 2014 (has links)
O crescente desenvolvimento populacional, industrial e a expansão agrícola vêm contribuindo de forma significativa para o aporte de nutrientes e metais nos ecossistemas aquáticos, interferindo na composição e estrutura das comunidades, dentre elas as macrófitas, ocasionando desequilíbrio ambiental, com perda das funções e serviços ecossistêmicos. Entre os diversos elementos inseridos de forma direta e indireta nos corpos hídricos, destacam-se fósforo, cobre e zinco, os quais, apesar de serem fundamentais para o metabolismo biológico, quando em excesso tornam-se prejudiciais, requerendo avaliações mais efetivas, de forma a melhor compreender e prevenir os potenciais riscos da exposição biológica a estes elementos estressores. Considerando o acima exposto, o objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito do metal cobre sobre o desenvolvimento da macrófita Pistia stratiotes e o efeito dos metais cobre e zinco sobre o desenvolvimento e capacidade bioacumuladora da macrófita Azolla filiculoides, em diferentes concentrações de fósforo, por meio de testes ecotoxicológicos. Para tanto, aspectos nutricionais (nitrogênio, fósforo, cobre total e clorofila a e total) e de desenvolvimento (biomassa, TCR, número de folhas nascidas, ganho de diâmetro, altura e largura foliar, número de raízes nascidas, comprimento das raízes principais, clorose e necrose foliar) foram avaliados em estudos laboratoriais para P. stratiotes e aspectos nutricionais (todos acima citados) e de desenvolvimento (biomassa e TCR) para A. filiculoides. Pelos resultados obtidos verifica-se que os metais cobre e zinco, nas concentrações testadas, ocasionaram interferência no desenvolvimento e nutrição das macrófitas, sendo a maior sensibilidade ao cobre observada para P. stratiotes, registrando-se efeitos de maior toxicidade do cobre em relação ao zinco em ambas as macrófitas. Verificou-se, ainda, que o fósforo proporcionou maior proteção a A. filiculoides contra o efeito dos metais conforme o aumento de sua concentração e já no teste ecotoxicológico com P. stratiotes não foram registradas diferenças significativas em função do aumento das concentrações de fósforo. Dessa maneira, conclui-se que o metal cobre causou maior toxicidade às macrófitas do que o zinco, principalmente em concentrações mais baixas de fósforo, verificando-se maior capacidade bioacumuladora da espécie A. filiculoides quando comparada com P. stratiotes. / The increasing population and industrial growth and the agricultural expansion have contributed significantly to the supply of nutrients and metals in aquatic ecosystems, affecting the composition and structure of communities, among them the macrophytes, causing environmental imbalance, with loss of ecosystem functions and services. Among the various elements inserted directly and indirectly on water bodies, phosphorus, copper and zinc stand out, which, despite being fundamental to the biological metabolism, when in excess become harmful, and assessments that are more effective are required to better understand and prevent the potential risks of biological exposure to these stressors. Considering the above, the objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of copper metal on the development of the macrophyte Pistia stratiotes and the effect of copper and zinc metals on the development and the bioaccumulation capacity of the macrophyte Azolla filiculoides, in different concentrations of phosphorus, through ecotoxicological tests. To do that, nutritional (nitrogen, phosphorus, copper total and chlorophyll a and total) and development (biomass, RGR, number of leafs born, diameter gain, leaf height and width, number of roots born, length of the main roots, leaf chlorosis and necrosis) aspects were evaluated in laboratory studies for P. stratiotes and nutritional (all above) and development (biomass and RGR) aspects for A. filiculoides. From the results obtained it appears that the metals copper and zinc, on the tested concentrations, caused interference in the development and nutrition of the macrophytes, where more sensitivity to copper was observed for P. stratiotes, and the effects of enhanced toxicity of copper relative to zinc in both macrophytes. It was also found that the phosphorus provided greater protection to A. filiculoides against the effects of metals as its concentration was increased and, on the ecotoxicological test with P. stratiotes, no significant differences where found with the increasing concentrations of phosphorus. Thus, it is concluded that the copper metal has caused more toxicity to macrophytes than zinc, especially at lower concentrations of phosphorus, and was verified a greater bioaccumulation capacity on the A. filiculoides species when compared to P. stratiotes.

Bioaccumulation, biological effects and trophic transfer of metal (oxide) nanoparticles in marine invertebrates

Baker, Antony James January 2017 (has links)
The production and use of manufactured metal (oxide) nanoparticles has exploded in recent years as they are exploited for their novel physical and chemical properties. Cerium oxide NPs (CeO2NPs) help increase combustion in diesel engines and their reported ability to scavenge free radicals has been exploited in therapeutic treatments. Silver NPs (AgNPs) are now used in consumer products such as socks and sticking plasters due to their antibacterial properties. Once released into the environment, their ultimate fate is predicted to be the oceans The aims of this thesis are to investigate the bioaccumulation and biological effects (oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation) of CeO2NPs and AgNPs on the mussel Mytilus edulis, and to understand the potential for trophic transfer of CeO2NPs to the crab Carcinus maenas, and subsequent induced biological effects. It was found in acute exposures that, at the suggested regulatory limit of 3mg/l, less than 5% of a CeO2NP dose will be accumulated by the digestive gland of M. edulis within 4 hours, before being depurated over at least 56 hours. There were no significant biological effects of CeO2NPs, yet larger, micron-size particles had significant anti-oxidant effects. Most effects were transitory, returning to normal levels after 24 hours. In uptake comparisons between AgNPs and Ag-nanorods (AgNRs) at 10μg/l (towards the regulatory limit of 1.9μg/l), AgNRs were accumulated in the digestive gland within 2 hours, but were depurated by 4 hours. Similarity in accumulation between AgNPs and ionic Ag – including continuous accumulation in the gills over 48 hours – suggested dissolution was mostly responsible for this. Both nanoforms instigated isolated oxidative stress responses over 4-24 hours, yet none were significantly worse than AgNO3, which instigated the greatest suite of significant oxidative stress responses. In trophic transfer experiments C. maenas accumulated CeO2NPs in the hepatopancreas at less than 1% of the fed dose. Stomach accumulation was high but transitory, with most particles removed in the faeces. Gills were also a site of accumulation and it was thought that the haemolymph provided a route of transit between the digestive organs and the respiratory organs. This novel experiment used NPs crafted from 140Ce; changes in isotopic ratios of Ce in the crab following trophic transfer could therefore be used to determine absolute increases in concentration against high, and highly variable, background concentrations. There were no significant biological effects following trophic transfer of these 140CeO2NPs. It was found that the current regulatory limits are predicted to be sufficient to protect M. edulis and C. maenas from acute exposure to CeO2NPs and AgNPs, yet chronic exposures should be investigated since the relationship between the uptake and elimination rate of NPs will determine the extent of bioaccumulation and biological effects.

Citogenotoxicidade e determinação de metais, PAHs e organoclorados em tecidos de Cathorops spixii e Centropomus parallelus provenientes de três complexos estuarinos da costa brasileira / Citogenotoxicity and evaluation of metals, PAHs and organochloride in tissues of Cathorops spixii and Centropomus parallelus from three estuarine systems in brazilian coast

Kirschbaum, Aline Alves 22 October 2010 (has links)
Muitos dos poluentes lançados diariamente no ambiente apresentam capacidade de bioacumulação e potencial altamente tóxico, induzindo danos em diversos níveis de organização. O peixe demersal Cathorops spixii e o pelágico Centropomus parallelus se alimentam de invertebrados bentônicos e pequenos peixes e são importantes itens alimentares para a população em geral. Neste estudo foram avaliadas as respostas citogenotóxicas através da análise de micronúcleos (MN) e anomalias nucleares (AN) em eritrócitos e a bioacumulação de PAHs e organoclorados (em fígado) e metais (em tecido muscular) em 207 exemplares dessas espécies, coletados nos Complexos Estuarinos de Cananéia, Paranaguá e Santos/São Vicente durante o inverno/08 e verão/09. Os tecidos foram extraídos para análises químicas. Na maioria dos casos, os níveis de danos citogenotóxicos obtidos nos exemplares de Paranaguá se colocaram de maneira intermediária, enquanto os da região de Santos estiveram acima dos obtidos nas outras áreas. Ficou evidenciado que os níveis de contaminação destes estuários são capazes de causar danos moleculares nos organismos. C. parallelus respondeu de maneira mais efetiva às análises dos biomarcadores utilizados. A bioacumulação refletiu principalmente a influência de fatores intrínsecos aos organismos e apresentou correlação com os dados citogenotóxicos. A ocorrência de metais e PAHs sobressaíram aos outros compostos. / Several pollutants that are daily discharged in environment are able to bioaccumulate in organism tissues and present highly toxic potential inducing damages in different levels of biological organization. The demersal Cathorops spixii catfish and the pelagic snooks Centropomus parallelus feeds on small fishes and benthic invertebrates and represent an important food source for local populations. In this study the cytogenotoxic responses in erythrocytes were evaluated by micronucleus (MN) and nuclear abnormalities (AN) analysis, and bioaccumulation of PAHs and organochloride compounds (in liver) and metals (in muscle) in 207 organisms of C. spixii and C. parallelus, collected in Cananéia, Paranaguá and Santos/São Vicente Estuarine Systems, during winter/2008 and summer/2009. In the majority of the cases, the cytogenotoxic rates found in Paranaguá were average, while in Santos region rates were higher than the others study areas, evidencing that the pollution levels between both estuaries were high enough to induce genetic damages. C. parallelus are more sensible to biomarkers responses. The bioaccumulation level was influenced by inherent factors from organisms and presented correlation with the cytogenotoxic rates. The occurrence of metals (in muscular tissue) and PAHs (in liver) were more pronounced than other compounds.

Citogenotoxicidade e determinação de metais, PAHs e organoclorados em tecidos de Cathorops spixii e Centropomus parallelus provenientes de três complexos estuarinos da costa brasileira / Citogenotoxicity and evaluation of metals, PAHs and organochloride in tissues of Cathorops spixii and Centropomus parallelus from three estuarine systems in brazilian coast

Aline Alves Kirschbaum 22 October 2010 (has links)
Muitos dos poluentes lançados diariamente no ambiente apresentam capacidade de bioacumulação e potencial altamente tóxico, induzindo danos em diversos níveis de organização. O peixe demersal Cathorops spixii e o pelágico Centropomus parallelus se alimentam de invertebrados bentônicos e pequenos peixes e são importantes itens alimentares para a população em geral. Neste estudo foram avaliadas as respostas citogenotóxicas através da análise de micronúcleos (MN) e anomalias nucleares (AN) em eritrócitos e a bioacumulação de PAHs e organoclorados (em fígado) e metais (em tecido muscular) em 207 exemplares dessas espécies, coletados nos Complexos Estuarinos de Cananéia, Paranaguá e Santos/São Vicente durante o inverno/08 e verão/09. Os tecidos foram extraídos para análises químicas. Na maioria dos casos, os níveis de danos citogenotóxicos obtidos nos exemplares de Paranaguá se colocaram de maneira intermediária, enquanto os da região de Santos estiveram acima dos obtidos nas outras áreas. Ficou evidenciado que os níveis de contaminação destes estuários são capazes de causar danos moleculares nos organismos. C. parallelus respondeu de maneira mais efetiva às análises dos biomarcadores utilizados. A bioacumulação refletiu principalmente a influência de fatores intrínsecos aos organismos e apresentou correlação com os dados citogenotóxicos. A ocorrência de metais e PAHs sobressaíram aos outros compostos. / Several pollutants that are daily discharged in environment are able to bioaccumulate in organism tissues and present highly toxic potential inducing damages in different levels of biological organization. The demersal Cathorops spixii catfish and the pelagic snooks Centropomus parallelus feeds on small fishes and benthic invertebrates and represent an important food source for local populations. In this study the cytogenotoxic responses in erythrocytes were evaluated by micronucleus (MN) and nuclear abnormalities (AN) analysis, and bioaccumulation of PAHs and organochloride compounds (in liver) and metals (in muscle) in 207 organisms of C. spixii and C. parallelus, collected in Cananéia, Paranaguá and Santos/São Vicente Estuarine Systems, during winter/2008 and summer/2009. In the majority of the cases, the cytogenotoxic rates found in Paranaguá were average, while in Santos region rates were higher than the others study areas, evidencing that the pollution levels between both estuaries were high enough to induce genetic damages. C. parallelus are more sensible to biomarkers responses. The bioaccumulation level was influenced by inherent factors from organisms and presented correlation with the cytogenotoxic rates. The occurrence of metals (in muscular tissue) and PAHs (in liver) were more pronounced than other compounds.

Estudo da aplicação de biossorventes no tratamento de rejeitos radioativos líquidos contendo Amerício-241. / A study on application of biosorbents for treatment of radioactive liquid waste containing americium-241

Tania Regina de Borba 20 August 2010 (has links)
O uso da energia nuclear para as mais diversas finalidades tem se intensificado e destacado pelos benefícios que proporciona. A medicina diagnóstica e terapêutica, a agricultura, a indústria, a geração de energia elétrica, são alguns exemplos. Entretanto, o uso da energia nuclear gera rejeitos radioativos e estes requerem tratamento adequado para garantir a segurança ambiental e dos seres vivos. A biossorção e bioacumulação representam uma alternativa emergente, para o tratamento de rejeitos radioativos líquidos, proporcionando redução de volume e mudança de estado físico. Este trabalho teve como objetivos estudar biossorventes para promover o tratamento de rejeitos líquidos contendo Amerício-241, proporcionando redução de volume e mudando seu estado físico para sólido. Os biossorventes avaliados foram: Saccharomyces cerevisiae imobilizadas em alginato de cálcio, Saccharomyces cerevisiae livres e inativadas, alginato de cálcio, Bacillus subtilis, Cupriavidus metallidurans e Ochrobactrum anthropi. Os resultados foram bastante satisfatórios, chegando a 100 % em alguns casos. Esta técnica parece viável para a implantação no Laboratório de Rejeitos Radioativos do IPEN - CNEN/SP a curto prazo, por ser simples e de baixo custo. / The use of nuclear energy for many different purposes has been intensified and highlighted by the benefits that it provides. Medical diagnosis and therapy, agriculture, industry and electricity generation are examples of its application. However, nuclear energy generates radioactive wastes that require suitable treatment ensuring life and environmental safety. Biosorption and bioaccumulation represent an emergent alternative for the treatment of radioactive liquid wastes, providing volume reduction and physical state change. This work aimed to study biosorbents for the treatment of radioactive liquid wastes contaminated with americium-241 in order to reduce the volume and change the physical state from liquid to solid. The biosorbents evaluated were Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized in calcium alginate beads, inactivated and free cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, calcium alginate beads, Bacillus subtilis, Cupriavidus metallidurans and Ochrobactrum anthropi. The results were quite satisfactory, achieving 100% in some cases. The technique presented in this work may be useful and viable for implementing at the Waste Management Laboratory of IPEN CNEN/SP in short term, since it is an easy and low cost method.

Analyse et exploitation des populations bactériennes de sols naturellement riches en uranium : sélection d'une espèce modèle / Analysis and exploitation of bacterial population from natural uranium-rich soils : selection of a model specie

Mondani, Laure 23 November 2010 (has links)
On sait que les sols et les populations bactériennes indigènes ont une influence sur la mobilité des métaux, donc sur leur toxicité. Cette étude a été menée sur des sols uranifères et contrôles collectés dans le Limousin (régions naturellement riches en uranium ). une analyse physico-chimique et minéralogique des échantillons de sol a été réalisée. La structure des communautés bactériennes a été étudiée par électrophorèse en gradient de dénaturant (DGGE). La structure des communautés est remarquablement stable dans les sols uranifères, ce qui indique que l'uranium exerce une forte pression de sélection. D'autre part, une collection de bactéries cultivables à été réalisée à partir des sols, puis criblée pour la résistance à l'uranium, dans le but d'étudier les interactions entre bactéries et uranium. Des observations en Microscopie Électronique à Balayage ont mis en évidence différents mécanismes de chélation de l'uranium à la surface cellulaire / It is well known that soils play a key role in controlling the mobility of toxic metals and this property is greatly influenced by indigeous bacterial communities. This study has been conducted on radioactive and controls soils, collected in natural uraniferous areas (Limousin). A physico-chemical and mineralogical analysis of soils samples was carried out.The structure of bacterial communities was etimated by Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE). The community structure is remarkably more stable in the uranium-rich soils than in the control ones, indicating that uranium exerts a high selection from the soils was constructed and screened for uranium resistance in order to study basteria-uranium interactions. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that a phylogenetically diverse set of uranium-resistant species ware able to chelate uranium at the cell surface.

Bioenergetics and mercury dynamics in fish

Trudel, Marc. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Trophic position in aquatic food webs

Vander Zanden, M. Jake. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Bioaccumulation of dietary 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexachlorobiphenyl and induction of hepatic aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase in rainbow trout (oncorhynchus mykiss)

da Costa, Emmanuel G. 20 July 1994 (has links)
Graduation date: 1995

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