Spelling suggestions: "subject:"biomasa"" "subject:"biomasas""
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Pěstování kukuřice v praktických podmínkách zemědělského podniku / Maize growing in terms of selected agricultural companyFENCL, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The thesis follows up an assessment of germination and growth dynamics of maze, in relation to different processing of soil in the region of Kozojed in North Pilsen. This experiment was conducted in the year 2016. In utter overview of the thesis, we can find a description of the technological procedure of maze cultivation, and individual technological procedures of soil preparation in more detail. In the resultant part of the thesis, we find the evaluation of germination, height, number of plants per m2 (squared meter), and average number of sticks per plant; further evaluation of WTG (Weight of thousand grains) of individual growers' technologies, and the most important overall produce of maze biomass in four variants of soil processing. Examined variants in the thesis are as follows: Sowing into deeply processed soil (underlay), Sowing into stubble, Sowing into loosened soil (disk plow), Sowing into tillage. The results showed that in provided soil-climatic conditions the best came out maze that was sown into stubble. In total biomass yield was option No. 3. sowing in loosened soil, where the resulting income, 30, 21 t.ha-1. From variants No. 1. seed to uderlay it was 0,93 t.ha-1 and No. 2. sowing into stubble to 3,57 t.ha-1 less than option No. 1. The highest difference was in variant No. 4 in the plow, where the biomass yield was by 7.26 t.ha-1 lower than in variant No. 3.
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Problematika zpracování dřevní biomasy štěpkovači. / The issue of processing of wood biomass chipperKALVAS, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Problems of this thesis presents a comparison of selected chippers available in the Republic, describing the structural design of wood chippers, subsequent evaluation of selected machinery energy consumption and quality of the final product depending on the volume of processed wood biomass, then evaluate the economics of machine.
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Vliv složení biomasy na účinnost přeměny energie v plynovém spalovacím motoru / The influence of composition on biomass energy conversion efficiency in the gas combustion engineNOVOTNÝ, Lubomír January 2011 (has links)
This thesis "The influence of composition on biomass energy conversion efficiency in the gas combustion engine" deals with the matter of obtaining energy from biomass to propel engines. It describes the historical development and use of the wood gas treatment process for its production of biomass from the beginning of this discovery up to the use and large scale implementation around the world. The last section presents several experiments with different types of biomass and an experiment to determine the energy obtained in a simple gas combustion engine. Construction of a prototype is part of this thesis.
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Application of plant-growth promoting biological inoculants in agriculture and horticultureSidibé, Abdoulaye January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza lokálního trhu biomasy z pohledu vybrané firmy / Analysis of the local biomass from the point of view of a chosen enterpriseDLABOLOVÁ, Denisa January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with the analysis of the local market in terms of biomass and Less Energy. There is examined the potential of logging residues from the selected area is examined further traffic limit for supplying chips. There are used Porter model analysis.
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Produkce biomasy a sušiny u kukuřice a čiroku k silážním účelům / The production of biomass and dry matter at maize and sorghum for silageTROJÁKOVÁ, Gabriela January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to evaluate and compare the production capacity of the two hybrids of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes and selected sorghum (Sorghum Adams). For the evaluation of this experiment there was based a plot on the piece of land of South Bohemia University in České Budějovice. The samples were picked up before harvest to compare the evaluated high - yielding indicators. The number of samples depended on the desired dry matter content in biomass. During corn harvest the yield of biomass was determined, and yield and share of corncobs, dry matter content of biomass and corncobs, and yield of dry biomass. At the harvest of sorghum the yield of biomass was determined, the content of dry matter and yield of dry matter in biomass. Out of one-year experiment it was found out a slower increase of dry matter content in sorghum hybrids in comparison with the corn maize hybrids. Selected hybrids reached optimal values of solids dry matter content for the production of high quality silage.
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Možnosti podpor z fondů EU pro využití biomasy na území města Třeboň. / Support from EU funds for biomass usage in the location of the town of Třeboň.ŘEPA, Michal January 2007 (has links)
The topic of thesis "Support from EU funds for biomass usage in the location of the town of Třeboň" is a analysis of the biomass potential in selected area with a source of energy project. The first part was focused on the importance of renewabla resources of energy and their supporting by EU and Czech Republic. In the second part was presented the analysis of biomass potential, and this part was given the energy project with economic evaluation.
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Nadzemní produkce porostu zaplavované louky s dominantní ostřicí štíhlou (Carex acuta) / Aboveground production of a wet meadow stand dominated by Carex acutaKUNCOVÁ, Štěpánka January 2009 (has links)
The MSc thesis is part of the project of Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic entitled Czech Terra, which aims at assessing the carbon budget and cycle in the main types of ecosystems in the Czech Republic. This thesis is focussed on the production of aboveground biomass of Carex acuta, which dominates the unmanaged and permanently flooded part of the Wet Meadows. The seasonal dynamics of aboveground plant production was followed using a series of 9 destructive harvests during the vegetation season. On each date, four 0.5x0.5m2 samples were taken from the wetter, and four samples from the drier part of the stand. The maximum value of live biomass of C. acuta (550.8 g.m-2) was recorded on 13.6 2008. The highest value of live biomass of all species reached 602.4 g.m-2. The maximum total biomass (without litter) reached 994.6 g. m-2. The highest value of productivity of C. acuta (12.46 g.m-2.day-1) was recorded on 24. 5.
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Evaluación de la actividad microbiana del suelo en formaciones vegetacionales esclerófilas de la Reserva Nacional Roblería Los Cobres de Loncha bajo diferentes grados de alteración antrópica / Soil microbial activity under sclerophyll vegetation with different degrees of anthropic perturbations at the Roblería Los Cobres de Loncha National ReserveContreras Belmar, Ignacio Andrés January 2011 (has links)
Autorizada por el autor, pero con restricción para ser publicada a texto completo hasta el año 2013 / Memoria para optar al título profesional de Ingeniero Agrónomo
Mención Manejo de suelos y aguas / Se evaluaron indicadores biológicos del suelo bajo cuatro tipos de formaciones vegetacionales esclerófilos, cada una afectada por diferentes grados de perturbaciones antrópicas. Las formaciones vegetacionales consideradas fueron un bosque de Peumo (Cryptocarya alba (Mol.) Looser) (PEU), un bosque de peumo-litre (Lithrea caustica (Mol.) Hook et Arn.)–quillay (Quillaja saponaria Mol.) (PLQ), una formación de matorral compuesta por quillay–tevo (Retanilla trinervia (Gillies et Hook.) Hook. et. Arn.)–colliguay (Colliguaja odorifera Mol.) (QTC), y una formación tipo sabana compuesta por espino (Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol.) y praderas anuales. Las muestras de suelo fueron extraídas en los intervalos de profundidad 0-6 cm y 6-12 cm, bajo las coberturas de canopia de las diferentes especies arbóreas o arbustivas así como en los espacios abiertos entre las plantas (suelo sin cobertura). Se determinó el carbono orgánico del suelo (COS), el carbono de la biomasa microbiana a través del método de la fumigación incubación (C-BMS) y la respiración del suelo (RB), todo esto bajo condiciones de laboratorio. A partir de estos, se derivaron el cociente metabólico (qCO2), así como también el cociente microbiano y de mineralización (qMic y qM, respectivamente). Los mayores valores de COS fueron los encontrados en la formación menor perturbada (PEU, 8,04%, p≤0,05 respecto a ESP). Sin embargo los mayores valores de C-BMS, RB, qMic y qM fueron encontrados en la formación tipo sabana (ESP). No se observó una clara tendencia en el comportamiento del indicador qCO2. Se encontró una positiva y significante correlación lineal entre el COS y el C-BMS (valores de r entre 0,91 y 0,98; p≤0,001 para todas las formaciones) y particularmente cuando se contrastaba el COS con el C-BMS provenientes de una misma formación vegetacional, lo que sugiere que la cantidad y el origen de la materia orgánica del suelo juega un rol fundamental en el desarrollo microbiano. La composición vegetacional, la que está relacionada al grado de perturbación antrópica, parece ser un factor clave para el desarrollo microbiano en estos ecosistemas esclerófilos chilenos. / Soil biological indicators were evaluated under four types of sclerophyllous vegetation, each one affected by different degrees of long-term anthropogenic disturbances. Vegetation types considered peumo (Cryptocarya alba (Mol.) Looser) (PEU) forests, peumo–litre (Lithrea caustica (Mol.) Hook et Arn.)–quillay (Quillaja saponaria Mol.) (PLQ) forests, quillay–tevo (Retanilla trinervia (Gillies et Hook.) Hook. et. Arn.)–colliguay (Colliguaja odorifera Mol.) (QTC) shrub-type formations, and savannah-type formations composed of espino (Acacia caven (Mol.) Mol.) and annual grasses. Soil samples were extracted at depth intervals of 0-6 cm and 6-12 cm below the canopy cover of the different tree and shrub species as well as from the open spaces between plants. Soil organic C (COS), microbial biomass-C by the fumigation-incubation method (C-BMS) and soil basal respiration (RB) were determined under laboratory conditions. The derived metabolic quotient qCO2, as well as the microbial and mineralization quotients (qMic and qM, respectively) were also evaluated. Largest COS was found under the less disturbed formation (PEU, 8.04%, p≤0.05 as compared to ESP). However, largest values of C-BMS, RB, qMic and qM were found under savannah-type formation (ESP). No clear trend in qCO2 was observed. A positive and significant linear correlation was found between COS and C-BMS (r values between 0.91 and 0.98; p≤0.001 for all formations), particularly when contrasting COS and C-BMS under the same vegetal formation, suggesting that the amount and origin of soil organic matter (i.e. plant species source) play fundamental roles in microbial development. Plant species composition which is related to the degree of anthropogenic disturbance, seem to be a key factor for microbial development in these Chilean sclerophyllous ecosystems.
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Revisión bibliográfica sobre el potencial de producción de biogás a partir de plantaciones de (Opuntia ficus indica) y otros residuos disponibles en el Norte Chico de ChileBedregal Barrios, Camila January 2010 (has links)
Memoria para optar al título profesional de Ingeniera en Recursos Naturales Renovables / En los últimos años, la utilización de energías renovables no convencionales ha alcanzado gran importancia tanto a nivel mundial como nacional, generando el interés de encontrar nuevas alternativas para la aplicación de energías renovables. La presente memoria investiga sobre las plantaciones de tunales como fuente de materia prima para la generación de biogás, así como también estima su potencial de producción en el norte chico de Chile.
El biogás es una alternativa energética para el sector agropecuario, el cual es obtenido mediante bioprocesos de fermentación de diversos residuos y desechos que se producen diariamente. Además de generarse biogás, se obtiene un residuo estabilizado, el cual puede ser incorporado al suelo. Esto constituye una alternativa para las zonas áridas y semiáridas del norte chico de Chile debido a que son suelos pobres en materia orgánica, y por lo tanto, presentan alto grado de deficiencia en sus propiedades físicas, químicas y biológicas, limitando la plantación de cualquier tipo de cultivo.
La tuna (Opuntia ficus indica) es una especie que se adapta fácilmente a este tipo de situaciones, ya que logra modificarse según características del terreno y del clima del sector. Un ejemplo es la forma de su tallo que se modifica de acuerdo al manejo cultural que se le otorgue y según el clima. Posee un sistema radical superficial carnoso que favorece la absorción de agua que se encuentre cercana a la superficie. Su metabolismo CAM le permite adaptarse a sequías, permaneciendo sus estomas cerrados durante todo el día y toda la noche y a lluvias, abriendo sus estomas bien temprano en la mañana.
Otra característica importante de esta especie es la gran cantidad de biomasa que genera, llegando a producir 30ton/ha en condiciones de buen manejo cultural y buena disponibilidad de agua. Es por esta característica y por el potencial de generación de biogás que se considera una buena alternativa para el norte chico de Chile. Referente a la elección del digestor a utilizar, ésta dependerá del uso que se le quiera dar y de las condiciones económicas que se tengan. Se tienen estimaciones de la producción de biogás en el norte chico de Chile del orden de 13.406,4m3/kg/día de biogás. Esto se puede mejorar a través de la inclusión de otros residuos presentes en la zona que permitan modificar algunos parámetros determinantes en la generación de biogás. / Renewable energies have reached importance in the past years, not only on a national scale, but also on a global one, finding new applications for the use of renewable energies. This project investigates about prickly plantations as main source for the production of biogas and their energy potential for northern Chile.
Biogas is an energy alternative for the agricultural sector and is obtained by fermentation processes of different wastes produced daily. Besides the generation of biogas it is also possible to obtain a stabilized waste that can be incorporated on the soil, meaning an alternative for the dry and semi dry zones of the northern Chile. Because their soil is poor in organic matter content, therefore, presents deficient chemical, physical and biological properties. This makes difficult the implementation of any type of crops.
The prickly pear (Opuntia ficus indica) adapts easily to the previous conditions, because it is possible to modify it according to the features of the land and the weather. In example, the form of the stem varies depending on the cultural management and the weather conditions. The specie possesses a superficial fleshy root system that facilitates the absorption of water on the surface. Also, the CAM metabolism allows the adaptability to drought and rains, by closing the stomatas during day and night, and opening them early in the morning.
Another important feature of this specie is the biomass production, reaching around 30 ton/ha with good cultural management and water availability. For this reason and for the potential to produce biogas it is considered a good alternative for the northern Chile. To define the best biodigestor to use, this will depend on the use and the costs associated. The estimation of biogas production in the northern Chile is 13.406,4 4 m3/kg/d. This result can be improved adding other wastes produced in the area that allows change some parameters relevant for the production of biogas.
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