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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comportement hydromécanique de matériaux constitutifs de plateformes ferroviaires anciennes / Hydromechanical behavior of constituent materials of track bed of existing railway lines

Trinh, Viet Nam 20 January 2011 (has links)
Le présent travail étudie le comportement couplé hydromécanique de la couche intermédiaire des plates-formes ferroviaires anciennes. L'objectif principal est de vérifier le fonctionnement des plates-formes sans drainage et d'optimiser les travaux de modernisation de voies anciennes en déblai. Premièrement, les essais d'identification ont été réalisés sur les matériaux prélevés sur le site de Sénissiat. Les résultats ont montré que le sol de la couche intermédiaire de ce site présente une granulométrie bien étalée de 0 à 63 mm et une densité très élevée (d = 2,39 Mg/m3). Deuxièmement, une nouvelle colonne d'infiltration et un moule de compression de 300 mm de diamètre ont été développés permettant d'étudier le comportement hydraulique de la couche intermédiaire. Une faible perméabilité (ks  2,2.10-7 m/s) de cette couche a été estimée à partir des résultats expérimentaux. Troisièmement, une étude expérimentale sur le comportement mécanique de la couche intermédiaire a été réalisée. Cette étude a mis en évidence l'influence marquée de la teneur en eau sur le comportement mécanique de la couche intermédiaire. Un modèle de fatigue avec prise en compte de l'influence du nombre de cycles, du niveau de contrainte appliqué et de l'état hydrique a été élaboré en se basant sur les résultats expérimentaux. Finalement, les mesures de succion, de température et de paramètres météorologiques ont été réalisées sur les plates-formes en déblai sans drainage du site de Moulin Blanc pour compléter l'étude du comportement des plates-formes sans drainage. Une analyse globale des résultats obtenus au laboratoire avec les mesures in-situ a montré que la décision de ne pas mettre en place un dispositif de drainage devra être assortie de justificatifs permettant de s'assurer de la limitation de la teneur en eau de la couche intermédiaire, en se basant sur une étude approfondie sur le cycle d'eau pour chaque site concerné / The present work deals with the coupled hydro-mechanical behaviour of the blanket layer of the old railway trackbed. The main aim is to check the operation of the trackbed without drainage and to optimize the works of modernization of old railway in cutting. Firstly, identification tests were carried out on materials taken from the site of Sénissiat. The results showed that the blanket layer soil of this site is well graded from 0 to 63 mm and has a very high density (d = 2.39 Mg/m3). Secondly, an infiltration column of 300 mm in diameter were developed to study the hydraulic behaviour of the blanket layer. A low hydraulic conductivity (ks  2.2x10-7 m/s) of this layer was estimated according to the experimental results. Thirdly, an experimental study on the mechanical behaviour of the blanket layer was performed. This study shows a significant effect of the water content on the mechanical behaviour of the blanket layer. A permanent deformation model accounting for the influence of loading cycles, loading level and hydric state was elaborated based on the experimental results. Finally, the measurements of suction, temperature and weather parameters were carried out in a cutting without drainage at the site of Moulin Blanc to complete the study of the behaviour of the trackbed without drainage. A global analysis of the laboratory results with in-situ measurements shows that the decision regarding the setup of the drainage system required to establish justifications showing limited effects of the water content, based on a in-depth study on the water cycle for each site concerned

Concepção e avaliação do desempenho de um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo dotado de agitação com jatos e decantador de alta taxa tratando esgoto sanitário / Design and performance evaluation of an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket provided with agitation jets and high rate sedimentation treating domestic sewage

Silva, Rodrigo Soares Garcia da 24 April 2015 (has links)
Os reatores UASB (upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors) foram um marco histórico no tratamento de efluentes ao propiciar alta retenção de sólidos e boa mistura entre biomassa e afluente. Apesar de os reatores com a concepção original dos UASB serem usados com sucesso em muitas estações de tratamento de esgoto, algumas questões relacionadas a sua operação, construção e manutenção ainda prevalecem. Sendo assim, novas configurações baseadas na concepção tradicional de reatores de manta de lodo podem simbolizar novas tentativas para sanar essas questões. Neste contexto, uma configuração que emprega manta de lodo, objetivando principalmente a eliminação dos separadores trifásicos e adoção mistura com jatos, é aqui proposta, almejando simplificar a distribuição/mistura do esgoto afluente. A pesquisa foi, assim, realizada primeiramente em escala de bancada para determinar do gradiente de velocidade médio necessário para suspensão de sólidos, resultando em valores favoráveis de até 20 s-1. Na segunda fase, uma instalação piloto de 2,69 m3, construída em acrílico, foi utilizada para o estudo das características do jato e dos bocais, e do regime de mistura proporcionado pelo mesmo. Com auxílio das informações obtidas na primeira e segunda fases, a terceira fase do experimento abrangeu a reforma de um reator UASB tradicional, em escala piloto de 20,8 m3, para a implantação desse novo sistema de tratamento: removeram-se os sistemas para coleta de gases e de distribuição de fundo e implantou-se alimentação intermitente por meio de jatos, além de unidade de decantador de alta taxa. Em essência, o novo sistema foi dividido em duas zonas distintas: uma para as reações e outra provida de decantação laminar para a remoção de sólidos suspensos. Na primeira zona, a entrada de esgoto sanitário deu-se por meio de bocal que proporcionou jato para mistura da manta de lodo através da carga manométrica fornecida por reservatório elevado. A velocidade de entrada no reator e o alcance do jato puderam ser determinados, constatando-se que o número de pontos de entrada no reator pode ser reduzido (em relação ao número de pontos recomendados tradicionalmente: 2 a 4 m2, por ponto). O gradiente de velocidade aplicado durante cada jato (com 30 segundos de duração) foi de 16,6 s-1. Para o reator da terceira fase, na fase estável da operação, obteve-se eficiência de remoção de 52,79%, 70,90 % e 47,00% para DQO, DBO e SST, respectivamente. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se o uso de filtro rápido de camada única de areia para o pós-tratamento do efluente do reator anaeróbio, cujas remoções de DQO, SST e Turbidez (para taxa de aplicação de 100 m3.m-2.dia-1) foram de 54,94%, 84,44% e 81,71% respectivamente. Concluiu-se, desta forma, a viabilidade da operação do reator de manta de lodo com alimentação intermitente e sem necessidade de instalação do sistema separador trifásico. / In spite of reactors with the original design of UASB are successfully used in many wastewater treatment plants, some issues regarding the operation, construction and maintenance of these reactors still prevail. Thus, new configurations based on the traditional conception of sludge blanket reactors may signify new tries to solve these issues. In this context, this research proposes a new configuration, using sludge blanket, mainly aiming at the elimination of the three-phase separators and adoption of a mixture through jets in order to simplify distribution / mixing of the influent. Therefore firstly a bench scale study was conducted to determine the required average velocity gradient for suspension of solids, resulting in favorable values up to 20 s-1. In the second phase, a 2.69 m3 pilot plant was built in acrylic to study the characteristics of the jet and the nozzles, and the resulting mixing state. After this stage, and with the contribution of information obtained in the earlier stages, a traditional pilotscale UASB reactor of 20.8 m3 was adapted for the implementation of this new treatment system: the systems for gas collection and distribution of background were removed, and a high-rate sedimentation unit and intermittently feed through jets were introduced. In essence, the new system has been divided into two distinct zones: one for reactions and other provided of laminar decantation to remove suspended solids. In the reaction zone the entry of sewage was given through jet for mixing the sludge blanket. The mixing energy was provided by jet stemmed on an elevated tank, where the sewer was accumulated. The jet range and entry velocity into the reactor could be determined, noting that the number of entry points in the reactor can be reduced (relative to the number of points traditionally recommended: 2 to 4 m2 per point). The velocity gradient applied during each jet (with a 30 seconds duration) was 16.6 s-1. The pilot-scale reactor (third phase), in stable-phase operation, got a removal efficiency of 52.79%, 70.90% and 47.00% for COD, BOD and TSS, respectively. Additionally, were evaluated the use of unique coating rapid sand filter to the post-treatment of the effluent in the anaerobic reactor. The removals obtained for COD, TSS and Turbidity (for application rate of 100 m3.m-2.dia-1) were 54.94%, 84.44% and 81.71% respectively. It was concluded, therefore, the viability of the sludge blanket reactor operation with intermittent feed and without threephase separator system installation.

Design and performance evaluation of an anaerobic sludge blanket reactor with mechanical mixing system and a high-rate settler treating domestic wastewater / Concepção e avaliação do desempenho de um reator anaeróbio de manta de lodo dotado de agitador mecânico e decantador de alta taxa tratando esgoto sanitário

Pessotto, Bruno 24 April 2015 (has links)
The UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor, developed by Prof. Gatze Lettinga and his colleagues in the Netherlands more than thirty years ago, is successfully employed in many sewage treatment plants in countries with tropical and subtropical climate. However, are still reported serious operational issues related to the three-phase separators and problematic aspects involving the complexity of its influent distribution system. The focus of this research was to simplify the introduction and dispersion of the sewage in the reactor as well as enhancing the sludge retention, by replacing the characteristic piping system for a mechanical mixing apparatus and substituting the (conventional) three-phase separators by a high-rate settler, respectively. In essence, it was proposed a system partitioned into two distinct regions: one for reaction (i.e. anaerobic digestion of organic matter), in which the sludge blanket was mechanically mixed through the action of a rotating impeller, and another for the removal of suspended solids by the use of a lamella plate clarifier; a sludge recirculation system was also implanted, to pump the settled biomass back to the digestion compartment. The research was subdivided into three main phases: in the first two phases, bench-scale experiments were performed in order to obtain basic data for the design of the mechanical mixing and sedimentation devices, while the third phase consisted of the application of these technologies in a pilot-scale system with total volume of 20.8 m3 (comprised of a 17.0 m3 digestion chamber and a 3.8 m3 compartment for solids removal), as well as its performance assessment. During the development of the research, domestic sewage was applied to feed the experimental system, which was located at the School of Engineering of São Carlos (Campus I) in São Carlos (São Paulo State, Brazil). Throughout the period of effective operation, which lasted 130 days, four distinct operating modes were tested (characterized by intermittent mixing and varying hydraulic loading rates, ranging between 27.6 and 66.5 m3.d-1) and the system reached maximum removal efficiencies of BOD, COD and TSS at rates of 82%, 72% and 83%, respectively. The high-rate settler presented an impressive efficiency removing suspended solids (rates up to 98%). The research showed that the new \"Anaerobic Activated Sludge Blanket\" system (A2SB) can provide satisfactory performance even operating without the three-phase separator and influent distribution system. / O reator UASB, desenvolvido pelo Prof. Gatze Lettinga e colaboradores na Holanda há mais de trinta anos, é utilizado com sucesso em muitas estações de tratamento de esgoto sanitário em países de clima tropical e subtropical. Entretanto, ainda são relatadas sérias questões operacionais relacionadas aos separadores trifásicos e aspectos problemáticos envolvendo a complexidade de seu sistema de distribuição do esgoto afluente. O foco da presente pesquisa foi o de simplificar a distribuição e dispersão do esgoto no reator, assim como aprimorar a retenção de lodo, mediante substituição do sistema convencional de tubos por misturador mecânico e do (tradicional) separador trifásico por decantador de alta taxa, respectivamente. Em essência, propôs-se reator dividido em duas regiões distintas: uma para reação (i.e. digestão anaeróbia da matéria orgânica), na qual a manta de lodo foi agitada mecanicamente através do movimento rotacional de um impelidor, e outra, para remoção de sólidos suspensos mediante uso de decantador com placas paralelas; um sistema de recirculação do lodo também foi implantado, para bombear a biomassa sedimentada até o compartimento de digestão. A pesquisa foi subdividida em três fases: nas duas primeiras, experimentos em escala de bancada foram realizados visando obtenção de dados básicos para dimensionamento dos sistemas de agitação e de decantação, enquanto que a terceira fase consistiu na aplicação dessas tecnologias em sistema de tratamento, em escala piloto, com volume útil total de 20,8 m3 (composto por uma câmara de digestão de 17,0 m3 e um compartimento de 3,8 m3 para remoção de sólidos), assim como na análise de seu desempenho. Durante a pesquisa, esgoto sanitário foi utilizado para alimentar o sistema experimental, instalado na Escola de Engenharia de São Carlos. Ao longo do período de operação, que durou 130 dias, quatro condições operacionais foram testadas (caracterizadas pela agitação intermitente e diferentes taxas de carregamento hidráulico, que variaram entre 27,6 e 66,5 m3.d-1) e o sistema alcançou eficiências de remoção máxima para DBO, DQO e SST de 82%, 72% e 83%, respectivamente. O decantador de alta taxa apresentou surpreendente eficiência de remoção de sólidos suspensos (taxas de até 98%). A pesquisa demonstrou que o novo sistema A2SB (Anaerobic Activated Sludge Blanket) pode apresentar desempenhos satisfatórios, mesmo operando sem separador trifásico e sistema de distribuição do esgoto afluente.

Comportamento de reator UASB sem separador trifásico no tratamento de esgoto sanitário. / Behavior of UASB reactor without three-phase separator in the sewage treatment.

Camargo, Bruno Martins de 05 September 2016 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi a avaliação das características operacionais de um reator UASB sem o dispositivo de coleta de gás (separador trifásico) e sem o anteparo retentor de escuma posicionado próximo à canaleta de coleta do efluente. A motivação para esta pesquisa foi o interesse manifestado pelas companhias de saneamento em aplicar esta simplificação, que poderá implicar em economia na implantação dos reatores e praticamente na eliminação da necessidade de remoção de escuma. Utilizou-se um reator UASB com tais simplificações com volume útil de 24,5 m3 e estabeleceu-se uma estratégia operacional com aumento gradual da vazão de alimentação, compondo quatro fases de operação, com tempos de retenção hidráulica respectivamente de 16, 12, 10 e 8 horas. As vazões foram mantidas constantes em cada fase, com exceção da última, em que se impôs dois picos de vazão ao longo dia. O reator manteve-se operando com eficiências médias de remoção de DQO total, respectivamente, de 65,9%, 60,3%, 48,7% e 15,0%. De modo geral, pode-se afirmar que o reator piloto não apresentou o desempenho esperado, em termos de remoção de matéria orgânica, para TDH de 8 horas. Quanto ao perfil de sólidos no manto de lodo, nas duas primeiras etapas (TDH de 16 e 12 horas), o teor de sólidos daquele foi elevado, mas reduziu-se drasticamente a partir da etapa com TDH de 10 horas. Na última etapa, o comportamento da manta de lodo foi pouco previsível, observando-se progressivo arraste de sólidos do reator. Em função da grande perda de sólidos, acredita-se que o artifício empregado possa ser utilizado com melhor desempenho com a implantação de um decantador a jusante do reator ou mediante a aplicação de um pós-tratamento que garanta a recuperação dos sólidos perdidos (por exemplo, lodos ativados). Outra alternativa é a própria substituição do UASB pelo decantador primário antes de um pós-tratamento aeróbio. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the operational characteristics of a UASB reactor without the gas collection device (three phase separator) and without the scum retainer screen positioned near the effluent collection channel. The motivation for this research was the interest shown by sanitation companies to apply this simplification, which can result in savings in the implementation of the reactors and practically in eliminating the need of scum removal. An UASB reactor was used with such simplifications with a volume of 24.5 m3 and an operational strategy was established with gradual increase of the feed flow, consisting of four operating phases, with hydraulic retention times, respectively, of 16, 12, 10 and 8 hours. The flows were kept constants at each operating phase, except the last, which was imposed two peak flows throughout the day. The reactor was kept operating with efficiency of COD removal, respectively, of 65.9%, 60.3%, 48.7% and 15,0%. Generally, the pilot reactor had not the expected performance in removal of organic matter, with hydraulic retention time of 8 hours. In the first two fases (HDT of 16 and 12 hours), solid\'s content in sludge blanket was high, but had reduced significantly from the second fase, with 10 hours of HDT. In the last fase, the sludge blanket behavior was bit predictable, with progressive drag of solids from reactor. Because of high solids loss, it is believed that the applied device can be used with better performance with the implantation of a settler after the reactor or a post-treatment that ensures the lost solids recovery (for example, activated sludge). Another alternative is the replacement of UASB by the primary clarifier before aerobic post-treatment.

Picnic in paradise : blootstelling van een onschuldig plekje : an exegesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Fine Arts at Massey University, Wellington, New Zealand

van Beek, Hanne January 2009 (has links)
The picnic blanket, as a textile object, is infused with meaning by its colonial history and its inherent use. Its purpose goes beyond providing a soft and dry surface to sit on. By putting down your picnic blanket you can temporarily stake your claim on that piece of land. We might consider the picnic blanket as a private haven in a public space. The cross-over between private and public space is a dynamic environment that is established by continually interacting and adapting. By collaborating with others in a space everyone can gain some ownership of that space. Using the picnic blanket as vehicle for investigation, I explore the boundaries of private and public space. Through linking the history of picnicking with the Sublime and particularly the Female Sublime, I establish its significance and the fact that it provides a gendered space. With the help of Marcuse’s ideas on the ‘natural state’ I define the private sphere as a state of mind. I then look at that notion in relation to public space. The appropriation of public pace as described by De Certeau and the appropriation of mind space as described by Foucault set up a dynamic field by which private space is surrounded. The social navigation of our environment is the constant consideration of willingness to collaborate. It is something we are all part of, some readily, some trying to resist. Returning to Marcuse, I examine ways in which the private mind space can be preserved. It is the notion of innocence, a state of mind from before ‘the fall’, that Marcuse and others indicate as providing a barrier against surplus repression of societal judgement. The question is how to maintain this innocence. My personal investigation of innocence, which is presented in this exegesis through narrative, runs parallel to my practice.

Anaerobic Treatment Of Dilute Wastewaters

Ener Alptekin, Emel 01 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, domestic wastewater was used to determine the anaerobic treatment performances of a dilute wastewater in one-phase upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) system and two-phase upflow anaerobic filter (UAF) and UASB system. The acidification performances of domestic wastewater were compared in UAF and UASB reactors. The degree of acidification is higher in UAF reactor (31%) compared to UASB reactor (18%) at 2 h hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the anaerobic treatment of domestic wastewaters. The effluent total volatile fatty acid (tVFA) concentration was higher in UAF reactor than that the UASB reactor at 2 h HRT. The total chemical oxygen demand (tCOD) removal is 40% in winter and 53% in summer in UAF reactor at 2 h HRT. The tCOD removals in two-phase UAF and UASB system and one-phase UASB system were 83% and 63%, respectively, in 4 h HRT. The conversion rate of COD removed to methane were between 0.005 and 0.067 Nm3 methane/kg COD removed and between 0.158 and 0.233 Nm3 methane/kg COD removed in the UAF and the UASB reactor of the two-phase system, respectively. The conversion rate of COD removed to methane varied between 0.029 and 0.199 Nm3 methane/kg COD removed in one-phase UASB reactor. The results of this study showed that the two-phase reactor system consisting from UAF and UASB reactors provide a good removal of soluble organics variations in acidification reactor and better methane productions in UASB reactor at temperatures 20&deg / C and 35&deg / C through the treatment of domestic wastewater at a HRT of 4 hours.

Enhancement of the biodegradability of grain distillery wastewater to improve upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor efficiency

Gie, Lowna-Marie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Msc Food Sc (Food Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / The distillery industry generates large volumes of heavily polluted wastewater and thus effective wastewater treatment is essential. It has been reported that a chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction of more than 90% can be achieved when wine distillery wastewater (WDWW) is treated in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor. The first objective of this study was to investigate UASB treatment of WDWW and to try to enhance the efficiency by using ozonation treatments. Secondly, the impact of grain distillery wastewater (GDWW) on UASB granules was determined. The third objective was to determine whether ozonation and enzymatic treatment combinations might improve the biodegradability of GDWW and thus make GDWW more amenable to UASB treatment. It was found that UASB treatment combined with ozonation improved the WDWW treatment efficiency. When diluted WDWW (chemical oxygen demand COD = 4 000 mg.L-1) was ozonated (dose = 47 mg.L-1) in a 50 L venturi circulating contactor system, the COD reduction was 7%. When WDWW was treated in a laboratory-scale UASB reactor (substrate pH = 7.0, COD = 4 000 mg.L-1 and organic loading rate (OLR) = 4.0 kg COD.m-3.d-1), the COD reduction was 92%. When the UASB treatment was combined with either pre- or postozonation, the COD reduction was 94 and 96%, respectively. When UASB treatment was combined with pre- and post-ozonation, a COD reduction of 98% was achieved. The activity of the UASB granules was also found to improve over time, despite the addition of the ozonation treatment. It has been reported that operational problems occur when GDWW is treated in an UASB reactor as a result of the encapsulation of the granules. This was confirmed when granules from a full-scale UASB treating WDWW became encapsulated in a layer after being exposed to GDWW (COD = 4 000 mg.L-1) for 24 d. The results showed that the lipid content of the granules increased from 1.25 to 60.35 mg lipid.g-1 granule over the 24 d exposure period. Therefore, granules exposed to GDWW were encapsulated in a lipid-rich layer and as a result the contact between the GDWW and microbial consortium in the granules was reduced. The operational problems found during the industrial UASB treatment of GDWW were ascribed to the encapsulation of the granules. Combinations of ozonation (dose = 1 476 mg.L-1) generated in a 2 L bubble column and enzymatic treatments (1% FogFreeTM (FF) dosage and 2 d incubation at 35°C) were found to improve the biodegradability of GDWW. This improvement was in terms of lipid reduction in GDWW, granule activity and visual appearance of the encapsulating layer of the granules. The highest lipid reduction (90%), highest granule activity, lowest lipid content of the granules (3.74 ± 0.10 mg.g-1 granule) and best visual appearance were achieved in ozonated GDWW treated with 1% FF, followed by just ozonation. The higher lipid reduction and subsequent higher granule activity were ascribed to the reduction in lipids which resulted in the fact that fewer lipids were available to encapsulate the granules. As a result of the lipid reduction, the granule activity improved and the GDWW was made more amenable to UASB treatment. This study proved that UASB treatment combined with ozonation led to an enhancement of the treatment efficiency of WDWW. It was also found that the cause of the operational problems during UASB treatment of GDWW was as a result of the granules being encapsulated in a lipid-rich layer. It was established that treating GDWW prior to UASB treatment improved the biodegradability of GDWW. The data from the study showed that high lipid reduction in the GDWW directly led to better granule activity, lower granule lipid content and a thinner encapsulating layer. Based on the data from this study, it is recommended that GDWW be ozonated prior to other treatments because it can be done inline and the costs would be lower than that of enzymatic treatments.

Anaerobic bioconversion of the organic fraction from the fruit processing industry

Griessel, Wilmare 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc Food Sc )--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is a developing country that relies heavily on its agricultural sector for economical welfare especially in the Western Cape Province. However, development gives rise to new technologies, new products, economical stability and unfortunately also to the production of larger volumes of liquid and solid waste. Anaerobic composting is becoming a very attractive treatment option for solid waste disposal because of its unique operational advantages and two valueadded by-products, compost and biogas. Over the last decade progress has been made in anaerobic digestion of solid wastes, but no literature could be found on the anaerobic composting of apple and peach pomace. The main objective of this study was to develop a method to anaerobically compost apple and peach pomace. In the first phase important operational parameters were identified and a method was developed to optimise the parameters. In the second phase of the study, the scaling-up and optimisation of the process were the major objectives. During the first phase of this research 2 L modified glass containers were used as composting units. The most important operational parameters (leachate pH, inoculum source and size, and initial moisture levels) were identified. Anaerobic compost from previous tests, brewery granules and anaerobic sludge were also used as inocula and evaluated for the best source of microbes. After optimising all the identified parameters, good results were obtained, which included higher biogas production, good volume reductions, less bad aromas and a compost product with a neutral pH. After developing the 2 L laboratory-scale method to compost the apple pomace anaerobically, the next step was to ascertain if the method would work if larger volumes of solid fruit waste were composted. A special 20 L composting unit made of PVC was designed to suit the operational requirements of the anaerobic composting process. It was also decided to mix apple pomace and peach pulp together and to use this solid waste source as part of the composting substrate. Different inocula, including cattle manure, anaerobic sludge, brewery granules and anaerobic compost produced in the previous tests, were used. Although good results were obtained with the anaerobic compost and cattle manure as inoculum, the aim was also to decrease the composting period by shortening the pH stabilisation period. To achieve this, it was decided to add NaHC03 to the substrate to be composted to facilitate a faster pH stabilisation. The composting period was subsequently shortened to 25 days with satisfactory results, which included a volume reduction, biogas production and faster pH stabilisation. An upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) bioreactor was also used to assist the composting process by facilitating the removal of the VFA's present in the composting leachate. This proved to be a valuable addition to the composting process as the UASB bioreactor also provided the composting units with a 'moisturising liquid', which was 'enriched' with a consortium of active anaerobic bacteria when the effluent from the bioreactor was re-added to the composting units. With all the operational parameters in place, good results were obtained and these included a volume reduction of 60% (m/m), a good biogas production, a composting period of only 25 days, a compost that was free of bad aromas, a final compost pH of > 6.5, final leachate COD values of less than 3 000 rnq.l", and a final leachate VFA's concentration of between 0 and 250 rnq.l". If in future research further scaling-up is to be considered, it is recommended that the composting unit be coupled directly to the UASB bioreactor, thus making the process continuous and more practical to operate. If the operational period of the anaerobic composting set-up could be further shortened and the inoculum adapted so that the process could be used for the treatment of other difficult types of solid wastes, it would probably be advantageous for the fruit processing industry to use this method as an environmental control technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is 'n ontwikkelende land wat baie afhanklik is van die sukses van die landbousektor vir ekonomiese welstand, veral in die Wes Kaap Provinsie. Ontwikkeling gaan gepaard met nuwe tegnologie, nuwe produkte, ekonomiese stabiliteit en daarmee saam gaan die produksie van groter volumes vlooiebare en soliede afvalprodukte. Anaërobiese kompostering is tans besig om opgang te maak as en doeltreffende behandelingstegnologie vir vaste afvalstowwe. Tydens die laaste dekade is baie vooruitgang gemaak in die veld van anaërobiese vertering asook kompostering van afvalmateriaal met en hoë vaste stof inhoud. Anaërobiese kompostering van appel- en perskepulp, afkomstig van die versappingsindustrie, het tot dusver min aandag geniet. Die hoofdoel van hierdie navorsing was om 'n anaërobiese komposterings metode te ontwikkel vir die beheer van vrugte afval om sodoende die basis neer te lê vir en nuwe tegnologie wat baie voordele (biogas en kompos) inhou. In die eerste fase is die belangrikste operationele parameters geïdentifiseer om sodoende beter beheer oor die anaërobiese proses uit te oefen. In die tweede fase is die anaërobiese proses wat gedurende die eerste fase ontwikkel is, opgeskaal om optimum resultate te verkry. Gedurende die eerste fase van hierdie verhandeling was 2 L gemodifiseerde glas houers gebruik as komposteringseenhede. Die belangrikste operasionele parameters (pH beheer, inokulasie grootte, vloeistofvlakke en hoeveelheid vog asook vlugtige vetsuur produksie en verwydering) vir die beheer van die anaërobiese komposteringsproses was geïdentifiseer en gebruik as uitgangspunt om 'n anaërobiese komposteringsmetode te ontwikkel. Anaërobiese slyk, brouery granules en anaërobiese kompos van vorige eksperimente was as inokula gebruik. Gedurende hierdie studies was goeie resultate verkry en het 'n hoë biogas produksie, goeie volume reduksies, vermindering van slegte aromas en kompos met 'n neutrale pH ingesluit. . Nadat hierdie goeie resultate met die 2 L laboratorium-skaal metode verkry was, was groter volumes vaste vrugte afval gebruik om te bepaal of dieselfde metode toegepas kan word op en groter skaal. Spesiale 20 L komposteringseenhede was ontwerp om aan die operasionele vereistes van 'n anaërobiese proses te voldoen. Dit was ook besluit om appel pulp met perske pulp te meng en te gebruik as deel van die komposteringssubstraat. Verskeie inokula was weereens gebruik en het die volgende ingesluit: vars beesmis, anaërobiese slyk, brouery granules en anaërobiese kompos van vorige eksperimente. Hoewel baie goeie resultate met vars beesmis en anaërobiese kompos as inokula verkry was, was 'n volgende doel gewees om die kompoterings tydperk te verkort deur die pH vinniger te stabiliseer. Daar was besluit om NaHC03 by die komposteringssubstraat te voeg en so 'n vinniger pH stabilisasie te fasiliteer. 'n UASB ('upflow anaerobic sludge blanket') bioreaktor was ook gebruik om die komposteringsproses aan te help deur die vlugtige vetsure wat in die kompostloog teenwoordig was, te verwyder. Die insluiting van die bioreaktor in die anaërobiese komposteringsproses het bygedra tot die sukses van die proses deurdat die uitvloeisel as 'n vogmiddel vir die komposteringseenhede gebruik was en 'n konsortium van aktiewe anaërobiese bakterieë bevat het. Nadat al die operationele parameters in plek was, was goeie resultate bereik en het die volgende ingesluit: 'n volume reduksie van 60% (m/m), goeie biogas produksie, 'n komposteringstyd van 25 dae, 'n kompos wat vry was van slegste aromas, 'n finale kompos pH van >6.5, finale loog CSB van <3 000 rnq.l' en 'n finale vetsuur konsentrasie van tussen 0 en 250 mq.l'. lndien verdere navorsing onderneem word, word dit aanbeveel dat die UASB bioreaktor direk aan die komposteringseenheid gekoppel word om sodoende die proses meer aaneenlopend en die proses prakties makliker uitvoerbaar te maak. Indien die operationele tydperk nog korter gemaak kan word en die inokulum aanpasbaar kan wees om moeilik verteerbare afvalprodukte te akkomodeer, sal hierdie tegnologie baie voordelig wees as 'n metode om omgewingsbesoedeling te beheer

Comfort behaviour in children : a psychological educational perspective

Kalyan, Santosh Vinita 11 1900 (has links)
This study addresses young children's involvement with comfort objects, including why children have them, how they are used, when attachments to such objects are cause for concern and how teachers and parents can respond to promote the young child's development. The child's becoming and development is examined in this study. The researcher also reviews major transitional object theories in terms of origin, development and psychological meaning. This study aims to explore this phenomenon from a psychological - educational perspective and to formulate a set of guidelines for parents and professionals whose children use comfort behaviour. Information was collated from case studies, a questionnaire and a detailed study of literature. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Avaliação do desempenho de um reator anaeróbio compartimentado no tratamento de esgoto doméstico

Sato, Cibele Midori [UNESP] 06 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-03T11:52:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2013-09-06Bitstream added on 2015-03-03T12:06:23Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 000807962.pdf: 904239 bytes, checksum: 57c69c216cd1bad8465976c2fad345c9 (MD5) / A aplicação de reatores UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) passou a ocupar uma posição de destaque, principalmente no Brasil, face às condições ambientais de temperatura favoráveis, baixo custo, simplicidade operacional e baixa produção de sólidos. Com o intuito de aprimorá-lo, este estudo aliou as características construtivas e operacionais destes reatores com as dos Reatores Anaeróbios Compartimentados (RAC), caracterizados por oferecerem a possibilidade de separação das fases que ocorrem na digestão anaeróbia e o aumento do tempo de contato entre a biomassa e o efluente. Assim, foi projetado e construído um reator vertical, contendo dois tubos concêntricos em seu interior, visando à separação das etapas acidogênica e metanogênica, a partir da cinética de crescimento dos microrganismos presentes. A pesquisa teve como objetivo principal estudar o comportamento e avaliar o desempenho do reator UASB compartimentado sob nova configuração, no período de partida e operação, tratando esgoto doméstico. O monitoramento do sistema foi dividido em duas etapas: partida e operação. Durante a partida, os valores de pH e alcalinidade mantiveram-se estáveis dentro de uma faixa adequada. Os resultados apresentados durante seu monitoramente indicaram ainda, que o inóculo utilizado promoveu condições adequadas para a partida do reator, com remoção média de DQO de 53,8%, chegando a atingir 82,8% ao final desta etapa. Na segunda etapa de monitoramento, ocorreram diversos problemas relacionados à operação do sistema, ocasionando sua paralisação durante alguns dias. Os valores de pH encontraram-se dentro da faixa adequada, contudo, a alcalinidade sofreu variações quando houve interrupção no sistema. A remoção de matéria orgânica apresentou-se estável, mesmo após tais interrupções, com eficiência média de remoção de 80% para a DQO e 78% para a DBO. Além disso, ambas chegaram a alcançar 90% na ... / Application of UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) reactor has come to occupy a prominent position, especially in Brazil, due to favorable climatic conditions, low cost, operational simplicity and low production solids. In order to improve it, this study combined constructional and operational features of these reactors with the Compartmented Anaerobic Reactor (CAR), characterized by offering the possibility of phase separation occurring in the anaerobic digestion and increase the contact time between the biomass and effluent. Thus a vertical reactor was designed and constructed containing two concentric tubes inside, in order to separate the acidogenic and methanogenic steps from the kinetics of growth of microrganisms present. The research aimed to study the behavior and evaluate the performance of the UASB compartmentalized reactor under new configuration during starting and operation, treating domestic wastewater. The monitoring system was divided into two stages: starting and operating. During the start-up, the values of pH and alkalinity remained stable within a proper range. The results presented during its monitoring also indicated that the inoculum used promoted conditions for starting the reactor, with average COD removal of 53,8%, reaching 82,8% at the end of this step. In the second stage of monitoring, there were several problems related to system operation, causing a stoppage for a few days. The pH values were within the appropriate range, however, the alkalinity variations experienced when there was an interruption in the system. The removal of organic matter remained stable even after such interruption, with average removal efficiency of 80% to 78% for COD and BOD. Moreover, both even reached 90% removal efficiency

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