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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of liberal intakes of calcium or calcium and phosphorus on growth and body calcium ...

Toepfer, Edward William, January 1936 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Columbia University, 1936. / Vita. Bibliography: p. [18].

Reciprocal recurrent selection for body size in the mouse

Newman, J. A. January 1960 (has links)
No description available.

Noble Crayfish (Astacus astacus) in a Changing World : Implications for Management

Zimmerman, Jenny K. M. January 2012 (has links)
The noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) is critically endangered in Sweden. This is mainly due to the crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci), a lethal disease that, among other things, can be spread through the stocking of fish from contaminated water or contaminated fishing gear. The largest single propagation path is the illegal introduction of infected signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus). A conservation measure for crayfish is to re-introduce it to where it has a chance to survive, though a sustainable, locally regulated fishing can also serve as an indirect protection for the species. When the local inhabitants are allowed to keep their fishing culture and when fishing is acceptable, the incentive for illegal stocking of signal crayfish is low. However, it is important to avoid overfishing because the recovery, especially in the northern regions, can take several years. Therefore, it is important to know how crayfish respond long-term to fishing and environmental factors. Crayfish populations became extinct in the River Ljungan for unknown reasons in 1999. The water flow of the river has been used for activities such as fishing, timber transport and hydroelectric power since the 1500s, and the noble crayfish has been part of the fauna since the last century. The River Ljungan was known as one of Sweden's best fishing areas for crayfish and fishing became an important part of the local tradition. When the crayfish populations became extinct, a reintroduction program was a natural step, and crayfish are nowadays re-established in the river. From 1963 to 1990 the Swedish Board of Fisheries collected data from crayfish fishing in the River Ljungan to determine the economic damage to fishery owners caused by the construction of a power plant. After each season the fishermen reported the catch. In this thesis, the data was used to investigate which factors influence the long-term size of the crayfish catch and how the crayfish catches were affected by the power plant building. After re-introduction of the crayfish to the River Ljungan, the local fishermen monitored the population development in a simple, standardized way. To examine the validity of their measurements and to investigate the body growth of the individuals, a capture-recapture technique with a permanent marking of the crayfish was used. The crayfish catches were primarily impacted by the previous years' catch size, and a large catch the previous year resulted in a reduced catch the following year. A mild winter climate (NAO-index > -0.7) six years before the catch implied a large catch, whereas a high water flow during the autumn or spring (>95m3s-1) two years before the catch, implied a poor catch. Major habitat changes in the form of greatly reduced water flow (~90%) were negative for crayfish catches. The standardized method of fishing used by the local fishermen to monitor the development of the crayfish population was precise enough to detect population trends and this method can therefore be recommended to monitor future re-introductions of crayfish. Although the River Ljungan is located at the northern edge of the species' range, noble crayfish in the river presently have a body growth rate that is close to the maximum measured for crayfish (8 mm/moult for females and 10 mm/moult for males). Based on the results, the most important advice for sustainable fisheries in Ljungan and other northern rivers is to: Monitor the population trends, NAO-index and water flow in May and October.  Use the results from the monitoring to determine the number of allowed fishing days and traps. Collect data about the catch size and efforts from legal fishing and use it to evaluate the sustainability of the fishing. Enhance the buildup of the harvestable cohort by -saving reproductive females -introduce a size limit of 10 cm -provide proper shelters for the non-harvestable cohort. / Flodkräftan (Astacus astacus) är akut hotad i Sverige främst på grund av kräftpest (Aphanomyces astaci). Kräftpest är en dödlig sjukdom som bland annat kan spridas vid fiskutsättningar från smittade vatten eller med smittade fiskeredskap. Den enskilt största spridningsvägen är illegala introduktioner av smittade signalkräftor (Pacifastacus leniusculus). En bevarandeåtgärd för flodkräfta är att återintroducera den till lokaler där den har chans att överleva, men ett hållbart fiske med lokal styrning kan också fungera som ett indirekt skydd för arten. När lokalbefolkning tillåts att behålla sin fiskekultur och fisket är bra, blir incitamentet för illegal inplantering av signalkräfta lågt. Men det är viktigt att undvika överfiske då återhämtning, speciellt i nordlig miljö kan ta åtskilliga år. Därför är det betydelsefullt att veta hur flodkräftan svarar på fiske och omgivningsfaktorer i det långa loppet. Flodkräftbeståndet dog, av okänd anledning, ut i Ljungan 1999. I Ljungans flöde har det fiskats, flottats timmer och utvunnits vattenkraft etc. sedan 1600-talet och under det senaste århundradet har flodkräftan varit en del av Ljungans fauna. På sin tid var det en av Sveriges bästa lokaler för flodkräfta. Kräftfisket blev en viktig del av den lokala traditionen, så när kräftbeståndet dog ut var återintroduktion en självklarhet och flodkräftan har åter sin hemvist i älven. Under perioden 1963 till och med 1990 samlade Fiskeriverket in data från kräftfisket i Ljungan för att fastställa den ekonomiska skadan som fiskerättsägarna åsamkats i samband med ett kraftverksbygge. Efter varje säsong fick fiskarna rapportera hur fisket gått. I den här avhandlingen, har det materialet använts för att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar kräftfångstens storlek på lång sikt och hur kräftfångsterna påverkades av kraftverksutbyggnaden. Efter återintroduktionen av flodkräfta till Ljungan mättes beståndsutvecklingen på ett enkelt, men standardiserat sätt av de lokala fiskevårdsområdena. För att undersöka validiteten av deras mätningar och hur kräftornas individuella utveckling fortskred, användes fångst- och återfångstteknik, med permanent märkning av kräftorna. Kräftfångsternas storlek påverkades främst av tidigare års fångststorlek; en stor fångst föregående år innebar minskad fångst följande år. Ett milt vinterklimat (NAO-index > -0.7) sex år före fångst innebar bättre fångster, medan höga vattenflöden höst och vår (>95m3s-1) två år före fångsttillfället innebar sämre fångst. Större habitatförändringar i form av kraftigt reducerade vattenflöden (~90%) var negativt för kräftfångsterna. Den standardiserade metoden som fiskevårdsområdena använt för att mäta beståndsutvecklingen var tillräckligt precis för att påvisa populationsutvecklingen och kan därför rekommenderas också för uppföljning av andra återintroduktioner av flodkräfta. Trots att Ljungan ligger i norra kanten av flodkräftans utbredningsområde har flodkräftorna i Ljungan för närvarande en kroppstillväxt som är nära den maximala som uppmätts för flodkräfta (8 mm/ömsning för honor och 10 mm/ömsning för hannar). Utifrån resultaten är de viktigaste råden för ett hållbart fiske i Ljungan och andra nordliga vattendrag att: Övervaka kräftstammens utveckling, NAO-index samt vattenflöde i maj och oktober.  Använda resultaten från övervakningen för att bestämma antalet tillåtna fiskedagar och burar. Samla in data om fångststorlek och hur många burnätter som faktiskt gjordes under säsongen. Använda data för att utvärdera fiskets hållbarhet. Stärka uppbyggnaden av den fångstbara storleken genom att -spara reproduktiva honor -införa en storleksgräns på 10 cm -tillse att det finns gömslen för kräftor av icke-fångstbar storlek.

Exigências de energia, proteína, cálcio e fósforo para mantença e ganho de cordeiros corriedale / Requirements of energy, protein, calcium and phosphorus for mantenance and gain of lambs corriedale

Martins, Andressa Ana 29 March 2017 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This project aims to determine the body composition and to estimate the nutritional requirements of energy, protein, calcium and phosphorus for maintenance and weight gain of Corriedale lambs. The experiment was carried out at the Sheep Laboratory of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. The total of 42 Corriedale male lambs were castrated, weaned at 50 days of age and confined in individual stalls (2 m²). The diet was composed of sorghum silage (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench), corn grain (Zea mays L.), soybean meal (Glycine max L.) and mineral mixture, being calculated to meet the requirements of crude protein, metabolizable energy and macrominerals recommended by the NRC (2007), to gain 0.200 kg daily. After 14 days to adapt the animals to the experimental conditions, six lambs were randomly drawn and slaughtered. Among the remaining, 24 animals were fed ad libitum and slaughtered at 28, 33 or 38 kg of live weight (PV), and 12 animals were submitted to two levels of food supply (70 and 55% of consumption ad libitum). The slaughter of the latter was carried out together with those fed ad libitum and slaughtered at 38 kg of BW. Eight groups of the body components were constituted, 1: internal organs; 2: treatment; 3: internal fat; 4: blood; 5: edible portion; 6: skin; 7: wool and 8: small portions of bones, which, after grinding in an electric meat grinder, 0.5 kg samples were stored for further laboratory analysis. In these samples the body contents of nitrogen, fat, energy, calcium and phosphorus were determined. These data were submitted to regression analysis. The remaining six lambs were submitted to a digestibility test, under a 3x3 Latin Quadrado, with the objective of evaluating the nutritional value of the diet under the different levels of consumption. Daily samples were collected in the collection period, leftovers, faeces and urine, these composed by animal and stored for later laboratory analysis. Body composition ranged from 204.05 to 208.23 g protein, 101.17 to 175.72 g fat and 2106.8 to 2826.21 kcal energy per kg body weight (EBW). The requirement of maintenance net energy, represented by fasting heat production, was 61.65 kcal/kg EBW0.75. The requirements of metabolizable energy for gain were between 409 and 1105 kcal/day for lambs from 28 to 38 kg of BW. The endogenous nitrogen excretion was 279.9 mg/kg BW0.75/day, which corresponded to the requirement of liquid protein for maintenance of 1.75 g/kg BW0.75/day. The requirements of metabolizable protein for weight gain of lambs with 28 and 38 kg of BW and average daily gain of 250 g were 43,35 and 38,75 g/day. Body composition ranged from 16.83 to 16.49 g of calcium and 4.69 to 4.64 g of phosphorus per kg of EBW. The net maintenance requirements for animals between 28 and 38 kg live weight were 450 mg Ca/day and 329 mg P/day. Dietary requirements were from 7.05 to 6.93 g/day of calcium and 4.14 to 4.11 g/day of phosphorus for Corriedale lambs, from 28 to 38 kg of BW, gaining 200 g/day. / Este projeto tem como objetivo determinar a composição corporal e estimar as exigências nutricionais de energia, proteína, cálcio e fósforo para mantença e ganho de peso de cordeiros da raça Corriedale. O experimento foi realizado no Laboratório de Ovinocultura da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Foram utilizados 42 cordeiros da raça Corriedale, machos castrados, desmamados, aos 50 dias de idade e confinados em baias individuais (2 m²). A dieta foi constituída por silagem de sorgo (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench), grão de milho (Zea mays L.), farelo de soja (Glycine max L.) e mistura mineral, sendo calculada para atender às exigências de proteína bruta, energia metabolizável e macrominerais preconizadas pelo NRC (2007), para ganho de 0,200 kg diários. Após 14 dias para adaptação dos animais às condições experimentais, seis cordeiros foram aleatoriamente sorteados e abatidos. Dentre os remanescentes, 24 animais foram alimentados ad libitum e abatidos aos 28, 33 ou 38 kg de peso vivo (PV), e 12 animais foram submetidos a dois níveis de oferta de alimento (70 e 55% do consumo ad libitum). O abate dos últimos foi realizado juntamente com aqueles alimentados ad libitum e abatidos aos 38 kg de PV. Foram constituídos oito grupos dos componentes corporais, 1: órgãos internos; 2: trato; 3: gordura interna; 4: sangue; 5: porção comestível; 6: pele; 7: lã e 8: pequenas porções de ossos, os quais, após trituração em moedor de carnes elétrico, foram armazenadas amostras de 0,5 kg para posteriores análises laboratoriais. Nessas amostras foram determinados os conteúdos corporais de nitrogênio, gordura, energia, cálcio e fósforo. Estes dados foram submetidos à análise de regressão. Os seis cordeiros restantes foram submetidos a um ensaio de digestibilidade, sob delineamento Quadrado Latino 3x3, com o objetivo de avaliar o valor nutricional da dieta sob os distintos níveis de consumo. Foram coletadas amostras diárias no período de coleta, das sobras, fezes e urina, estas compostas por animal e armazenadas para posteriores análises laboratoriais. A composição corporal variou de 204,05 a 208,23 g de proteína, 101,17 a 175,72 g de gordura e 2106,8 a 2826,21 kcal de energia por kg de peso de corpo vazio (PCV). A exigência de energia líquida de mantença, representada pela produção de calor em jejum, foi de 61,65 kcal/ kg PCV0,75. As exigências de energia metabolizável para ganho ficaram entre 409 e 1105 kcal/dia para cordeiros dos 28 aos 38 kg de PV. A excreção endógena de nitrogênio foi de 279,9 mg/kg PV0,75/dia, o que correspondeu a exigência de proteína líquida para mantença de 1,75 g/kg PV0,75/dia. As exigências de proteína metabolizável para ganho de peso de cordeiros com 28 e 38 kg de PV e ganho médio diário de 250 g, foram de 43,35 e 38,75 g/dia. A composição corporal variou de 16,83 a 16,49 g de cálcio e 4,69 a 4,64 g de fósforo por kg de PCV. As exigências líquidas de mantença, para animais entre 28 e 38 kg de peso vivo, foram 450 mg de Ca/dia e 329 mg de P/dia. As exigências dietéticas foram de 7,05 a 6,93 g/dia de cálcio e 4,14 a 4,11 g/dia de fósforo para cordeiros Corriedale, dos 28 aos 38 Kg de PV, com ganho de 200 g/dia.

Efeito da água magnetizada sobre os parâmetros reprodutivos, zootécnicos e temperatura corporal em (Bos taurus indicus) / Effect of Magnetized Water on Reproductive, Zootechnic and Body Temperature Materials (Bos Taurus Indicus)

ANDRADE, I. B. 17 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Adriana Martinez (amartinez@unoeste.br) on 2017-06-01T14:42:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Isamara.pdf: 1900151 bytes, checksum: bf2306ee5b36c025c99dadb0b3ed1c84 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-01T14:42:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Isamara.pdf: 1900151 bytes, checksum: bf2306ee5b36c025c99dadb0b3ed1c84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-17 / The objective of this study was to study the influence of magnetized water intake on body weight gain, body morphometry and reproductive system, semen characteristics and body and scrotal area temperatures with digital infrared thermography in young Nellore bulls in extensive management and In confinement. Twenty bulls with initial age of 14 months were used, divided into two groups: Treated - water ingestion treated by magnetic field; And Control - drinking water intake. Four collections were made, 2 in extensive management (14 and 18 months of age) and 2 in confinement (20 and 21 months of age), in which they were measured: climatic factors, rectal temperature, body weight, wither height, Length, width and height of the testicles, semen collection and infrared digital thermography of the eyeball, mufla, flank, ischium and scrotum. It was concluded that the intake of water treated by magnetic field was not efficient in relation to weight gain in pasture and in confinement, as well as for body morphometry and reproductive system. In confinement, there was also no influence of water treated by magnetic field on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the semen. Digital infrared thermography proved to be effective for measuring body and scrotal areas, where the grazing group treated with magnetic field water showed higher temperatures for the ocular globe, mufla, flank and ischium. For the scrotal pouch, the pasture, the temperature of the spermatic cord and testis were higher in the treated group; And in confinement, the temperature of the testes and tail of the epididymis were higher in the group with drinking water intake. / Objetivou-se estudar a influência da ingestão da água magnetizada no ganho de peso corpóreo, morfometria corpórea e do aparelho reprodutor, características do sêmen e temperaturas de áreas do corpo e escroto com termografia digital de infravermelho em touros jovens da raça Nelore em manejo extensivo e em confinamento. Foram utilizados 20 touros com idade inicial de 14 meses, divididos em dois grupos: Tratado - ingestão de água tratada por campo magnético; e Controle - ingestão de água potável. Foram realizadas 4 coletas sendo 2 em manejo extensivo (14 e 18 meses de idade) e 2 em confinamento (20 e 21 meses de idade), nas quais foram aferidos: fatores climáticos, temperatura retal, peso corpóreo, altura de cernelha, mensuração do comprimento, largura e altura dos testículos, colheita de sêmen e termografia digital por infravermelho do globo ocular, mufla, flanco, ísquio e escroto. Conclui-se que a ingestão da água tratada por campo magnético não se apresentou eficiente em relação ao ganho de peso a pasto e em confinamento, assim como para morfometria corpórea e do aparelho reprodutor. Em confinamento, também não houve influência da água tratada por campo magnético sobre as características quantitativas e qualitativas do sêmen. A termografia digital por infravermelho se mostrou eficaz para mensuração das áreas do corpo e da bolsa escrotal, onde a pasto o grupo com ingestão de água tratada por campo magnético apresentou temperaturas superiores para globo ocular, mufla, flanco e ísquios. Para bolsa escrotal, a pasto, a temperatura do cordão espermático e testículo foram superiores no grupo tratado; e em confinamento, a temperatura do testículo e cauda dos epidídimos foram superiores no grupo com ingestão de água potável.

Analyse tridimensionnelle du rachis suite à une chirurgie de modulation de croissance chez les patients atteints de scoliose idiopathique de l’adolescent

Turcot, Olivier 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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