Spelling suggestions: "subject:"boiler"" "subject:"voiler""
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Optimisation de chaufferies collectives multi-energies : dimensionnement et commande de systèmes de stockage thermique par hydro-accumulationLabidi, Mouchira 30 April 2015 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans ce manuscrit portent sur l’optimisation d’une chaufferie collective multi-énergie en l’équipant d’un système de stockage thermique de type hydro-accumulation. L’efficacité de ce dernier dépend de sa capacité à conserver son énergie initiale. Ainsi, pour minimiser les pertes thermiques, le système de stockage doit être correctement isolé. Un modèle de ballon d’hydro-accumulation stratifié est développé et validé expérimentalement. Une étude paramétrique est menée afin d’étudier l’impact, sur les pertes thermiques, de paramètres géométriques et météorologiques. Ensuite, une approche de dimensionnement, fondée sur une stratégie de gestion séquentielle et une étude paramétrique est proposée. Plusieurs critères énergétiques et économiques peuvent ainsi être évalués pour différents volumes de stockage thermique. L’approche de dimensionnement proposée a été appliquée à plusieurs sites exploités par Cofely GDF-Suez, notre partenaire industriel. Les résultats obtenus montrent que le dimensionnement optimal du système de stockage et la gestion intelligente du procédé permettent d'optimiser le fonctionnement d’un site. Des économies énergétiques et financières importantes peuvent ainsi être réalisées. La stratégie de gestion séquentielle proposée n’anticipe pas les besoins du réseau de chaleur. C’est pourquoi une stratégie fondée sur la commande prédictive (MPC pour Model Predictive Control) est susceptible d’améliorer le fonctionnement et les performances d’une chaufferie collective équipée d’un système d’hydro-accumulation. Afin de mettre en œuvre un tel contrôleur, la puissance thermique demandée par le réseau de chaleur doit être correctement prédite. Par conséquent, une méthode de prédiction a été développée. Elle s’appuie sur une analyse multi-résolution par transformée en ondelettes discrète et sur l’utilisation de réseaux de neurones artificiels de type perceptron multicouche. La stratégie séquentielle (non prédictive) et la stratégie prédictive ont été appliquées à une chaufferie collective mixte située dans une commune du nord de la France. Pour ce cas d’étude, la stratégie prédictive est plus efficace. De plus, les résultats montrent que, quelle que soit la stratégie utilisée, équiper la chaufferie d’un système d’hydro-accumulation correctement dimensionné est un investissement rentable. Il permet de minimiser la consommation d’énergie fossile et, par conséquent, le coût économique et les émissions de CO2. / The present work deals with optimizing a multi-energy district boiler by adding to the plant a thermal water storage tank. The effectiveness of such a system depends on how long the stored energy can be kept without considerable degradation. The storage tank should be properly insulated to reduce the rate of heat loss. Thus, firstly, a stratified water thermal storage model is developed and experimentally validated. A parametric study is carried out to determine the influence of geometric and meteorological parameters on heat loss. Next, a reliable sizing method based on a sequential management strategy and a parametric study is proposed. Various energy and economic criteria have been evaluated for a range of thermal storage sizes. The proposed methodology has been applied to many plants managed by Cofely GDF-Suez, our industrial partner. Results highlight the ability of a thermal storage tank (optimally sized and managed) to improve the operation of a multi-energy district boiler and realize significant energy and economic savings. The main drawback of the proposed sequential management strategy lies in not taking into account the future power demand. That is why a strategy based on a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) is likely to improve operation and performance. In order to implement such a controller, the power demand has to be accurately forecasted. As a consequence, a short-term forecast method, based on wavelet-based Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA) and multilayer Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) is proposed. Both the sequential and the predictive strategies are applied to a northeast France multi-energy district boiler selected as a case study. The main result to retain is that the efficiency of water thermal storage tank is mainly related to its design and the way it is managed. For this case study, the predictive strategy regardless the size of the storage tank, the predictive strategy is more reliable. Furthermore, in all cases an adequately sized and managed thermal storage tank is a profitable investment. It allows the fossil energy consumption to be significantly reduced. The same remark applies to the functioning costs and CO2 emissions.
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Návrh kotle na spoluspalování vysokopecního plynu a koksárenského plynu / Draft boilers for co-firing blast furnace gas and coke oven gasMachara, Radek January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with design of gas steam boiler with given parameters of steam. Blast furnace and coke oven gas are used as fuel. At the beginning of this work, both co-fired fuels are presented to us, their chemical analysis and stoichiometry are performed. The main part of the diploma thesis deals with the dimensioning of individual heat exchange surfaces such as steam superheaters, evaporators, economizers and air heaters. All heat exchange surfaces meet recommended parameters such as recommended steam rates, flue gas, etc. At the end, the total heat balance of the boiler is performed. Part of the work is also drawing documentation showing the main dimensions of the boiler. It is also indicated the connection of individual heat exchange surfaces.
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Návrh dvoutlakého vertikálního kotle na odpadní teplo za plynovou turbínou na zemní plyn / Design of heat recovery steam generator with two pressure levelsLoukota, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This master‘s thesis deals with design of vertical heat recovery steam generators (HRSG). In the introduction part is performed description and distribution HRSG, thermal calculation, proposal of a heat transfer surfaces and choice of materials. Finally is executed aerodynamic calculation, hydraulic calculation and then are suggested dimensions of the drums. Thesis also includes technical documentation of the boiler.
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Využívání odpadního tepla / Heat recoveryDužík, Vojtěch January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to theoretically, practically and experimentally explore different ways of waste heat utilization in the building industry. The work is divided into three basic passages. In the first part I analyze the theoretical nature of the various physical processes in recovery and is there a practical use. More emphasis is placed on heat recovery from wastewater, as I am using this way of recuperation in other parts of this diploma thesis. In the second point, I apply the use of heat from waste water when designing a technical solu-tion for the reconstruction of the heating system of the clinic. The design is solved in two variants. The first suggested location lokali- them, recuperative, shower exchanger operation rehabilitation, bath and massage. In the second variant, central recovery is envisaged using a heat exchanger in the accumulator well and water-water heat pump. Based on the technical and economic evaluation, the first option was selected. The second variant is ineffective and remains only in the case study. In the last section, I experimentally investigate the thermal efficiency and the relative savings of the heat exchanger, which is designed in the first variant of the second part. Measurement, processing of results and evaluation I made for laboratory conditions and for real conditions with the showering person. Finally, I appreciate the eco-nomic benefits of this facility.
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Provozní účinnosti zdrojů tepla / Performance of heatKocandová, Karolína January 2018 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the operational efficiency of heat sources . The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part a theoretical solution of the heat sources efficiency can be found. In the second part there is a calculation solution of the project. The project solves the heating of a football stadium. Two variants of the heating source and warm water preparation are suggested and the variants are consequently compared and evaluated. The last part is experimental - the topic of the experiment is the efficiency of heat sources.
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Pořizovací a provozní náklady vybraného stavebního objektu / Acquisition and operating costs of a selected buildingJanků, Tereza January 2018 (has links)
This Diploma Thesis is focused on initial and operating costs. At first we calculated price for all building and for its other parts, which was calculated by program used for budgeting. After that we calculated partial costs which were done only for specific parts of the construction. These parts were changed and due to these changes we were finding out differences in heat losses and initial costs. Than for individual rooms we were defining heat losses. In this rooms, radiators were designed to cover its heat losses. By summarization of all heat gains we find out boiler´s power and this boiler was used in our building. After that we calculated initial costs for heating system includes radiators and boiler. In the end we compared both kinds of heating systems due to one year operating costs. Results were used for defining final heating system which is the most economic efficiential.
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Ostrovní systémy / Autonomous energy systemsDolinský, Filip January 2018 (has links)
Master thesis deals with usage issues of autonomous, self-sufficient and decentralized systems. In the first part convectional and experimental sources for autonomous systems are disclosed. Second chapter deals with accumulation of electrical and thermal energy and possibilities of applications. 3rd part is focused on pilot project realized for autonomous and smart systems, which were built in last years. In the 4th chapter electrical and thermal energy consumption curves are made on daily and monthly basis for 4 type objects. In the fifth part issue of autonomy is explained, and for type buildings solutions are made with additional return on investment. The last chapter is focused on calculation of thermal accumulator and briefly discloses small district heating.
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Návrh zařízení pro úpravu mikroklimatu v rekonstruovaném rodinném domě / Design of an HVAC system in a retrofitted family houseVacenovský, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This work is devoted to the design of a microclimate facility in a family house. The first part contains analysis of thermal losses before and after using thermal insulation. Based on this analysis, a heating system is proposed, including the necessary technical calculations for the operation of the system. As a heat source, a condensing boiler is selected. At the next point, the thesis focuses on the calculation of the heat gains in selected rooms in order to design a cooling device. A multisplit system is selected for cooling the rooms. In the next part the thesis deals with the design of forced ventilation of selected rooms. The ventilation system provides the necessary air exchange and covers heat losses through ventilation. At the end of the thesis is outlined the concept of regulation of individual systems and also the requirements for individual professions are described.
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Simulátor GateCycle a jeho aplikace / GateCycle simulator and its applicationsSvoboda, Adam January 2018 (has links)
Hlavná náplň tejto práce je oboznámenie so softvérom GateCycle od spoločnosti General Electric a jeho následná aplikácia na simulovanie industriálneho parného kotla produkujúceho 120 t pary za hodinu. Dizajn práce je vo forme výučbového materiálu, ktorý môže byť použitý vo výuke predmetu procesného inžinierstva zameraného na simulačné softvéry. Prvá časť práce je venovaná krátkej teórii o simulačných softvéroch a uvádza niekoľko najznámejších procesných inžinierskych simulačných programov. Druhá časť je napísaná formou GateCycle manuálu. V krátkosti predstavuje pracovné prostredie a rozhranie softvéru, demonštruje ako vytvoriť a spustiť simulačný model, zadať vstupné dáta a vytvoriť reporty. Tretia časť práce je praktická, vybraný industriálny parný kotol je prezentovaný a následne je vybudovaný jeho simulačný model. Táto časť je vytvorená vo forme príručky „krok za krokom“ vysvetľujúcej ako vytvoriť model kotla a aké dáta boli zadané do jednotlivých procesných aparátov. Kotol je simulovaný v 3 režimoch, využívajúc zemný plyn, ťažký vykurovací olej, či dechtovú vykurovaciu zmes ako palivo a je prevádzkovaný za mierne rozličných procesných podmienok. V závere sú vypočítané spotreby paliva porovnané s reálnymi prevádzkovými dátami a je vyhodnotená presnosť výpočtov softvéru GateCycle v týchto konkrétnych prípadoch.
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Energetický posudek a průkaz energetické náročnosti budovy / Energy assessment and certificate of energy performance of buildingsBidmonová, Renata January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the energy assessment and elaboration of energy performance certificates of the building. The building is an apartment building in Vítkov. The theoretical part deals with centralized heat supply. The calculation part contains a more detailed description of individual relationships and calculation procedures that are used to process energy performance certificates of the building. Furthermore, proposals for measures to improve the energy performance of buildings. In this part there is also a proposal of individual equipment of the new boiler room and thermographic measurement. In the project part there is an energy assessment assessing the building in two variants with individual heat sources. The evaluation is carried out from an energy, economic and environmental aspect.
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