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Investigation of the Effect of Oxides on the Critical Impact Velocity during the Cold Spray Process of High Purity Aluminum PowderChampagne, Victor K, Jr. 13 December 2018 (has links)
The objective of the thesis is to understand the particle/substrate interaction of micron-sized High Purity (HP) aluminum (Al) powder particles with varying surface oxide/hydroxide layers, during single particle impact and determine the critical impact velocity (CIV). Advancements in analytical techniques enable in-situ supersonic impact of individual metallic micro-particles on substrates with micro-scale and nanosecond-level resolution. This novel capability allowed direct observation and measurement of a material-dependent threshold velocity, above which the particle underwent impact-induced material ejection and adhered to the substrate, (critical impact velocity). The data was then compared to empirical, as well as predicted values of the CIV from published data that were based upon theoretical iso-entropic fluid dynamics models. A major emphasis of this research was to perform, in-depth characterization of the Al powder in the as-received, gas atomized state and subsequent to controlled temperature and humidity exposure (designed to form a prescribed oxide and/or hydroxide surface layer) and finally after single particle impact. Analytical techniques including XPS, ICP, IGF, TEM and SEM were performed to determine the species of oxide and/or hydroxide, bulk chemical composition, oxygen content and thickness of the surface oxide/hydroxide layer. Finally, bulk samples of material were produced by the cold spray process, from powder representing select test groups and subsequently characterized to determine tensile and hardness properties, chemistry, microstructure and conductivity. A fundamental understanding of the role of surface oxidization in relationship to particle deformation during impact and the bonding mechanism will be applicable toward the development of optimized parameters for the cold spray (CS) process. Results from this study will aid in the development of industrial practices for producing, packaging and storing Al powders.
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A Thermomechanical Analysis of An Ultrasonic Bonding MechanismZhang, Chunbo 01 August 2011 (has links)
Ultrasonic welding (UW), as a solid-state joining process, uses an ultrasonic energy source (usually with a frequency of 20 kHz or above) to induce oscillating shears between the faying surfaces to produce metallurgical bonds between a wide range of metal sheets [1, 2], thin foils [3], semiconductors [4], plastics [5], glass [6], and ceramics [7]. In contrast to traditional fusion welding processes, ultrasonic welding has several inherent advantages [3,8] derived from its solid-state process characteristics, and has been in use as a versatile joining method in the electronics, automotive, and aerospace industries since the 1950s
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Thermosonic ball bonding : a study of bonding mechanism and interfacial evolutionXu, Hui January 2010 (has links)
Thermosonic ball bonding is a key technology in electrical interconnections between an integrated circuit and an external circuitry in microelectronics. Although this bonding process has been extensively utilised in electronics packaging industry, certain fundamental aspects behind all the practice are still not fully understood. This thesis is intended to address the existing knowledge gap in terms of bonding mechanisms and interfacial characteristics that are involved in thermosonic gold and copper ball bonding on aluminium pads. The research specifically targets the fine pitch interconnect applications where a thin metal wire of approximately 20 µm in diameter is commonly used. In thermosonic ball bonding process, a thin gold or copper ball formed at the end of a wire is attached to an aluminum pad through a combination of ultrasonic energy, pressure and heat, in order to initiate a complex solid-state reaction. In this research, the mechanisms of thermosonic ball bonding were elaborated by carefully examining interfacial characteristics as the results of the bonding process by utilising dual-beam focused ion beam and high resolution transmission electron microscopy, including the breakdown of the native alumina layer on Al pads, and formation of initial intermetallic compounds (IMCs). The effect of bonding parameters on these interfacial behaviours and bonding strength is also investigated in order to establish an inter-relationship between them. Interfacial evolution in both Au-Al and Cu-Al bonds during isothermal annealing in the temperature rage from 175ºC to 250ºC was investigated and compared. The results obtained demonstrated that the remnant alumina remains inside IMCs and moves towards the ball during annealing. The IMCs are formed preferentially in the peripheral and the central areas of the bonds during bonding and, moreover, they grow from the initially formed IMC particles. Growth kinetics of Cu-Al IMCs obey a parabolic growth law before the Al pad is completely consumed. The activation energies calculated for the growth of CuAl2, Cu9Al4 and the combination (CuAl2 + Cu9Al4) are 60.66 kJ/mol, 75.61 kJ/mol, and 65.83 kJ/mol, respectively. In Au-Al bonds, Au-Al IMC growth is controlled by diffusion only at the start of the annealing process. A t^0.2-0.3 growth law can be applied to the Au-Al IMC growth after the Al pad is depleted. The sequence of IMC phase transformation in both Au-Al and Cu-Al bonds were investigated. Voids in Au-Al bonds grow dramatically during annealing, however, only a few voids nucleate and grow very slowly in Cu-Al bonds. The mechanisms of void formation, including volumetric shrinkage, oxidation and metal diffusion were proposed and discussed.
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No description available.
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Réalisation et caractérisation des revêtements à base magnésium élaborés par projection à froid / Production and characterization of magnesium-based coatings prepared by cold sprayingSuo, Xinkun 06 December 2012 (has links)
Le procédé de projection à froid a démontré ses avantages uniques dans la préparation de revêtements métalliques, composites et céramiques. Parmi ces revêtements, ceux constitués de magnésium pur ou de composites à matrice métallique à base de magnésium font partie des matériaux les plus prometteurs en raison de leur excellente résistance spécifique. Pourtant, les mécanismes de fabrication, par ce procédé de projection, des revêtements magnésium et composites à base de magnésium n'ont pas été étudiés. C’est le sujet de cette thèse. Les recherches menées dans cette étude s’articulent autour de plusieurs domaines, à savoir: La science des matériaux avec des études sur l’effet de la granulométrie des particules de magnésium, l’effet de la taille et de la teneur (15% vol. - 60 % vol.) des particules de renforcement (SiC) ; La mécanique des fluides avec des modélisations de géométrie de buse, d’écoulement de gaz et des vitesses des particules de magnésium et alliage de magnésium (AZ91D) ; Les caractérisations des dépôts avec des analyses de microstructure et des mesures de microdureté, d’adhérence et de comportement au frottement des revêtements;Les résultats montrent que la projection à froid peut être utilisée pour fabriquer des revêtements de magnésium purs ou composites sans aucune oxydation ou transformation de phase. La taille de ces particules doit rester dans une fourchette acceptable pour égaler la vitesse critique (entre 653 m•s-1 et 677 m•s-1) permettant la déposition. Concernant plus spécifiquement les résultats sur les revêtements de magnésium pur, le maximum de rendement de dépôt est obtenu par projection d’une poudre de granulométrie comprise entre 22 μm et 64 μm. L’adhérence atteint 11.6 ± 0.5 MPa lorsque le substrat est préchauffé à 200 oC. Pour le cas des revêtements AZ91D, la construction du dépôt s’effectue par effet de verrouillage mécanique. Le type de frottement observé sur ces revêtements est une usure adhésive. Dans les revêtements composites d’AZ91D – SiC, la teneur en particules de renforcement SiC présentes dans le dépôt diminue avec leur taille dû à l'effet «onde de choc». Le rendement de dépôt augmente avec la teneur en SiC de 15 vol.% à 30 vol.%, puis diminue au-delà de 30 vol%. Le type de frottement correspond à une usure par abrasion. / Cold spraying has shown unique advantages in preparing coatings of metal, composite and ceramic. However, the deposition mechanism of magnesium and magnesium-based composite coatings fabricated using cold spraying was not researched although magnesium and metallic matrix composites based magnesium have drawn more and more attention due to their excellent specific strength. Therefore, the deposition mechanism of magnesium and magnesium-based composite coating has been studied in this study. The research carried out in this study involves several fields:Effect of the particle velocity of magnesium particles on the deposition efficiency, microstructure, microhardness and bonding strength of coatings; Effect of the particle size of magnesium particles on the deposition efficiency and microstructure of coatings;Effect of the substrate preheating on the microstructure, microhardness and bonding strength of coatings;Effect of the particle velocity of magnesium alloy (AZ91D) particles on the deposition efficiency, microstructure, and frictional behavior of coatings;Effect of the particle size of strengthening phrase (SiC) on the microstructure, bonding strength and frictional behavior of coatings;Effect of the particle content (15 vol.% - 60 vol.%) of strengthening phrase (SiC) on the microstructure, bonding strength and frictional behavior of coatings.The results show that cold spraying can be used to fabricate magnesium and magnesium-based coatings without any oxidation or phase transformation. The critical velocity of magnesium particles is 653 m•s-1- 677 m•s-1. Magnesium particles with a size too large or too small are not suitable to the deposition. The maximum of deposition efficiency of magnesium particles are obtained using the powder with a size range of 22-64 μm. The maximum of bonding strength between magnesium coatings and substrates is 11.6 ± 0.5 MPa as the substrate is preheated at 200oC. The deposition of AZ91D coatings is due to the effect of mechanical interlocking. And the friction type of AZ91D coatings is adhesive wear. The friction type of AZ91D – SiC composite coatings turn to be abrasive wear. The SiC content in composite coatings decreases as the SiC particle size decreases due to the effect of bow shock. The deposition efficiency of AZ91D and SiC mixed powder increases as the SiC content increases from 15 vol.% to 30 vol.%, and then decreases as the SiC content increases from 30 vol% to 60 vol.%.
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Etude de la déformation particule/substrat au mécanisme de liaison en projection à froid / Improvement of the coating properties deposited by cold spray and developed for different industriel applicationsXie, Yingchun 16 December 2016 (has links)
La projection à froid, aussi appelée cold spray, est considérée comme un nouveau membre de la famille de laprojection thermique depuis une trentaine d'années maintenant. Cette thèse propose d'étudier le comportement endéformation des particules et du substrat et de mettre en avant les liaisons formées dans le revêtement par deuxapproches complémentaires, expérimentale et de simulation.Une méthode innovante pour observer directement la surface fracturée des particules déposées après décollementdu substrat a été testée avec succès. Par ce moyen, la surface de contact entre particule et substrat sousdifférentes conditions a été analysée.Concernant les résultats expérimentaux, une nouvelle théorie a été proposée pour expliquer le mécanisme deliaison interfaciale d'un revêtement dur de Ni sur substrat mou d'Al reposant sur l'effet de martelage répété desparticules, sur l'effet de pression du gaz principal et sur l'effet de préchauffage du substrat. La transformation dumécanisme de liaison revêtement/substrat au cours de la construction du dépôt a été mise en évidence en passantdu verrouillage mécanique à une combinaison d'une liaison mécanique et d'une liaison métallurgique, puis à laformation d'instabilités sous forme d'un mélange tourbillonnaire à l'interface. Plus de zones de liaisonsmétallurgiques sont générées sous forte pression, une plus grande déformation plastique apparaît grâce latempérature de préchauffage, et une adhérence plus forte au sein des dépôts est capable de se produire en dépitde la présence d'un film d'oxyde épais sur la surface du substrat. / Cold spraying, also called cold gas dynamic spraying, is a new coating technology which has been developed duringthe past three decade. In this study, a comprehensive investigation on particle deformation behavior and bondingbehavior between particle and substrate was conducted by experiment and numerical method.This thesis aims at presenting an innovative method to directly observe the fractured contact surface between thecold sprayed particle and substrate. By this means, the particle/substrate fractured contact surfaces were analyzedfor different conditions.Based on the experimental results, a new theory was proposed to explain the interfacial bonding mechanism of hardNi coating onto soft Al substrate. It is assumed that the particle peening effect is essential for the formation ofdiscontinuous metallurgical bonding. The dominant coating/substrate bonding mechanism is responsible of thetransformation during the coating build-up process of the initial mechanical interlocking to a combination ofmechanical interlocking and metallurgical bonding therefore of the formation of interfacial instabilities. The highcontact pressure is the relevant factor determining the particle/substrate metallurgical bonding. More metallurgicalbonding areas were generated due to strengthen peening effect of the subsequently deposited particles with higherpropelling gas pressure. Finally, stronger adhesion is able to occur despite the presence of a thick oxide film on thesubstrate surface by the preheating of the substrate. Higher temperatures help the materials to undergoes astronger plastic deformation that disrupts the oxide films. That leads to initiate an intimate contact between particleand substrate.
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Electromagnetic Pulse Welding Process and Material Parameter Identification for High Speed ProcessesScheffler, Christian 14 July 2021 (has links)
Electromagnetic welding is an innovative, high-speed technology to manufacture mixed material joints. In this dissertation, an experimental-numerical method is presented to identify robust process windows of aluminum-copper and aluminum-steel compounds. The microstructural characteristics of these joints were investigated in detail. Moreover, an evaluation of the joint quality is presented and different numerical models were introduced for the simulation of macroscopic and microscopic effects. To improve the accuracy of the simulations, the strain rate sensitivity of the materials must be considered. For this purpose a high-speed setup for the identification of relevant viscoplastic material parameters, comprising an inverse evaluation strategy, was developed.
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Dispositifs photoniques hybrides sur Silicium comportant des guides nano-structurés : conception, fabrication et caractérisation / Hybrid photonic devices on silicon including nanostructured waveguides : conception, fabrication and characterizationItawi, Ahmad 01 December 2014 (has links)
Le contexte de cette thèse couvre les dispositifs photoniques hybrides III-V sur silicium. L’étude porte sur l’intégration par collage de matériau à base d'InP sur le silicium, puis la conception d’un guide optique comportant une nanostructuration qui permettra la sélection en longueur d’onde dans un laser DFB hybride. Enfin, on étudie les étapes technologiques de fabrication d’un laser hybride injecté électriquement fonctionnant dans le domaine spectral 1.55µm, et on caractérise les dispositifs. Pour associer les matériaux III-V sur Si, nous avons développé le collage sans couche intermédiaire que l’on nomme collage hétéroépitaxial ou oxide-free. Ce collage est reporté dans la littérature comme présentant une meilleure qualité électrique. Nous avons établi les conditions de préparation permettant d’obtenir des surfaces parfaitement désoxydées, et les conditions de recuit conduisant à une interface hybride sans oxyde et sans dislocation. Mais ce recuit est réalisé à température assez élevée (~450-500°C). Nous avons alors développé le collage avec une fine couche intermédiaire d’oxyde réalisé à plus faible température -300°C- qui présente l'avantage d'être compatible avec la technologie CMOS. Nous avons étudié différentes approches pour élaborer et activer une couche d’oxyde très fine (~3nm), de façon à obtenir une surface collée sans zones localement non collées. Le collage est dans les deux cas réalisé sous vide dans un équipement de type Bonder Suss SB6e. La qualité structurale de l’interface a été observée par STEM et la qualité mécanique du joint de collage a été caractérisée par indentation. Une méthode originale de mesure quantitative et locale de l’énergie du joint de collage a été développée. La qualité optique des couches collées a été étudiée par la mesure de la photoluminescence de puits quantiques placés proches du joint d’interface. En conséquence du collage sans couche intermédiaire ou avec une couche très fine, le design du mode optique est de type double-cœur, qui ne nécessite pas de taper. Le guide optique Si est de type shallow ridge, le confinement latéral étant assuré par un matériau nanostructuré à une période sub-longueur d’onde. Ce matériau fonctionne comme un matériau effectif uniaxe pour lequel on a calculé les indices optiques ordinaire et extraordinaire selon la géométrie de la nanostructuration. On peut rajouter sur cette nanostructuration une super-périodicité qui conduit à un fonctionnement sélectif en longueur d’onde. Le comportement modal du guide est simulé à l'aide du logiciel COMSOL Multiphysics, le comportement spectral est simulé par FTDT 3D. Nous avons validé la pertinence de ce design en mesurant la transmission de guides hybrides. Ce design sera inclus dans un laser et permettra d’obtenir une émission monofréquence de type DFB. Nous avons développé les étapes technologiques nécessaires à la fabrication d’un laser hybride à base d'InP sur Silicium fonctionnant en injection électrique. Nous avons mis en oeuvre de nombreuses techniques, et développé plusieurs procédés spécifiques, en particulier, des procédés de gravure sèche de type Inductive Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching ICP-RIE pour la gravure de la nanostructuration dans le silicium, et pour la gravure du mésa du laser. La présence des 2 matériaux III-V et Si dans le dispositif hybride rend ces étapes complexes. Les premiers résultats peuvent être améliorés en optimisant la technologie des contacts. Un design permettant de s’affranchir de la pénalité thermique présenté par tous les dispositifs ayant les 2 contacts électriques du coté du matériau III-V a été proposé, exploitant le passage du courant à l’interface hybride III-V / Si, ce qui est possible dans le cas du collage oxide-free. Cette approche ouvre des perspectives d’intégration au-delà de la photonique. / This work contributes to the general context of III-V materials on Silicon hybrid devices for optical integrated functions, mainly emission/amplification at 1.55µm. Devices are considered for operation under electrical injection, reaching performances relevant for data transfer application. The main three contributions of this work concern: (i) bonding InP-based materials on Si, (ii) nanostructuration of the Si guiding layer for spatial and spectral control of the guided mode and (iii) technology of an hybrid electrically injected laser, with a special attention to the thermal budget. Bonding has been investigated following two approaches. The first one we call heterohepitaxial or oxide-free bonding, is performed without any intermediate layer at a temperature ~450°C. This approach has the great advantage allowing electrical transport across the interface, as reported in the literature. We have developed oxide-free surface preparation for both materials, mainly InP-based layers, and established bonding parameter processing. An in-depth STEM and RX structural characterization has demonstrated an oxide-free reconstructed interface without any dislocation except on one or two atomic layers which accommodate the large lattice mismatch (8.1%) between InP and Si. Photoluminescence of quantum wells intentionally grown close to the interface has shown no degradation. We have also developed an oxide-based bonding process operated at 300°C in order to be compatible with CMOS processing. The original ozone activation of the very thin (~5nm) oxide layer we have proposed demonstrates a bonding surface without any unbonded area due to degassing under annealing. We have developed an original method based on nanoindentation characterization in order to obtain a quantitative and local value of the surface bonding energy. Related to the absence or to the very thin intermediate layer between the two materials, our modal design is based on a double core structure, where most of the optical mode is confined in the Si guiding layer, and no taper is required. The Si waveguide on top of the SOI stack is a shallow ridge. A nanostructured material on both sides of the waveguide core ensures the lateral confinement, the nanostructuration geometry being at a sub-wavelength period in order to operate this material well below its photonic gap. It behaves as an uniaxial material with ordinary and extraordinary indices calculated according to the structuration geometry. Such a structuration allows modal and spectral control of the guided mode. 3D modal and spectral simulation have been performed. We have demonstrated, on a double-period structuration, a wavelength selective operation of hybrid optical waveguides. Such a double-period geometry could be included in a laser design for DFB operation. This nanostructuration has larger potential application such as coupled waveguides arrays or selective resonators. We have developed all the technological processing steps for an electrically injected hybrid laser fabrication. Main developments concern dry etching, performed with the Inductive Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching ICP-RIE technique of both the nanostructuration of the Silicon material, and the mesa of the hybrid laser. Efficient electrical contacts fabrication is also a complex step. First lasers operating performances could be improved. We have investigated a specific design in order to overcome the thermal penalty encountered by all the hybrid devices. This penalty is due to the thick buried oxide layer of the SOI stack that prevents heating related to the current flow to be dissipated. Taking advantage of the electrical transport we have shown at the oxide-free interface, we propose a design where the n-contact is defined on the guiding Si layer, suppressing thermal heating under electrical operation. Such an approach is very promising for densely packed hybrid devices integrated with associated electronic driving elements on Si.
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