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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Synthèse stéréospécifique et chimie de coordination de ligands hétérobifonctionnels P-stéréogènes : vers le développement de méthodologies de couplages C-C palladocatalysés / Stereospecific synthesis and coordination chemistry of P-stereogenic heterobidentate ligands : towards the development of palladium-catalyzed C-C couplings

Lemouzy, Sébastien 29 November 2016 (has links)
La première partie de ce manuscrit traite de la synthèse de phosphine-boranes P-stéréogènes énantioenrichis à partir d’un précurseur développé par notre laboratoire : le H-phénylphosphinate d’adamantyle. Grâce au développement d’une séquence monotope, une variété d’oxydes de phosphine P-stéréogènes de haute pureté optique a pu être synthétisée. Ces composés comportant une attache hydroxyle ont ensuite été réduits de façon stéréospécifique en présence de borane pour générer les précurseurs phosphine-boranes correspondants. Lors de cette étape de réduction, l’importance de la fonction hydroxyle a été mise en évidence, et un mécanisme basé sur la formation d’une espèce phosphaboracyclique intermédiaire a été proposé, sur la base de l’isolement d’intermédiaires réactionnels O-borés. Les trois rôles du borane (activation, réduction, protection de la phosphine) ont été clairement identifiés dans ce processus. Dans un second temps, nous avons pu mettre à profit la rétroaddition du groupement hydroxyalkyle en milieu basique lors de l’alkylation stéréospécifique chimiodivergente de phosphure-boranes masqués. Cette rétroaddition a permis de contourner l’instabilité chimique et configurationnelle des phosphures générés in situ, permettant l’accès à des phosphine-boranes fonctionnalisés de manière énantiospécifique. Ces ligands P,N ont été ensuite complexés au palladium et les complexes ont pu être testés comme catalyseurs de couplages C-C énantiosélectifs. Lors de ces couplages, l’angle de morsure du ligand s’est révélé crucial pour la réactivité du système catalytique. / The first part of this manuscript deals with the synthesis of enantioenriched P-stereogenic phosphine-boranes from a chiral precursor developed in our laboratory: H-adamantyl phenylphosphinate. Through the design of a one-pot procedure, the synthesis of a wide array of highly enantioenriched phosphine oxides has been achieved. These hydroxy-functionalised compounds were reduced stereospecifically under borane conditions to yield the corresponding hydroxyalkylphosphine-boranes. During the study of this reaction, the importance of hydroxy group has been highlighted, and a mechanism relying on the formation of transient phosphaboracyclic intermediate could be proposed, on the basis of kinetic observation and isolation of O-borylated intermediates. In this transformation, borane seems to display three roles: activating, reducing and protecting agent. Next, we were able to take advantage of the retroaddition of hydroxyalkyl moiety under basic conditions to develop a new approach for the stereospecific and chemodivergent alkylation of masked secondary phosphine-boranes. This unusual reactivity allowed us to circumvent the relative chemical and configurational instability of such in situ generated phosphido-boranes intermediate, thus enabling the stereospecific synthesis of functionalised tertiary phosphine-boranes. These P-N ligands have been complexed to palladium, and the catalytic activity of these complexes in enantioselective C-C couplings has been studied. During the catalytic process, it appears that the ligand bite angle plays an important role in the catalyst activity.

Cyclopropanes to spirocycles : a study of Versatile B‒N Motifs

Siddiqui, Saher Hasan 09 1900 (has links)
Les dérivés cyclopropanoïques sont des composés importants dans plusieurs domaines tels que la synthèse organique, la chimie médicinale et la science des matériaux. La synthèse asymétrique des dérivés cyclopropanoïques s'est de plus en plus concentrée sur la synthèse stéréocontrolée de cyclopropanes polysubstitutés qui arborent toute une gamme de substituants distincts. Ces méthodes permettent d’accéder à des synthèses divergentes pour préparer des composés pharmaceutiques comportant cette sous-unité. De plus, l'ouverture facile de ce cycle très tendu en fait une bonne cible pour étudier l'activation de la liaison C‒C. C’est pourquoi les cyclopropanes sont parmi les composés les plus attrayants et les plus diversifiés en synthèse organique. La synthèse divergente de dérivés cyclopropanoïques repose sur l'utilisation de précurseurs stables mais réactifs. L'une des réactions pour former des liaisons C‒C les plus couramment utilisées dans la fonctionnalisation à un stade avancé, est la réaction de couplage croisé de Suzuki-Miyaura. C'est l'une des raisons pour lesquelles les borocyclopropanes sont devenus des précurseurs synthétiques attrayants pour la fonctionnalisation et diversification des molécules complexes. L’accès à de telles molécules faciliterait la préparation de molécules cyclopropanoïques de structures diversifiées. Il est difficile de préparer des borocyclopropanes de manière énantiosélective. Dans cette thèse, une cyclopropanation énantiosélective d'acides boroniques protégés dérivés d'alcools allyliques a été réalisée via la réaction de cyclopropanation asymétrique en présence du ligand chiral de type dioxaborolane. Le développement de cette méthodologie a nécessité une modification de la décomplexation oxydative existante du dioxaborolane via son complexe dérivé de la diéthanolamine. Le protocole est maintenant applicable aux dérivés boronates qui incluent des groupements fonctionnels qui sont incompatibles avec les bases. Les borocyclopropanes tétracoordonnés obtenus permettent également la formation de liaisons C‒C et ont démontré une stabilité améliorée par rapport à leurs dérivés tricoordonnés. Une étude plus approfondie sur des complexes cyclopropylméthylamine-boranes (CAB) a démontré que ces derniers pouvaient conduire aux amine-boranes spirocycliques (SCAB). Ces SCAB ont été obtenus grâce à une cascade d'activation des CABs en utilisant le bis(trifluorométhanesulfonimide) (Tf2NH) comme initiateur. L'ouverture du cycle des CAB représente la première conversion des cyclopropanes en spirocycles contenant à la fois un N-spirocentre et un spiro amine-borane. Les amine-boranes ont démontré une activité pharmacologique telle que des propriétés anticancéreuses, anti-inflammatoires et anti-ostéoporotiques. L'incorporation de spirocycles dans un motif augmente le caractère sp3 et la chiralité inhérente. Les SCAB rendent alors des candidats attrayants pour la conception de médicaments. La réaction de SCAB avec de Tf2NH en quantités stoechiométriques a donné un complexe SCAB•NTf2 qui est capable de réduire les fonctions cétone, aldéhyde, imine, nitrobenzène, nitrosobenzène, anthracène, indole et aryl méthyl éther. Le complexe SCAB•NTf2 est également capable de réduire le diphénylacétylène de manière Z-sélective en cis-stilbène. Des études spectroscopiques approfondies ont donné plus d'informations sur la structure de SCAB•NTf2 et nous ont permis de proposer un mécanisme de réduction des groupements fonctionnels ci-dessus. Les études spectroscopiques (RMN, IR et Raman) ont également révélé l'implication d'une liaison α-C‒H au bore dans une liaison hydrogène hypsochromique « improper hydrogen bond » avec [Tf2N]-. L'hyperconjugaison avec l’atome de bore, un acide de Lewis, est proposée, ce qui rend la liaison C‒H acide et donc suffisamment polarisée pour agir comme un donneur de pont hydrogène. / Cyclopropane derivatives are incredibly versatile building blocks used in organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, and materials science. The asymmetric synthesis of cyclopropane derivatives has increasingly focused on achieving polysubstituted cyclopropanes with a range of distinct substituents and their use in divergent syntheses to access pharmaceutical compounds. Moreover, the ring-opening potential of the cyclopropane ring, due to its inherent strain, makes it a facile target for C‒C bond activation and one of the most attractive and diverse cycloalkanes in organic synthesis. Divergent synthesis of cyclopropanes relies on stable pre-installed handles on cyclopropanes that can be activated readily. One of the most common C‒C bond formation approaches used in late-stage functionalization is the Suzuki-Miyaura cross-coupling reaction. As a result, borocyclopropanes have become attractive synthetic building blocks for their use in late-stage functionalization. Methods for the enantioselective synthesis of borocyclopropanes are scarce. In this thesis, the first enantioselective cyclopropanation of an allylic alcohol bearing a tetracoordinate boronate has been achieved via the Charette dioxaborolane-mediated enantioselective cyclopropanation reaction. The development of our method required modification of the existing oxidative decomplexation of dioxaborolane via diethanolamine. The protocol has now been expanded to include boronates and base-sensitive functionalities. The tetracoordinate borocyclopropane obtained was also shown to undergo C‒C bond formation and demonstrated enhanced stability compared to its tricoordinate boronate derivative. Further investigation of boron tethered cyclopropanes led to the discovery of the unique transformation of cyclopropane amine-boranes (CABs) to spirocyclic amine-boranes (SCABs). SCABs were obtained through a cascade activation of CAB via bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide (Tf2NH). The ring-opening of CABs represents the first conversion of cyclopropanes to spirocycles containing an N-spirocenter and furthermore an amine-borane spirocore. Amine-boranes have shown pharmacological activity such as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and anti-osteoporotic properties. Incorporating spirocycles into a motif increases sp3 character and inherent chirality, rendering SCABs as attractive candidates for drug design. The reaction of SCAB with stoichiometric amounts of Tf2NH resulted in a SCAB•NTf2 complex that was found to be able to reduce ketone, aldehyde, imine, nitrobenzene, nitrosobenzene, anthracene, and indole functionalities as well as demethylate aryl methyl ethers. The SCAB•NTf2 complex was also capable of reducing diphenylacetylene in a Z-selective manner to cis-stilbene. In-depth spectroscopic studies revealed the structure of SCAB•NTf2 and a mechanism for the reduction of the above functionalities is proposed. The spectroscopic studies (NMR, IR and Raman) revealed the involvement of an α-C‒H bond to boron in improper hydrogen bonding with [Tf2N]-. Hyperconjugation to the Lewis acidic boron is proposed to make the C‒H bond acidic and therefore polarized enough to act as a hydrogen bond donor.

Synthesis, structural investigations and evaluation of pyrazine sensitizers for lanthanides emitting in near-infrared and novel phosphine derivatives / Synthèse, étude structurale et évaluation de sensibilisateurs pyraziniques de lanthanides émettant dans le proche infrarouge et de nouvelles phosphines

Cieślikiewicz-Bouet, Monika 18 October 2012 (has links)
En raison de l’omniprésence des hétérocycles azotés et de leurs propriétés biologiques, une attention particulière est accordée au développement de méthodologie pour leur synthèse et leur fonctionnalisation. L’étude de la fonctionnalisation d’énamides constitue une thématique importante car ces motifs s’avèrent être des outils synthétiques polyvalents permettant d’accéder à des dérivés hétérocycliques complexes. Les réactions de couplage Pd-catalysées constituent une méthode de choix rapide et efficace pour la synthèse d'énamides, notamment à partir de phosphates d'énols issus de lactames, d’imides ou d’amides. Le premier chapitre de ce travail porte sur le couplage organopalladié C-P de phosphines boranes secondaires chirales ou achirales avec des phosphates d’énols. Ce couplage C-P original, réalisé dans des conditions douces, conduit aux énamido-phosphines boranes correspondantes et offre de nombreuses possibilités pour la constitution d’une librairie de phosphines originales. Parallèlement à ce travail, l’addition nucléophile d’anions phosphures sur divers ène-carbamates acycliques conduit à des acides alpha-aminés béta-phosphorés originaux, porteurs d’un carbone quaternaire en alpha de l’azote. Le deuxième chapitre de la thèse porte sur la préparation et la caractérisation de chromophores organiques originaux basés sur un noyau pyrazinique et qui sont susceptibles de présenter des propriétés de fluorescence. Ces composés sont conçus pour former des nouveaux systèmes sensibilisateurs de cations de lanthanides, et être utilisés comme sensibilisateurs organiques pour l'imagerie moléculaire dans le proche infrarouge. / On account of the ubiquity of nitrogen heterocycles and their biological properties, the great attention is paid to developing methodologies of their synthesis and functionalization. For this purpose, the study of functionalization of enamides constitutes an important topic due to the utility of these motifs in the construction of complex heterocyclic derivatives. Palladium-catalyzed reactions of cross- coupling are rapid and efficient methods of choice for synthesis of enamides particularly starting from enol phosphates derived from lactams, imides or amides. The first chapter of the thesis evokes the original C-P coupling reaction of chiral and achiral secondary phosphine boranes with different enol phosphates in mild reaction conditions, leading to corresponding enamido-phosphine boranes. This methodology permits the construction of libraries of novels phosphines. Also, the reaction of nucleophilic addition of phosphide anions onto various enecarbamates acyclic was elaborated, giving an access to original beta-phosphino alpha-amino acids, bearing the quaternary carbon on alpha position to nitrogen. The second chapter is devoted to the preparation and characterization of organic chromophores based on the pyrazinic core, which are likely to exhibit the fluorescence properties. These compounds were designed to form new sensitizing systems for lanthanide cations and could be used as organic sensitizers for molecular imaging in near infrared.

Modulation of Nanostructures in the Solid and Solution States and under an Electron Beam

Sanyal, Udishnu January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Among various nanomaterials, metal nanoparticles are the widely studied ones because of their pronounced distinct properties arising in the nanometer size regime, which can be tailored easily by tuning predominantly their size and shape. During the past few decades, scientists are engaged in developing new synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles which can be divided into two broad categories: i) top-down approach, utilizing physical methods and ii) bottom-up approach, employing chemical methods. As the chemical methods offer better control over particle size, numerous chemical methods have been developed to obtain metal nanoparticles with narrow size distribution. However, these two approaches have their own merits and demerits; they are not complementary to each other and also not sustainable for real time applications. Recent focus on the synthesis of metal nanoparticles is towards the development of green and sustainable synthetic methodologies. A solid state route is an exciting prospect in this direction because it eliminates usage of organic solvents thus, makes the overall process green and at the same time leads to the realization of large quantity of the materials, which is required for many applications. However, the major obstacle associated with the development of a solid state synthetic route is the lack of fundamental understanding regarding the formation mechanism of the nanoparticles in the solid state. Additionally, due to the heterogeneity present in the solid mixture, it is very difficult to ensure the proximity between the capping agent and nuclei which plays the most decisive role in the growth process. Recently, employment of amine–borane compounds as reducing agents emerged as a better prospect towards the development of sustainable synthetic routes for metal nanoparticles because they offer a variety of advantages over the traditional borohydrides. Being soluble in organic medium, amine– borane allows the reaction to be carried out in a single phase and due to its mild reducing ability a much better control over the nucleation and growth processes is realized. However, the most exciting feature of these compounds is that their reducing ability is not only limited to the solution state, they can also bring out the reduction of metal ions in the solid state. With the availability of a variety of amine–boranes of varying reducing ability, it opens up a possibility to modulate the nanostructure in both solid and solution states by a judicious choice of reducing agent. Although our current understanding regarding the growth behavior of nanoparticles has advanced remarkably, however, most often it is some classical model which is invoked to understand these processes. With the recent developments in in situ transmission electron microscopy techniques, it is now possible to unravel more complex growth trajectories of nanoparticles. These studies not only expand the scope of the present knowledge but also opens up possibilities for many future developments. Objectives • To develop an atom economy solid state synthetic methodology for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles employing amine–boranes as reducing agents. • To gain a mechanistic insight into the formation mechanisms of nanoparticles in the solid state by using amine–boranes with differing reducing ability. • Synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles as well as supported metal nanoparticles in the solid state using ammonia borane as the reducing agent. • To develop a new in situ seeding growth methodology for the synthesis of core@shell nanoparticles composed of noble metals by employing a very weak reducing agent, trimethylamine borane and their transformation to their thermodynamically stable alloy counterparts. • Synthesis of highly monodisperse ultra-small colloidal calcium nanoparticles with different capping agents such as hexadecylamine, octadecylamine, poly(vinylpyrrolidone) and a combination of hexadecylamine/poly(vinylpyrrolidone) using the solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method. To study the coalescence behavior of a pair of calcium nanoparticles under an electron beam by employing in situ TEM technique. Significant results An atom economy solid state synthetic route has been developed for the synthesis of metal nanoparticles from simple metal salts using amine–boranes as reducing agents. Amine–borane plays a dual role here: acts as a reducing agent thus brings out the reduction of metal ions and decomposes simultaneously to generate B-N based compounds which acts as a capping agent to stabilize the particles in the nanosize regime. This essentially minimizes the number of reagents used and hence simplifying and eliminating the purification procedures and thus, brings out an atom economy to the overall process. Additionally, as the reactions were carried out in the solid state, it eliminates use of organic solvents which have many adverse effects on the environment, thus makes the synthetic route, green. The particle size and the size distribution were tuned by employing amine–boranes with differing reducing abilities. Three different amine–boranes have been employed: ammonia borane (AB), dimethylamine borane (DMAB), and trimethylamine borane (TMAB) whose reducing ability varies as AB > DMAB >> TMAB. It was found that in case of AB, it is the polyborazylene or BNHx polymer whereas, in case of DMAB and TMAB, the complexing amines act as the stabilizing agents. Several controlled studies also showed that the rate of addition of metal salt to AB is the crucial step and has a profound effect on the particle size as well as the size distribution. It was also found that an optimum ratio of amine–borane to metal salt is important to realize the smallest possible size with narrowest size distribution. Whereas, use of AB and TMAB resulted in the smallest sized particles with best size distribution, usage of DMAB provided larger particles that are also polydisperse in nature. Based on several experiments along with available data, the formation mechanism of metal nanoparticles in the solid state has been proposed. Highly monodisperse Cu, Ag, Au, Pd, and Ir nanoparticles were realized using the solid state route described herein. The solid state route was extended to the synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles as well as supported metal nanoparticles. Employment of metal nitrate as the metal precursor and ammonia borane as the reducing agent resulted in highly exothermic reaction. The heat evolved in this reaction was exploited successfully towards mixing of the constituent elements thus allowing the alloy formation to occur at much lower temperature (60 oC) compared to the traditional solid state metallurgical methods (temperature used in these cases are > 1000 oC). Synthesis of highly monodisperse 2-3 nm Cu/Au and 5-8 nm Cu/Ag nanoparticles were demonstrated herein. Alumina and silica supported Pt and Pd nanoparticles have also been prepared. Use of ammonia borane as the reducing agent in the solid state brought out the reduction of metal ions to metal nanoparticles and the simultaneous generation of BNHx polymer which encapsulates the metal (Pt and Pd) nanoparticles supported on support materials. Treatment of these materials with methanol resulted in the solvolysis of BNHx polymer and its complete removal to finally provide metal nanoparticles on the support materials. An in situ seeding growth methodology for the synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles with core@shell architecture composed of noble metals has been developed using trimethylamine borane (TMAB) as the reducing agent. The key idea of this synthetic procedure is that, TMAB being a weak reducing agent is able to differentiate the smallest possible window of reduction potential and hence reduces the metal ions sequentially. A dramatic solvent effect was noted in the preparation of Ag nanoparticles: Ag nanoparticles were obtained at room temperature when dry THF was used as the solvent whereas, reflux condition was required to realize the same using wet THF as the solvent. However, no such behavior was noted in the preparation of Au and Pd nanoparticles wherein Au and Pd nanoparticles were obtained at room temperature and reflux conditions, respectively. This difference in reduction behavior was successfully exploited to synthesize Au@Ag, Ag@Au, and Ag@Pd nanoparticles. All these core@shell nanoparticles were further transformed to their alloy counterparts under very mild conditions reported to date. Highly monodisperse, ultrasmall, colloidal Ca nanoparticles with a size regime of 2-4 nm were synthesized using solvated metal atom dispersion (SMAD) method and digestive ripening technique. Hexadecylamine (HDA) was used as the stabilizing agent in this case. Employment of capping agent with a longer chain length, octadecylamine afforded even smaller sized particles. However, when poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP), a branched chain polymer was used as the capping agent, agglomerated particles were realized together with small particles of 3-6 nm. Use of a combination of PVP and HDA resulted in spherical particles of 2-3 nm size with narrow size distribution. Growth of Ca nanoparticles via colaesence mechanism was observed under an electron beam. Employing in situ transmission electron microscopy technique, real time coalescence between a pair of Ca nanoparticles were detected and details of coalescence steps were analyzed.

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