Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bottom_up - Top-down:"" "subject:"bottom - Top-down:""
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Lärandets relation till medarbetarskapet : En kvantitativ studie om medarbetarens lärande i en organisatorisk miljöFuneskog, Oscar, Westerback, Jack January 2018 (has links)
Studien som här sammanfattas är kvantitativ och börjar med en redogörelse av tidigare forskning inom ämnena, medarbetarskap, top-down – bottom-up, samt street level bureaucacy. Därefter redovisas den teoretiska referensramen som arbetet utgått från; Dochertys organisatoriska lärande. En svensk kommun bestående av omkring 10 000 medarbetare har använts som population till arbetet hos vilken en surveyundersökning genomförts. Syftet med studien var att undersöka relationen mellan lärande och medarbetarskap. Fokusområden har varit individens lärande inom organisationen liksom hur detta påverkat deras intryck av sitt medarbetarskap. Det resultat som framkommit visar att lärande är bidragande till ett välmående medarbetarskap. Slutligen skildras en analys av resultatet som sedan leder till en diskussion.
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Relações tróficas e limnológicas no reservatório de Itaipu: uma análise do impacto da biomassa pesqueira nas comunidades planctônicas / Trophic and limnological interactions in the Itaipu reservoir: an analysis of the impact of the fishing biomass in the planktonic communitiesRibeiro Filho, Rinaldo Antonio 20 November 2006 (has links)
Inúmeros estudos experimentais contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da teoria das redes tróficas lacustres, revelando o importante papel dos peixes, ignorados no campo da limnologia durante décadas. A maioria dos estudos foi desenvolvida na Europa e Estados Unidos e a generalidade da teoria ainda não foi amplamente testada em ambientes subtropicais e tropicais. Apesar das controversas, as hipóteses de cascata trófica e de bottom-up : top-down são os modelos conceituais mais utilizados. Neste contexto, este trabalho baseia-se na hipótese de que as relações tróficas em cascata, relacionadas aos efeitos bottom-up e top-down, podem ser encontradas no Reservatório de Itaipu, inserido em região subtropical. Com base em dados disponibilizados pela Itaipu Binacional, para o período de 1999 a 2004. Análises de Covariância (ANCOVAs) foram realizadas para determinar as relações das variáveis dependentes clorofila-a, cianobactéria e transparência da água sobre as demais variáveis limnológicas. Análises de correlações também foram realizadas para verificar a existência de algum tipo de efeito na cascata trófica. Os resultados obtidos caracterizam o reservatório como mesotrófico, com situações de oligotrofia na zona lacustre. Efeito negativo foi verificado para transparência da água em relação aos sólidos suspensos totais e turbidez. A clorofila apresentou relação positiva com nitrogênio total, mas não para fósforo total. Os peixes onívoros, detritívoros e insetívoros exerceram efeito negativo (controle) na densidade das cianobactérias e na concentração de clorofila. A estimativa da produção de peixes no reservatório foi melhor relacionada com as cianobactérias do reservatório, gerando um modelo estatístico através desta análise. Os efeitos top-down e bottom-up foram confirmados, sendo que as forças top-down foram encontradas apenas no primeiro nível trófico e as demais apresentaram efeito bottom-up. / Many experimental studies contributed for the development of the theory of the lacustrine food web, disclosing the important paper of the fish, for decades ignored by the limnology. These studies, in its majority, had been developed in Europe and North America and the generality of the hypotheses supporting the theory was not tested yet in subtropical and tropical environments. Although controversial, the trophic cascade and bottom-up: top-down hypotheses are the two main conceptual models presently used. This work is based on the hypothesis of the trophic cascade relations, particularly related to bottom-up and top-down effect can be detected in Itaipu Reservoir, a subtropical system. Using the made data available by Itaipu Binacional, from 1999 to 2004. Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVAs) were accomplished to determine the relationships of the dependent variable on the chlorophyll-a, cyanobacterias and transparency of the water (independent variables) and between the other limnologycal variables. Analyses of correlations were also accomplished to verify the existence of some effect type in the trophic cascade. The results show that the reservoir presented mesotrophic, and oligotrophic and characteristics in the lacustrine area. A negative effect was verified between the water transparency in relation to suspended solids and turbid. The chlorophyll presented positive relationship with total nitrogen, but didn\'t present any relationship with the total phosphorus. The omnivorous, and detritivorous and insectivorous fishes presented a negative effect (control) in the cyanobacteria concentrations and chlorophyll. The estimate of the production of fish in the reservoir was better related with the concentrations of cyanobacterias of the reservoir, generating a statistical model through this analysis. The top-down and bottom-up effect had been confirmed, the forces top-down had been found only in the first trophic level, and the others presented bottom-up effect.
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Relações tróficas e limnológicas no reservatório de Itaipu: uma análise do impacto da biomassa pesqueira nas comunidades planctônicas / Trophic and limnological interactions in the Itaipu reservoir: an analysis of the impact of the fishing biomass in the planktonic communitiesRinaldo Antonio Ribeiro Filho 20 November 2006 (has links)
Inúmeros estudos experimentais contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da teoria das redes tróficas lacustres, revelando o importante papel dos peixes, ignorados no campo da limnologia durante décadas. A maioria dos estudos foi desenvolvida na Europa e Estados Unidos e a generalidade da teoria ainda não foi amplamente testada em ambientes subtropicais e tropicais. Apesar das controversas, as hipóteses de cascata trófica e de bottom-up : top-down são os modelos conceituais mais utilizados. Neste contexto, este trabalho baseia-se na hipótese de que as relações tróficas em cascata, relacionadas aos efeitos bottom-up e top-down, podem ser encontradas no Reservatório de Itaipu, inserido em região subtropical. Com base em dados disponibilizados pela Itaipu Binacional, para o período de 1999 a 2004. Análises de Covariância (ANCOVAs) foram realizadas para determinar as relações das variáveis dependentes clorofila-a, cianobactéria e transparência da água sobre as demais variáveis limnológicas. Análises de correlações também foram realizadas para verificar a existência de algum tipo de efeito na cascata trófica. Os resultados obtidos caracterizam o reservatório como mesotrófico, com situações de oligotrofia na zona lacustre. Efeito negativo foi verificado para transparência da água em relação aos sólidos suspensos totais e turbidez. A clorofila apresentou relação positiva com nitrogênio total, mas não para fósforo total. Os peixes onívoros, detritívoros e insetívoros exerceram efeito negativo (controle) na densidade das cianobactérias e na concentração de clorofila. A estimativa da produção de peixes no reservatório foi melhor relacionada com as cianobactérias do reservatório, gerando um modelo estatístico através desta análise. Os efeitos top-down e bottom-up foram confirmados, sendo que as forças top-down foram encontradas apenas no primeiro nível trófico e as demais apresentaram efeito bottom-up. / Many experimental studies contributed for the development of the theory of the lacustrine food web, disclosing the important paper of the fish, for decades ignored by the limnology. These studies, in its majority, had been developed in Europe and North America and the generality of the hypotheses supporting the theory was not tested yet in subtropical and tropical environments. Although controversial, the trophic cascade and bottom-up: top-down hypotheses are the two main conceptual models presently used. This work is based on the hypothesis of the trophic cascade relations, particularly related to bottom-up and top-down effect can be detected in Itaipu Reservoir, a subtropical system. Using the made data available by Itaipu Binacional, from 1999 to 2004. Analyses of Covariance (ANCOVAs) were accomplished to determine the relationships of the dependent variable on the chlorophyll-a, cyanobacterias and transparency of the water (independent variables) and between the other limnologycal variables. Analyses of correlations were also accomplished to verify the existence of some effect type in the trophic cascade. The results show that the reservoir presented mesotrophic, and oligotrophic and characteristics in the lacustrine area. A negative effect was verified between the water transparency in relation to suspended solids and turbid. The chlorophyll presented positive relationship with total nitrogen, but didn\'t present any relationship with the total phosphorus. The omnivorous, and detritivorous and insectivorous fishes presented a negative effect (control) in the cyanobacteria concentrations and chlorophyll. The estimate of the production of fish in the reservoir was better related with the concentrations of cyanobacterias of the reservoir, generating a statistical model through this analysis. The top-down and bottom-up effect had been confirmed, the forces top-down had been found only in the first trophic level, and the others presented bottom-up effect.
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Changement technique et double dividende d'écotaxes. Un essai sur la confluence des prospectives énergétique et macro-économiqueGHERSI, Frédéric 01 April 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse portent sur l'évaluation des coûts macro-économiques de politiques climatiques nationales et mondiales.<br />Ils reposent sur une mise en relation innovante des prospectives énergétique et macroéconomique, dont l'objectif est d'assurer la représentation fidèle, dans la modélisation macroéconomique, des élasticités du système énergétique mises en lumière par l'analyse technico-économique.<br />Ils opèrent aussi un questionnement critique des études analytiques ayant conclu à l'improbabilité d'un dividende économique net de réformes fiscales environnementales, en démontrant que le signe ultime de l'effet prix général d'une réforme « écofiscale » est dépendant des structures de production et de consommation préexistant à la réforme, ainsi que de leur réactivité au signal-prix.<br />Ils soulignent enfin le rôle prépondérant du changement technique induit et de ses modalités—éviction de l'investissement de productivité générale éventuellement corrigée par une diffusion du progrès technique spécifique—sur l'obtention d'un second dividende.
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Le incerte vie della sostenibilità: energia, acqua e rifiuti tra azioni strategiche d'impresa e percorsi di partecipazione / The uncertain ways for sustainability. Energy, water and waste between entrepreneurial strategy and participation pathsCORRADI, VALERIO 19 February 2010 (has links)
Le modalità attuali di produzione, distribuzione e consumo dei servizi elettrico, idrico e d’igiene urbana sono largamente insostenibili. Alla luce del crescente impatto ambientale di tali attività, aziende di servizio, istituzioni e cittadini-consumatori si dichiarano preoccupati e disponibili a riorientare strategie, politiche e pratiche sulla base di principi di sostenibilità ambientale. Il presente lavoro si propone di analizzare i processi di trasformazione in senso ecologico di alcune filiere della produzione e del consumo di servizi pubblici locali secondo una prospettiva disciplinare di sociologia dell’ambiente, attraverso uno studio di caso avente per oggetto le politiche ambientali della maggiore local utility italiana e una indagine qualitativa delle pratiche sociali di consumo di servizi di un campione di stakeholders/clienti della medesima Società. La ricerca assegna ampio spazio all’analisi dell’attuale scenario socio-ambientale nel quale trovano posto discorsi e strategie ambientali di multiutilities orientate a un incremento della complessità organizzativa e delle performance sociali, economiche, ambientali, e cambiamenti nelle modalità di consumo/fruizione finale dei servizi che ridefiniscono, sul piano simbolico e pratico, gli importanti nessi tra produzione e consumo e tra fattori come tecnologia e stile di vita. In particolare dalla ricerca sembrano emergere con insistenza due percorsi che si propongono come obiettivo la sostenibilità ambientale. Uno di tipo istituzionale che prospetta cambiamenti secondo uno schema di intervento dall’alto verso il basso (top-down), e un altro, animato da priorità molto diverse, che è portatore di un rinnovamento partecipativo dal basso.
A fronte di queste contrastanti vie della sostenibilità, il modello teorico più noto e diffuso nell’ambito della sociologia dell’ambiente per la lettura del mutamento in senso ecologico nel campo dei servizi pubblici locali mostra la propria inadeguatezza e l’esigenza di una riformulazione. Sul piano delle risultanze empiriche la separazione e il difficile riconoscimento tra i soggetti portatori di strategie top-down e quelli che elaborano percorsi bottom up mostra la problematica presenza di logiche di azione molto diverse in campo ambientale che sembrano difficili da conciliare. A un’ultima analisi emerge come nel conseguimento di principi di sostenibilità ambientale sia la via dall’alto che quella dal basso, accanto e indubbie potenzialità, possiedono rilevanti elementi di incertezza e ambiguità che per il momento sembrano rendere indefinibile da parte dei produttori e consumatori dei servizi elettrico, idrico e ambientale un percorso efficace e condiviso per la transizione verso un futuro sostenibile. / The sustainable management of common-pool resources will be among the main challenges that people will have to solve in the next years. In spite of all that, unsustainability of the current energy, water and waste production–consumption models are evident.
In the last years socio-technical utility systems such as electricity, water and waste, have been subjected to many transformation in managerial (liberalization), organizational (multiutility model) and socio-cultural (new orientation for consumption) dimensions. Since the utility systems are closely intertwined with society and nature their transformation to play a leading role in the making of environmental sustainable future for society. In the first section this paper introduces an analysis of theoretic position on utility system’s transformation, and highlight weak point and perspective of this dynamic change’s riding. In the second section the paper proposes a sociological integrated framework for interpretation of the ecological transformation of the energy and water consumption and waste management.
The sociological analysis shows that in socio-environmental field there are two sustainable paths (top down strategy versus bottom up way) but they seem weak and uncertain and don’t enough for building a sustainable future.
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Simultaneous Bottom-up/top-down Processing In Early And Mid Level VisionErdem, Mehmet Erkut 01 November 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The prevalent view in computer vision since Marr is that visual perception is a data-driven bottom-up process. In this view, image data is processed in a feed-forward fashion where a sequence of independent visual modules transforms simple low-level cues into more complex abstract perceptual units. Over the years, a variety of techniques has been developed using this paradigm. Yet an important realization is that low-level visual cues are generally so ambiguous that they could make purely bottom-up methods quite unsuccessful. These ambiguities cannot be resolved without taking account of high-level contextual information. In this thesis, we explore different ways of enriching early and mid-level computer vision modules with a capacity to extract and use contextual knowledge. Mainly, we integrate low-level image features with contextual information within uni& / #64257 / ed formulations where bottom-up and top-down processing take place simultaneously.
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Nahrungsnetzbewirtschaftung in MittelgebirgstalsperrenScharf, Wilfried 12 November 2004 (has links)
&quot;Biomanipulation&quot; was carried out in order to try and improve the water quality of six deep reservoirs situated in the catchment area of the River Wupper. All the reservoirs are deep, dimictic soft-water lake types, covering a range from oligo-/mesotrophic to eutrophic. Although changing the fishery management only by repeated fish stocking, in combination with implementating size and bag limits for recreational fisheries, is thought to have only limited success, we decided to put this type of &quot;Biomanipulation&quot; into practice. This whole-lake biomanipulation experiment, covering a time scale of more than ten years, aimed to address the following questions: 1. Is such a fishery-management strategy a useful water quality management tool in deep reservoirs, not only in maintaining but also in sustaining the best water quality conditions in relation to the given nutrient concentrations? 2. What are the underlying mechanisms? With the exception of the oligotrophic Große Dhünn Reservoir, &quot;Biomanipulation&quot; resulted in a shift of zooplankton body-size structure to larger daphnids in all the reservoirs. The underlying switch in the size shift from Daphnia cucullata to Daphnia galeata (Bever-Reservoir, Wupper-R, Lingese-R), or only in increasing individual body sizes of the Daphnia galeata population (Vorsperre Große Dhünn), occurred suddenly but only some years after the changes in fishery management were implemented. Our records of the fish stock suggest that indirect effects, presumably resulting from predator avoidance, must be a driving force. An increase of zooplankton body-size structure always resulted in an improvement in secchi-disk depth, often accompanied by a vertical restructuring of the water column favouring the development of metalimnetic algal populations. A decrease in summer chlorophyll concentrations in the trophogenic zone was only achieved in the slightly eutrophic reservoirs. This decrease in chlorophyll concentration was always accompanied by a decrease in the total phosphorus concentration in summer, while the total phosphorus concentration in spring remained unchanged. Thus, reduced P-availability, due to an increased vertical phosphorus flux, caused algal biomass to decline.These results support predictions from the size-efficiency hypothesis (Brooks &amp; Dodson, 1965) but not those from the trophic cascade hypothesis (Carpenter et al., 1985). Undoubtedly the results underline the importance of indirect effects with respect to a successful &quot;Biomanipulation&quot; as predicted from the hypothesis of Biomanipulation Efficiency Threshold of P-loading (Benndorf, 1987). In summary, implementation of a correct fishery management strategy was shown to be a useful water quality management tool, not only in maintaining but also in sustaining the best water quality conditions, in relation to the given nutrient concentrations in these deep reservoirs. / In sechs Mittelgebirgstalsperren im Einzugsgebiet der Wupper erfolgte eine Umstellung der fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung mit dem Ziel, die Gewässergüte dieser Talsperren durch Absenkung der Zooplanktivorie zu verbessern und auf einem hohen Niveau zu stabilisieren. Vom Gewässercharakter her handelt es sich bei den Talsperren um klare tiefe Weichwasserseen, welche den oligo-/mesotrophen bis eutrophen Bereich abdecken. Die hier genutzte Methode einer ordnungsgemäßen fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung (Nahrungsnetzbewirtschaftung), welche sich zum Auf- und Umbau der Fischbestände auf Besatz- und Hegemaßnahmen stützt und dabei bewusst auf massive Eingriffe verzichtet, gelangte bisher nur in wenigen Fällen zur ausschließlichen Anwendung und wird allgemein als wenig erfolgversprechend eingestuft. Ziel dieser mehrjährigen Ökosystemuntersuchungen mit anwendungsorientiertem Ansatz ist eine Antwort auf die Frage nach der Praxistauglichkeit und den Grenzen des Instruments der Nahrungsnetzbewirtschaftung in Mittelgebirgstalsperren. Die Analyse der Ergebnisse versucht die zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen und Randbedingungen herauszuarbeiten, welche für die Wirkungsentfaltung der den Erfolg einer Nahrungsnetzbewirtschaftung tragenden Kräfte auf ökosystemarer Ebene verantwortlich sind. Mit Ausnahme der oligotrophen Großen Dhünn-Talsperre konnte in allen Gewässern eine adäquate Reaktion des Zooplanktons durch Umstellung der fischereilichen Bewirtschaftung erzielt werden. Im Einklang mit der Hypothese einer kritischen Schwelle der Planktivorie erfolgten die Reaktionen sprunghaft, aber erst nach mehreren Jahren und manifestieren sich durch einen &quot;switch&quot; von Daphnia cucullata zum größeren Daphnia galeata-Komplex (Bever-Talsperre, Wupper-T, Lingese-T), teils durch Körpergrößenzunahme des Daphnia galeata-Komplexes (Vorsperre Große Dhünn). Wie die Fischbestandsdaten nahe legen, kommt den indirekten, vermutlich aus einer Räuber-Vermeidungsreaktion resultierenden Effekten, hierbei eine Schlüsselposition zu. Parallel mit der Veränderung des Zooplankton-Größenspektrums kommt es stets zu einer Erhöhung der sommerlichen Sichttiefen, welche vielfach von einer vertikalen Neustrukturierung der Algenentwicklung im Wasserkörper begleitet ist. Eine Absenkung der sommerlichen Chlorophyll-Konzentrationen in der trophogenen konnte hingegen nur in den schwach eutrophen Talsperren beobachtet werden und war stets von einer erhöhten Absenkung der sommerlichen gegenüber den frühjährlichen Gesamtphosphor-Konzentrationen begleitet. Entsprechend muss die Absenkung der sommerlichen Chlorophyll-Konzentrationen auf eine erhöhte Phosphor-Sedimentation zurückgeführt werden.Die Ergebnisse der fischereilichen Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen stehen im Einklang mit den Vorhersagen der size-efficiency Hypothese (Brooks &amp; Dodson, 1965), stützen aber nicht die Vorhersagen der trophic cascade Hypothese (Carpenter et al., 1985). Demgegenüber unterstreichen sie die Bedeutung indirekter Effekte, wie sie durch die These einer &quot;Biomanipulationseffektivitätsschwelle der Phosphor-Belastung&quot; (Benndorf, 1987) formuliert werden. Insgesamt erweist sich das Instrument der Nahrungsnetzbewirtschaftung als zwingender Baustein einer integrierten Wasserwirtschaft zur Sicherung der Gewässergüte in Mittelgebirgstalsperren, dessen soziökonomische Aspekte in der Arbeit angesprochen werden.
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