Spelling suggestions: "subject:"brain neoplasm"" "subject:"brain eoplasm""
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Neuronavigation in brain tumor surgery:clinical beta-phase of the Oulu Neuronavigator SystemSchiffbauer, H. (Hagen) 22 January 1999 (has links)
Interactive image-guided neurosurgery for the resection of brain tumors was developed within the last 10 years at different neurosurgical centers around the world to improve the safety of the surgery and the functional outcome of the patients. Since 1987, the Oulu Neuronavigator System, consisting mainly of a mechanical arm, visualization software, an ultrasound transducer and a computer, was developed at the Neurosurgical Research Unit, University of Oulu, Finland. It was the first system to incorporate the principle of the common surgical axis for visualization, including intraoperative ultrasonography. A precommercial version of the device was jointly developed with Elekta Ab, Stockholm, Sweden, as a public project under EUREKA and introduced into a clinical beta-phase trial in 1994 as the Leksell Index System™. A total of 19 operations were performed at the Oulu University Hospital between September 1994 and September 1996 for patients harboring different kinds of intracranial tumors, especially cerebral gliomas.
This thesis gives a comprehensive review of the literature from the roots of stereotaxy to the latest developments in interactive image-guided neurosurgery and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the Leksell Index System™ with special reference to the clinical series that was performed at our institution. Future therapy strategies for the treatment of patients with cerebral gliomas, especially glioblastoma multiforme are envisioned, focusing on the further improvement of surgical interventions.
The clinical trial proved that the employed neuronavigator system is versatile and safe and that there are no adverse effects, complications or surgical mortality due to the device. It enabled the surgeon to plan smaller sized and better centered skin incisions and craniotomies and to approach the target lesion with less dissection of intact brain tissue. Despite more radical removal of lesions the overall invasiveness of the operation was decreased in 63.2% of the cases, the duration of the procedure was decreased in 78.9%, and the surgeon's feeling of safety could be improved in 89.5% of the operations. Due to the use of intraoperative imaging (with ultrasound) the experience provides a unique basis for next generation neuronavigators and also for interventional MRI.
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Cognitive Predictors of Adaptive Functioning in Children with Tumors of the Cerebellar and Third Ventricle RegionsPapazoglou, Aimilia 03 May 2007 (has links)
As pediatric brain tumor survival rates increase, research has begun to further explore the influence of brain tumors and their treatment on functioning. The current study explored the ability of attention, learning, and memory abilities as measured by the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test and receptive language abilities as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test to predict adaptive functioning on the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales. Children with tumors of the cerebellar region were hypothesized to display relative impairments in attention, whereas children with tumors of the third ventricle region were hypothesized to display relative impairments in learning and memory. The cognitive measures also were hypothesized to be differentially predictive of adaptive functioning performance. No significant differences were found between the groups on cognitive performance, but attention was the best predictor of adaptive functioning in the cerebellar group, whereas receptive verbal knowledge was the best predictor for the third ventricle group.
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Ensamheten i att vårda en närstående med hjärntumör / The loneliness of caring for a relative with a brain tumorWestin, Emelie, Lindahl, Wilma January 2020 (has links)
Livet för en patient med hjärntumör förändras drastiskt. Patienter med hjärntumör upplever att sjukdomen tar deras självständighet och mening med livet. Syftet var att beskriva vårdarens upplevelser av att vårda en närstående med hjärntumör. En strukturerad litteraturstudie genomfördes, där tio artiklar analyserades med induktiv ansats. Litteraturstudiens resultat resulterade i en huvudkategori; ensamhet följt av fem underkategorier; vilsenhet, ovisshet, motvilligt maktövertagande, frustration samt längtan efter stöd. Vårdare till närstående med hjärntumör visade en stor påfrestning när de antog den vårdande rollen. Ett stort behov av stöd från vänner, familj och sjukvårdspersonal fanns. Den vårdande rollen innefattade inte enbart omvårdnad av den sjuke, utan även att axla ytterligare ansvar i vardagen så som att ta hand om ekonomin, hushållet och familjen. Denna litteraturstudie visar att när en anhörig blir vårdare till en familjemedlem med hjärntumör kan det vara en tillvaro av ensamhet. Denna ensamhet visade sig på flera olika sätt, såsom att känna sig vilsen, leva i ovisshet, hamna i ett motvilligt maktövertagande, känna sig frustrerad och känna en längtan efter stöd. För att hjälpa vårdarna i denna situation behöver vårdpersonalens rutiner och riktlinjer kring anhörigvård förbättras. / The life of a patient with brain tumor changes drastically. Patients with brain tumors experience that the illness robs them of their independence and life-meaning. The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of the caregiver. The study was conducted as a structured literature study in which ten articles were analyzed with an inductive approach. The literature study resulted in one main category; loneliness, and five subcategories; disorientation, uncertainty, reluctant takeover of power, frustration and longing for support. Caregivers of families with brain tumors showed a great strain when they accepted the caregiving role along with a need for support from friends, family and healthcare professionals. The caregiving role meant not only caring for the sick one, but also shouldering additional responsibility, such as the financials, the household and the family. This literature study shows that when a relative becomes a caregiver to a family member with a brain tumor there could be an existence of loneliness. This loneliness showed itself in many different ways, such as disorientation, uncertainty, reluctant takeover of power, frustration and longing for support. To help caregivers in this situation, care providers’ routines and guidelines on caregiving needs to be improved.
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Omvårdnad vid hjärntumör : Utifrån sjuksköterske- och patientperspektivet / Brain tumour nursing : From the nurse and patient perspectiveIngvarsson, Tella, Karlsson, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Maligna hjärntumörer är aggressiva, med diverse omfattande symtom som beror på graden av malignitet samt tumörens placering. Patienter med malign hjärntumör upplever ofta kognitiva symtom, vilket hotar patientens autonomi och delaktighet i vården. Sjuksköterskor upplever ofta en rädsla kring att möta patientens behov. Sjuksköterskor har även uttryckt en brist på lämpliga verktyg när det gäller att vårda patienter med malign hjärntumör. Patienter beskriver att information de erhållit kring sjukdomen inte är tillräcklig. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa upplevelse av omvårdnad vid diagnostiserad primär malign hjärntumör utifrån sjuksköterske- och patientperspektivet. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie. Nio resultatartiklar valdes ut från två olika databaser. Resultatartiklarna granskades, bearbetades och sammanställdes till tre huvudkategorier. Resultat: Huvudkategorierna som framkom var: kommunikation mellan sjuksköterska och patient, behov av information och behov av stöd. Resultatet visade hur viktigt kommunikation och information är för både sjuksköterskan och patienten, samt att patienten var i behov av ett känslomässigt och andligt stöd. Konklusion: Ärlig information ger möjlighet till djupa samtal och stöd som rör sjukdomen och döden. Genom att belysa omvårdnaden vid primär malign hjärntumör från både patientens och sjuksköterskans perspektiv ökar kunskapen och möjligheterna till att bedriva personcentrerad omvårdnad. / Background: Malignant brain tumors are aggressive, with various comprehensive symptoms that depend on the degree of malignancy and the location of the tumor. Patients with malignant brain tumors often experience cognitive symptoms, which threaten the patient's autonomy and participation in the care. Nurses often experience a fear of meeting the patient's needs. Nurses have also expressed a lack of appropriate tools when it comes to caring for patients with malignant brain tumors. Patients describe that the information they received about the disease is not sufficient. Aim: The aim was to shed light on the experience of nursing care for diagnosed primary malignant brain tumor from the nurse and patient perspective. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature study. Nine result articles were chosen from two different databases. The resulting articles were reviewed, processed, and compiled into three main themes. Result: The main themes that emerged were communication between nurse and patient, need for information and need for support. The results showed how important communication and information were for the nurse and the patient and that the patient needed emotional and spiritual support. Conclusion: Honest information provides the opportunity for deep conversations and support regarding the illness and death. By highlighting the nursing care for primary malignant brain tumor from both the patient's and the nurse's perspective, the possibilities for person-centered nursing are increasing.
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Análise funcional de CD99 na tumorigênese de astrocitomas / Functional analysis of CD99 in astrocytomas tumorigenesisSantos, Ursula Urias dos 23 February 2015 (has links)
Astrocitomas constituem o tipo mais comum de tumor cerebral neuroepitelial primário apresentando grande heteogeneidade. De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde, os astrocitomas podem ser histologicamente divididos em graus I- IV. Astrocitomas pilocíticos (grau I) são tumores circunscritos, de crescimento lento e bom prognóstico. Astrocitomas difusos (grau II) apresentam hipercelularidade, crescimento relativamente lento e propensão para invadir o tecido cerebral normaladjacente. Astrocitomas anaplásicos (grau III) apresentam aumento da celularidade, atipia nuclear e figuras mitóticas. Glioblastomas (GBMs - grau IV) representam o mais frequente e maligno tumor cerebral humano com crescimento extremamente agressivo, anaplasia, células altamente proliferativas, com frequente neoangiogênese e necrose. O comportamento altamente invasivo dos GBMs, caracterizado pela infiltração difusa para o parênquima cerebral normal adjacente, inviabiliza a remoção cirúrgica total do tumor. Além disso, as células dos GBMs são relativamente resistentes às terapias disponíveis. Analogamente a outros tipos de câncer, os GBMs demonstram comportamentos semelhantes às de células trofoblásticas, sugerindo vias de sinalização compartilhadas no controle dos processos tumorigênicos e de implantação da placenta. Em ambos os casos, o estabelecimento de um fenótipo invasivo compreende processos celulares que incluem aumento da proliferação, expressão ou repressão de moléculas de adesão celular específicas, produção de enzimas que digerem a matriz extracelular, expressão de produtos de proto-oncogenes, ativação da telomerase, evasão ou edição da resposta imune do hospedeiro e angiogênese. Com base nas características comuns entre células tumorais e trofoblastos, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a busca in silico de genes expressos em placenta e tecidos tumorais e que podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e manutenção do fenótipo maligno, utilizando os bancos de dados de MPSS e SAGE. Dentre os 12 genes avaliados, CD99 foi o que apresentou o maior valor de expressão média nas amostras de GBM em comparação a amostras de tecido cerebral não neoplásico. Em uma casuística ampliada de astrocitomas , observou-se uma maior expressão relativa de CD99 em todos os graus de malignidade, sendo que os GBMs apresentaram os valores mais elevados. Esses achados foram confirmados em nível proteico por western blot e imunoistoquímica. Além disso, foi realizada a análise de imunolocalização de CD99 em amostras de tumores astrocíticos, com localização restrita a membrana ou citoplasma, em contraste ao tecido cerebral não neoplásico ou astrocitomas pilocíticos não infiltrantes, que não apresentaram marcação nestas estruturas. Ao compararmos três linhagens celulares derivadas de GBM, CD99 apresentou maior expressão na membrana e maior capacidade migratória nas linhagens A172 e U87MG, enquanto que a linhagem T98G apresentou menor expressão da proteína e ausência de capacidade migratória. O silenciamento da expressão de CD99 por siRNA diminuiu significativamente a migração das linhagens celulares A172 e U87MG. Além disto, anticorpo anti-CD99 apresentou maior marcação por em lamelipódios das células U87MG, possivelmente por reorganização do citoesqueleto de actina. Os resultados integrados de expressão gênica e proteica sugerem que a expressão de CD99 em astrocitomas de diferentes graus de malignidade pode contribuir para a capacidade infiltrativa destes tumores, ressaltando a importância desta proteína como um potencial alvo para a redução da capacidade infiltrativa dos astrocitomas nos processsos de migração e invasão / Astrocytomas are the most common type of primary neuroepithelial brain tumour and show great heterogeneity. According to World Health Organization criteria, astrocytomas can be histologically separated into grades I through IV. Pilocytic astrocytomas (grade I) are circumscribed, slow growing tumours with a good prognosis and mainly occur in children or young adults. Low-grade astrocytomas (grade II) show hypercellularity, relatively slow growth, and a propensity to invade surrounding normal brain tissue. Anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III) have increased cellularity, nuclear atypia, and mitotic figures. Glioblastomas (GBMs - grade IV), are the most common malignant and aggressive of all brain malignancies, exhibiting anaplastic, highly proliferative cells, with frequent neoangiogenesis and necrosis. GBM cells can escape complete resectability and are relatively resistant to the available therapies (radiation and chemotherapy). Similar to other cancer types, GBMs demonstrates behaviours that are analogous to trophoblastic cells, suggesting shared pathways to control tumourigenic processes and placental implantation. In both cases, the establishment of an invasive phenotype comprises cellular processes that include increased proliferation, the expression or repression of specific cell adhesion molecules, the production of enzymes that digest the extracellular matrix, the expression of proto-oncogene products, telomerase activation, evasion or edition of the host immune response, and angiogenesis. Based on the shared characteristics of tumour cells and trophoblasts, we searched in silico for genes that are in both placenta and tumour tissues using MPSS and SAGE databases and that could contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a malignant phenotype. Among 12 selected genes, CD99 exhibited the highest relative mRNA expression in GBM compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues. In a larger cohort of astrocytic tumours, we further demonstrated increased CD99 expression in all malignant grades, with GBMs showing the highest values. These findings were confirmed at the protein level by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, we demonstrated the CD99 localisation profile in astrocytic tumours. Interestingly, CD99 expression was confined to the cytoplasm or membrane in more malignant astrocytomas, in contrast to non-neoplastic brain tissue or non-infiltrative pilocytic astrocytoma, which showed no obvious staining in these structures. Comparison of three GBM cell lines revealed higher CD99 expression at the membrane and higher migratory capacity in the A172 and U87MG lines, but lower CD99 expression and no migratory ability in the T98 line. Knocking down CD99 expression by siRNA decreased significantly the migration of both A172 and U87MG cell lines. Additionally, a higher anti-CD99 antibody staining was observed in lamellipodia of U87MG, probably because of actin citoskeletal reorganization. These integrated CD99 gene and protein expression results suggest that CD99 expression in astrocytomas of different malignant grades might contribute to the infiltrative ability and support the importance of CD99 as a potential target to reduce infiltrative astrocytoma capacity in migration and invasion.
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Análise funcional de CD99 na tumorigênese de astrocitomas / Functional analysis of CD99 in astrocytomas tumorigenesisUrsula Urias dos Santos 23 February 2015 (has links)
Astrocitomas constituem o tipo mais comum de tumor cerebral neuroepitelial primário apresentando grande heteogeneidade. De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde, os astrocitomas podem ser histologicamente divididos em graus I- IV. Astrocitomas pilocíticos (grau I) são tumores circunscritos, de crescimento lento e bom prognóstico. Astrocitomas difusos (grau II) apresentam hipercelularidade, crescimento relativamente lento e propensão para invadir o tecido cerebral normaladjacente. Astrocitomas anaplásicos (grau III) apresentam aumento da celularidade, atipia nuclear e figuras mitóticas. Glioblastomas (GBMs - grau IV) representam o mais frequente e maligno tumor cerebral humano com crescimento extremamente agressivo, anaplasia, células altamente proliferativas, com frequente neoangiogênese e necrose. O comportamento altamente invasivo dos GBMs, caracterizado pela infiltração difusa para o parênquima cerebral normal adjacente, inviabiliza a remoção cirúrgica total do tumor. Além disso, as células dos GBMs são relativamente resistentes às terapias disponíveis. Analogamente a outros tipos de câncer, os GBMs demonstram comportamentos semelhantes às de células trofoblásticas, sugerindo vias de sinalização compartilhadas no controle dos processos tumorigênicos e de implantação da placenta. Em ambos os casos, o estabelecimento de um fenótipo invasivo compreende processos celulares que incluem aumento da proliferação, expressão ou repressão de moléculas de adesão celular específicas, produção de enzimas que digerem a matriz extracelular, expressão de produtos de proto-oncogenes, ativação da telomerase, evasão ou edição da resposta imune do hospedeiro e angiogênese. Com base nas características comuns entre células tumorais e trofoblastos, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo a busca in silico de genes expressos em placenta e tecidos tumorais e que podem contribuir para o estabelecimento e manutenção do fenótipo maligno, utilizando os bancos de dados de MPSS e SAGE. Dentre os 12 genes avaliados, CD99 foi o que apresentou o maior valor de expressão média nas amostras de GBM em comparação a amostras de tecido cerebral não neoplásico. Em uma casuística ampliada de astrocitomas , observou-se uma maior expressão relativa de CD99 em todos os graus de malignidade, sendo que os GBMs apresentaram os valores mais elevados. Esses achados foram confirmados em nível proteico por western blot e imunoistoquímica. Além disso, foi realizada a análise de imunolocalização de CD99 em amostras de tumores astrocíticos, com localização restrita a membrana ou citoplasma, em contraste ao tecido cerebral não neoplásico ou astrocitomas pilocíticos não infiltrantes, que não apresentaram marcação nestas estruturas. Ao compararmos três linhagens celulares derivadas de GBM, CD99 apresentou maior expressão na membrana e maior capacidade migratória nas linhagens A172 e U87MG, enquanto que a linhagem T98G apresentou menor expressão da proteína e ausência de capacidade migratória. O silenciamento da expressão de CD99 por siRNA diminuiu significativamente a migração das linhagens celulares A172 e U87MG. Além disto, anticorpo anti-CD99 apresentou maior marcação por em lamelipódios das células U87MG, possivelmente por reorganização do citoesqueleto de actina. Os resultados integrados de expressão gênica e proteica sugerem que a expressão de CD99 em astrocitomas de diferentes graus de malignidade pode contribuir para a capacidade infiltrativa destes tumores, ressaltando a importância desta proteína como um potencial alvo para a redução da capacidade infiltrativa dos astrocitomas nos processsos de migração e invasão / Astrocytomas are the most common type of primary neuroepithelial brain tumour and show great heterogeneity. According to World Health Organization criteria, astrocytomas can be histologically separated into grades I through IV. Pilocytic astrocytomas (grade I) are circumscribed, slow growing tumours with a good prognosis and mainly occur in children or young adults. Low-grade astrocytomas (grade II) show hypercellularity, relatively slow growth, and a propensity to invade surrounding normal brain tissue. Anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III) have increased cellularity, nuclear atypia, and mitotic figures. Glioblastomas (GBMs - grade IV), are the most common malignant and aggressive of all brain malignancies, exhibiting anaplastic, highly proliferative cells, with frequent neoangiogenesis and necrosis. GBM cells can escape complete resectability and are relatively resistant to the available therapies (radiation and chemotherapy). Similar to other cancer types, GBMs demonstrates behaviours that are analogous to trophoblastic cells, suggesting shared pathways to control tumourigenic processes and placental implantation. In both cases, the establishment of an invasive phenotype comprises cellular processes that include increased proliferation, the expression or repression of specific cell adhesion molecules, the production of enzymes that digest the extracellular matrix, the expression of proto-oncogene products, telomerase activation, evasion or edition of the host immune response, and angiogenesis. Based on the shared characteristics of tumour cells and trophoblasts, we searched in silico for genes that are in both placenta and tumour tissues using MPSS and SAGE databases and that could contribute to the establishment and maintenance of a malignant phenotype. Among 12 selected genes, CD99 exhibited the highest relative mRNA expression in GBM compared to non-neoplastic brain tissues. In a larger cohort of astrocytic tumours, we further demonstrated increased CD99 expression in all malignant grades, with GBMs showing the highest values. These findings were confirmed at the protein level by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. Additionally, we demonstrated the CD99 localisation profile in astrocytic tumours. Interestingly, CD99 expression was confined to the cytoplasm or membrane in more malignant astrocytomas, in contrast to non-neoplastic brain tissue or non-infiltrative pilocytic astrocytoma, which showed no obvious staining in these structures. Comparison of three GBM cell lines revealed higher CD99 expression at the membrane and higher migratory capacity in the A172 and U87MG lines, but lower CD99 expression and no migratory ability in the T98 line. Knocking down CD99 expression by siRNA decreased significantly the migration of both A172 and U87MG cell lines. Additionally, a higher anti-CD99 antibody staining was observed in lamellipodia of U87MG, probably because of actin citoskeletal reorganization. These integrated CD99 gene and protein expression results suggest that CD99 expression in astrocytomas of different malignant grades might contribute to the infiltrative ability and support the importance of CD99 as a potential target to reduce infiltrative astrocytoma capacity in migration and invasion.
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Avaliação das metástases encefálicas antes e após radiocirurgia através de técnica de permeabilidade por ressonância magnética / Assessment of irradiated brain metastases using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingFreitas, Daniela Batista de Almeida 03 June 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da radiocirurgia estereotática (RC) sobre a permeabilidade tumoral das metástases encefálicas, utilizando-se como parâmetro a o coeficiente de transferência de contraste (transfer coefficient, Ktrans) obtida pela técnica de permeabilidade por ressonância magnética (RM). Objetivou-se também avaliar a capacidade de medições Ktrans para prever a resposta volumétrica tumoral a médio prazo depois da RC. Métodos: Vinte e seis pacientes adultos com um total de 34 metástases encefálicas foram submetidos a exames de RM, com sequência dinâmica ponderada em T1, após administração de contraste, em magneto de 1,5 T, antes da RC (linha de base) e 4-8 semanas após o tratamento. A partir desta sequência, foram obtidos mapas paramétricos Ktrans e realizadas medições em regiões de interesse das lesões. Adicionalmente, imagens convencionais ponderadas em T1 pós-contraste foram obtidas pelo menos 16 semanas após a RC, a fim de avaliar a resposta volumétrica tumoral baseada na variação de volume. Resultados: A média ± (devio-padrão [DP]) do valor de Ktrans foi 0,13 ± 0,11 min-1 no exame inicial e 0,08 ± 0,07 min-1 após 4-8 semanas do tratamento (p < 0,001). Os pacientes foram seguidos em média por 7,9 ± 4,7 meses. Dezessete deles (22 lesões) foram submetidos a RM após 16 semanas do tratamento. Destes, 9 (41%) lesões tinham progredido no médio prazo. O aumento da medida de Ktrans após RC foi preditivo de progressão do volume tumoral (taxa de risco = 1,50, interval de confiança 95%: 1,16-1,70, p < 0,001), sendo que a elevação em 15% do valor de Ktrans mostrou uma sensibilidade de 78% e uma especificidade de 85% para a previsão de progressão do volume tumoral a médio prazo. Conclusão: RC está associada a redução dos valores Ktrans das metástases encefálicas no período pós-tratamento precoce. Além disso a variação Ktrans, medida através da técnica de permabilidade por RM, pode ser útil para prever a resposta do volume tumoral a médio prazo para este tratamento / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) on cerebral metastases using the transfer coefficient (Ktrans) assessed with dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate the ability of Ktrans measurements to predict mid-term tumor outcomes after SRS. Methods: Twenty-six adult patients with a total of 34 cerebral metastases underwent T1-weighted DCE MRI in a 1.5T magnet at baseline (prior to SRS) and 4-8 weeks after treatment. Quantitative analysis of DCE MRI was performed generating Ktrans parametric maps, and region-of-interest-based measurements were acquired for each metastasis. Conventional MRI was performed at least 16 weeks after SRS to assess mid-term tumor outcome using volume variation. Results: The mean ± (Standard Deviation[SD]) Ktrans value was 0.13 ± 0.11 min-1 at baseline and 0.08 ± 0.07 min-1 after 4-8 weeks posttreatment (p < 0.001). The mean (± SD) total follow-up time was 7.9 ± 4.7 months. Seventeen patients (22 lesions) underwent mid-term MRI. Of those, 9 (41%) lesions had progressed at the mid-term follow-up. An increase in Ktrans after SRS was predictive of tumor progression (hazard ratio =1.50; 95% confidence interval: 1.16-1.70, p < 0.001). An increase of 15% in Ktrans showed a 78% sensitivity and 85% specificity for prediction of progression at mid-term follow-up. Conclusion: SRS was associated with a reduction of Ktrans values of the cerebral metastases in the early post-treatment period. Furthermore, Ktrans variation as assessed using DCE MRI may be helpful to predict mid-term outcomes after SRS
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Avaliação das metástases encefálicas antes e após radiocirurgia através de técnica de permeabilidade por ressonância magnética / Assessment of irradiated brain metastases using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imagingDaniela Batista de Almeida Freitas 03 June 2015 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da radiocirurgia estereotática (RC) sobre a permeabilidade tumoral das metástases encefálicas, utilizando-se como parâmetro a o coeficiente de transferência de contraste (transfer coefficient, Ktrans) obtida pela técnica de permeabilidade por ressonância magnética (RM). Objetivou-se também avaliar a capacidade de medições Ktrans para prever a resposta volumétrica tumoral a médio prazo depois da RC. Métodos: Vinte e seis pacientes adultos com um total de 34 metástases encefálicas foram submetidos a exames de RM, com sequência dinâmica ponderada em T1, após administração de contraste, em magneto de 1,5 T, antes da RC (linha de base) e 4-8 semanas após o tratamento. A partir desta sequência, foram obtidos mapas paramétricos Ktrans e realizadas medições em regiões de interesse das lesões. Adicionalmente, imagens convencionais ponderadas em T1 pós-contraste foram obtidas pelo menos 16 semanas após a RC, a fim de avaliar a resposta volumétrica tumoral baseada na variação de volume. Resultados: A média ± (devio-padrão [DP]) do valor de Ktrans foi 0,13 ± 0,11 min-1 no exame inicial e 0,08 ± 0,07 min-1 após 4-8 semanas do tratamento (p < 0,001). Os pacientes foram seguidos em média por 7,9 ± 4,7 meses. Dezessete deles (22 lesões) foram submetidos a RM após 16 semanas do tratamento. Destes, 9 (41%) lesões tinham progredido no médio prazo. O aumento da medida de Ktrans após RC foi preditivo de progressão do volume tumoral (taxa de risco = 1,50, interval de confiança 95%: 1,16-1,70, p < 0,001), sendo que a elevação em 15% do valor de Ktrans mostrou uma sensibilidade de 78% e uma especificidade de 85% para a previsão de progressão do volume tumoral a médio prazo. Conclusão: RC está associada a redução dos valores Ktrans das metástases encefálicas no período pós-tratamento precoce. Além disso a variação Ktrans, medida através da técnica de permabilidade por RM, pode ser útil para prever a resposta do volume tumoral a médio prazo para este tratamento / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) on cerebral metastases using the transfer coefficient (Ktrans) assessed with dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MRI. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate the ability of Ktrans measurements to predict mid-term tumor outcomes after SRS. Methods: Twenty-six adult patients with a total of 34 cerebral metastases underwent T1-weighted DCE MRI in a 1.5T magnet at baseline (prior to SRS) and 4-8 weeks after treatment. Quantitative analysis of DCE MRI was performed generating Ktrans parametric maps, and region-of-interest-based measurements were acquired for each metastasis. Conventional MRI was performed at least 16 weeks after SRS to assess mid-term tumor outcome using volume variation. Results: The mean ± (Standard Deviation[SD]) Ktrans value was 0.13 ± 0.11 min-1 at baseline and 0.08 ± 0.07 min-1 after 4-8 weeks posttreatment (p < 0.001). The mean (± SD) total follow-up time was 7.9 ± 4.7 months. Seventeen patients (22 lesions) underwent mid-term MRI. Of those, 9 (41%) lesions had progressed at the mid-term follow-up. An increase in Ktrans after SRS was predictive of tumor progression (hazard ratio =1.50; 95% confidence interval: 1.16-1.70, p < 0.001). An increase of 15% in Ktrans showed a 78% sensitivity and 85% specificity for prediction of progression at mid-term follow-up. Conclusion: SRS was associated with a reduction of Ktrans values of the cerebral metastases in the early post-treatment period. Furthermore, Ktrans variation as assessed using DCE MRI may be helpful to predict mid-term outcomes after SRS
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