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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rehabilitación y reparación sísmica de viviendas de albañilería confinada usando malla electrosoldada en el distrito de ventanilla / Rehabilitation and seismic repair of houses of confined masonry using electrowelded mesh in the Ventanilla district

Maravi Coronado, Ronald Ivan, Pareja Córdova, Carlos Manuel 19 February 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo de investigación se propone la mejora del comportamiento sísmico de estructuras autoconstruidas que tengan como sistema estructural albañilería confinada de ladrillo pandereta. Para esto se ha decidido la aplicación de malla electrosoldada en ambas caras del muro y adherido firmemente mediante el uso de anclajes, además, con la finalidad de aprovechar las características de este material, se ha decidido que la colocación de este elemento se haga de tal forma que las hebras queden alineadas con las diagonales del muro. La metodología para demostrar la eficacia del estudio se basó en un análisis numérico usando modelos de plasticidad concentrada y modelos puntal tirante o de armaduras no lineales, además, con la finalidad de obtener las mejores predicciones del comportamiento mecánico de los elementos, en especial la albañilería, se usó el modelo propuesto por Martinelli et. (2015). Los resultados muestran que la malla electrosoldada logró incrementar la rigidez y resistencia lateral de los muros de albañilería, logrando incrementar su resistencia y rigidez lateral hasta en un 50%. Además, los resultados numéricos indican que la aplicación diagonal de las mallas electrosoldada logró mejorar el desempeño sísmico de la estructura original de manera notable, en específico, se logró un nivel de desempeño sísmico de seguridad de vida, con respecto del nivel de desempeño alcanzado antes del reforzamiento, que fue de prevención de colapso. / The present research work proposes the improvement of the seismic behavior of self-built structures that have a confined tambourine brick masonry as a structural system. For this, it has been decided to apply electrowelded mesh on both sides of the wall and firmly adhered through the use of anchors, in addition, in order to take advantage of the characteristics of this material, it has been decided that the placement of this element is done in such a way so that the strands are aligned with the diagonals of the wall. The methodology to demonstrate the effectiveness of the study was based on a numerical analysis using models of concentrated plasticity and models of tie strut or non-linear reinforcements, in addition, in order to obtain the best predictions of the mechanical behavior of the elements, especially masonry. the model proposed by Martinelli et. (2015). The results show that the electrowelded mesh managed to increase the rigidity and lateral resistance of the masonry walls, managing to increase their resistance and lateral stiffness by up to 50%. In addition, the numerical results indicate that the diagonal application of the electrowelded mesh managed to improve the seismic performance of the original structure in a remarkable way, specifically, a level of seismic performance of life safety was achieved, with respect to the level of performance achieved before. reinforcement, which was to prevent collapse. / Tesis

Autosalón / Motorshow

Cigánek, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
The thesis project is a two-storey motorshow in Ostrava Poruba. It is a detached building with a second floor just above the ground brick part of the ground floor . The building is designed for sales and service of car . In front of the first floor is a shop with WC intended for the customers. Behind this section is on the first floor the facilities for employees , WC , kitchen, two showers and changing rooms . There is also a quick intake for 2 cars. On the second floor are located the office with separate WC . For this part of the building is the last part of a car dealership and service. Here you will find desktop with three separate workning places , part intended for minor repairs , drive trough car wash , paint shop , utility room and a spare parts warehouse . The structural system of the building consists of a steel construction with reinforcing brick core . The cladding of first floor consists from infill brickwork Heluz 20 with contact insulation system . The cladding of second floor from bearing brickwork Heluz P15 30 with a contact insulation system . The construction of the roof deck consists of single-layer straight roof . The supporting structure is made of concrete slab concreting trapezoidal sheet metal deposited on steel lattice girders. The roof deck is insulated with polystyrene EPS 150S . The waterproofing layer is made of two layers of modified bitumen sheet with reinforcements.

Domov pokojného stáří / Senior house

Sviták, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a design documentation for new construction of the elderly house in Austerlitz. The building has one underground and two or three floors. Designed capacity is 40 clients in the house. In addition to the accommodation of seniors also provides catering facility, motivational activities and other services connected with the activities of the senior home under the Act on Social Services. From a structural point of view it is an object of a wall brick supporting system, ceiling structures are made of panels of prestressed concrete. Roofs are designed flat single shell.

Propuesta metodológica constructiva de reforzamiento de viviendas autoconstruidas de bajo desempeño sísmico utilizando muros de concretos prefabricados en el distrito de Villa el Salvador / Constructive methodological proposal for the reinforcement of self-built houses with low seismic performance using precast concrete walls in the district of Villa el Salvador

Ramos Guadalupe, Jerson Napoleon, Villagaray Camposano, Leonardo André 02 February 2022 (has links)
El Perú es un país altamente sísmico, pues se encuentra dentro del cinturón de fuego del océano pacifico. Debido a ello, es indispensable que las estructuras construidas y por construir, no colapsen frente a sismos severos. Sin embargo, en un país con una gran cantidad de informalidad y una gran existencia de viviendas autoconstruidas, el riesgo por colapso es elevado. Esto principalmente es causado debido a la mano de obra poco capacitada y, en algunos casos, la poca calidad de los materiales empleados en la construcción. No obstante, en un país con gran cantidad de habitantes dependientes de la informalidad, no siempre existe la posibilidad económica de demoler sus viviendas y construir nuevas viviendas que cumplan los requisitos sísmicos necesarios. Debido a ello, el reforzamiento de edificaciones, en muchos casos, es una alternativa económica y eficiente para asegurar que las construcciones no colapsen frente a un sismo severo. Por todos los motivos anteriormente mencionados, la investigación que realizamos en esta tesis consiste redactar un adecuado procedimiento constructivo de reforzamiento de viviendas autoconstruidas de albañilería confinada con placas de concreto prefabricadas, las cuales incrementan la resistencia al corte de las edificaciones en al menos 10 % y disminuye considerablemente los desplazamientos inelásticos máximos que se producen en las construcciones. / Perú is a highly seismic country, as it is within the Pacific Ocean Fire Belt. Due to this, it is essential that the structures built and to be built do not collapse in the face of severe earthquakes. However, in a country with a large amount of informality and a large stock of self-built housing, the risk of collapse is high. This is mainly due to the low-skilled workforce and, in some cases, the poor quality of the materials used in construction. However, in a country with a large number of inhabitants dependent on informality, there is not always the economic possibility to demolish their houses and build new houses that meet the necessary seismic requirements. Due to this, the reinforcement of buildings, in many cases, is an economical and efficient alternative to ensure that buildings do not collapse in the face of a severe earthquake. For all the reasons mentioned above, the research we carry out in this thesis consists of writing an adequate constructive procedure for the reinforcement of self-built houses with masonry confined with precast concrete plates, which increase the resistance to cutting of buildings by at least 10% and they considerably decrease the maximum inelastic displacements that occur in constructions. / Tesis

Análisis de costo-beneficio de reforzamientos sísmico convencional y no convencional a través del diseño por desempeño en un hospital de más de 60 años de antigüedad en una zona altamente sísmica / Cost-benefit analysis of conventional and non-conventional seismic retrofitting by design for performance in a hospital more than 60 years old in a highly seismic zone

Altamirano Huachuhuilca, Anilu Gianella, Criales Valer, Xiomara Massiel 06 December 2021 (has links)
En el presente trabajo se compara el costo beneficio de dos propuestas de reforzamiento para el bloque B del Hospital Casimiro Ulloa el cual es una antigua estructura de más de 60 años de tres niveles de albañilería confinada ubicada en una zona altamente sísmica. El refuerzo convencional es a través de la implementación de placas de concreto y el no convencional es a base de láminas diagonales y anclajes de Polímero Reforzado con Fibras de Carbono (CFRP). Se realiza el análisis estructural no lineal – Pushover bajo las provisiones del ASCE/SEI 41-13 con el fin de obtener la curva de capacidad del modelo As Built y los modelos reforzados. La norma ATC-40 brinda el método de espectro de capacidad con el cual se logra obtener una visión gráfica del nivel de desempeño ya que superpone la curva de capacidad con la demanda. El cálculo de costo para ambos reforzamientos contempla el precio de los materiales, mano de obra y equipos. Por otro lado, el reforzamiento de CFRP es calculado con los valores dados por el proveedor Sika Perú. Los resultados que se obtuvieron al realizar la evaluación sísmica de los tres modelos matemáticos (As Built, placas y CFRP) en términos de capacidad estructural y costo; muestra que el reforzamiento con CFRP es la mejor opción. / This study compares the cost benefit of two reinforcement proposals for Block B of the Casimiro Ulloa Hospital, which is an old three-story, 60-year-old structure built of confined masonry located in a highly seismic area. The conventional reinforcement is through the implementation of concrete walls and the unconventional one is based on diagonal sheets and anchors of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP). The non-linear structural analysis - Pushover is performed under the provisions of ASCE/SEI 41-13 in order to obtain the capacity curve of the As Built model and the reinforced models. The ATC-40 standard provides the capacity spectrum method with which to obtain a graphic vision of the performance level since it overlays the capacity curve with the demand. The cost calculation for both reinforcements considers the price of materials, labor and equipment.. On the other hand, the reinforcement of CFRP is calculated with the values given by the provider Sika Peru. The results that were obtained when carrying out the seismic evaluation of the three mathematical models (As built, plates and CFRP) in terms of structural capacity and cost; shows that the reinforcement with CFRP is the best option / Tesis

Vinařský penzion / Winery guesthouse

Šimkovičová, Ludmila January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma's thesis is to develop design documents for a building construction of a winery guesthouse in a cadastral territory of a village Milotice u Kyjova. The house is situated in the existing built-up area intended for winery cellars near of the village. Plots, where building is situated are sloping and object is embedded into the terrain. The proposition and the design of the building respect a commune plan of village Milotice. The project designs the new basement building of the winery guesthouse with 2 above ground floors, where are situated hotel rooms with a total capacity of 63 guests and accommodation facilities. In the basement is situated restaurant with facilities, social space, wellness with a whirlpool, massages, sauna and solarium. A structural system of the building is designed like a wall and brick structural system from concrete brickwork in the basement and the lime sand brickworks in the above ground floors. A roof is designed partly as a saddle roof with slope 22° and 24,3° and partly as a green roof with a roof terrace.

Rekonstrukce polyfunkčního domu v Prostějově / Revitalization of multifunctional house in Prostejov

Fixelová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
The subject of this final thesis is elaboration of revitalization of multifunctional building in Prostějov. The main building has one basement and five floors and two extensions in closed yard. Load bearing system of building is partly from rainforced concrete frame and partly from brickwork. Floor structures are made from rainfroced concrete constructions, main building has a pitched roof and extensions has a flat roofs.

Polyfunkční dům / Mixed-use building

Hrochová, Žaneta January 2020 (has links)
The subject of the thesis is the design of the detached multifunctional house in the district Královo Pole, Brno. The thesis form matches the project documentation for construction execution. The new building consists of five floors, basement and flat vegetation roof based on white tank. The aboveground floors include two stores, cafe, 14 flat units and 12 office units. Every floor has a stroller storage and the utility room which are available for all residents. The basement serves as a collective parking and there is located also the technical room. The storage cubicles for flat units are designed in the corresponding floors close to the staircase. The parking is also placed on the paved space in front of the building fitting 12 parking places including the one for the disabled. The construction system is bidirectional, formed by masonry brick elements, except for the peripheral basement masonry, which is monolithic waterproof concrete-iron structure (white tank). The ceiling construction is designed as a monolithic concrete-iron cross reinforced plate. The whole object is isolated by certified contact thermal insulation system of mineral wool thick 200 mm.

Stanice technické kontroly / Technical inspection station

Smolík, Jindřich January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with a new building technical control station, office space and hotel. The building is situated on three floors, on the first floor we find technical inspection station and office premises manual technical lines. On the second floor there are offices. On the third there is a hotel. The building is designed by a rectangular shape with a flat roof and on the third floor there is a trafficable terrace. The supporting structure consists masonry Porotherm and reinforced concrete system columns, which is found only on the first floor. The supporting structure of tensioned ceiling consists of prestressed beams ceilings Spiroll a concrete slab. External surface finish on the first floor is made up of silicate plaster paste and the remaining two floors are made of ventilated facades. Utility room is located on the first floor, from where a chimney Schiedel is build. Most of the floor space in the building are made of a carpet or tiles, only in the service line is epoxy coating

Přestavba Janečkova mlýna / Reconstruction of the Janeček mill

Owczarzy, Denis January 2014 (has links)
The task of this diploma thesis was the development of construction documents for the implementation of project, icluding project specialization. This is a rebuilding of the existing mill and it´s conversion to the object. Proposed reconstruction is solved with a sense of highlighting the exist building and expressing his dominance and function in an environment, where the building is located. From the original state was preserved only main building in historical style, and in contrast to this building were proposed two smaller objects with the background. The object is used as a pension for the accommodation for persons, restaurant and also provides rooms for seminars and meetings. Due to a brooklet flowing in front of the building and location of pension between the spa´s and city parks is the use of this building more than suitable.

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