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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Building Information Modeling (BIM) für Bahn-Bauwerke: Von Datenakquisition bis Virtueller Realität

Färber, Markus, Preidel, Thomas, Schlauch, Markus, Saske, Bernhard, Bernhardt, Adrian, Reeßing, Michael, Cersowsky, Steffen, Krüger, Ronny 06 January 2020 (has links)
Die Digitalisierung im Bauwesen steht unter der großen Überschrift Building Information Modeling (BIM). Ziel ist es, Software-Unterstützung für den gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Bauwerks zu schaffen, beginnend bei der Planung über die Bauausführung bis hin zu Bewirtschaftung und Rückbau. Im Ergebnis sollen alle Prozesse effektiver und effizienter gestaltet werden, um die Produktivität der Bauwirtschaft signifikant zu erhöhen. Hierbei sind die verschiedenen Software-Lösungen so ausgelegt, dass ein übergreifendes virtuelles Gesamtmodell entsteht, welches die Gebäudefunktion zum Planungszeitpunkt simuliert und zu optimieren erlaubt, die interdisziplinäre Zusammenarbeit fördert und die Kommunikation zwischen allen Beteiligten erleichtert. Die vielleicht wichtigste und am deutlichsten sichtbare Rolle spielt dabei, neben der Standardisierung der Datenformate, die Umstellung von 2D- auf 3D-Geometriemodelle. In dieser Arbeit wird beschrieben, welche Herausforderungen und Chancen bezüglich BIM für die Planung von Bahn-Bauwerken bestehen. Der spezifische Fokus liegt auf der Anwendung von 3D-CAD- und 3D-Laserscan-Modellen der zu erstellenden Anlagen.

Entwicklung einer Schnittstelle zur Visualisierung von Brandsimulationen im virtuellen Raum

Nabrotzky, Toni 22 December 2023 (has links)
Die Digitalisierung im Bauwesen schreitet immer weiter voran und während in diesem Zusammenhang oftmals das Stichwort Building Information Modeling (BIM) fällt, entwickeln sich Disziplinen wie das Brandschutzingenieurwesen (BSI) unabhängig weiter. Das Brandschutzbüro Brandschutz Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Leipzig (BCL) verwendet das BSI, um ingenieurtechnische Verfahren heranzuziehen. BCL verfolgt als Unternehmensphilosophie das Ziel, mit neuen Methoden und Erkenntnissen ständig die eigenen Prozesse zu optimieren und zu erweitern. Unter diesem Gesichtspunkt soll in dieser Arbeit in Kooperation mit BCL untersucht werden, inwieweit sich die Ergebnisse aus einer Brandsimulation, darunter besonders der Rauch, in einer virtuellen Realität (engl. Virtual Reality (VR)) darstellen und in bestehende oder potenzielle Anwendungsfälle integrieren lassen. Dazu soll zunächst mit einer Betrachtung der brandschutztechnischen Grundlagen inklusive des BSIs und einer Analyse zum Stand des Brandschutzes in BIM begonnen werden. Im nächsten Schritt sind für die Brandsimulation bestimmte Fragen zu klären, wie z.B. eine entsprechende Berechnung technisch abläuft und welche Ausgabedaten und -formate eine solche Simulation bereitstellt. Zur Darstellung der Simulationsergebnisse in virtuellen Realitäten werden Grafik.Engines benötigt, die VR-Anwendungen ermöglichen. Wichtige Untersuchungsgegenstände sind z.B. die anwendbaren Programmier- und Skriptsprachen, mit deren Einsatz die Daten eingelesen und visualisiert werden können. Für die gefundenen Grafik-Engines wird dann recherchiert, ob es bereits bestehende Anwendungen oder Prozesse zur Darstellung von Brandsimulationen gibt. Ist dies der Fall, sollen deren Workflows untersucht werden, um anschließend ihre grundsätzliche Einsatzfähigkeit zu bewerten und Verbesserungsvorschläge zu äußern...:1. Prozesse im Brandschutz 1.1. Brandschutztechnische Grundlagen 1.2. Angewandte Ingenieurmethoden 1.3. Brandschutz mit Building Information Modeling 2. Ablauf einer Brandsimulation 2.1. Verfügbare Software 2.2. Aufbau einer FDS-Eingabedatei 2.3. Generieren von Simulationsdaten in FDS 2.4. Ausgabedaten und -formate 3. Software zur Darstellung in VR 3.1. Blender 3.2. Unity Engine 3.3. Unreal Engine 3.4. Vergleich der Engines 4. Visualisierung der Brandsimulation 4.1. Konzept der Datenübertragung 4.2. Bestehende Workflows für VR-Programme 4.3. Versuchsdurchführung 4.4. Auswertung der Versuche 5. Anwendungsfälle und Optimierungspotenzial 5.1. Potenzielle Einsatzmöglichkeiten 5.2. Optimierungspotenzial 6. Fazit A. Beispielmodell Blender B. Beispielmodell VRSmokeVis C. Prüfmodell Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis / Digitization in the construction industry is progressing and while the keyword Building Information Modeling (BIM) is frequently mentioned, disciplines like the fire safety engineering are also evolving independently. The fire protection office Brandschutz Consult Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH Leipzig (BCL)) uses fire safety engineering for including engineering procedures. As a corporate philosophy BCL pursues the goal of constantly optimizing and expanding its own processes with new methods and scientific findings. From this point of view, in cooperation with BCL, this master thesis will examine to which extent it is possible to visualize the results of a fire simulation, in particular including the smoke, in Virtual Reality (VR) and to integrate them into existing or evolving applications. For this purpose, a consideration of the fire protection basics including fire protection engineering and an analysis of the status of fire protection in BIM has been started. In the next step the fire simulation must be investigated, i.e. how the corresponding calculation technically works and which output data and formats such a simulation provides. Graphic engines that enable VR applications are required to display the simulation results in VR. Important objects of investigation are e.g. the applicable programming and scripting languages. Those scripting languages are used to import and visualize the data. For the graphic engines found, research is initiated to determine whether there are already existing applications or processes for displaying fire simulations. If this is the case these workflows should be examined in order to subsequently evaluate their fundamental usability and to express suggestions for improvement. If possible, some of the optimizations should be carried out. Based on the existing processes in fire protection helpful application options are derived, for which the use must be proven in future projects.:1. Prozesse im Brandschutz 1.1. Brandschutztechnische Grundlagen 1.2. Angewandte Ingenieurmethoden 1.3. Brandschutz mit Building Information Modeling 2. Ablauf einer Brandsimulation 2.1. Verfügbare Software 2.2. Aufbau einer FDS-Eingabedatei 2.3. Generieren von Simulationsdaten in FDS 2.4. Ausgabedaten und -formate 3. Software zur Darstellung in VR 3.1. Blender 3.2. Unity Engine 3.3. Unreal Engine 3.4. Vergleich der Engines 4. Visualisierung der Brandsimulation 4.1. Konzept der Datenübertragung 4.2. Bestehende Workflows für VR-Programme 4.3. Versuchsdurchführung 4.4. Auswertung der Versuche 5. Anwendungsfälle und Optimierungspotenzial 5.1. Potenzielle Einsatzmöglichkeiten 5.2. Optimierungspotenzial 6. Fazit A. Beispielmodell Blender B. Beispielmodell VRSmokeVis C. Prüfmodell Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Literaturverzeichnis

Entwicklung eines Verfahrens für die Koregistrierung von Bildverbänden und Punktwolken mit digitalen Bauwerksmodellen

Kaiser, Tim 08 November 2021 (has links)
Aufgrund der weiter fortschreitenden Digitalisierung verändern sich die seit langer Zeit etablierten Prozesse im Bauwesen. Dies zeigt sich zum Beispiel in der stetig steigenden Bedeutung des Building Information Modelings (BIM). Eine der wesentlichen Grundideen von BIM besteht darin, das zentrale Modell über den gesamten Lebenszyklus des Bauwerks zu verwenden. Das digitale Bauwerksmodell stellt somit eine der zentralen Komponenten der BIM-Methode dar. Neben den rein geometrischen Ausprägungen des Bauwerks werden im Modell auch eine Vielzahl an semantischen Informationen vorgehalten. Da insbesondere bei größeren Bauwerken ein fortlaufender Veränderungsprozess stattfindet, muss das Modell entsprechend aktualisiert werden, um dem tatsächlichen Istzustand zu entsprechen. Diese Aktualisierung betrifft nicht nur Veränderungen in der Geometrie, sondern auch in den verknüpften Sachdaten. Bezüglich der Aktualisierung des Modells kann die Photogrammetrie mit ihren modernen Messverfahren wie zum Beispiel Structure-from-Motion (SfM) und daraus abgeleiteten Punktwolken einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Datenerfassung des aktuellen Zustands leisten. Für die erfolgreiche Verknüpfung des photogrammetrisch erfassten Istzustands mit dem durch das Modell definierten Sollzustand müssen beide Datentöpfe in einem gemeinsamen Koordinatensystem vorliegen. In der Regel werden zur Registrierung photogrammetrischer Produkte im Bauwerkskoordinatensystem definierte Passpunkte verwendet. Der Registrierprozess über Passpunkte ist jedoch mit einem erheblichen manuellen Aufwand verbunden. Um den Aufwand der Registrierung möglichst gering zu halten, wurde daher in dieser Arbeit ein Konzept entwickelt, das es ermöglicht, kleinräumige Bildverbände und Punktwolken automatisiert mit einem digitalen Bauwerksmodell zu koregistrieren. Das Verfahren nutzt dabei geometrische Beziehungen zwischen aus den Bildern extrahierten 3D-Liniensegmenten und Begrenzungsflächen, die aus dem digitalen Bauwerksmodell gewonnen werden. Die aufgenommenen Bilder des Objektes dienen zu Beginn als Grundlage für die Extraktion von zweidimensionalen Linienstrukturen. Auf Basis eines über SfM durchgeführten Orientierungsprozesses können diese zweidimensionalen Kanten zu einer Rekonstruktion in Form von 3D-Liniensegmenten weiterverarbeitet werden. Die weiterhin benötigten Begrenzungsflächen werden aus einem mit Hilfe der Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) definierten BIM-Modell gewonnen. Das entwickelte Verfahren nutzt dabei auch die von IFC bereitgestellten Möglichkeiten der räumlichen Aggregationshierarchien. Im Zentrum des neuen Koregistrieransatzes stehen zwei große Komponenten. Dies ist einerseits der mittels eines Gauß-Helmert-Modells umgesetze Ausgleichungsvorgang zur Transformationsparameterbestimmung und andererseits der im Vorfeld der Ausgleichung angewandten Matching-Algorithmus zur automatischen Erstellung von Korrespondenzen zwischen den 3D-Liniensegmenten und den Begrenzungsflächen. Die so gebildeten Linien-Ebenen-Paare dienen dann als Beobachtung im Ausgleichungsprozess. Da während der Parameterschätzung eine durchgängige Betrachtung der stochastischen Informationen der Beobachtungen erfolgt, ist am Ende des Registrierprozesses eine Qualitätsaussage zu den berechneten Transformationsparametern möglich. Die Validierung des entwickelten Verfahrens erfolgt an zwei Datensätzen. Der Datensatz M24 diente dabei zum Nachweis der Funktionsfähigkeit unter Laborbedingungen. Über den Datensatz Eibenstock konnte zudem nachgewiesen werden, dass das Verfahren auch in praxisnahen Umgebungen auf einer realen Baustelle zum Einsatz kommen kann. Für beide Fälle konnte eine gute Registriergenauigkeit im Bereich weniger Zentimeter nachgewiesen werden.:Kurzfassung 3 Abstract 4 1. Einleitung 7 1.1. Photogrammetrie und BIM 7 1.2. Anwendungsbezug und Problemstellung 7 1.3. Zielsetzung und Forschungsfragen 9 1.4. Aufbau der Arbeit 10 2. Grundlagen 12 2.1. Photogrammetrie 12 2.1.1. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) 12 2.1.2. Räumliche Ähnlichkeitstransformation 14 2.2. Building Information Modeling (BIM) 16 2.2.1. Besonderheiten der geometrisch / topologischen Modellierung 18 2.2.2. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) 19 2.3. Parameterschätzung und Statistik 21 2.3.1. Nicht lineares Gauß-Helmert-Modell mit Restriktionen 21 2.3.2. Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) 23 2.3.3. Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) 24 3. Stand der Forschung 26 4. Automatische Koregistrierung von Bildverbänden 30 4.1. Überblick 30 4.2. Relative Orientierung des Bildverbandes und Extraktion der 3D-Liniensegmente 33 4.2.1. Line3D++ 33 4.2.2. Stochastische Informationen der 3D-Liniensegmente 36 4.3. Ebenenextraktion aus dem digitalen Gebäudemodell 37 4.4. Linien-Ebenen-Matching 42 4.4.1. Aufstellen von Ebenenhypothesen 42 4.4.2. Analyse und Clustern der Normalenvektorhypothesen 43 4.4.3. Erstellung von Minimalkonfigurationen 44 4.5. Berechnung von Näherungswerten für die Transformationsparameter 46 4.6. Implementiertes Ausgleichungsmodell 49 4.6.1. Funktionales Modell 49 4.6.2. Stochastisches Modell 50 4.7. Entscheidungskriterien der kombinatorischen Auswertung 51 5. Validierung der Methoden 56 5.1. Messung Seminarraum M24 HTW Dresden 56 5.1.1. Untersuchung des Einfluss der SfM2BIM -Programmparameter 59 5.1.2. Ergebnisse der Validierung 64 5.2. Messung LTV Eibenstock 71 6. Diskussion der Ergebnisse 81 6.1. Bewertung der erzielten Genauigkeit 81 6.2. Bewertung der Automatisierbarkeit 82 6.3. Bewertung der praktischen Anwendbarkeit 83 6.4. Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen 85 7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 88 Literaturverzeichnis 90 Abbildungsverzeichnis 94 Tabellenverzeichnis 96 A. Anhang 97 A.1. Systemarchitektur SfM2BIM 97 A.2. Untersuchung SfM2BIM Parameter 97 / Due to the ongoing digitalization, traditional and well-established processes in the construction industry face lasting transformations. The rising significance of Building Information Modeling (BIM) can be seen as an example for this development. One of the core principles of BIM is the usage of the model throughout the entire life cycle of the building. Therefore, the digital twin can be regarded as one of the central components of the BIM method. Besides of the pure geometry of the building the corresponding model also contains a huge amount of semantic data. Especially in large building complexes constant changes are taking place. Consequently, the model also has to be updated regularly in order to reflect the actual state. These actualizations include both changes in geometry and in the linked technical data. Photogrammetry with its modern measuring and reconstruction techniques like structure from motion can help to facilitate this update process. In order to establish a link between the photogrammetric recorded present state and the nominal state specified by the building model both datasets have to be available in a common reference frame. Usually ground control points are used for registering the photogrammetric results with the building coordinate system. However, using ground control points results in a very labor-intensive registration process. In order to keep the required effort as low as possible this work proposes a novel concept to automatically co-register local image blocks with a digital building model. The procedure makes use of geometric relationships between 3D-linesegments that get extracted from the input images and bounding surfaces that are derived from the building model. At first the captured images are used to extract two-dimensional line patterns. These edges get further processed to 3D line segments based on an orientation estimation using structure from motion. The additionally required bounding surfaces are derived from a building model defined by the Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). The spatial aggregation structures defined in the IFC are used for alleviating the procedure. Two big components form the core piece of the novel approach. On the one hand this is the adjustment calculation for the estimation of transformation parameters using a full Gauß-Helmert-Model and the developed matching algorithm for establishing line-plane-correspondences on the other hand. The so formed correspondences serve as the observation for the adjustment process. During the parameter estimation stochastic information of the observations is completely considered. Therefore, quality predictions can be made upon completion of the registration process. The validation of the developed was conducted using two datasets. The dataset M24 served as primary validation source since the results of the algorithm could be checked under laboratory conditions and compared with results obtained by ground control points. By examine the Eibenstock dataset it could be demonstrated that the procedure also works in practical conditions on a real construction site. For both cases the registration accuracy averages to a few centimeters.:Kurzfassung 3 Abstract 4 1. Einleitung 7 1.1. Photogrammetrie und BIM 7 1.2. Anwendungsbezug und Problemstellung 7 1.3. Zielsetzung und Forschungsfragen 9 1.4. Aufbau der Arbeit 10 2. Grundlagen 12 2.1. Photogrammetrie 12 2.1.1. Structure-from-Motion (SfM) 12 2.1.2. Räumliche Ähnlichkeitstransformation 14 2.2. Building Information Modeling (BIM) 16 2.2.1. Besonderheiten der geometrisch / topologischen Modellierung 18 2.2.2. Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) 19 2.3. Parameterschätzung und Statistik 21 2.3.1. Nicht lineares Gauß-Helmert-Modell mit Restriktionen 21 2.3.2. Random Sample Consensus (RANSAC) 23 2.3.3. Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) 24 3. Stand der Forschung 26 4. Automatische Koregistrierung von Bildverbänden 30 4.1. Überblick 30 4.2. Relative Orientierung des Bildverbandes und Extraktion der 3D-Liniensegmente 33 4.2.1. Line3D++ 33 4.2.2. Stochastische Informationen der 3D-Liniensegmente 36 4.3. Ebenenextraktion aus dem digitalen Gebäudemodell 37 4.4. Linien-Ebenen-Matching 42 4.4.1. Aufstellen von Ebenenhypothesen 42 4.4.2. Analyse und Clustern der Normalenvektorhypothesen 43 4.4.3. Erstellung von Minimalkonfigurationen 44 4.5. Berechnung von Näherungswerten für die Transformationsparameter 46 4.6. Implementiertes Ausgleichungsmodell 49 4.6.1. Funktionales Modell 49 4.6.2. Stochastisches Modell 50 4.7. Entscheidungskriterien der kombinatorischen Auswertung 51 5. Validierung der Methoden 56 5.1. Messung Seminarraum M24 HTW Dresden 56 5.1.1. Untersuchung des Einfluss der SfM2BIM -Programmparameter 59 5.1.2. Ergebnisse der Validierung 64 5.2. Messung LTV Eibenstock 71 6. Diskussion der Ergebnisse 81 6.1. Bewertung der erzielten Genauigkeit 81 6.2. Bewertung der Automatisierbarkeit 82 6.3. Bewertung der praktischen Anwendbarkeit 83 6.4. Beantwortung der Forschungsfragen 85 7. Zusammenfassung und Ausblick 88 Literaturverzeichnis 90 Abbildungsverzeichnis 94 Tabellenverzeichnis 96 A. Anhang 97 A.1. Systemarchitektur SfM2BIM 97 A.2. Untersuchung SfM2BIM Parameter 97

Structural contracts and liability concerns associated with building information modeling

Boos, Peter Edward January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Architectural Engineering and Construction Science / Kimberly W. Kramer / Building Information Modeling (BIM) is altering the way that the construction industry is developing design documents by involving all members of the design team as well as the general contractor early in the design process. The members are encouraged to offer advice on the design and constructability on the project. However, not only is the design process changing, but the liability and responsibility of each team member is changing as well. The alteration in responsibility can severely impact structural engineers because of the level of responsibility already associated with their role in the design process. This report looks at the concerns industry leaders and legal professionals have with how BIM is altering the liability landscape, such as standard contracts, software interoperability, data misuse, intellectual property, loss of data, the legal status of the model, the standard of care, and design delegation. In addition to the liability concerns, this report examines the steps that industry leaders have taken to prevent any unnecessary additional liability from affecting structural engineers.

Applying Cognitive Principles to the Delivery of Engineering Information by Different Mediums

Dadi, Gabriel B 01 January 2013 (has links)
Construction project performance and worker productivity are often tied to the availability and effective presentation of information, tools, materials, and equipment. While advancements in technology have improved much of the processes on a construction project, the medium of information dissemination at the construction work face has consistently relied on the use of two dimensional drawings and specifications. Industry initiatives are driving increased collaboration through three dimensional BIM (Building Information Modeling) models. However, the added dimension partially loses its effect when presented on a two dimensional computer monitor. Other computer forms of presentation intended for mobility (PDAs, laptops, and tablets) can be difficult to use in the field due to glare, durability in a harsh working environment, and the required skill level for effective use. Three dimensional (3D) physical printers now provide the capability to develop scaled and color models of a project directly from a BIM model. 3D physical printers represent a potential transformative change of providing engineering information to construction crews, but how to develop 3D models that leverage the cognitive benefits of viewing engineering information in a physical 3D form is unknown. The primary contribution to the overall body of knowledge of this dissertation is to scientifically examine the effect that different engineering information mediums have on an individual’s cognitive ability to effectively and accurately interpret spatial information. First, the author developed a robust scientific experiment for construction practitioners and students to complete. This experiment included outcomes measures on mental workload, cognitive demand, productivity, efficiency, demographics, and preferences. After collecting data, the author analyzed the outcomes through a series of statistical analyses to measure the differences between groups and quantify the affect and relationship among key variables. From the results, there are statistically significant improvements in productivity and efficiency of practitioners and students when using a physical model compared to two dimensional drawings and a three dimensional computer model. In addition, the average cognitive demand for a physical model was lower than the average cognitive demand for two dimensional drawings and three dimensional computer model.

A formal model for measuring the different levels of IT-based Design and Construction Integration (ITDCI) in colleges and universities

Mokbel, Hala Nabil 04 May 2009 (has links)
Modern manufacturing processes are becoming more integrated and relying on measuring performance to better identify ways of improvement. The AEC industry is now moving in this direction through IT-based Design and Construction Integration (ITDCI). ITDCI is a collaborative knowledge-based activity in which each participant continuously and timely contributes and shares his/her knowledge to realize a specific goal, bonded by a unified and cohesive culture with the use of the supportive IT-tools. Executing the project in an ITDCI fashion requires the satisfaction of these conditions. This research developed a formal model that consists of 75 ITDCI mechanisms distributed over the different phases of the facility development process within colleges and universities to enable the knowledge transfer process and achieve the highest level of integration. The level of ITDCI involved in a particular project can be then measured by quantifying the number of ITDCI mechanisms introduced. The research methodology included the following activities: reviewing the related literature, developing and validating a scenario for the facility development process within typical colleges and universities through literature review and interviews, providing a definition for each phase of the process to be executed in an ITDCI fashion and finally identifying actions or mechanisms that have to be activated to obtain the highest level of ITDCI. The model was validated through an online survey that targeted the members of the Society of Colleges and Universities (SCUP) and a case study. WPI's new East Hall residence facility was used as a case study to validate the model. This model is a significant contribution to the construction industry because it acts as a measuring tool to assess the corresponding level of ITDCI in the facility development process. It also helps to develop a common understanding among industry practitioners on what is required to achieve a desired level of ITDCI in their project. This comprehension would guide them to a better recognition of the benefits and consequences of each specific level of IT-based integration on their project outcomes. It will also enable them to execute more accurate cost/benefit analyses and eventually opt for the optimum ITDCI level. For future work, the model could be expanded to include other types of facilities, such as residential, healthcare and commercial facilities to achieve wider adoption within the AEC industry.

Processo BIM em projetos de licitações de obras públicas em obras do CRAS-SC

Stradiotto, Júlia 31 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by JOSIANE SANTOS DE OLIVEIRA (josianeso) on 2018-12-13T15:16:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Júlia Stradiotto_.pdf: 6066989 bytes, checksum: 3e8b5920abe56e064f188b5ed013c581 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-13T15:16:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Júlia Stradiotto_.pdf: 6066989 bytes, checksum: 3e8b5920abe56e064f188b5ed013c581 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-08-31 / CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O aumento de prazos e custos previstos em obras públicas, principalmente em países em desenvolvimento, gera a necessidade de buscar soluções para este problema. O processo BIM (Building Information Modeling) apresenta-se como alternativa para trazer mais transparência nas etapas de projeto e obra. Neste trabalho, buscou-se investigar a aplicação do processo de projeto em BIM em obras públicas do Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) de Santa Catarina, sendo este o primeiro projeto desenvolvido pela Secretaria de Estado do Planejamento (SPG) em BIM. Este trabalho visa analisar reduções de aditivos de prazo e custo, comparando com as mesmas obras realizadas em dois editais, sendo que no Edital A foi utilizado o processo de projeto tradicional (CAD) e no Edital B foi utilizado o processo BIM para o projeto. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em 3 etapas: a primeira refere-se aos projetos desenvolvidos em CAD (Edital A) e engloba 61 obras licitadas, sendo 46 construídas com aditivos de custo e de prazo extremamente elevados; a segunda etapa, com projetos em BIM (Edital B), abrangendo 50 obras; e a última etapa teve por objetivo realizar a comparação entre elas. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas com envolvidos nos projetos, construção e fiscalização, além de 2 visitas para auxiliar na investigação durante a execução de obras do Edital B. Os resultados apontam que nas obras do Edital B, somente uma delas foi executada dentro do prazo e custo estabelecido originalmente, uma obra possuiu aditivo de prazo e atendeu o custo original e outras 3 obras foram finalizadas com aditivo de prazo e custo até julho de 2018. Embora muitas obras do Edital B tiveram a necessidade de aditivos, os resultados obtidos demonstram ganhos em relação ao Edital A. No que se refere aos aditivos de custo, o projeto desenvolvido no processo BIM, os dados corretos de quantitativo, juntamente com a revisão do projeto foram um dos principais responsáveis pela redução dos aditivos de custo. Os aditivos de prazo sofreram influências diversas, sendo a principal delas com causa desconhecida, observada nos dois editais analisados, além de fatores relacionados à contratação, planejamento e contrapartidas dos municípios. Em aditivos de prazo, fatores relacionados ao projeto apareceram com menor relevância. / The increase of cost and schedule delays in public construction projects, mostly in developing countries, brings the need to find solutions for this issue. BIM process is understood as an alternative to achieve more transparency in the design and constructions stages. This paper aims to investigate the BIM design process of public constructions of Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) of Santa Catarina, which is the first project designed by this State in BIM process. This study aims to analyze reductions of costs overruns and schedule delays, comparing the same project in different bids: the Edital A was designed by traditional process (CAD) and the Edital B was designed in BIM process, analyzing the design and construction stage. This study was developed in three stages: the first investigated the projects made in CAD and construction of Edital A, which includes 61 constructions, but only 46 was built, presenting extremely high schedule delays and costs overruns; the second stage aims to analyze the Edital B, with project reviewed and designed in BIM and 50 constructions; and the third stage refers to the comparison between the first and second stage. In addition, interviews were conducted and two visits to the constructions of the Edital B were required. The results indicate that in the constructions completed of the Edital B, only one construction project was finished according to the cost and schedule originally established, one construction had only schedule delay and another tree were concluded with schedule delays and costs overruns until July 2018. Even though, the constructions of Edital B had cost overruns and schedule delay, the results show gains in relation to Edital A. The design in BIM process with the appropriate quantitative takeoff and the review of the original design were the main responsible for the reduction of the cost overruns. In terms of schedule delays, these were influenced by several factors, the main factor has unknown cause and was observed in both analyses (Edital A and B), besides there are factors related to contracting, construction planning and counterparts of municipalities. The causes related to the design process has shown less relevance in terms of schedule delay.

Flexibilização e personalização de unidades habitacionais: Estudo de caso em Porto Alegre, RS

Fernandes, Rosana Da Silva 22 March 2012 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-01T23:01:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 08.pdf: 5067048 bytes, checksum: 82f5a88d9c0784ceff1cf8542e4bfa7c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-01T23:01:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 08.pdf: 5067048 bytes, checksum: 82f5a88d9c0784ceff1cf8542e4bfa7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-22 / Caixa Econômica Federal / O setor da construção civil tem buscado se adequar às exigências do mercado imobiliário para atender a um novo perfil de consumidor, com novos estilos de vida, esquemas de trabalho individualizados e maior nível de exigência. Empreendimentos têm sido reconfigurados e passaram a considerar com mais ênfase questões como a satisfação dos usuários e a qualidade da edificação. Algumas das opções adotadas pelas empresas são a flexibilização de projeto (diferentes opções de plantas) e a possibilidade de personalização das unidades (modificações de layouts de plantas, materiais de acabamento e instalações). Entretanto, com a participação dos usuários nas definições de projeto, a quantidade de intervenientes no processo e a troca de informações aumentaram, originando falhas na comunicação e na retroalimentação do projeto. Esta é uma das causas de retrabalho e perdas durante a execução da obra, gerando atrasos no cronograma da obra e elevando os custos de produção. Este trabalho tem o objetivo de investigar os processos de flexibilização e personalização de unidades habitacionais, em edificações verticais residenciais de classe média comercializadas em Porto Alegre, RS. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida através de um estudo de casos, com entrevistas e acompanhamento de obras em quatro empresas construtoras de Porto Alegre. Além disso, foi realizada uma pesquisa na publicidade de venda de empreendimentos para identificar o nível de flexibilização e personalização ofertado no mercado imobiliário da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. A partir da análise destas informações foram propostas diretrizes para melhoria da gestão de projetos com possibilidade de modificações, tais como dispositivos móveis com Internet sem fio; extranets de projeto e softwares BIM, visando à eficiência da comunicação entre os intervenientes e a redução de retrabalho. / The construction sector has sought to suit the requirements of the real estate market to meet a new consumer profile, with new lifestyles, individualized work schemes and greater level of requirement. Ventures have been reconfigured and have come to consider issues such with more emphasis on user satisfaction and quality of building. Some of the options adopted by companies are the flexibility of design (different options of plants) and the possibility of customization of the units (modifications of plant layouts, finishing materials and installations). However, with the participation of users in the project settings, the quantity of interveners in the process and information exchange increased, causing failures in communication and feedback of design. This is one of the causes of rework and losses in the execution of the work, causing delays in the schedule of work and raising production costs. This study aims to investigate the processes of flexibility and customization of housing units in residential buildings vertical middle class sold in Porto Alegre, RS. The research was developed through a cases study with interviews and monitoring of works in four construction companies in Porto Alegre. In addition, a survey was conducted in the advertising sales of ventures to identify the level of flexibility and customization offered in real estate of the Metropolitan Region of Porto Alegre. From the analysis of this information have been proposed guidelines to improve the management of projects with possible modifications, such as mobile devices with wireless Internet, extranets design and BIM softwares, aiming at the efficiency of communication between interveners and reducing rework.

Modelo para gestão dos processos logísticos em obras de sistemas pré-fabricados engineer-to-order

Bataglin, Fernanda Saidelles January 2017 (has links)
A crescente necessidade de reduzir os prazos e os custos dos empreendimentos de construção e de melhorar a qualidade das edificações e as condições de trabalho tem incentivado a adoção de sistemas pré-fabricados. Entretanto, a adoção desses sistemas exige uma intensa troca de informações entre a obra e a fábrica, de forma a sincronizar a fabricação dos componentes, as operações logísticas e o processo de montagem na obra, principalmente em ambientes engineer-to-order (ETO). Em sistemas do tipo ETO, o pedido do cliente é realizado nas etapas iniciais do projeto, e existe um elevado grau de incerteza principalmente pelo desconhecimento das atividades a serem realizadas. Em ambientes com esse tipo de complexidade, a literatura sugere o uso de Building Information Modeling (BIM) para facilitar o compartilhamento de informações e apoiar a tomada de decisões nesses ambientes, assim como a aplicação de conceitos e princípios da filosofia da Produção Enxuta. Particularmente em relação aos processos de montagem, o uso de BIM 4D pode ser utilizado para simular e analisar algumas operações, apoiando o processo de planejamento e o controle da produção. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo desenvolver um modelo para gestão dos processos logísticos em obras de sistemas pré-fabricados do tipo engineer-to-order com o apoio da modelagem BIM 4D A abordagem metodológica adotada foi Design Science Research (DSR), sendo desenvolvidos dois estudos empíricos. O primeiro foi realizado em colaboração com uma empresa responsável pelo projeto, fabricação e montagem de estruturas pré-fabricadas de concreto, sendo implementadas diversas melhorias em uma obra de uma universidade. O segundo, de caráter descritivo, foi desenvolvido em um empreendimento de construção de shopping center, sendo envolvidas uma empresa gerenciadora de obra e uma empresa que produziu e montou na obra a estrutura pré-fabricada de concreto. As principais contribuições da aplicação de BIM 4D como suporte à tomada de decisão referem-se ao aumento da confiabilidade do processo de montagem e da produtividade, principalmente pela clareza e rápida atualização das informações geradas pelos modelos 4D. / The growing need to reduce construction project duration and cost, as well as to improve building quality and working conditions, have encouraged the adoption of prefabricated building systems. However, the adoption of those systems requires an intense exchange of information between the construction site and the plant, in order to synchronize the production of components, logistic operations and site assembly, especially in an engineer-to-order (ETO) environment. In ETO systems, the client’s order is placed at the early design stages, and a high degree of uncertainty exists mostly due to the lack of knowledge about the tasks to be carried out. The literature suggests the use of Building Information Modeling (BIM) to facilitate the sharing of information and to support decision-making in this type of environment, as well as the application of Lean Production concepts and principles. Particularly in relation to assembly process, the use of 4D BIM modelling can be used to simulate and analyze some operations, supporting production planning and control This research work aims at to devise a model for the management of logistic processes for engineer-to-order prefabricated building systems, with the support of 4D BIM modelling. Design Science Research was the methodological approach adopted in this investigation, and two empirical studies were carried out. The first one was undertaken in close collaboration with a company that designs, manufactures, and assemble prefabricated concrete structures, and some improvements were implemented in a project for a higher education institution. The second was undertaken in a shopping mall project, and two companies were involved: a project management company, and a company that produced and assembled on-site pre-fabricated structures. As a result of this research work, the application of 4D BIM to support decision-making contributed to improve the reliability of the assembly process and to increase productivity, mainly due to the clarity and timeliness of the information made available by 4D models.

Arcabouço teórico para mineração de dados de defeitos construtivos em modelos BIM. / Theoretical framework for data mining of construction defects in BIM models.

Delattorre, Joyce Paula Martin 15 September 2016 (has links)
No mercado de construção civil, o BIM ou Modelagem da Informação da Construção, deixou de ser um modismo com poucos pioneiros, para ser a peça central da tecnologia do mercado de Arquitetura, Engenharia e Construção (AEC), abordando aspectos de projeto, construção e operação de edifícios. Além das informações de projeto, pode-se agregar ao modelo BIM dados externos oriundos da execução, avaliação e manutenção da construção. Cresce, com isso, o número de informações que podem ser armazenadas nos modelos e a oportunidade para identificação de padrões não explícitos, relacionados à geometria e topologia de seus componentes. Para análise destas informações, faz-se necessária a utilização de técnicas que permitam o seu processamento. Dentre as técnicas existentes para a descoberta de conhecimento em bases de dados está o KDD (Descoberta de Conhecimento em Bases de Dados) e, especificamente, a mineração de dados. Focando especificamente os dados oriundos do registro de defeitos da construção e considerando que o modelo BIM não é um repositório de dados no qual técnicas padrão podem ser aplicadas diretamente, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um arcabouço teórico que define os pontos relevantes para a utilização de técnicas de mineração de dados de defeitos construtivos em modelos BIM, fornecendo uma base conceitual para a sua aplicação prática. Acredita-se que a aplicação de mineração de dados em modelos BIM pode propiciar a identificação de padrões que são influenciados de alguma forma pela geometria dos elementos construtivos, padrões estes que podem ser úteis tanto para a análise de problemas de qualidade de execução, quanto para produtividade, manutenção, pós-ocupação, entre outros. Além da proposta de arcabouço teórico para mineração de dados em modelo BIM, esta pesquisa propôs um conjunto de componentes BIM para registro de informações de defeitos de construção, bem como uma proposta para categorização das relações entre os defeitos e os componentes do modelo BIM, de forma a tornar explícitas informações relevantes para mineração de seus dados. / In the construction market, BIM - Building Information Modeling is no longer a fad adopted by few pioneers, but the centerpiece of technology in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction market (AEC), addressing aspects of design, construction and operation of buildings. In addition to engineering design information, the BIM model allows for storage and management of information from the construction process, facilities operations and building maintenance. Alongside with this, the amount of information stored in models and the opportunity to identify patterns related to geometry and topology of construction components also increase. For the analysis of this information, the use of appropriate data processing techniques is essential. Use of KDD (Knowledge Database Discovery) and Data Mining are among the existing techniques used for knowledge extraction in large databases. While focusing on data from construction defects and considering that a BIM model is not a standard data repository, in which standard data mining techniques could be applied directly, this research aimed to develop a theoretical framework that defines the requirements and procedures for the use of Data Mining Techniques for construction defects in BIM models, while providing a conceptual basis for its practical application. It is based on the concept that the application of data mining in BIM models is able to retrieve patterns that are influenced by the geometry of building elements and that these patterns can be useful for analyzing issues of construction quality, productivity, maintenance, and post-occupancy, among others. In addition to the proposition of a theoretical framework, this research developed a standard set of BIM components for the record of construction defects data, and suggested a structure for the categorization of correlations between defects and BIM components, with the purpose of clearly identifying relevant information for the data mining process.

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