Spelling suggestions: "subject:"una"" "subject:"tuna""
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IG Auschwitz : Zwangsarbeit und Vernichtung von Häftlingen des Lagers Monowitz 1941-1945 /Wagner, Bernd C., January 2000 (has links)
Diss.--Fakultät für Geschichtswissenschaft--Bochum--Ruhr-Universität, Wintersemester 1997/98. / Bibliogr. p. 342-372. Index.
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Effect of glycosidases and proteases on biofilms formed on black buna-N rubberClark, Patricia Maria 13 February 2009 (has links)
Proteolytic enzymes and a glycolytic enzyme used in dishwashing detergents and by the starch conversion industry were examined for their ability to remove bacteria attached to black buna-N rubber. Pure culture and mixed culture biofilms of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Listeria monocytogenes were treated with the proteolytic enzymes Purafect® (Genencor International), Durazym™, and Savinase® and the glycolytic enzyme Termamyl® (Novo Nordisk BioChem North America). Compared to controls, none of the enzyme treatments were able to significantly remove P. fluorescens cells adherent in pure culture (p>0.05). Durazym™, Purafect®, and Termamyl® did significantly reduce the number of adherent cells of L. monocytogenes grown in pure culture. Treatment with Purafect® reduced the number of attached cells of both P. fluorescens and L. monocytogenes when grown in mixed culture. Material which absorbs at 280 nm was released from both pure and mixed culture biofilms when all three proteolytic enzymes were used. No survivors remained after planktonic (free floating) cells of both P. fluorescens and L. monocytogenes were incubated with Purafect®. Reduction in overall numbers of P. fluorescens and L. monocytogenes attached in mixed culture by Purafect® appeared to involve a combination of release of proteinaceous material followed by bactericidal effects on exposed cells. / Master of Science
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Чрезвичајни суд над бунтовницима (1839) и Преки суд формиран поводом Катанске буне (1844) / Črezvičajni sud nad buntovnicima (1839) i Preki sud formiran povodom Katanske bune (1844) / Irregular Court for Rebels (1839) and Martial Court established on the occasion of Katane (Hussars)’s Rebellion (1844)Stanković Uroš 11 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Предмет докторске дисертације је рад два ванредна суда – Чрезвичајног суда над бунтовницима (1839) и Преког суда формираног поводом Катанске буне (1844). Први је формиран пошто је пропала Јованова буна, коју је подстакао кнез Милош Обреновић (1815–1839, 1858–1860) с циљем да ослаби утицај својих противника у Државном савету и васпостави своју апсолутну власт. Формирању Чрезвичајног суда претходила је истрага против осумњичених за учешће у буни, коју су водиле чак четири истражне комисије. Оне су током свог рада користила следећа доказна средства: признања окривљених, суочења окривљених, сведоке, суочења окривљених и сведока и писане исправе. Чрезвичајни суд почео је са радом 25. јула 1839. И он је спровео доказни поступак, у којем су коришћена мање-више иста доказна средства. Пошто су изведени докази, Чрезвичајни суд је приступио доношењу пресуда. Мање важни окривљени су или ослобођени кривице или осуђени на благе казне, док су они за које је Чрезвичајни суд устанио да су били покретачи и организатори буне осуђени на вишегодишње казне лишења слободе. Мање важни осуђени помиловани су још за време рада Чрезвичајног суда, да би недуго након тога уследило и помиловање важнијих осуђеника.<br />Катанска буна, догађај који је представљао повод за формирање другог ванредног суда, представља неуспели покушај присталица династије Обреновић да оборе устваобранитељски режим, одиграо се између 22. и 25. септембра 1844. Против неких од заробљених бунтовника истрагу су водили Тома Вучић Перишић, командант војске упућене да угуши побуну, и Стеван Новаковић, судија шабачког окружног суда. Истражни поступак, и то против свих окривљених водио је и сам Преки суд. Сем доказних средстава наведених у излагању о Чрезвичајном суду, у истрази коју је водио Преки суд употребљавано је и јемство представника власти за окривљене. Организатори и предводници буне осуђени су на смрт, они који су знали за буну пре њеног избијања, а то нису пријавили властима, на доживотну робију, лица која су се придружила бунтовницима на казне лишења слободе у различитом трајању, а они који су искористили метеж настао побуном за крађе на телесне казне или затвор од две године. У току 1845. и 1846. један број осуђених ослобођен је даљег издржавања казне, а неким осуђеницима казне су ублажене. Међутим, већина осуђених наставила је да издржава казне по слову пресуда Преког суда.<br />Разлог због којег је Преки суд био строжи него Чрезвичајни суд лежи у политичким околностима у којима су они деловали. Противници кнеза Милоша 1839. нису имали подршку у народу и због тога нису смели строгим кажњавањем да одвраћају потенцијалне присталице од себе. С друге стране, 1844. није постојала реална опасност од повратка Обреновића на српски престо. То је омогућило уставобранитељској власти да много строже казни покушај обреновићевске реакције.</p> / <p>Predmet doktorske disertacije je rad dva vanredna suda – Črezvičajnog suda nad buntovnicima (1839) i Prekog suda formiranog povodom Katanske bune (1844). Prvi je formiran pošto je propala Jovanova buna, koju je podstakao knez Miloš Obrenović (1815–1839, 1858–1860) s ciljem da oslabi uticaj svojih protivnika u Državnom savetu i vaspostavi svoju apsolutnu vlast. Formiranju Črezvičajnog suda prethodila je istraga protiv osumnjičenih za učešće u buni, koju su vodile čak četiri istražne komisije. One su tokom svog rada koristila sledeća dokazna sredstva: priznanja okrivljenih, suočenja okrivljenih, svedoke, suočenja okrivljenih i svedoka i pisane isprave. Črezvičajni sud počeo je sa radom 25. jula 1839. I on je sproveo dokazni postupak, u kojem su korišćena manje-više ista dokazna sredstva. Pošto su izvedeni dokazi, Črezvičajni sud je pristupio donošenju presuda. Manje važni okrivljeni su ili oslobođeni krivice ili osuđeni na blage kazne, dok su oni za koje je Črezvičajni sud ustanio da su bili pokretači i organizatori bune osuđeni na višegodišnje kazne lišenja slobode. Manje važni osuđeni pomilovani su još za vreme rada Črezvičajnog suda, da bi nedugo nakon toga usledilo i pomilovanje važnijih osuđenika.<br />Katanska buna, događaj koji je predstavljao povod za formiranje drugog vanrednog suda, predstavlja neuspeli pokušaj pristalica dinastije Obrenović da obore ustvaobraniteljski režim, odigrao se između 22. i 25. septembra 1844. Protiv nekih od zarobljenih buntovnika istragu su vodili Toma Vučić Perišić, komandant vojske upućene da uguši pobunu, i Stevan Novaković, sudija šabačkog okružnog suda. Istražni postupak, i to protiv svih okrivljenih vodio je i sam Preki sud. Sem dokaznih sredstava navedenih u izlaganju o Črezvičajnom sudu, u istrazi koju je vodio Preki sud upotrebljavano je i jemstvo predstavnika vlasti za okrivljene. Organizatori i predvodnici bune osuđeni su na smrt, oni koji su znali za bunu pre njenog izbijanja, a to nisu prijavili vlastima, na doživotnu robiju, lica koja su se pridružila buntovnicima na kazne lišenja slobode u različitom trajanju, a oni koji su iskoristili metež nastao pobunom za krađe na telesne kazne ili zatvor od dve godine. U toku 1845. i 1846. jedan broj osuđenih oslobođen je daljeg izdržavanja kazne, a nekim osuđenicima kazne su ublažene. Međutim, većina osuđenih nastavila je da izdržava kazne po slovu presuda Prekog suda.<br />Razlog zbog kojeg je Preki sud bio stroži nego Črezvičajni sud leži u političkim okolnostima u kojima su oni delovali. Protivnici kneza Miloša 1839. nisu imali podršku u narodu i zbog toga nisu smeli strogim kažnjavanjem da odvraćaju potencijalne pristalice od sebe. S druge strane, 1844. nije postojala realna opasnost od povratka Obrenovića na srpski presto. To je omogućilo ustavobraniteljskoj vlasti da mnogo strože kazni pokušaj obrenovićevske reakcije.</p> / <p>The subject of this doctoral dissertation are two irregular courts – Irregular Court for Rebels (1839) and Martial Court formed on the occasion of Katanska Rebellion (1844). The first of these two courts was formed after Jovan’s rebellion, incited by Prince Miloš Obrenović (1815–1839, 1858–1860) with the goal of weakening the authority of his opponents in State Council and renewal of the ruler’s absolute power, had been quenched. Antecedent of the Irregular Court’s establishment, four investigation boards had undertaken the investigation against the persons suspected of participation in Jovan’s Rebellion. In the course of the inquiry the boards produced following evidence: suspects’ confessions, confrontations of suspects, witnesses, confrontations of suspects with witnesses and documentary evidence. Irregular Court commenced its work on July 25th 1839. This institution also performed production of evidence, during which more or less above-cited sorts of evidence were produced. After the evidence had been shown, Irregular Court turned to deliberation. Less important suspects were either acquitted or sentenced to mild punishments, as those who Irregular Court found organizers and instigators of Jovan’s Rebellion are condemned to multiyear prison sentences. The convicts of less significance were pardoned while Irregular Court’s activity was still in progress. Not long after, more important convicts were granted pardon as well. Katane (Hussars)’s Rebellion, the event that occasioned the formation of the second irregular court, represents an unsuccessful attempt of Obrenović dynasty's followers to overthrow Constitution-Defenders' regime. The inquiry against some of the suspects was conducted by Toma Vučić Perišić, the commander of the troops sent to put down Katane's Rebellion, and Stevan Novaković, a judge of Šabac District Court. Martial Court also carried out investigations, of which all suspects were subjects. Besides evidence mentioned in previous paragraph, vouchments for a suspects' moral integrity and rightful political attitude, given by the representatives of local authorities, were also used in the proceedings led by Martial Court. The organizers and instigators of Katane's Rebellion were sentenced to death, the persons who knew that the rebellion would break out and did not report it to the authorities were condemned to perpetual forced labor, the individuals who joined the rebells were sentenced to prison whose duration varied. The people who used Rebellion-provoked tumultation to commit thefts and burgalries were, according to verdicts of Court Martial, to undertake corporal punishments or two-year prison. In 1845 and 1846 a certain number of convicts was pardonned, as some sentences were mitigated. Nevertheless, most of them were not granted pardon.<br />The reason of Martial Court's greater harshness in comparison with Irregular Court lies in political circumstances in which the two institutions worked. Prince Miloš’opponents were not favorite among the people. Therefore they did not want to even more deteriorate their low popularity by admitting Irregular Court to pronounce severe punishments. On the other hand, in 1844 Obrenovićs’ partisans were not serious threat to Constitution-Defenders regime. It enabled power-holders to punish an attempt of Obrenović’s reaction more severely.</p>
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Ray Hicks and other Beech Mountain FolksBurton, Thomas G., Schrader, Jack, Manning, Ambrose 01 January 2011 (has links)
Thomas Burton, Jack Schrader, and Ambrose Manning of East Tennessee State University began documenting the Appalachian region in the 1960s. Together they came to know many mountain people now recognized as Appalachian Masters. In this DVD we are introduced to Ray Hicks along with his family and friends from Beech Mountain, North Carolina. Thomas Burton serves as our guide. Included are two Burton/Schrader films in their entirety: A film about Ray Hicks and another about Buna Presnell Hicks and Bertha Hubbard Baird, along with video excerpts of Stanley Hicks and Hattie Presnell recorded by Burton and Manning. Please be aware that the film quality of the remastered excerpts reminds us of a time before the digital age. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1095/thumbnail.jpg
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A Triumph of improvisation : Australian Army operational logistics and the campaign in Papua, July 1942 to January 1943Moremon, John Clifford, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examines the Australia Army???s campaign on Papua from July 1942 to January 1943 with the focus on logistic support of the fighting arms and the relation of logistics to the tactics of tropical jungle warfare. It begins by examining the traditional approach to logistics in the military profession - the experience of Australian officers and forces in particular - from the First World War until May 1942, when the Australian territory of Papua was invaded. It establishes that the Army was poorly prepared because, as well as having never anticipated a prolonged land campaign in Papua-New Guinea, it lacked the logistic resources and knowledge of logistics as applicable to tropical jungle warfare. It then proceeds to examine the retreat over the Kokoda Track and the turning-point battles for Milne Bay and Imita Ridge. It demonstrates that the principal factor in the Australian retreat was logistic failure, as geography and lack of logistic resources prevented adequate supply of the fighting arms at least until lines of communication had been shortened; even then, difficulties remained. The thesis is rounded off by assessing the counter-attack across the territory of Papua for the capture of the enemy???s beachheads at Buna, Gona and Sanananda. It concludes that, as the island???s geography and tropical environment so dominated operations and since shortages of logistic equipment and units persisted, the Army could not perfect its logistic organisation by the end of this first phase of the New Guinea campaign. It fell back on improvisation and the fortitude of troops to triumph over the Japanese.
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A Triumph of improvisation : Australian Army operational logistics and the campaign in Papua, July 1942 to January 1943Moremon, John Clifford, History, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2000 (has links)
This thesis examines the Australia Army???s campaign on Papua from July 1942 to January 1943 with the focus on logistic support of the fighting arms and the relation of logistics to the tactics of tropical jungle warfare. It begins by examining the traditional approach to logistics in the military profession - the experience of Australian officers and forces in particular - from the First World War until May 1942, when the Australian territory of Papua was invaded. It establishes that the Army was poorly prepared because, as well as having never anticipated a prolonged land campaign in Papua-New Guinea, it lacked the logistic resources and knowledge of logistics as applicable to tropical jungle warfare. It then proceeds to examine the retreat over the Kokoda Track and the turning-point battles for Milne Bay and Imita Ridge. It demonstrates that the principal factor in the Australian retreat was logistic failure, as geography and lack of logistic resources prevented adequate supply of the fighting arms at least until lines of communication had been shortened; even then, difficulties remained. The thesis is rounded off by assessing the counter-attack across the territory of Papua for the capture of the enemy???s beachheads at Buna, Gona and Sanananda. It concludes that, as the island???s geography and tropical environment so dominated operations and since shortages of logistic equipment and units persisted, the Army could not perfect its logistic organisation by the end of this first phase of the New Guinea campaign. It fell back on improvisation and the fortitude of troops to triumph over the Japanese.
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