Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business -- managemement"" "subject:"business -- managementment""
511 |
ICT convergence : impact on Namibian ICT operatorsCoetzee, Coenraad J. W. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2007. / Today we face a reality where existing power relations concerning economical, political and
cultural institutions and forces are changing. It is about more than just the right to use a
technology in itself; it is a matter of having, or not having, access to infonnation and knowledge.
The use of information and communications technology (lCT) is an important and powerful tool
when it comes to distributing and sharing these resources (Bridges.arg, 2006). The unequal
distribution of and the differences in the possibility to use rer effectively are often referred to by
the term digital divide (DDN, 2006). Does this sound quite pessimistic?
However, a change is taking place since all countries on earth from the richest to the poorest are
actually increasing their Ier usage. The problem is that the developed countries are using
convergence (three separate communication sectors: information technology,
telecommunications and broadcasting merging to become a single communication service sector)
to escalate their access to and use of ICf at a much higher speed, which in fact widens the digi tal
divide instead of shrinking it (Bridges.org, 2006). Today no country can afford to neglect
investments in ICf if it wishes to raise its living standards or to prevent it from being left behind
as other countries exploits the possibilities of ICf. Why is ICf considered to be an effective tool
for bridging the international digita1 divide? On the United Nations Development Programme's
website one can read: " .. .ICf is an increasi ngly powerful tool for participating in global markets;
promoting political accountability; improving the delivery of basic services; and enhancing local
development opportunities" (UNOP, 2003). These aspects can be of great importance for
developing countries in their effort to gain economic development and improvements.
Furthermore, it is also a question about every human's right to have access to infonnation (Sida,
According to Steve Case (AOL Time Warner, Chainnan of the Board) every decade has some
word associated with it. In the 'SOs, it was the PC. In the '90s, it was the Internet. For the rest of
this decade, the key word is going to be convergence (Thompson, 2003).
In Namibia a digital divide exists between income groups as well as between the country's rural
and urban population. Namibia is sti ll far from providing equal access to information, but
Namibia is well positioned to deploy ICf to its advantage. Namibia has a functional
telecommunication infrastructure, political stability and an attractive economic environment for
investors. However. the geographic and social challenges of Namibia require innovative
approaches and considerable effort. Competition and convergence will improve the situation.
recommended to expand the set of potential drivers and specifically focus on the relation
between convergence and economic growth.
512 |
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) : a study of the key benefits and challenges of implementing ERP systemsSwart, Daniel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The main objective with this study was to analyse and evaluate the strategies
employed by South African Breweries in the implementation of ERP systems
with specific reference to the Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM) model.
The study would have further identified the key success factors of
implementing ERP systems and state the reasons for ERP system
implementation failure.
The combination of intense global compeution and powerful new information
technologies has led to a rush toward ERP systems and intensified efforts to
re-engineer organisational processes.
Although most ERP systems are justified on the basis that they integrate
disparate organisational systems or standardise organisational processes on
best practice, most businesses find that the costs and risks are significantly
more than benefits during the early stages following implementation of an
ERP system. Some businesses have however been able to transform their
supply chain processes as result of ERP implementation. Businesses must
overcome daunting challenges fn order to generate value from ERP systems.
ERP systems typically consist of modules, each with functionality relating to
organisational functions, such as production, finance, human resources and
Development and sales of ERP systems rapidly increased between 1992 and
1999 when most large corporations, which could typically make use of these
systems, installed these systems. The market has recently slowed down and
ERP software developers now face strong competition and are challenged to
find new ways to differentiate products from those of competitors. New
information systems have been developed to complement and even replace
ERP systems such as Advanced Planning Systems (APS) and Supply Chain
Management systems (SCM).
The successful implementation of ERP systems are largely dependant on the
way that a company approaches, considers and implements ERP systems. It
is important to note that ERP systems implementations are not just another IT
project or project implementation, but has a human element attached to the
implementation process that is centric to the success of the implementation
The study concluded that the top contributor for a successful ERP
implementation is getting the employees and all persons in the process
involved, on board and motivated by the process of implementation. Other
important factors are a strong commitment from upper management as an
implementation involves significant alterations to existing business practices,
issues related to reengineering the business processes and integrating the
other business applications to the ERP backbone.
Upper and middle management plays a key role in managing the change that
ERP brings into an organisation. It must be noted that once implemented, an
ERP system is difficult and expensive to undo. In addition organisations may
have to implement custom applications in addition to the ERP software as no
single ERP solution can satisfy all the business needs.
It is apparent that most ERP implementation successes are attributable to
excellent planning, employee involvement and effective communication. Thus
it is imlXlrtant for an organisation to have the above as top priorities in ERP
implementation. Successful ERP implementation will be greatly enhanced if
the employees are properly involved in the process and are given the
necessary recognition and respect they deserve. Without dedicated
employees to implement and apply the system, the organisation will be
wasting its resources and capital on a system that will never be fully utilised.
Although an ERP implementation effort can be completed by consultants,
problems will arise if the proper employees are not available to sUPlXlrt the
project. The trained employees who grow with the system and make the
system expand and evolve with the company, will be true assets of the
company and more than worth the investment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwit van die studie was om die strategie toegepas deur Suid
Afrikaanse Brouery tydens implementering van Ondememing Hulpbron
Beplanning (OHS) stelsels te analiseer en evalueer met 'n spesiale fokus op
die Strategiese Ondememing Bestuur (SOB) model. Die studie identifiseer
ook die sleutel sukses faktore vir die implementering van aHS stelsels en
bespreek die redes vir onsuksesvolle aHB stelsel impJementering.
Die kombinasie van intense globale kompetisie en kragtige nuwe
inligtingstelsels het aanleiding gegee tot 'n toename in aHB stelsels en het
gelei tot hemude fokus op proses herstrukturering.
Nieteenstaande die feit dat meeste aHB stelsels geregverdig kan word op
grand van hulle integrasie van losstaande organisasie stelsels of
standaardisasie van organisasie prosesse en beste praktyke, vind die meeste
besighede dat die koste en risiko tydens die eerste fases na implementering
betekenisvol meer is as die voordele. Sommige besighede was egter in staat
om hulle verskaffingsketting prosesse te transformeer deur die
implementering van aHB stelsels. Besighede moet egter oorweldigende
uitdagings oorkom om waarde te genereer met aHB stelsels.
aHB stelsels betaan tipies un verskeie modules, met elkeen funksionaliteite
wat betrekking het op die besigheids funksies soos produksie, finansies,
menslike hupbronne en logistiek.
Die ontwikketing en verkope van aHB stelsels het drasUes toegeneem sedert
1992 tot 1999 toe meeste groot besighede wat kon gebruik maak van die
stelsels, dit implementeer het. Die mark het onlangs afgeneem en aHB
sagteware ontwikkelaars word nou gekonfronteer met strawwe kompetisie en
moet nuwe maniere vind om hulle prod uk te onderskei van die kompetisie.
Nuwe inligting stelsels is ontwikkel wat bestaande aHB stelsels
komplimenteer en selts vervang soos byvoorbeeld Gevorderde Beplanning
Stelsels (GBS) en Verskaffingketting Bestuur stelsels (VKB). Die suksesvolle
implementering van aHB stelsels is grootHks afhanklik van die wyse waarop
'n besigheid OHB stelsels benader, oorweeg en implementeer. Dit is belangrik
om in gedagte te hou dat OHB stelsel impfementering nie net nog 'n IT projek
of projek implememtering is nie, maar dat daar 'n menslike element in die
implementering proses betrokke is wat 'n kernfaktor in die sukses van die
implementering is.
Die studie het tot die slotsom gekom dat die hoof bydraende faktor tot
suksesvolle implementering van OHB stelsels is om wer1<.nemers en aile
relevante persone Ie betrek en te motiveer met die implementerings proses.
Ander belangrike faktore sluit in onderneming van senior bestuur aangesien
implementering bekenisvolle veranderinge aan bestaande praktyke behels
asook die herontwerp van besigheids prosesse en integrasie van ander
besigheids toepassings.
Middel en senior bestuur het 'n integrale rol in die bestuur van verandering
wat OHB stelsels in die firma teweeg bring. Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem
dat OHB stelsels na implementering moeilik en teen hoe koste ongedaan
gemaak kan word. Besighede mag selfs nodig he om addisionele toepassings
te implementeer aangesien geen OHB sagteware stelsels aan aile
besigheidsbehoeftes kan voldoen nie.
Dit is duidelik dat die meeste OHB implementering suksesse toegeskryf kan
word aan uitstekende beplanning, werknemer betrokkenheid en effektiewe
kommunikasie. Dit is dus noodsaaklik vir die firma om begenoemde as die
hoogste prioiriteite vir die implementering van OHB stelsels na te volg.
Suksesvolle OHB stelsel implementering word grootliks bevorder indien die
werknemers deeglik betrokke is in die proses, asook die nodige erkenning en
respek ontvang. S~nder toegewyde werknemers om die stelsel Ie
implementeer en toe te pas sal die organisasie hulpbronne en kapitaal
vermors op 'n stelsel wat nooil ten volle benut sal word nie.
AJhoewel OHB implementering gekomplimenteer kan word deur konsultante
sal daar probleme ontstaan indien die toepaslike werknemers nie beskikbaar
is om die projek te ondersteun nie. Die opgeleide werknemer wat saam met
die stelsel groei en wat die stelsel help uitbrei en ontwikkel saam met die
organisasie is 'n ware aanwins vir die firma en meer as die belegging werd
513 |
The cost effective implementation of integrated spatial management information systems in local governmentElema, Nico M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Management within Local Government are increasingly required to report on the various
spatially related projects and initiatives within their jurisdiction. As Information Technology
develops, various electronic systems are implemented within the organisations, not only assist
in the reporting. but also to fulfil the data requirements in relation to maintenance, capturing
and storing of data. In order to fully adhere to the reporting needs, systems are also
increasingly required to integrate, and in so doing, provide access to more data in the
organisation. But as the reporting requirements are often clear, the cost in implementing the
required systems elude implementers. One of the reasons for costs being unclear stems from
a need for integrated systems to help implementers to understand the cost factors which drive
costs, and in so doing, enabling them to manage costs incurred in projects better.
By means of a literature review, the spatial information needs within Local Governments are
investigated, fol1owed by the investigation of solutions to address the spatial needs. As a
solution, an Integrated Spatial Management Information System (ISMlS) is discussed. Seven
primary cost fac tors are identified and discussed to assist in the better understanding of the
relevant cost factors. These cost factors include data, software, hardware, training
requirements, customisation, maintenance and time constraints. Each cost factor is discussed
in detail, and the potential impact it might have on the total cost of a project investigated. A
method measuring the success of a project is also discussed, whereby the total cost 10
implementing an ISMlS is related to the number of active users as expressed in cost-per-seat.
The relationship between the different types of users within a local municipality, their
function and the impact the cost factors can have on the use and cost-per-seat calculation are
also discussed. To illustrate the impact, three different scenarios are discussed. each with
variable cost factors. It is found. that the management of cost factors can greatly increase the
use of a system, and thereby make the implementation of the system more cost .. effective.
Finally the concept of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) is also discussed, providing a concept
whereby the costs can be measured against benefits, where the aim is to implement an ISMIS
where the benefits outweigh the costs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DaaT word al hoe meer van die bestuur in pJaaslike owerhede verlang. om verslag te lewer oor
verskeie ruimtelike projekte en inisiatiewe in hul owerheidsgebied. Met die ontwikkeling van
Informasie Tegnologie word verskeie clcktroniese stelsels ge-implementeer om nie net aan
die versJaggewingbehoeftes te voldoen nie, maar oak die instandhouding. datavaslegging en
stoor van data te ondersteun. Om ten volle aan die verslagewingbehocftes te lean voldoen,
word daar ook al hoe meer van stelsels verlang om te integreer, om sodoende toegang tot
meer datastelle in die organisasie te gee. Maar terwyl die versJaggewingbehoeftes gewoonlik
duidelik is, is die kostcs om relevante stelsels te integreer gewoonlik onduidelik. 'n Rede
waarom kostcs onduidelik mag wees, spruit uit die behoefte vir implimenteerders van
gelntegreerde stelsels am faktore wat kostes dryf te begryp, en sodoende kostes beter te lean
Deur middel van 'n literatuurstudie is die ruirntelike behoeftes binne plaaslike regenng
ondersoek, gevolg deur 'n ondersoek na moontlike oplossings om die ruimtelike behoeftes aan
tc spreek. As 'n opiossmg, word 'n Gclntegreerde Ruimtelike Bestuursinligting Stelsel
(GRBS) bespreek. Sewe primere kostefaktore word geldentifiseer en bespreek om 'n beter
begrip te ontwikkel van die relevante kostefaktore. Hierdie kostefaktore sluit data,
prograrnmatuur, apparatuur, opleidingsbehoeftes, doelgemaakte programmatuur,
instandhouding en tydsbepcrkings in. Elke kostefaktor word in detail bespreek, en die
potensiele impak wat dit op die totale koste van 'n projek mag he, word ondcrsoek. 'n Metode
om die sukses van 'n projek te meet, word ook bespreek, waarvolgens die totale koste om 'n
GRBS te implementeer gemeet word teen die totale aantal aktiewe gebruikcrs van die stelsel,
soos uitgedruk in koste-per-gebruiker. Die verwantskap tussen die verskillende gcbruikers in
'n plaaslike munisipaliteit, hul funksics en die irnpak wat die kostefaktore kan he op die
gebruik en koste-per-gebruiker-berekening word oak bespreek. Om die impak te illustrcer,
word drie verskillende voorbeelde bespreek, elk met veranderende kostefaktore. Daar is
gevind dat die bestuur van kostefaktore die gebruik van die stelsel grootliks laat toeneem, wat
sodoende die implementering van die GRBS meeT koste effektief maak. Laastens word
"koste-voordeel analise" as konsep bespreek, waarby koste teenoor voordeel gemeet kao
word, om sodoende '0 GRBS te ontwikkel waar die voordele die kostes cortref.
514 |
Rescuing an information system : analysis of non-performance and recommendations for successVan Deventer, Sean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: DeLone and McLeans information system success model was used to evaluate Psiteks information system. The literature helped establish the required status of a successful information system. The literature helped to identify the current status of Psiteks information system by contributing to a set of questions that would provide answers as to the current status of the information system. The current status of Psiteks information system was compared to the required status of a successful information system. This comparison highlighted gaps and to bridge the gaps in the future certain recommendations were made. The recommendations were as follows: the inclusion of users into information system discussions and decisions, training and documentation, process and procedure implementation and information system technical design review. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DeLone en McLean se informasie sisteem sukses model was gebruik om Psitek se informasie sisteem te evalueer. Die literatuur het gehelp om vas te stel wat die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem is. Die literatuur het ook gehelp met die identifisering van Psitek se informasie sisteem se huidige status deur aanleiding te gee tot ‘n stel vrae wat gebruik kon word om informasie in te win oor die huidige status van die informasie sisteem. Die huidige status van Psitek se informasie sisteem was vergelyk met die gewenste status van ‘n suksesvolle informasie sisteem. Hierdie vergelyking het sekere gapings uitgelig en om hierdie gapings in die toekoms te oorbrug is sekere aanbevelings gemaak. Die aanbevelings was soos volg: die betrokkenheid van gebruikers in die informasie sisteem besprekings en besluite, opleiding en dokumentasie, implementering van prosesse en prosedures en hersiening van die informasie sisteem se tegniese ontwerp.
515 |
Mobile business adoption and readiness in South African orgnisationsKirsten, Etienne 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA) -- Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mobile business, through the use of enabling technologies such as cellular phones, 3G
data cards, and wireless technology. is set to provide businesses in South Africa not
only with ways of improving their efficiency, but ultimately offer them ways of utilising
the fast growing technologies in such a way that it enables them to outmanoeuvre their
opposition. With such fast and continuous change comes a possible drawback, being
the inability to implement specific technology before it is again outdated by newer,
better, cheaper, and more expectant alternatives. South Africa is generally not seen as
being at the forefront of the development of mobile and wireless technologies, and as
such is not regarded as one of the early adopters such as the typical Asian, USA, and
European markets are.
This research study sets out to answer the question to what extent larger South African
organisations are aware, ready, and willing to embrace and implement the various
elements of mobile business into their business models and strategies. In doing so the
reporl details the wide variety of enabling technologies available in South Africa. It
further goes on to evaluate the South African mobile market and provide a crosssectional
view of the current state of mobility in the country. A review is also provided
on the most typical types of mobile applications and ways in which mobility is
incorporated in the business value chain.
The empirical research utilised a self-administered online questionnaire, which was sent
to a random selection of companies from those listed on the Johannesburg Securities
Exchange (JSE). In total 313 companies were selected and contacted through e-mail
solicitation. Endeavours were made to identify the most suitable contact person
responsible for the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in each firm and,
although this was not achieved in all cases, it was possible in by far the majority of the
Although the response rate was lower than hoped for, the analysis of the results
provided a list of implications for managers that no company who wishes to maximise
the potential benefits from the incorporation of mobile technologies, should ignore.
Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za
The research shows that cellular phones and laptops remain the most widely deployed
existing technologies. These technologies can be regarded as the essential mobile
technologies today. The adoption of 3G technology is further spreading fast and is set
to overtake current leader GPRS. On the other side of the scale Bluetooth technology
is appearing to become outdated as wireless LAN and Wi-Fi are starting to overtake it
as the network standard of choice. Corporate SMS, push e-mail, mobile
synchronisation, and VolP are the clear application leaders and are most widely
implemented as companies attempt to achieve competitive advantages through their
An element of possible concem is the fact that senior management enjoys access to the
majority of mobile enabling technologies with the distribution significantly distorted in
terms of its use by saleslfield staff. It was further evident that operations, as a primary
business function in the value chain, enjoy the highest integration of mobile
technologies. Opportunity exists to improve efficiency in logistics.
Important emerging technologies that were identified are VoIP, converging
communication, mobile VPN access, 3G(HSDPA}, Wi-Fi, remote security and
monitoring, Instant Messaging, and communication enabled applications. Technology
leaders should investigate these technologies set to play major roles in the industry in
In the technologically advanced world today, and more specifically in South Africa,
organisations can ill afford not to embrace the mobile phenomenon. Withhout searching
for innovative ways of incorporating mobile technology across all business functions,
companies could find themselves losing ground. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mobiele besigheid, deur die gebruik van mobiele tegnologiee soos sellulere telefone,
3G data kaarte, en koordlose tegnologie, bied aan Suid-Afrikaanse firmas die vermoe
om hul effektiwiteit te verbeter en verskaf ook maniere om die snel-groeiende
tegnologiee op so 'n manier te benut om 'n mededingende voordeel oor hulle opposisie
te verkry. Ongelukkig veroorsaak die snelle groei van die industrie sekere
komplikasies. Die vemaamste hiervan is dikwels die onverrnoe om spesifieke
tegnologiee te implementeer voordat dit verouderd raak as gevolg van nuwe, beter, en
goedkoper tegnologiese alternatiewe in die wereldmark. Verder word Suid-Afrika oor
die algemeen nie gesien as een van die leiers op die gebied van mabiele en koordlose
tegnologie ontwikkeling nie en word as sodanig nie geklassifiseer as 'n vroee aannemer
van tegnologie soos tipiese markte in Asia, Amerika, en Europa nie.
Hierdie navorsingstuk ondersoek die vraag tot watter mate groter Suid-Afrikaanse
maatskappye bewus, gereed, en bereid is om die verskeie elemente van mabie Ie
besigheid aan te neem en in hul besigheidsmodelle en strategiee te implementeer. Die
skryfstuk rapporteer sodoende ook detail aangaande die wye spektrum van mobiele
tegnologiee wat in Suid Afrika beskikbaar is. Hierna word die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse
mobiele mark ontleed en word 'n oorsig verskaf van die mees tipiese mabie!e
toepassings en maniere waardeur mobiliteit in die besigheids waardeketting
ge'inkorporeer word.
Die empiriese navorsing het gebruik gemaak van 'n self geadministreerde aanlyn
vraelys wat gestuur is aan 'n groep arbitrer geselekteerde maatskappye wat op die
Johannesburgse Sekuriteite Beurs (JSB) genoteer is. Daar is in totaal 313 maatskappye
deur middel van e-pos versoeke gekontak. Stappe is gevolg om die mees geskikte
persona te identifiseer wat verantwoordelik is vir die lnformasie en Kommunikasie
Tegnologie van elke maatskappy. Alhoewel dit nie prakties vennag is nie, is die persone
in verreweg die meeste van die gevalle direk gekontak.
Ten spyte van die responskoers wat laer was as wat verwag is, bied die analise van die
resultate 'n Iys van implikasies wat geen maatskappy, wat poog om die potensiiile
voordele as gevolg van die benutting van mobiele besigheid te maksimeer, behoort te
ignoreer nie.
Die navorsing toon dat sellulere telefone en skootrekenaars die bestaande te9nologie8
is wat steeds die wydste gebruik word, en 'n mens kan hulle daarom beskou as die
essensiele mobiele tegnologiee van die dag. Verder word getoon dat die aanneming
van 3G tegnologie besig is om vinnig uit te brei en sodoende GPRS begin verbysteek.
Aan die ander kant van die skaal blyk dit dat Bluetooth tegnologie besig om uit te sak
teenoor koordlose LAN en Wi-Fi, wat meer en meer as die netwerk standaard van
voorkeur gesien word. Korporatiewe kort boodskappe, bediener gedrewe e-pos,
mobiele sinkronisasie, en Intemet!elefonie (VoIP) is die duidelike toepassing voorlopers
en geniet die wydste vlakke van implementering.
'n Element wat moontlik kommerwekkend is, is die feit dat topbestuur toegang tot die
meeste mobiele tegnologie geniet met 'n skewe verdeling in terme van die gebruik
daarvan deur veld en verkoopspersoneel. Dit is verder duidelik dat die operasionele
afdelin9. as een van die primere besigheidsaktiwiteite, die hoogste integrasie van
mobiele tegnologie geniet. Daar bestaan egter geleenthede om effektiwiteit in ander
afdelings, soos byvoorbeeld logistiek, te verbeter.
Belangrike ontluikende tegnologiee wat ge"identifiseer is, is Intemet!elefonie (VoIP),
konvergerende kommunikasie, mobiele virtuele private netwerk (VPN) toegang,
3G(HSDPA), Wi-Fi, afstand sekuriteit en monitering, kits boodskappe, en toepassings
programmatuur met kommunikasie vermoens. Tegnologie leiers behoort hierdie
te9nol09ie8 te ondersoek aangesien dit gerat is am 'n daadwerklik invloed op die
industrie uit te oefen.
In die hedendaagse tegnologies ontwikkelde wereld, en ook spesifiek in Suid Afrika,
word dit al hoe duideliker dat organisasies dit nie meer kan bekostig om die mobiele
verskynsel te ignoreer nie. Maatskappye mag weliswaar vind dat hul groei belemmer
word sander die gedurige soeke na innoverende maniere om mabiele te9nol09ie in aile
fasette van die organisasie te inkorporeer.
516 |
A critical review of the contribution of project portfolio management to project successButler, Martin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Project success is essential for the survival of modern organizations that are
increasingly turning towards project management to implement their strategy and
make significant business changes. Evaluating the success of these projects is
however not well understood and definitely not a precise science. Despite all the
ambiguity surrounding project success there is at least agreement that the extent of
project failure is much higher than it should be.
The term project portfolio management is very vaguely defined and the contribution
thereof to project success is not yet clearly understood. In order to establish the
contribution of project portfolio management to project success, it is required to firstly
- - - - - - --
distinguish. between pr"o-ject success and project management success. Project
succ",.~ is essentially the contribution of the project deliverables to the
organization's strategic intent. Project management success differs significantly
from project success in that it measures the delivery of the project's objectives within
the time, budget and resource allocation. In order to understand this difference the
study first focuses on the factors contributing towards project success and project
management success respectively. T~o _ key"_~~~ings_ are that (1) project
management success is but a component of project success on the time dimension
and (2) that alignment between project deliverables and organizational strategic
intent is fundamental to project success.
The various concepts of project management, program management, enterprise
project management and project portfolio management are investigated in order to - obtain full understanding of the contribution of each concept to both project and
project management success respectively. Project portfolio management, which is
often confused with enterprise project management, is examined by tracing it back to
its origin in portfolio management theory, as presented by Markowitz in 1960 and
widely applied in financial markets. The m~in contribution of project portfolio
management towards project success lies in aligning project objectives with
organizational strategic intent. Project portfolio management also provides an
analysis of project status, not project management status, and establishes project
priorities which are essential for resource allocation. Allocating resources is however
the role of enterprise project management, a management function complimentary to
project portfolio management. By providing an independent view on the project
status, as well the contribution of the project to strategic intent, project portfolio
management becomes a catalyst to emphasise the correct projects on the one hand
and annihilating incorrect projects on the other.
The ro les of line, project, program, enterprise project, project portfolio and strategic
management are shown to all contribute on diffe[ent dimensions towards project
success and ultimately organisational success. It is argued that only when these
different contributions are properly u~derstood , can it be appropriately assigned and
will accountability for project succ~ss be tied down to specific organisational roles.
A proposed framework -fo-r -p-ro-ject - success is finally presented. This proposed - - ~
framework could lead to further research and ultimately provide a synQPsis of all
factors contributing to project success. An important component of this framework is
project portfolio management that ensures alignment of project deliverables with
organisational strategic intent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Projeksukses is noodsaaklik vir die voortbestaan van moderne organisasies wat
toenemend projekbestuur gebruik om organisasie strategie te implementeer en
wesenlike organisatoriese veranderinge te maak. EvaJuasie van die sukses van
hierdie projekte word egter nie algemeen begryp nie en is beslis nie In presiese
wetenskap nie. Ten spyle van al die teenstrydhede rakende projeksukses, is daar ten
minste ooreenstemming dat die omvang van projekfalings veel hoer is as wat dit
behoort te wees.
Die beg rip projekportefeuljebestuur is baie vaag gedefinieer en die bydrae daarvan
tot projeksukses word nie duidelik begryp nie. Ten einde die bydrae van
projekportefeuljebestuur tot projeksukses te bepaal, is dit eerstens nodig om tussen
projeksukses en projekbestuursukses te onderskei. Projeksukses is essensieel die
bydrae van die projek se aflewerbares tot die organisasie se strategiese doelwiUe.
Projekbestuursukses verskil wesenlik van projeksukses in die sin dat dit die
aflewering van die projek S8 doelwitte binne die tydsraamwerk, begroting en
hulpbrontoedeling meet. Ten einde die onderskeid te verstaan, fokus hierdie studie
eerstens op die faktore wat tot onderskeidelik projeksukses en projekbestuursukses
bydrae. Twee sleutelbevindinge is dat (1) projekbestuursukses bloot 'n komponent
van projeksukses op die tyd dimensie is en (2) dat ondersteuning van die projek se
aflewerbares vir die organisasie se strategiese doelwitte essensieel is vir
Die verskillende aspekte van projekbestuur, programbestuur, ondernemingsprojekbestuur
en projekportefeuljebestuur is ondersoek om die bydrae van elkeen tot
onderskeidelik projeksukses en projekbestuursukses ten volle te begryp. Projekportefeuljebestuur,
wat dikwels met ondernemingsprojekbestuur verwar word , is
ondersoek deur dit terug te volg na portefeuljebestuurteorie. 5005 voorgestel deur
Markowitz in 1960 en algemeen toegepas in finansiele markte. Die hoofbydrae van
projekportefeuljebestuur tot projeksukses is gelee in die rig van van projek se
doelwiUe op die strategie van die onderneming. Projekportefeuljebestuur verskaf ook
'n analise van die projek status, nie die projekbestuur status nie, en bepaal projek
prioriteite wat noodsaaklik is vir hulpbrontoedeling. Die toedeling van hulpbronne is
egter die rol van ondernemingsprojekbestuur, 'n bestuursfunksie wat projekportefeuljebestuur
komplimenteer. Deur 'n onafhanklike siening van projekstatus, asook
die bydrae van die projek tot die organisasie se strategie te verskaf, word projekportefeuljebestuur
'n katalisator om die korrekte projekte aan die een kant te beklemtoon
en die beeindiging van verkeerde projelcte aan die ander kant mee t8 bring.
Daar word aangetoon dat die rolle van Iyn-, projek-, program-, ondernemingsprojek-,
projekportefeulje- en strategiese bestuur almal op verskillende vlakke bydra tot
projeksukses en uiteindelik organisasie sukses. Daar word geredeneer dat slegs
wanneer hierdie verskillende bydraes behoorlik verstaan word, kan dit toepaslik
geallokeer word en sal toerekeningsvatbaarheid vir projeksukses aan spesifieke rolle
binne die organisasie vasgepen kan word.
'n Voorgestelde raamwerk VIr projeksukses word laastens aangebied. Hierdie
voorgestelde raamwerk kan tot verdere navorsing aanleiding gee en uiteindelik 'n
oorsig verskaf van al die faktore wat bydra tot projeksuses. 'n Belangrike komponent
van die raamwerk is projekportefeuljebestuur am te verseker dat die projek se
doelwilte gerig is op die organisasie S8 strategiese doelwitte.
517 |
Investigation into project management failure within information technology systems projectsWinter, Mervyn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Information technology systems are an integral part of many sectors of business and
the application of information technology in new sectors of business is increasing
continually. Businesses believe that by applying information technology systems in
their business processes they will ultimately improve on the profits through increased
operational efficiency, reduction of costs and improved ability to make informed
However implementing an information technology system is usually a complex affair
involving the technology supplier, client organisation and other stakeholders. The
common method of implementing information technology systems is to set up a
project in an attempt to manage the cross organisational and cross departmental
issues as best as possible.
Industry reports that the success of information technology project implementation is
low. This study project has analysed 16 sources of literature pertaining to failures in
information technology projects, in order to ascertain how the various authors define
a project failure and whether project management failure is a major contributor to
these failures. Also to examine areas within project management which are deemed
to make the most significant contribution to project failure.
The study concludes that most of the authors examined define project failure in terms
of project management criteria, being cost, time and function (quality). Furthermore it
concludes that project management failure is a significant factor in information
technology project failure and that the facets of project management failure
encountered with information systems implementation projects are not that different
from other forms of projects. The main contributing factors being lack of executive
support, lack of business case or user requirements, lack of project management
expertise, lack of planning, lack of user involvement and changing requirements.
The study recommends that organisations need to be aware of the cross functional
and cross organisational requirements of information technology project
management and that all levels of management in stakeholder organisations need to
have the relevant knowledge and experience to deal with these requirements. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inliglings legnologie slelsels inlegrale uil menigle besigheids seklore en die loepassing daarvan (ITS) in nuwe
seklore voorldurend Besighede mel loepassing
van ITS in hulle besigheids prosesse dil aanleiding sou gee 101 die
graei doellreffenheid, die afname in bedryfskosle en ook verbelerde
besluitneming .
Die daarslelling van 'n ITS is gewoonlik 'n baie moeilike proses wal
onder andere insluil die verskaller van legnologie, die klienlorganisasie
asook ander deelnemers. Die algemene melode van
implemenlering van ITS kan geskied deurmiddel van 'n projek in die
poging om kruisorganisasie en kruisdeparlemenlele funksies/werkings
Ie beharlig.
Terugvoering van bedryf dui aan dal die implemenlerings sukses van
inligling legnologie projekle eintiik baie laag is. Hierdie sludie hel in
lolaal lileraluur mel belrekking 101 inliglings legnologie projekle, ontieed om sodoende Ie bepaal hoe
verskeie skrywers 'n projek mislukking definieer en of die mislukking
projek besluur enigsins 'n bydraende faklor kon wees. Asook die
ondersoek van areas binne die beslek van projek besluur wal wei 'n
noemenswaardige inwerking kon he 101 die mislukking van projekle.
Inligtings tegnologie stelsels (ITS) maak 'n integrale deel uit van
menigte sektore toepassing sektore is voortdurend aan die groei. 8esighede glo met die toepassing
prose sse dit tot greei van wins. Laasgenoemde as gevolg van verhoogde bedryfs
doeltreffenheid, bedryfskoste verbeterde
vermoens vir insiggewende besluitneming.
daarstelling wat
insluit verskaffer tegnologie, klientorganisasie
metode implementering kruisdepartementele te behartig .
dat implementerings in li gting tegnologie projekte studie het totaal 16 literatuur bronne, met betrekking tot die faal/mislukking van
inligtings tegnologie projekte, te van bestuur faktor bestek bestuur wat tot projekte.
As gevolg van die navorsing kom hierdie studie tot die slotsom dat
skrywers projek-mislukking definieer in terme van projek bestuur
kriteria wat 5005 volg lui; koste, tyd en funksie (gehalte). Verder is ook
gese dat projek bestuur mislukking 'n groot bydraende faktor uitmaak
aangaande inligtings tegnologie projek- mislukking en dat faseUe van
projek bestuur mislukking gesien met inligtings stelsel implementering
projekte, nie te vee I verskil van ander vorms van projekte nie. Die hoof
bydraende faktore kan toegeskryf word aan die gebrek van uitvoerende
bestuur ondersteuning, gebrek aan besigheids saak of verbruikers
vereistes, gebrek aan projek bestuur kennis, gebrek aan beplanning,
gebrek aan deelname van verbruikers asook die voortdurende
verandering van vereistes.
Hierdie studie beveel aan dat organisasies bewus moet raak van die
kruiswerking/kruisfunksionering en kruisorganisie vereistes van
inligtings tegnologie projek bestuur en dat aile bestuurs vlakke van
deelnemende organisasies ook genoegsaam toepaslike kenn is en
ondervinding moet he om sodoende die vereistes te behartig .
518 |
Determining the key components of a diversity management model : a qualitative case study approachEngelbrecht, Carel 03 1900 (has links)
Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Graduate School of Business. / Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate diversity management practices as
discussed in the literature and practiced in a South African manufacturing organisation,
with the aim to determine key components of a diversity management model.
Furthermore, the study aims to discuss diversity and the related concepts to create a
clear understanding.
The study reviews the rationale in creating and managing a diverse workforce and
explores the benefits for the organisation. The study provides a synopsis of
components of diversity management initiatives and diversity models from the literature
with the view to include components in the proposed diversity management model.
A qualitative methodological research design was selected with a single case study at
Coca-Cola Canners. The case study examines in detail the diversity management
practices at Coca-Cola Canners, which has applied diversity concepts. Through
interviews with managers and employees data was collected and contrasted with
theoretical premises on diversity management.
The study found that although participants had a reasonable knowledge of diversity,
misunderstandings still exist on the dimensions of diversity to be included and the
relation of diversity with concepts such as affirmative action and equity legislation.
Clarification on these concepts is essential before debating diversity management
Furthermore a real commitment from leadership to agree that valuing diversity can be
leveraged to benefit both the organisation and the individual is required. The
organisation needs to identify the transition to the ideal situation of a multicultural
organisation, where differences are valued. Full integration exists structurally and
informally. The key components identified in the study are integrated into a conceptual
model that supports the desired outcomes.
The study recommends that diversity management transcend above equity and
affirmative action and requires a culture change that values differences and include all
employees in the organisation. This process requires an integrated and ongoing
strategy. Critical components include determine the status of the organisation, train ing
and awareness workshops, re- establish internal systems and procedures, evaluation,
communication and change management practices.
Internal systems such as performance management, training, development planning
and succession planning are critical to motivate and support employees. Specific focus
on training diverse teams and team leaders on how to work together is essential / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is om diversiteitsbestuur praktyke te ondersoek, 5005 bespreek
in die literatuur en toegepas in 'n Suid Afrikaanse vervaardigingsorganisasie en om
deur die proses sleutelkomponente van 'n diversiteitsbestuursmodel te identifiseer.
Verder beoog die studie om diversiteit en verwante konsepte te bespreek, om
sodoende die konsepte beter te verstaan.
Die studie bespreek die motivering om 'n diverse werkersmag te skep en te bestuur.
Die vaordele vir die organisasie, met'n diverse werkersmag word bespreek. Die studie
bespreek die komponente van diversiteitsbestuurs inisiatiewe en madelle uit die
literatuur met die doel om dit te inkorporeer in 'n voorgestelde
'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodiek is gevolg met'n enkeJe gevallestudie by Coca-Cola
Canners. Die gevaliestudie ondersoek die diversiteitsbestuurspraktyke wat gevolg
word in die organisasie. Onderhoude was gebruik om inligting te versamel en inligting
is vergelyk met die teorie verkry vanaf die literatuuroorsig.
Die studie het gevind dat, alhoewel deelnemers 'n redelike kennis het van diversiteit,
misverstande nog steeds bestaan oor die dimensies van diversiteit, wat ingesluit moet
word asook ten opsigte van die verwantskap met regstellende aksie en gelyke
indiensneming. Ooreenstemming ten opsigte van die konsepte is belangrik voordat die
debat oor bestuur van diversiteit voortgesit kan word.
Verder word die ondersteuning en leierskap van bestuur benodig am waarde in
diversiteit te sien, en om sodoende v~ordele vir die organisasie en individue te
bewerksteHig. Die idea Ie situasie sal wees om die onderneming te verander na 'n multikulturele
organisasie deur 'n transformasieproses. Integrasie word bewerkstellig in die
formele en informele strukture, sonder voorkeure aan sekere groepe. Die sleutel -
komponente geYdentifiseer, word ingesluit in 'n model wat die verwagte voordele
Die aanbevelings sluit in dat die bestuur van diversiteit, veel meer behels as
regstellende aksie, gelyke indiensneming en dat die bestuur van diversiteit 'n
organisasie-kultuuraanpassing verg deurdat waarde geheg word aan verskille en dat
almal in die organisasie ingesluit word. Hierdie proses benodig 'n geO(ntegreerde en
aaneenlopende strategie.
Kritiese komponente sluit in die volgende: bepaal die status van die organisasie,
opleiding en bewusmaking, hersien sisteme en prosedures, evaluasie, kommunikasie
en die bestuur van verandering.
Interne sisteme soos prestasiebestuur, opleid ing, ontwikkeling en opvolgbestuur is
belangrik om werknemers te motiveer en te ondersteun. Spesiale fokus word benodig
om spa nne met diverse lede te bestuur. Opleiding moet gereel word vir die spanlede
en spanleiers.
519 |
The promotion of sustainable development in the information and communication technology sector in South AfricaLouw, Roelof 03 1900 (has links)
Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Graduate School of Business. / Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The World Commission of Environment and Development defines sustainability as
"meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs." This statement forms the basis on which the
study of sustain ability and sustainable development is built. The importance and
impact of this statement was only accepted some half a century ago although the
main cause for this statement, capitalism, is still the foundation of many economic
systems today which has been in existence since almost three centuries ago. The
original approach to sustainable development was obligatory acceptance of
cleaning up excessive pollution. The culprits were heavy industries which had a
direct dependence on natural resources and were directly responsible for
excessive pollution. From this approach, sustainable development evolved to
pollution prevention and later a sustainable vision through clean technologies. This
evolution is described by the Sustainable Value Framework formulated by Stuart L.
Hart. Since the 1990's light industries as well as indirect polluters and users of
resources also acknowledged and accepted the call to sustainable development.
This study addresses the promotion of sustainable development in South African
ICT organisations through the definition of a corporate sustainable development
programme (CSDP). The sustainable development performance of an organisation
can be determined by assessment of the specific measuring instruments and
available reporting on the subject. The most relevant measuring instruments for
ICT organisations were identified as: the GRI G3 guidelines, the King II Report and
the JSE / SRI Index with the GeSI as the appropriate body governing the ICT
sector's sustainable development performance. An analysis of sustainable
development reporting of South African ICT organisations, based on these
measuring instruments, revealed the suitability of these instruments to gauge the
triple bottom line objectives of sustainable development. As the triple bottom line
objectives form part of the foundation of a CSDP the identified measurement
instruments can in part be used to report on CSDP performance.
This research report suggests that the triple bottom line measurement is not
sufficient to measure the effectiveness of a CSDP as an effective CSDP requires
integration into the business plan and strategy of an organisation. Measurement of
the extent of business plan and strategy integration is therefore required. The ICT
sector must accept the significance of the indirect and cross-sector roles in
sustainable development and incorporate this as part of a CSDP. The ICT sector
contributes mostly by enabling cross-sector sustainable development initiatives
such as the slowing down of climate change. Furthermore, an leT organisation
should employ its corporate governance framework to implement an integrated
CSDP plan. Within the South African context of sustainable development a CSDP
must consider the accelerated growth and transformation objectives while
maintaining sustainable development objectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wereld Kommissie van Omgewingsake en Ontwikkeling definieer
volhoudbaarheid as "bevrediging van die behoeftes van die huidige sonder om die
foekomsfige generasie se vermoe om hul behoeftes fe bevredig fe kompromiseer."
Hierdie stelling vorm die basis van die studie oor volhoudbaarheid en volhoudbare
ontwikkeling. Die belangrikheid en impak van hierdie stelling is eers ongeveer 'n
halwe eeu gelede aanvaar terwyl die hoofoorsaak vir die stelling, kapitalisme,
steeds die basis vorrn van vele ekonomiese stelsels vandag wat sedert ongeveer
drie eeue gelede bestaan. Die oorspronklike benadering tot volhoudbare
ontwikkeling het behels die aanvaarding van die verpligting om besoedeling skoon
te maak. Die oortreders was swaar industrie wie direk van natuurlike hulpbronne
afhanklik was en wie direk verantwoordelik was vir oormatige besoedeling. Hierdie
benadering het ontwikkel tot besoedelingsvoorkoming and later 'n volhoudbare
strategie wat gebasseer word op skoon tegnologie. Hierdie ontwikkeling word
beskryf in die Volhoudbare Waarde Raamwerk wat deur Stuart L. Hart geformuleer
is. Sedert die 1990's het die ligte industri!! en ook die indirekte besoedelaars en
gerbruikers van natuurlike bronne die raep na volhoudbare ontwikkeling erken en
Hierdie stu die spreek die bevordering van volhoudbare ontwikkeling in Suid
Afrikaanse informasie en kommunikasie tegnologie (IKT) organisasies aan , deur
middel van die definisie van 'n korporatiewe volhoudbare ontwikkelingsprogram
(KVOP). 'n Organisasie se vertoning ten opsigte van volhoudbare ontwikkeling kan
bepaal word deur na die spesfieke meetinstrumente en beskikbare verslaggewing
random die onderwerp te kyk. Die mees relevante metingsinstrumente vir IKT
organisasies is vasgestel as: die GRI G3 riglyne, die King II Verslag en die JSE I
SRI Indeks met die GeSI as die aangewese organisasie wat die IKT sektor se
volhoudbare ontwikkeling bestuur. 'n Analise van die volhoudbare ontwikkeling
verslaggewing in Suid Afrikaanse IKT organisasies, gebasseer op die genoemde
meetingsinstrumente, wys die toepaslikheid van hierdie meetingsinstrumente om
die prestasie op die drievoudige bodemlyndoelwitte van volhoudbare ontwikkeling
aan te duL Hierdie doelwitte maak ook deel uit van 'n KVOP.
In hierdie navorsingsverslag word die veronderstelling gemaak dat die drievoudige
bodemlynmeeting nie aileen voldoende is om die effektiewiteit van 'n KVOP te
bepaal nie, aangesien 'n effektiewe KVOP die integrasie in die besigheidsplan en
strategie van 'n organisasie behels. Meeting van die streking van besigheidsplan
en strategie is ook dus nodig. Die IKT sektor moet die belangrikheid aanvaar van
indirekte en kruissektor rol in volhoudbare ontwikkeling en dit as dee I van 'n KVOP
inkorporeer. Die IKT sektor dra die meeste by tot volhoudbare ontwikkeling deur
ander sektore in staat te stel om volhoudbare ontwikkeling inisiatiewe te beaefen
soos byvoorbeeld die vertraging van klimaatsverandering. Verder, 'n IKT
organisasie moet die korporatiewe bestuursraamwerk gebruik as die
implementeringsplatvorm vir 'n ge·integreerde KVOP. Binne die Suid Afrikaanse
konteks van volhoudbare ontwikkeling moet 'n KVOP ook die versnelde groei en
transformasie doelwitte in ag neem terwyl volhoudbare ontwikkelingsdoelwitte
onderhou word.
520 |
Business strategy formulation for OnTime : a management consulting perspectiveTheletsane, Sebonyane 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: OnTime is a passenger transport company that was established in 1999 when the insurance
giant Sanlam decided to outsource its transport services for its top officials. This document
examines the challenges that OnTime faces as it seeks to grow its market by acquiring
business from more corporates in order to lessen its dependence on Sanlam.
The chauffeur industry in Cape Town is characterised by a lack of regulation and, as a result,
there is no official data that can be used to describe the size of the industry. The lack of
regulation means competition among industry players favours the two big companies to the
detriment of the smaller ones. Smaller companies are constantly experiencing dwindling
profits because of the dominance of these two big companies. At the other extreme, there are
many pirate operators who compete on price by undercutting everyone else.
The industry as a whole is experiencing growth due to the increasing number of corporations
and government departments which have outsourced their passenger transport services for
their top officials. While this move to outsource the passenger transportation is supposed to
create new opportunities for small companies to benefit from the new business being
generated, it appears that the smaller passenger transport companies have not yet benefited
from this extra business. The main reason is that smaller passenger companies have been
created without adequate support systems or a steady client base to sustain them through their
early growth phase.
On the flip side, the two big passenger transport compames are experiencing increasing
volumes of business from those very same big corporations which were supposed to be the
lifeblood of smaller passenger transport firms. The main reason for the phenomenal business
growth for the two passenger transport companies is the fact that they belong to groups of
companies which are constantly growing through the acquisition of other companies. The
passenger transport unit then provides the transport needs of the entire group. Moreover, these
two big passenger transport service providers have fonned alliances with most of the major
airlines, hotels, and guest houses in order to be in a position to capture any business that flows
from these airlines and hospitality service providers.
In an industry where customers are conscious of the type of vehicles they are driven in, it is
not surprising that the two big passenger transport companies are able to offer a variety of
vehicles from which customers can choose. This is in sharp contrast to the small passenger
transport companies whose fleet size limits the options they can offer their customers when it
comes to choosing the type of vehicles they would like to be driven in. The findings contained
in this document will influence the recommendations for formulating a business strategy for
OnTime. The main challenge for OnTime is to grow its business by implementing drastic
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