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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation of factors affecting the decline in foreign direct investment (FDI) in Botswana

Pagiwa, Modisaotsile Mmilidzi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / The aim of this study was to investigate reasons/factors affecting the decline in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Botswana. It has been observed that there are many factors that help explain why the inflow of (FDI) is skewed towards developed nations. Principal amongst them is the population factor, that is, bigger markets and the level of technology. In the case of developing countries in general and Botswana in particular it was found out that FDI was attracted by the prospects of making massive profits. Therefore multinational companies invest mostly in developing countries which are endowed with natural resources such as ()iI, diamonds, gold and platinum. Although Botswana is endowed with diamonds and other natural resources, it has not been attracting the much needed FDI. Reasons advanced for its failure to attract good FDI include among others, small population, the bureaucratic civil service, lack of good infrastructure and lack of well trained human resources in the fields of science, engineering and financial services.

An investigation into the suitability of Economic Value Added (EVA) as a measure of performance evaluation

Kotze, Murison 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research report evaluated the concept of Economic Value Added (EVA) and investigated the application of EVA as a performance measure to a particular company. It was found that EVA overcomes some of the problems associated with the traditional measures of company performance. These traditional measures are profit based and are calculated from standard accounting methods. They are inadequate measures to account for the creation of shareholder wealth, as they do not take the full cost of capital into account and also distort the economic reality of the company. It was however observed that there are limitations when applying EVA. It was found that significant effort (and associated costs) could be required to implement an EVA system in a company. The EVA calculation can also become very technical, and is heavily biased by the company's risk index (or beta coefficient), which is also a subjective measure (especially for private companies). In addition, the choice of adjustments to standard accounting methods have a significant impact on whether the company creates or destroys value in terms of EVA, and can lead to a certain degree of manipulation of the EVA calculation. In the case of the particular company reviewed, it was however found that these potential limitations were overshadowed by the benefits that can be gained from the increased focus on the creation of shareholder wealth that comes from the implementation ofEV A. It was concluded that should EVA be fully implemented at this particular company, it could form the backbone of the financial management and employee incentive system, guiding decisions made at all levels, and changing company culture so that every employee thinks and acts like an owner of the company. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingsverslag het die konsep van Ekonomiese Toegevoegde Waarde (ETW) geevalueer, en ook die toepassing van ETW as prestasiemaatstaf by 'n spesifieke maatskappy ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat ETW sommige van die probleme wat geassosieer kan word met tradisionele maatstawwe van maatskappy prestasie (wins gebaseerde maatstawwe wat bereken word met die standaard rekenkundige metodes) kan oorkom. Hierdie maatstawwe is nie voldoende om die skepping van aandeelhouer welvaart te bereken nie, aangesien hulle nie die volle koste van kapitaal in berekening bring nie, en ook die ekonomiese realiteit van die maatskappy verwring. Daar is weI uitgewys dat ETW sekere beperkings het. Daadwerklike inspanning (asook gepaardgaande koste) kan nodig wees om 'n volle ETW implimentasie uit te voer, en die berekening van ETW kan ook baie tegnies wees. Die berekening word ook heweglik beinvloed deur die beta-koeffisient, wat op sy beurt ook 'n subjektiewe maatstaf is - veral vir privaat maatskappye. Gepaardgaande hiermee het die keuse van aanpassings aan die standaard rekenkundige metodes ook 'n groot impak op die eindproduk van ETW - of 'n maatskappy welvaart skep of vernietig. Dit kan op sy beurt lei tot 'n mate van manipulasie van die ETW berekening. In die geval van die spesifieke maatskappy wat ondersoek is in die navorsingsverslag was dit egter gevind dat die potensiele beperkings van ETW oorskadu word deur die voordele wat kan voortspruit uit die verhoogde fokus op die skepping van aandeelhouer welvaart wat gepaard gaan met die implementering van ETW. Daar was tot die slotsom gekom dat indien ETW ten volle implementeer sou word by die spesifieke maatskappy, dit die steunpilaar van die finansiele bestuur en werknemer vergoeding stelsel kan word, besluite op aIle vlakke kan beYnvloed, en die maatskappy se kultuur kan verander sodat elke werknemer kan dink en optree soos 'n eienaar van die maatskappy.

The development of guidelines for the evaluation of franchising as a business option

Jordaan, Adrian 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: New economic activity is essential to create jobs that can absorb the surplus~ abour being created by, amongst other things, the increase in population rate, particular1y in developing countries like South Africa, and rationalisation and increased productivity characterising larger organisations nowadays. Entrepreneurship has been identified as one of the key sources and driving forces behind job creation and long-term economic growth, yet South Africa performs well below average in terms of entrepreneurial activity, particularly when compared to other developing countries. The weaknesses in the training and education system, lack of financial support, lack of research and development transfer and poor access to physical infrastructure were consistently identified in the various Global Entrepreneurship Monitor studies as accounting for the low entrepreneurial activity in South Africa. v-- The franchising business model has be/ldescribed in terms of Porter's value-chain analysis and shows that the franchisor prescribes to the franchisee a business model by providing procedures, guidelines, sharing, training and support for the execution of the primary and secondary activities within the franchisee's value chain. This is achieved through the tangible interrelationships that exist between franchisor and franchisee, which are characterised by the sharing and support of activities that are related within the two value chains and the intangible interrelationships involving the transfer of management know-how through training and mentoring. Considering the nature and the advantages of the franchise business model as described in terms of Porter's value-chain analysis, franchising can go a long way towards overcoming the lack of training and education and access to finance many entrepreneurs in South Africa are faced with. There is therefore evidence to suggest that franchising as a business model can reduce many of the risks associated with starting up a new business and contribute towards the improvement of the entrepreneurial status of South Africa. One of the main rationales behind purchasing a particular franchise is the confidence that the franchise will contribute to making the individual's business success more predictable. For this to become a reality requires that the franchisor provides an individual with a tried and test concept linked to a respectable and well-known brand within a structure that provides extensive initial and continuous support. However, although there are clear guidelines for the structure and conduct within the franchise business model, there are no all-encompassing rules regarding the extent to which all the aspects of a franchise business model have to be present for a particular franchise system to be considered good or bad. One franchise system may allow franchisees more leeway in some aspects of the business and have less formalised interrelationships within its value chain compared to another franchise system yet they may be equally successful systems depending on the extent to which their structure and the personal profile of the prospective franchisee complement each other. Therefore there are different management styles applied within different franchise systems and whether a particular franchise system will be successful for a particular franchisee depends upon the fit between the individual's personal profile, which encompasses the individual's skills, personality, entrepreneurial profile, risk profile, control profile, independence profile, work habits, ambitions, dreams, strengths and weaknesses and the franchise culture, functionality, structure, dynamic inter-relationships and regulation that prevails in the franchise network being considered. These factors, combined with others such as the current franchisor recruitment practices; abuse of the franchise concept and the balance of power considerations between franchisor and franchisee, emphasise the necessity for a prospective franchisee to take responsibility by performing his/her own thorough evaluation. The aim of this study was therefore the development of an analytical framework, which can be used by a prospective franchisee as a guideline for evaluating and deciding whether he/she is suited for franchising, whether a particular franchise opportunity is a sound and legitimate option and whether there is a fit between the personal profile of the individual and the profile of a particular franchise investment option being considered. By following the proposed analytical framework a prospective franchisee is able to develop a personal profile according to recommended guidelines and evaluate each potential franchise being considered / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Nuwe ekonomiese aktiwiteit is noodsaaklik om werk te skep wat die ooraanbod van arbeid kan absorbeer wat onder andere veroorsaak word deur die bevolkingsaanwas, veral in ontwikkelende lande soos Suid-Afrika, en rasionalisering en groter produktiwiteit wat deesdae groter organisasies kenmerk. Entrepreneurskap is ge'identifiseer as een van die sleutelbronne en dryfvere agter werkskepping en langtermyn ekonomiese groei. Tog presteer Suid-Afrika ver onder die gemiddelde in terme van entrepreneurskapsaktiwiteit, veral as dit vergelyk word met ander ontwikkelende lande. Die tekortkominge in die onderwys- en opleidingstelsel, gebrek aan finansiele ondersteuning, gebrek aan oordrag van navorsing- en ontwikkelingskundigheid en swak toegang tot fisiese infrastruktuur is konsekwent deur die Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ge'identifiseer as redes vir die lae vlak van entrepreneursaktiwiteit in Suid-Afrika. Die konsessie-sakemodel is in terme van Porter se waardekettinganalise beskryf en toon dat die konsessiegewer aan die konsessiehouer 'n sake model voorskryf deur prosedures, riglyne, deelname, opleiding en ondersteuning te voorsien vir die uitvoering van die primere en sekondere aktiwiteite binne die konsessiehouer se waardeketting. Dit word bereik deur die tasbare interverhoudings wat tussen die konsessiegewer en konsessiehouer bestaan, wat gekenmerk word deur die deelname aan en ondersteuning van aktiwiteite wat verwant is binne die twee waardekettings en die ontasbare interverhoudings wat betref die oordrag van bestuurskennis deur opleiding en mentorskap. As die aard en die voordele van die konsessie-sakemodel oorweeg word, soos beskryf in terme van Porter se waardeketting, kan die konsessiebedryf baie doen om die gebrek aan onderwys en opleiding en toegang tot finansiering wat baie entrepreneurs in Suid-Afrika ondervind, teen te werk. Daar is dus aanduiding dat konsessies as sakemodel baie van die risiko's kan verlaag wat verband hou met die totstandbring van 'n nuwe onderneming en kan bydra tot die verbetering van die entrepreneurstatus van Suid-Afrika. Een van die hoofbeweegredes agter die aankoop van 'n spesifieke konsessie is die vertroue dat die konsessie daartoe sal bydra om die individu se besigheid meer voorspelbaar te maak. Ten einde dit moontlik te maak, moet die konsessiegewer 'n individu voorsien van 'n beproefde konsep gekoppel aan 'n gerespekteerde en bekende handelsmerk binne 'n struktuur wat omvattende aanvanklike en deurlopende ondersteuning bied. Alhoewel daar duidelike riglyne is vir die struktuur en bedryf binne die konsessie-sakemodel, is daar geen allesomvattende re~ls betreffende die omvang waartoe al die aspekte van 'n konsessie-sakemodel teenwoordig moet wees ten einde te bepaal of 'n spesifieke konsessiestelsel goed of sleg is nie. Een konsessiestelsel mag konsessiehouers meer vryheid bied in terme van sekere aspekte van die besigheid en minder formele interverhoudings he binne sy waardeketting vergeleke met 'n ander konsessiestelsel, maar hulle mag ewe suksesvolle stelsels wees afhangend van die mate waarin hulle struktuur en die persoonlike profiel van die voomemende konsessiehouer mekaar komplementeer. Daar word dus verskillende bestuurstyle toegepas binne verskillende konsessiestelsels en of 'n spesifieke konsessiestelsel suksesvol sal wees vir 'n spesifieke konsessiehouer hang grootliks af van die passing tussen die individu se persoonlike profiel, wat insluit die individu se vaardighede, persoonlikheid, entrepreneursprofiel, risiko-profiel, kontrole-profiel, onafhanklikheidsprofiel, werkstyl, ambisies, drome, sterkpunte en swakpunte en die konsessie se kultuur, funksionaliteit, struktuur, dinamiese interverhoudings en regulering wat bestaan in die konsessienetwerk wat oorweeg word. Hierdie faktore, tesame met ander soos die huidige konsessiegewer se aanstellingspraktyke, misbruik van die konsessiekonsep en die magsbalans-oorwegings tussen die konsessiegewer en konsessiehouer, beklemtoon die noodsaaklikheid vir 'n voornemende konsessiehouer om verantwoordelikheid te neem deur sylhaar eie deeglike evaluering te doen. Die doel van hierdie studie is daarom die ontwikkeling van 'n analitiese raamwerk wat deur 'n voornemende konsessiehouer gebruik kan word as 'n riglyn vir die evaluering en besluitneming ten opsigte van sy/haar eie gepastheid vir die konsessiebedryf, of 'n spesifieke konsessiegeleentheid 'n grondige en wettige opsie is en of daar 'n passing is tussen die persoonlike profiel van die individu en die profiel van 'n spesifieke konsessiebelegging wat oorweeg word. Deur die voorgestelde analitiese raamwerk te volg, sal die voornemende konsessiehouer in staat wees om 'n persoonlike profiel te ontwikkel volgens aanbevole riglyn en elke potensiele konsessie wat oorweeg word, te evalueer.

A critical evaluation of the use of concentrated portfolios in the South African market

Van der Westhuysen, Gideon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Brandes Institute and Global Wealth Allocation developed a measure of concentration to investigate whether more concentrated portfolios will give better returns. The Concentration Coefficient of a portfolio is defined as the inverse of the sum of the squares of the weights of the different shares within a given portfolio. As such it describes the concentration of the portfolio as if the investor invested in a number of equally weighted shares. Using the Concentration Coefficient the Brandes Institute investigated the relationship between a number of portfolio characteristics and portfolio concentration for a number of portfolios in the United States market. This study firstly looks at the literature available on portfolio concentration. To this end it discusses a number of different measures of portfolio concentration, and give the pros and cons of each. The author then attempts to recreate the study that was done by the Brandes Institute for the South African Market. The analysis shows that there are some similarities in behaviour between the South African and United States markets, even though the South African market is much smaller. The findings of the above analysis concurs with that of the Brandes Institute, in that there does not seem to be a significant relationship between return and portfolio concentration. The author further investigates how concentration would have impacted returns, had each portfolio manager used his chosen strategy, but only in a more concentrated fashion. In order to do this the return of the actual portfolio was calculated and compared with the return from an idealized portfolio. TIlls idealized portfolio was taken as consisting only of the top ten equity investments in which the portfolio manager invested for the gi yen period. Again the result showed no significant relationship between the perfonnance of the portfolio and portfolio concentration. The inruitive result thus holds, in that increased portfolio concentration does not necessarily lead to higher returns, but that it does lead to more volatility in perfonnance. In conclusion the author makes a number of recommendations for future research that will contribute to the understanding of the effect of portfolio concentration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Brandes lnstituut en Global Wealth Allocation het 'n maatstaf van konsentrasie ontwikkel om te bepaal ofmeer gekonsentreerde fondse beter opbrengste sal1ewer. Die Konsentrasie Koeffisient van 'n fonds word gedefinieer as die invers van die sam van die kwadrate van die gewigte van die verskillende aandele in die fonds. Dil beskryf dus die konsentrasie van 'n fonds asaf die beJegger in 'n aantal ewewigte aandele bele het. Die Brandes lnstituut het die Konsentrasie Koeffisient gebruik om die onderlinge verband tussen 'n aanta! fonds eienskappe en die konsentrasie van fondse in die markle van die Verenigde State van Amerika te ondersoek. Hierdie ondersoek deen eerstens 'n literatuur studie oor fonds konsentrasie. Die verskillende maatstawwe van fonds konsentrasie word bespreek, en rue voor- en nadele van elk word gegee. Die skrywer poog verder om die studie soos gedoen deur die Brandes Instituut te dupliseer vir die Suid Afrikaanse mark. Die analise toon dat alhoewel die Suid Afrikaanse mark heeJwat kleiner is as die van die Verenigde State van Amerika. daar tog duidelike ooreenkomste in die resultate is. Die bevindinge van die bogenoemde analise stroak met die resultate verkry deur die Brandes lnstituut, aangesien daar geen duidelike verb and tussen ophrengs en fonds konsentrasie blyk te wees nie. Die skrywer ondersoek verder hoe konsentrasie opbrengs sou be'invloed het indien elke fonds bestuurder sy gekose strategie gevolg het, maar net meer gekonsentreerd. Ten einde dit te doeo word die oprengs van die werklike fonds vergeJyk met die opbrengs van 'n geYdialiseerde fonds. Die geYdialiseerde fonds bestaan slegs uit die top tien ekwiteit aandele waarin die fonds bestuurder in die betrokke periode bele het. Weereens toon die reultate geen noemenswaardige verband tussen opbrengs en fonds konsentrasie nie. Die intuitiewe resultaat geld dus steeds, aangesien verhoogde fonds konsentrasie nie noodwendig tot beter opbrengste lei rue, maar dat dit wei hoer volatiliteit tot gevolg het. Ten slotte maak die skrywer 'n aantal aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing wat sal bydrae tot die begrip van die invloed van fonds konsentrasie.

The strategy and approach with the use of open-source software in Sanlam Personal Finance (SPF)

Van der Walt, J. C. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Open-source software (055) refers to software collaboratively developed by developers across the globe, which embraces the philosophy of sharing. The fundamental idea behind open-source is that when programmers can read, redistribute, and modify the source code for a piece of software, the software evolves. The Internet plays an extremely important role in the distribution of the software and today, many 055 products are downloadable free from the Internet. Despite the inherent challenges, the research organisation Gartner predicts that the majority of mainstream IT organisations will successfully adopt formal open-source management strategies as core IT disciplines. What more, IT organisations and technology vendors who ignore the potential threats and opportunities of 055 will increasingly find themselves at a competitive disadvantage. However, organisations are not always clear on the appropriate strategy, direction, and approach to take when deciding on the role of 055 in their organisations. There is so much hype surrounding the use and the risks of open-source that it can be difficult for organisations to know what is real and what is not. Furthermore, organisations are intrigued but also stymied by the myths of the costs, support, and risks of 055. Also in South Africa, organisations and the South African Government are asking themselves how relevant the benefits and risks of the software are to them. Consequently, the aim of the study is to broaden the existing knowledge of 055 in South Africa by investigating a South African organisation's approach and decisions regarding the use of 055 in the organisation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "Open-Source" sagteware (OSS) verwys na sagteware wat gesamentlik ontwikkel word deur programmeerders regoor die wêreld en die filosofie van "deel met mekaar" omvat. Die wesenlike idee agter "open-source" is dat wanneer programmeerders in staat is om die die bronkode van 'n program te kan lees, versprei en wysig, die sagteware verder en beter kan ontwikkel. Die Internet speel 'n belangrike rol in die verspreiding van die sagteware, en baie OSS- produkte is vandag gratis beskikbaar vir aflaai van die Internet af. Ongeag die inherente uitdagings, voorspel die navorsingsorganisasie Gartner, dat die meerderheid hoofstroom IT -organisasies formele "open-source" bestuurstrategieë suksesvol as kern IT-dissiplines sal aanneem. Wat meer is : IT-organisasies en verskaffers van tegnologie (harde en sagteware) wat die potensiële bedreigings en geleenthede van OSS ignoreer, sal hulself toenemend in 'n nadelig-kompeterende situasie bevind. Organisasies is dikwels nuuskierig, maar ook skepties ten opsigte van die mites rondom kostes, ondersteuningstelsels en risiko's verbonde aan OSS. Sommige organisasies het nie altyd helderheid rondom die toepaslike strategie, rigting en aanslag wat gevolg moet word, wanneer 'n besluit rondom die rol van OSS binne hul organisasies geneem moet word nie. Verder is soveel verkeerde persepsies en onsekerheid rondom die gebruik van, en risiko's verbonde aan "open-source", dat dit vir sommige organisasies moeilik raak om te onderskei tussen die feite en fiksie. Ook in Suid-Afrika vra organisasies en die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering hulself die vraag af hoe relevant die voordele en risiko's van die sagteware werklik is, en hoe dit hul raak. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die bestaande kennis rondom OSS in Suid-Afrika te verbreed, deur ondersoek in te stel na 'n Suid-Afrikaanse organisasie se benadering en besluite rondom die gebruik van OSS in hul organisasie.

A critical analysis of the recubed change management initiative at Pragma

Volschenk, Louis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Today's market environment stands in stark contrast to the business world of just a few decades ago when there was less global competition, the pace of business was much slower, and work was predominantly non-tacit in nature. This new environment calls for transformational change, which is the topic of this project. It is also about a small company called Pragma that had to find its way in a twnultuous business environment. Not only has Pragma had to contend with the prevailing macroeconomic forces, but the company also found itself in one of the most turbulent market environments, namely software development. In response to mounting external pressures, Pragma launched a change initiative dubbed "Recubed". This thesis evaluates this initiative by first considering a wide spectrum of change management literature and cases before applying it to Pragma. Pragma provides solutions that improve the perfonnance of physical assets at optimal lifecyc1e cost. Since the company's foundation in 1990, it has helped hundreds of organisations ranging in size from small enterprises to large multinationals to achieve improved operational efficiency. Clients have billions of rand invested in plants and equipment. In order to be globally competitive it is crucial that they should derive optimal value from these assets during their lifecycles, and Pragma helps them achieve this through a range of offerings that include software, outsourced services, consulting, and training. In late 2003, faced with poor company perfOiTIlanCe, Pragma had to ask itself in depth questions about the industry it was competing in, the business models and corporate structures it was employing, the vision it was pursuing and the culture it was living. The first change management model to be considered is the Four Box model as it provides a very basic, yet universal approach to thinking about change. The more complicated BurkeLitwin model is discussed next, as it has in recent years become a favoured framework for thinking about organisational change and perfonnance. The DICE model is a recent innovation purported to provide some hard handles on a very soft subject. The Positive Deviance approach seeks to identify individuals or organisational divisions that defy the status quo. Organisations can then learn from their practices and apply it throughout. Collins' Good to Great model is included since it provides a non-traditional view on what is really important in bringing about lasting change. To balance this, the author also include Kotter's model as the traditional change management benchmark. The MegaChange model is based on the assumption of human capability rather than limitations. The thesis considers the situations at some large international companies that successfully transfonned themselves. These companies are P&G, Telef6nica de Espaiia, D&B, Poste Italiane, Banca Intesa, EMC and Barclays Bank. The one overriding conclusion is that deep change is possible, whatever the challenges faced or the industry under consideration might be. Yet change does not bappen by itself, and in each of the cases there was a strong leader and a competent and motivated team that supported him. Each case places emphasis on a different element of the change process, but underlying patterns emerged. These include the importance of speaking to both the hearts and minds of people, ceaseless communication, facing up to the current reality, managing simultaneously for the short and long-tenn, the alignment of systems with the vision, and progress measurement. Leadership is essential to organisational change. Change, by definition, requires an alternative vision of the future. Leaders are required to craft this vision and to get people to believe in it. Employees and managers today need to know much more about leadership than their predecessors. In the modem organisation, every employee should be a leader, as he will be required to lead at least himself. Great leaders are instigators. Their challenge is to do everything in their power to get other people to join together to make the envisioned future come true. To do this they require a capacity to stir an excitement and belief within people, and the way they do this is through words, actions, images, pictures, and scores. If they can tap into the common thread that runs through humanity's hopes and dreams, they will be successful. There are many leadership styles, each with its own pros and cons. This thesis will consider charismatic leadership, leadership when you are not the boss, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership. The leadership chapter concludes with a case study on leadership - the leadership style of Colin Powell. The main positive elements of the Recubed initiative included strong individual leadership, a willingness to face the reality of the crisis, a culture of discipline, a commitment to a Hedgehog Concept, and copious communication of the vision. The element that most set the initiative apart from other literature and cases is the use of sensual stimuli to tap into the emotional side of the audience, as well as the use of creative elements such as stories, riddles and puzzles. The primary shortcomings of the initiative relate to its implementation. There were not enough senior managers who were prepared to devote the required amount of time to cascading change down into the organisation. Progress measurement tools were also not implemented. The lack of a fonnal HR function exacerbated the implementation problems. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vandag se mark omgewing sien daar baie anders daar uit as die besigheidswêreld van’n paar dekades gelede toe daar minder globale kompetisie was, die pas waarteen besigheid bedryf was aansienlik stadiger was, en werk tipies nie-taktiel van aard was. Hierdie nuwe omgewing verg transformele verandering, wat die onderwerp van hierdie studie is. Dit handel ook oor ‘n klein maatskappy genaarnd Pragma wat sy weg moes baan te midde van 'n ongeordende besigheidsomgewing. Pragma moes nie net rekening hou met die heersende makroekonomiese kragte nie, maar die maatskappy het homself ook bevind in een van die mees turbulente mark segmente, naamlik sagteware ontwikkeling. In reaksie op toenemende druk het Pragma 'n veranderingsinisiatief geloods wat "Recubed" genoem is. Die tesis evalueer hierdie inisiatief deur eerstens 'n wye spektrum literatuur en gevallestudies oor verandering bestuur te oorweeg voordat dit op Pragma van toepassing gemaak word. Pragma voorsien oplossings wat die prestasie van fisiese bates verbeter en die lewensiklus koste optimeer. Sedert die maatskappy se ontstaan in 1990 het dit honderde organisasies wat wissel vanaf klein ondernemings tot groot multinasionale maatskappye gehelp om hul operasionele effektiwiteit te verbeter. Kliënte besit aanlegte en toerusting ter waarde van biljoene rande. Om globaal te kan kompeteer is dit noodsaaklik dat hulle optimale waarde uit hul bates put, en Pragma help hulle hiermee deur middel van 'n reeks aanbiedinge wat sagteware, uitkontraktering, konsultasie en opleiding insluit. In laat 2003 het Pragma swak presteer, en die maatskappy was verplig om diepgaande ondersoek in te stel na die industrie waarbinne dit kompeteer, die besigheidsmodelle en strukture wat dit aanwend, die visie wat dit nastreef, en die kultuur wat dit leef. Die eerste bestuursmodel wat oorweeg word, is die Four Box-model aangesien dit 'n baie eenvoudige, maar tog universele benadering tot verandering versinnebeeld. Die meer ingewikkelde Burke-Litwin-model word ook bespreek aangesien dit die afgelope jare 'n voorkeur raamwerk vir denke oor organisasie verandering en prestasie geword het. Die DICE model is 'n onlangse innovasie wat streef daarna om vaste greep te kry op 'n klaarblyklik moeilike onderwerp. Die Positiewe Afwyking-benadering streef daarna om individue te identifiseer wat beter as die status quo presteer. Organisasies kan van hul praktyke leer en dit regdeur die organisasie aanwend. Collins se Good to Great-model word ingesluit as 'n nie-tradisionele uitkyk op wat werklik belangrik is om volhoubare verandering teweeg te bring. Ter wille van balans word Kotter se model ook beskou as 'n tradisionele riglyn vir bestuursverandering. Die MegaChange model is gegrond op die veronderstelling van menslike bekwaamheid eerder as beperkinge. Die tesis bestudeer ook 'n aantal groot internasionale maatskappye wat daarin geslaag het om suksesvol te transformeer. Hierdie maatskappye is P&G, Telefonica de Espana, D&B, Poste ltaliane, Banca Intesa, EMC en Barclays Bank. Die sentrale gevolgtrekking wat uit hierdie gevallestudies gemaak kan word, is dat verandering moontlik is, ongeag die uitdagings of industrie ter sprake. Tog gebeur verandering nie vanself nie, en in elk van die bespreekte gevalle was daar 'n sterk Ieier wat ondersteun is deur 'n bevoegde en gemotiveerde span. Elke geval benadruk 'n spesifieke element van die veranderingsproses, maar onderliggende patrone tree na vore. Dit sluit in die belangrikheid daarvan om tot mense deur te dring deur sowel hul hart as hulle verstand aan te spreek, onophoudelike kommunikasie, die trotsering van die huidige realiteit, om gelyktydig vir beide die kort- en langtermyn te bestuur, om stelsels in lyn te bring met die visie, en die meting van vordering. Leierskap staan sentraal tot verandering wat per definisie 'n alternatiewe visie van die toekoms vereis. Leiers word benodig om hierdie visie te vorm en om mense te oorreed om daarin te glo. Werknemers en bestuurders moet vandag meer weet van leierskap as hul voorgangers. Binne die moderne organisasie moet alle werknemers leiers wees, aangesien hulle ten minste hulleself sal moet lei. Goeie leiers is aanstigters. Hul uitdaging is om alles binne hul vermoë te doen om ander te kry om hulle visie 'n realiteit te maak. Dit verg die vermoë om mense te inspireer en aan te moedig deur middel van woorde, dade, beelde, prente en tellings. Hulle is suksesvol wanneer hulle mense se universele hoop en drome aanspreek. Daar is verskeie leierskap style, elk met sy eie voor- en nadele. Die tesis sal 'n aantal andersoek - charismatiese Ieierskap, leierskap wanneer jy nie die baas is nie, dienende leierskap, and geestelike leierskap. Die Ieierskap hoofstuk sluit af met 'n gevallestudie - die leierskap styl van Colin Powell. Die belangrikste positiewe elemente van die Recubed-inisiatief sluit in individuele leierskap, 'n bereidheid om die realiteit van die krisis te trotseer, 'n kultuur van dissipline, 'n verbintenis tot 'n Hedgehog Concept, en oorvloedige kommunikasie van die visie. Die element wat dit die meeste onderskei van ander modelle en gevallestudies is die gebruik van sensuele stimulus om die emosies van die luisteraars aan te spreek, asook die gebruik van kreatiewe elemente soos stories en raaisels. Die primêre tekortkomings het betrekking op die implementering van die inisiatief. Nie genoeg senior bestuurders was bereid om die tyd te bestee wat dit sou verg om die verandering deur die maatskappy te laat filter nie. Die nodige instrumente om vordering te meet, het ook ontbreek. Die gebrek aan 'n formele personeelbestuursfunksie het die probleem vererger.

Ethical standards : the missing link to business development

Louw, Alberto Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order to do business is a combination of good skills and knowledge, as well as business sense to make a success. Besides these pOints is there the pressures of moral values and ethical codes with the aim to manage organisations more effectively and honourable. Literature reflects the hard side of business skills, namely strategy, planning, leading, control and monitoring of processes. In addition are there the professional guidelines like the accounting standards to which chartered accountants need to adhere to. There is not too much focus on the soft side of business, like the adherence to values and principles. Organisations like Enron, as example, acted as a starting point to ask questions to the business sector, to ensure that systems need to be developed, to identify and solve any unethical behaviour, directly or indirectly, where possible. Organisations need to follow ethical programmes to address values and principles. Programmes are not sufficient as a higher authority's urules" are necessary to ensure excellent and successful organisations. Business people are experiencing Many Christians experience negative influences in their daily conduct, which are against their principles. This leads to the non-appliance of ethical codes in order to make a success of their businesses. The question remains to what degree is this biblical correct and how does this fit into the organisations business culture. The study project wi ll focus on a process to explain and assist the dilemma of a combination of business and biblical ethical principles. The end result is to give unto both Christian and non-Christian the opportunity to manage their organisations on . principles and not for their own account. To be both ethical and shrewd will also be discussed. Not a[[ people are Christians and it is not expected to only follow biblical principles. This is anyhow not possible, due to the professional codes of Medici, engineers and finance, thus the need for integration. God's "rules" are universal, like gratification, irrespective of the individual's personal perception, and can be applied in any situation. This study also aims to motivate business people to keep focusing on God and to lead people in the workplace to Him. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om besigheid te doen is 'n kombinasie van goeie vaardighede en kennis, asook besigheidsin om sukses te smaak. Suiten hierdie aspekte is daar die druk van morele waardes en etiese kodes, ten doel om organisaises meer effektief en eerbaar te bedryf. Literatuur reflekteer die harde kant van besigheidsvaardighede, SODS strategie, beplanning, leiding, kontrole en monitering van prosesse. Asook, die professionele riglyne so os die rekeningkundige standpunte waaraan geoktroeerde rekenmeesters moet valdoen, word onderrrig. Daar word egter baie min op die sagte kant van besigheid gefokus, soos die handhawing van waardes en beginsels. Organisasies S005 Enron, as voorbeeld, het vrae begin stel aan die besigheidsektor am te verseker dat daar stelsels bestaan of geskep moet word, wat enige onetiese optrede, direk of indirek waar moontlik, te identifiseer en op te los. Organisasies moet poog om etiese programme te volg wat waardes en beginsels aanspreek. Programme is egter nie genoeg nie en 'n hoer gesag se ~reels" is nodig om uitstekende en suksesvolle organisasies daar te stel. Vir enige Christen is daar gedurig negatiewe invloede in die al1edaagse bestaan wat teen hul beginsels is. Dit het die gevolg dat daar probeer word om die etiese kodes te omseil, om 'n sukses te maak van hul besighede. Die vraag is tot watter mate is dit bybels korrek en hoe pas dit in die besigheidskultuur van organisasies. 'n Proses word in die studie projek bespreek wat die kombinasie van die dilemma tussen besigheids en bybelse etise beginsels pro beer verduidelik en te vergemaklik. Die einddoel is om aan beide Christen en nie Christen die geleentheid te gee om besighede op beginsels te bestuur en nie net uit eie gewin nie. Kan individue beide arrogant en nederig wees, word bespreek. Nie aile mense is Christene nie en word nie verwag dat hul op slegs bybelse beginsels moet funksioneer nie. Dis nie moontlik nie, weens professionele kodes vir medisie, ingenieurs en finansies, daarom die behoefte aan integrasie. Wat ookal individue se persoonlike perspektief op beginsels is, God se reels is universeel, soos swaartekrag, en kan in enige situasie aangewend word. Die studie projek dien ook as motivering vir Christen besigheidsmense om hul fokus op God te hou en so dus in die werkplek geleenthede te gebruik om ander mense tot Hom te lei.

Sasol mining : a case study in outsourcing

Van der Walt, Christo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sasol Mining is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sasol Limited, an integrated oil and gas company with substantial chemical interests. Sasol Mining extracts and supplies coal to Sasol's synfuels and chemical plants in South Africa, but also sells some of its output to extemal customers, primarily international (United States Securities Exchange Commission, 2005: 39). Outsourcing, the practice of buying products and services from external suppliers, increasingly forms part of the Sasol Mining business environment and some of the challenges experienced and trends seen raise some interesting why and how questions. Such questions are the topic of this research report. The case study strategy to research has considerable ability to generate answers to 'why?' as well as 'what?' and 'how?' questions (Saunders, et aI., 2003: 93). Before such questions are explored further however, a comprehensive literature review was carried out, but with the intention to develop a theoretical framework of good outsourcing practice. This theoretical framework lies at the heart of the research design and methodology. The research objective is to develop an explanatory theory that associates certain factors with the effectiveness of outsourcing initiatives at Sasol Mining. This research report's central proposition is that any results obtained by Sasol Mining with outsourcing initiatives can be explained by understanding to what extent its management of the outsourcing process is in line with the theory of good outsourcing practice. This case study's fundamental design will be that of a single-case with multiple, embedded units of analysis. Sasol Mining serves as the single case in this research design and individual outsourcing initiatives and its results at Sasol Mining are logical subunits that can be identified and is studied in operational detail. Good evidence was found that the effectiveness of outsourcing initiatives at Sasol Mining can be explained by understanding the extent to which its outsourcing practices are in line with the theoretical framework of good outsourcing practice. In addition, it is recommended that Sasol Mining raise a strategic debate regarding outsourcing and its place in Sasol Mining's business strategy, but against the backdrop of its current outsourcing practice and the developed theoretical 'framework. There is good evidence that this framework developed as part of the literature review (heretofore not presented at such an integrated, all-encompassing level) is a "good" theory. Tantalising bits of information in the form of thematic materials and recurring patterns surfaced during data reduction and analysis. Black Economic Empowerment and outsourcing is one such example, and it was explored to some extent. Many more exist. The case study as a research strategy was successful in the sense that the research question could be answered, in addition to the analytiC generalisation that could be made about the nature of the theory on outsourcing practice itself. Although at times data recording and analysis requirements were onerous, the research strategy also led to an in-depth understanding of Sasol Mining as a business. This is the strength of the case study approach to research. That is also what made the research report worthwhile. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sasol Mynbou is 'n filiaal van en word ten volle besit deur Sasol Beperk, 'n ge'integreerde olie- en gas maatskappy met uitgebreide chemiese belange. Sasol Mynbou ontgin en voorsien steenkool aan Sasol se sintetiese brandstowwe- en chemiese aanlegte in Suid Afrika, maar verkoop ook steenkool aan eksterne klante, hoofsaaklik in die internasionale arena (United States Securities Exchange Commission, 2005: 39). Eksterne verkryging, die praktyk waarvolgens 'n onderneming produkte en dienste van eksterne verskaffers verkry, vorm toenemend deer van die Sasol Mynbou besigheidsomgewing en van die probleme wat ervaar word daarmee en van die waarneembare neigings laat interessante hoekom en hoe vrae ontstaan. Sulke vrae vorm die onderwerp van hierdie navorsingsverslag. Die gevallestudie benadering tot navorsing beskik oor 'n kragtige vermoil om antwoorde te verskaf rakende 'hoekom?', 'wat?' en 'hoe?' vrae (Saunders, et ai., 2003: 93). Alvorens sulke vrae egter verder ondersoek word, word 'n omvattende literatuurstudie uitgevoer met die doer om 'n teoretiese raamwerk te ontwikkel van goeie eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Hierdie teoretiese raamwerk vorm ook die kern navorsingsontwerp en -metodologie. Die navorsingsdoelwit is om 'n verklarende teorie te ontwikkel wat sekere faktore koppel aan die effektiwiteit van eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe by Sasol Mynbou. Hierdie navorsingsverslag se sentrale stelling is: enige resultate wat deur Sasol Mynbou behaal word met eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe kan verklaar word deur die mate waartoe die eksterne verkrygingsproses bestuur word volgens die teoretiese raamwerk van goeie eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Die gevallestudie se fundamentele ontwerp is een van 'n enkele geval met veelvuldige ingeslote eenhede van analise. Sasol Mynbou dien as die enkele geval met individuele eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe en hul onderskeie resultate wat identifiseerbaar is as logiese sub-eenhede. Daar is goeie bewyse gevind dat die effektiwiteit van eksterne verkrygingsinisiatiewe by Sasol Mynbou verklaar kan word deur 'n beg rip te ontwikkel vir die mate waartoe die bestuur van hierdie inisiatiewe belyn is met die teoretiese raamwerk van goeie eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Dit word ook aanbeveel dat Sasol Mynbou 'n debat op strategiese vlak begin wat handel oor eksterne verkryging se plek in die algemene ondernemingstrategie, maar binne die konteks van die huidige praktyk by Sasol Mynbou en die teoretiese raamwerk wat as deel van hierdie navorsingsverslag ontwikkel is. Daar is ook goeie bewyse dat die teoretiese raamwerk (voorheen nie aangebied op so 'n ge"lntegreerde, omvattende vlak nie) aan die vereistes van 'n "goeie" teorie voldoen. 'n Aantal interessante temas en herhalende patrone het oak na vore gekom gedurende data analise. Swart Ekonomiese Bemagtiging en eksterne verkryging is 'n voorbeeld van so 'n herhalende patroon en dit is tot 'n sekere mate verder ondersoek. Daar is ook ander voorbeelde van soortgelyke patrone. Die gevallestudie as 'n navorsingstrategie was suksesvol tot so 'n mate dat die navorsingsvraag beantwoord kon word, en boonop was dit ook moontlik om afieidings te maak rakende die teorie van eksterne verkrygingspraktyk. Hoewel data vaslegging en -analise soms oarweldigend was, het die navorsingstrategie tog gelei tot 'n diepe insig van Sasol Mynbou as 'n besigheid. Dit is die krag van die gevallestudie benadering tot navorsing. Dit is ook wat die navorsingsverslag die moeite werd gemaak het.

An empirical investigation into the impact of work-life balance practices on employees and employers

Annandale, Melanie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The old belief that work and life are two separate, conflicting issues no longer holds true for companies that wish to establish a sustainable competitive advantage. Because of the transformation of global markets and the changing demographics of the workforce, the benefits of work-life balance for employees and employers can no longer be ignored. The purpose of this research was to ascertain whether the use of work-life balance enhancing practices leads to increased organisational benefits and improved employee morale. The study identified numerous benefits of efficient work-life balance practices for employees as well as employers and established that the existence of work-life balance practices enhances organisational benefits and employee morale. The research question was addressed through the use of a self-developed structured questionnaire consisting of a list of written questions. The survey was carried out using an online questionnaire and targeted professionals in permanent paid employment in South Africa. In answer to the research objectives, the outcomes of the survey suggest that work-life balance is decreased as a result of an increase in work-life conflict. Work-life conflict may be aggravated by an increase in stress levels, work commitments impacting negatively on time available for leisure activities or family responsibilities, and an increase in the number of hours worked. The existing corporate culture and related negative perceptions surrounding employees making use of work-life balance initiatives, may further add to the conflict between work and life. The results of the survey indicated that not having effective work-life balance practices in a company may negatively impact on organisational aspects such as reduced job satisfaction, poor retention; increased absenteeism and more negative spill-over from life to work. The absence of work-life balance practices may affect employee morale adversely as a result of a decrease in well-being due to a lack of balance; poor health due to stress and feeling over-worked; an increase in work-life conflict; more negative spill-over from work to life; and an increase in work-life conflict due to an increase in working hours. Based on survey results, improved productivity, better recruitment and enhanced career commitment were not directly affected as a result of a lack of work-life balance practices. To realise the full benefits that effective work-life balance practices have to offer requires a paradigm shift away from a focus on policy to a process approach which involves examining the nature of paid work as well as the underlying assumptions in an effort to uncover innovative ways of altering these to benefit organisations, employees and societies more holistically. It is hoped that this research will help encourage the debate of exploring a social sustainability methodology that questions some of the existing assumptions of competitive capitalism which value economic growth for its own sake regardless of related social issues. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die historiese oortuiging dat werk en lewe „n aparte, teenstrydige vraagstuk is, is nie langer geldig vir maatskappye wat hoop om „n volhoubare kompeterende voordeel daar te stel nie. Die voordele wat werk-lewe balans vir werknemers sowel as werkgewers inhou, kan nie langer geïgnoreer word te midde van die veranderende wêreldwye marklandskap asook veranderinge in die demografie van die werksmag nie. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om vas te stel of die gebruikmaking van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke tot verhoogde organisatoriese voordele en verbeterde werknemermoraal lei. Die studie het verskeie voordele van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke vir werknemes en werkgewers geidentifiseer. Dit het ook vasgestel dat die bestaan van praktyke wat werk-lewe balans aanmoedig, voordele inhou vir die organisasie sowel as werknemermoraal. Die navorsingsvraag is aangespreek deur „n selfontwikkelde gestruktureerde vraelys wat bestaan uit „n lys van skriftelike vrae. Die opname is uitgevoer met behulp van 'n aanlynvraelys en het professionele mense in permanent betaalde werk in Suid-Afrika geteiken. Na aanleiding van die navorsingsdoelwitte, het die uitkomste van die opname daarop gedui dat werk-lewe balans afneem as gevolg van „n toename in die werk-lewe konflik. Werk-lewe konflik word vererger deur „n toename in stresvlakke, werksverpligtinge wat „n negatiewe impak het op tyd beskikbaar vir ontspanning of gesinsverantwoordelikhede, en „n toename in die aantal ure gewerk. Die bestaande korporatiewe kultuur en verwante negatiewe persepsies rondom werknemers wat gebruik maak van werk-lewe balans inisiatiewe, kan verder bydra tot die konflik tussen werk en lewe. Die resultate van die opname het aangedui dat die afwesigheid van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke in „n maatskappy mag „n negatiewe impak hê op organisatoriese aspekte soos verlaagde werksbevrediging, swak retensie, verhoogde afwesigheid en meer negatiewe oorloopgevolge tussen lewe en werk. Die afwesigheid van werk-lewe balans praktyke kan werknemermoraal nadelig beïnvloed as gevolg van „n afname in welstand weens „n gebrek aan balans; swak gesondheid as gevolg van stres en „n gevoel van oorwerk; „n toename in werk-lewe konflik; meer negatief oorloopsgevolge tussen werk en lewe; en „n toename in die werk-lewe konflik as gevolg van „n toename in werksure. Gebaseer op die resultate van die studie, was verbeterde produktiwiteit, beter werwing en verbeterde loopbaan toewyding nie direk beïnvloed deur „n gebrek aan werk-lewe balans praktyke nie. Om die volle voordele van effektiewe werk-lewe balanspraktyke te realiseer, verg „n paradigmaskuif weg van „n fokus op beleid na „n benadering wat die aard van betaalde werk ondersoek, sowel as die onderliggende aannames, in „n poging om innoverende maniere van die verandering hiervan te ontbloot tot voordeel van organisasies, werknemers en gemeenskappe. Daar word gehoop dat hierdie navorsing sal help om die debat aan te moedig wat die moontlikheid van „n sosiale volhoubaarheid metodologie wat sommige van die bestaande aannames van mededingende kapitalisme, wat ekonomiese groei bo alles nastreef, ongeag verwante sosiale kwessies sal ondersoek. Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za

An analysis and assessment of the strategic architecture of a capita selecta of international business schools

De Jager, Leon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / The demand for business schools has risen worldwide over the last decade as new and emerging challenges confront the competitive business landscape. It is estimated that there are currently over 700 registered business schools around the globe. Potential students, therefore, have a wider choice between business schools especially since more business schools have internationalised their curricula. Business school reputation, amongst others, is still regarded as the single most important criterion of choice for students in their endeavours to obtain an international business qualification. This study analyses and assesses the strategic architecture of a capita selecta of international business schools. It also summarises the significant similarities and differences between the strategic architecture of the schools assessed. The research question can be stated as follows: What can be learnt from the strategic architecture of a Capita Selecta of international business schools? A related question is: What are the similarities and differences between the strategic architecture of these schools? This study focuses on a qualitative methodological approach and is done from a functionalist research paradigm. An encompassing literature review was undertaken during which different accreditation vehicles and the importance of an organisation’s strategic architecture in ensuring its competitive advantage and profitability are discussed and argued The empirical investigation is aimed at analysing and assessing the strategic architecture of five (5) international business schools. The case study is used as investigative instruments. The research findings have shown that accreditation alone, although very important, is not the main differentiator and source of competitive advantage. Schools employ various strategies to ensure their relevance and competitiveness.

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