Spelling suggestions: "subject:"business -- managemement"" "subject:"business -- managementment""
561 |
An investigation into the changing environment due to the globalisation process in the South African automotive industry in the 21st centuryBreitenbach, Nicolaas Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The subject of globalisation has been widely publicised and studied over the
last few years, specifically in the automotive industry where mergers,
acquisitions and take-overs have set the trend for companies to become more
involved in global operations. Even though this is such a widely studied subject
internationally, there are significant differences between the international
processes and the processes that the South African automotive industry will
follow to become part of the global village. This is the result of the
development of the automotive industry in South Africa during the isolation
During the isolation period the international automotive industry underwent
significant global changes owing to aggressive merger, acquisition and takeover
activities. These activities were specifically aimed at positioning
international manufacturers in new global markets, where they would become
involved in the manufacturing of products in these new markets and then
reselling them in their traditional markets, as well as opening these new
markets for their traditional products. The isolation period also resulted in the
South African market developing a strong and reliable supplier base to sustain
the automotive manufacturers that elected to continue their operations in this
An extensive literature study on globalisation is followed by a discussion of
industry forces that will have a significant impact on the processes, procedures
and strategies that a company will have to develop when it considers
becoming global. The main focus of the literature study is the globalisation
process and successful strategies to follow in order to become global. The rest
of the study focuses on the internal and external influences and the internal
struggles relating to a South African manufacturer that became part of its
larger international namesake. The literature study acts as a guideline for the rest of the study. Some of the
processes described and investigated in the literature study were not
necessarily followed by the car manufacturer during its entrance into the global
village, but did influence the strategies that the manufacturer established in
order to be successful during this process.
The study concluded on the ever-changing environment of the global village
and the effects it has on the participants that are part of this environment. It
gave specific attention to the success factors in the international automotive
In the recommendations a brief description is given of the future trends that a
company would have to consider in order to remain in the global village. The
focus is on e-commerce, management, strategy, supplier development and
products. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onderwerp van globalisering het in die verlede wye aandag getrek,
spesifiek in die motorbedryf waar samesmeltings, uitkopings en oornames die
tendens stel. Alhoewel dit 'n baie breë studie is, is daar noemenswaardige
verskille tussen 'n maatskappy wat van nuuts af wil globaliseer en dié van 'n
Suid-Afrikaanse motor vervaardiger wat 'n internationale moedermaatskappy
het. Dit is hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die jare waartydens Suid-Afrika in isolasie
verkeer het.
Tydens die isolasie jare het die internasionale bedryf globaal verskeie
veranderinge ondergaan as gevolg van agressiewe samesmeltings en
oorname aktiwiteite. Hierdie aktiwiteite was spesifiek daarop gemik om die
maatskappye beter globaal to posisioneer sodat beter produk verspreiding en
produksie kan plaasvind. Die Suid-Afrikaanse mark het gedurende die tydperk
meer daarop gekonsentreer om 'n beter verskaffer basis te ontwikkel om die
plaaslike mark te bevredig.
'n Uitgebreide literatuurstudie, fokus op suksesvolle globaliserings beginsels
wat ondersoek moet word voordat 'n maatskappy dit kan oorweeg om deel van
die globale netwerk te word. Die literatuurstudie word gevolg deur 'n studie oor
industrie spesifieke eksterne- en interne invloede, wat 'n impak sal hê op die
ontwikkeling van globale prosesse vir 'n Suid-Afrikaanse motorvervaardiger.
Die literatuurstudie word as 'n riglyn gebruik vir die res van die studie. AI die
prosesse in die literatuurstudie word nie noodwendig deur die gekose
vervaardiger gebruik nie, maar kan 'n invloed uitoefen op die besluite wat deur
die vervaardiger gemaak word.
Die gevolgtrekking skenk aandag aan die suksesfaktore wat die toekoms van
die Suid-Afrilaanse vervaardiger in die globale samelewing sal bepaal. Die aanbevelings konsentreer op die aanhoudende veranderinge, tegnologies
en nie-tegnologies, wat in die globale samelewing plaasvind. Daar word
kortliks beskryf hoe die vervaardiger die veranderinge tot sy voordeel kan
gebruik. Die velde van verandering waarop gekonsentreer word is "ecommerce",
bestuur, strategie, verskaffer ontwikkeling en produk ontwikkeling.
562 |
An investigation into the impact of the Internet on brand building strategies in the physical and virtual worldPienaar, Hannelie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the emergence of the Internet in the early 1990's, traditional principles of
building brand equity, as they were applied in physical markets, were challenged.
This happened because brands were traditionally built using passive media such as
radio, television and print magazines and newspapers. The Internet introduced
interactive media where the consumer is not only highly informed because of the
exponential expansion of technology especially on the Internet, but also because the
consumer could now choose to be a participant, or not, in marketing and brand
building initiatives.
Theoretically, it is possible to establish certain principles to build brands in virtual
markets. The best solution is however to look at past studies of different companies
that present various challenges that relate directly to the Internet and its brand
building initiatives, and then combine this practical knowledge with a theoretical
In the case studies, eight success drivers were identified as being crucial to build a
brand firstly in a virtual market, but also secondly in physical markets. The success
drivers that were implemented by companies that managed to build strong brands on
the Internet include: using a multimedia mixture to differentiate and build the brand;
focusing on supreme customer commitment: entering into distribution and content
alliances; moving first, fast and keeping up the pace; developing intimate customer
and market knowledge; building a reputation for excellence; delivering outstanding
value and in respect of cross-over marketers, respecting core brand attributes,
improving on the offline brand experience online and leveraging key offline assets in
favour of the online brand.
Brand building on the Internet, should be clear, consistent and reflecting leadership
not only in the implementation of the above success drivers, but also in respect of the
overall construction of the brand. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Met die bekendstelling van die Internet in die vroeë negentiger jare, is die
tradisionele beginsels van "brand building" soos toegepas in tradisionele markte
bevraagteken. Dit het gebeur omrede "brands" tradisioneel gebou was deur
passiewe media soos radio, televisie, tydskrifte en koerante te gebruik. Die Internet
het nie net interaktiewe media bekend gestel waar die kliënt oor baie inligting beskik
as gevolg van die eksponensiële uitbreiding van tegnologie op die Internet nie, maar
ook het die kliënt nou die keuse om deel te neem of nie aan bemarkings en "brand
building" insentiewe.
Dit is moontlik om deur middel van 'n teoretiese studie sekere beginsels vas te stel
ten opsigte van hoe "brands" gebou moet word op die Internet. Die beste oplossing is
egter om na gevallestudies te kyk wat betrekking het op 'n paar maatskappye wat 'n
verskeidenheid van uitdagings daarstel wat direk van toepassing is op "branding"
insentiewe op die Internet. Die kennis verkry van die gevallestudies kan dan
gekombineer word met die teoretiese kennis om 'n raamwerk daar te stel vir
"branding" op die Internet.
Die gevallestudies het agt sukses drywers geïdentifiseer wat krities is vir die
ontwikkeling van "brand building" insentiewe in fisiese markte sowel as markte op die
Internet. Die sukses drywers deur die maatskapye geïmplimenteer wat sterk "brands"
of die Internet gebou het, sluit in: die gebruik van 'n multimedia mengsel om die
"brand" te differensïeer en te bou; konsentrasie op uitstekende ktïente diens; sluit van
verspreidings en inhouds vennootskappe, om eerste in die mark te wees en aan te
hou beweeg; ontwikkel intieme klïente en mark kennis; bou 'n uitstekende reputasie;
lewer uitstaande waarde en ten opsige van oorbruggings bemarkers, respekteer die
basis van die "brand", verbeter die Internet "brand" se ervaring in vergelyking met die
fisiese "brand" en gebruik die bates van die fisiese "brand" ten gunste van die
Internet "brand". Die bou van 'n "brand" moet eenvouding, deursigtig en konstant
wees sowel as leierseienskappe toon wat nie net betrekking het op die bogemelde
sukses drywers nie, maar ook op die algehele "brand" projeksie en implimentasie.
563 |
A user's guide for financial statements of African companiesDuncan, Ashley John 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Africa Centre for Investment Analysis (AClA) at the University of Stellenbosch is
undertaking the creation and maintaining of a capital markets database on historical
financial and market data of all companies listed on various African stock exchanges
(excluding South Africa). This study report aims at establishing a user's guide for the
Centre's financial statement database in anticipation that the database will become a
comprehensive source of vital market and financial information for investors in Africa.
The guide describes the common format that was created so that African companies
can be easily compared. The guide clarifies the standardised coding system that was
created so that future users are able to access relevant data, and attempts to
facilitate the ease of maintaining and developing the database. Some of the coding
described in the guide is not original, since an adequate coding system is already
available and in use at the Centre, but forms part of this study project since no formal
or documented guide to its operation and implementation is available.
The guide describes the classification and coding system used for the various
countries, industries and companies on the Centre's database. The industry
classification system that was developed is not as comprehensive as the global
industry classification standard that it is based on, but is adequate to fairly describe
the core activities of African companies.
The guide introduces the standardised financial statement templates that are (to be)
used on the Centre's database, and also describes the individual line items on these.
The templates created are such that the annual financial statements of African
companies, in conformity with international generally accepted accounting practice,
fairly present the state of affairs of the African companies and their businesses.
Templates for balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements for the
companies have been created. The value of the information on the database is
based on the soundness of the data reported in the African company's annual
reports, and the interpretation of these when being captured onto the database. The
definitions listed in this study report serve merely as a guideline to compensate for
the differing accounting rules and practices that exist between countries. Not all listed African companies are recorded on the database. This is because the
Centre relies on the contribution of data (like annual financial reports) from African
stock exchanges, stockbrokers and the individual companies themselves. The
importance of encouraging all African stakeholders to contribute as much information
as possible, in order to ensure that comparable data is collected, is vital to the
successful development and use of the database. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Afrikasentrum vir Beleggingsontleding aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is
besig met die daarstelling en instandhouding van 'n databasis van kapitaalmarkte
van historiese finansiële- en markinligting van alle maatskappye op verskeie Afrika
effektebeurse (Suid-Afrika uitgesluit). Hierdie ondersoekverslag beoog om 'n
gebruikersgids saam te stel vir die sentrum se finansiële databasis met die
verwagting dat die databasis 'n omvattende bron van mark- en finansiële inligting vir
beleggers in Afrika sal word. Die gids verklaar voorts ook die gestandaardiseerde
kodestelsel wat ontwikkel was om toekomstige gebruikers toegang tot relevante data
te gee. Die gids poog ook om die instandhouding en verdere ontwikkeling van die
databasis te vergemaklik. Sommige van die kodefisering wat in die gids beskryf
word, is nie oorspronklik nie aangesien 'n voldoende kodestelsel reeds beskikbaar en
in gebruik is in die sentrum. Dit vorm egter deel van hierdie studieprojek aangesien
geen formele of gedokumenteerde gids vir die databasis se gebruik en
implementering beskikbaar is nie.
Die gids beskryf die klassifikasie en kodestelsel vir die verskeie lande, industrieë en
maatskappye wat op die sentrum se databasis gebruik word. Die klassifikasiestelsel
vir industrieë wat ontwikkel is, is nie so omvattend soos die globale
industrieklassifikasiestandaard waarop dit gebaseer is nie, maar dit is genoegsaam
om 'n redelike beskrywing van die kernaktiwiteite van Afrika se maatskappye te gee.
Die gids stel die gestandaardiseerde finansiële patroon wat op die sentrum se
databasis gebruik word (en gebruik sal word) bekend en dit beskryf ook die
individuele lynitems daarop. Die patrone wat sodanig geskep word gee 'n redelike
beeld van die jaarlikse finansiële state van Afrika se maatskappye in
ooreenstemming met internasionale algemene aanvaarde boekhoupraktyke. Patrone
vir balansstate, inkomstestate en kontantvloeistate vir die maatskappye is geskep.
Die waarde van die inligting op die databasis is gebaseer op die egtheid van die data
beskikbaar in die Afrikamaatskappye se jaarverslae en die interpretasie daarvan
wanneer dit op die datastelsel vasgelê word. Die definisies wat in die studieverslag voorkom, dien slegs as 'n handleiding om te vergoed vir die verskille in
boekhoureëls- en gebruike wat in verskillende lande bestaan.
Alle Afrikalande wat op die effektebeurs is, is nie ingesluit op die databasis nie
aangesien die sentrum op die verskaffing van inligting op Afrika se effektebeurse,
makelaars en individuele maatskappye aangewese is. Die belangrikheid om alle
Afrika rolspelers aan te moedig om soveel inligting as moontlik by te dra, is
deurslaggewend tot die suksesvolle ontwikkeling en gebruik van die databasis.
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Developing a comprehensive e-commerce strategy for Tredcor (Pty) LtdVisser, Wessel Philip 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This document investigates the development of an e-commerce strategy for Trentyre
(Pty) Ltd.
After a brief overview of the history and technological foundation for the Internet,
three methods of e-commerce strategy development are discussed. These three
methods deal with the traditional model of strategy development, the Four Stage
model as well as the ICDT model, as proposed by Angehm.
The principles of the models discussed are then applied in the development of an ecommerce
strategy for Trentyre (Pty) Ltd. As one of the recommendations, the
development of a "Tyre Valet Service" is discussed in detail. A viability analysis of
this business model is undertaken where financial aspects regarding proposed cash
flow and income are analysed.
The impact of business to business e-commerce on the Trentyre (Pty) Ltd business
model is also discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dokument ondersoek die ontwikkeling van 'n e-handel strategie vir Trentyre
(Edms.) Bpk.
Nadat daar 'n kort oorsig gedoen is van die geskiedenis en tegnologie waarop die
Internet berus, word drie metodes van e-handel strategie ontwikkeling bespreek. Die
drie metodes behels die tradisionele metode van strategie ontwikkelling, die vier fase
model, asook die ICDT model, soos voorgestel deur Angehrn.
Die metodiek van bogenoemde modelle word dan toegepas in die ontwikkeling van 'n
strategie spesifiek vir Trentyre (Edms) Bpk..
As een van die voorstelle wat blyk uit die strategie, is die ontwikkeling van 'n
besigheid tot kliënt model, die sogenaamde "Tyre Valet Service". 'n Gedetaileerde
lewensvatbaarheids model is ontwikkel, waar verskeie aspekte van die voorstel
aangespreek word, insluitende vooruitskattings van kontantvloei en inkomstestate.
Daar word ook gekyk na die impak van besigheid tot besigheid e-handel op Trentyre
565 |
Identifying critical success factors for customer satisfaction in the interior and exterior plantscaping industriesStaples, Charles John Gilfillan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A business cannot exist without a customer. The most important aspect of any business is
understanding its customers' needs. For a business to succeed in highly competitive markets,
it must supply products an~ services which satisfy its customers needs and wants. Supplier
firms must continually examine, reinforce and personalise customer relationships. Customer
Relationship Management (CRM) focuses on providing solutions which brings together
information and people across the client and service provider spectrum using computer
technologies, especially the Internet. The growing demand for electronic interactions between
customers and suppliers has led to the rapid development of CRM. Although e-Commerce is
expected to become the norm in business activities, people-to-people interactions will,
however, be most important in providing exceptional customer service and satisfaction. In
future, however, business will be defined more by their relationships with their clients than
by their products. Good customer relationships and customer satisfaction are directly related
to increased profits.
Satisfaction is generally conceptualised as an attitude-like judgement following a purchase
act. Conformation or disconformation of pre-consumption product standards is the essential
determinant of satisfaction. A number of models have been developed to enhance the
understanding of satisfaction and to predict if a product or service will meet or exceed
customer expectations. As a result of the many different attributes that contribute to
customer satisfaction, models to predict customer satisfaction were often too simplistic to
provide a comprehensive overview of all determinants that exert an influence <Incustomer
It is, however, recognised that the customer is the key factor in delivering sustained and
profitable growth. The rapid development of Information Technology (IT) has therefore been
a major factor driving the rapid progress of CRM, which focuses on understanding the drivers
of current and future customer profitability, and using this understanding to influence the
allocation of resources across all areas that affect customer relationships. In future, CRM will
have a profound impact on how business is conducted by enabling suppliers to reach their
customers with products and services faster and more efficiently. However, the conventional principals including, product, pnce, distribution and promotion used for developing a
marketing strategy still apply and are all part of the CRM process.
The aim of the study project was to identify critical success factors (CSF's) for determining
customer satisfaction in the interior and exterior plantscaping industries. Thereafter, The
Office Plant (TOP) and Real Landscapes (RL) were evaluated in terms of meeting client
expectations for interior and exterior plantscaping products and services respectively. Salient
aspects of the research findings showed that people who worked in office environments
thought that plants were essential factors III improving the quality of the workplace;
customers outsoureed plantscaping services to reduce the "worry factor" associated with
maintaining plants and gardens; that customers receive value for money from their respective
plantscaping contractors; and that the most important criteria for selecting a plantscaper
contractor included "price and value for money for the service" and "good quality service".
Of 22 service-related attributes that were rated by customers, 20 were found to be
statistically equally important and were classified as CSF's. In terms of ranking, the most
important attribute was "honest and professional in their business dealings". Thereafter,
"timely response to
requests", "cleanliness of plants", "provide delivery on time" and "using well informed and
trained staff', were included in the highest five scoring attributes.
Overall results showed that none of the seven interior plantscapers identified in the survey
equaled or exceeded customer expectations in terms of service. For exterior plantscaping
services, Plants @ Work were the only contractors, which met customer expectations, of six
firms identified in the survey. Plants @ Work were identified as the best service provides for
both interior and exterior plantscaping services. For interior plantscaping services, TOP's
results were not significantly different from Plants @ Work. However, RL's results were
significantly lower than Plants @ Work for exterior plantscaping services.
To improve service levels to meet customer expectations, TOP and RL must develop and
implement strategies to deliver service on time with comprehensive first time delivery
completion, fix problems no matter what and handle administrative problems on invoicing
more effectively. TOP and RL must create customer value by delivering "a customer
experience" with each encounter. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Besigheid kan nie sonder kliënte bestaan nie. Die mees belangrike aspek van enigge
besigheid is om sy kliënt se behoeftes te verstaan. Vir 'n besigheid om te oorleef in hoogs
mededingende markte, moet dit produkte en dienste lewer wat aan die kliënt se behoefstes
voorsien. Verskafferfirmas moet deurgans kliëntverhoudinge ondersoek, ondersteun en
verpersoonlik. Kliëntverhoudingbestuur fokus op die verskaffing van oplossings wat
inligting en mense dwarsoor die kliënt en diensverskafferspektrum verenig deur middel van
rekenaartegnologie. Veral met die internet, het die groeiende behoefte vir elektroniese
interaksie tussen kliënte en verskaffers gelei tot die vinnige ontwikkeling van
kliëntverhoudingbestuur. Alhoewel verwag word dat e-handel die rigsnoer sal word in
besigheid, sal mense-tot-mense interaksie egter mees belangrik bly in die verskaffing van
uitstaande kliëntediens en bevrediging. Besighede sal dus gedefinieer word meer deur hulle
verhouding met kliënte as deur hulle produkte. Daar is bevind dat goeie kliëntverhoudinge
en kliëntbevrediging regstreeks verband hou met meer wins.
Bevrediging word in die algemeen beskou as 'n benadering-tipe oordeel wat volg op 'n
aankoopaksie. Bevestiging of ontkenning van voor-gebruik produkstandaarde is die
noodsaaklike beslissende faktor van bevrediging. 'n Aantal modelle is ontwikkel om
bevrediging beter te verstaan en te voorspel of 'n produk of diens kliëntverwagtinge bevredig
of oortref. As gevolg van die menige verskillende einskappe wat bydra tot kliëntbevrediging,
was modelle wat kliëntbevrediging voorspel dikwels te eenvoudig om 'n vattieende oorsig
van alle beslissende faktore wat 'n invloed op kliëntbevrediging uitoefen, weer te gee.
Dit word, nogtans, erken dat die klient die sleutelfiguur is in die lewering van voortdurende
en winsgewinde groei. Die vinninge ontwikkeling van die Inligting Tegnologie (IT) is dus 'n
vername faktor wat strukrag verleen aan die vinnige ontwikkeling van
kliëntverhoudingbestuur, wat fokus op begrip vir die dryfkrag agter huidiger en toekomstige
kliëntwinsgewindheid, en hierdie insig te gebruik om toewysing van hulpbronne dwarsoor
alle spektrums wat kliëntverhoudings beïnvloed. In die toekoms sal
kliëntverhoudingsbestuur 'n diepgaande invloed hê op die manier waarop besigheid gedoen
word deur verskaffers in staat te stel om hulle kliënte vinniger en meer effektief te bereik met
produkte en dienste. Nietemin, die konvensionele bemarkingsbeginsels wat produk, prys, verspreiding en reklame insluit en gebruik word om 'n bemarkingstrategie te ontwikkel, geld
steeds, en is alles deel van die kliëntverhoudingbestuurproses.
Die doel van die studieprojek was om die kritiese sukses faktore (KSF) te identifiseer wat
kliëntbevrediging in die binne en buitemuurse plantuitlegindustrië bepaal. Daarna was The
Office Plant (TOP) en Real Landscapes (RL) geevalueer in terme van kliëntverwagtinge met
betrekking tot binne en buite produkte en dienste onderskeidelik. Opvallende aspekte van die
navorsing se bevindinge het gewys dat mense wat in 'n kantooromgewing werk, gedink het
dat plante noodsaaklike faktore was in die verbetering van die werkplek; kliënte het
plantuitlegdienste uitgekontrakteer om die 'kommerfaktor' wat geassosieer word met die
instandhouding van plante en tuine te verminder; dat kliënte waarde vir geld kry van hulle
plantuitlegkontrakteurs onderskeidelik en dat die mees belangrike maatstaf vir die keuse van
'n plantuitlegkontrakteur "prys en waarde vir geld vir die diens" en "goei kwaliteit diens'
Van 22 diensverwante eienskappe wat deur kliënte geëvalueer is, is bevind dat 20 statisties
ewe belangrik was, en is geklassifiseer as KSF. In terme van rangskikking was die mees
belangrikke eienskap "eerlik en professioneel in hulle sakeondernemings". Daarna volg "fink
reaksie op versoeke", "netheid van plante", "stiptelike leweringsdiens", en "goed ingeligte en
opgeleide personeel" onder die vyf hoogs aangeskrewe eienskappe.
Algehele resultate het getoon dat geeneen van die sewe binnemuurse plantuitleërs wat in die
opname geidentifiseer is, kliëntverwagtings in terme van diens geewenaar of oortref het nie.
Vir buitemuurse plantuitlegdienste was Plants @ Work die enigste van ses firmas wat
geïdentifiseer is in die opname, wat aan kliëntverwagtings voldoen het. Plant @ Work is
geïdentifiseer as die beste diensleweraar vir beide binnemuurse en buitemuurse
plantuitlegdienste. Vir binnemuurse plantuitlegdienste, was TOP se resultate nie beduidend
anders as Plants @ Work s'n nie. RL se resultate was nietemin beduidend laer as Plants @
Work vir buitemuurse plantuitlegdienste.
Om diensvlakke te verbeter om kliëntverwagtinge te bevredig, moet TOP en RL strategieë
ontwikkel en verwesenlik om stiptelike diens te lewer met omvattende eerste keer aflewering
wat volledig is. Probleme moet opgelos word ongeag wat, en administratiewe probleme in
verband met fakturering moet effektief hanteer word. TOP en RL moet kliëntwaarde skep
deur 'n kliëntervaring" met elke ontmoeting.
566 |
Investment opportunities and poverty alleviation in NamibiaKeding, Wolfgang 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Republic of Namibia gained its independence from South Africa on 21 March 1990. The
divided economic sector between modem European orientated and the underdeveloped African
sector places major challenges on the government, the business sector and on the population
itself. Vast differences exist between income, educational level, and living conditions and life
expectations. The economy can be described as stable. Mining, fishing and agriculture are the
main contributors to the economy. Currently the government maintains a budget deficit of 23.5%
of the Gross Domestic Product. The economic policy can be described as open and democratic.
Exchange rates and interest rates are market-determined.
The comparatively high Gini - Coefficient of 0,7%, an unemployment rate of 34% and the
decrease of the life expectancy rate are major challenges faced by the government of the day.
Since independence Namibia has become a member of many regional and world organisations.
These organisations support Namibia in various development projects, which will contribute t a
stable economy.
The composition of the Namibian population together with the size of the country and its various
natural resources makes Namibia not very attractive for major manufacturers or industrialisation.
Therefore the development of Small Macro and Medium Enterprises are of utmost importance.
Namibia has developed a sophisticated financial sector, compared to other African countries. The
Namibian Stock Exchange was established during 1992 and has developed into the second
largest stock exchange in Africa. Treasury Bills and Government Bonds have been introduced as
investment tools. Various state-supported institutions have been founded to support economic
The Ministry of Trade and Industry implemented various tax incentives to attract foreign and local
investments. However these measures have not had the expected effect.
Namibia can learn few things from Mauritius, which has had basically the same historical
development and economic composition.
To ensure future investments in Namibia the government should consider the implementation of
an investment tax, the implementation of an Unemployment Insurance Fund, and the support of unemployed people. The effect of HIV/AIDS will have a major impact on the economy of the
The regional development will have a major effect on the national economy. The Southern African
Development Community should create a regional currency, a standard economic and political
structure and a free trade area. Such a regional development will have a positive effect on all
national economies.
Namibia has enough investment opportunities for national and foreign investors. Political and
economical stability has to be maintained to ensure continuous future support of the investors. To
fight poverty additional steps have to be taken so that within 20 years poverty in Namibia is not an
issue anymore. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Republiek van Namibië het op 21 Maart 1990 onafhanklik geword. Die groot ekonomiese
verskille tussen moderne Europese en ander ontwikkelde Afrikaanse sektore plaas die regering,
die besigheids sektor en die inwoners voor 'n groot uitdaging. Groot verskille bestaan tussen
inkomste, opvoeding, lewens omstandighede en verwagte lewensduur. Die ekonomie kan as
stabiel beskryf word. Huidiglik handhaaf die regering 'n begrotingstekort van 23.5% van die
Nasionale Bruto Binnelandse Produk. Die ekonomiese beleid kan as demokraties en oop beskryf
word. Die wisselkoerse en rentekoerse word deur die mark bepaal.
Die relatief hoë Gini koefisiënt van 0.7%, 'n werkloosheidspersentasie van 34% en 'n daling in die
verwagte lewensduur stel die regering voor 'n groot uitdaging.
Sedert onafhanklikheid het Namibië lid geword van talle streeks- en werêld organisasies. Hierdie
organisasies ondersteun Namibië in verskillende ontwikkelingsprojekte, wat 'n stabiele ekonomie
tot gevolg sal hê.
Die samestelling van die bevolking van Namibië en die grootte van die land tesame met die
natuurlike hulpbronne maak dit aanloklik vir groot fabrieke en industrieë. Die ontwikkeling van
mikro en klein besighede is dus uiters belangrik.
Namibië het 'n gesofistukeerde finansiële sektor in vergelyking met ander Afrika lande ontwikkel.
Die Namibiese effektebeurs is 1992 in die lewe geroep en het tot die tweede grootste
effektebeurs in Afrika ontwikkel. Skatkis briewe en regerings skuldbriewe is ingevoer as
beleggings moontlikhede. Verskillende regerings en ondersteunende instansies het onstaan om
ekonomiese ontwikkelling te bevorder.
Die Ministerie van Handel en Ontwikkeling het verskillende belasting voordele geskep om
buitelandse beleggers te trek. Tot op die huidige dag het hierdie voordele nie die gewensde effek
gehad nie.
Namibië kan baie van Mauritius leer, wat basies dieselfde historiese ontwikkeling gehad het en
dieselfde ekonomiese samestelling het.
Om toekomstige ontwikkeling te verseker, behoort die regering die implementering van 'n
beleggersbelasting te oorweeg, sowel as 'n werkloosheidsversekeringsfonds om werklose mense
te help ondersteun. Die effek van MIV/VIGS sal 'n groot uitwerking hê op die ekonomie van die
land. Streeksontwikkeling in Suider-Afrika sal 'n groot effek op die ontwikkelling van die nasionale
ekonomie hê. Die Suid Afrikaanse Ontwikkelings Vereniging behoort een gesamentlike
geldeenheid, 'n standaard ekonomiese en politieke beleid te hê om 'n vrye handelssone te
implementeer. Die streeksontwikkeling sal 'n positiewe effek op alle nasionale ekonomieë hê.
Namibië het genoeg beleggingsmoontlikhede vir nasionale en buitelandse ontwikkellaars.
Politieke en ekonomiese stabiliteit behoort gehandhaaf te word om toekomstige steun van
beleggers te waarborg. Om armoede te bekamp, moet addisionele stappe geneem word om te
verseker dat dit oor 20 jaar geen probleem meer sal wees nie.
567 |
Is the organisational culture of Cape of Good Hope Bank Limited's Treasury and Investments Division ready for project management methodology?Osborne, Vincent 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cape of Good Hope Bank limited is a subsidiary company of Nedcor Limited. The Bank
was established in 1831, making it the oldest Financial Institution in South Africa.
As a competitor within the financial services sector, the Bank has increasingly been faced
with issues that include changing client needs, increased competition, and an ever
increasing operating cost structure. The Treasury and Investments Division of the Bank,
which is responsible for the funding side of the business, is primarily focussed on the
receiving of deposits from the corporate and retail markets. The emphasis within this
mini thesis, is within the retail sector, that of the investments received from 27000
individual clients serviced from 12 "Investment centers" geographically found within the
Cape Peninsula.
The activities within the Division are dynamic and require continuous change in order to
remain competitive. The need to integrate activities and decision making across
functional areas in order to gain synergy, has resulted in the use of matrix type teams that
operate across functional units, using knowledge and expertise found therein.
This approach has necessitated the introduction of the principles of project management
as a methodology to implement the desired changes.
The projects to date have had mediocre implementation, indifferent emphasis, no real
ownership or vested interest, and a lack of follow through. The effect is compounded into
a lack of delivery on expectations, and allows for wasted effort, time and at greater cost.
In order to understand why the above issues are occurring, this mini thesis attempts to
offer that there is an ideal "culture" within which project management operates
successfully, and that the current culture of the division is different to the "ideal".
The role of the leader, in shifting the culture closer to the ideal, is of paramount
importance. It has been suggested that the style of the leaders need to be modified in
order to become more effective as divisional change agents within the sphere of
successful project management methodology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Kaap die Goeie Hoop Bank is 'n filiaalmaatskappy van Nedkor Beperk. Die Bank is
gestig in 1831 en is die langste-bestaande Bank in die land omdat dit in die kompiterende
finansiële dienstesektor moet oorleef, is dit blootgestel aan veranderende
kliëntbehoeftes, koste druk en 'n groeiende mededinging.
Tesourie en Beleggings divisie van die Bank, wat veranwoorderlik is vir die befondsings
funksie, fokus primêr op die aantrekking van deposito's uit die korporatiewe en
persoonlike markte. Hierdie werkstuk lê klem op laasgenoemde waar beleggings van
27000 individuele kliente bedien word vanaf 12 beleggingsentra versprei oor die Kaapse
Die aktiviteite van die divisie is dinamies en vereis voortdurende verandering om tred te
hou met markveranderinge. Die behoefte om besluitneming en aktiwiteite oor 'n aantal
funksionele areas sinergisties te integreer, het daartoe gelei dat matriks struktuur oor
funksionele grense opereer en gebruik maak van kennis en kundigheid.
Hierdie benadering noodsaak die aanwending van gesonde projekbestuurbeginsels om die
nodige veranderinge metodies aan te bring.
Tot dusver het implementering middelmatige sukses gehad as gevolg van geen werklike
eienaarskap of gevestige belange, onvoldoende en wisselende prioriteite. Die gevolg was
onvoldoende lewering teenoor verwagtinge en vermorsing aan tyd en koste.
Om 'n beter begrip te kry van hierdie "onvoldoende lewering teenoor verwagtinge", poog
hierdie minitesis om te soek na die ideale "kultuur" waar binne projekbestuur suksesvol
kan plaasvind deur die huidige kultuur van die divisie te konstrasteer met die "ideale".
Die rol van die leier is van hoogste belang om die kultuurverskuiwing te laat plaasvind.
Dit word voorgestel dat die bestuurstyl van die leierskap aangepas word om meer
effektiefte word as divisie "veranderings agente" sodat projekbestuur metodologie in die
proses sukses kan behaal.
568 |
The Competition Act as seen from a business perspective : discussion and helpful toolsFourie, Linda Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The recent enactment of the Competition Act 89 of 1998, has resulted in a world of
speculation and discussion. The reason seems to be that the previously 'protected'
monopolies who were allowed to continue with business without fear of retribution, have
now been stopped in their tracks with the new legislation. South African legal application
and protection has been rather one sided in previous years with specific reference to the
protection of minorities. This was exasperated by the political and economical situation
in South Africa in the eighties. Sanctions led to consolidation of companies and
industries, because companies were not allowed to take money of the country. This had
a negative result on the competitive situation and the little guys had to survive on the
The new Act is based on the American anti-trust legislation as well as the competition
law of the European Union. It is therefore of utmost importance to take note of this
international law with specific reference to the interpretation of the Competition Act due
to the fact that the Act is so recent. The Competition Act expressly provides for the use
of foreign law in the interpretation of the Act.
This project is not a comparative study between current competition legislation available
in the world. It purports to be a more user friendly guide to business people to make the Act more useful and understandable. The project focuses on some helpful hints to assist
the reader with interpretation and application.
The project gives a short description of the development of competition legislation in
South Africa in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 is a discussion on the main sections of the Act that deal with prohibited
practices, dominant position, mergers and remedies and enforcement. A few examples
are given of uncompetitive behaviour.
Chapter 4 deals with the helpful hints and illustrates thresholds as determined in section
11, with the help of diagrams, it also lists a few helpful references of handy resources.
The project ends off with a short conclusion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die onlangse inwerkingtreding van die Wet op Mededinging 89 van 1998, het 'n wêreld
van spekulasie en bespreking ontketen. Die rede hiervoor is dat die voorheen
"beskermde monopolieë" tot op hede kon voortgaan met besigheid sonder stoornis,
hierdie stuk wetgewing het hulle egter nou tot halt geroep. Suid-Afrikaanse regswerking
en -beskerming was in die vorige jare van regering effens eensydig met betrekking tot
beskerming van minderhede. Die verskynsel is aangehelp deur die politieke en
ekonomiese situasie waarin SA homself bevind het in die tagtigerjare. Sanksies het gely
tot konsolidasie van maatskappye en industrieë, aangesien firmas nie geld uit die land
mag geneem het nie. Die resultaat hiervan was monopolieë en konglomerate. Hierdie
verskynsel het negatief ingewerk op kompeterende ekonomiese toestande, en die
"kleiner outjies" moes die krummels van die tafel af eet.
Die nuwe stuk wetgewing is gebasseer op die Amerikaanse "anti-trust" wetgewing sowel
as die kompetisie wetgewing van die Europese Unie. Dit is noodsaaklik om kennis te
neem van hierdie Internasionale wetgewing, veral in terme van die interprestasie van die
Wet op Mededinging, siende dat ons eie wetgwing baie resent is. Die Wet maak ook
daarvoor voorsiening dat Internasionale reg in ag geneem moet word vir interpretasie
van enige van die artikels van die Wet. Hierdie werkstuk is nie 'n vergelykende studie tussen die bestaande wetgewing wat in
die wêreld beskikbaar is nie, maar poog om 'n meer gebruikers vriendelike gids te wees
vir veral besigheidsmense om die Wet makliker bruikbaar en verstaanbaar te maak. Die
studie fokus daarop om 'n opsommende beskrywing te gee van die Wet sowel as die
formulering van bepaalde hulpmiddels om die leser van hulp te wees met interpretasie
en toepassing.
Die werkstuk gee 'n kort beskrywing van die ontwikkeling van Kompetisie wetgewing in
Suid-Afrika in Hoofstuk 2.
Hoofstuk 3 is 'n bespreking van die hoof artikels van die Wet wat handelaar beperkende
praktyke, dominansie, samesmeltings en oornames, remedies en afdwinging. Daar volg
ook 'n bespreking van 'n paar tipiese voorbeelde van onkompeterende praktyke.
Hoofstuk 4 handel oor hulpmiddels en illustreer by wyse van diagramme, die drempels
vir vasstelling van welke firma onderhewig is aan artikel 11, sowel as 'n paar verwysings
van handige bronne.
Die werkstuk sluit af met 'n kort gevolgtrekking.
569 |
The viability of the airline industry in AfricaNgidi, Zanele Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is concerned with the analysis of the factors that contribute to the viabililty
of the airline industry. The viability of the airline industry in Africa is the subject of
debate amongst African airline executives, governments and potential investors. The
debate is a complex one because of the lack of reliable financial data from the
airlines themselves. Governments are still financing airlines and it is therefore difficult
to assess and evaluate airline viability on the basis of available financial information.
This study project describes the industry as a whole, assesses the current situation
and identifies an airline statistic that is closely related to airline profitability. The
macro economic factors, social and political factors set the framework for the
industry. The current situation does not look positive for Africa at that level. African
governments, executives and airline organisations are aware of the problems, but an
approach to addressing them is still the subject of discussion.
The critical success factors of an airline revolve around the management of the
balance between revenues and costs. In this case, the load factor was found to be a
critical variable.
The role played by the load factor in profitability is modelled using correlation and
regression techniques. It could be established from the USA data that high regulation
distorts the relationship between the load factor and profit. However, when the
industry is deregulated and market forces determine the product, price and demand,
the load factor has been found to play an important role. A break-even load factor
was computed using the statistical techniques. This was then used as a basis for analysis. Although Africa meets the break even load factor, the trend is not
improving in line with the America and Europe.
It is recommended that the African airline industry need to improve its viability by
deregulation, privatisation, forming strategic alliances and product development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studiestuk behandel die oorsig van die faktore wat bydra tot die
lewensvatbaarheid van die lugdiensbedryf in Afrika tans 'n onderwerp van
bespreking tussen Afrika-Iugdiensverteenwoordigers, regerings en potensiele
beleggers. Die debat word bemoelik as gevolg van die gebrek aan betroubare
finansiële inligting van die lugdienste self. Meeste lugdienste in Afrika word deur
regerings finansiel ondersteun en bedryf met die gevolg dat bedryfsresultate moeilik
bekombaar is. Dit is dus moeilik om lugdienste se lewensvatbaarheid te bepaal as
gevolg van die gebrekkige finansiele inligting.
Hiedie studiestuk beskryf die lugdiensbedryf as 'n geheel, ontleed die huidige
omstandighede en identifiseer lugdienstatistiek wat lugdienswinsgewendheid
similleer. Die makro ekonomiese -, sosiale - en politiekefaktore wat die raamwerk vir
die bedryf uitmaak, lyk op hierdie vlak nie positief vir Afrika nie. Regerings in Afrika,
uitvoerende besture en lugdiens-organisasies is van hierdie probleem bewus, maar
die aanspreeklikheid van hierdie probleem is steeds 'n onderwerp van bespreking.
Die kritiese sukses faktore van 'n lugdiens rus om berus op die bestuur van 'n balans
tussen inkomste en uitgawes. In hierdie geval is bevind dat die
sitplekbesettingsfaktor die kritieke variant is.
Die rol wat die sitplekbesettingsfaktor in winsgewingheidsmodelering speel, word
deur korrelasie en regressie tegnieke weerspieël. Dit is uit Amerikaanse data
vasgestel dat die mate van regulering van lugrederye in Afrika die verhouding tussen
sitplekbesettings en wins, verwring.
Sodra die bedryf gedereguleer word en markkragte die produk, prys en aanvraag bepaal, is bevind dat die sitplekbesettingsfaktor 'n meer verteenwordigende
aanduiding van winsgewindheid weerspieel. Met die gebruik van statistiese tegnieke
is 'n gelykbreek sitplekbesettingsyfer bepaal, wat hierdie grondslag van die analise
is. Alhoewel lugrederye in Afrika die gelykbreek sitplekbesettingsyfer behaal, verskil
dit van die verbeterende tendens in Amerika en Europa.
Dit word aanbeveel dat die lugdiensbedryf in Afrika sy lewensvatbaarheid verbeter
deur middel van deregulering, privatisering, vorming van strategiese
bondgenootskappe, en die ontwikkeling van 'n beter produk.
570 |
A study of the project responsibility - authority gap in the matrix organization structureBarnard, J. N.(Jakobus Nicolaas) 03 1900 (has links)
Theses (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Dual lines of responsibility and authority that exist in the matrix structure's
approach to project management lead to conflict and power struggles between
project managers and functional managers with regards to personnel and
resources. Most problems associated with the matrix structure have to do with
the inability of the upper managers to work out the required power sharing in the
organization. Responsibility can be defined as feeling obligated to perform
assigned work, while authority is the power to apply resources to carry out the
work. A common problem that arises as a result of the need to share power in
the matrix organization is the responsibility - authority gap that project managers
face, i.e. project managers charged with the responsibility of attaining ambitious
goals often lack sufficient formal authority to meet them.
It is accepted that authority should be commensurate with responsibility, but
feedback suggests that general managers are often reluctant to assign sufficient
formal power to project managers.
The objectives of this research study are to, through study of literature,
investigate the characteristics of matrix organizations that create the
responsibility - authority gap and its implications on the organization in order to
identify certain recommendations and tools that will assist management to
address responsibility and authority issue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die matriks organisasie stuktuur het dubbele lyne van verantwoordelikheid en
autoriteit wat dikwels lei tot konflik en mags konflik tussen die projek en
funksionele betuurders met betrekking tot personeel en hulpbronne. Meeste van
die probleme wat gepaardgaan met die matriks struktuur spruit voort uit die
onvermoee van top bestuur om die gewenste balans van magsdeling in die
organisasie te bewerkstellig. Verantwoordelikheid kan gedefinieer word as die
neiging om verplig te voel om toegedeelde werk te vervul, terwyl autoriteit die
mag is om die werk te kan doen. 'n Algemene probleem wat voorkom as 'n
gevolg van die nood om mag te deel in die matriks organisasie, is die
verantwoordelikheids - autoriteits gaping. Projekbestuurders is dikwels toegedeel
met die verantwoordelikheid om ambisiuese doelwitte van projekte te bereik
terwyl hulle nie die nodige autoriteit toegedeel word om die doelwitte te bereik
Daar word dikwels gesê dat autoriteit verantwoordelikhied moet aanvul, maar
terugvoering is dat algemene bestuurders dikwels nie genee is om genoegsame
formele autoritiet aan projekbestuurders toe te staan nie. Die studie se doel is om, deur literatuur studie, die elemente van die matriks
organisasie wat tot die verantwoordelikheid - autoriteits gaping lei, en die impak
daarvan op die organisasie te ondersoek ten einde voorstelle en aanbevelings
aan projek bestuurders en algemene bestuurders voor te lê wat hulle in staat sal
stel om effektiewelik die probleem te kan bestuur
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